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15228938 No.15228938 [Reply] [Original]

we’re all gonna make it edition

Last >>15222066

Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hydrated


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

Ask all your thinspo and weight-related questions here.

Please be kind to people and don't just call them a fatass or something - help them change it. It doesn't make you look worse if they also look good.

Feel free to post:
>current stats: height, weight, gender, age
>highest weight
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
>aesthetic you're going for

Also try post thinspo pics, post your goal bodies (fictional or real), recipes and tips etc. to help and encourage each other.

>> No.15228949

First for the sake of being first.

>> No.15228967

bait thread, jannies please. this bitch isn't thinspo

>> No.15228969

shut up fattie

>> No.15228980

she used to be a whale
like literally 300 pounds

>> No.15228986
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3rd day of fasting, feeling great so far.
though I may break the fast on friday.

>> No.15228998
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I believe in you, anon. You can do it!

>> No.15229079

how are you doing kind animeposter?

>> No.15229081

What kind of exercises do you guys do at home to burn fat?

>> No.15229092

Fap and walk around in circles

>> No.15229125
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Feeling cold and mentally sluggish, but not hungry. It's almost as if I'm losing brain cells instead of body fat.

Jumping, dancing and shadow boxing.

>> No.15229141

>shadow boxing
As if the autism wasnt obvious already

>> No.15229144

Literally walk around in circles while reading manga or playing my switch
0 conscious effort but when you do it for hours it adds up

>> No.15229204
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>> No.15229205

does fasting actually do something?
will i lose more if i fast for two days than when i eat 100 kcal each day?

>> No.15229209

I don't know anon it's definitely easier to just fast if you gonna eat so little

>> No.15229211

thank you anon i'm trying

>> No.15229236

I've been recently looking into HIIT.
On the plus side, a usual workout is about 20mins, speeds up you metabolism and burns quite a lot of calories. The down side is I get really sore muscles from it.

Isn't this thread supposed to be comfy?

>> No.15229253

No, meanspo is the only way some of these obese anime posters actually might lose some weight, otherwise they "diet" and complain every day that they ruined their fast with 5000 kcal

>> No.15229255

aw :( i feel u, it's hard when u dont see results yet feel so lethargic and dead. you'll make it though, results will come for sure. we need to be patient and trust the process and scientifical facts of weightloss rather our own negative thoughts. about the sluggishness: do you sleep enough though? still taking your supplements?

shadowboxing is great for the arms

HIIT is amazing for weightloss. so you do HIIT workouts? i thought only running/walking was HIIT

they didn't ask for meanspo. just be kind anon, we are all way too hard on ourselves already

>> No.15229261

As a anime poster you barely had any braincells to lose anyway

>> No.15229265

>100 kcal each day
that's the thinking of a 15 year old anorexic girl. You probably don't know anything about fasting and supplementing electrolytes while fasting, let alone, what you should eat before starting a fast.
Try OMAD around 1500 cals, see how it goes, use more salt and try to cut out as many carbs as possible

>> No.15229270
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I do take my supplements, but I can't get too much sleep. In fact, I consider myself extremely lucky if I get even 5 hours. I don't even know why I'm doing this to myself.

I guess that is correct.

>> No.15229345

what should you eat before a fast?

>> No.15229350

Nothing, you should still be carrying on from your previous fast.

>> No.15229364

>You can do it!

Welp ate 100cal worth of tomato soup.

>> No.15229368
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I'm never gonna make it :(

>> No.15229372

>anime posters come to complain about ruining their fast

Its scary how accurate i was

>> No.15229375

i didn't posted anything anime related anon...

>> No.15229378

Generic asian girl is only 1 step better post than a anime girl anon

>> No.15229380
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You said you studied maths. How do you do that while fasting? I tried reading a book and i can barely do that.

>> No.15229383

Thats because you're just too stupid to read

>> No.15229393
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I don't have trouble reading while i'm not fasting though.

>> No.15229402
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You will, but you will probably need to set your milestones in a bit more tame fashion.

I can't either. I'm literally ruining my future.

No bullying.

>> No.15229425
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>you will probably need to set your milestones in a bit more tame fashion.

yeah probably

>> No.15229459

Were all gonna make it! :)
Apart from the picture anons, they have 0 willpower to make any progress

>> No.15229609
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4th day on OMAD. I feel like I'm getting weaker during my workouts. Is this normal?

>> No.15229633

it means you are losing muscle mass gj anon!

>> No.15229643
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What am I doing wrong?

>> No.15229649

Nothing, this was %100 guarenteed to happen retard

>> No.15229659

It's impossible to get weaker noticeably in 4 days. Are you working out each day? That's too much, rest.

>> No.15229673

Why do you post fat girls

>> No.15229684

Yes, you're depleted on energy and now you feel tired, after a few days of eating your strength will come back.

>> No.15229689

1 - meat if you eat meat
2 - some fats to keep you satiated
3- plenty of vegetabels to keep your stomach full
4- if you still have room for calories, some nuts, dark chocolate or carbs

>> No.15229690

talk shit post body

>> No.15229693

not necessarily, it's just empty glycogen

>> No.15229703

i'm doing OMAD currently and it's around 300-500 kcal
my question was if fasting (water fast) does make that much of a difference and if i shouldn't just keep doing what i'm doing

>> No.15229725

Is this the only general aimed at girls?

t. crossboarding newfag

>> No.15229727

coal burning fat chick lol

>> No.15229729

Just keep on omad, people who swap to fasting usually end up cheating and lieing to themself to justify it (look at anon above) its a marathon not a sprint, just keep on omad

>> No.15229733

No, this is mainly male anons, and male anons who think they're a girl, you do get the odd female tho, but its 3/4 male

>> No.15229747

is /fa/overwhelmingly male? There's barely any generals that have any significant female audience.

>> No.15229761

Thats just 4chan in general. Its a male site

>> No.15229768

cgl has quite a significant female audience. also if you want to count soc and r9k

>> No.15229774

OMAD is retarded. It won't help you lost fat. Fast at LEAST 72 hours pls

>> No.15229775

Honestly, eating that little you can’t possibly get vitamins and nutrients, which is the whole point of eating. At this point all you’re doing is unnecessarily spiking your insulin. Eat enough to keep you from dying of malnutrition or just fast. Plus, not eating 200kcal is just an extra 200kcal towards losing an extra pound if rapid weight loss is your goal

>> No.15229777

If you really believe that anons who claim to be girls, are actually girls then you are extremely gullible

>> No.15229789

> Lolita generals aren't composed of girls

>> No.15229816

Yea, they're not. Its mostly the creepy weird guys

>> No.15229836
File: 240 KB, 453x660, 1587768503976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave and get a real hobby. You don't want to start lurking these threads.You will just find yourself sad and bitter one day, like the rest of us already are.

Learn to write, retard.

>> No.15229870

This is just delusional.
What's a good thinspo material then?

>> No.15229881
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Why would I know? Start drawing or something, a real hobby.

>> No.15229886

>believing anons who say they are girls, are actually girls

Are you also a newfag to the Internet lmao, thats past delusion its just going full retard

>> No.15229888

>sad and bitter

I've been summoned :)

>> No.15229895

My power level surprised even myself.

>> No.15229899
File: 372 KB, 890x1335, t-hedi-slimane-portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been eating regularly for the past couple of days. Today, I'll begin the fast. People think I'm fairly rail thin, but I disagree. You can always look slimmer, better. Plus, I've spent too much money on Hedi Slimane's clothing to afford to gain weight.

>> No.15229898

Were all those girls I've seen in real life that clearly posted on 4chan a hallucination

>> No.15229904


>> No.15229939

Thoughts on omad mon-fri and then 48 hr fast?

>> No.15229947

Yes, because you dont go outside. :) so you dont see or speak to any girls anon!

>> No.15229949

Works well, theres not much more to say.

>> No.15229963

>be me
> 3 days ago making fun of anon by saying "Is iT Ok To EaT 4000Ca1S AftEr My FAst"
>also me, just ate 4000kcal in 1 sitting after a 32 hour fast


>> No.15229968
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Good luck with your efforts. I hope you reach your goal this year.

>> No.15229986

>just ate 4000kcal in 1 sitting

jesus... what did you eat?

>> No.15229999

2 large battered fish with 2 large portions of chips, pack of 15 onion rings, a large battered sausage with gravy :) my chest hurts

>> No.15230119
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No, whores sometimes come and shit the thread, but it’s aleays mostly male thinspo

>> No.15230211

Femanons never make it because they break fast with all the sperm they drink baka

>> No.15230226

Does fasting really work for you anons? Seems to me that it could just lead to binging and possibly an ED.. like what’s wrong with just eating at a deficit?

>> No.15230255

i read somewhere that deficit eating is harder, as in you stay more hungry. I think its true because after all these years i still have not figured out how to eat less. I did a 5 day fast though and it was easy enough, but i broke my fast with chocolate and had diarrhea.

>> No.15230264

Yea it works extremly well, desu if you start counting calories you're gonna end up with a ED 99% of the time, even restricting leads to binging and ED's, fasting is just a more extreme restriction

>> No.15230329

How do you fight off strong hunger. Family cooked a pork shoulder and I can smell it through my room and my stomach is hurting. But I really don’t want to eat.

>> No.15230330
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>> No.15230336
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>> No.15230339
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Bros just start smoking to effortlessly lose weight. It helped me a ton with skipping meals/fasting and just eating less in general. Nicotine is an amazing appetite suppressant.
It's hilariously easy to quit compared to real drugs and unless you're a completely undisciplined glutton it's easy to not to rebound since your stomach and brain has gotten used to eating less and being content with that.
Pic related is my weight since I peaked at 80kg earlier last year from becoming a stoner. Quit weed and started smoking cigs at that point. Quit smoking December and managed to stay at 63 except for one small bump where I went up 3kg because I gave no fuck about my appearance cus corona so I kept eating my healthy diet but hit a pretty bad surplus from eating junk food and sweets on top of that normal diet and drank a bunch of soda.
First post in this general desu, just wanted to share my success with you guys.

Losing muscle mass is inevitable during weight loss but you most likely just have less energy because of the caloric deficit.

>> No.15230341

Just dont eat then anon, resist or regret

>> No.15230344

go into your room drink some water
or just eat a bit of it
don't go for more or you'll binge
remind yourself you might lose all progress just because you took too many bites. not worth it anon

>> No.15230349
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>> No.15230351

This, but i would reccomended anons a vape instead of cigs, its extremly less damaging, also insanely cheaper than smoking, a £15 of vape juice can last you months smoking it all day, whereas you can go through a £10 pack of cigs in a day

>> No.15230354
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whoops sorry for the shitty quality

>> No.15230360
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>> No.15230366

If I could just vape at my desk instead of having to go on a walk outside for it and if it was not really an expense at all it would have been so much harder to quit. I never chainsmoked so it didn't get that expensive for me. If you're young, don't have preexisting lung issues and only smoke for a year it won't be damaging.

>> No.15230368
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the bigger one isn't even that fat, but you'll always look like shit next to skinny people

>> No.15230373

ugly freak tier. are you skinny enough to have fucked up irregular periods yet from your lack of estrogen yet?
nice feet though

>> No.15230383

>If you're young and only smoke for a year it wont be damaging

Um... Thats not how it works chief

>> No.15230385
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ain't me, I'm just dumping

>> No.15230387


>> No.15230398
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>> No.15230399

but why if i can not smoke and lose weight

>> No.15230411

After a while your body is in a state called autophagy, which actually has some really neat health benefits. So fasting every once in a while can actually be healthy.

>> No.15230416

Eat in a deficit. Don't snack. Eat until you're full and eat filling, low calorie food. Do cardio to burn more calories and resistance workouts to build muscle. Fasting is easy but it's not sustainable. You'll end up back where you started very quickly and maybe even get fatter from binge eating.

>> No.15230430

>eat untill you're full

I did that earlier anon and ended up eating 4000kcal :) nice advice

>> No.15230435
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Autophagy isn't exclusive to fasting though. Most research in the last decade came to the conclusion that any kind of strict calorie restriction will induce it.

>> No.15230439

The gain after fasting meme has never made any sense, i started at 12 stone, i have fasted and im now 8 stone, i also binge eat but make sure to restrict the day after to balence it out

>> No.15230465

It is, your body can easily recover from that little smoking.

>> No.15230468

A whole year of smoking isnt a little anon, and it doesnt stop the smoke going into your lungs, there are people who develop lung cancer after their first 2-3 packs

>> No.15230470

good foods to break fasts with? everything seems to upset my stomach after..

also, have been eating sparsely all quarantine, but cant seem to lose much weight :( im stuck at 120, been fasting a few days but its hard to see any differences. advise pls

>> No.15230469

>Eat until you're full and eat filling, low calorie food.
Doesn't work for fat people or binge eaters as the stomach gets used to the amount of food you eat and gives you the feeling of "being full" depending on that. Horribly explained but yea.

>> No.15230475

>there are people who develop lung cancer after their first 2-3 packs
Freak incidents who most likely had asthma or some other predisposition to lung cancer.

>> No.15230476

I made some black coffee. I think I will be fine.

>> No.15230480
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I'm pretty sure that fasting affects everybody a little bit differently, just like any other weight loss strategy. For some people, it triggers binge eating, for others it doesn't. Just like some people will get fuller on 300 kcal of eggs and bacon, while other people are more satisfied by 300 kcal of oatmeal. Or how diet soda/artificial sweeteners increase sweets cravings for some people, but appease them for others. Or how some people need a high volume diet to stay within their kcal goals, while others fare better with small amounts of more calorie-dense foods since "stretching" their stomach with large volumes will increase hunger in the long run.
CICO works for everybody, but the best way to actually stick to your restriction might vary a lot from person to person. The only way to find out which "type" you are is to try.

For me, fasting worked ectremely well and never triggered binges (I actually had a hard time getting food down after longer fasts), until I got underweight. After a certain point, my body didn't seem to tolerate large deficits anymore, and I'm actually losing faster on 1200-1500 kcal than on low restriction or fasting, just because the latter force me into a binge-restrict-cycle.

>> No.15230483

that must've hurt when he fell

>> No.15230492

You can see she never touched a weight in her life. She lost the weight through diet only and never exercised her muscles

>> No.15230493
File: 103 KB, 500x490, iyo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah most of that artfag thinspo is fucking ridiculous. I like it though, because if somebody stumbles upon my folder, I can pass it off as "hurrrr it's art"

>> No.15230497

You can tell them it's none of their business and to look at themselves

>> No.15230502

mind their own I'm sorry

>> No.15230505

>also if you want to count soc and r9k
Vocal minority, there's a thousand orbiters for every ewhore on r9k and a hundred fags for every roastie on soc.

>> No.15230514

The women in the OP are just to draw people into the thread. It's 95% or so male, probably much more females than in most other threads though. All bulimic freaks though.

>> No.15230521

>implying you need weight training
Just walking like half an hour a day is enough. Fat distribution genetics is everything.

>> No.15230535
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I'm saying she'd look much different if she had worked out her whole life was fat and then lost the weight

>> No.15230542
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Why is this stuff so addictive? I managed to do maybe 4 or 5 hours of not coming back to this thread.

>> No.15230547

I wish I could delete your shitpost

>> No.15230551

I wish I could delete myself, but not every wish is granted.

>> No.15230556
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Fair point, but people knowing about my mental illness still doesn't sound very /fa/ to me.
I'd like to be able to pass off my weight as "natural" and "effortless" for as long as possible, otherwise the people who have the audacity to care about my health and well-being will get up my ass and stage an intervention and drop "DID YOU EAT YET" on me five times a day and shit. I've seen it happen to others. I don't want to worry anyone and it also seems fucking annoying

>> No.15230557
File: 42 KB, 300x460, thinspo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could delete you with my tongue in your mouth and finger in your asshole

>> No.15230560

Take it from a guy who's done worse shit and is still loved and well-fed by everyone that people never care aas much as they pretend to do.

>> No.15230563
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End of the line, then.

>> No.15230577

are you eating pizza and mcdonalds, fatty?

>> No.15230579

>tfw you'll never look as good as a starved congolese child soldier

>> No.15230582
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>> No.15230595

15 bmi plz teach me to fast to get rid of all the FATTY FAT CORTISOL FAT BELLYYY AHHHHH

>> No.15230599
File: 75 KB, 720x540, 1507529275148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How important are macronutrients? I've heard the ideal is 50% carbs, 25% fat and 25% protein, but what if im eating ~1200 below my TDEE and getting like 55% carbs, 30% fat and 15% protein?

>> No.15230616
File: 185 KB, 749x1047, 1587775677346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Increase your protein intake imo. - balance between fat and protein I think goes down to personal preference. If you exercise or give a fuck about your skin and general health, I hear protein is important.

>> No.15230617

safe foods?

- tea
- baby spinach

that's all I got so far

>> No.15230632

you fucking white people need to realize you're NEVER gonna reach the aesthetic of slim korean/japanese people, because you're ugly and have a bigger body frame. consider yourself lucky if you're brown or black

>> No.15230642

You're not mentally ill but autistic

>> No.15230657
File: 12 KB, 201x216, 558fd4dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that you brought those things up, can you tell me why I have felt this desire to be jewish for a few days now? Look at how happy a chap he is! https://youtu.be/QNYF-fiLB4c?t=50

>> No.15230667

Finally someone said it

>> No.15230696

But.. Almost all of the inspo pics are skinny generic white guys

Like almost all the anons here

>> No.15230706

There's such a thing called body composition. Endomorph, Ectomorph, Mesomorph

>> No.15230731

Alien vs predator lookin ass

>> No.15230734

I keep seeing people harping-on about the benefits of apple cider vinegar in regards to restriction. Is that legit? Or is it just broscience?

>> No.15230742

>t. faggot

>> No.15230758

Come on now

>> No.15230760

I'm very good thank you. Very kind of you. Lots of love

>> No.15230775
File: 56 KB, 129x434, C7EA917B-9F09-4978-B40F-1F81B7432096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he’ll never be yours

>> No.15230777

It will rot your teeth. May as well smoke meth

There are no scientific studies backing up any beneficial claims from ACV

>> No.15230781

Will a coconut water after a 60 minute sauna break my fast?

>> No.15230785

Only ever heard of it as a meme from fit, no other communities, and no one who has ever made it has ever mentioned it, when talking about how they did weight loss

>> No.15230810
File: 2.77 MB, 4032x3024, 20200511_150209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try charcoal powder. Sorry for the low quality pic

>> No.15230811

Meant for this post sorry

>> No.15230826

That's what I thought, tbqh. I've seen quite a few people saying that it kills cravings/binge urges because it makes them feel so nauseous or full-up, but that seems to be up to individual tastes - if you like the taste it probably wouldn't have any effect

>> No.15230858

so where's the scientific study that says it will rot your teeth

>> No.15230874

Vinegar is acidic, its kinda common knowledge that vinegar is bad for your teeth

>> No.15230902
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Not wanting to ever be anything like pic related should be enough motivation. Just tape this pig to your fridge and your pantry, and in your car to prevent take out trips.

>> No.15230909

>he eats carbs

>> No.15230931

Wow, you didnt need to dox the anime pic posters irl photo >:(

>> No.15230942
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>> No.15230959

To maintain muscle mass you should be eating about a gram of protein per pound of lean body ass, enough fat to meet hormonal needs and then you can choose to spend the rest of the remaining calories as you like

>> No.15230964

No, somatotypes aren't real, stop spouting dead pseudoscience

>> No.15230982

wow, i live my dad too. nice to know there's other people like me out there

>> No.15230986

what if i'm a handsome spic who looks kinda asian?

>> No.15231018

fatsecret is saying an RDI is 2800 cal, for someone about 6 feet and 140 is that accurate, seems pretty high

>> No.15231058

No, calculators are incorrect the majority of the time, or they jusy say 1800 for every height and weight

>> No.15231061

seems accurate for that height, assuming male. would be a little less if female.

>> No.15231102

Your more likely to actually be 1900, average

>> No.15231132

>tfw male pattern baldness

>> No.15231143

glucose depletion is a thing anon

>> No.15231167
File: 198 KB, 745x818, 1503497260107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get sticc
>hambeasts are attracted to me
>regular females are not
am I just ugly or are skelly chasing fatties a common phenomena?

>> No.15231174

Skelly chasing fatties are extremely common, just try to find the least fat one, also yes. Getting skelly wont change your face shape/looks, so regular girls still wont be into you, fats seem to just have a fetish for skelly people in general

>> No.15231550

What foods to break a fast? I was thinking about making bone broth.

>> No.15231604

Bone broth, chicken broth, light veggie soup, start with liquid foods and then move to solids

>> No.15231692

Once I switched to solid foods can I eat anything? Obviously still will be counting calories.

>> No.15231761

Ive noticed that hambeasts and white trannies alike exclusively fawn over East Asians. The obsession is just so fucking weird

>> No.15231779

wtf aliens ?

>> No.15231784

who do you imagine you are fighting

>> No.15231785

must make mad all

>> No.15231786

Is she death?

>> No.15231808
File: 283 KB, 524x519, 1584244065931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yay I finished my exam!!

Shame I gained a kilo or two from stress drinking coffee during it though. I have a big round pot belly now :(

>> No.15231810


>> No.15231817

HIIT is worthless, I'm a marathon runner and I'm currently training to do a 70.3 triathlon, I'm just barely fit enough to do HIIT, unless you're really athletic it simply doesn't exist. Plus the afterburn effect is only like 5-15% of the calories your burned during the 20minutes, which is almost certainly going to be under 400 calories even if you REALLY pushed it.

And if you really pushed it you won't be able to do it 7x a week, real HIIT is unbelievable torture, you should be exhausted for hours afterwards.

On the otherhand I can go running for a few hours and burn upwards of 1500kcal, but I can't do that regulary unless I keep refeeding myself

>> No.15231859

huge lie

>> No.15231864


it is definitely real

>> No.15231919

u were stress drinking lattes or smth? never heard of anything but black coffee or espresso during crunch time

>> No.15231922

this sucks

>> No.15231940

just straight black coffee

it spiked my cortisol levels though which made me gain a fuckton of weight

I hate it so much

>> No.15231942


>> No.15231955

but if you lose fat you usually obviously get lower bf so your face does change.
that's what im trying to achieve atleast

>> No.15231974

You can use a little bit of chub, but losing weight wont give your face good proportions and symmetry, and it can't fix a weak beta jawline.

>> No.15231980
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Who cares about being functional if you can be thin again?

>> No.15231995
File: 421 KB, 2340x1080, Screenshot_20200514_085945_com.google.android.youtube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinspo : i want to get skinny to look like one of those SLP models and women will be all over me

Thinspo once they actually get skinny :

>> No.15232009


You will still look like the guy with spectacles anon, the model guy would still have a goodlooking face at a higher bf%

>> No.15232011

Ok bad example of model because i didnt click the pic beforehand and he kinda ugly but you get my point

>> No.15232033
File: 123 KB, 1920x1080, yugij.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I did not have lunch with the Goddess. "Steinman," she said anyway... "I'm here to free you from the tyranny of the commonplace. I'm here to show you a new kind of beauty." I asked her, "What do you mean, goddess?" "Symmetry, dear Steinman. It's time we did something about symmetry..."

>> No.15232046

better be a /thincel/ than an incel or even worse, a fatcel.

>> No.15232088

>gained 2 kilos from drinking a 0kcal beverage

probably just extra water retention while your body compensates for the coffee-induced dehydration. afaik cortisol wont make you gain weight unleas you stress eat.

>> No.15232097

whatcha listening to, /thin/spo?


>> No.15232118
File: 160 KB, 1280x719, 5c3a240a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice witch house.

>> No.15232128


>> No.15232140

Some thinspo music for ya


>> No.15232167

Protein for skin, hair and nails, Anon!

>> No.15232173

Protein is absolutely essiential, it is the one thing you should never cut down on, even on extremely calorie restricted diets. If you crash diet without protein you'll suffer organ damage, lose your hair/skin/nails and catabolize your own muscles

Fat is technically essiential but you can go without it for a while before you start to suffer deficiency (which is fucked up hormones).

Carbs are not essiential at all, but are nice to have as they refill muscle glycogen stores in non-starvation adapted individuals and even in starvation adapted individuals they have a protein sparing effect if intense exercise has been performed.

If you're crash dieting I honestly recommend just eating nothing but lean protein and maybe some small amount of fat (from eggs and oily fish) if you have calories to spare, check out Lyle McDonald's Rapid Fatloss Handbook

>> No.15232184

>McDonald's Rapid Fatloss Handbook
Don't eat in the restaurant I share my name with.

>> No.15232219

So you're here to promote your shit weightloss book, damn thats sad

>> No.15232381

It was a joke, you fucking idiot.

>> No.15232414

I've seen it other places actually. It does make you less hungry imo but it could be just placebo
Not worth it tho unless you're making a salad, but I'm not a fan of appetite reducing things in general

>> No.15232428


>> No.15232444
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>cw: 124 lbs
>gw: 115
>fasting, restriction

Does anyone have experience with cellulite?
I have always been fairly thin but have also always had a lot of cellulite on the backs of my thighs. I have done squats in the past but it doesn't seem to make too much of a difference.
Will it go away as I lose more?

>> No.15232497

cope. just admit that you were wildly overeating. fatty.

>> No.15232507

are there any other high sources of protein that aren't meat? can't eat that as it really hurts my stomach, i eat fish, eggs and tofu though, and infrequently protein bars, i still feel like i'm missing my protein goals most days.

>> No.15232508

i've read that massage/dry brushing along with lots of exercise for the affected area can help, but that it could also just be hereditary.

i just lurk because i never have good advice, but i just wanted to say your hw is my gw and i bet you look amazing.

>> No.15232515
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I use cottage cheese and skyr.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2Gkb9tjWTQ have a mushroom.

>> No.15232519

hamstring curls

>> No.15232527

nuts, legumes, quorn produce, yoghurt, theres are alot of things, quite affordable too if cost is an issue

>> No.15232530

a;lso protein powder is a massive one.

I use whey 80 cookies and cream flavour and have it in my porridge for breakfast.


>> No.15232537

protein powder is the most obvious answer, I recommend buying casein as it's very filling and can be used to make fun recipes like protein fluff, protein oatmeal and super thicc protein shakes

>> No.15232578

>i eat fish, eggs and tofu though
All of these are good sources
If you can fit more carbs legumes with some sort of grain (beans and rice basically) are good and cheap

>i still feel like i'm missing my protein goals most days.
Count your macros, you might not be missing actually, it's easy to feel like you're not eating enough of it if you learned to associate protein with meat and you're eating healthy shit like fish and onions like some chink

>> No.15232837
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Why do they call it fasting when it seems to be taking a long time to lose fat? I expected more after a week of this shit.

>> No.15232862
File: 43 KB, 550x550, iofdo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what Deleuze and Guattari's book is about. A Thousand Plateaus.

>> No.15232892 [DELETED] 

Does anyone know to Sanne/Maartje anon? I haven’t seen him posting in a while

>> No.15232895

Does anyone what happened to Sanne/Maartje anon? I haven’t seen him posting in a while

>> No.15232911

tons of tuna

>> No.15232960

delet this

>> No.15232973
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>> No.15233062

dunno but i miss his taylor/modelshaming threads

>> No.15233138


>> No.15233144
File: 189 KB, 1280x720, 9py0usuftkt11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't listen and watch kpop all day for the thinspo
never gonna make it

>> No.15233194


>> No.15233198

i don't wanna be a chink

>> No.15233227
File: 298 KB, 668x807, 777F123D-6C37-4142-816E-248342FFE3F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>double chin

>> No.15233264
File: 46 KB, 723x664, adb4a19d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So hungry.

>> No.15233361
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>> No.15233392

Fruits and plain veggies are good

>> No.15233394
File: 112 KB, 900x668, EX5_gOCWoAIyQn7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You´re studying Philosophy too?

>> No.15233407

Gross, I dont wanna be asian
Plus this chick has a bloated face, most likely from purging.

>> No.15233421

Why the fuck are there corona-incubating chinks and gooks in here? Fuck off, you fucking subhumans.

>> No.15233423
File: 29 KB, 608x547, acc (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just like accelerationism memes, and Deleuze had a big influence on Nick Land.

>> No.15233425

Are calisthenics a viable replacement for barbells, particularly if I'm overweight, which makes them more challenging?

>> No.15233444

Does that seriously look attractive to you?

>> No.15233449
File: 230 KB, 900x1200, EX5LKnzU4AIkokr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ohh okay

yep it does.

>> No.15233467
File: 368 KB, 840x700, 1586808944510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too dumb for philosophy. How's your day?

>> No.15233490

It’s fucking ugly and it doesn’t belong on /thinspo/. Stop avatar posting, you fucking simp.

>> No.15233505

Why would i crave shirataki noodles of all things

>> No.15233584

If a obese person can live off 900kcal a day on a diet why cant you

>> No.15233592
File: 44 KB, 719x455, 56316bb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No bullying.

You could crave cakes or stuff like that, too. Your noodle crave isn't too bad.

Because I am weak.

>> No.15233596

Literally any kind of workout will work if you’re obese or just fat.
you can do whatever you enjoy the most

>> No.15233606

Thing is shirataki noodles are made from fiber and have 0kcal or taste so there's no reason to crave them specifically
I assume because I had good foods that incorporated them but it's so weird

>> No.15233620
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>18.9 BMI

Should I just start bulking until I reach a certain bodyfat% and then cut? I just want a flat stomach

>> No.15233625
File: 47 KB, 497x370, 78c23005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you suggest trying them?

I'm fat af at 18.1-ish, so you may have a long way to go...

>> No.15233662
File: 109 KB, 899x1200, EX5p2u1U8AIeP0c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've eaten some chickenbreast and blueberries. Don't know when i'm going to fast again. How about you?

>> No.15233673

Tell me more, anon

>> No.15233675

I heard they smell like old fish water

>> No.15233676

It’s some weeb thinking we’ll be impressed by him “““craving””” some jap shit.

>> No.15233677
File: 483 KB, 250x167, IMG_7427.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fasted for most of the day and just ate noodles with beef for dinner. Might drink a 100ml of milk before I sleep and that'll be all the calories I'll have for today

>> No.15233690

Anyone tried protein sparing modified fast?

>> No.15233705
File: 48 KB, 872x536, 29c7f262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been failing on a whole new level. Yesterday I decided that I want to have even a bit of activity in my brain, so I decided to quit this stuff and then came back only a few hours later. Today I decided to get some extremely disgusting fatty stuff like crisps and biscuits, you name it, so that I would be too ashamed of myself to return here. I couldn't even grab any of those, so I decided I'll get some actual food instead then. After touching a can of beans and sausages, I went full nopenopenope and left without buying (or stealing either) anything, and thus failed at failing on purpose. I don't know whether I should laugh, cry or bang my head against something hard and sharp.

It's some funky postmodern stuff.
>Write, form a rhizome, increase your territory by deterritorialization, extend the line of flight to the point where it becomes an abstract machine covering the entire plane of consistency.

>> No.15233730
File: 202 KB, 2013x1764, EXp-vobUcAAm7i6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man... I would congratulate you on your willpower (which I apparently lack), but it seems like you're not in control either.
I hope you get better soon!

>> No.15233761
File: 25 KB, 533x300, 9126b1f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it would be nice if that was out of actually conquering my lust for something to eat, but it was merely an act of cowardice. It made me think the options through. I can try to fix myself again and be lucky enough to avoid relapsing, I can try to fix myself and relapse again after having gained even more and then feel even worse, or I can keep living like this and hope I don't turn into a total vegetable. Not too tempting any of those. Thanks for wishing the best, though. I hope you reach a reasonable goal one day and can be satisfied.

>> No.15233774

Wow, the anime pic anons have 0 willpower and will stay fattes, who wouldve known!

>> No.15233836
File: 92 KB, 1280x721, 1587994171707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'm fattes.

Good night, friends.

>> No.15233842

I lost 6 pounds quitting drinking alcohol
Do not drink alcohol bros

>> No.15233843
File: 44 KB, 833x886, 1519115508817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need alcohol to cope with being alone

>> No.15233852

Dont drink alcohol do heroin instead

>> No.15233887

I just use a BMI calculator and the result was 30! I'm nowhere near obese. I work out

>> No.15233921
File: 409 KB, 2048x1705, EX9xMCIUYAEKMbl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night.

>> No.15233941

> the face of nightmares

>> No.15233949

You're not fat anon, you're just bulking!

>> No.15234019

Kundalini breathing

>> No.15234070

What's the aesthetic of the girl in this picture called? Art hoe?

>> No.15234086

I haven't eaten anything since monday
i'm so fucking hungry I can binge 20000 calories in one setting

friday, saturday and sunday I will eat 500 calories salads only
and on monday I biiiiiinge

>> No.15234097

I lose 9 kg a month doing this btw

>> No.15234157
File: 256 KB, 750x1000, large-1543415375-86bb0b06d1ec3a8dc3fb5ff6b8077db5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the point of torturing yourself if you're gonna eat like a big and rebound? Pleb.

>> No.15234170

It all averages to about 500 calories a day
that's the only way I can do it

>> No.15234197

maybe you crave the chewy texture

>> No.15234214
File: 216 KB, 1600x2160, 1550613049384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

once I hit bmi 16 will I make it

>> No.15234216

>i read somewhere that deficit eating is harder, as in you stay more hungry
depends on what food you eat.

>> No.15234331

good luck anon! I'm optimistic, it will be tough but I've done it before and I'll be able to do it again.

>> No.15234359
File: 375 KB, 750x728, 6E4C56BB-5639-4790-B174-338BEC1C0783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a really shitty day at work and now all I want to do is just binge and drown my problems in food. I really hate this shit. I wish I had legitimate coping mechanisms that didn’t involve me stuffing my face and I could actually deal with my problems head on instead of drowning them in food

>> No.15234363

It’ll get you nowhere. Just eat at a calorie deficit or break your fast with something good for you

>> No.15234395

You are alll fat and will never nake it, give up

>> No.15234400

at least we will make it though

>> No.15234428

make it to where?

same. nothing else makes me happy or calm like food does.

>> No.15234446

No the thread tried as much as it could, it gave up with average

>> No.15234607

my only other coping mechanism is doing drugs, so atleast you're doing better than me anon

>> No.15234623

he’s died

>> No.15234655
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>You are alll fat and will never nake it, give up

>> No.15234712

Because fatasses have more fat (energy) stores and can therefore endure starvation better

Look up leptin. Fatasses have to literally work to be fat unless they have something deeply wrong with them.

>> No.15234715
File: 2.39 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20200515_072251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my new book frens

>> No.15234724

I recommend combining it with OMAD and it's harder than normal fasting Imo. Without fat or carbs, protein does absolutely nothing for satiety.

>> No.15234892

Not sure, they're filling, but that's it and they're overpriced. Might as well eat something local that has a lot of fiber and just eat less to reduce calories. If you like weird diet food and miss eating noodles or are just eating super low carb and miss having anything you can try

It's just the water, if you rinse them really good they stop smelling.

It's a diet food lol
I have no clue if it's even japs eat normally or something they invented to cheat

I did but had no clue it has a name
Only decent way to lose weight somewhat fast for a prolonged period of time imo but it's a pain in the ass

>> No.15234923
File: 34 KB, 350x490, e5rcr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't eat for the taste anyway, so the filling aspect seems good, but the price is a bit high. I'll pass. Thanks for the answer though.

>> No.15234958

majority of you is pathetic, iam glad you will never have a gf produce offspring and delute the human gene pool with your weak and ugly genes

>> No.15234971

why so rude fren?

>> No.15235005
File: 16 KB, 351x329, 1586838340880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repeating his dad's words to him, I would assume.

>> No.15235151

What's the cadence?

>> No.15235154

I sit in a 150 degree sauna for 60 minutes every day. I burn 600 calories doing nothing.

>> No.15235175

terrible for the skin though

>> No.15235182

How so? Sweating is great for your skin, as long as you shower immediately afterwards in cold water

>> No.15235328

True desu

>> No.15235357
File: 50 KB, 397x375, 229CDF91-A1C6-4E01-B0C7-7EA6D921A1BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All hail Joey Ramone

>> No.15235407
File: 231 KB, 960x1280, 1587648375680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fork putdowns and plate pushaways till failure.

>> No.15235556

>coping mechanism is weed
>i could literally binge on the whole fridge after smoke

>> No.15235596

I would read this just to have a good laugh.

>> No.15235615

I thought it would be a good laugh but I honestly feel dumber from reading it.

1/3rd of the book is the author bitching about how horrible the world is to fat people, the second third is her """explaining""" how it's possible to be fat and healthy by misinterpreting a few different studies and medical conditions, and the last part is a bunch of interviews with BOPO twitter lefties

I laughed pretty hard when she said that she was suffering from an eating disorder where she bought apples instead of chocolate bars because she was on a diet back in her "disordered years" kek

>> No.15235631

is that James Dean?

>> No.15235641
File: 789 KB, 1280x720, 1566000866363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing like anime thinspo

>> No.15235662

>Why do they call it fasting when it seems to be taking a long time to lose fat? I expected more after a week of this shit.

huh? who is "they" and what is "it"? the logical coherence of this sentence is very challenging

>> No.15235685
File: 12 KB, 251x242, 1589007993407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this bait or are you really this dense?

>> No.15235707

> inb4 poster is a white tranny

>> No.15235711
File: 15 KB, 584x522, 1576285396616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually I'm a mixed race guy

>> No.15235716

I wonder if they had to sit down and eat with normal healthy people for every meal, nothing in between, just a week of social eating, they would see how bizarre their eating habits are compared to them. How long could they go before their cravings overtake them? How would it change how they interact with other people? I just feel like they don’t have a good scope on what people actually eat to feel fulfilled, without snacking in between meals all day

>> No.15235718

> brown tranny
41% right now

>> No.15235721
File: 50 KB, 313x268, 1558703425977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a tranny!!

>> No.15235848

Seems like something a tranny would say

>> No.15236140

is it better to eat 300 calories of vegetables or do keto and eat 300 calories of cheese to lessen hunger

>> No.15236170

if you're eating 300kcal you're going to be fucking starving no matter what

I'd just eat 300kcal of lean protein so you atleast have decent nutrients

otherwise 300kcal of vegetables will atleast make you feel full (but probably not satisified) and keep you in ketosis

>> No.15236201

thanks i meant 300 as part of 1000 calories omad 3x a week. i can't tell if more quantity of veg (high carb) is smarter to have than less quantity of cheese as it'd kick me out of ketosis and i don't want to ruin decreased hunger from keto by spiking insulin, but it might be more filling

>> No.15236204

oh if they're starchy vegetables then yeah, could be a bad idea

I'd personally go with the cheese but everyone is different and gets satiated in a different way.

>> No.15236211
File: 434 KB, 1082x695, CD046259-42B1-4120-A4CE-4724CF067BB3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since my last weigh in I lost 4 pounds. 700 calories a day really does work

>> No.15236234

Gz anon, how long did that take? How hard was it to stick that few cals?

>> No.15236314
File: 35 KB, 500x375, GLOM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you feel like you have brain activity with 700 kcal a day?

>> No.15236379
File: 7 KB, 250x250, 1589236182922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job fren! We're all gonna make it.
Not that anon but the first day or two is super hard. But you gotta push through it and you get adjusted.
Also you feel super cold, I was shivering at 20C. Drank a lot of coffee and (moderate) exercise helped too.

>> No.15236907

My vision is going a little blurry and I feel sick. I've been fasting for two days. Help?

>> No.15236910

Make sure you're drinking enough and getting electrolytes