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File: 96 KB, 675x500, commonproj-4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15244430 No.15244430 [Reply] [Original]

Lads, our golden numbers completely BTFO. What do we do/cop now?

>> No.15244443

who the fuck buys common projects sneakers anyway?

>> No.15244625

W2C Identical shoes with no gold numbers for $50.

>> No.15244628

But also high top.

>> No.15244777
File: 75 KB, 748x561, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do we do/cop now?

>> No.15244825

Now that the common projects are bullshit, what are we supposed to cop now?

>> No.15244895

Trips of truth say this >>15244777

>> No.15245068

can you name other brands that have a similar design, this simple derby construction a la tennis shoe, but better leather and for a reasonable price, where price meets value?

>> No.15245112

i got svensson. its p much a clone at like 160€

>> No.15245137

Common Projects have always been a status symbol more than anything; I'd argue that they're not really aimed at the people on this board that'll take the time to search out alternatives/make a decision based on quality, but rather the Nordstrom/Neiman Marcus consumer who tells the shoe rep they need the 'best' pair of white sneakers available and just wants to get on with their day.

As for alternatives, I bought a pair from Koio a little over a year ago and they're holding up beautifully, but Beckett Simonon and Svensson come highly recommended as well (ignore Oliver Cabell shills, supposedly they send good batches to reviewers but their quality control and customer service is garbage for consumers).

>> No.15245141

I was actually about to ask about svenson. How does the toebox compare to CPs, is it as flat? I love the flat toebox.

>> No.15245149

Did you enjoy your ban you dipshit?

>> No.15245159
File: 501 KB, 725x511, svensson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think its about the same, CP toe box might be a bit narrower.

>> No.15245174

I have a question about the color of a court sneaker, so I see them mostly in white, would it be considered strange, unusual or even autistic to wear them in a black color?

>> No.15245261

You all are going to act like you always knew they were shit but I remember the countless times you guys said you were "paying for quality."

>> No.15245306

No it's perfectly fine. Just they would heat up more in the summer which is why white is a preference.

>> No.15245337

Most posters on /fa/ have no clue what they are talking about

>> No.15245348

like YOU knew!

You have to literally cut them to know what they are made of. Who does that except the youtube guy (props to him)

>> No.15245364

CP shape is the best and it's really not close. If you're a fashion sperg you're willing to pay up for that alone

>> No.15245371

Back when they were half the price you paid somewhat on par for the quality. Ever since they becamue 400 dollars the jig was up.

>> No.15246238

literally the most overhyped shit ever, just buy some store brand white sneakers from asos or something you dorks

>> No.15246291


I have three pairs, they raised the price and now their really not worth it, but I have a feeling they also cut some costs. My first pair and my pair from 2015 have the best leather, they're not like he described in the video and aren't blue on the inside. They're also noticeably softer than my 2019 pair which are pretty much the same as the ones in the video.

at 400 the price isn't really worth it, but if it's worth anything, they're the longest lasting sneakers I've owned, having survived countless nightclubs, festivals and general daily beating.

>> No.15246296

What's worse? Buying these shoes and justifying it with a vague meaningless word such as "quality" while having your own arbitrary subconscious definition of it OR watching a single video and taking everything he says literally while not understanding any of it because you need to be spoonfed terms and buzzwords to feel good about yourselves?

>ah yes chrome tanned
>chrome tan bad, remember, chrome tan bad
>not buy again, let /r/gyw know i need good stich good tan natural tan good sole quality shoe

>> No.15246653

i bought 2 pairs, white/black in 2012 and for wore the black pair for 8 years until i retired them for SL Andys.
by far the best sneaker ive had
and they copped an absolute beating. i wore them on my motorbike, wore them clubbing. just about wore them all around the world.

>> No.15246701

Thrifted a pair of white achilles lows for $35. They're aight but I prefer my milsurp gats