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File: 249 KB, 1450x958, BDF1587D-767A-4620-944E-CDA6ED7525C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15201952 No.15201952 [Reply] [Original]

Clean skin will A L W A Y S and forever look a thousand times better than the lame, shitty scribbles you paid some retard to mar your body and mark you as a fellow retard with.

>> No.15201962

Thanks for this great thread op, now please feel free to continue your search for a tradwife

>> No.15201968

I will, brother. Thank you for the kind words.

>> No.15201977


>> No.15201979
File: 1.14 MB, 2448x3264, a029145cbb2a276828e1c5611069e53b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, square, so don't get them. The point of tattoos is that they're mistakes. You don't seem to understand the concept.

>> No.15202000

Are you a WWII sailor?

>> No.15202071

>The point of tattoos is that they're mistakes.

so don't make mistakes?

>> No.15202103

i don't understand tattoos. they just make you look lowerclass and objectively worse.



>> No.15202136

It's meant to be a substitute for a personality. A bit like everything effay.

>> No.15202143

The internet has officially killed tattoos. Maybe at one point they were edgy and mysterious, but now they’re just makeup for lack of personality

>> No.15202307
File: 238 KB, 1080x1350, 34612734_220669818716462_475956236949389312_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an aspiring traditional tattooist i love old pics like these

Ironically enough I like clean skin women

>> No.15202324

After hours of lurking I just now realized everybody on here is a hipster faggot

>> No.15202334

It's evident that inking normally makes most people's love juices flow more vigorously and powerfully, thus the reason for their increasing popularity.

>> No.15202347

Women look like shit with tattoos

>> No.15202350

almost every other person, especially among women, has a tattoo these days, and regardless of gender, they are almost always vapid and meaningless

>> No.15202356

Being Serious, have no issues with tattoos but the one on the right does look better.

>> No.15202377
File: 43 KB, 500x572, l-caused-that-feel-happy-merchant-nose-olivero-53833721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fabricate a problem
>Yes goyim, you need "clean" waifus now

>> No.15202796

It's the taste and style of the tattoos they have imo

>> No.15202909

Totally agree

>> No.15202916

ehhh i feel like i like tattoos on women, but i noticed that i really only tend to like the ones that are actually into tattoo culture and are on the trends. women who have basic ass tattoos just to have tattoos are a pass, although this goes for any gender.

>> No.15202933

I used to be super against tattoos. Didnt get the point of them. Then over night I changed. I failed to see why people hate them so. The people that like them really enjoy getting them like a hobby. That doesnt affect me. They have meanings to them.. again doesnt affect me. Substitute for personality? I know tons of dry lame people without them as well.. I'm 32 now, wife, kid, the whole 9. I cant wait to get some work done. Purley cause it sounds fun. And yes the ones I want will have meaning to me, but you dont care :)

>> No.15202941

Like she'd even talk to you lol

>> No.15204240

GOOD one, roasty! XD

>> No.15204275

Tattoos have come full circle again. They used to be a brand for criminals. Now they show off how terrible people’s personalities are and that they definitely have a problematic history. Whenever I see a girl like in OPs pic I know she’s some retarded thot with a huge body count and a shit load of stupid decisions. I’m kinda glad tattoos exist in a weird way.

>> No.15204289

only idiot roasties make up really reach stories about tats. most people with tats will openly tell you they just like the tat. sometimes theres a story of why they picked a specific thing but it's more like "i thought a thorn would be cool after *thorn related* so i got a cool looking thorn"

idk i only have one tat and it's really small. i dont want any more either.

>> No.15204295

>"i thought a thorn would be cool after *thorn related* so i got a cool looking thorn"

thorn related? What?

>> No.15204320

nah she looks cooler with the tattoos

>> No.15204328

You have to be over eighteen to post here.

>> No.15204332

wish tats werent permanent

>> No.15204361

tattoos are ok only when they're good quality, standalone tasteful, and firmly within a tradition that the person is a member of. obvious example: yakuza. otherwise they're uncultured trash.

>> No.15204400

is what he said. this is roastie reasoning. most people will just be like "something happened that had to do with thorns, i then thought "a thorn would be a cool tattoo", and then get a thorn tattoo". most tat people dont have some insanely obscure story about the meaning of thorns.

>> No.15204470

I really don't like tattoos. It seems like a desperate attempt for attention.

>> No.15204494
File: 856 KB, 962x1226, 1588270050794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have permanent art on my body guys.
>It's permanent btw, so the meanings really important to me since it's permanent.
>It literally defines me as a person and my growth, my struggles; it's my story.

>> No.15204507

i think tattoos are all different, some good some bad, but getting worked up about other people having them is the gayest shit ever

>> No.15204514

he doesn't look cool at all, he has a fucking lolipop in his mouth.

Really its just sad because you can tell he'd be good looking if he knew how to dress

>> No.15204536

hot take: tattoos are fine for men, but are inherently masculine. Women need not apply

>> No.15204562

I have a tattoo of my daughters name across my chest. Want to tell me that's a mistake you faggot incel?

>> No.15204563
File: 4 KB, 219x138, 97736373-Joe-Pesci-Goodfellas_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate tattoos on women and every single basic bitch on tinder has them and I just want to scream

>> No.15204587

Your daughter was a mistake

>> No.15204592

Wow, that is so meaningful. Great job anon! Keep it up.

>> No.15204643

faggot, fight me irl i can squat 3 plt for reps

>> No.15205911

He only allowed tattos are ero gro tattoos

>> No.15205917

yes retard it was

>> No.15205939

Were you afraid you would forget her name retard?

>> No.15206045

ew get rek!

>> No.15206058

tattoos can possibly be effay, but 99% of the time they look like shit

>> No.15206064 [DELETED] 

Fuck off reddit fag

>> No.15206092


>> No.15206108

this is bait, otherwise i would say you know she's gonna be some other man's fuckmeat right?

>> No.15206295
File: 72 KB, 422x750, tumblr_mti6knBSYI1qap1xko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only people who think tattoos are supposed to be edgy or mysterious are whiny conservatives. nobody gets a tattoo to join some secret club, they just like the way they look.

>> No.15206392

I didn’t realize this until after I got a retarded tattoo. Rip

>> No.15206413

I want to see her face when she's not holding her skin tight. Typical post-wall selfie trick.

(i'd suck her milkies tho, don't get me wrong)

>> No.15206421

>Okay, square

Like tattos are breaking the rules or some shit.
Wake up, it's not 1950, most of the people who got tattoos are bored wagies and fags.

>> No.15206428

>muh daughters tattoo

>> No.15206788
File: 40 KB, 458x538, enhanced-19139-1426527185-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this couple looks pretty cool. Imagine how hideous they'd be if they had no tattoos.

>> No.15207742

just like 99% of literally everything

>> No.15207888

She's 19

>> No.15207970

Zoomers hate tattoos you fucking Boomer

You're fucking telling me.

>> No.15207986

Hmm not always but this picture is a very good boon to your argument, if you have normie style tattoos don't work.

>> No.15207991
File: 48 KB, 600x340, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ber you wouldn't say shit to my face about my neck tattoo mark

>> No.15208031

>Clean skin will A L W A Y S and forever look a thousand times better than the lame, shitty scribbles you paid some retard to mar your body and mark you as a fellow retard with.

Bare walls will A L W A Y S and forever look a thousand times better than the lame, shitty scribbles you paid some retard to mar your house and mark you as a fellow retard with.

>> No.15208064

The only time it is acceptable to get a tattoo, is if your ship is sunk in combat, or you are the lone survivor of your fucking platoon and you want to forever preserve the memory of the fallen

>> No.15208172

who cares she's fat either way

>> No.15208213

*hits pipe*

>> No.15208352
File: 28 KB, 640x360, 88E29DA9-0716-4B0A-BA60-FFBC83F840DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need her name RIGHT NOW

>> No.15208365

>he thinks this is a good analogy

>> No.15208427


>> No.15208433

Tattoos age like milk.

>> No.15208589

that way pretty gay anon. did you just get out of basic training?

>> No.15208597

dont do it anon

>> No.15208604

its true, kek

tatts are great to see someone's IQ level

>> No.15208617

Pretty much this.

>> No.15208837

Helen on twitter

>> No.15208852

I live in colorado and every other skinnyfat beer bellied girl/guy has some shitty tattoo of like a tree or mountain or dog on their forearm. Super annoying.

>> No.15208860

I don't have a moral or opionated rejection of tattoos, but whenever I see them it causes this subconcious "flinch" that makes me feel repulsed, the same as seeing a huge mole or acne on somebody. It just clicks in my brain as an ugly blemish immediately.

Not entirely sure why that is. But that's why I find them unattractive.

>> No.15208971


>> No.15208985

you sound so undescribeably retarded it fucking hurts to read
why are yakuza people never in shape? they always have guts

>> No.15208986


>> No.15208987


>> No.15208989

quit while you can anon
fapping is a vile habit and waste of your time

>> No.15208995

That's because you're a normal fuckin human being.

>> No.15209008

>welfare queens
Oh no no no

>> No.15209032

?? No they don't, do you even talk to any zoomers? Literally 3 out of 4 girls that turn 18 go straight to their local tattoo place and get a shitty "meaningful" tattoo of like a generic flower or lettering they love that shit

>> No.15209776

please wear a mask, the virus is really dangerous to your age range

>> No.15209781

>why are yakuza people never in shape?
muscles are for gays

>> No.15210587

>why are yakuza people never in shape?
Too busy fucking everyone's JAV waifus, eating the best Japanese food in the world, and extorting government and corporate officials

>> No.15210624

I'm going to get a tattoo sleeve for no reason other than to look cool lmao you mad

>> No.15210670

Truth. Tattoos are gross beyond belief

>> No.15210718
File: 524 KB, 1024x1536, tats.forever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tattoos will improve your life bro, they'll help you make friends at parties brah.

>> No.15210770

You need a tattoo to remember your friends dying?

>> No.15210771

I’m sending good thoughts your way, friend. I hope they give you the strength to resist your unhealthy urges.

>> No.15210773

Cope. I’m 22.

>> No.15210832

True, but I'd rather these kinds of people mark themselves for easy identification so I can either avoid them or use them for their intended purpose rather than make the mistake of investing in something that's destined to fail disastrously.

>> No.15210839
File: 324 KB, 1552x2048, EXCtZqDU4AIR2KY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coomer phonetards are so stupid they don't even know how to RIS

>> No.15210910
File: 969 KB, 245x245, 1536944873293.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brown eyes
>bad tattoos

>> No.15211183

lmao sad angry weirdos with ink all over their body in hopes of others thinking they look cool but they dont cus they are weirdos who ink their bodies lmao so sad that u guys think ink will give u personality or respect :(

>> No.15211262

why they willys small?

>> No.15211359

But styles go in and out of, uh, style. That’s what you retards don’t seem to get.

>> No.15211399

holy fuck snooooooooooze who fucking cares

>> No.15211449

>t. retard with retarded tats

>> No.15211585

lol i dont have tats actually

>> No.15212233


>> No.15212240

I love this one

>> No.15212247

>posts picture of ugly person with tattoos
>haha look how ugly tattoos are!

>> No.15212524

cringe af

>> No.15212837

thank you

>> No.15212847
File: 28 KB, 500x461, hug_goyim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that's right goyim your skin defines who you are

>> No.15213073

This looks gay as fuck.
I hope this was ironic

>> No.15213231

irony is cowardice

>> No.15213441

>find attractive woman in porno
>shitty tattoo
ruined every time. tattoos are not objectively terrible but 99.9% are shit because most people have terrible taste.

>> No.15213599

based Mike Mignola tat, might get something similar. Looks fresh af.

>> No.15213610

Stop poisoning your mind with that degenerate trash.

>> No.15213620

This was such a disappointment that I stopped watching AEW. I'm not even sure why it upset me to see him the tat, goes against everything he worked hard to distance himself from with the carnie shit.

>> No.15214270

need more edits of cute girls without there tattoos

>> No.15214274

this, incels hate tattoo's because it's just another cope to not have to talk to a woman.

>> No.15214296
File: 52 KB, 989x550, B5D90089-9885-4530-8B86-620190E47551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15214301

one thing I've noticed is the people most likely to get these shitty kids names and dates tatoos, are the most likely to be deadbeat piece of shit fathers, or just outright black

>> No.15214406


>> No.15214416
File: 71 KB, 600x769, 1588105535928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he has a preference?
>must be DA JOOOOOOS

>> No.15214432
File: 142 KB, 1050x741, 3C2F9D89-A439-4D0E-81F6-EDBA02F37CA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back. Dilate.

>> No.15214435

found the Jew lmao. Thanks for killing Jesus btw pretty based move on your end

>> No.15214436
File: 40 KB, 601x499, 1584908615972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those four-chan guys say based right? and they hate jews!

>> No.15214444

>t. seething jew
it's funny bc the term "Jew" is derogatory enough, so there aren't many slurs since just saying "Jew" sounds funny enough
I mean just fucking say it, it even sounds retarded lmao

>> No.15214447
File: 61 KB, 284x177, 1557541274554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waste of digits
>continuing to peddle /pol/ jew shit
>if you disagree with me you must be jewish!
pic related, nigger

>> No.15214451

based and witnessed. Jews btfo

>> No.15214455

is that supposed to be ur grandma after they stuck her in the oven or some shit?
nah- nah
nah that was a bit much
but I don't have it in me to backspace it, it's too good a reply. Sorry Jew

>> No.15214471

Obviously but it's a great way to spot the unworthy.

>> No.15214476
File: 29 KB, 480x656, 1557303180516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have a tattoo of my daughters name across my chest. Want to tell me that's a mistake you faggot incel?

>> No.15214501

>my daughters

>> No.15214662

I agree. Girls with tattoos are broken whores with daddy issues. Insecure. Forever looked down upon by society. Tattoos only okay on men

>> No.15214724

you afraid you gonna forget her name?

>> No.15214841

You reek of /leftypol/, tranny.

>> No.15214979

Imagine wanting to look middle-class lmao.

>> No.15215421
File: 37 KB, 768x768, 1584758154938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I identify with you guys

>> No.15215423


>> No.15215690
File: 186 KB, 1088x1086, 1588521825295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do whatever you want, its your life

>> No.15215782
File: 246 KB, 391x327, 1556685761537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deceiver misspelled
He should have just divorced her and banged hookers.

>> No.15216219


>> No.15216303


i sort of agree. my gf has a few small tats which is fine, i don't mind them. i agree it looks like shit when women are covered in tattoos

tattoos are like any other fashion item in the sense that you need to be able to pull them off. if you're some skinnyfat white millennial who bought tats with dads credit card, i have some bad news for you... then again, it's not the end of the world to look like somewhat of a tryhard. who cares? most other people's appearance is of no importance to me. i wouldnt get them, though.

simp dad

>> No.15216913

Tattoos with some deep meaning are stupid. Nobody wants to hear about you overcoming adversity or how you loved your grandma. Life is meaningless, get "PARTY NAKED" in cholo script on your face.

>> No.15217116

no, the tattoos look better incel retard. keep crying