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File: 1.02 MB, 602x834, Mexican cartel fa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15245061 No.15245061 [Reply] [Original]

He comes in at about 8:20

The dude's the executioner and he's dressed like he's about to go lounge at a beach resort

>> No.15245107

Why the fuck would you post some evil shit like this?

>> No.15245133

It's just criminals executing criminals while dressed to impress.
I mean at least the /fa/ mexican won.

>> No.15245139

Alright neckbeard, back to /pol/

>> No.15245152


>> No.15245154

>Alright neckbeard, back to /pol/
Are you ok?
How fuckign amazing is his outfit?
I mean have you ever seen an executioner dressed better or cooler?

>> No.15245157

I agree it's not even that bad considering who the two parties are.
I was expecting much worse.
Also I never knew a .50 cal was so mild
I was expecting exploding bodies

>> No.15245179

Trannies calling men neckbeards is kinda ironic

>> No.15245193

you're hardocre, man, postin gore on a blue board, man

>> No.15245209

I posted a picture of a cartel guy not gore.
Let alone it's anything but gore

>> No.15245409

watched the vid
was expecting them to just kill them, felt bad that the guy was screaming and shit
getting shot with a 50 must hurt like hell man

>> No.15245435

Yeah i dont get how they didnt just die immediately

>> No.15245447

He was likely in so much shock and pain that he didn't "feel" anything. Screaming was just instinctual.

>> No.15245466

all guns are mild. and a lot smaller than you think

>> No.15245483

would have been cool if he shot while standing otherwise it was pretty lame

>> No.15245500

trash execution.. still must be mildly entertaining for the executioners to pop a couple shots with the lads
bestgore has better videos than this trash

>> No.15245507

Yeah but what about his outfit though?

I agree, I expected a Tommy Vercetti-eske stance but no he laid down like a pussy :/

i mean a shotty to the face like isis is pretty gorey, I expected the .50 to do the same.
Guess i was wrong

>> No.15245510

You reckon it would be much worse with a dum dum?

>> No.15245511

How sheltered are you? This happens every day, in every country on earth. If you don't like it arm yourself, lift, and learn to protect yourself. And above all, don't get involved with crime networks. You're a massive fucking pussy.

>> No.15245514

lol lifting doesnt mean shit when soemone could instantly drop you with one shot from a 9mm

>> No.15245520
File: 142 KB, 1050x741, 1588932335468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15245522

Did you not read the "arm yourself and learn to protect yourself" part?

>> No.15245527

why bother lifting if you have a gun? can you not comprehend that? lifting equates to nothing besides injuring yourself. you should have said learn how to fight/wrestle

>> No.15245534

>why bother lifting if you have a gun
So you're not a disgusting skinnyfat virgin with a gun.

>> No.15245546
File: 38 KB, 413x395, 1513358029860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15245548

Sheltered much? Bet you want open borders or some shit too, these people are everywhere you down syndrome whitey

>> No.15245552


>> No.15245574
File: 960 KB, 1200x841, Sean-Omally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lifting wont stop you from getting put to sleep by a 130 pound vegan who knows how to fight

>> No.15245577
File: 123 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, I forgot about that kid. He was such a sand bagger with that nerd afro. Now he looks straight gangsta

>> No.15245590

>what are weight classes
With all else equal, being bigger and stronger is better. In a fight between an equally skilled and quick 200lbs person vs a 130lbs person the 200 pounder will win every time. He'll literally just throw you. I'm just trying to tell people to be well rounded and have some common sense and you have to sperg out. Don't post again if you. have nothing serious to contribute, little kid

>> No.15245606

stop moving goal posts and cherry picking scenarios to try and prove your point anon, i already proved you wrong multiple times, move along now

>> No.15245613

You're literally retarded

>> No.15245694

that's just because 9 pellets hitting a small area looks like a lot more action.

an ar-15 bullet, the projectile part is smaller than the stick part of the airpods i have right here

>> No.15245712

No one likes a sandbagger.

>> No.15245730

the more they kill each other the less work the US military has to do in 2024

>> No.15245978

yeah i know, i'm just saying you'd expect a .50 to put more energy into the target.
The isis AA execution was pretty sick though.

>> No.15245981

The US is going to invade Taco town?

>> No.15245983
File: 194 KB, 427x300, sicario.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait until Trump term 2.
New fit for cartel guys is going to be dressed in a body bag or barbecued from the sky, Solemani-style

>> No.15245987

Why's his head so huge

>> No.15245989

Cram it up your cram hole tranny

>> No.15245997

Neanderthal ancestry.
I have it too.
The dude could be an uncle or second cousin or some shit of mine.

>> No.15246009

Its josh brolin

>> No.15246012

Chad Sandals vs the Virgin work boots

>> No.15246013

I know who it is.
I'm just saying he has a phenotype in common with my people

>> No.15246362

Probably, I bet that bullet still had a lot of energy after it left him, hollowpoints are great against soft targets obviously

>> No.15246466

he isn't as much of a pussy as yall are desensitized to this shit. if you showed this shit to any man from the 30's they might be kept up at night. It isn't normal to see the death of another human and feel nothing

>> No.15246484

This is 4chan. If you've been here an extended amount of time you should be used to this shit. I had to make a conscience effort to feel something when I saw that video because I am aware that being too desensitized isn't a good thing.

>> No.15246827

Only jaded faggots and zoomies watch this sorta trash

>> No.15247100


>> No.15247131

go home gamer girl

>> No.15247141 [DELETED] 


This isn't 4chan, b or any such thing. This is 4CHANNEL.

>> No.15247150

>>15245061 (OP)

This isn't 4chan, b or any such thing. This is 4CHANNEL.

>> No.15247155

>This is 4chan


It's 4 CHANNEL ffs newfags here. These are all work safe boards.