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15186194 No.15186194 [Reply] [Original]

lift or die edition

Last >>15181550

Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hydrated


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

Ask all your thinspo and weight-related questions here.

Please be kind to people and don't just call them a fatass or something - help them change it. It doesn't make you look worse if they also look good.

Feel free to post:
>current stats: height, weight, gender, age
>highest weight
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
>aesthetic you're going for

Also try post thinspo pics, post your goal bodies (fictional or real), recipes and tips etc. to help and encourage each other.

>> No.15186196
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Pick one.

>> No.15186198

Coffe because it tastes nice and it’s god tier with a ciggy

>> No.15186201

coffee easily. the pills hit way too hard and quick to the point of near uselessness and make me need to piss exactly 15min after taking. i think steady consumption of coffee is the best way to gain benefits from it, not just hugging it or taking a pill

>> No.15186233

Coffee, scared someone from here would swap those pills for those tranny ones while im not looking

>> No.15186329
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>> No.15186348
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What thinspo thinks they look like on the right

What they actually look like on the left

>> No.15186480
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>> No.15186487

Neither because cortisol encourages tummy fat

>> No.15186512

Seek therapy.

>> No.15186529

Explain more pls

>> No.15186532


>> No.15186543
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>> No.15186549
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>> No.15186553
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>> No.15186555


>> No.15186559

Search up literally any study relating to cortisol and fat retention.

No you're retarded

>> No.15186622
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>> No.15186625

>source: my ass

>> No.15186627
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Drink bleach instead

>> No.15186634

>lift or die

What do you mean??

>> No.15186641

>Become ottermode and can't wear thin clothes

nice advice thank you

>> No.15186659

anyone else getting really pissed off by the news lately?
i see near daily articles on the struggles of those who had their wages cut or are on unemployment benefits, and "cant afford 3 square meals a day" or "need food aid" and these fat fucks all look like they weigh over 100kg. do normies not understand the concept of bodyfat as a bank? how do they feel no shame?

>> No.15186660
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>> No.15186661

The fitfats can barely lift their own weight

>> No.15186662

how cute :3

>> No.15186664

skinnyfat cope

>> No.15186665


>> No.15186668

Why do you wankers want to be scrawny?

that shit is a curse

>> No.15186688
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>> No.15186692

>why do you wankers want to be scrawny?
because we're all fat

>> No.15186700
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>> No.15186707

losing weight is easier than gaining weight.

>> No.15186708
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>> No.15186711
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I mean yeah but I'm on my way at least

>> No.15186714

> screenshot


>> No.15186716
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>> No.15186720

They both look gooood so, why don’t you go fuccck yoursellf

>> No.15186723
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>> No.15186732
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>> No.15186736
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>> No.15186741
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>> No.15186742
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Need to or it uploads sideways

>> No.15186745

Never mind guess it didn't that time nice

>> No.15186750

speak for yourself
112lb master race reporting in

>> No.15186752

>skating with canvas vans
>skating with skinny jeans
>Unknown Pleasures shirt
Where did we go so wrong bros

>> No.15186756

how do i stop binging i only make it 3 days before i just eat

>> No.15186758
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>> No.15186768
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>> No.15186774
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>> No.15186779
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>> No.15186782

that's true until you're sub 12% body fat, fatty

>> No.15186784
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How am I doing so far?

>> No.15186791
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>> No.15186844

Good, those ribs look sharp as a knife. Can we see a side pic?

>> No.15186865
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>> No.15186914


>> No.15186929

they both look good and pull off the style, eat another bigmac and kys

>> No.15186963

The one on the left is the average thinspo user who actually eventully made it, stop seething because you look like a similar but more fat version

>> No.15186967

>those cuts
/thinspo/ are absolutely well-adjusted people

>> No.15187052

Will I lose weight if I stop eating

>> No.15187055
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No, you must lift atleast 100 sets of 100 reps every hours otherwise you will become a literal circle of flab

>> No.15187064

how much can losing tons of weight do for your facial aesthetics? i have a decent face but want to be prettier. i also prefer the way i look in the summer when im eating less and walking more, and playing basketball every day or two

>> No.15187083

Post face, it can help a bit, making chin/jaw sharper etc

>> No.15187385
File: 8 KB, 188x269, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how thin do I need to be to get a gf? BMI 17 now.

>> No.15187393

baby you are going to be fine you’ll be a girlfriend no matter how much you weight
learn to cook or cook for a girl and you’ll get a gf

>> No.15187396
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could someone refer me to where I might find some babydoll dresses like this?

>> No.15187412

What do girls like? I can make pasta, burgers, as well as a few different baked sweets. My grandma was teaching me how to make traditional soups from her region but was put on hold because I don't want to give her coronavirus.

>> No.15187803


>> No.15187821

Ask fit, alot of the ones who are into little girls and their clothes seem to come from there, or ask cecildrake if he ever returns

>> No.15187858

You will never get a gf because no girl would ever want a guy who has to ask strangers for their opinion, especially on 4chan. no girl wants a guy who cant make his own choices

>> No.15187859

asian shops online

>> No.15187865
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BMI estimate on pic?

>> No.15187870

18-19 bmi

>> No.15187875

Is it only me that thinks that he'd look a little better if he was at around 20-21?

>> No.15187879

anything yeah traditional or regional. my friend with dual citizenship showed me how to make some dish he made in his homeland. that is especially interesting and special. even something as simple as white rice and basedsayce

>> No.15187890

No, he looks fine, he would start to look soft and chubby at 20

>> No.15187894

that is not true tons of guys on this site have GFs

>> No.15187906

They all get left because of their lack of personality or self confidence, that's why they spend their time on 4chan

>> No.15187908

Normies visit this board all the time. Why are you upset? Are you perhaps projecting?
I have a gf anon, I know how to be a person. You need to let yourself love.

>> No.15187909

I have a gf too! Haha

>> No.15187950
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R8 what I ate yesterday

>> No.15187955

Too much


>> No.15187964
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>was is a

>> No.15187967

So if I stop drinking coffee I will finally lose my love handles? What should I replace coffee with?

>> No.15187982


>> No.15187989

anon ur diet is retarded

>> No.15188003

Y ?
I wanna be better

>> No.15188048
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exercise or fast more

>> No.15188050

Autistic, you wasted loads of calories on pointless food, just stop trying anon

>> No.15188077

i think the coffee and donut should not have been consumed

>> No.15188114

How to lower body fat FAST?
I’ve fasted for 2 days and look the same

>> No.15188141

Good start but I'd suggest this instead:


Black lungo espesso
Pan fried steak (Salmon is high on calories) with the roasted asparagus

Oatmeal with almond milk (You can add some fresh fruit inside or nuts to add extra flavor.)

>> No.15188148

Eat better

>> No.15188153

salmon is one of the most low cal food, it shouldn't be 900 wtf? for 900 calories you could have chicken, steak and salmon as 3 different meals. one 180 cal coffee is dumb, mine are 15 calories each or 25 with cacao powder and a caramel sweetener is 13 calories. you could eat way more quantity and better food if you actually thought this through

>> No.15188163

salmon is like 180 calories for a portion, anon is just eating way too much

>> No.15188169

exercise while fasting, 2 days is nothing

>> No.15188176

What I've been doing for over a year and been losing weight (Went from overweight to border underweight):

15:9 Fast
Lunch @ 15:00 : Some kind of meat or anything that has protein in it accompanied by a salad of any kind.
Snack @ 19:00-20:00 : Oatmeal with almond milk and almonds or a smoothie with 4 strawberries, 1/2 banana, half cup almond milk or whole milk, 1/2 tbsp Stevia ans 1/2 tbsp cocoa powder.

Thank me later.

>> No.15188177

Fast longer, 2 days is literally nothing, you gonna have to do 2 day fasts for like a month to see a difference

>> No.15188183
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>> No.15188185
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Thank you based anon

>> No.15188188

how to roast aspie ragus?

>> No.15188195

This is the most cursed daily eating ive ever seen, you couldve ate so much food for 1500 cals but you wasted it on crap, your not going to lose any weight at all on 1500, its like you know your fat because you think your healthy for eating salmon, but then go eat a donut, making it all pointless, its actually impressive you got to 1500 without actually eating alot, just give up anon

>> No.15188198

>salmon is one of the most low cal food
What? Salmon is an extremely fatty food

>> No.15188212

Are there any low-cal low-carb fruit juices I can purchase? I've found several that are low on kcals but they have a lot of carbs/200 mL... I've been drinking 0 cal White Monster & filtered water with lemon juice for over a year now and I'm bored of both of them out of my mind.

>> No.15188235
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Air fryer or oven

>> No.15188336

>krusty kreme glazed donut
nice freudian slip there anon

>> No.15188341

how the fuck did you eat 900 cals worth of salmon? what kind of ridiculously fatty teriyaki sauce did you smother it in?

>> No.15188344


>> No.15188345

the fact that you can cook (esp bake) at all is going to impress any girl desu

>> No.15188348
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Every salmon which isnt that specific "Atlantic raw" is only 100-200 calories a fillet

>> No.15188349

what the fuck that doesnt even take into account the sauce.. guess I can never have it again unless its omad

>> No.15188356

Also notice that Atlantic salmon 1 fillet is 369g compared to a normal 143g one, so in reality you probly ate even more than 900cal of salmon if your working off that

>> No.15188362

Its not the salmon thats the problem, its the 700 calories of sweet shit you drank/ate that didnt fill you up, fatty

>> No.15188547
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Reee I’ve done nothing but fast all day and I gained .6 I’ll never get below 118. Fuck this earth and fuck gay people

>> No.15188583

>fuck gay people
What did homosexuals do to you?

>> No.15188587

fatty fat faggot

>> No.15188624

You weigh less at the start of the day because of water weight you lost in your sleep, at the end of the day your waterweight is back again

>> No.15188628

Orange is fine. For the coffee, you could simply get a cold brew jug that has about 15 calories in it, mix it with almond milk and save yourself over half the calories. Kombucha is okay, and so are the asparagus. I’m genuinely curious how you managed to eat 900 calories of salmon. You slipped up when you gorged it for dinner. Try eating smaller amounts of salmon throughout the day for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You won’t be so hungry then. As for the donut and almond milk... really bro? It’s not disastrous but you don’t need that much especially at night

>> No.15188629

Why do the fat retards think fasting 1-2 days once will make them lose 10 stone instantly, you have to constantly do 2 day fasts for like a month to make any progress

>> No.15188634

What was your starting weight and what’s your current weight?

>> No.15188637

Not sure whats so hard about having black coffee with 1calorie sweetener in it, then anon can chug coffee all day and still be lower calories than your 1 almond milk coffee

>> No.15188654

Nothing just fuck them

>> No.15188656

Seething fatty, go eat a cake pig

>> No.15188674

Calm down chubby, i would say to have a chocolate to calm yourself down, but it seems you had too many of those already

>> No.15188689
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new to this and want to lose weight and all but at what point is it mental illness and delusional coping
just trying to look good while staying healthy bros

>> No.15188695

Delusional coping is when the fats fast for 3 hours and complain its not working, or when when fit comes here and thinks being overweight while lifting once a month suddenly makes them attractive

>> No.15188714
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>> No.15188725

just had 1800 cals over my limit I want to kms

>> No.15188740
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>> No.15188742

I hope your limit was 1 calorie, otherwise you actually have a mental problem

>> No.15188743
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same. had 1300cal over my limit today after a 2 day fast. gonna go for another 3 day fast though to make up for it.

>> No.15188828

What is a good weight for a 5'6" female (early 20s)? At 105 right now, but don't feel thin.

>> No.15188852

Your 16.5bmi, you know your thin stop trying to fish for compliments to try and validate yourself with attention from randoms off the internet, sad

>> No.15188873

you should just leave this place and never come, this general is a cesspit for mentally ill retards and you will become one if you stay here

>> No.15188883
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Is it normal to not be hungry after a certain period of fasting? I’ve been doing mine for almost 3 days now and I just don’t feel it anymore

>> No.15188895

sounds like a good idea, ill join you because I can't fuck up my progress again and go into another binge cycle..

>> No.15188903

im 5'7'' and youre already 10 pounds under my UGW relax dude. unless you enjoy the idea of dying an early death to cardiac arrest or organ failure I suggest you get help. if you're gonna be mentally ill at least be fucking self aware of it

>> No.15188924
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>> No.15188926

if you fast after binging, you are in a binge/purge cycle and will 100% binge again. idiots

>> No.15188936

They never said anything about purging bro

Ita a fast/binge cycle, they're very different

>> No.15188938

um you are very thin, thin isn't a feeling it's just a fact. i was like you then gained 20lbs out of feeling like restricting is pointless for someone as ""fat"" as i was then. and believe me, now i actually do feel fat and there's a huge difference in how i felt when i was your weight. so don't take how thin you are for granted.

>> No.15188950

no it isn't different at all, fasting after binging is a form of purging. fasting in and of itself is fine but they just fasted > binged and are now fasting again... they are in a binge/purge cycle, it's not anorexic behaviour it's bulimic. instead they should just go back to successfully restricting for a few days then fast for one day afterward and slowly build up until they can do it without binging

>> No.15188954
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Thinking of binging just because I’m bored and haven’t eaten in 3 days. Help me bros

>> No.15188971

have a maintenance day then do 3 more days so you don't ruin your progress. i swear some of you are just wannarexic bulimics who want an excuse to binge by pushing yourselves too hard

>> No.15188989

thats probably for the best... didn't even realize that was a binge/purge cycle..
I've binged for like a few days at a time before and anything past 24hrs a full binge will legitimately just be painful dude, just eat some oatmeal to readjust your body to food again

>> No.15188993

>haven’t eaten in 3 days
retard, of course your body is thinking of binging

>> No.15188998

But I want to get below 220 before the month ends

>> No.15189000

but I’m not hungry

>> No.15189013

then keep fasting

>> No.15189203
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>> No.15189226
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>> No.15189233

You do realise purging means bringing the food back up in the toilet after right? You purging it out of your body by force

>> No.15189236

you need to exercise, baby. the reason half the people who post in these threads are pushing sub-18 bmi but still look like shit is because nobody exercises. without any muscle definition, you'll always look soft/skinnyfat. do some bodyweight exercises. with such a low bmi it won't take long for results to show through.

>> No.15189243

Purging disorder is an eating disorder characterized by recurrent purging (self-induced vomiting, misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or enemas) to control weight or shape in the absence of binge eating episodes.

Dont call it a binge purge cycle, its not. Learn a word before trying to use it

>> No.15189254

So yes. Its completely different

>> No.15189320

watching porn with thin people is helping a lot more than "traditional" thinspo
>inb4 coomer
I'm like barely horny when I'm not eating much

>> No.15189330

Yo this might actually be true... When I used to eat normally I'd masturbate once per 3-4 days. Now I feel like masturbating 4 times a day.

>> No.15189366

quarantine is the perfect time to neet and starve
what a blessed time
can somebody direct me to the obligatory huge tits that gets posted in every thinspo?
too lazy to look

>> No.15189370

Where does one even shop for clothes like this?

>> No.15189371

yes. make sure you keep fasting though, because for me the smallest amount of food caused a binge

>> No.15189380

I've been obese since childhood (19 rn). For anyone who's achieved major weight loss, did you self esteem improve? Alternatively, did you notice people treating you better?

>> No.15189388

losing weight won't make a giant change in your self esteem
people will treat you a bit better at first, but then they'll learn you have a shit personality and not talk to you
you have to learn and love yourself mayne

>> No.15189421

Yes, people treat you better in all aspects of life, you feel more confident in yourself which also shows in your personality when you interact with people, when people are nice to you the world is so much easjer

>> No.15189439

How fucking old are you? Why do you need coffee to get through your day?

>> No.15189467

Just drink black coffee with 1cal sweetener retard

>> No.15189471
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>gained 5 pounds since quarantine
How do you prevent boredom gorging?

>> No.15189496

Do you have a job? That’s the only thing keeping me from devouring everything in my sights

>> No.15189518
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Nope. I'm sitting on unemployment money now. I was doing good at my apartment where I could self-regulate but since a windows 10 update nearly bricked my PC, I went home to my parents house and now I'm going crazy with boredom. I'm trying my best to not hit a weight over 150 so I can slowly creep back to where I was at 137 back in July.

>> No.15189538
File: 31 KB, 500x421, tumblr_nvqzjrIYee1tay8vfo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder if your bmi is more than 15 you should consider killing yourself, fucking cow

>> No.15189545

Spoken like a true white girl with yellow fever

>> No.15189548

Dont eat

>> No.15189550

This, also stan jenny :^)

>> No.15189551


:) <3

>> No.15189553

My willpower is dead for that. It's either gorge myself or start pulling the facial hair out of my face. I've been trying with tea and coffee but it doesn't quench my need to gorge. Fortunately I'm not at 150 yet, so I still have time before I start feeling really bloated and fat.

>> No.15189554

>people here counting calories instead of water fasting
never gonna make it

>> No.15189558

How long have you been water fasting, how much do you weigh currently, and how much were you losing daily?

>> No.15189567

>water fasting

Never gonna make it

Only air fasting is true thinspo

>> No.15189570

chug water, do NOT look at food, work work work, sleep, take a long walk

>> No.15189575

I was just wondering -- What's the age demographic of these threads? 19-25ish?

>> No.15189577

someone pls bully me for being a fat cow i need to keep fasting

>> No.15189581

I am 178 cm and I feel short as fuck, will I at least look better if I get a nice BMI goin'?

>> No.15189601

Yea, from the anons i know, thats about correct

>> No.15189620

its about 15-20 across the site, with the occasional grown person who still (for some reason) hasn't left

>> No.15189626

The sad old man that comes here every so often

>> No.15189632

What do you guys think about stevia ? I’ve been using it and I’m scared it’s too good to be true

>> No.15189635

I hope to god everyone here is of age. I wouldn’t wish this shit on my worst enemy let alone some random 14 year old who came across it

>> No.15189645

tastes weird and bitter to me desu, it's a bit of a meme.
honestly I just prefer aspartame in my black coffee

>> No.15189648

It’s not a bad thing to be mindful of your caloric intake and is good habit to learn when you’re young imo

>> No.15189655

losing weight is pretty easy when you're not around fat people
the peer pressure makes sure you don't eat at all

>> No.15189665

There are some younger anons in the discords of thinspo

>> No.15189692
File: 478 KB, 1351x1804, 4F4C50F9-BE6E-4A1B-AB32-CA105AE8AC29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5’4” (yea i know)
> 115 lbs

i wanna get down to 100-90lbs but live with other people. How could I stop eating and exercise without being weird about it?

>> No.15189703

Underage? Why wouldn't you be free to exercise and do what you want?

Lay off the tan bed too. It's dangerous, sweetheart.

>> No.15189706

Just dont eat and exercise, fuck whatever other people think

>> No.15189718


>> No.15189735

They are probably brown you tool

>> No.15189741

Well I am applying logic.

Not many girls post here and those that do are white. So brown girls would be really rare, they are into other things like twerking on social media or something, that's a big part of their culture or whatever.

So I just assumed it was some white girl with a tan. Ya know?

>> No.15189748

That skin is WAY too brown, more likely they are brown naturally.
Look at the hands they lightin up a bit.

>> No.15189758

Sad old man returns

>> No.15189763
File: 190 KB, 1023x681, hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The brown looks the same on the top of their hand and on the palm? Usually brown people have pinkish palms like pic related

>> No.15189769

that's a monkey

>> No.15189772

Yeah I know, I was using it as an example. I didn't want to search for brown hands with pink on in case people got touchy about it.

>> No.15189774

Sad old man

>> No.15189780

Dont listen to cecil hes a sad pathetic old man

>> No.15189785
File: 1.21 MB, 828x1280, 73A446EE-1A0B-49C5-9F30-C5EC87897EE4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15189792

3 posts begging for my attention. Can you stop spamming. I'm sad yet you are the loser who sits in eating disorder threads 24/7 on here. Sad as fuck. I bet you are fat lol. Sucha looserrr.

>> No.15189796

Sad old man

>> No.15189807

Nice fit

>> No.15189813
File: 1.60 MB, 960x960, 4EB3C1A3-EBE7-4703-A686-E51C513E67CC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15189889
File: 484 KB, 400x533, DAC613CE-CBE3-4076-B0AE-1F1DC27999DE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15189908

Sad old man

>> No.15189944

Sad old pedo who likes 13 year olds, you should be locked up

>> No.15189957

Dont fall for this sad old man, if corona gets him nothing is lost.

>> No.15189965

How do you guys deal with stomach pain

>> No.15189979


>> No.15189984

Not sure if baby is good or bad here lol, thanks either way

>> No.15190010

Is there any thinspo discord inv

>> No.15190032



>> No.15190090


>> No.15190099

Sad old pedo man

>> No.15190109

If you die from corona, no one would realise, or miss you, no one cares that you are alive, sad old man

>> No.15190113
File: 56 KB, 472x586, 1556935840703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw compulsively hoarding candy and chocolate

how much do normalfags tend to keep in their house at any one time? i legitimately don't know whats normal. i've currently got two crates absolutely stuffed with candy, cookies and chocolate. i rarely even eat anything from them, last time was february in fact. i just like to look at them sometimes - and yet i keep buying.

what's the norm?

>> No.15190130

Give up, you are a fatty and will never make it, eat nothing fatty

>> No.15190132

Sad old man pedo

>> No.15190140

i very, very rarely eat any of it though, last time was a granola bar in february. did you even read the post?

>> No.15190170

Sad old man, we all hope corona don't let you post here anymore

>> No.15190189

You are a boomer who is going to die sad and alone, posting on threads because you know your time is up, and no one will remember you, give up cuck

>> No.15190212

Imagine being such a huge cuck that even skelly ED fags make fun of you, how did this man even stoop so low?

>> No.15190240

We can all hope cecil doesn't make it, and the sad fat cant post here anymore, sad fat old man

>> No.15190250

You are the joke of every thread, sad old man, no one would realise if you suddenly disappeared, no one would realise you was gone, give up sad old man

>> No.15190278

Sad old man

>> No.15190283

I'm tired, my stomach hurts, my breath smells, my hair is falling out, I can't sleep, my muscles are weak, I feel faint

>> No.15190301

fatty LARP

>> No.15190675


>> No.15190683

>in the absence of binge eating episodes
i'm not talking about purging disorder, their behaviour is bulimic which is different. i've literally been in treatment for bulimia, and fasting after binges is absolutely considered a form of purging, and it is a binge/purge cycle when it triggers more binges... so yes they're in a binge/purge cycle. you don't know what you're talking about bro

>> No.15190689

breakfast: none
lunch: some eggs and lean fish with a side of veggies
dinner: steak and veggies

>> No.15190694

roseanne park is skinnier

>> No.15190700

>isolating in my apartment, notice how out of shape ive gotten, gf broke up with me at start of quarantine, decide to fix myself
>been running daily, bodyweight workouts, intermittent fasting
>fat is melting off, starting to get back to old athletic self
>have to go back in family home for quarantine eventually
>take off hoodie
>"look how skinny you've gotten!" - mom
>"you look like you've been working out" - dad
>ok this is good, ppl noticing
>senpai are foodies, whole house is stocked with junk food also
>feel like im gonna crash and stuff my face, always so bored
>just check thinspo, keep running, keep fasting, keep drinkning sparkling water
>comfort in knowing that ill NEVER gonna give in to old fatty animalistic ways again

thank u guys. u can all make it. its a marathon not a sprint. use this lockdown to shock people once u come out, trust me itll be the best feeling in the world. make sure u work out!!! dont starve yourself or you will lose hair etc, better to just exercise :) lets get it, peace n love x

>> No.15190712
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>dont starve yourself or you will lose hair etc, better to just exercise

How do you fast while exercising, i always feel to fatigued when i'm fasting. But yeah started running recently, it just feels so good seeing how many calories you have lost already lost on the screen of the crosstrainer.

>> No.15190725

you'll get used to it, after 30 seperate days of fasting you get pretty comfortable doing things in a fasted state, you speed up this process by eating less carbs when you are eating.

>> No.15190730

You're not supposed to feel tired while fasting after the initial 2 weeks of adjustments. What's your fasting schedule ?

>> No.15190758

this is my 2nd week, thats probably the reason then.

>> No.15190759

why less carbs?

>> No.15190781

because your body has two ways of making energy, via fat or via carbs. Protein and fibre has to be converted or fermented respectively into either fat or carbs before its used for energy

Anyway, when you fast your body is making a nearly all of its energy from (its own) fat, and most people aren't used to to doing this because eating carbs completely shuts down fat metabolism

by avoiding carb heavy foods, you're forcing your body to burn fat from either your own body or the food it's eating instead, eventually your body will get more efficient at doing this and you'll have more energy when you fat.

It shouldn't matter too much in the long run anyway, but if you're desperate to speed up the process then it's an idea

>> No.15190802

different anon, i did keto (which cleared up my acne btw) and felt legit depressed like a zombie after a week so ate carbs again, i read its because your brain needs carbs to produce serotonin. but now you made me think the depression would wear off eventually like if i got "fat adapted" so i'm gonna try again hmmm......

>> No.15190806

yeah I've been full keto for years now without break and I definitely don't feel like a zombie!

>> No.15190822
File: 84 KB, 828x821, EWx5IctX0AAKg_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that was very helpful. thanks!

>> No.15190841
File: 153 KB, 700x1050, Tj1ezbH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no nana gf

its over

>> No.15190866

Retard brainlet

>> No.15190876

I literally quoted what purging is, you really are mentally handicapped anon

>> No.15190880

you quoted what purging is in the context of purging disorder which does not even have binge eating as a symptom... bulimia is a completely different eating disorder https://www.healthline.com/health/bulimia-facts
>The difference is that bulimia includes purging by behaviors such as forced vomiting, excessive use of laxatives or diuretics, or fasting. People with bulimia may continue to binge and purge for a while, and then go through periods of not eating.
just accept you're a bulimic in denial

>> No.15190881

i think he'd look better with a bit more muscle (not too much tho)

>> No.15190892

an emotional disorder characterized by a distorted body image and an obsessive desire to lose weight, in which bouts of extreme overeating are followed by fasting or self-induced vomiting or purging.

Just fuck off anon you autist, its not bulimia or purging, you are mentally handicapped, fast/binge cycle isnt purging or bulimia. Fucking brainlet

>> No.15190907

How long did that take?? Routine?

>> No.15190912

how does that refute my treatment or my quote? calling everyone else an autist a billion times ITT is peak projection when you're crying about semantics, if you fast to get rid of binge calories you're literally in a binge/purge cycle, you have bulimia, cope harder

>> No.15190914

tren x Failure

>> No.15190925

15bmi anon here, dont listen to any of the retards in this thread, if you want to lose weight just dont eat. Its not that hard, keep coping fatties

>> No.15190928

restricting is fine, you obviously do eat

>> No.15190934

No, i fasted to get this weight, keep coping eating 1500 calories and still being fat and disgusting

>> No.15190940

i eat 800 for nutrition with some fasting days. you fasted in between eating and you eat to maintain your weight, if you don't your brain will rot from malnutrition and it sounds like it already has

>> No.15190949

Coping fatty, you will never make it

>> No.15190954
File: 1.54 MB, 2316x2566, EF002CDC-E294-4DF4-9FCE-6E5AC29044D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just did SL and stopped lifting after 1 year or something

>> No.15190956

hope you enjoyed the food you had today chomp chomp

>> No.15190958
File: 7 KB, 179x281, short-circuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> cortisol increases belly fat
> therefore don't drink coffee
> drink tea
> implying this should be your source of caffeine
> forgetting that caffeine is the thing which spikes your cortisol levels
> forgetting that the cortisol response to caffeine is reduced if you consume it regularly
> forgetting that food can increase cortisol levels
> forgetting that exercise can increase cortisol levels
> forgetting that ordinary stress increases cortisol levels
> not realising that cortisol increases are increased by both "good" and "bad" things
> not realising that maybe, just fucking maybe human biology is a little more complicated than hur dur coffee bad

Jesus Christ don't reproduce. You are literally everything wrong with this world and the way science makes its way into the mainstream.

>> No.15190962

I havent had any food yet because im not a delusional fat cow like you :) go have another biscuit fatty

>> No.15190965


>> No.15190966

>t. coffee addict

slurp slurp fatty

>> No.15190969

coffee has 5 calories please take a multivitamin your brain is shrinking

>> No.15190973

yeah but when you drink 10+ cups a day like a fatty addict it adds up

slurrrrrrpppp fatso

>> No.15190975

Keep coping 20bmi fat disgrace, go look in the mirror and harm yourself again

>> No.15190976

nobody in the world drinks 10 cups of coffee and even if they did it adds up to 50 calories which is less than you eat

enjoy your food

>> No.15190980

yeah whatever fatty, I'm sure you're *just* having one or two a day!
corisol fatty with a big belly

>> No.15190981

if you have to post stuff like this to trigger yourself into not eating then you're definitely going to blow back up

>> No.15190982

I already made it, you're still fat, starving and depressed :) sad!

>> No.15190983

I think I ate too much for lunch...

*A bowl of Tabbouleh
*A croissant with mayo in the pan
*Omelette with two eggs and some veggies

Did I fuck up? I feel so full... Should I purge?

>> No.15190989

what were you planning to eat before i triggered you into changing your mind

>> No.15190995

Yes, fat pig

>> No.15190997
File: 172 KB, 291x414, 1575064569474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

water because I'm not a cortisol fatty flabby with disgusting poo poo panties

>> No.15191002

you literally said you were planning to eat food lmao stop larping

>> No.15191001
File: 134 KB, 275x183, 1587619066489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related
the number 1 ruiner of diets
stop drinking calories FATTY

>> No.15191004
File: 92 KB, 699x463, 1568850431897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not the other anon coritsol fatty-chan

>> No.15191008

You're speaking to more than 1 anon you handicapped fat incel

>> No.15191009

coffee = water with 5 calories of energy = you don't need to eat for energy = easy weight loss

you sound fat, just post your pic and ask for meanspo instead of shitposting

>> No.15191010
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>> No.15191016
File: 49 KB, 877x514, 1578932951459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fatties think coffee doesn't ruin weight loss because they're obese and have a BMR of 1000+

unlike you I'm actually thinspo my TDEE is around ~10kcal/day, if I drink too much coffee I'll get fat as fuck

tubby tubby big fat fatty

>> No.15191018

shit troll

>> No.15191023

don't let your cortisol levels spike, fatty

>> No.15191024

everyone eats including you

>> No.15191025

Retard troll, we all know you should drink black coffee which is no calories

>> No.15191027
File: 120 KB, 1000x1000, 1586780173843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder: stress promotes belly fat storage

drink some water fatty

>> No.15191030

weight loss is calories in calories out

>> No.15191033

fasting increases cortisol

>> No.15191035

yeah and cortisol decreases the calories out part of CICO, turbotubby

>> No.15191038

Stop arguing, you're all skinnyfat 22bmi depressed incels, you're just trying to show whos the most retarded, plot twist, you're as retarded as eachother

>> No.15191042

Meh, I consume quite a lot of coffee and that's still less than 10 cups per day, would say 8 on the most extreme work days. You're either trolling or mentally fucked and given the amount of eating disorder shit that is appearing in this thread I'm willing to bet it's both. In any case you should end your life.

>inb4 sluurrrrrp

Fuck off.

For the benefit of the non retards in the thread that just want to trim down, you're not going to put on weight unless you consume more calories than you expend. If you consume 100kcal of coffee (a generous calorie estimate for 20 cups in a day) and 1900kcal of food then expend 500kcal in exercise (approximate 5k run) you're still at a fucking deficit and you'll still lose weight.

Also consider that caffeine (again, not just from coffee) serves as an appetite suppressant. Consuming caffeine (cup of tea is 2kcal, cup of coffee is 2kcal according to USDA - above estimate uses >>15190976) is literally a way to get through the day consuming less calories. While this is an unhealthy approach for a number of reasons it'd be damn near impossible to consume your basic calorie requirement (2000kcal for the skeletors in this thread -> approx. 100 cups of tea OR coffee).

If you wanna be a skinny /fa/ggot then establish a healthy relationship with food, consume approx 1600-1800kcal per day net (including exercise) and do this consistently. You'll lose weight then actually be able to live your fucking life. Don't obsess over retarded things like caffeine, they have just about the most minor effect they could possibly have. Severely limit refined sugar and processed junk and you'll be able to eat more food for less calories and have generally better nutrition.

>tfw I took the bait because I was that fucking triggered.

Trolling individual was representative of the thread and this thread is more retarded than /fit/ when it comes to diet advice and that's fucking impressive.

>> No.15191043

which is why anorexcis who drink coffee instead of eating like you are all fat

>> No.15191050

>1600 to 18000 calories

Ok, now you look like the retarded one lmao

>> No.15191055

Fat depressed coper, post body fatty

>> No.15191057

post me a single picture of an anorexic drinking coffee tubso

>> No.15191060

didn't read cortisol fatty

>> No.15191061

You seem sad and depressed about your own weight anon, i would say to go have something to eat, but when you look in the mirror you know you had too much to eat already, keep coping fatty

>> No.15191064

how fucking fat do you have to be to burn 500kcal in a 5k?

>> No.15191069

Fat anon is speaking from experience, anon can barely walk down stairs anymore

>> No.15191070

you eat in between fasting and are triggered by 1 calorie black coffee

>> No.15191077

Sad fatty, go cry in the mirror over your disgusting chubby body, were all thankful were not you

>> No.15191085
File: 3 KB, 779x82, 1562455769122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more than that you obese fucking retard

>> No.15191097

by 2.55 calories

>> No.15191098

Why would you go in thread just to anonymously shit on everybody? Don’t you have better to do?

>> No.15191113

trying to trigger yourself into sticking to your fast by calling actual anorexics who drink 3 calorie coffee fat because you're hungry and mad you can only drink water on a fast is so sad

you have no willpower and will binge again

>> No.15191114

well done, the cortisol fatty can do basic math

>> No.15191116

me drink coffee
me get stressed
me no lose weight
me gain belly fat


>> No.15191117

drinking calories is universally accepted to be the most retarded dieting strategy imaginable

sorry you don't understand this, the least you can do is stop others from following your retarded mistakes

>> No.15191125

be skinny vs have good sleep?

>> No.15191126

ditch the coffee and have both

>> No.15191128

No, were all locked inside, atleast im not the one who is going to leave quarentine 5 stone fatter, go cope fatty

>> No.15191136
File: 118 KB, 260x194, 1560900782543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to trigger yourself into sticking to your fast by calling actual anorexics who drink 3 calorie coffee fat because you're hungry and mad you can only drink water on a fast is so sad
>you have no willpower and will binge again like me

>> No.15191137

black coffee has less calories than the food you eat

>> No.15191141
File: 795 KB, 1024x683, 1573766809765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black coffee has less calories than the food you eat

>> No.15191142

drink coffee for energy and replace your electrolytes

>> No.15191144

he has a giant plate of food like you when you break your fast

>> No.15191158

Stop with the coffee meme, retards.

>> No.15191171

>3 posters
>all type the same at the same time
>all disappear at the same time

>> No.15191184
File: 2.44 MB, 1300x1300, 1574457185532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stop with the coffee meme, retards.

>> No.15191186

I have better things to do than speak to a obviously handicapped fat neckbeard

>> No.15191233

Work some upper body your physique looks really imbalanced

>> No.15191261

Then read a fucking book, fatty

>> No.15191279

Cope more chubby

>> No.15191284

Where did you find that pic of me?

>> No.15191288
File: 2.16 MB, 2499x3750, 1574134276537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drink another coffee fatties

>> No.15191297

i live with gf and a few roommates

i used to be underweight before and so my partners kind of hyper aware of it, but probably just gonna adopt this attitude anyway. Just started throwing food away and telling her i already ate for now

>> No.15191308
File: 173 KB, 631x738, 1568093679496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make sure you also throw away the coffee

>> No.15191359

Calling everyone fat what says is your own insecurity about your body, that you need to name call strangers on the internet

post bod
post face
you sound like you’re ugly af

>> No.15191377


>> No.15191446

Keep coping fatty