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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 37 KB, 564x915, 575127ffc6d753ff4f84b0879c000acf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15246153 No.15246153 [Reply] [Original]

Which board on 4chan has the best sense of fashion? And which ones have the worst?

>> No.15246158

/mu/ is best, worst is /pol/

>> No.15246161

so you gauge it by how gay a board is? makes sense.

>> No.15246165

>/mu/ is best
Women are sheep, they art is trash

>> No.15246178


no /lgbt/ is probably just as bad as /r9k/ and /pol/.

/mu/ and /cgl/ probably are unironically best dressed boards.

>> No.15246179


>> No.15246240

/fit/ is best
/fa/ is worst

>> No.15246241

fit is as gay as fa

>> No.15246250


>> No.15246265

I don't disagree necessarily but how are you actually gauging /pol/? Some five year old pics of incels wearing maga hats?
The thing about being a Nazi is you keep it to yourself.

>> No.15246637
File: 101 KB, 1280x720, bleh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ is both best and worst, but saying that's not much fun.
/out/ probably is the most fashionable due to it "requiring" somewhat normal looking clothes. then again, /biz/ might win due to wearing nothing but cocaine being pretty /fa/.
/pol/ and /mlp/ are objectively the worst for very different reasons. /fit/ is trash too

>> No.15246692

>/biz/ might win due to wearing nothing but cocaine being pretty /fa/.
Anon /biz/ is full of pajeets and manchildren shilling virtual coins, there's no way they can be effay.

>> No.15246776

Low or narrow awareness of social reality translates to low awareness of fashion and art

>> No.15246793

lgbt would be better fashion wise if it wasn't just /tttt/

>> No.15246892

The low or narrow social awareness of /lgbt/ is another example of it translating to bad fashion

>> No.15246920

Fit has the right idea but they're focusing too much on what others think because I think a large portion is insecure.
They are always too late with the trends and want to fit tight clothes to show off their gains.

source: me

>> No.15247077

>Low or narrow awareness of social reality
only true for a minority, now /pol/ is mainly redpilled normie-tier right-winger

>> No.15247084

best is /k/ worst is /fa/ and /soc/

>> No.15247090

>tfw sleazecore operator

>> No.15247105
File: 223 KB, 1120x894, c244d8a28d5944690e3e90428fea51f2-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes the normie right winger, the most fashionable group in the world

>> No.15247127

The majority of /pol/ fit in irl better than you imagine.

>> No.15247129

Cherrypicking the turboautist minority, normie right winger don't show their political belief directly through their clothes. They mainly wear trad/prep/ivy or clean normieshit

>> No.15247130


>They mainly wear trad/prep/ivy or clean normieshit

They wear whatever mate

>> No.15247138

desperate no style frogs spotted

>> No.15247140

Don't call me mate, lad

>> No.15247149

> lefty-fag in denial

>> No.15247151

i voted for trump

>> No.15247163

then you should know, standard young trump voter (aka standard american /pol/ user) looks pretty normie and not like those things >>15247105, and the majority of european /pol/ user dress better than their transatlantic counterparts

>> No.15247173

lol cope harder the standard young trump voter (aka you) dress like shit lmao right wingers used to dress better during the bush days before you young faggots could even vote

>> No.15247198

kek stop projecting, I'm French

>> No.15247203

post a fit, prove me wrong pro tip: u cant

>> No.15247204


I'm your lad now, nigger

>> No.15247281
File: 248 KB, 911x1280, 9207877E-3D5C-4279-B42E-3C36C8009F0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn’t have fits pics, but made this for a gasmask thread on /k/, my casual fit is shirt/black pant/black boots , pretty normie-tier

>> No.15247469


/biz/ just dresses like alpha m

it's a bunch of pajeets

>> No.15247509
File: 207 KB, 904x843, def6a8e901056f512039549bbe79b4ea-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao most of /pol/ is too young to vote

>> No.15247515

Oh my god this picture. This is what /pol does to your brain

>Prussien German ethnicity

My sides

>> No.15247850

>so you gauge it by how gay a board is?
More like how autistic it is.
/pol/ is an equally autistic but more arrogant version of /r9k/

>> No.15248931
File: 745 KB, 500x2410, 1521827220228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was the original person you replied to, /pol/ is not a very self aware board. Most dress like mfa redditors or like average /r9k/ users. Have you seen the meetups or the average /r/the_donald user? That's /pol/ nowadays. They would unironically take this advice.

>> No.15249192


you look dadcore hippy burnout, so basically a libtard degenerate.

>> No.15249203

No they don't you fucking autist lol

>> No.15249236


butt-blasted /pol/ faggots on suicide watch

>> No.15249268

>Low or narrow awareness of social reality
/pol/ is aware of much more than normies or leftists. you just think they're unaware because they're willing to say things that are social poison.

>this pic again
do you think /pol/ took a vote and made this pic, dude? no. it's just a bullshit subtle troll some guy made one day that a hundred autistic people saved because they think infographics are credible by default.

/pol/ makes fun of these people.
>That's /pol/ nowadays.
well... you've got me there. i can't confirm or deny that since i haven't lurked it since like 2015.

>> No.15249295
File: 31 KB, 381x678, 1589496947673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that's because they are those people and hundreds of autists believe the infographic and have done it. most right wing fags dress like rednecks, /pol/ is no exception. /pol/ is nothing but redditors and stormfags nowadays with no self awareness, just like the /k/ocksucker earlier in the thread.

pic related is what a "well dressed" /pol/ user looks like, they hold these faggots in high esteem.

>> No.15249297

>buy everything on ebay

>> No.15249300

>/pol/ is aware of much more than normies or leftists. you just think they're unaware because they're willing to say things that are social poison.
saying naughty words and screeching about muh commies or jooos isn't enlightened buddy

>> No.15249418

> no mention of /g/