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File: 436 KB, 1699x2520, d3d95dfb86c69b2bf05ab2d15b8709a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15219212 No.15219212 [Reply] [Original]

Femcel, here. How do you prevent "the wall"?

>> No.15219226

Moisturizer, sunscreen, diet, socioeconomic status and genetics.

>> No.15219241

just live a good life and take care of yourself and you will age the best you can. the wall come for everybody eventually; the best you can do is take it in stride

>> No.15219253

work out, don't eat trash, don't smoke

>> No.15219260

Alcohol destroys your body and is the reason most adults are as bloated, wrinkly, and wrecked as they are, male and female.

>> No.15219269

-Don't smoke
-Stay out of the sun
-Get plenty of sleep
-Drink mostly water
-Don't drink alcohol (not more than a glass or two once a in a while)
-Don't do crack/meth/heroin

There's a lot of widely varying information on diet, but in general more processed = worse for you, and stay the fuck away from any kind of added sugar (including corn syrup, honey, agave etc). Limit the hours you eat to between 4 and 8 hours a day; only water/tea/coffee the other 16-20 hours (intermittent fasting). Also take vitamin d, and b12 if you're vegan.

>> No.15219292

A little more on diet:
-Try to make vegetables the bulk of your diet, including the following:
-sweet potatoes
-cruciferous vegetables
-bok choy
-swiss chard
-leafy greens (excl. spinach)
-red/green leaf lettuce
-butter lettuce

Stay away from tomatoes, cucumbers, and bell peppers. If you must eat them, peel, deseed and preferably cook them.

Grains aren't great (they contain antinutrients), but if they're prepared in traditional ways some can be okay, For example:
-hulled (white) rice
-tortillas made from nixtamalized corn

White rice is basically like eating sugar, and doesn't have a lot of nutrition, but in moderation and eaten with a good amount of vegetables it's okay.

Nuts and seeds:
-sesame seeds
-hemp protein powder
<1/2 cup/day:
-peeled almonds
-pine nuts
-brazil nuts

-algae oil
-olive oil
-grass-fed ghee
-coconut oil
-macadamia oil
-MCT oil
-avocado oil
-sesame oil

Fruits also have antinutrients, but these are okay:

Legumes (beans, onions, lentils, peanuts, etc.) - generally avoid, but if soaked for 24 hours with change of water and then pressure cooked can be eaten.

>> No.15219297

>beans, onions, lentils, peanuts, etc
Forgot about the word filter. Should read "beans, ess-oh-why, lentils..." etc

>> No.15219312
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Does alcohol cause the turkey neck?

>> No.15219318

Yup, among other things. Alcohol breaks down collagen - as does sunlight, smoking, and sugar - which causes your skin to wrinkle and sag over time.

>> No.15219322

>Alcohol breaks down collagen
Does it get repaired if you cut out alcohol?

>> No.15219325

I haven't had a lick of alcohol since a month and my turkey neck is still there.
t. 43 fit man

>> No.15219331

Probably not. You lose collagen as you age already - alcohol etc. just speed up the process. Topical retinoids and certain foods/nutrients can stimulate collagen growth though.

>> No.15219338

In the case of Courtney Cox, all she had to do was stay away from the plastic surgery.

>> No.15219379

80s Courtney is a total babe

>> No.15219504

You need to complete the game (be married with kids) before you hit it, or it will be too late.

>> No.15219512

For real. Her natty facial structure was elite, honestly a little too sharp as-is. So she could've put on 15 pounds as she got older and still been a dime

>> No.15219536

no, not too sharp

>> No.15219548

once you got it it doesnt go away this is preventative

>> No.15219552


>> No.15219564

Don't get plastic surgery if you already are a 10 like Courtney.

>> No.15219565

Don't drink, smoke, or tan.

Luckily as a man I can do those first two and still have a baby face despite being 30.

>> No.15219598

Get married and have children in your prime

>> No.15219600

>baby face
That's not a good thing brah. If you mean you got a moonface your mum probably drank during her pregnancy.

>> No.15219624

I mean that I look very young, not that I'm some pudgy FAS monstrosity.

>> No.15219719
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If only you knew...

>> No.15219796


>> No.15219811

Young Rachel was more attractive personality-wise, Courtney was mannish

>> No.15219834

wtf is this schizo image

>> No.15219946

>don't eat fruit, rice, cucumber, tomato, bell peppers, honey, or grains
>do eat a handful of different vegetable, nuts, and oil

I'm tempted to call this autism but I'd like to think you actually conducted decent research to be so convinced of this diet. This is why I haven't been able to improve my diet long term. The sheer amount of conflicting information out there just makes me think wtf is the point.
Cucumber, the one food with a cliche association to good skin, and you're telling me I should avoid it to not look old. I don't doubt your logic, its all just very frustrating. I'm sure I could do a google search right now and find countless articles saying you're wrong completely and they have the ACTUAL perfect diet. But what's the point? There'll just be countless more articles saying that diet is also wrong etc.

>> No.15219986

this reply was autism

>> No.15220020

You have autism for reading it

>> No.15220058

It's not necessarily an anti-aging diet, moreso just foods to limit to optimize your gut health (and by extension, overall health). Go ahead and put cucumbers on your eyebags - it won't hurt you. Just don't make them a regular part of your diet.

>> No.15220061

What the fuck is wrong with cucumbers?

>> No.15220064


>> No.15220480

This is actually true

>> No.15220521

They have positives and negatives.
So they are like everything else - don't eat to much of it. A balanced and varied diet is key. Don't fully exclude everything.


>> No.15220523


>> No.15220541

Wh*te woman age like shirt

>> No.15220785

Stay thin!!!

Also, avoid vices such as alcohol, drugs, excessive sunlight, tattoos, and weird piercings.

>> No.15221225

Possibly mental illness and stress from Hollywood.

>> No.15221235

Kind of looks like Hayley Williams but hotter.

>> No.15221241

all the threads you see these days about trying not to look older are twinks closing in on their best before date.

>> No.15221258

Not drinking alcohol is a meme. I drink light beer instead of water and at 30 I'm mistaken for 21, by 21yos.

>> No.15221277

lol i was getting carded until i let my hair get long and the grey began to stand out

>> No.15221530
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wtf is "the wall"?

>> No.15221544

Get pregnant. A baby growing up in your womb will pump loads of stem cells into your blood stream that will be active for years.
Literally youth serum at a cellular level plus you get bigger breasts and hips!

>> No.15221614

> bro you can make cool crystals by pouring salt and ammonia in bleach just trust me

>> No.15221732

>not knowing about fetal cell microchimerism

>> No.15221775

>not knowing that pregnancy turns women into wrinkly blobs
what am I saying, of course you know that pregnancy wrecks a woman's body, that's the main reason why you're a pregfag.

>> No.15221789
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>> No.15221843

Sorry I don't live in the US so I don't associate pregnant women with morbidly obese tubs of lards

>> No.15221862
File: 2.77 MB, 2937x1388, pregnant-before-after.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pregnancy wrecks a woman's body
Homosexual hands typed this post

>> No.15222019
File: 154 KB, 370x370, lucy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have referenced the United States of America when posting, but the country has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stay on topic when replying to posts on 4chan, unless the thread is about Americans! Referring to a nation of people when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always treat everyone as Anonymous, unless their nationality is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

>> No.15222025

Oops, my bad anon

>> No.15222145

by loving yourself and not giving a fuck
there is no wall

>> No.15222155

the only way a woman can be a femcel Is if she has already hit that wall. Only girls who don't take care of themselves are femcels.

>> No.15222191
File: 93 KB, 1400x1041, QAAIGLMOEQSVQBCI2DF5MWX6TY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No such thing as a femcel

Even 0.0001/10 femoids can get a guy drunk and fuck him. She could be 400 lbs and disfigured, a guy will still have sex with her

>> No.15222333

Imagine being this kiked that you think the most natural and beautiful thing in the world is bad for a woman.

>> No.15222340

What a fucking moron. Pregnancy is basically juicing for women and makes them so much more healthy and attractive. There's a reason most women's athletic records have been set shortly after a birth. Shit, the Soviets were accused of getting their women pregnant and having abortions to beat the west at the Olympic Games.

>> No.15222463

okay faggots get the /pol/trannie juice out of your brains, and realize this:

1- a woman who isn't sexy isn't worth shit
2- pregnancy makes women put on a ton of weight, it makes their veins pop in a gross way, it prevents them from doing exercise, and without proper care IT CAN ALSO KILL THEM so it does ruin them. Also it will utterly fuck up their meatflaps.

Pregnancy is FUCKING BAD for women, on every level

Here's why you have a preggers fetish
- you have a fucked up "If I can't have her, NO ONE WILL" complex
- you unironically believe that there's a breeding competition between races and that it would be good to win it. Which is an ultra pozzed way of thinking

Don't even bother trying to deny it

>> No.15222556

what if looks don't matter

>> No.15222569
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>> No.15222578

women are literally just baby making machines

>> No.15222596

You can't prevent it, but you can hold it at bay.
Get /fit/ and flexible.
Eat well.

Also, an engaging and interesting personality goes a long way to covering up any minor flaws.

>> No.15222608

wait, really?

>> No.15222615

Jewish hands typed this post.

>> No.15222696

You're an idiot. Post pregnancy women are unbelievably hot and filled with all sorts of hormones that make them healthy and fit.

>> No.15222916


>> No.15223113
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Your post is embarrassing, anon. Maybe it's a good thing you won't be passing on these seething genes of yours after all

>> No.15223114
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>> No.15223117

kissable faces

>> No.15223133

>what if 1+1=3?

no, they're sex toys

>> No.15223218

could you please explain whats wrong with tomatoes and cucumbers?

>> No.15223237

Have something to offer outside of a drying and aging vagina

Money, social status, power

>> No.15223246


>> No.15223253


>> No.15223269

It’s self-evident.

>> No.15223276

not for a brainlet like me you fucking sperg

>> No.15223292

stay skinny, better yet exercise. if you're white: stay the fuck out of the sun, like literally never go out into the sun, never tan, use an umbrella on very sunny days. white people get FUCKED by the sun.

>> No.15223296

are you implying that ugly men can't get attractive women drunk to fuck them? have you literally never been to any social gathering in your entire life?

>> No.15223297

Every man a whore fucks further damages her pair-bonding abilities. Women who cannot pair-bond become crazy single bitches and as we all know your mental state affects your physical appearance. The more unhinged you are the uglier you get and used-up whores are some of the most unhinged people on Earth.

>> No.15223299

I'm surprised nobody has photoshopped the baby to be brown and reposted it on 4chan yet.

>> No.15223305

heh, makes sense. thx anon

>> No.15223317

that infamous "pair bonding" study was done by a far-right family values evangelical organization who as far as I know never gave out their methodology and purposely misinterpreted the statistics they gathered. In reality promiscuity is a symptom of a girl who's already damaged, not something that causes further damage; girls don't have some magical internal sex partner counter that increases or decreases their pair bonding meter.

>> No.15223354

>girls don't have some magical internal sex partner counter that increases or decreases their pair bonding meter
Even a girl that's supposedly broken to begin with will have a stronger bond if she stays with a man who's her "firsts", not the end of the line beta cuck.

>> No.15223357

>Even a girl that's supposedly broken to begin with will have a stronger bond if she stays with a man who's her "firsts"
Not really, no, there's no proof or evidence of this in any studies.

>> No.15223371

>there should be a study to prove that being with a man who's your only romantic experience and therefore your whole romantic world is better
MUH STUDY retards are sooooo dumb.

>> No.15223392

MUH ROASTIES incels are sooooo dumb.

>> No.15223395
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>> No.15223398

>unironic phoneposting election tourist
what are you even doing on this board, kiddo

>> No.15223403

Do you have a source on that?


A source. I need a source.

Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.

No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered.

You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence.

Do you have a degree in that field?

A college degree? In that field?

Then your arguments are invalid.

No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation.

Correlation does not equal causation.


>> No.15223407 [DELETED] 

OK, /leftypol/ tranny.

>> No.15223408

That's not how it works, it's every sex partner greater than one reduces the ability in a female to pair by orders of magnitude.

It's a psychological effect not a magic sex counter.

Conversely, the more sexual experience men have, the more their mates trust/respect them/feel protected as they show conference going into a sexual relationship.

Nature is less partners for women the happier she is later in life but with this society we value instant gratification.

Nothing wrong with sluts or used women, you need to get your experience somehow.

But entering long term relationships with them ultimately affects YOUR happiness. As she will never respect you or feel committed to you.

That's a decision you have to make, do you want to be married to a woman who will provide 1-2 years of good marriage, then have it fall apart.

Or do you want someone with pair-bonding biological responses intact and have a longer relationship and we'll established children.

Not every man wants children so it's a lifestyle choice

Personally, I was thirsty in my early 20's once I hit around 43-45 partners I realized there is more to life than sex

>> No.15223415

>it's every sex partner greater than one reduces the ability in a female to pair by orders of magnitude.
This isn't what the study said at all, no. The study simply took down the number of sex partners and juxtaposed it with divorce rates, then inferred a faulty causation.

>> No.15223417

Anyone with at least a bachelor's degree that is not a fine arts degree was taught how to read an academic peer reviewed study.

If your major was in chemistry, you can easily see the formula for the scientific method being followed in a sociology study. And you can decide if the metrics are sound that way.

The major just dictates which case studies you look at longer.

Would you argue that all sports medicine studies are worthless if reviewed by a biochemist major?

The nature of academics is that studies cross fields of study which is why fields like sports medicine can benefit from the work of psychology, biochem, and even sociology

>> No.15223427

jesus fucking christ, phoneposter. stop double spacing.

>> No.15223435

Okay,so your argument is that the structure of the study aren't valid?

How would you research this phenomenon? This study is repeatable with similar conclusions and peer reviewed.

Try to strip your emotions out of it, if you have a preference for promiscuous women and prefer the lifestyle where you jump from uncommitted woman to uncommitted woman that's fine. Somebody needs to date them.

Hyundai cars suck in the quality department, they shipped their cars with cylinderheads improperly cast leading to catastrophic failure and didn't want to recall them... yet they sell hundreds of thousands of them.

People buy them knowing they will be disappointed in a few years,you can enter relationships with women like that too nobody is stopping you.

>> No.15223446

marry young and live a trafitional life. you cannot escape the wall, but you can make sure you have something to live for after you're rekt
>inb4 muh job
come on nigger

>> No.15223477

Based sieg being the voice of logic in this thread.

>> No.15223692

Dont smoke. Dont drink like a retard. Do some exercices to not be fat. Dont put a shitton of make up on your face.

>> No.15223720


>> No.15223777

>How do you prevent "the wall"?

You can't, it comes from your inside, from your vayjayjay juices or whatever.

>> No.15223839

the truthiest of truths

cum makes us dumb

>> No.15223901

>So they are like everything else - don't eat to much of it. A balanced and varied diet is key. Don't fully exclude everything.

This is actually the only diet that works. All those "don't eat this or that" or "only eat raw herrings" things are just fads. Eat moderately, varied, and always make sure you eat carbs, unsaturated fats, protein, water and vitamins/minerals. That's it.

>> No.15223925
File: 1.46 MB, 1018x2020, 2020_05_11_122953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chastity and abstinence brings enlightenment.

>> No.15224025

not anon but want to know too

>> No.15224175

"the wall" is made up disgruntled misogynists and incels. The big red pill is that woman and men age at the same rate, its just men still have the sexuality of power to play off of. The vast majority of men hit "the wall" in the their mid twenties, living off a diet of beer, barstool sports, excel spreadsheets, sallow flabby skin and all. Balding doesn't help either. Just stay healthy, daily exercise, etc. Avoid vegetable oils and processed food. Get sun, not too much though, completely avoiding UV light is neurotic and gay.

>> No.15224258

reverse time

>> No.15224429

sauce and context of that pic

>> No.15224537

Convert to Catholicism, get married, have kids. Easy.

>> No.15224554

Procreation is the reason we find women attractive in the first place dude. Its probably a result of becoming a Christian but this reasoning is foreign to me.

>> No.15225397


the joy of FUCKING makes things attractive
the JOY OF FUCKING incidentally involves babies

thats how LIFE WORKS

>> No.15225480

even assuming your christcuckoldry is correct, the reason is not the same thing as the cause.

The reason is why something happened, the cause is what makes it happen.

You may argue that the reason why women were made attractive is because God wants us to reproduce, but what makes women attractive is being fit, youthful, firm and healthy. A preggo will be less likely to be any of those things

In fact one could say that God very intelligently made pregnancy uglify women; that way he encourages men engage with women who aren't already occupied.

So even by your christcuck standards pregnancy makes women unattractive.

>> No.15225508

Why do you think peepee feel good guys. Evolutionarily speaking what purpose does peepee have. Think long and hard (ha!) about this one fellas. I can see I rattled the coomer's nest.

>> No.15225515

you couldnt rattle a rattle, bub.

>> No.15225640

Evolutionarily speaking nothing has a purpose. Some things just happen to be more convenient than others.

>> No.15225652

it's a pink floyd album you idiot

>> No.15225760

Yet you listed søy

>> No.15225775

Yes, legume in general have a ton of lectins. But if prepared correctly (soaking, pressure cooking, fermentation in the case of søy) they can be okay in moderation.

>> No.15226421

girl gets preggo
gets big milkers
girl gets preggo a 2nd time
gets even bigger milkers

>> No.15226432

I'm unironically doing this. It's pretty nice

>> No.15226444

Are you going to marry me?