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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 755 KB, 750x1009, 6B37F0A9-674C-442A-81CF-C90E6DC797F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15214080 No.15214080 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15214081

I hate women

>> No.15214083

thiccccccc art hoes with bright hair and denim jackets

>> No.15214084

he cute

>> No.15214097

truly based

>> No.15214110

Asian tomboys, preferably petite. The tomboy thing is more attitude than looks, too, I've known girls with long hair and girly fashion but they still had that attitude and it was really attractive.

>> No.15214201

end of.

>> No.15214207

My gf

>> No.15214213
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>> No.15214228
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>> No.15214237

Post pics

>> No.15214245
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pic related
but it doesn't really matter because I will die a virgin

>> No.15214260
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The one on the right.

>> No.15214284

Someone I can finally be comfortable around. Someone who'll indulge my hobbies like cooking and driving, and will sit and listen to my rants and drivel about the things I like. Someone I can take care of and someone I can depend on. Someone I can come home to and look forward to seeing. Someone who'll care about me, about my happiness. Someone to devote myself and my life to. Someone who'll let me see things that would normally make me happy and be the reason I say "I wish she was here to experience this with me". Someone to warm, someone to warm me. Heart and soul, body and mind, two halves, one whole, to become part of something greater. To become one, one entity, one machine. Where my problems are her's, and her's mine. Where I can stop caring about myself, focusing on my own advancement exclusively, and start focusing on making us and the world a better place... God bros... I reserved myself, wrapped myself in the cold blanket of inceldom so I could be at peace, but I can't keep it up for long... I want to be loved, too... I don't want to keep finding reasons to hate women... I want to stop caring what that girl sitting across from me on the train thinks about me, when I know deep down she hasn't even formed the tiniest semblance of an opinion of me. I wish I could tell that girl I saw in college once that I really liked her outfit and I thought she was cute, but at that moment all I could do was look, before telling myself I don't need her and I don't need a relationship. It's so cold where I am, but being cold is good for testosterone, right?...

>> No.15214390



>> No.15214411

Jewish girls. Asians.

>> No.15214420

>Jewish girls

>> No.15214493


>> No.15214495

this but the opposite

>> No.15214533

any girl that likes me

>> No.15214570

What's the best /fa/ style for big titted insecure woman?

>> No.15214576

should I really kill myself?

>> No.15214599

Honestly i just crave someone with an actual personality. Someone with a presence. I'm sick of these sad excuses of humans, walking shells.
Fucks sake i feel ever more alone with them around.
Fuck empty people. Die.

>> No.15214638
File: 125 KB, 1080x1350, 39122475_245936182795088_710698361707036672_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I noticed there's a shit ton girls on /fa/ lately. Ever since the quarantine started, the active female population online increased

>> No.15214642

dito, also had this feeling

>> No.15214649
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no girls, only femboys

>> No.15215083
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>longer hair
>blue eyes (green is OK)
>talks like a trucker
>a little flaky, but not with me
>could care less about her taste in music, movies, art, etc...
>skirts, turtlenecks, sweaters, tights, dresses, chokers, pony tail sometimes,

>> No.15215228

I feel you bro, besides all that redpill and blackpill shit, we all want to feel human and loved, do never simp, just wait until the right girl comes to your life but also take risks, I repeat that to myself, sometimes I wish I could feel something, something real for someone, I learned to be alone and in solitude, but sometimes is too much and I wish I could share my peace and happiness with a girl. Hang in there bro, be patient, become a better version of yourself and never simp, I know you'll make it. I wish you the best anon. Take care.

>> No.15215291


>> No.15215359

You need to cultivate your personality and interests, and when you're ready leave your comfort zone. Meet people.
Move to a dorm, go on an exchange program, join a club, a class... Just avoid dating apps and clubs. Also fuck all the pick up artist bullshit, you want someone to be yourself with.

If you find someone you like as a person, go for it. Try. You need that "fuck it" attitude, better to fail than wonder forever what could have happened.

>> No.15215364

Being "into a kind of girls" it's bullshit.

When you find someone you love, you'll be into them regardless of what you thought you liked.

>> No.15215372

my best friend. kill me.

>> No.15215374
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of course, but op's talking about ideals, not dealbreakers. Of course love and a deeper connection (generally) outweighs most physical appearances; he's just asking for our Utopian ideals.

>> No.15215731

do you have discord? l;ets talk

>> No.15215781

Art hoe 100%, my gf is a pure arts school Creative Writing major and the aesthetic makes me diamonds all the time.

>> No.15215826

Athletic preppy girls that are still well dressed are my favorite but who I like still depends on the person. I still love to see any girl that is well dressed enough beyond the bare minimum for women.

>> No.15215909

btw to any femanons retarded enough to still pay attention to this thread, this is the only right answer here.
If you love any normal guy for who he is and have this kind of mentality of being part of a whole, that's all that really matters.

>> No.15215948

absolutely. Listen up, ladies.

>> No.15215986

Skinny natural looking girls who are quiet and introverted like me. It would be nice if she likes movies and music too
This is real nice

>> No.15216152
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>> No.15216161


>Skinny to Borderline Fat
>Shorter than me (5.6 and under, preferably)
>Blond or Ginger
>Pale asf
>Artsy, bookish, and/or outdoorsy. One of three works.
>Mildly cute or butterfaced
>Has some hobbies besides Netflix.

>> No.15216169

I am a woman but I am also into women, as well as men. My tastes for men and women differ wildly, but I prefer someone whose cool, in control and confident. Also trendy and well put together in general. Witty is a plus, I really had it bad for Alexa Chung for a few years, she just had that it factor, she ticked all my boxes. Its not common though, my tastes for women are so particular I rarely meet one I am attracted to. For men I allow a lot more variety

>> No.15216378
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This. How do I get a gf like that?

>> No.15216443
File: 2.80 MB, 3840x5760, GolshiftehFarahani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dark haired and ethnic

>> No.15216449
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Non-troll post: if I meet a girl, and she unironically believes in horiscopes, I look for a polite way to exit the conversation immediately
they're on here, r9k, soc and the cosplay board

The most important quality for anyone to have is being kind! It doesn't matter how cute they are if they are mean to you

>> No.15216586

Honestly asking, why do you consider "trendy" a positive?

>> No.15216634
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>> No.15216636


>> No.15216639

mate im going to be 100% honest with you
theyre literally all trannies

>> No.15217050

middle eastrn/indian thots

>> No.15217054

0% this.

>> No.15217078
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one that will love me back

>> No.15217123

i wouldn't call alice glass a tomboy

>> No.15218251

Into men obviously

>> No.15218547
File: 120 KB, 758x758, 1582434217466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this weird looking thing

>> No.15218555

A woman as amazing as my mother, not that any of them are.

>> No.15218667

the girl reading this <3

>> No.15218796
File: 160 KB, 800x1200, ESC6zlVUwAABtoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

space cadet flower girl, big brain bourgeois jew girl, spooky pic related loner girl, dyed hair stoner art hoe girl, the list goes on...

>> No.15218932

wanna be my bf?

>> No.15218963

um, maybe?

>> No.15219330
File: 10 KB, 250x221, 1584497159310s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gotta be fucking kidding me

>> No.15219867

thin girls with nice shoes. expensive taste. and really un annoying hair

>> No.15219883

literally everyone in this thread would as long as ur not a tranny

>> No.15219957


Yeeees boi

>> No.15219965

I believe in you dude. Inceldom is bullshit, you deserve to find a woman that will love you, and you will.

>> No.15219967

speak for yourself man

>> No.15220115

Described me lmao

>> No.15220119
File: 29 KB, 405x720, 73302269_1253132738221777_6087297667342270464_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Degenerates mostly

>> No.15220121
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>> No.15220135
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Only top of the line

>> No.15220150
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big, bloated tattoo-ed bitches

>> No.15220152
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>> No.15220212

Disgusting tranny, fuck outta here.

>> No.15220214

Either Thicc Black bitches or small pale girls with dark hair and bright eyes.

No inbetween.

>> No.15220230


Absolutely based

>> No.15220932

here's a blogpost:

used to live in shithole northern state (cancerous taxes, crime, filth, high cost of living, no nature) that had a nice population of sweet girls ( a lot of second gen euro, but also plenty of white "American"): beautiful, smart, good career path etc., behaved like fucking women and not walking sacks of meat etc.

Moved to beautiful flyover (cheap everything, fantastic nature, live like a king on a regular corp salary) however girls are absolute fucking trash. What white ones there are, are mostly fucking inked whales, or the most retarded stereotypical breed of slut.
The one out of a gorillion that is smart (to the level of having a real fucking job) and pretty acts like a fucking walking god

Fuck, I did not know how rare it is to have access to wife material until I lost it. AAAAA

>> No.15220943
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80s fitness babes

>> No.15220946
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THIS is top of the line

>> No.15220953
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Tfw no math rock gf

>> No.15221044

the only real answer, i just want her to be better at tapping than me

>> No.15221046

incredibly based

>> No.15221354
File: 270 KB, 1002x1920, 1584735395931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute innocent girls with lewd bodies

>> No.15221613
File: 57 KB, 683x854, 46070296_259484158057327_8297584369703427527_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro dont u think her smile is a bit, alien?
like shes hot but at the same time that smile doesnt look 100% human
Jisoo on the other hand HOLY

>> No.15221621

her smile isnt alien so much as it just looks insincere

>> No.15221641


I don't care one bit about the size of her boobs, as long as it's clear that it's an adult woman
I like a round ass.
nothing, and I mean NOTHING will ever beat a pair of long, shapely legs.
As for the face, white and Slavic
As for the clothes, nothing too unusual, I guess