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>> No.15199546
File: 3.50 MB, 5560x3312, CP4Lyfe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*this chart is outdated*
Current new chart WIP:

>> No.15199547

first for kourosposter

>> No.15199556

Interlude Man. Thoughts? For such an infamous fragrance nobody seems to talk about it. For something so strong I think it’s quite elegant. Three sprays from a sample bottle at the moment, but I’d guess that equates to maybe 1.5 from a full size bottle.

>> No.15199560
File: 78 KB, 525x525, SadFace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daddy why do you hate me?! ;-;

>> No.15199582

Bought a bottle last fall and wore it all through winter, you can wear a few sprays, it’s potent but so beautiful that people don’t mind if it’s a private setting. Most days it was glorious and warm on some other I had a dominant liquorice note that I didn’t like as much...
Best niche buy so far

>> No.15199585
File: 6 KB, 251x201, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which is the better ADG

>> No.15199598

I didn't try the original but cannot imagine it being worse than the profumo, smells harsh grandpa-like

>> No.15199632

Glad you like it so much. I expected it to be almost brutish in strength, an experiment in “how potent can we make it?”. The reputation does it a disservice.

>> No.15199685

It sure is strong but never pungent. Might be a bit biased though as Kouros is my go to summer fragrance. This one I wear with only one spray and almost exclusively with white shirts as it emphasizes the soap impression over the grime aspect.

>> No.15199695

its way to popular and casual.
when you spend that much, you want to stand out.
there aren't any amazing scent in that price point unfortunately.

>> No.15199700

do 2020 formulas of chypre palatin perform?

>> No.15199701

Funnily enough, Kouros is next on my list of fragrances to try. Not until Debenhams reopens and is safe though.

>> No.15199732

>Acqua di gio smells like a grandpa
Jesus fuck. How old are you kid?

>> No.15199742

I'm talking about AdGP, it's a pepper bomb, if you like that smell go ahead but you'll smell like some harsh old dude

>> No.15199748

Bro I wear L’HOMME INFINIMENT, Kouros, and Paco Rabanne PH regularly. Acqua di gio Profumo is some teeny bopper shit like Sauvage

>> No.15199754

the fuck is l'homme infiniment, there is no such fragrance, it's called dior - fahrenheit, why is everyone here calling it something else like a hipster?

>> No.15199757
File: 143 KB, 430x441, 28007017-669C-4AC3-9B44-56B28A021B79.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it’s called dior - fahrenheit

>> No.15199758
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>> No.15199759

Mad, virgin?

>> No.15199763

virgin? I actually wear stuff that smells nice, not like some hipster gasoline or cave or wet concrete or whatever the fuck you sick hipsters think is cool (but still have no balls to wear that trash outside because deep down even your small deluded brain knows it smells like SHIT)

I'd scentmog the shit out of you on the streets even with nautica voyage, let alone actual good fragrance

>> No.15199768

Topkek you fuckin tryhard, you don’t scentmog literally anybody. I don’t wear niche shit and Fahrenheit doesn’t even smell like gasoline unless someone told you that before you smell it. It’s a leather and violet scent. Go to r/fragrance it’s probably more your speed, simp

>> No.15199769

go be repulsive somewhere else, I can smell your cat piss through the screen nerd

>> No.15199776

It’s amazing but I grown to pick up the oregano note too much and it kinda destroys it for me

>> No.15199778

Ok I’ll dip out for a bit, feel free to discuss frags you think are “good” lmao remember, this guy thinks ADG profumo is “old” smelling and namedropped nautica voyage as if it doesnt smell like windex and last 30 minutes. Be back later simp

>> No.15199779

Yep, he’s still angry for being called out a pseud not knowing what he’s talking about.

>> No.15199789

ADGP is full of spices if you want to smell like marinated chicken breasts then I feel sorry for everyone around you

keep projecting I haven't even read that conversation you're probably talking about

This general used to have valuable info, now it's a bunch of reddit-minded, circle jerking hipsters thinking they are cool for buying their obscure ovepriced niche batshit smelling fragrances and arguing about some meaningless shit

>b-b-but kouros poster hahah le epic so funny hehe

>> No.15199796

Kouros isn’t niche, Fahrenheit isn’t niche, Rive Gauche PH isn’t niche, Roma Uomo Cedro isn’t niche, Prada Amber isn’t niche. Only niche frag I have is Cool Water

>> No.15199808

can you post your collection?

>> No.15199815

so butthurt you carried this farce over into the next thread?
too obvious. bro

>> No.15199835

Profumo, don't listen to retards saying 'it's not unique', it does what it's supposed to and that is making girls wet. Don't overspray though because it can be too strong

>> No.15199839

it smell like chicken

>> No.15199841

Why is he so mad bros? It's the most laid back general I know of.

>> No.15199846

not sure, Ive noticed if you don't personally like someone elses frag, they remember that, and then hammer on it for a few threads. Very insecure about their choices, and very passive aggressive.

>> No.15199851

Reminder that wearing niche fragrances and feeling good about it pretending that it makes you superior to everyone else is the same as going on a date with a girl and starting to talk to her about obscure intellectual philosophy only to make her grunt in disinterest and pull out her phone to scroll through social media while you talk only to never talk to you again after the date leaving you to cope by telling yourself that she's just a basic bitch who doesn't deserve someone as great and unique as you anyway while Chad fucks her brains out without even trying.
That's the difference between niche and designer in terms of how effective they are in making people who don't dwell on a Cambodian dragonfruit waterfarming forum attracted to you.

>> No.15199856

>Reminder that wearing niche fragrances and feeling good about it pretending that it makes you superior to everyone else is
You could have stopped your essay right here. No one think that way here. We just look for scents that we enjoy and which match our personalities. Also I can tell from your post all of your insecurities. There's no way such a story would come to a mind of a healthy well-adjusted man.

>> No.15199857

maybe its not about other humans for some perfume wearers. their is no niche or designer, only good scents and shit scents.

>> No.15199861

I sure can
Dior Homme
Dior Homme Sport
Cool Water

take your meds schizo

most of those fragrances are more like modern 'art' than actual fragrances, but a bunch of nerds have to justify their money spending addiction on obscure shit, they are the simps of the fragrance industry

the worst part is not even the fact that hipsters talk about obscure shit smelling fragrances, the worst thing is that whenever someone asks genuinely about let's say eros or ultramale suddenly all these hipsters jump on him like a pack of feral animals trying to ridicule him

>No one think that way here.
lol, any time someone starts talking about mainstream designer fragrances he gets told off by a bunch of virgins how this general is for the connaisseurs and that he shouldn't interfere with desginer stuff because "they are too advanced in their 'journey' for this stuff"

>> No.15199863

That's almost like a parody already. He tries so hard to come back at us with something just because his fragrance got called an Aventus clone and fails so miserably every time.

>> No.15199867

nigga what?

>> No.15199871

>lol, any time someone starts talking about mainstream designer fragrances he gets told off by a bunch of virgins how this general is for the connaisseurs and that he shouldn't interfere with desginer stuff because "they are too advanced in their 'journey' for this stuff"
Except he doesn't. I've sniffed 500+ niche stuff and still own and find allure in some designers and cheap stuff. I also recommend them a lot because I think they're brilliant for what often is 1/4 or less of a niche pricetag. Almost every thread there are people jumping into helping newfags buying their first cheap/designer fragrances. That being said some of designer stuff is vile and we're obviously going to talk shit about overspraying something as obnoxious as Sauvage or wearing Eros if you're a 30+ dude. And yes, niche is often more interesting so it gets talked more. You really should lurk more because you're fighting with strawmen.

>> No.15199875

I’ll never understand the niche snobbery. If you like smelling like a dusty badger’s cunt then go for it, nobody is going to care (as long as you keep your distance) but to pretend you’re better than somebody that enjoys BDC is ridiculous. Perfume is art, no denying that, but 99.999% of people do not give a shit, they just want to smell nice. At a push somebody might want to smell ”different”, but usually that means something like Tobacco Oud or something daring, not funky, sweaty shit.

>> No.15199876
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What? You're the one hammering on L'HOMME INFINIMENT and being a passive aggressive little bitch, not me. Btw I don't even like ADG profumo, but it's definitely not a "mature" or even "spicy" frag by any means. It's literally a generic aquatic ambrox frag, nothing "old" about it

>> No.15199880

Yeah so they can just go talk to a SA at their local shopping mall or watch a Jeremy Fragrance video. That's a hobbyist thread. And I agree with >>15199871 that regardless of that you'll always find good advice about quality frags for any budget and needs.

>> No.15199883

>because I think they're brilliant for what often is 1/4 or less of a niche pricetag
they are better period, even without looking at prices

>That being said some of designer stuff is vile and we're obviously going to talk shit about overspraying something as obnoxious as Sauvage or wearing Eros if you're a 30+ dude.

you are retarded, it's obnoxious because it's popular or some people overspray it? fucking virgins, I swear..

>And yes, niche is often more interesting so it gets talked more. You really should lurk more because you're fighting with strawmen.

If eros just came out and cost $1k per bottle you and your hipster friends in here would be salvating to get your hands on it

but when you're so deep into the rabbit hole of spending addiction and having no other hobbies in your life, then spending thousands of dollars on a bottle of water that smells like wet concrete or a cave probably gives you the illusion of superiority

>> No.15199892

Sorry to tell you that bro but it's 4 x no. Go take couple of deep breaths or idk go for a walk, it's May and weather is nice, and come back posting here afterwards.

>> No.15199895

>le cool hipster telling me to go for a walk
overused startegy nerd, doesn't work on me

>> No.15199896

You need to be over 18 to post here you cringy fucking retard

>> No.15199898
File: 3.26 MB, 3332x2992, aventus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably a different hacivat shill, he won't even post a photo of his supposed mall frags.
Nope, sorry I'm namefagging from here on out to minimize the false flagging
It's a hobby, so like with anything else, you're going to spend money on it. Society accepts that buying a 30k bass boat is a-ok, but not a 5k perfume collection? C'mon man, people are in it for different reasons.

>> No.15199900

seething virgin hobbyless boomer with spending issues detected

>> No.15199901

He's getting so ridiculous with all these projections that I suspect that he'll come out with 'HAHA I WAS TROLLING YOU GUYS LOLOLOL VIRGINS' once he realize this himself soon.

>> No.15199909

Interlude has lost of its sharpness at this point. Around six hours later. It’s actually surprisingly smooth now. I’m not sure if I’m just used to it, but it feels like it’s quite wearable if you have the time to spray it in advance. I think once the incense dies down the sandalwood is becoming more prominent. The incense is still there but it’s allowing g other things to shine. I guess it’s almost like actual incense, it’s drifting off in to the atmosphere.

>> No.15199910

I like how he's been throwing angry tantrums around for two days already and everyone is still just patting him on the back and saying to calm down kid while staying completely unphased and sniffing whatever fragrances they like.

>> No.15199913

This >>15199901

I have enough hobbies to keep me interested for the rest of my life and all of my frags are cheap as fuck except Rive Gauche and le Jerememe. I think you need to get your head checked for real.

>> No.15199916

>I think you need to get your head checked for real.
I'm not the one spending thousands of dollars for fragrances that smell like blood, wet concrete or cat urine, I think my mental health is better than 90% of this general

>> No.15199918

So you're the sane Hacivat poster? I haven't tried it, how does it compare to Aventus? I tried the latter couple of times in department stores and hated how fruity it was.

>> No.15199931

Oh boy. Try maybe to take some days off from this general and come back later. You got a bit too angry just because of someone criticizing your choice. It's a genuine helpful advice bud. I don't think you're a bad person but now you're clearly in a confused state of mind.

>> No.15199940

>I'm not the one spending thousands of dollars for fragrances that smell like blood, wet concrete or cat urine,
Been here for 2 years and to be honest never read about anyone doing it. Sometimes people discuss here such extreme scents but I've never seen anyone wearing them or spending thousands of dollars on them.

>> No.15199946

no on criticized my choice here, I just remember this general from like a year ago it was a really cool place with people recommending actual good smelling fragrances to eachother but then months later it turned into this hipster circle jerk ridiculing anyone who doesn't fit into the world of cat urine, ballsack sweat and wet concrete fantasies, so I stopped coming here, I just checked back yesterday and see that nothing's changed it's actually gotten worse and many newfags will keep getting burned and lose money listening to retards here

>> No.15199951

>supporting terrorism
>posting on the chans on sunday morning instead of fishing with the bros
were all in this together
i havent tried aventus, so were in similar situations. its more creamy fruity than smokey fruity if I understand correctly, without the fake history. makes a nice spring frag for me at any rate.

>> No.15199962

You clearly were not here a year ago nor lurked for more than couple of threads now kek

>> No.15199965

I might check it out then. Thx anon

>> No.15199970

>You clearly were not here a year ago
probably more like 2 years don't remmeber exactly, but the point is it's gotten gradually worse over time

>> No.15199973

newfag here, i heard about some new ifra regulations, can someone give me the tldr version of what this means and tell me examples of frags that could be affected or that i should avoid? thanks

>> No.15199975

Nor 2 years ago. Spoiler: you had the same kind of posters doing the same kind of stuff that you're mad at back than.

>> No.15199977

its's not gonna affect anything you wear, trust me. only lyral and oakmoss are now banned which only affects wet concrete and blood wearers

>> No.15199978

That's a long complicated topic. I thin Sarah McCartney from 4160 summarizes it best in her basenotes post.

>> No.15199980

they were around but you raraly saw them criticizing mass-appealing designer stuff like you see today with feral packs of hipsters

>> No.15199983

if im not wrong theres a plethora of scents that use oakmoss including many commercial successes, im interested to see what this could mean
thank you anon

>> No.15199984
File: 191 KB, 1600x900, pedro tries Aqua Quorum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys what are some panty dropping wet concrete/blood frags?

>> No.15199992

Kek stop these projections kid, it's literally you vs. the rest of the world here. No one does that for a sake of just criticizing mass-appealing designers.

>> No.15199996
File: 27 KB, 470x143, Screenshot from 2020-05-03 15-31-36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dan from Wafts spilling the truth about Roja. I agree wholeheartedly.

>> No.15200001
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>> No.15200007

Roja isn't niche lol

>> No.15200008


>> No.15200013

Not everything neatly fits into your "designer vs. niche" categories you turbo autist. Roja, Creed, Le Labo, PdM etc are all hipster "luxury" mass-produced fake prestige brands that only make fragrances but none are particularly challenging. It's funny how mad you are though

>> No.15200024

any deodorant suggestions that won't overpower a fragrance?

>> No.15200034

clinique, degree "ultra clear" or arm and hammer unscented

>> No.15200035

>but none are particularly challenging.
you meant they don't smell disgusting enough? got it

>> No.15200039

No you fuck head, I don't wear niche frags. I'm sure Roja smells nice but I'm not paying $600 for a bottle of glorified Dylan Blue.

>> No.15200049
File: 59 KB, 1440x780, Screenshot_20200503-095534__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scent mogging from a couple miles away. BOY do I love jubi

>> No.15200057

Lol, you're aware that the guy who wrote this is the biggest proponent of cat urine, ballsack sweat and wet concrete fantasies?

>> No.15200059

Kek, Based. You should try Fragrance du Bois New York Intense. It's like nicer less-Arab version of Jubi that performs even better (and has gorgeous drydown).

>> No.15200065

so we are both right but for completely different reasons then

>> No.15200072

Everyone in this thread thinks that Roja is overpriced. He has some good stuff though. Your posts only shows how new you are here.

>> No.15200075

*laughs in the loft*

>> No.15200098
File: 599 KB, 618x3832, fjtsu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking to try some fragrances for summer, which ones are standing out in this list? ginepro and philosykos? Should I just cop 30ml of philosykos?

>> No.15200108

I'd go for
>Acqua di Parmas
>Goutal Ninfeo Mio
>Chanel Edition Blanche
>CdG 2 (make sure that this is the silver one)
>Carnal Flower
>Rien (not really a summer fragrance but it's so exceptional that I'd get it anyway)
>Dzonghka,Passage D'Enfer (same as Rien)

>> No.15200113

the hype has already come and gone, its been reformulated since.

>> No.15200118

just buy versace eros and delete your hipster list

>> No.15200120

I came asking for advices months before, I did get some of them like rien and dzongkha thanks to you lads
I don't want to go for too many decants though, just a few at a time

>> No.15200128


>> No.15200129

Chinotto du Liguria is gorgeous. The bitterness and florals really catch the essence of a hot late summer day in northern Italy. A bit masculine though but very wearable for women as well.

>> No.15200131

Can't stop buying samples.
Copped a 2ml of Habit Rouge EDT yesterday.

>> No.15200133
File: 4 KB, 225x225, chance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure that's a f*male

>> No.15200137

Well last time I've checked I wasn't

>> No.15200140

Why are you only listing women's fragrances then? Are you my friend Jack from The Perfume Nationalist?

>> No.15200143

that's the seller's list

>> No.15200147

Hello Kantbot

>> No.15200151

I think I've completed looking for a perfect summer roto
>PdE Azemour Les Orangers
>Dior Eau Sauvage Parfum
>Profumum Roma Ichnusa
>Carven L'eau Intense
>Xerjoff Mefisto Gentiluomo
>4160 Tuesdays Freeway
>Bulgari Opalon

>> No.15200154

Perhaps reformulations was a good thing then. If it used to be stronger then it would be almost unbearable.

>> No.15200165

I might. Let me run out of jubi first or sell it if I get bored of it.

>> No.15200288

this but unironically
doesn't matter

>> No.15200290


>> No.15200347
File: 1.40 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot from 2020-05-03 19-22-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can he be so perfect, lads? Btw, what frag would he be wearing at that moment?

>> No.15200365

AdP Colonia

>> No.15200367

source on that please? I'm in Europe as well and those are the best prices I've seen in a while.

>> No.15200382

damn look at that shirt collar, absolutely based

>> No.15200383


You can't wear Eau Sauvage Parfum in the summer. It's gonna be cloying.

>> No.15200395

It's good on colder evenings. But I agree with you in general, it's more of a Spring/Autumn frag.

>> No.15200397

He’s perfect because he’s chiselled without being too chiselled and hyper-masculine. That and a team of stylists, make up and millions in the bank probably help.

>> No.15200406
File: 49 KB, 600x600, 1588458980912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up cuck I know who that cuck is (which I'm not proud of) but you are all acting like cancerous redditiors glorifying some thread-celebrities like retards, shitting up every general with your boring ass personal bs blog posts
take your niche beaver ass extract and go fuck yourself brainlets

>> No.15200410

AdP Colonia or Essenza?

>> No.15200416

Original. I was being period-accurate. Essenza wasn’t out then.

>> No.15200423

It's a great movie btw, in case you guys haven't watched it.

>> No.15200426

What's the title?

>> No.15200427

It does smells like fucking old people you fossil.

>> No.15200435

Purple Noon. It's the original The Talented Mr Ripley, set in Rome and southern Italy. Great scenery. Russian streaming link if anybody is interested:

>> No.15200446

Imagine being a Hollywood executive thinking Matt Damon was even close to Delon. Delon’s Ripley eats Damon’s for breakfast.

>> No.15200448

Speed stick unscented

>> No.15200449


>> No.15200474
File: 37 KB, 300x389, DE31863C-D7B2-4810-A843-73B4F93B5A96.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you guys post your collections (or just you top 3 or 5) please? Lots of text discussion this thread, that’s great but I want to see pwetty pichas instead

>> No.15200477

french fragrance community

>> No.15200483


>> No.15200488
File: 2.01 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, mate.

>> No.15200489
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>mogs your generic "crowdpleaser" Macy's tier pajeet shit AND wet concrete/blood incels AND super expensive fake luxury niche in name-only mass produced Creed dickriders
Heh, nothing personnell, kid

>> No.15200503

Dude, shut the fuck up, Gary.

>> No.15200526
File: 295 KB, 1536x1536, 54sExpYA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Spring roto

>> No.15200530

love that brick color, very comfy

>> No.15200535

Making me want to buy another bottle.
Why do I come here daily?

>> No.15200544
File: 808 KB, 2024x2024, 1028974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these and a bunch of decants

>> No.15200546

I need some recs. I just recently got into fragrances and currently own Code Profumo and Prada Rossa Carbon Black.

>> No.15200558

However some of the stuff here would be more appropriate for Summer (Carven for example). Generally speaking that's the year round roto that I'd be more than satisfied. 4 frags for 4 seasons.
>4160 Tuesdays Freeway
>Dior Eau Sauvage Parfum
>Xerjoff Mefisto Gentiluomo
>Profumum Roma Ichnusa
>Bulgari Opalon
>PdE Azemour Les Orangers
>Profumum Roma Acqua di Sale
>Carven L'Eau Intense
>Nicolai NYI
>Pierre Guillaume Aomassai 10
>MDCI Chypre Palatin
>Profumum Roma Olibanum
>Montale Black Aoud
>Serge Lutense Chergui
>Tauer LDDM
>Prissana Ma Nishtana

>> No.15200560

Get Roma Uomo Cedro and just leave, you don't want to go down this rabbit hole. If you have no taste then get Eros.

>> No.15200564



>> No.15200566
File: 3.14 MB, 3968x2976, IMG_20200503_203803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I did it

>> No.15200568

They missed a trick by not having the Bat label upside down.

NYI is one I’m hoping to sample some time soon. I’m almost certain I love it, but I’ve only blind bought two fragrances and they were both cheap.

Sorry. Please spend responsibly. I do it because I can afford it, although I have slowed down a lot.

>> No.15200573

Impressive. Very nice. What’s your favourite Amouage?

>> No.15200574

>yfw you fell into the rabbit hole

>> No.15200578

>a bunch of dogshit in the back
>niche upfront

>> No.15200583

Lots of good value for the buck here. I'm only triggered by PdM. I used to have Havana myself. Also how do you like Georgios Beverly Hills? I got a 10ml decant of this stuff and it's hilarious. It immediately makes me feel like Donald Trump in 80s. Also this is a cute little bottle of Eau Sauvage Parfum.

>> No.15200589

>Rive Gauche
>two bottles of L'HOMME INFINIMENT
Unfathomably based

>> No.15200590

You're the Caron anon from some threads back, right? How would you compare Eau Sauvage Parfum to Xerjoff Fiero?

>> No.15200593

why did you get the worst amouages possible

>> No.15200601


Definitely Bracken. I'd say it's one of my top 5.


Yeah, the Giorgio is a bit ridiculous. I remember wearing like 7 sprays of Havana, playing poker in the back of a bar at the end of summer. I was sweating profusely and the frag felt so adequate to that situation lel.


The little Fahrenheit is a 30 avenue Hoche. 1988 OG.

>> No.15200617
File: 189 KB, 804x972, winter 2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Myron. I've got a vintage bottle as well but mine appears to be from the 1997-early 2000s era.

>> No.15200623

>I remember wearing like 7 sprays of Havana, playing poker in the back of a bar at the end of summer. I was sweating profusely and the frag felt so adequate to that situation lel.
Yes, that's precisely the vibe. One of the sleeziest frags I tried. But for the price it's a really good quality green tobacco fragrance. I have a bit of sentiment to it.

>> No.15200624

oh no

>> No.15200628
File: 22 KB, 526x485, Bad Eros Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That reminds me, Cool Water isn't my only niche frag. My other niche frag is Office for Men by Fragrance One

>> No.15200633

Can you do an as objective as possible ranking of all your Bogarts, Puigs and other cheapies? I think that the 'affordable snice scents' pastebin in OPs might need a refreshment. Curious of your thoughts.

>> No.15200643

Luckyscent is out of Tauer ACDD :( Any other seller that'll ship American that u guys know of?

>> No.15200648

Try Les Senteurs in London.

>> No.15200651

i HATE the normie frags like ADG and sauvage.
imagine getting those as an informed fraghead

>> No.15200654

>Bad Eros Man

I miss Jeremy poster. I did my own once and got His blessing to take of the mantle, but it doesn’t feel right.

>> No.15200663

Wow. How is the performance on hacivat?
Is it luxurious and powerful like fit for a king like aventus?
I'm currently in the market for a godly fragrance that a king or prince would wear. princes are typically illustrated as small and feminine, but I want to be the super masculine prince like giacomo casanova

>> No.15200666

It's him again at it. Just give up anon and we'll all try to forget how you been embarrassing yourself in last two threads.

>> No.15200672

Oh fuck, just found out they do 200ml of Eau Sauvage Parfum. Seriously considering it.

>> No.15200687

Yeah I'll also jump into 200ml once my 100ml is finished.

>> No.15200690

Evil trips of truth. Give up and stop shitting these threads retard.

>> No.15200693

I only bought 50ml because I thought it being potent (relatively speaking) meant I wouldn’t wear it much, but I’m burning through it.

I might just ask Dior for a bucket so I can keep topping it up.

>> No.15200698

i just want to permanently switch over to niche frags instead of buying this 1981 kouros kek

>> No.15200700


Yeah that's me I guess. Le 3ème homme is a weird fucking frag. Idk if the weather's too hot but I don't love how it smells. It's quite peculiar.

Eau Sauvage Parfum and Fiero don't have a lot in common desu. I've heard that Fiero smells like vintage Eau Sauvage edt but I haven't smelled the latter in quite a while so idk.

I found Eau Sauvage Parfum to be a creamy, almost sweet myrrh note. Fiero opens up with what I would describe as a lemony Ricola like scent which is quite pleasant. The opening doesn't last very long unfortunately and it dries down to an aromatic bomb. Lemongrass, neroli, vetiver, etc. A really classy summer scent.

>> No.15200702


Will try mate.

>> No.15200704

youve always had a flair for the unbelievable, but try mcqueen's kingdom, a smell so divine it just might start a war

>> No.15200715

And it'll probably go for $200+ for 26ml. I'll never understand why people are so interested into vintage stuff. I can get it if you used to have it or associate some unique memories like your dad wearing it who passed away but otherwise it's ridiculous. We live in the gold era of perfumery with thousands of interesting houses and your new favorite might be just around the corner (that's why it's so addictive to me). What's the point of fixating on something so badly?

>> No.15200718

It was simpler times man, I miss him too.

>> No.15200721

>Le 3ème homme is a weird fucking frag. Idk if the weather's too hot but I don't love how it smells. It's quite peculiar.
Same, at first thought I thought that I really liked it but then some anon called it 'couch cushion in an indian nursery house' and I just can't escape this thought lol. The cloves are weird here. I'm glad that I have only a sample. Thx for the report on Fiero. Someone mentioned here that it's similar so it picked my interest as I love Eau Sauvage Parfum.

>> No.15200745


Yup, I get that comparison with the cushion too lel. And there's no way I can put my nose close to it as it burns my nostrils. I'll test again a few times and come back to it at the end of the year.

>> No.15200765

I suspect that it might just be the case that the weather is not right. I can imagine that it gets cloying just by looking at notes. I'll revisit in Autumn too.

>> No.15200767
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Let's suppose I'm a young man (24) that just recently got promoted to be a manager of a world renown restaurant (McDonalds). What frag should I wear at work? Any recs?

>> No.15200770

Roja Amber Aoud. Show ‘em who’s boss. Quite literally.

>> No.15200771
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Sold Sauvage and Eros to some Turkish guy, not pictured Carnal Flower

>> No.15200773



>> No.15200782


>> No.15200793

Casanova fucked underaged stable boys

>> No.15200803

How is do son

>> No.15200817

I got mine from tigerlily about a week ago but just checked and they’re sold out now

Had a hard time spelling sold, think my brain is going already

>> No.15200830

Really good, but not on me. Definetely get a sample at least. I only had one travel spray but I gave it to my mother since she liked it so much and I already have a lot of frags

>> No.15200864

Thanks for checking senpai. I'll patiently wait for them to restock. Hopefully I don't buy other expensive shit while waiting

>> No.15200873

>Buy other expensive shit while waiting.

I wanted a fragrance but it sold out at the discount price before I got it so I used the money to buy a Wusthof knife instead. Then a month later it went back in stock at an even lower price.

>> No.15200895

yea but at least you know that. others dissipate into the shadows and aren't remembered for anything

>> No.15200912

are there any good values for perfume?
for my clothes, i feel extremely proud when I find a perfectly good pair of american made pants in a thrift store.
or when I get an insane value on a garage sale gun, or bike.
I dont get that with cologne. I mean I feel like the are all a good deal. you get 100 days of sprays for 30-200 bucks...not bad. I feel like at that price though, they should all be rock solid performers

>> No.15200921
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From my "sexy" shelf

>> No.15200931

How's Gucci PH I?
I don't want to pay ebay prices so is Bentley Absolute close enough? I really wasn't keen on Intense, but only because I feel it's a tad too mature for me and my style.

>> No.15200934

Is that Dior Homme Eau?

>> No.15200937

Alpha M is being a faggot shilling body wash of some kind on Twitter.
Told him real men skip the shower and wear a full bottle of Interlude, becoming the 2nd biggest nuclear incident after Chernobyl in the process

>> No.15200946

It’s seriously underrated. Often compared to Prada L’Homme, but to me it’s much more interesting and less linear. It lasts a surprisingly long time on me, but I found out the hard way that it projects like crazy on a hot day. I bought it on one of the hottest days of 2018 in London and I got so many looks from people on the tube.

I recommend people try it, it’s overlooked in the Homme line but it should be more popular.

>> No.15200948
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>> No.15200950

It's a great fragrance, but is not worthed of eBay prices. If it's too pricey, buy CdG 2 Man instead.

>> No.15200951

Also, I realise you didn’t ask for my opinion, but I wanted to speak about it.

>> No.15200971

I love the drydown of 2Man but the wet pew opening I just cannot abide.

>> No.15200977

That's because fishing is pretty cool and can be a socializing experience and you can connect with the wilderness. Same can't be said about some scrub sitting in the corner sniffing the badger cock in the crook of his elbow.

>> No.15200986
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>> No.15201004
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>> No.15201005
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>> No.15201015
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Kek i remember these. Here was my OC

>> No.15201039

Want to try out Commes Des Garcon fragrances, can anyone vouch for their uniqueness?

>> No.15201046

Not bad

Do Tauer perfumes ever get discounted?

>> No.15201048

Looking to invest in my first cologne, would an earthy or sandalwood scent be a good idea? It's what I use for my body was hand it smells good to me. I would just got to the Macy's to pick out something myself but everything's locked down.

>> No.15201056

Do you want something for all occasions or do you expect to expand your rotation further in the future?

>> No.15201058

I’ve sampled most and yes they’re worth trying

>> No.15201084

that kinda fits but it also gives me a saturday night fever vibe

>> No.15201090

Something that can be used at work/social gatherings. I worked as a bartender before this all happened and 3xpect to be back at it when this blows over

>> No.15201093

I liked hinoki because it reminds me of my old church. Will pick it up in the winter

>> No.15201099
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>get a 5ml sample of aventus for $20
>nothing about this is as good as people say

>> No.15201102

how long have you been wearing it?

>> No.15201107

like 2 or 3 days now

>> No.15201113

your kind of job requires good projection, and a crowd pleaser would be nice for your first buy
my recs are Layton for pricy niche, Cedrat Boise for cheap niche and Encre Noire A L'Extreme for designer

>> No.15201115

Legit thanks anon

>> No.15201117

No prob anon, but remember not to blind buy
make use of the quarantine to get decants

>> No.15201118

do one day of one spray on your chest
then do another day of like 5 sprays all around
maybe you are more experienced and are too used to expensive barber shop frags.
personally, i've never been around niche and high end colognes (never really took an interest in the salespeople at the mall) and when i smelled aventus was blown away.
well at first, it was just another sample, then i took a second look at it a week later and was shocked that something could have that affect on my mood, and not too mention it lasted 8 hours i smelled it pretty strongly. also, there are a lot of axe type copycats of it because I think it was one of the first fruity chypre (not sure)
so you don't get especiall long preformance? its not supposed to be a sillage monster. what vibe do you get when talking to people while wearing it?
nah you need something that will sweat through nicely for the night scene. but animalic a nice smelling so if you get off your shift sober, drunk girls will be that much more willing to fuck you.

>> No.15201124

there is some truth to it, prada is clean and fresh but kinda nose piercing at the same time

>> No.15201131

which thread specifically? I can't seem to find that user with the huge selection.

>> No.15201160

ESP for the summer? Assume that's nights/especially cold days?

>> No.15201166


>> No.15201221

shut the fuck up. all of those cheap designer brand suck. theyre trying to market shit like prada luna rossa for $90 and all the invictus flankers at the same price. you see them all the time in magazines as samples and they ALL smell exactly the same.
they are garbage, a waste of money, and you know it. stop acting like you have this dog like sense of smell and get over it. every once in a while, a designer comes out with something new, they copy it, and it goes to shit. try to keep these thread concerned with GOOD frags that are unique and not talked about on repeat

>> No.15201347

Prada L'Homme is better than DHE and not linear at all
L'Homme opens up a neroli bomb, transitions to mostly iris and then dries down to warm amber

>> No.15201410

someone else said it, but arm & hammer unscented is my go to. it works really well.

>> No.15201436

I'm in the minority but I fucking love absolu

>> No.15201460

I’m wearing a sample of it now to determine if I want a full bottle vs a bottle of Prada L’Homme. I’m leaning with DHE cuz it’s somewhat rare and I can get it somewhat cheap. The iris in this is really well blended and subtle but the Prada has a better base and lasts longer in my skin.

>> No.15201731

Thoughts on Slumberhouse? Where should I begin?

>> No.15201732

L'homme was far too sweet on me. That plus the strong florals gave me a headache in even moderate temperatures.
I agree it's not linear but I also think DHE is the better of the two

>> No.15201800

Great frags, but hampered by its flaky fucking faggot of a perfumer. I’d suggest Norne or Kiste to start, but who fucking knows if you’ll be able to get any?

>> No.15201825

>use manly perfumes to smell nice
hey guys just a brain blast here but take a fucking shower to smell nice and put on deodorant

>> No.15201832
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You came to the wrong neighborhood, motherfucker.

>> No.15201918

no i'd rather wear a fragrance that smells like I take showers regularly

>> No.15201921

now you belong on this board

>> No.15202001
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NOOOOO you just got the wrong batcherino you need ZZ01

>> No.15202010

Kek, some quality new OC

>> No.15202012

Same, it's massively overhyped. My gf hated it too

>> No.15202018

Don't desu. You'll only get frustrated with this faggot Josh if you happen to like anything

>> No.15202023

Or even better: Bentley Intense. It's better than CdG 2 in ways and is 3x cheaper.

>> No.15202061

Just received Mefisto Gentiluomo lads. What a scent, I love it.

It's only 69% alcohol. Doesn't that make it an extrait rather than an edp?

>> No.15202064
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Has anyone tried Profumo di Firenze 1954 Cinquantaquattro? The notes breakdown looks very snice: tea, bergamot, petitgrain, citruses and it's dirty cheap.

>> No.15202080
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Welcome to the club bro. Coincidentally I was wearing it yesterday. Absolutely love this scent. It's like improved Creed SMW with barbershopish feel to it. Very refined fresh fragrance. I wouldn't be surprised if it was Extrait to be fair.

SOTD: Azemour Les Orangers. There's only one more wear in my sample and I think I'll pull a trigger on this one soon. £87.50 for this masterpiece is a really fair price imo. What are you wearing today lads?

>> No.15202089

Are there any Frenchies here who could tell me if https://www.origines-parfums.com is legit??

>> No.15202112

As far as I can tell it is legit, I'm not finding any complaint, they have physical shops and they apparently have agreements with frag houses

>> No.15202145
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this is the next thing I sample. Waiting for shops here to open up so I can go pick it up in person. How does it compare to LAP Histoir d'Orangers, if you've tried it?

SOTD: ADP Colonia Essenza on one wrist, Acqua di Gio on the other (no bully please, I'm just trying to compare both frags).

Also, is pic related the shittiest designer house out there?

>> No.15202156

I haven't tried this LAP but from the notes breakdown I can already tell you that it's unlikely that these two are similar. This PdE is a proper (fruity) chypre. The bittern greenness and almost dusty oakmoss are the qualities making it unique, not just yet another orange-themed summer freshie. There's so much more going here than oranges. Beautiful complex stuff.
How do you like Essenza? I might get a good deal on it and get a 30ml decant for 10 quids. Also I agree with you about D&G. I haven't found a single fragrance that I liked from them. Even The One is just meh.

>> No.15202168
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What perfume is he wearing?

>> No.15202169

I see, Azemour is actually a chypre. Do you get any rose from it?
I love my ADP Essenza, it's a really fresh jasmine, slightly floral yet still masculine, super elegant. It was my go-to last summer, this year it'll still be up there but hopefully I'll have some more variety to change it up a bit. For 10 quid I wouldn't even think about it. I'm still considering getting ADP Colonia the original one though, have you tried that one?

>> No.15202172
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Ma Nigra

>> No.15202177

Eros obviously

>> No.15202194

Yeah, it's a proper chypre and I think I get some rose in the opening.
Essenza sounds nice, have you tried Bright Neroli? Isn't AdP too heavy on jasmine? That's what I had grown to dislike overtime in BN. White florals are really niceand can make fragrance classy and mature but often also make it too fem leaning. Hitting the right balance is hard. I used to have the classical Colonia. Similarly to BN, I finished a bottle but won't buy another one. It's nice and classy but there's some slightly skanky quality to it coming from rosemary I think. You can argue that that's what gives it depth but it doesn't work well with my skin. That's why I also didn't enjoy BdJ too much.

>> No.15202199


>> No.15202204

Just swapped some old samples for a decant of Nicolai Cuir Cuba Intense and a sample of Bois du Portugal. I don't know what to expect from Nicolai but BdP is apparently similar to NYI, so quite excited to see how does it compare.

>> No.15202232
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>> No.15202245

Do you wash your clothes in Aventus laundry detergent anons?

>> No.15202256

Jesus Christ, this subreddit will never cease to amaze me. Sometimes I go through their photos of collections for fun and its unbelievable how similar they are. There's always like 50-75% overlap and they have 70k members there. Also their obsession with Aventus, BR540, BdC, compliments etc is almost comical at this point. You can talk shit about /frag/ but in this very thread you could see more varied collections and interesting discussion than happen on this reddit over a month.

>> No.15202273

got any cheap recommendations to my summer rotation? so far i've got
encre noire/sport
carven l'eau intense
versace the dreamer
adp fico di amalfi
gucci guilty pour homme

>> No.15202287

Lalique White
Guerlain's Aqua Allegorias (Pampelune in particular)
Bright Neroli
Mercedes Benz Cologne
This seems really interesting but I haven't tried it myself yet >>15202064
Nautica Voyage
Eau de Rochas
Bulgari Aqua Amara
Sun Men Jil Sander
Machrie Arran Aromatics
Police Frozen (Roja Elysium vibes)
Acqua Essenziale Colonia
Charriol Men

>> No.15202300

Thoughts on Tauer Lonestar Memories?

>> No.15202301
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>encre noire

>> No.15202310

i wear it sometimes when going out for a walk in a park at night, fits me good

>> No.15202337

>have you tried Bright Neroli
I haven't yet, can't seem to find it anywhere. I've tried Neroli Portofino though, and AdP Essenza is much nicer imo, it's got more depth and is way more mature, I'm guessing from the jasmine. NP is like an amped-up baby cologne to me. And like I said, to me Essenza is super masculine, but ymmv.

>> No.15202341

I personally don't get the allure. Just an alright leather fragrance.

>> No.15202345

>Azemour Les Orangers
>Dusty oakmoss
Alcohol Denat., Parfum (fragrance), Aqua (water), Limonene, Linalool, Citral, Alpha isomethyl ionone, Citronellol, Eugenol, Geraniol, Cinnamyl alcohol, Hydroxycitronellal, Benzyl benzoate, Benzyl salicylate, Farnesol, Coumarin, Benzyl alcohol, Isoeugenol.

No oakmoss lol.

>> No.15202355

>Proper Chypre.
Looks like the guy in the last thread was right, you fuckers that through the word chypre around just look at Fragrantica.

>> No.15202374

Do these guys not know that perfumers can't even use low-atranol regulation compliant oakmoss anymore? Hiram Green had to discontinue his amazing Shangri La, and that was compliant until the regs came in saying perfumes that use the stuff had to be gone by 2021.

>> No.15202381


>> No.15202384

Not this retard again. Let me call you out again. All of the fragrance content is contained in
>Parfum (fragrance),
all other listed ingredients, that I'm sure must excite you so much given your sperging last time, are just carriers, fixatives etc. You don't know a shit about what you're talking about.
>Looks like the guy in the last thread was right,
Boss you should stop pretending to be different people for a sake of makning it look like there is anyone here who agrees with you. It's a bit embarrassing.

>> No.15202385

Dude, you don't even know what an evaporation curve is...

>> No.15202395

As I said it's embarrassing how you post baits just to answer to them in the next post. idk, try to time your responses to make it more believable or something. We all know this and you can get around this quite easily. There are excellent accords imitating oakmoss closely. Is there anything else I should explain to you?

>> No.15202399


You legit don't know that oakmoss has to be declared on the ingredients list? Pathetic. The ingredients list contain any allergens and colorings. If a perfume had oakmoss it would have to list it as Evernia Prunastri. YOU KNOW FUCK ALL!

>> No.15202404
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Before you'll say something like 'hurr durr SYTNHETIC ACCORDS you have never tried what NATURAL OAKMOSS smells like try some of MASTERPIECES of the AMERICAN MASTER PERFUMER MANUEL CROSS'. I know what does it smell better than you and I've tried Rogue before you even heard about him for the first time (they are have rough edges and you can tell that the guy is amateur).

>> No.15202405

autism speaks

>> No.15202408

Read my post again boss. I'm sure you're a smart guy but you have some problems with reading comprehension. Probably because of all the blood boiling in your veins again. Try maybe couple of deep breaths before rereading it.

>> No.15202411

they all have rough edges*

>> No.15202414

Kek, the chypre autist getting BTFOd by /frag/ again.

>> No.15202415

Trying L'humaniste from Frapin today. The opening is just Coolwater lmao. Drydown I get a lot of bergamot and juniper. Pretty sure the whole gin note is a marketing trick. Sillage is abysmal I honestly have to put my nose about 5 cm away from my skin to smell anything. Lots of people on Fragantica also complain of shitty longevity, which I believe since 1270 only lasted about 4 hours on my wrist, which is a shame because it smelled great. Imo don't sample this it's nothing special.

>> No.15202420


By a samefag.
Both of you take your autistic fighting and fuck off the board.

>> No.15202423


FUCK YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT BR 540 IS FUCKING DISGUSTING. It smells synthetic, clinical, latex, fluoride, exactly like the dentist office. Not even lying I almost gagged when I first put it on, felt like someone was about to drill into my teeth.

by far the WORST frag i had ever smelled. Fuck you cock sucking useless aids infected asshole fuckacum butt

>> No.15202424

Can I get some interesting recommendations for tobacco scents? Inb4 TF TV, I've already tried that.

>> No.15202427

Shame, I suspected frapin would be another meme house

>> No.15202431

Margaret Thatcher/tar soap nostalgia

>> No.15202432

Same thoughts. Passion Boise is really nice though and performs well.
Naomi Goodsir Or du Serail (or XJ Naxos), Serge Lutens Chergui, Nobile 1942 Fougere Nobile, Chopard Oud Malaki

>> No.15202438

I think I'm gonna cop a decant of it

>> No.15202439

Nicolai Cuir Cuba, Aramis Havana

>> No.15202443

A shame. I was hoping to get a bottle of their frag and a bottle of their cognac for the perfect pairing.

>> No.15202450

>Nicolai Cuir Cuba
Have you tried it? How is it? I have a decant coming my way

>> No.15202456

>Eau Sauvage Parfum
Absolutely based.

>> No.15202465


its that classic smell of rub on medicine for like a burn victim. that synthetic clean smell??? please someone help me if you know what im talking bout??

>> No.15202470
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>> No.15202476

Yeah, it's cringe

>> No.15202551

>Buys Aventus
>Shops at Lidl
You know for a troll he's really gone into the mindset of an Aventus hype following poorfag

>> No.15202570

tabac rouge

>> No.15202571


I-i'm basically Poseidon now!

>> No.15202573

Fragrantica press releases are just hot garbage IMO

>> No.15202598

current EN is so different to early versions that you can wear it in summer

>> No.15202613
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Just tried my sample of this. Holy fucking hell, this is horrid. The coffee is very realistic, probably more than any other coffee frag I've tried (not that many desu), but the combination of the coffee with the very flowery tuberose is just terrible. Hard pass.

>> No.15202630

Got my Eau Sauvage Parfum and Dior Homme Parfum from them when I was living in the UK. No issues here.

>> No.15202651

Just found out that Creed bot bought out, bummer.

>> No.15202653

Glad they toned down the iso E

>> No.15202661

Update after 3 hours it is completely gone, what a joke

>> No.15202663


>> No.15202665


Yeah I prefer the flankers for that reason

>> No.15202668



>> No.15202672

SNOICE senpai

>> No.15202676


Maggie's juices bath oil

>> No.15202680


I prefer Bloom.

>> No.15202682

Please don’t be mean. This is a friendly thread for friendly people. If you disagree please be civil. Cunt.

>> No.15202684


Vintage Kouros is unironically amazing!

>> No.15202685


>> No.15202687


We talking 2019 version or the vintage?

>> No.15202689

>Supporting terrorism

I can't think of anything more American

>> No.15202690

> but the combination of the coffee with the very flowery tuberose is just terrible
same, I hate any gourmand+turberose scent with passion

>> No.15202693
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>> No.15202694

Yeah me too but they don't carry Tauer so what's the point of your post?

>> No.15202695

All these are 2017. There is no 2019 as far as I know

>> No.15202698

o shit sorry

>> No.15202710

Felt the same about 1270. Was so disappointed I haven't touched the house since.

>> No.15202711

Masque Milano is pretty good

>> No.15202732

I tried it twice from a decant (5-7 sprays) I was given with my Nicolay NYI purchase. The drydown smells like a humidor full of Dominican cigars, very smooth, polite and relaxed. A bit sweet though.

>> No.15202739

I’d take my meds if I was you

>> No.15202824
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is this the right sub to discuss car fragrances? Whats your car's sotd?

>> No.15202836


>> No.15202856

5 liters for 22 quid, that's a steal. I would make smoothies out of it so my burps smell like Creed as well.