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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 677 KB, 496x693, 6C4C7A10-15A6-4EC9-ACA4-6142A21A231E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15181550 No.15181550 [Reply] [Original]

5% bf or less or gtfo edition

Last >>15171008

Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hydrated


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

Ask all your thinspo and weight-related questions here.

Please be kind to people and don't just call them a fatass or something - help them change it. It doesn't make you look worse if they also look good.

Feel free to post:
>current stats: height, weight, gender, age
>highest weight
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
>aesthetic you're going for

Also try post thinspo pics, post your goal bodies (fictional or real), recipes and tips etc. to help and encourage each other.

>> No.15181577
File: 909 KB, 480x720, 1566012749383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not even CLOSE to 5% bodyfat, more like 12%

pic related is around 3-5%, are you trying to tell me that if OP lost a few pounds he'd look like pic related?

>> No.15181626

that’s the joke idiot

>> No.15181628
File: 285 KB, 600x1104, 1583230799601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a funny joke

>> No.15181639

Quote this post if a skinnyfat ugly incel posts their deformed body

>> No.15181683


>> No.15181692

Lift weights you faggots, and just eat less. Starving yourselves won't make you effay. All the models literally lift

>> No.15181698

I just started intermediate fasting. Do you think it will work?

>> No.15181701

>Starving yourselves won't make you effay
See if I care.

>> No.15181702

Can you suggest a routine? I have a bench and free weights in my garage but most just do pushups and chinups every day

>> No.15181708

OMG that is the ugliest thing i have ever seen in my life

>> No.15181709

You can try this


This will make your muscles look bigger, but it might be a little too hard for you.

So you can try stronglifts 5x5. Just make sure to eat a decent amount at first, then once you're strong you can then cut.

>> No.15181711

Fitfat neckbeard

>> No.15181712
File: 35 KB, 500x667, 384235235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why wouldn't it? as long as you eat less calories than you burn, probably. how long do you fast?

>> No.15181715

Retard, enjoy looking skinnyfat. You think male models just sit in their rooms all day starving themselves lmfao.

Go fucking lift you lazy shit, even Brad Pitt had to lift for fight club

>> No.15181717

(different anon) is calisthenics good enough to bother with?

>> No.15181718

Why would I give a fuck about models?

>> No.15181721

I'm doing 20-4. Gotta get rid of these disgusting love handles once and for all

>> No.15181723

Reminder : /fit/ anons are insecure 2/10 ugly betas who think lifting weights at 23 bmi will make them attractive, dont fall for their bs

>> No.15181727

my plan is to get to 18.5< and then get fit, i don't know why anyone would lift before losing all the weight

>> No.15181728

Yea, no shit if you starve yourself you lose weight, its calories in calories out, but theres no calories going in

>> No.15181731
File: 155 KB, 600x850, 43634637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good Luck!

>> No.15181733

Stfu you skinnyfat retard, keep starving yourself. Enjoy the muscle loss.

If you weight lets say 100kg, and have a bodyfat of 20%, if you increase your muscle mass by like 5kg you now weight 105kg. Now if lets say for arguments sake you didn't lose nor gain any bodyfat you still have 20kg bodyfat.

20/100 = 0.2
0.2*100 = 20 <- 20% bodyfat

20/105 = 0.19
0.19*100 = 19%

You now have a lower bodyfat percentage despite gaining weight, and because now you have increased muscle mass you burn calories quicker. If you just starve yourself your muscle mass will decrease giving you a skinny-fat look.

>> No.15181734


2/10 23bmi ugly beta, go back to fit, tranny

>> No.15181737

Are you mad because you lift and still have your shit genetics, and no girl would ever be in 10 feet of you, seething fat retard

>> No.15181738

Calisthetics is alright, you will end up at a point where you aren't making too much progress. But because all gyms are closed rn, calisthetics are alright - I don't have too much experience with them so I wouldn't be able to say much.

But yeah when this lockdown ends get yourself a gym membership ASAP, you will look better for sure.

>> No.15181740
File: 183 KB, 477x399, smirk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't call the /fit/shitters trannies. I don't want to be associated with retards.

>> No.15181743

Keep the insults coming skinnyfat boy, try to argue the maths brainlet

>> No.15181744

ur parents don't want to be associated with you but life's not fair

>> No.15181745

Charles Bronson did nothing but calisthenics and he was a beast

>> No.15181746

Calisthenics is pointless because you need progressive overload to make progress, and in calisthenics the only way to do that is to add more reps or weight to your body, at that point you mayaswell just lift weights

>> No.15181748

Fuck off

>> No.15181752

So you agree to being a 23bmi lifting neckbeard, why would anyone listen to you lmao

>> No.15181754

My parents are pretty proud of me, so I am not sure if u're correct.

>> No.15181755
File: 170 KB, 1080x726, Screenshot_20200423_161509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skinny isnt good looking, you should all lift and maybe you will eventully look like me if your lucky

>> No.15181756

ur dad is proud of ur tuck

>> No.15181757

Tell that to Hershel Walker

>> No.15181759


Lmfao are you female or something? Your idea on how looking aesthetic is retarded. Why are all of the men with good bodies lifters too? Show me on effay body where the person didn't lift.

>> No.15181761

Kettlebells are the most /fa/ fitness routine

>> No.15181762

And ur is proud of nothing related to u. I understand your grumpiness, though. I am nasty when hungry, too.

>> No.15181765

Marcus Schenkenberg

>> No.15181766

:( did i make the 23bmi fat incel neckbeard angry

>> No.15181767

will exercise make a difference in appearance or is it just CICO? will i look better if i eat 1500 calories and do enough cardio everyday to burn 300 calories, calisthenics sometimes too
eat 800 calories no exercise literally just sitting around

>> No.15181768

Literally any model

>> No.15181770

Why can't meat heads just leave skinny guys alone?

>> No.15181773


Literally says he lifted and exercises the fucker doesn't sit in his room and starve himself

>> No.15181774
File: 225 KB, 400x596, 1585631975109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today I will remind them


>> No.15181776
File: 89 KB, 500x339, look at this retards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bodytype most of you retards think about is ottermode. That shit you need to lift weights for...

>> No.15181778

actually no I'm interested in skinny thanks

>> No.15181779

Too bad you're not in the top 10% for face. Now go lift spastic.

>> No.15181780

They're insecure that even when lifting they are still ugly

>> No.15181783
File: 47 KB, 618x134, stats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe more Ethiopians

>> No.15181786
File: 1.07 MB, 610x813, 1584824755540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15181787


Cope more non-lifters

>> No.15181792

That dude now has a girlfriend...

>> No.15181794
File: 7 KB, 271x186, cope more.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope more bro

>> No.15181796

Fat incel neckbeard, keep trying to cope with your shit body and face

>> No.15181797

so what? I have a girlfriend too and he's still hideous

>> No.15181801

>Calls me fat
>I actually exercise
>Skinnyfag refuses to lift because he is lazy

Cope more man, you can't compete. I literally posted stats and studies, all you've done is whine

>> No.15181802

He has a subhuman face and he is banging a decent looking girl, shows how much women want to fuck strong guys.


>> No.15181803
File: 906 KB, 2544x4000, 1562026622087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he browses incels.co

>> No.15181806

Nice strawman, keep coping.

>> No.15181807


Omfg the fitfat is actually an unironic incel hahahahahahahahhaaa

>> No.15181808

My bf is a bit chubby, hardly exercises, and mostly just plays vidya. Yet you with all your incel bro science shit are single. What is your excuse?

>> No.15181809

Non-lifter doing his best to cope.

You've resorted to reddit level insults

>> No.15181810
File: 131 KB, 943x493, Screenshot_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many calories is this approximately?

>> No.15181811

All you do is get mad when called fat and ugly because deep down you know its true

>> No.15181812

You're probably ugly then LOL.

>> No.15181814

I actually feel bad for you fitfats

>> No.15181816

Nope I'm in decent shape, and don't suffer from mental health issues like you.

From a biological standpoint women would rather fuck a man who is strong and has muscles. Show me a study showing women prefer skinny guys over guys who are lean and strong

>> No.15181817

I refuse to guestimate the calories of any meal with coca-cola in it

take a picture, impossible to guess how many calories are in something when we don't know how big it is.

chicken = mod calories
cheese = high calories
salad = free calories
walnuts = high calories

>> No.15181819

Imagine spending all your time lifting and being on 4chan boards, yet still being a 2/10 subhuman and getting mad that other people can achieve their body goals because you cant

>> No.15181821

Nice excuse incel. Your dick is Microsoft and your post is Excel.

>> No.15181822

Literally any bts fan

>> No.15181823

You sound butthurt twiggy, enjoy being weak you sissy

>> No.15181826

BTS are famous... And their fans are all 13 year old girls LOL. Go to a club and see if women want to fuck a twig.

Salty that you ended up with a fat retard LOL. Women find muscular men more attractive.

>> No.15181827

this general should be twink pic general yet all i see is retards shitflinging
no reason to click on this anymore

>> No.15181828

I got the Coke Zero ofc. Well I already ate it so all I can say is that the salad was in an average - small plastic bowl and the wrap was like 7 inches and not that full of ingredients, e.g. Like you'd make it at home.

>> No.15181829

>Salty that you ended up with a fat retard LOL. Women find muscular men more attractive.
So you refuse to answer. Ok, I'm not surprised.

>> No.15181831

Refuse to answer what LOL

>> No.15181835

What is your excuse, incel?

>> No.15181837

I've had a gf before?

Why the fuck would I get one when I'm in college and there's endless women? What's your excuse for settling with a fat retard, anorexic?

>> No.15181838

Fitfats are more insecure and lonely than the incels, when you lift and still get ignored because of your shit neckbeard genetics it must get hard to cope

>> No.15181840

>ive had a gf before

Ive never seen such a sad pathetic post

>> No.15181841

Yeah and girls drool over skinny guys that don't eat all day LMFAO.

Look at the fucking studies I've posted.

>> No.15181842

>I've had a gf before?
I don't know. Most likely not, judging by your incel links. Why are you asking me?
>Why the fuck would I get one when I'm in college and there's endless women?
There is a finite number of people, so you are wrong. American education and so on.
>What's your excuse for settling with a fat retard, anorexic?
He's cute, smart and fun.

>> No.15181843

Theres girls who are into skinny guys, like theres guys into obese girls, stop being a obvious retard

>> No.15181844

Current Stats
>19 years old
>178 cm (5.8 ft)
>87.9 Kg (193 lbs)
>BMI 27.7

Goal Stats
>60 Kg (132 lbs)
>BMI 18.9

I am doing a 15:9 fast in which I consume 1000 calories tops in that 9 hour window. Any tips?

>> No.15181847

You do sound really insecure about yourself anon, maybe you should turn your computer off before you hurt yourself again

>> No.15181850

Do 1000 calories in a 24 hour window, aka OMAD

>> No.15181851

You could just be an outlier then, the studies show that women on avg prefer muscular men. You can't refute it.

Some men like obese land-whales, doesn't mean that land-whales are attractive.

And there's more women drooling over muscular men than skinny men, next.

>> No.15181854

Maybe you should go eat some food before you pass out from low blood sugar

>> No.15181856

Difference is, im a skinny man and you're still a fat neckbeard, who no girl wants, no woman is ever coming within 20 feet of you

>> No.15181858

So you're now just making assumption you've pulled from your ass. LOL.

>> No.15181861

No, its obvious because your still here replying and getting mad when called fat and unattractive, your trying to cope really hard right now

>> No.15181863

Seethe more, your insults won't change the statistics

>> No.15181864

>ive had a girlfriend before

Tragic excuse of a man

>> No.15181867

Statistics wont change your genetics, go back trying to lift and still looking like shit

>> No.15181869

I was not refuting anything. I was making fun of you.

>> No.15181870

Stop, we shouldn't be making fun of the disabled

>> No.15181880

The skinny in this pic is still cute and kind of my goal

>> No.15181890

Shit genes? Like what?

Skinny in the pic doesn't look healthy, the most fa body type is ottermode. That's the body swimmers have

>> No.15181895

what are some easy ways to stay below 500cals every day. I can do it v easily but i'm just curious

>> No.15181897
File: 64 KB, 500x749, 99D83577-A8B7-4A60-A025-5AF3610D9D9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all you faggots arguing about what women like
Lel im so glad im a big gay
FUCK what women like

>> No.15181899


>> No.15181911

You can stay under 500cals by eating 0 calories

>> No.15181938

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.15181960 [DELETED] 

drinking a shit ton of water, EC stacking if you can, caffeine alone is pretty effective. staying busy/distracted

>> No.15181969
File: 85 KB, 710x984, minaxbelltub.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im currently fasting rn can yall bully me for motivation my BMI is 31

>> No.15181984

Give up, you're not gonna make it, stop being a burden on society fatty, fat person fat mind

>> No.15181987

if you want bullying post body

>> No.15182028
File: 103 KB, 554x1200, ef8322e68238c1c9db38f1fd41838e73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15182145

>the most fa body type is ottermode. That's the body swimmers have
you're autistic

>> No.15182153

jesus this girls waist is smaller than mine

>> No.15182158


>> No.15182410

(almost) anything is better than nothing

ignore this retard who doesn't know much about calisthenics programming and who also doesn't understand what progressive overload is

>> No.15182499

Dude my face looks exactly like that
who is that?

>> No.15182534

post face

>> No.15182569
File: 6 KB, 224x224, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sicc Sipper's Radical Daily Tip:

Drinking water will fill you up, resulting in reduced hunger.

Stay hydrated, my sicc dudes!

>> No.15182696
File: 866 KB, 1091x626, 1585110644167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15182755

not necessarily, you might also turn into a hungry skeleton...
even anorexics should do yoga or something. appearing to suffer from AIDS / muscle wasting disease is not very effay

>> No.15182759
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>> No.15182929
File: 89 KB, 474x632, 3C914CBA-F162-4F2D-98C3-DD72AED28905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15182953
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>> No.15182982
File: 59 KB, 500x667, 2B5A8EDB-57AE-43B4-8564-6CC3BAC8C91E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15183003

wish all boys went out with sweats like those

>> No.15183137

they're 12

>> No.15183191
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>> No.15183218
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>> No.15183329

I don't think you'll make it you're really fucking fat dude just stop it and rot away in your shed

>> No.15183377

Ouch. Sadly there are a lot of people who are slightly overweight like you, who for the life of them, can’t lose weight. They half heartedly try all these diets that they really really want to work hard on, but just never have the motivation to get by and seem to be aimlessly drifting, unsatisfied with no where to go. And they spend their entire adulthood like this. Not skinny, not obese, just overweight and awkward. They’re not over indulging to the point where their obesity impacts every aspect of their life, but it’s enough to sustain that extra 30 pounds of pure gluttony in their belly.

>> No.15183483
File: 63 KB, 481x584, 26931174-23BB-4E60-A07C-E8B3A2C83ADB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

diet: Are you skinny? Cool, eat more and lift heavy. Aim for .9*bodyweight in lbs of protein per day minimum. Eat your veggies. Go on a 300-500 caloric surplus each day, or about .5lbs gained a week.

Fat? No problem. Same story with protein/veggies, just go on a 500lbs deficit, aiming to lose .5-1lbs a day. You'll still make progress as you're a beginner in your lifting. Cardio is very helpful for losing weight, but go for cycling or swimming or ellipticals as running is antagonistic to leg growth.

sleep 8+ hours if possible. one night of 6 hours isn't the end of the world but you'll get much slower progress if you make a habit out of it.

if you have a squat rack disregard the below and just follow picrelated. keep in mind the progression rate is for absolute beginners, after a few weeks deadlift night drop to more like 12.5 a week (15 one week, 10 another), squat 7.5 a week, bench 5 a week, ohp less.
progression is calculated using the 4x4 weight. as in for the bench add 10lbs distributed evenly though week to 4x4 each day then calculate 4x8 off of that.

if not:
follow the program without squats. try dumbbell lunges for quads, if they hurt at least go for a sprint every day uphill. do 6 30 second sprints, with 2 mins rest between each one.

>> No.15183500

Sad old man

>> No.15183504
File: 127 KB, 849x1141, IMG_20200428_011142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what can I do to distribute my fat better? Im skinny everywhere except my legs and my ass and I look disgusting. 48.2kg=106lbs

>> No.15183525

You should aim to get as little sleep as possible. Your body barely burns any calories when sleeping. When you stay up longer then 24 hour your body will spend more energy keeping you awake and alert. 3 hours a night is good

>> No.15183568

Pulling an all-nighter burns less than 150 more calories than getting a proper night's rest does. If you're sleeping 3 hours a night, your brain is fucking fried and your metabolic rate is lowering because your body is desperately trying to conserve energy because you're torturing yourself. This is not natural, nor healthy, and if you don't give a shit about your health and well-being it's at least making you look like a zombiefied husk with eye-bags, lethargic movement, and slower and cloudier thought. Super attractive.

>> No.15183584

Tbh it’s actually worse than being obese imo. obese people will have to lose up to hundreds of pounds just to get a BMI like 31 (which isn’t healthy but it’s better than a bmi of like 40). When you’re at a weight like that it’s bad but there’s not really anything motivating you to get better because it’s sadly normal to be overweight like that nowadays. So you just sit on your ass eating hot Cheetos like you normally do while sometimes engaging in activities that get your blood pumping but it’s never enough or what your body needs in order to lose weight. Kinda sad how many people just can’t be bothered to take care of themselves because it’s not as bad as it could be

>> No.15183591

Forgot to mention that you're also significantly increasing your risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer's when you're older.

>> No.15183592
File: 266 KB, 1066x1600, 6275AFD5-F004-42E9-9327-BB9C4AA7CAA3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somethin for the boys

>> No.15183599
File: 78 KB, 500x501, 61CC47A3-7A9D-4079-9B8E-D404991E643A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15183607
File: 53 KB, 500x462, 46C5DAD1-A75F-4F86-A9CC-302ACAD9EFF7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15183613
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>> No.15183617
File: 36 KB, 734x772, 542F4F10-AF64-4CEB-82D8-54E3C5ACF02E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15183618

Actually a stupendously awful idea. sleep is the only time of the day where I’m away from food and can exist like a normal human and replenish myself mentally from the toll that being an anorexic fuck takes. It doesn’t matter if you don’t eat but for the love of good you need water and sleep just to stay sane

>> No.15183624
File: 43 KB, 500x500, D7B2C0A2-D0D7-404E-BF29-DF000BE454CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15183628
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>> No.15183698
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>> No.15183740
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>> No.15183767

>Pulling an all-nighter burns less than 150 more calories than getting a proper night's rest does.
Where'd you get that from? I heard you burn twice as less calories when asleep.
It's also kinda ironic saying people should be concerned with their health in a thread that promotes anorexia

>> No.15183873
File: 103 KB, 640x640, 77ACE6F6-7153-43EE-8640-615C6B9A0C3E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15183919
File: 132 KB, 500x667, F8855086-B0BB-4E97-A869-E832D497AAA7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15183928

Is it breaking your fast if you have a peach?

>> No.15183933

how to get rid of tummy fat?

>> No.15184035

Yes, obviously it is retard, consuming any food at all breaks a fast

>> No.15184041

>after a few weeks deadlift night drop to more like 12.5 a week (15 one week, 10 another), squat 7.5 a week, bench 5 a week, ohp less.
I'm retarded, can you explain this part please

>> No.15184078

so "progression rate" is the rate at which you add more weight to the lift. in the case of deadlift it begins with you adding 15 lbs to your deadlift every week, but this will quickly become untenable. maybe you will only add 15 one week then 10 in the next week (because you failed a set). this would average out to 12.5 per week over the two week period in question. for squat, maybe you will add 10 one week and only 5 the next. for OHP, maybe some weeks you won't add any (OHP is hard). but this is normal, just keep going, your gainz are really fast at the start

>> No.15184079

> gains .8
> has been drinking water and coffee all day, hasn’t eaten in 28 hours

Fasting is a joke

>> No.15184107

you're pretty based for being /fit/, but don't browse incel.co senpai.

>> No.15184110

wow your scale weight went up even though you were fasting? then why would anyone conceivably fast? hmm I guess that BTFOs decades of research on human nutrition, I guess some people can synthesize ATP from H2O and caffeine alone. call Scientific American, this is big news

>> No.15184111

Water weight maybe

>> No.15184117

You’re an angel.

>> No.15184133

How can a human being be this annoying

>> No.15184195

ew wtf his thighs meet why would he keep going

>> No.15184281

I don't browse that shithole of a website, they literally hate anyone who lifts. They just have a good few studies on lifting and women though.

Keep seething, I'll use your tears in my protein shake

>> No.15184355


M/19/186cm/100kg (6'1 220lbs in burger units)

avg weight ~90kg

lowest weight ~68kg at 16

bit of a weird body type where i definitely know i'm obese from BMI calculators/being out of shape/etc, but i carry the weight well and it's evenly proportioned. the only issue for me right now is that i'm not big per se, just a bit wide. I fit into a size M shirt perfectly or an L when i want it to be baggy, but I always have to wear a size 34 pant. I used to be vegan and use fasting/OMAD to lose weight, but i keep yo-yoing without making any real changes in my diet (switching artificial protein to small amounts of grilled chicken being the main difference)

I'm usually right around 90kg on an average day, and I went to the gym 4-5x per week. Since COVID forced everything to close, I've just been gaining weight nonstop and my endurance is shot. My only forms of exercise atm are running, practicing soccer in my yard, and basic push-up/crunch variations since I don't have any weights. I've been doing 23/1 fasts with coffee, cold water, and la croix and eating ~1000cal as a primer to longer fasts. I have POTS, so it's hard for me to do these things sustainably without getting really dizzy in an un-fun way.

Any tips on how to lose weight sustainably without giving myself heat stroke/getting back into having bulimia? I know this is the ED thread but I figured some of you might have interest in giving a few tips. Thanks

>> No.15184384

Eat 500 calories below your tdee. Sure, you won’t drop weight very quickly but it’s a healthy way to do it. You can also do 1200 as well. Again, it won’t get you as far as you want when you want it, but those are your healthiest options, you don’t really need us to tell you that.

>> No.15184389

ty bro

>> No.15184391

The whole fasting = muscle loss and no fat loss argument is fucking retarded and only exists to benefit the fitness industry so you buy their bullshit weight loss products and guides.

Lets think about primitive humans for a minute. If they haven't managed to catch an animal for a few days, would there body keep the muscle which allows them to hunt or the fat which is nothing except a food storage? A fasting lifestyle is extremely muscle sparring compared to calorie restricted diets.

>> No.15184416
File: 49 KB, 500x413, A2C623E7-4D0B-4105-BF39-8C174BFA2273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whas that piggy? Oink oink? Are you saying something ???

>> No.15184495

What's the deal with people asking how to lose weight? Is there some kind of secret besides eating less that I don't how about

>> No.15184513

Primitive humans don't sit around all day, hence they would still be preserving their muscle mass spastic.

After prolonged periods of starvation the body ends up digesting it's own proteins.

>> No.15184517
File: 71 KB, 655x880, f708f3e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Low willpower people try to find a way to bypass the problem caused by their weakness.

>> No.15184518
File: 350 KB, 2048x1491, fs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy looking awful :)

>> No.15184643


>> No.15184655

Because its a easy answer but fat people want to find every excuse to not have to actually do it, they are fat gluttons for a reason and that very rarely ever changes, go look at amberlyn reid for example, she uses every excuse possible and is just toxic in general

>> No.15184690
File: 43 KB, 174x292, 1567194394872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being this obsessed

>> No.15184693
File: 369 KB, 900x720, 1587927699503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bully not the feeble minded, for they are not to be blamed for their debility.

Yes, like the ones that punish people.

>> No.15184695

Sad lmao, their insecuritys are showing

>> No.15184697

not sleeping makes you prone to overeating and breaking good habits because your body is looking for quick energy (sugar)

>> No.15184698

/fit/ is just skinnyfats who cant lift, or fats who think their 1%bf and the rest is muscle

>> No.15184699

There's a worrying lack of muscle from people in those boards, they spend more time in here than actually lifting it seems

>> No.15184702
File: 392 KB, 1280x720, 1587862794689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you lift hard enough, you can't stroke your prawn dick to muscular guys. A decision must be made: either you go to the gym and limit your masturbation to only 3 times a day, or you stay home sexualising Schwarzenegger et al. and get to fap at least 5 times a day. Their obsession on sardines is explained by having the smell of old sardine tins hide the smell of semen in their rooms when their moms come in and tell them to stop looking at homoerotic images and to do their homework instead.

>> No.15184703
File: 268 KB, 850x400, 1572209502706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15184713

is 900 calories too high, i see everyone doing 500 but i don't know what to eat for that little no omad

>> No.15184718

500 vs 900 isnt too much difference, people doing 500 do it omad because its hard to find such low calorie foods for more than 1 meal that isnt just trash vegetables

>> No.15184736

i will, thanks ;-)

>> No.15184765
File: 2.98 MB, 3456x4608, IMG_20200428_114246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing thinspo did for me was make me develop bulimia and a drug addiction.

Picrel, result of 110lbs weight loss lel.

>> No.15184797

height and weight in this pic?

>> No.15184810

5'8.5 134lbs

>> No.15184841

>stroke to muscular guys

The other %50 come to thinspo to masturbate, then get mad and cry because they realise they will never achieve any of their body goals

>> No.15184861
File: 4 KB, 275x107, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this just water weight?

>> No.15184876

No, now go back to eating your Daily 4000 calories fatty

>> No.15184882
File: 60 KB, 630x415, 1587909327084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>down 7 lbs since quarantine
>jogging (live out in the woods)
>make couple thousand dollar selling SCO and JNJ stock
Pretty based.

>> No.15184924

What happened to these threads? Used to be a wholesome place where people could share tips or provide psychological support to those who are in need. Now it is filed with bitter skelly cunts that believe that just because their BMI is lower than their cock's length they can be mean to everyone. Flash news; you are just as ugly as before, just with a lower fat percentage.


>> No.15184938

After so long of the same questions asked 10000 times, If i D0Nt Eat WIll I l0Se weIghT and other braindead questions it gets really boring, that plus getting some of the brainlets from fit acting like they dropped a barbell on their head

>> No.15184950

900 calories is just fine, don’t worry about it. I often aim for 500 calories a day seeing that as a big accomplishment if I eat below it, but it’s not the end of the world if you don’t.

>> No.15184958
File: 22 KB, 225x350, 3r3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most likely true. They probably get some kicks when we kick their asses every single time. It even takes quite a while when they spend hours trying to make us give them their humiliation, so they can't have time for gym stuff.

>> No.15184961

Fits and fats seem to have alot in common when it comes to looking for excuses not to workout / better themselves

>> No.15184970
File: 10 KB, 225x225, 1577984333341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are not fat, they are just bulking. Why would anyone want to be a skelly with less than 30 BMI?

>> No.15184998

Will alcohol in moderation help or hinder my progress?

Also >>15183504 is asking important questions that I do not have an answer for

>> No.15185004

Chill out, there are a lot of anons new to fasting who have no idea where to go and a lot of their diets need to be rebuilt from the ground up anyways. Not everyone knows how to maintain their energy sufficiently on 800 calories a day or the tips and tricks

>> No.15185009

Are you fasting? How many calories are you doing a day?

>> No.15185010

there's really nothing you can do to change the way you carry fat, that's all genetics.

>> No.15185012

Fasting is not eating food for a period of time, it doesnt take 2 braincells to understand what that means

>> No.15185014

Impossible, you cant spot refuce fat, if you have fat legs the best thing you can do is workout only upper body so you give the illusion of less inaccurate body proportions

>> No.15185019

15:9 fast, 1500 cals tops

>> No.15185102

>All the models literally lift
>All the models do exercise
True, some lift weights,others do bodyweight exercises and the ones who are really thin but have a bit of muscle just do some sports.

>> No.15185193

Unless your usual amount of calories per day is pretty high, I would say that’s water weight

>> No.15185215

The main point I was making was that all models somewhat train their muscles whether it be by sports or bodyweight excercises. Sitting in your room and starving won't make you effay.

>> No.15185234

It does tho depending on the look your going for, theres a difference between 16bmi and 10bmi, 16bmi with no training looks good but your not anorexic skelly

>> No.15185235

Then how come I am losing weight so fast then?

>> No.15185238


>> No.15185241

Water weight fluctuates, your gonna weigh more at the end of the day than the start

>> No.15185247

Anon few replies back literally said that this can't be water weight

Shut the fuck up you anorexic cuck

>> No.15185252

he said its water weight...

>> No.15185253

Try full-blown fasting. First time I ever tried it I went for 11 days straight and lost like 15lbs

>> No.15185260
File: 1.01 MB, 740x750, 43512352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you gain most of it back again after the fast?

>> No.15185261

Aight I'm retarded then thas coo...

>> No.15185274

We know, retard

>> No.15185281
File: 115 KB, 750x799, L_g0099542099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not comfy

>> No.15185283

>i don't know what to eat for that little no omad
so do omad, then

>> No.15185287
File: 256 KB, 1117x1605, A107C0A0-F2DA-40F0-AF44-70D1A92129A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/thinspo/, how can I get rid of my gyno? or at least help to mitigate it?

>> No.15185289

I'm still doing long fasts rn, actually in the middle of one at day 7. I gain barely any back if I eat low carbs and I used to be 230lbs, am currently 169 at 5'11"

>> No.15185293

I also want to know this

>> No.15185294

>how can I get rid of my gyno
very low body fat %, then surgery to remove the loose skin

fat loss then get really big chest muscles to fill in the loose skin

>> No.15185301

is anorexia a form of age regression? like the end goal seems to be looking underdeveloped

>> No.15185305
File: 108 KB, 640x799, EWrEyYvWAAIbryz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at what weight loss does someone get loose skin?

>> No.15185322

Because it’s water weight

>> No.15185324

Not really, blame parents for your genetics

>> No.15185327

230 is my starting weight as well, I’ve been intermittent fasting all month and I’m almost down 10 pounds. How long did it take you to arrive at your current weight?

>> No.15185328

Wonder if after atleast 4 different anons telling them its water weight, they will finally understand its waterweight

>> No.15185331

Anon have you ever seen an extremely anorexic person? Do they look young to you?

>> No.15185333

Your brain seems undeveloped

>> No.15185337
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>> No.15185344
File: 89 KB, 640x615, 1CFCB453-CD9C-4206-B50A-E64BCA5CE01F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15185345

most anorexics aren't dying. bmi 14-18 looks young yes

it is

>> No.15185355
File: 53 KB, 480x640, 90C0BC68-1E19-4166-941A-A620398B9BC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She totally looks 14 youre right bro

>> No.15185364
File: 86 KB, 564x705, 5136263D-822F-4706-B1C9-664D0747C431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15185365

I came from /fit/ and you all are fucked. You're going to look like shit and now you wont be strong either. My BMI is 26.4 and I look better than all of you. On top of looking better I'm stronger and could dominate anyone in this thread. Focus on getting strong and aesthetics instead of trying to look like a woman. Fucking faggots.

>> No.15185370

This is the only thinspo I would ever consider getting fit for. I love how muscular And strong his chest looks and how skinny his legs are, it’s perfect

>> No.15185373

how old is she? she looks like a haggard 19 year old. anyways being curveless makes your body look like a 12 year old's especially in clothes

>> No.15185380

>anyways being curveless makes your body look like a 12 year old's especially in clothes


>> No.15185381

About 6 months but I spent about as much time fasting as I was eating and ate like shit aeound Christmas time so if you're committed and can handle it you could probably get away with 3 3-week fasts in a shorter amount of time than I did (assuming your goal weight is 150s like mine). /fit/ has a helpful Fasting General that I like to hang out in

>> No.15185384

Please dont eat us

>> No.15185386

I don't think BMI is a great scale to use, if you were really muscly then it would come up as you being overweight/fat.

I do think the bodytypes most models get are the "ottermode" type, which is done via lifting. Yes you can play sports and do calisthetics, but lifting is a lot quicker and more efficent. Not eating and just starving yourself won't make you look effay, you'll end up looking skinnyfat.

>> No.15185388
File: 101 KB, 1080x497, Screenshot_20200423_164848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow im 26bmi aswell, all these skellys are always gonna look bad, they can only hope to be able to look like us one day

>> No.15185391

Do you honestly believe the above posted pictures are "ottermode" if you do, then you should probably get your eyes checked

>> No.15185393

>look skinnyfat

No, if you're skinny fat you lose weight so you're skinny, skinny and skinnyfat are not the same

>> No.15185395

The main problem is loads of skinnyfats think their skinny, its like a obese person thinking their average

>> No.15185396

I bet you I'm leaner than you are. And even if I'm not I look so much better than you ever will.

>> No.15185398

Post body you twink.

>> No.15185402

I heard the only way you can cure an anorexic is by fucking them into the mattress with your big strong arms

>> No.15185403

Wow, the overweight person is insecure
Im so suprised!!

>> No.15185405

desu the girl in that pic is hooked up and dying, like i said most aren't and do look younger, nobody here is trying to age themselves

>> No.15185406

The picture is me, why post body when were 26bmi we already made it anon, cant wait to see you on your weekly heart checkup nextweek because of our fatty dieing hearts

>> No.15185410

what if you're already underweight and still skinnyfat? i got advised to lift weights instead of lose more weight, they said it'll turn fat into muscle

>> No.15185416

>fit brainlets who have had a barbell to the head

>> No.15185420

Then you're either not that skinny, hence if you was you would be skinny. Not skinnyfat, or you just got shit genetics and even when lifting you can still look bad

>> No.15185426

Skinnyfat is caused by lack of muscle mass. Lift weights.

Also fat can't turn into muscle, they're made of different compounds. But yes lift weights and cut if you want, and you'll stop being skinnyfat. Stop listening to these /fa/ggots and go look shit up on google. 90% of these retards don't understand human physiology. I'm literally doing a degree in biology

>> No.15185428

Reminder that if you lift your genetics play a even larger part of how you look, you could look 10x worse, look into things like long and short length muscle bellys, and how leg/body proportions massively affect if your better at doing things like deadlifts over any arm lifting

>> No.15185431

Skinnyfat is because of fat, they have to choose to go skinny or go fit, retard

>> No.15185433

>/fa/ faggot who think looking like a woman will make them look more attractive
Talk all you want but we both know you look like shit. You won't post body to prove me wrong.

>> No.15185434

You're guarenteed to fail your course then, why waste your time

>> No.15185437

Im sorry anon my 26bmi chiseld body of a greek god wont fit in the view of my camera because im such a hulking good looking 26bmi king

>> No.15185444

Are you retarded or something?

If anon lifts he increases his weight while keeping the same amount of bodyfat, thus lowering his bodyfat percentage. It's simple maths you fucking idiot.

Please stop posting if you don't understand maths or biology.

Please don't listen to these idiots. You probably have lived a sedentary lifestyle and hence are skinnyfat. Skinnyfat is when you have a low amount of bodyfat but lack muscle definition. By lifting you will decrease bodyfat percentage. Look up a few youtube guides and whatnot on how to solve being skinnyfat. Athlean x is a great resource, the guy there has like a masters or a degree in this type of shit. He knows far more than me and everyone else on this shit board

>> No.15185449

I never said shit about lower % fucking idiot, if you lift with low bf you go ottermode, you're not skinnyfat but your also not able to go skinny anymore unless you stop lifting

>> No.15185456

>skinnyfat is where you have low bodyfat and lack muscle


>> No.15185463

>athlean x is a great resource

Damn i actually fell for your trolling till you said that, even the average fit tard doesnt fall for the athlean x meme

>> No.15185472

no I’m just shocked at your statement. You know that woman don’t magically lose their hips, waist, and tits when they lose weight, right?

>> No.15185473


>> No.15185482

Athlean X is good if you have no clue what you're doing.

Taking advice off people /fa/ggots > A guy with a degree in sports science

>> No.15185488

The guy in the picture is average, no where near skinnyfat

>> No.15185491

Most of these shit tubers are known to give bad advice, go watch any of sportsscience's or philionfit vids where they call all out these paycheck cucks who have no idea about the exercises they are telling you to do

>> No.15185497
File: 28 KB, 289x558, average.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMFAO if you consider that average you must be mentally ill. That man has a disgusting physique and is by far not average, he is skinny fat as shit. Look at how his belly is big and his arms so small - classic skinnyfat look

>> No.15185498

hips, waistline and breasts are made of fat, the skeleton won't shrink but the fat reduces to far less than of a woman's, it's like they're trying to undo development

>> No.15185499

Next you will say to go watch that asian calisthenics guy, who constanty and consistently gives bad advice in every video, qnd is laughed at by everyone who isnt a brainless beginner

>> No.15185502

No, thats a average male. If he lost maybe another 3-4 stone he would be skinnyfat

>> No.15185505
File: 758 KB, 820x1348, fit.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are completely lost. There are plenty of people who are fit and look like shit. And these people would always look worse being fat or skinny.
>6 feet and 195 lbs
I wonder what I'd look like standing next to you. How much I'd mog you. I could do whatever I'd want to you and there is nothing you could do to physically stop me.

>> No.15185507

>Skinny fat describes a condition in which someone is a relatively normal weight, but has too little muscle and too much body fat.
if you're skinnyfat and build muscle, won't you still have too much bodyfat? it's not like that'll disappear, but do you just cut after building it?

>> No.15185508

You still look fucking awful tho lmao posting a pic really hasnt helped you

>> No.15185511

That is not the average male, maybe the average middle aged 40 year old? But not the average younger man

>> No.15185517

Yes, thats why fitfats are a thing, like anon above

>> No.15185519

Looking good anon, nice arms too

>> No.15185522

okay well based on that picture i'm just going to keep losing weight lmao

>> No.15185525

So you agree, fit or thin, theres no hope for the genetically fucked

>> No.15185531

It's bodyfat PERCENTAGE.

If you weigh for example 100kg. Say you have 20% bodyfat. That means you have 20kg worth of fat.

If you gained 5kg muscle, you would now be 105kg. And just say for arguments sake you still have 20kg bodyfat.

20/105 x 100 = 19%

Your bodyfat has still went down despite you gaining weight. And in reality you would lose bodyfat anyways unless you were bulking. Hope this helps

>> No.15185537

No, you need food to build optimal muscle, unless you're cutting then you keep the same bf%, you dont just suddenly convert all your fat to muscle you need food

>> No.15185541

If the anon is a noob and has never lifted, he will make gains even if he was on a cut and just ate enough protein.

>> No.15185542

>dont listen to fa tards

For once i agree with that anon, because hes also a fa tard who you shouldnt listen to either

>> No.15185546

All this talk yet your not posting body. I know your just projecting your image issues of being a little twink.
Everyone except biology bro is retarded. First athlete x is based as fuck. Click bait titles with good information. Skinnyfat is normal BMI, high bodyfat, and low muscle mass. The solution is to fix body composition with better diet and lifting weights. I'm taking my B.Sc. in kinesiology.
Everyone except biology bro is retarded. First athlete x is based as fuck. Click bait titles with good information. Skinnyfat is normal BMI, high bodyfat, and low muscle mass. The solution is to fix body composition with better diet and lifting weights. I'm taking my B.Sc. in kinesiology.
Some people have more disadvantages than others. You can be short, bald, and ugly. You can give up. Or you can do what you can with what you have.

>> No.15185549

Agreed, beginner gains are a thing but its diminishing returns, he wont be getting those type of gains after the first few months

>> No.15185551
File: 242 KB, 1080x1060, Screenshot_20200423_131016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go anon, i tried taking another for you, we look so alike!

>> No.15185556

>projecting this much

>> No.15185558

so i would look thinner from building more muscle, alright that makes sense. i thought i could just lose all the weight before building muscle, but i'm already about 18.5 bmi and will have to get to at least 16.5 to not look fat anymore

btw a lot of anons arguing with you have eating disorders and are addicted to restricting their calories, i have the same mental problem but fitness is a possible alternative if it will actually make me skinny

>> No.15185569

No, becoming bigger by gaining muscle wont make you more skinny, getting bigger = getting smaller., big brain logic

>> No.15185574

(Biology anon here)

Yes you will look thinner, the muscle will also sort of "grip" onto your fat, pulling it back more as well. So go and lift weights, these idiots have no clue what they are talking about, none of these guys apart from the guy in kinesiology know what they're talking about.

These people are anorexic and most likely are mentally ill or something. Lifting weights won't make you look like schwarznegger instantly. There is no harm in trying.

Godspeed anon

>> No.15185578
File: 138 KB, 1094x834, t33f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating disorders
A meaningless word in a world where the standard itself is disordered.

>> No.15185579

Jesus fuck you are dense. You are aware you need to train a certain way to get bigger looking muscles.

>> No.15185583

Fitfats strike again, i too am 30+bmi, but i look good because i lift 3lbs 3 times a week!

>> No.15185586

Yes, if you train legs then you wont have legs like
Dumb fitfat spastic

>> No.15185589

did you read what he wrote? he explained it pretty clearly, it won't make me skinnier but it will make me look skinnier by decreasing my bodyfat percentage, and then after i can cut to lose actual bodyfat

yeah i can't use weights yet because of quarantine but i'll do calisthenics, should i be eating at maintenance calories?

>> No.15185591
File: 22 KB, 450x450, 2B1ED9DA-F4B4-42AF-8237-781E24F07F6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15185592

Notice how all the dumb brainlets are either currently overweight asking for advice, or they come from fit

>> No.15185598

So I take it you’re a virgin then?

>> No.15185599

Your replacing the lower bf% with muscle retard, if you lose weight on your arms and build arm muscle, they will be the same size/circumference as before

>> No.15185602

You should go fit, you dont come across as that smart, you /fit/ right in with them

Pun intended

>> No.15185604

for one it probably depends what routine you have. but most importantly he isn't skinnyfat but i am which means i have less muscle than he does. if i gain muscle, it'll be equal to his, not more. his legs aren't that skinny, but they look skinnier because he built his upper body

>> No.15185605

Eating at maintenance is good for now, you'll still see a difference. Once you get sort of strong and hit the weights you'll get stronger and have greater muscle mass. Meaning your base metabolic rate will be higher - basically you'll burn more calories naturally.

Aim to eat lots of protein, chicken and fish are good low cal sources

>> No.15185608
File: 58 KB, 750x750, EWmNDHaWkAAulEK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that biology fitfag seems to be pretty cool actually and gave decent advice.
insulting them for merely wanting to look a different than you do, shows your insecurity as much it does when they do it in this general.

>> No.15185609

Are you stupid or something? You build muscle at a slower rate than you lose fat. Dumb fuck

>> No.15185614

For the first 8 weeks the only adaptations are neural so you could even eat at a deficit and then at week 8 going slightly above maintenance.

>> No.15185623

He trains only upper body, mostly for aesthetics, shoulders arms chest abs, his legs are pretty skinny, yea his broad shoulders help them look skinnier, but its obvious he doesn't train them

>> No.15185630

Im not even sure your reading what your quoting now, go eat some chicken and rice lmao

>> No.15185631

I heard that too, I had once been skinnyfat and ate at a deficit but hit my protein macros, and lifted - did stronglifts 5x5. I stopped being skinnyfat and was pretty skinny by the end.

>> No.15185634
File: 1.78 MB, 1280x960, 64830DA3-68AF-4114-8405-B9CDE9EAA569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15185636

Post body

>> No.15185644

I dislike fit as much as anyone here, but if you want actual advice go watch sportsscience on youtube, he gives real advice and not just clickbait bs designed to trick newbies

>> No.15185657

Friendly reminder, if you go fit you can look even worse than before

>> No.15185677

If you have wide hips and narrow shoulders you're going to look bad fat, skinny, or fit. But you'll at least look the best fit

>> No.15185685
File: 484 KB, 400x533, 46D6B3AC-6824-4908-8ED0-FF5BA5D1DFE1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15185691

Wide hips and narrow shoulders work on skinny if you go low enough, fit with that never looks good

>> No.15185707

>if you lose weight on your arms and build arm muscle, they will be the same size/circumference as before
1lb of muscle looks way different to 1lb of fat

>> No.15185708
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>> No.15185728

Never said aesthetics, i said size / circumference

>> No.15185748


>> No.15185755


>> No.15185790
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>> No.15185797

muscle occupies less space than fat, it's much denser. i'm pretty sure i have below average muscle and above average bodyfat from being sedentary. most people don't have to be 16.5 bmi to look thin but i'm skinnyfat so i do, which is why lifting to change body composition makes sense for someone like me

>> No.15185811

If your skinnyfat you're not 16.5bmi.. 16bmi is skinny, 18 bmi like you is skinnyfat, why are you trying to make this nore complicated than it is,
No matter if your 7ft 6ft or 5ft, if you are 16 bmi you are skinny, not skinnyfat

>> No.15185819

Yes... Bmi accounts for things like your height, if literally anyone gets to 16 bmi they will be skinny, not skinnyfat

>> No.15185824

This anon is too stupid and far gone to understand, let them go with the other fitfats

>> No.15185855

I’m 45 hours into my fast and I’m feeling very weak and dizzy. Is this normal? How do I make it go away?

>> No.15185866

If its your first fast then yea, you have to build up tolerance going longer and longer slowly, alrhough you shouldnt ever feel dizzy, ive fasted multiple times upto 5 days and never experienced any dizziness, try drinking more water

>> No.15185870

Not my first fast but it is my longest. My record before this one was 36 hours so I’m definitely pushing myself

>> No.15185938

depends on where they started

>> No.15185957

so you think anyone over 16.5 is fat no matter what? there are people my bmi and even higher who look much thinner than me

>> No.15185967

drink snake juice? if you drink just straight water you will feel dizzier, it flushes out your electrolytes

>> No.15185987

if i got to 16 bmi without any muscle i would probably still look flabby, i dont think you understand body composition, i can lose as much bodyfat as i want after building muscle

>> No.15186000

You're not the 1 person on earth who would still be flabby at 16bmi, stop thinking your a special snowflake, post body to prove me wrong

>> No.15186007

Not what i said retard 16.5- 18 bmi is skinnyfat, 18-20 bmi is average, after that you go into overweight and fat, when did i ever say 16.5 is fat, i spefically used the word skinnyfat, try reading before retard replying

>> No.15186016

skinnyfat has the word fat in it, it means too fat to be skinny. so you're clarifying that you think 16.5 is skinnyfat, as in too fat to be skinny? you're mentally ill, people look different at the same bmi based on muscle/fat ratio

>> No.15186024
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A skinnyfat

>> No.15186029

yeah just ignore that person, they're probably a wannarexic trying to trigger themselves into even greater restriction, what a sad freak.

>> No.15186030

Idk what snake juice, I’ve never had it. Do I have to wring a snake friend like a wet towel and hope some juice drips out of it to get some?

>> No.15186031

Hes too scrawny to be average but too big to be skinny

>> No.15186033

i know i'm skinnyfat which is why i'm trying to gain muscle and lose bodyfat, guaranteed you don't look as skinny as you think

>> No.15186035
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What thinspo thinks they look like : on the right

What they actually look like : On the left

>> No.15186039

>implying people here are actually skinny

>> No.15186040

Unfortunately i am

>> No.15186044

i put a teaspoon of potassium salt (from a brand like Lo Salt, you can get it at the supermarket) in 2L of water and sip that throughout the day, adding regular salt helps too. if you have trouble sleeping while fasting try a magnesium glycinate supplement

>> No.15186063
File: 31 KB, 530x883, XF7w1cZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found on myproana, she's 16.5 bmi and fat as fuck because her bodyfat is still too high with no muscle, she'd legit have to be about 13 bmi to look skinny. the other 16ish bmis in that thread are also chubby. skinnyfat is not as simple as a number

>> No.15186071

she looks likes she's going through recovery is dealing with massive abdominal bloating which is pretty standard

>> No.15186078

>shes 16 bmi

Lmao theres 0 way in hell she's 16bmi trust me, shes lieing as girls always do, shes atleast 19bmi, whoever actually believes she is 16 shouldn't be allowed outside without a parent

>> No.15186083

This, she was maybe 16bmi before recovering, but she certainly isnt 16bmi anymore, shes calling herself 16bmi to try and cope with her weight gain

>> No.15186088
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daily reminder that this cursed auschwitz vitcim was 20 bmi here

bmi is garbage, waist to height ratio, bodyfat percentage and actual appearance matters much more

>> No.15186095

Shes also got those bending inwards knees that people who lose alot of weight to around 16bmi seem to always get, i ended up getting it too

>> No.15186096
File: 36 KB, 531x886, Msbo6Nw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her stomach isn't bloated it's wide and fat, she has lovehandles because of low muscle, high bodyfat and shitty weight distribution

she was 5'10 110lbs in that pic... the other posts look similar and they're not all lying about being 16-17, you just don't understand bmi honestly

>> No.15186099

Thats a old pic thats been posted for years and that was originally around 17bmi

>> No.15186106

Literally no one is agreeing with you about bmi, yet you're sitting here telling multiple anons they're wrong, you're the stupid one who doesnt understand, obvious aspergers symptoms

>> No.15186110

no it isn't, check the archives, that anon started uploading their pictures around january/dec and has always said they're 19/20 bmi

>> No.15186113

somebody make a new thread

>> No.15186119

So shes near enough the same bmi as me but im a bit taller, but my leg is the size of her arm, shes obviously lieing about her weight, shes on proana, its pretty blatent shes not 16.5bmi, sorry to say this anon, but people on pma lie

>> No.15186125

You check the archives, i stopped checking here for a year and a half and it was still posted before i left

>> No.15186141

yeah they do you're confusing posters + fat/muscle ratio affecting appearance is common knowledge. over 16 isn't automatically fat, you're 100% not as skinny as you think if it's just because of your bmi, sorry

people look different at the same bmi because of bodyfat it's simple stuff, if i were 16 bmi i would still look fat

>> No.15186142

why are you lying?

>> No.15186158

face is fat and his stomach/waist look like shit

>> No.15186165

Because im not, and you're obviously a newfag

>> No.15186195



>> No.15186767
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can you all just agree to disagree? ffs