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15221759 No.15221759[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of my jogging attire?

>> No.15221871
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>> No.15221907
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>> No.15221935


>> No.15221951

i understand that reference and i find it hilarious

>> No.15221962

This so much

>> No.15222018

Oh you where timberlands and carry a hammer?
Death sentence.

>> No.15222044

Kill yourself nog lover.

>> No.15222047

>oh you had prior convictions and attacked a guy and reached for his gun when you were caught stealing

>> No.15222049

post proofs

>> No.15222065
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>He was perfectly innocent
>Ok fine, he has a criminal record but he was just out jogging
>W-what do you mean you don't jog in timberlands?
>Ok he was trespassing but he wasn't a burglar
>Well maybe he was a burglar but they didn't witness the act

You are here

>OK the multiple 911 calls prove they saw him committing burglary but that doesn't give them the right to stop him
>Ok under GA law they did have the right to stop him but not to shoot him
>Ok he was trying to kill them to escape arrest but fuck whitey

>> No.15222206

no proof lmao

>> No.15222209

>in america you can't walk on the street without being shot


>> No.15222215

Someone bring me up to speed on this story. I didn't watch the video, did this guy really have a hammer on him and wearing Timberlands??? Like that's what the video shows?

>> No.15222217

Yeah he had a hammer and timbs which means we're allowed to shoot him and all other niggers on sight haha baste

>> No.15222219

Can I get a quick rundown?

>> No.15222226

He got shot because he tried to steal someone's gun out of their hands to kill them with desu senpai

>> No.15222227

>the multiple 911 calls prove they saw him committing burglary but that doesn't give them the right to stop him
the description were of a black man, that doesn't mean you can hunt down a random black man and kill him you stupid faggot.

>> No.15222240

>His mother lives a few miles away from the Satilla Shores neighborhood, which is where he was running on the afternoon of Sunday, February 23, at around 1 p.m. He was wearing a white T-shirt, shorts, running shoes, and a bandanna.
>Mr. Arbery was wearing a white T-shirt, khaki shorts, Nike sneakers and a bandanna when he was killed.

>> No.15222251

>believing the media

>> No.15222255

Wow amazing argument, I bet that took you a long time to think up

>> No.15222315

bro how delusional are u?

>> No.15222383
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>> No.15222406

damn i got warned for a post similar to this mods are gay

>> No.15222429

>black guy jogging on a residential street
>two white guys in a pickup truck with long-guns try to stop him and put him under citizen's arrest
>cameraman is in a separate truck behind the initial truck
>black tries to jog around truck
>white guy #1 in the truck aiming gun at jogger
>white guy #2 attempts to stop him whilst holding gun
>black guy tries to wrestle gun away from white guy #2
>black guy shot and killed
the video very clearly shows that they just straight up murdered him. ironically enough, the cameraman released the video because he thought it would OBVIOUSLY show that the two guys with guns creating an armed public checkpoint on a residential street that eventually shot an unarmed man to dead were acting in self defence, and should be exonerated
the two guys will most likely get life in prison

imagine if two black guys cut in front of a white chick jogging, pulled guns on her, tried to tie her up, and then shot her to death
/pol/tards would be calling for the death of every black person on the planet, but because two white guys killed a black guy, it's obviously the black guy's fault. he should have just teleported to safety instead of trying to wrestle the weapon away from his assailant

>> No.15222435

Your second scenario is a daily occurrence but we're lucky to see a two sentence report on it.
Joggers gonna jog. Stay mad.

>> No.15222543

A citizen's arrest? Dude I'm like 2 lines into your post and already it's bullshit.

>the two guys with guns creating an armed public checkpoint on a residential street

Dude wtf are you talking about???!!

>> No.15222589

he was caught on camera stealing from a house under construction, stole timbs and a hammer and then rushed the man with the gun when confronted about it

>> No.15222670

He was
1: running away from the scene
2: matched the description of the guy that was caught on camera stealing someone's guns earlier
3: known to the guys who stopped him, because the dad helped prosecute him for bringing a gun to a school basketball game

This wasn't just some random black guy stopped.

>> No.15222688

this thread is a disgrace
fuck you /fa/ mods

i hope your family members get killed going outside randomly

>> No.15222701

>running away from the scene
how did they know that
>matched the description of the guy caught on camera stealing someone's guns earlier
first it was shoes + hammer, now it's guns. was the description "black guy"?
>known to the guys who stopped him
that does not mean you can accost somebody with guns
bootlickers will be put to the sword jesus fucking christ you are pathetic

>> No.15222709

Why did he stop at the construction site?

>> No.15222714

the reason the owner put up cameras is because we was frequently stealing from that site and caught on camera multiple times there

>> No.15222723

post the video for once and for all.

>> No.15222745

so you think the allegation of being near a site that was stolen from warrants having random armed men stop you in the street?
I get it, all niggers must be killed, but do you actually think that this was warranted. if you were at a department store that some guy had stolen shoes from, and then you walk home, would having 2 black guys with bats stop you on the sidewalk and strip search you be completely fine and normal to you?

>> No.15222751

>ex-cop kills someone
>takes 2 months of the department dragging their feet for nothing to happen because they dont want to try an ex-cop
>video emerges in the public eye
>arrested the next day for felony murder
based, hope him and his retard kid get life with no parole

>> No.15222758
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>> No.15222778

You are right that the murderers overstepped all bounds of human morality and judgement/law, etc.

In no way what they did was correct or remotely 'called for'.

However, this doesn't immediately eliminate the possibility that the guy wasn't committing a crime. Which is why I asked, why would he stop at an empty construction site while "out for a jog"?

Basically, it's a given the murderers were in the wrong. But was the victim too? Was the "victim" in fact breaking a different law before this all happened?

I'm not saying those two things are equally wrong either. I'm just trying to get to the bottom of the mysterious act of stopping at the construction site while jogging

>> No.15222781

does it matter what he was doing?
this isn't a trial about whether or not he stole a fucking hammer, god damn dude you are so fucking stupid it's awful. it is COMPLETELY irrelevant. he could have been actively seen fleeing the scene with stolen good in tow, and the two bumblefucks would STILL be in the wrong to stop him

>> No.15222796


First off I wasn't the original guy replying to you.

Second, as I said and we agree, the crime he may or may not have committed doesn't justify murder.

What I don't like is simply the inaccuracy of the story. Him stopping at the site is incredibly suspicious, and it should at least hold a place in the "narrative". People are always so much more outraged when the victim is completely innocent, and the situation doesn't exactly imply innocence to me.

"Two men kill thief" reads completely differently than "two men randomly kill innocent jogger".

Again, doesn't justify murder. But it does completely alter the way the story is perceived. I just want the truth

>> No.15222802

ay yo dindu no ting wong yo raysis

>> No.15222804

>I just want the truth
i just want you to go back to your favourite latte-sipping forum you doublespacing nigger

>> No.15222807

white ppl neighbourhood in the south
someone has been burglarizing their homes and he has been spotted
black guy fitting burglar's description is in their neighbourhood again and he's trespassing in a house being built
ex-cop and his son and one of their neighbours go to question him and maybe make a citizen's arrest
ex-cop and son in front truck
neighbour is in back truck recording on phone
(with their knowledge, they want documentation to prove they didn't do anything wrong in the arrest)
as truck is driving up you see discarded "hammer" on the street. actually seems to be a power tool. probably picked up from the construction site and discarded when he knew he was being followed
ex-cop questions suspect with weapon in hand
suspect grabs gun and pulls it forward causing the first shot - through his hand.
suspect beats on ex-cop and gets shot a bit more
oh and i forgot
shoes of suspect in vid appear to have high stiff backs, possibly boots or hi-tops
cctv footage confirms suspect was a burglar, he was stealing stuff just before the altercation.

>> No.15222812

no actually in their state you are allowed to make citizen's arrests on dudes you suspect to have committed a felony and you're allowed to ask a dude a question while carrying a gun.
when the guy grab's the dude's gun he actually justifies the arrest in just that act because you're not allowed to do that.
but you are also not allowed to engineer a situation where you have the "right" to shoot a guy. so that is probably where they will try and get him.
so you can cry about morals and you can cry about laws but what these guys did is stuff they are allowed to do by law.

>> No.15222816

>an unarmed man
Lot to unpack in your bs but I only feel like addressing this right now.
When two men are wrestling with a gun - they are both armed.
You probably understand this with cops. If you go for a cop's gun and you end up shot you will not be considered an "unarmed man" because you had your fucking hands on his gun, he had cause to fear you would shoot him with it.

>> No.15222821

>that does not mean you can accost somebody with guns
So much of the shitlib side on this seems to weigh on the idea that we believe it's natural for a guy to violently chimp out on a man speaking to him while holding a gun.
No, I believe I would either run away from the man with the gun or do everything he says because it's a couple of normal dudes in broad daylight questioning me about a burglarly. They themselves are going to involve the cops shortly so I am in no danger...
...Oh wait, I am a nigger and I DID do the crime and I don't want to go to prison. I better go for "trial by combat" right now.

>> No.15222823

>guy puts gun in your face
>try to push it out of your face
>get shot because you touched gun
__ _________ ______ __ ____?

>> No.15222827

>americans openly accost people on the side of the road with loaded guns like a brigand
>they actually have laws to justify this
o i am laffin, please show me the laws

>> No.15222829
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>broke into "construction site" on video multiple times going back to last year
>broke into neighbor's garage on video, in middle of night
>"construction site" was a family's home being remodeled
>they were still living in it. just not present at the time
>death penalty because blacks are sacred cows and treated like children who can't do anything wrong

>> No.15222830

No, he didn't. It is illegal to point your gun at someone. Even for cops they have to be justified to point.
It's not illegal to hold a gun and ask someone questions.
The dumb cunt grabbed and pulled forward and to the side. What do you think happens between the trigger and the finger on the trigger if you pull on a guy's gun?
You can probably even make a citizen's arrest in your country under the right circumstances. Americans are just less cucked in this respect. Or possibly they are more dysfunctional police-wise and just have cause to still do it.

>> No.15222838
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lol i love how you can defend yourself against feral negroes on video camera clear as day and soibois will still run to the black's defense because they (somewhat rightfully) refuse to ascribe enough humanity to the groid for it to be able to be held responsible for its actions leading up to it being put down.

what a clown show.

>> No.15222847

The bigger part of it is they completely dismiss the humanity of the white men. They think they were just going to shoot a guy in the street anyway.
Sois don't seem to understand how people work very well. Another case would be if you talk about gun rights re: self-defense they act as if everyone is just going to shoot everyone else to death like it's vidya.
Not like people actually want to live and avoid being shot.

>> No.15222850

>It's not illegal to hold a gun and ask someone questions.
imagine actually believing this lmao
but they did shoot a guy in the street anyway. if they weren't pointing guns at him, there wouldn't have been a problem. if the cops were allegedly on their way, why did they feel the need to grab weapons and accost a dude with 2 trucks
actually mind boggling how much americans love to suck cop dick constantly

>> No.15222852

They live in Georgia, not whatever cucked shithole you live in. If you don't believe they had right to open carry and right to speak to someone while open carrying then how the fuck can we even have a conversation?
I'm not saying you have to believe it's moral or good that they are permitted to do it. Just that this is the legal reality.

>> No.15222855

I mean I don't really give a fuck what you retards do, every time you shoot each other you just create another dependent goblin who is slaving away to pay their medical bills. But at least you are based and redpilled as you dance and clap for your walmart warmups

>> No.15222858

>(somewhat rightfully) refuse to ascribe enough humanity

One thing that should be known but a soi would probably never admit: an observed behaviour of black people is that they will go for "trial by combat." Like, a cop pulls them over to give them a ticket, they're afraid they're going to get done for child support or something. So they think (feel):
>if I just kill this cop and drive away I will be free
For whatever reason they continue to instinctively think that and it makes them very dangerous.
Remember that case a while back where they shot that white guy while he was crying and begging for his life because he tried to pull his shorts up?
That happened because a black guy really would try to grab a gun and shoot his way out of that situation and cops are trained for the dumbest cunts they will meet.

>> No.15222864

>how did they know that
They saw him and neighbors confirmed it

>first it was shoes + hammer, now it's guns. was the description "black guy"?
No he had a hammer that day, he stole the guns a few months earlier.
The description is far more than just black guy, if you look at the earlier surveillance videos it's clearly him creeping around that house.

In Georgia, you can do a citizen's arrest if you have probable cause that someone committed a felony. They have every right to detain him rather than surrender their neighborhood to degenerate thugs.

>> No.15222870

>somebody speeding in their car
>ex-cop shoots their tires out from his scooter
>their car steers into oncoming traffic, dozens die in a massive cumsplosion
>ex-cop is knighted and given 10% denbt forgiveness on his $6,000,000 medical bill from getting a checkup
this is actually a true story

>> No.15222873

Incredibly based

>> No.15222875

>non-american hasn't learned yet.
lel, you will learn. i bet your country has been importing blacks for the last 20 years.
all the haughty anglos are going to learn, at least.

>> No.15222878
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i got a new hammer for my job tonight

>> No.15222883

>amerishart called out for their shartery
>immediately assumes I am from perfidious albion
like cockwork

>> No.15222888

Well Anglo could literally or figuratively refer to the UK, Canada, Australia and NZ which accounts for the majority of English posting that isn't from the USA. So it's a good bet to make.
Plus, I haven't yet received confirmation that your country has not been importing blacks. I think the only way to escape that now is to be too poor that international bodies targeted you for priority enrichment.

>> No.15222891

>thinks that importing blacks is some massive sin as to project it onto his supposed enemies
>lives in america, the country that literally imported africans as their main source of industry
my fucking sides, you should come visit so I can put my gun inside your ass and then shoot you when you assault cum

>> No.15222896

I think you're missing my point. My claim is this: people that do not have a history of blacks don't understand what they're like so they don't understand why the USA is the way it is.
But, since their country has (probably) been importing blacks. They will soon learn why America is the way it is.

>> No.15222910

>people that do not have a history of blacks
you realize that pretty much the entirety of the world interacts with black people, right? the meds, euros, middle-easterners, and central asians have interacted with them for longer than america has been a country. and continue to interact with them without any major problems
>They will soon learn why America is the way it is.
perhaps if you stopped pointing guns at their heads constantly, they would stop charging you so much for healthcare and education. is that why you hate black people so much?

>> No.15222915

lmao not him but how can you equate limited and mostly not friendly interaction with 30m permanently living in your nation?

stop preteding to be a retard

>> No.15222917

>perhaps if you stopped pointing guns at their heads constantly, they would stop charging you so much for healthcare and education. is that why you hate black people so much?
How has coddling them worked out for Sweden?

>> No.15222919

Not even gonna reply to that dumbass because you already did, cheers.

>> No.15222921

I don't really understand your comment
>limited and mostly NOT friendly interaction
>30,000,000 living in your nation
I don't really see how one is dependent on the other, did you make a spelling or grammatical mistake?

I mean sweden seems to be doing pretty fine, they didn't have to shut down their entire country for the coronavirus, and have a very high standard of living. how is it working out for america?

>> No.15222945

>seems to be doing pretty fine

Jesus Christ, dude. Have you not followed what is happening in that country? Their rape stats went from fuck all to catastrophic because of imported browns. (Not all of them sub-Saharan, Mid-Easterners may even do the majority of the rapes, I don't know.)

>> No.15222949

>american suddenly cares about the plight of swedish people being sexually assaulted
>american also elected a rapist to their presidency
>american can now choose between two rapists for their next president
keep in mind my gun is inside of your asshole right now because you may have committed a crime and I need to talk to you