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File: 99 KB, 1200x900, 1518492766196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15237958 No.15237958 [Reply] [Original]

Is it a solid move or the ultimate sign of insecurity??

For some it could lead to a huge increase in quality of life

>> No.15237971

>For some
Have you ever seen successful plastic surgery ?
It's like a mirage. It's usually obvious. Who would want to look like they had plastic surgery ?

>> No.15237973

would much rather hang out with the guy on the left

>> No.15237975

i'm thinking of getting my tits done

>> No.15238004

Guy on the left is a cutie.

>> No.15238011

He looked fine before and the jaw enhancement looks uncanny.

>> No.15238015

it can sometimes look ok until people take it too far


>> No.15238020

Wait until he gets his nose done, he will look like a real life Patrick Bateman.

>> No.15238022

he looks fucking retarded now lmao

>> No.15238028
File: 76 KB, 972x724, jaw ps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Successful" plastic surgery is hard to spot and call out. Your logic doesn't check out.

>> No.15238032

I would totally suck the co... I mean it would totally suck the life out your College fund to do plastic surgery.

>> No.15238037

Just do the hair, get a beard on your chin and start boxing for the weird nose.

>> No.15238041

Yeah my post didn't make sense.
I was talking about plastic surgery in general: in most cases it's easy to spot.
Successful plastic surgery is rare.

>> No.15238044

it is okay but you need to make sure it will age correctly. Also it takes two steps to go from looking natural to botched
8/10 noses i see irl are botched and I can notice the surgery from 50mts

>> No.15238069
File: 81 KB, 1869x628, 1526863865896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people get braces on their teeth, even though it's only aesthetic and not medically necessary. If you know something looks unattractive why not fix it?

>> No.15238073

he's still ugly as shit

>> No.15238118

this absolutely bonkers

>> No.15238129

Nah, he looks fine in the last pic.
Idk, if you look fucked and feel fucked, and you feel like you should go for it, maybe go for it. I wouldn't though. I would wanna make what I have work somehow.
But that lookmaxing thing via surgery from a good position like OP is just tragic.

>> No.15238134
File: 337 KB, 1920x1080, st birdcel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It won't do shit. Look at what happened to St Birdcel

>> No.15238136

Doesn't every korean and their mother get it.

>> No.15238137

I don't want to throw shame here, but personally, I couldn't look my parents in the eye with contacts and dyed hair. Just saying input-wise.

>> No.15238145

he objectively looks better though...just what he had to work with was incredibly fucked

>> No.15238202

Honestly the people who make plastic surgery look bad is people with low IQ. If you approach it in a smart way and do research on your doctor, find out what needs to get done, find out exactly what you want, etc, then there should be no problems.

The bad plastic surgery happens because it costs so much, therefore dumb people fly out to some sketchy plastic surgeon in brazil that gives them a cheap price. If you are going to get plastic surgery then you can't be cheap about it.

>> No.15238210

Holy shit talk about losing the genetic lottery

>> No.15238215

Does that apply to getting Hair Transplants in Turkey too?

>> No.15238232

idk im not a fkn hairlet. But i think the general rule is to get something like that from white people.

>> No.15238242

Are Turks white?

>> No.15238285

he looks like a cartoon character

>> No.15238297

How much of this is poor head posture (minus the nose)? I feel like he's grown up and into this poor posture. I feel like I can largely mimic what his face looks like by tilting and moving my head back.

>> No.15238316

You can hire a designer to "sketch" or morph a photo to show how you'll look once the procedure is done. A good legit surgeon will have one of these or do it themselves

>> No.15238334

both look good on the same level, this slight alteration is a difference that makes no difference, it's a scam, like a nose op.

>> No.15238440

Of course you have a major insecurity when you decide to have a plastic surgery. If it´s just one thing and you are happy after it´s done then I would say go for it. But the problem is that you might still be unsatisfied and become insecure about something else. It´s like a never ending circle, you always find something that you´r not satisfied with. That´s when you really need a psychiatric treatment, not a surgical intervention.

I had genioplasty done about 5 years ago. It drastically improved my face but it did not heal my insecurity. After that I have had few minor thing´s done, laser removal of a mole on my face, teeth whitening and braces. And still I´m insecure as fuck at times. Sometimes I look myself and can´t help thinking that all that effort and money and I still look like shit.

>> No.15238474

great mewing results!

>> No.15238476

Did you browse looksmaxing forums?

>> No.15238485

you still wont pass tranny

>> No.15238515

maybe not to everyone but it increases passibility dramatically

>> No.15238600

everyone here is a loser. dont get bothered by phobes

>> No.15238740


I got surgery to improve my eyesight, but I considered that a functional thing as well as aesthetic.

In general I don't really like the idea of fucking with your body's natural design or structure. To me plastic surgery still seems it's at a "crude" stage in the biological sense. Maybe in the future it will be safer, more advanced, etc.

As of now there's just too many complications and unknown factors. We don't understand the body well enough yet to be altering it at will solely for cosmetic reasons.

>> No.15238751

i think the only cosmetic surgery i would consider is hair plugs cause its receding a bit
trying to change what my face looks like feels like its going too far

>> No.15238785

you should only do it if you are absolutely butt fucking ugly and know how to research. you actually have to be so ugly that even if it were botched, you'd still look better than you did previously. OP pic guy did not need this surgery and is a fool

>> No.15238891

No I did not and still don´t. I figured on my own that I have small chin and did research on what could be done about it.

>> No.15238996

Should have kept the nose, it looks fucked now

>> No.15239008

>ultimate sign of insecurity

societal cope perpetuated by people who don't want you to ascend to protect their own insecurities

>> No.15239433

looked better before
second pic looks alien and kind of evil
t. straight woman

>> No.15239450

nose looks worse now
could have gotten that hair style before
week chin but who cares, grow a beard

>> No.15239456

should have just stopped at the nose job
looks ugly in the right pic

>> No.15239473

because it usually looks uncanny as shit and you can't change your genetics anyway. idk though I think braces are unnecessary in most cases as well

>> No.15239481

don't really have a problem with the hair since it's obviously dyed, but yeah you would have to be incredibly insecure and a fag to wear color contacts daily

>> No.15239491

agreed anon
plus a lot can be achieved with just make-up, hairstyles, and being slim.

>> No.15239598

It all depends what kind of person you are. I guess the same kind of people who get plastic surgeries or use steroids enjoy playing games with cheat codes. For me, using any of those takes the fun of progressing and pushing your own limits away.

>> No.15239603

Obviously shopped

>> No.15240944

>that empty space from his skull to the end of his nose

>> No.15241122

It can go bad, and like other anons said it looks fucking weird for most people I've seen. Humans can't really "replicate beauty" good enough yet, most of what current technology can do is break certain parts, push them forward etc. basically unnatural shit

>> No.15242709

Depends. Some things like chin implants tend to look natural while others like jaw implants are always uncanny as shit. Fillers tend to look tragic too.

>> No.15242736

Is it insecurity if you really are ugly as shit? Planning on getting jaw, chin and maybe cheek implants. Fuck everyone who didn't roll a 1 in looks and has the audacity to claim we should all "work with our natural beauty", nigger sometimes there is no natural beauty.

>> No.15242773

Lookism and the competitive nature of most modern societies pretty much justifies plastic surgery.
The Halo effect is very real. I mean ffs, look at this shit:

>> No.15242805

the nose isn't made out of bone faggot

>> No.15242954
File: 10 KB, 441x418, XRayHead0019_1_download600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not saying it is retard, here's what a more normal person looks like

>> No.15243129

Would retin-a cure the flesh colored bumps on my scrotum?

>> No.15243136

All celebrities that have their job tied to looks to any degree have plastic surgery. Take that as you will.

That's fallacious. If you see someone with obvious plastic surgery you will notice. If you see someone with successful plastic surgery, you would never know.