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15222066 No.15222066 [Reply] [Original]

Last >>15212804

Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hydrated


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

Ask all your thinspo and weight-related questions here.

Please be kind to people and don't just call them a fatass or something - help them change it. It doesn't make you look worse if they also look good.

Feel free to post:
>current stats: height, weight, gender, age
>highest weight
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
>aesthetic you're going for

Also try post thinspo pics, post your goal bodies (fictional or real), recipes and tips etc. to help and encourage each other.

>> No.15222072


>> No.15222075

first for ramadan

>> No.15222082
File: 47 KB, 340x292, ikol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was a muslim going through ramadan.

>> No.15222083
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sorry for forgetting the title :/

>> No.15222096

just do it anyways! stomach slowly shrinks over the course of the month. eventually you don't even get hungry during the day, and can't even eat a lot at night!

>> No.15222099

why. I'm Muslim, was fasting omad before and now cuz of Ramadan I have to break that fast at 4 in the morning and eat something.
Ramadan is fun as fuck tho, not good for weightloss cuz ur still technically eating 3 meals. It is good for being with ur family and friends. Also bringing friends over in my childhood and just playing video games and watching movies completely uninterrupted was nice...
fuck man good times... It just ain't the same now I'm grown.

>> No.15222109

That's pretty much what I'm doing.

I don't even remember, to be honest. I'm not getting too much sleep so I have these random thoughts that I forget pretty much instantly. Sounds pretty comfy, though.

>> No.15222128
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occasional reminder to stay hydrated.

>> No.15222148

Ofc the weeb still fks up the 1 job they had to do, degenerate

>> No.15222153

suck my shrivelled ding-dong

>> No.15222154


>> No.15222156

why would you assume that i am a weeb? hmmm

>> No.15222169

being skelly throughout my puberty has fucked up my testosterone levels i think :( any ideas on how to become manly

>> No.15222188
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oh my son. Go to fit. I believe in you, leave thinspo asap.
eat right, be uncomfortable. That's about it. Go to fit for specifics.

>> No.15222214

do any of you guys just eat the same thing every day for weeks or even months on end? i don't, but i'm thinking of trying it because having unlimited choice (as it were) has been making eating so stressful recently. i've always liked to have a variety of whatever, as long as it's under my calorie-goal. i assumed that monotony might cause a spiral into bingeing or some shit. i think i'll try it now however, because i am just sick of thinking about sums and food and calories.
so does/has that worked for anyone itt?

>> No.15222228

:) i will eventually. just trying to find some skelly-specific things right now. too sick most days to follow /fit/.

>> No.15222232
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Im thin with very tiny/no tits, don't even have to wear a bra.
>Without fail, every time one of my friends brings an obeast into our circle, they start talking about how 'men prefer my giant breasts and ass'
I just laugh

>> No.15222237

Yes, i make a 600 calories burrito every day that is really filling (a 200cal wrap, 100cal of rice, 200 cal of meat, 100cal of pepper and onions) its heavy on the stomach and you get alot of quantity to fill you up

>> No.15222238

>tiny or no tits

Thats because you're a boy anon.

>> No.15222250
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heh I would have a lot more fun with a dick I think : P

>> No.15222276
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looking to stay lean and not get skinnyfat, fat distribution is all in my thighs though, should i build my thigh muscles while fasting? any good exercises for doing so?

>> No.15222288


>> No.15222310

No, building muscle onto areas of fat just make that area even bigger

>> No.15222318

what is an ED?

>> No.15222322

Eating Disorder, no anon here seems to understand what a ED is anyway

>> No.15222339

wdym, anyone can join fit, from giga lardasses to skellies like you to coomers like me. Someone will give you good advice skelliebro, the point of the whole board is to give advice on your body, whatever goal that may be.
I wouldn't hesitate to obliterate your skelly pooch and rail you until your pelvis and spine are dust.
erectile dysfunction

>> No.15222360

do yall drink alcohol? whats your gameplan for that?

>> No.15222386
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Only if it is forcefully offered like a toast in an event.

>> No.15222389

Drink enough that i sleep through the day, missing meals

>> No.15222394

what are good meals for OMAD? im sick of eating eggs every day

>> No.15222395

I have eaten 2 slices of gluten free bread and 1 slice of ham for breakfast and 200g of chicken with ketchup for dinner everyday for seven months

>> No.15222400


>> No.15222414

nothing but spirits. i don't count them and it's never affected my progress

>> No.15222416
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>no friends
>never tried drugs
>never been on a road trip
>no skils
>no hobbies
>no interests or motivation
>22 and already feel life is long over
I don't think I'm gonna make it lads

>> No.15222420

wana be frens

>> No.15222439

yes. Would you like to go driving around aimlessly at night?

>> No.15222481

Most of this is your fault

Ex.) >no hobbies

Life is gonna be shit when you don't help yourself

>> No.15222493

Do something crazy like walking the Appalachian trail.

>> No.15222594

I've tried to pick stuff up but always lose interest after a month.

>> No.15222614

Stop masturbating and playing video games, when you get bored you'll find something that makes you satisfied that isn't cooming, vidya or eating, it'll increase your chances of meeting someone nice as well. Most importantly, get off 4chan, it's a time sink that will never bring anything good to your life.

>> No.15222642

Are you the same guy from the other thinspo spread, i see you never took the advice that was given and your putting the same bs again

>> No.15222650

>Stop masturbating and playing video games
haven't done either in a long time
>get off 4chan

>> No.15222653

If you won't get off 4chan just kill yourself desu. Men addicted to this misogynistic racist shithole shouldn't be walking around with the rest of us.

>> No.15222676

You only have problems because instead of growing up, you just sit complaining all day, blaming everything and trying to feel sorry for yourself

>> No.15222787

it doesn't make a difference imo just makes you look autistic

>> No.15222798


>>tiny or no tits
>Thats because you're a boy anon.

>> No.15222815

I take it back, it is easier to figure out what to eat if you just eat the same thing on autopilot, if I'm on a big deficit my iq drops to 3 and eating anything that wasn't prepared for me by someone else seems like too complex of a challenge for me to tackle
That's the only advantage I can think of

>> No.15222897

I don't drink any calories anymore.
I'd rather eat them

+drinking prematurely ages you anyway

>> No.15223018

I want to go from 45kg to 40-42kg without redeveloping an eating disorder (i.e I don't want to purge), do you guys have any ideas?

>> No.15223035

Eat less

>> No.15223090
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newfag from /fit/ here, wtf that's depressing. As I started fasting about a month ago I would get a little angry with myself after my OMAD and jokingly say "what if puked out the food I just ate" since I would feel like I overate. Never did and I'm just happy I haven't.

Go for a VERY moderate caloric defecit, calculate your tdee and eat like 100 or 200 calories below that. If you purge bc you feel like you overate based on how full your stomach feels, then maybe eating calorically dense foods spread out over the day might be good, this way you won't feel full but you'll get your calories. Not junk food bc that'll make you skinnyfat, calorically dense like steak maybe, or something with a lot of olive oil. It's all about balancing what you feel to make sure you don't fall in that ED loop, while also getting you the results you want.

my take: I don't like the sound of that too much since stuffing all your calories into small unvaried meals means you won't get the proper vitamins and various macronutrients you'll need and can get from more filling and diverse selection of whole foods, ik the feel of going omad and then not getting enough fiber so 6 hours later you're spending a whole hour shitting. If I were you and didn't have to worry about that ED shit I would eat salads oatmeal etc, low calories and highly satiating. Honestly tho, skellybro, just forget about being skinny and "le effay". I can tell you rn that whatever it is you've gone through makes whatever it is you're planning to do very unsafe, and I'd advise getting help and/or some sort of supervision to make sure you don't go through it again, seeing as how you're here I think you're close to doing it again.
I'm pretty sure this comment will get swept away under the rug and that ED and other shit like this is just a commonplace norm for twinkspo threads, along with retard fitizens telling you how unhealthy it is to be underweight, so do with it what you will.

>> No.15223181

I appreciate the concern dude, but I'm a 5'4 flatchest wom, so underweight but not massively so, and my purging/undereating was about control, so I don't think restricting will trigger it. My stomach is just not as flat as it used to be before quarantine (used to not eat school lunch so I would get properly hungry and burn calories between breakfast and tea but now parents make me eat lunch) and I miss it :(

>> No.15223187

i would love to!
pls post ur discord

>> No.15223220

tea? fuck bongs. If ur sure about it go for the weightloss, eat healthy whole foods that you make for yourself, balanced veggies carbs proteins and fat. Drink water etc etc. Do a 16:8 IF and have 2 meals a day and make one of them a high volume low cal food (probably a salad, make a giant ass bowl), fill in the rest with whatever your family eats for dinner. Moderate weight loss, you're cutting it pretty close. Most gymbros can bench 3 of you.
Even better for your "le based midriff" do some ab excersises. No you will not get abs.

>> No.15223326

Retard, just eat less.

>> No.15223368

Desperate tranny

>> No.15223379

im not a tranny lol
just a loner

>> No.15223383

just learnt about the snake juice diet, does anyone have any experiences with it?

>> No.15223389

No, just go on the "air" diet, you get to breath in as much as you want, but your not allowed any food, its really effective

>> No.15223391

That's not very comfy of you desu

>> No.15223402

You can't be sure it's not bloating unless you've tracked your bodyfat percentage. Either way, low intensity steady state cardio would do good to everyone, aim for 2000 steps first and gradually increase it to 10000 daily steps

>> No.15223433

snake juice diet is literally fasting but you add certain electroctyles 0 kcal stuff to water so you can fast for longer

>> No.15223513

Never bothered, just did water only

>> No.15223521

what was the longest you did? and did you get headaches or such other complaints?

>> No.15223554

5 days, had literally 0 side affects that anons here who fast after 12 hours claim to have

>> No.15223579

I find that it's kinda age related or something, I used to have no sides with 2 week fasts as a teen but completely crash after 10 or so hours in my 20s

>> No.15223630

stick legs just dont look good, you gotta have at least a tiny bit of muscle on your thighs

>> No.15223739
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That’s sad

>> No.15223770

Unless they're like 10bmi, its a total lie, and or not telling us about their binge every 2-3 days

>> No.15223798
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is there anyway i can starve away boobs or lose fat exclusively around my chest, i was on hrt for a while and only got small boobs and no other changes except clearer skin and a slightly androgynous face, kinda want to get rid of the boobs now as it doesn't match the rest

>> No.15223853

>feel like dogshit
>can't even get it to throw up
i hate myself

>> No.15223861
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gonna do OMAD for the next few days maybe even week

not even trying to lose weight but it'll be a nice side effect, just trying to maximise focus for my exams

I feel 10x smarter when I'm restricting and I have no idea why

>> No.15223874
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am i fat ?

>> No.15223884
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bizarre bait

>> No.15223919
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>replaced my alcoholism with anorexia

>> No.15223930

how can you even get anorexic nowadays. Did you guys miss the change in beauty ideals where you need to work out to look good? Starving yourself is low effort and looks like shit

>> No.15223946
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>> No.15223953

>posts a pic that proves me right
uhm ok

>> No.15223954
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>Did you guys miss the change in beauty ideals where you need to work out to look good?
more like pig out

reminder that this is what the bloatmaxxers on fit find attractive

>> No.15223961

nope, thats just fat
You need to be athletic and lean, something that requires actual effort.
But keep on starving yourself thinking people are attracted to stick figure legs and no ass

>> No.15223980

can you rock a shaved head if you are thin?

>> No.15223986

post your ideal then

>> No.15223992

everytime I watch an interview with some fit dude, they always say the hardest part is the endless dieting and that the lifting is like a mental break from them

I certainly find doing endless hours of cardio to be easier than dieting

>> No.15223999

literally just google fit girls, how hard can it be?
The ottermode body has been the male standard of beauty since forever and women are finally held up to the same standard.

>> No.15224003
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looks good but I'll take sticc legs and pale skin instead

>> No.15224010

They should get smaller eventually from just testosterone/lack of estrogen, otherwise no
If they really bother you look into surgery, it's very effective on small and shallow tits (what you likely have from HRT)

You can't spot reduce and you can't starve the breast tissue away but it does atrophy a bit without the right hormones

>> No.15224017

No, i was thinspo then went fit, i achieved peak ottermode in about 3-4months of lifting, it wasnt hard at all. Although because of my low weight i could eat as if i was bulking, maximising my gains

>> No.15224028
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got a nice 20km run planned for tomorrow

>> No.15224032

>No, i was thinspo then went fit, i achieved peak ottermode in about 3-4months of lifting, it wasnt hard at all
Because it isn't, and as a bonus it makes you feel much better in general, which is why i'm happy people strive more towards fitness today.
It still requires effort though, and that's the point.
People who starve themselves want to be beautiful without actually doing anything to build their bodies, so they just don't eat.
It's a low effort cope, a bad way of life and objectively unattractive.

>> No.15224036


>> No.15224044

>blah blah blah lifting is hard
oh come on, lifting is extremely easy
yeah it's good to do, but don't pretend it's hard and that people who don't do it are lazy

>> No.15224047
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Absolutely. If you have a nice nordid-like skull, then being skinny and essentially bald emphasises your phrenological perfection. On the other hand, if you have the sull of someone with microcephaly, please do cover that with hair.

>> No.15224064

I said it requires effort, not that it's hard. In fact it is the opposite of hard, it's enjoyable. It's also only part of your physique. It's about eating right, not eating less.

>> No.15224122

i'm gonna be out of hrt anyway due to pharmacy mistakes for around 10 or more days and i'm kinda hoping they'll shrink in that time, it kinda brought me back to ed stuff

>> No.15224146

Post tits

>> No.15224253


>> No.15224259

fattys runs*

>> No.15224289

What can I eat/take to feel uncomfortably full? I don't get breaks at work and so I end up snacking on garbage the whole time because it's the fastest option available.

>> No.15224307

i mean they're like a bit smaller aa size but noticeable enough to make me uncomfortable compared to my kinda boyish body

>> No.15224324

Bigger than this threads femanons

>> No.15224349
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>tfw no thinspo cosplay gf

>> No.15224443

fasted all day, walked around for 1 hour and currently eating a keto 1000 calorie omad i can't finish more than half of because fat is so filling. carbohydrates can go to HELL

>> No.15224475

I wish fat filled me up that much, I just OMADed on a full fat greek yogurt and some diced chicken, no problem finishing all of it...

>> No.15224482

does it help you to stop thinking about food all the time though? that's why i'm thinking of trying it. i'm sick of calculating calories constantly, second guessing myself, etc. i don't have any other thoughts anymore.

that sounds dire tbqh.

>> No.15224499
File: 73 KB, 474x715, EXcp5G-XkAg0Ox4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fasted already 22 hours, i guess my willpower is back!

>> No.15224500

eat some fruit anon there's no way this is nutritionally complete

>> No.15224527

Not really, due to life being life, you will eventually get forced by people to eat things, going out for meals etc which you still have to calculate

>> No.15224528

Down to 148, eating well, feeling fucking great

>> No.15224538

i used full fat cheese mixed in with 300g broccoli/300g spinach/100g bell peppers, it's more filling than yogurt and try replacing chicken with something fatty, chicken doesn't fill me up either at all -- my choice is a 300 calorie steak. you can adjust portions to fit ur calories

>> No.15224547

*cottage cheese btw, calories are about 105 per 100g

>> No.15224548

fruit has fuck all for nutrition

on such a calorie restricted diet that anon needs a multi + fish oil + electrolytes probably

>> No.15224574
File: 163 KB, 469x489, 050AE316-7423-41AC-AF48-7A23918BA479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Week update. Down 2 more lbs. still going strong with under 1k cal aside from thurs last week.

Height : 5ft10

CW : 161.3
GW : 150
HW : 198

keto under 1k cal

baggy/tired palewave

>> No.15224584

based. good going anon

>> No.15224607

Other than working out, Best thing you can do is starve to the bone and hope it hides your female features. You can also lose your period as well so that’s a bonus

>> No.15224616

you're beginning to look different

good job anon

>> No.15224621

>lose your period

Its a boy on hrt anon

>> No.15224626
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l a x a t i v e s

>> No.15224636

Oh. I guess the first part applies only then

>> No.15224643
File: 7 KB, 151x140, 50F6F0B6-D89D-4A66-9B7B-4732DD5BF1BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> only burn 1444 cal a day while sedentary
> works at home

Guess I’m going to have to cut my intake down to 700 cal now

>> No.15224650

I walk around my house over and over again to burn some extra calories

>> No.15224654
File: 134 KB, 749x801, ENCutCRXUAEnyIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are your stats? how can you possibly only lose 1444cal a day?

>> No.15224656

By not being a fatty fat fatso

>> No.15224657
File: 138 KB, 767x1023, 1586995234324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job!

Keep up the good work, anon!

>> No.15224658
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>> No.15224661
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are you going to join my 7 day fast animanon?

>> No.15224664

You're not gonna make it, gl getting past day 4

>> No.15224671
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>> No.15224677
File: 131 KB, 405x485, rewd3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably not. I've been thinking about this stuff, today a lot. I know I will never be happy with my body, I will always have something extra somewhere. I should just stop this madness before I get super obsessed again. I see no point in going on.

Don't bully the nice anon.

>> No.15224688
File: 34 KB, 474x524, EXcp5G9WoAYnVNN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you going to leave thinspo completely?

>> No.15224705

Im not bullying, im being completely realistic, its a horrible experience and messes with your head badly, have fun not ever being awake in the daytime because your sleep schedule gets destroyed, good luck not being able to interact with anyone because your patience turns to 0, goodluck even if you do make it, afterwards you can eat as much as possible and still feel as awful as you did while on the fast. This is from a very experienced anon. The mental toll it does on you is 1000x worse than the hunger

>> No.15224721
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scary, after how many days did you get those symptoms?

>> No.15224725
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I don't know. I'm losing sleep because I feel so fat. Having these threads open in a tab is probably eating away what is left of my sanity. Yet I don't want to stop. I want to keep going, but I know I shouldn't. Since I don't have any illness that would kill me nor do I have the courage to off myself, there is no escape from the choice, and I am gravitating towards the worse option. I will probably join your cause. I know myself well enough to know I am an idiot.

Fair enough. Could have been a post from the one fat bitch with PTSD who was bullied by someone for not liking coffee or something.

>> No.15224728

I got a consultation done at a gym and he said if I were to lay around in bed all day and do absolutely nothing this is how much I would burn. I run arrends everyday and go to the gym 3/4 days a week so I’m obviously walking around, but I only started going to the gym last week and it scares me that the only action I get in my day is typically just walking around my house and town. I only just started working on my health a month ago ( I’m very obese btw but I’ve been restricting for a month)

>> No.15224734

Ive done many fasts for many different day, the sleep disruption usually kicks in on the 3rd day, the patience usually on the 4th everything annoys you and your constantly in a bad mood, the feeling from not recovering after eating food was after my last 5 day fast, i could eat and eat but the feeling of weakness wouldnt go away for weeks

>> No.15224736

Nah im the 15bmi anon

>> No.15224740

not >>15224654 but,
1444cal is an insanely low rmr, you either are like 5'2 and 90 lbs, or got lied to, as a short guy, average bmi mine is like 1900

>> No.15224744
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hm okay thanks, will keep that in mind.

>> No.15224749

He had me step on a machine and it how much my arms and legs weighed and all this other crazy shit. I’m 5’4 and 220 pounds. He said my metabolism was only okay for my age and weight

>> No.15224755

Jesus that fuckin forehead lol

>> No.15224757

Shes just big brained

>> No.15224762

1800-1900 is the most generic number you can have thats given to %99 of males, if you want to learn your actual calories to get to your goal weight, use a site called loser town

>> No.15224763

That's weird, a basic rmr calculator has basically any age male or female at above that by a couple hundred calories

>> No.15224769

Im sitting at -2300 according to that site
-1300 deficit

>> No.15224770
File: 23 KB, 473x340, f0158ec70268a5feb267cc4dabf7cd03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully you don't get any problems with your fasting!

Sorry for the degrading assumption.

>> No.15224771

On the sheet it says basal metabolic rate but he pointed to it and said that that’s how much I burn off as a sedentary guy. Maybe I’m retarded I dunno but it’s stuck with me

>> No.15224774

thankfully, i don't have a life.

>> No.15224781

Maybe its because he wants you to eat under that to lose weight (a larger person seeing that they are having half the cal a calculator says, usually scares them and they give up or dont even try. Look at amberlyn reed, she was on a 1000 calorie diet but knew a calculator says she uses thousands, so she lied to herself that it was unhealthy and gave up with it)

>> No.15224791
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If it gets to bad i will eat something i guess^^

>> No.15224812
File: 2.11 MB, 301x358, 8050e9587f8711d3f9978fef8876a03e.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just don't hurt yourself, OK?

>> No.15224820

Well it’s working lol

>> No.15224823

Literally go to the gym. I'm skelly af but just by going to the gym (not even on a diet) I'm feeling a lot better with myself.

>> No.15224854

But social distancing and the pandemic anon!!

>> No.15224875
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I won't!

>> No.15224893
File: 46 KB, 285x322, 1588842096265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

almost fainted and collapsed down the stairs while getting an ibuprofen, what the fuck this isn't even the most intense fast/restrict i've done

>> No.15224905

Because you probably have other health problems, you should go see a doctor. That is not a normal symptom for someone who is fasting

>> No.15224907
File: 142 KB, 736x981, 1461397672170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also If you really need to think things through maybe you should take a break from thinspo.

>> No.15224919

i know it isn't normal, i've been on and off fasting/restricting for a few years and never had any issues like this before, not sure what it could be

>> No.15224926
File: 35 KB, 720x720, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No breaks. I will reach my goal, and then I will set a new one and try to reach that, and so on. I always give up, so I need to grow a spine.

>> No.15224930

my ex had shit like this happen to her and it made me very sad. Take care of urself pls.

>> No.15224950
File: 55 KB, 494x700, 2346534567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else relapsing because of quarantine?
Can't believe I let myself gain so much in 2 yrs, I wasn't even at my ugw when I ''recovered''.
I've been restricting but I've been struggling to fast like I used to, I'm also trying not to go back to purging. It's hard but I don't want my bloated face back, it's fat as it is.

>> No.15224957

E anon? Same fasting feels alot harder than it used to :(

>> No.15224972
File: 185 KB, 890x1053, Screenshot_20200512_000006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got this as a reccomended advert, google is watching us anon

>> No.15224981
File: 24 KB, 425x340, 21e7edac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, it is now officially tuesday, so the next meal I will allow myself shall be in friday or saturday. Let's show the world what we are made of: bones and skin but not fat!

Yep. I had so much stuff to do that it distracted me from the fact that I had started to gain awfully lot, but then corona hit.

>> No.15225028
File: 191 KB, 490x739, d6371579b7f5b35b3677c67508b2c131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you mean (W)eight?
My CW (last time I checked) is 139 lbs (5'6'', Im a manlet)
My LW was 128 lbs, I had more than 10 lbs to my ugw (105 lbs)
Fasting feels harder, probably bcus it's been so long. Felt like I used to have more control, now I'm a fat pig.
I fast for pretty much the entire day but at 9pm/10pm I indulge in food. At least I'm not bingeing like I used to but hopefully I can fast all day today.

>> No.15225052

can't do a 7 day. hell, can barely do 48hrs. OMAD is my wave mainly, trying to transition to that

>> No.15225057

lets fucking go anon. absolutely based gonna make it attitude. keto 1k cal, hoorah

>> No.15225134

anon that almost passing out going down the stairs earlier, gf told me to eat something and i ended up just eating a rice cake and then binging around 250 calories and i feel like i wasted a few days of effort on restricting/fasting now

>> No.15225143

What are some things to do while fasting? Literally bored as fuck right now.

>> No.15225147
File: 100 KB, 828x1017, EXcp5G9XQAEY29T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watching anime or playing chess

>> No.15225152
File: 46 KB, 723x664, adb4a19d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also studying and shitposting etc.

>> No.15225166
File: 169 KB, 1080x1164, htiurb7lq2f41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess i will just shitpost while watchinig anime in the background

>> No.15225168
File: 87 KB, 640x640, EM6y6scXUAAa9Cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you studying?

>> No.15225172

Bullying people on this thread :)

>> No.15225182
File: 34 KB, 350x490, e5rcr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like a plan.

Maths. The fasting induced brain fog doesn't help, but at least it passes eventually.

>> No.15225193

How many calories a day do you guys eat, when not fasting? 800-1,000 here

>> No.15225198
File: 496 KB, 1538x2048, EXp6uJuU8AISkMC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i try to stay under 1k generally on non fasting days

>> No.15225208

1300, slow and steady wins the race for me personally

>> No.15225226

How tall are you peeps? I'm 5'2, so 1,000 is probably going to be pretty slow for me.

>> No.15225239
File: 54 KB, 1200x675, D1Pzq1JU8AAyuaI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

600-1200, 190 cm/6'3".

Good night.

>> No.15225248

>600-1200, 190 cm/6'3".

Damn, I wish I had that resolve

>> No.15225256
File: 77 KB, 1024x768, EXfSGckVcAUrri6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im 5´7 or 5´8 not sure

>> No.15225276

5'10", 1k gets it done rather efficiently for me

>> No.15225278

gross, repulsive, kill it with fire

>> No.15225282


>> No.15225288


>> No.15225289

probably means everyone itt kek

>> No.15225295

well that's very rude, tbqh

>> No.15225304

uh fasting while taking ibuprofen is a bad idea, you probably are getting an ulcer

>> No.15225335

I’m 5’10 and 115 lbs

>> No.15225350
File: 145 KB, 750x733, defb7bbc-0fbd-4de7-b7a3-fae4dd9881d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your work out routines at home since most gyms are closed?

>> No.15225355

Ya all fatties tryna cope lmao, you hope to look like me

>> No.15225361

what you finna be lookin like doe

>> No.15225362

Show body lmao

>> No.15225374 [DELETED] 
File: 227 KB, 904x1396, Screenshot_20200512_020959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im fkd, heres some oc

>> No.15225423


>> No.15225431

> 5'7" 120 F 25
>hw: 150 was pregnant though
>gw: 115
>fasting/light meals
>just trying to get back to bmi 18 for a healthy but thin look, idk might keep losing once I get there though, I'll see how I feel

It's slow-going because I can't just fast as I'm breastfeeding right now.

My number one tip is to take long walks. A 2 hour walk burns 400+ calories depending on how much you weigh and it's great for your cardiovascular health without bulking you up. Plus it's free and it's a great way to spend some alone time and listen to music or a podcast.

>> No.15225432

The pic above is me baka

>> No.15225439

No it isn't, tranny

>> No.15225441


>> No.15225443


>> No.15225449

ty for the pic, looks exactly like me when I was at my current goal weight
very good motivation

>> No.15225457

> A 2 hour walk burns 400+ calories depending on how much you weigh and it's great for your cardiovascular health without bulking you up.

good advice anon! i need to start taking my puppy out to walk anyway, may as well extend them for a bit to get some extra calls off

>> No.15225469

yes everything you said lol
purging made me go to the ER for hypokalemia 2 years ago and made me way too worried about dying though so I'm not going back to that ever. Then again I've said that before.

>> No.15225477


>> No.15225641


>> No.15225680

is spite a good motivator in the long term?

>> No.15225729

>get anorexia
>get to 15.5 BMI
>recover to 18 BMI, extreme hunger goes away
>don't restrict, slowly lose weight down to 16.5-17 BMI
no im not skinnyfat
well fuck, im recovered and have no side-effects of an ED anymore aside from unreliable hunger queues. If i fasted for just 4 or 5 days i could get close to a new lw and i would look so pretty. i have more muscle and everything now. I don't even care about losing weight, I know i feel like shit sub 16, but i just want to see if i can hit a new low and i want to see my body truly empty while im in the best shape ive been in years but i dont want to relapse fuck

>> No.15225754
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>> No.15225763
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>> No.15225794

currently on a diet and most of what I'm eating is eggs (without the yolk) and vegetables, I don't wanna skip on meat tho, the only problem is that I would eat rice as a sidedish and that's way too much calories for my patience. got any ideas?
I got a long way to go and need some exercises I could repeat everyday for max 30 min pls recommend me some.

also trying to work on my self control with weed because I tend to binge eat when I'm stoned.

sending love in these stressful times

>> No.15225827

How would I track body fat percentage? I've always been skinny without much effort (azn genes) but I feel like I'm bloating so much earlier in the day/not as flat in the morning and it's making me really paranoid. I would post images but this is 4chan lmao

>> No.15225848

Never, I hate being drunk and hate being hung over

>> No.15225859
File: 59 KB, 939x1500, 71yqZ6HGh9L._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either with a bodyfat caliper or a bathroom scale that measures body composition, these things aren't 100% accurate but they're consistent enough to track your progress. Good luck!

>> No.15225863

I've heard of people eating cauliflower rice, maybe give that a go?

>> No.15225865
File: 270 KB, 615x1811, IMG_20200512_071710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I thinspo yet? 6'5" btw

>> No.15225880

No it's not, >>15225350 is a girl from tumblr that I was mutuals with at some point.

>> No.15225924

I’m doing omad (less than 800 kcal a day) and whenever I eat I have a bowel movement in the next 30 minutes of eating it and my shit is pure liquid and comes out like pee. It’s starting to be a regular thing, I can see bits and even the food looks a bit undigested. What does this means?

>> No.15226003

You're probably having acid reflux. Eat something super low calorie but dense at regular intervals through the day (unflavoured popcorn, celery, oatmeal) + antacids to stop it

>> No.15226009

no, 6'5" is gross

>> No.15226012

lmao @ u. You see shit like this but keep fasting because "le effay". Fucking fasted away braincells.

>> No.15226137
File: 312 KB, 1200x630, E915C203-87CE-4EE4-A400-6CA02DA4F7E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are slimfasts helpful for weight loss? or are they just bullshit?

>> No.15226142
File: 164 KB, 1920x1080, ryys8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Online calculators say my bmr is less than 1700 kcal, so I don't know if that is specially resolute in any shape or form.

t. pygmy

>> No.15226167

Bullshit. Just eat chicken breasts and fish fillets for you main mean, and fill up on veggies and fruits. It'll keep your calories low, and give you enough vitamins. Drink a glass of milk at least twice a week if you don't get enough sun. Take vitamins. Drink only water otherwise. No juice, pop, etc.

I did this 4 years ago, lost 40 pounds in 3 months. Unfortunately gained it back since, but am starting it again. For me, I'm 6 feet tall, and currently 240lbs, I burn a lot of calories, so I'm sticking to 1500 to 1650 calories a day. Make your adjustment based on your body.

>> No.15226168

Also, since there's nothing to do with the coronavirus closing shit down. Do push ups at home,.and go for an hour walk. It'll lose you ~400 to ~500 calories and get you time in the sun

>> No.15226291


Is eating only fruit a good way to lose weight?

>> No.15226472
File: 284 KB, 959x1201, tumblr_p5p3vmFEGz1x91wdco1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goodmornin' just contributing obviously not me
5'4 cw 113 lw 106 gw 105
restriction : under 800
being a pear shape has never benefited me. It obviously does not matter if you work out or tone my thighs are always going to be the worst part about me.
coffee is godsend

>> No.15226482
File: 107 KB, 600x856, 5399b3422a9c2868b3d2195689e51779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody can look somewhat decent if they're skinny whether its body or face.

>> No.15226492

I deleted the pic of myself anon

>> No.15226514
File: 230 KB, 960x1281, Ona_Morgan_-_Height_59_175_cm__Hair_Brown_Brun._Eyes_Blue_Bleu._Bust_32_81_cm._Waist_23_59_cm._Hips_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

small dump

>> No.15226520
File: 37 KB, 564x564, 7b6d61330d1835179b1d8960a3a63502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15226540

No, just fast fatty

>> No.15226543


>> No.15226563
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>> No.15226565
File: 15 KB, 584x522, 1565776354088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me drink cawfee
oh oh aa aa aa!

>> No.15226580


>> No.15226588

worst new meme

>> No.15226589
File: 1.78 MB, 2289x2289, 1585482157753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah this new meme sucks, what the fuck, coffee only has 5 calories

>> No.15226596
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>> No.15226597


>> No.15226598
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>> No.15226600
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>> No.15226625

manlet cope

>> No.15226649

It's getting hot again
that means it's time to fast niggas

>> No.15226658

Too hot for tea, which sucks, but otherwise good for fasting.

>> No.15226664

never too hot for iced tea!

>> No.15226688
File: 644 KB, 875x1000, ryys6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luckily it also tends to rain a lot here, so sufficiently cool days may occur even during the summer.

>> No.15226705
File: 66 KB, 552x828, d12c791415f5071733f360d1b40733e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anzu is goals even though I am a male.

>> No.15226730

It's never too hot for tea, maybe black teas.

>> No.15226734

iced coffee

>> No.15226756
File: 107 KB, 1906x1067, f96ba7fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm totally blacked in this sense.

Iced cortisol fatty etc. Ice tea could really be the answer I am looking for.

>> No.15227098


Oh no no no


>> No.15227103



>> No.15227114
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>> No.15227306

>t. triggered fatoid

>> No.15227314

I’ve lost 18 pounds in 2 months by eating at a 1000 calorie deficit. How’s my progress anons? :)

>> No.15227317

Not bad for a 1 kcal deficit.

>> No.15227321

Pls I’m just a lil bong trying to get skinny

>> No.15227327

I think it is quite impressive to break the laws of physics like that.

>> No.15227361
File: 1.04 MB, 2492x2931, 11814900-6842-4332-9E53-637CC6D50662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posted this a while ago but here it is again
>21 years old
>think about 165 or 170 lbs

>> No.15227391

pls shave

>> No.15227394


>> No.15227403

1 kcal.

>> No.15227426


Why would anyone go full thinspo in this height
if your face is not fucked up you could model or something

>> No.15227477

No. Almost all modeling agencys have a very specific height for their models so the clothes will fit, for males this is 6ft

>> No.15227489
File: 645 KB, 3024x4032, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>193 currently, goal is 155
gained almost 20 pounds from a post breakup depression, almost hit 200 when I realized I needed to stop this. Cut soda and other sugars out, around 800 calories a day. Going on a run 4-5 times a week, but looking to see if I have any options for swimming during the lockdown since I have shitty ankles.
Haven't done much with my hair lately, and during the quarantine I haven't shaved. When I get down to 165, I'll shave and fix my hair. The goal is to look nothing like I do now.

wish me luck

>> No.15227563
File: 121 KB, 1170x1280, f8790cd7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck, anon. Try not to get addicted to losing weight.

>> No.15227617

The goal is to look skinny not 5 years old

>> No.15227624

Pretty dang good! How much are you eating today? Is it low carb? Any exercise you implement into your diet or no?

>> No.15227625

>it's another fatty trying to use anorexia as a diet plan

you'll give up after 2 days. fuck off

>> No.15227636

he’s not that fat

>> No.15227653

Hes enormous

>> No.15227657

Thanks anon :) If you mean how much I eat daily then 1500 calories. I don’t really have a rule when it comes to carbs, but I generally avoid eating too much noodles and pasta. And in terms of exercise I’ve been to depressed to run but I’ve been going on walks for about 2miles with my gf ever couple of day (so basically very little exercise.) Do you know if my progress is particularly fast/slow or pretty standard?

>> No.15227666


>> No.15227670

not really.

>> No.15227673

I knew British education is bad, but this bad?

>> No.15227690


>> No.15227703

How many kilocalories would 1000 calories be?

>> No.15227711


>> No.15227716

Good. Now tell me how you lost so much with a 1 kcal deficit.

>> No.15227737

Since when did anon say they're on a 1cal defecit

>> No.15227741

I dunno, I'm not the original anon.

>> No.15227743

He literally said 1000, and you talk about education lmao

>> No.15227750

1000 cal = 1 kcal.

>> No.15227753


>> No.15227755


>> No.15227772
File: 90 KB, 474x711, 1554924872277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15227778

It really depends on how much you weigh (if you’re comfortable saying it.) Regardless though that’s an incredible amount w/ such a lax diet. I started last month and I’m still struggling to break past 10. You’re in the right direction. Imagine if you keep this up for a few months or even a year? You’re rocking it

>> No.15227779

A selfie of yours?

>> No.15227782

wtf how did they make the cat do that??

>> No.15227790

nope, a photo of you.

>> No.15227792


>> No.15227794

I doubt that. I'm the one being right.

>> No.15227800

the first step is acceptance, anon.

>> No.15227803

Nope, it is learning what "kilo" means.

>> No.15227811

i'm rooting for you, anon. you'll make it one day.

>> No.15227814

Yeah! I'll lose a few grams!

>> No.15227822

that's the spirit. i believe in you.

>> No.15227831

7000 calories will be roughly a gram. I can do that. Good night.

>> No.15227856

Thx anon :) I’m ~5’11 and currently 161 pounds. What’s your preferred method of weight loss?

Also to that other anon I’m not the same poster that doesn’t understand cals/kcals x)

>> No.15227871
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>> No.15227935

kill yourselves

>> No.15227983

God damn that excellent, I wish I could lose that fast. I’m fact if I’m not it’s probably my fault (and I should go to the gym instead of 4chan LOL)

I was restricting heavily my first month and alternated between below 1000 calls a day to between that and 1500 and some days I just water fasted. I had 5 really bad binges last month that have been throwing me off (they were “cheat days” so now I’m not doing them anymore) but I’ve inserted a gym membership just last week so hopefully I’ll be going there more as well

>> No.15228004

Best of luck anon, you can do it. I’ve found that not having an extreme diet stopped me from binging. I tried fasting but after breaking my fast I couldn’t help but binge. Remember -3500 calories is one pound!

>> No.15228179

Make me, faggot

>> No.15228474
File: 126 KB, 1136x1098, 66285C81-B35D-4C38-A9D9-83A76FA85691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m going to stop weighing myself everyday. It’s getting to the point where it’s an obsession and I’m doing it over 7 times a day, it just drains the shit out of me. I’m only going to do it once a week now

>> No.15228613

Every day is okay if you can make it a routine to only weight yourself after morning pee then never again
Good luck anyway anon

>> No.15228620
File: 407 KB, 1280x720, 1565437374511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yuo may thinke 1000 calories is a lot but it's actually the calorie content of half a tiktok... that's because what you call a calorie is actually a kilocalorie (1000 calories) which amerifats don't know because they are STUPIF
i on the other hand am very smart for knowing this

>> No.15228639
File: 173 KB, 476x549, 1560108159305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody has ever used small calories for anything ever
>euros: yeah you need to prefix the 'k' to cals or else we'll think you ate 1/1000th of what you actually ate
Was it really worth derailing the thread because you're too autistic to realize implications?

>> No.15228643
File: 86 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I eat a Greek yogurt or drink coffee for breakfast?

>> No.15228696
File: 31 KB, 500x421, tumblr_nvqzjrIYee1tay8vfo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me it's a 14 bmi

>> No.15228699

yeah desu it doesn't matter ur body type if you're skinny, fat distro only matters if you're average bmi or above

>> No.15228704

I'd love to be this thin once in my life
well I was when I was underage but that doesn't count

>> No.15228710

their fat thighs trigger me desu

>> No.15228939


>> No.15230308

At a family gathering and my grandpa just took out the pork shoulder he’s been cooking in the oven since morning. It smells so nice. Help me bros