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15174189 No.15174189 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw no skinhead gf

>> No.15174793

she's out there man. there are tons of punk girls that claim to be sknheads but don't really know what it means

>> No.15174803

l just want a gf who won't cheat on me for once bros
why am l never good enough

>> No.15174814

skinhead girls are usually straightedge thus will not cheat
it is not the same at all for other punk chicks

maybe you should find a nerd girl and introduce her to skinhead music/fashion

>> No.15174823

isn't skinhead music like reggae shit?

>> No.15174825

You're a dumb cunt that is wired to get with toxic women. Sort yourself out. At least get some mates that can spot sluts for you and tell you not to get into relationships with them.

>> No.15174830

yeah totally, ska/reggae

>> No.15174841

>find a nerd girl and introduce her to skinhead music/fashion
The white power angle has pretty much killed this, at least in the States. Skinheads are considered synonymous with Neo-Nazis (wrongly, of course, but that doesn't matter.)

>> No.15175853
File: 1000 KB, 959x868, chelsea 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh but I do have a skinhead gf

>> No.15175857
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>> No.15175860
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>> No.15175886

>smoking, yuck
Also, they'll age like shit. White women have awful genetics.

>> No.15176020

Case in point, Cecil is too dumb to know what a skinhead is and just thinks it is a Nazi girl with a shaved head.

>> No.15176044


It's a classic chelsea skinhead cut. The skinhead aesthetic that you are talking about is from the 80s and no longer really exists. Yes, those skins were not "nazis" but they were not extreme left and diversity obsessed like "moderate" people today so by today's standards they would still be right wing.

The majority of "skinheads" that exist today are right wing. The original look was akin to mods, rockers, goths and so on. A time in history and a sub culture that has long since passed.

I have boots, braces, a shaved head and a gf with a chelsea cut. I am more of a "skinhead" then you will ever be.

>> No.15176068

if you're even the least bit perceptive you can notice whore flags within a single meeting of a cheating slag. yeah, you're gonna pass on a lot of trash but you'll know a real one when you meet her. stop being a putz, and don't settle just because you can't seem to find her immediately.

>> No.15176101


what a great feel, who'd want one of those

>> No.15176102

>they were not extreme left
Excepting all the communists and militant anti-fascists, you mean.

>> No.15176108 [DELETED] 

Both of those things in the past were not as they are today.

Being opposed and "anti" to fascism is fine. It has nothing to do with trannies, pup and handler gay fetish, Islam and other such things that it is connected to today.

The USSR wasn't a multicultural Islamic homosexual trans paradise.

Nobody even knows what the fuck fascism is in those groups. You can tell people some of the tenants of fascism and they think it sounds great until you tell them what it is and they are in shock.

It's just brainwashing. Fascism = bad.

Nobody in the 70s went on vacation to the Soviet Union and said what a rgeat place it was. Many went to Spain though and thought it was great and had no idea it was even a fascist nation.

Fascist nations have always done better than community. China, North Korea and even places like Iraq under Saddam are and were left wing and all are hell holes.

Educate yourself.

>> No.15176111

Both of those things in the past were not as they are today.

Being opposed and "anti" to fascism is fine. It has nothing to do with trannies, pup and handler gay fetish, Islam and other such things that it is connected to today.

The USSR wasn't a multicultural Islamic homosexual trans paradise.

Nobody even knows what the fuck fascism is in those groups. You can tell people some of the tenants of fascism and they think it sounds great until you tell them what it is and they are in shock.

It's just brainwashing. Fascism = bad.

Nobody in the 70s went on vacation to the Soviet Union and said what a great place it was. Many went to Spain though and thought it was great and had no idea it was even a fascist nation.

Fascist nations have always done better than communist. China, North Korea and even places like Iraq under Saddam are and were left wing and all are hell holes.

Educate yourself.

>> No.15176175

Today's world sees the term "fascism" deployed as an ambiguous ad-hominem, containing no more descriptive value other than "I strongly oppose and despise this politician and/or legislation." The left decries the right as fascist, the right answers that it is the left who are in truth the real fascists. And both are to some extent correct.

Fascism was called the Third Position. It has a blend of right and left, intentionally so. Mussolini and other founding theorists of the doctrine created a synthetic ideology pieced together from fragments of theory and praxis. It is an amalgam. A custom hot rod. Asking if Fascism is "more" left vs right is essentially a political example of the Principle of Individuation.

>> No.15176190

Indeed, it is a third position.

Communism = no private business ownership.

Capitalism = private business ownership, workers often outside of the country and exploited for low wages making the business stupidly stupidly rich.

Fascism = private business ownership, workers must be from the country which gives employment and benefits the country as a whole. No exploitation of foreign workers as wages are good for local workers and the business owner can still get rich but not absurdly so.

In that one example it's obvious which system is best.


You mean by not exploiting the shit out of them and paying them a dollar a day? Oh yeah. Instead they create their own business industry and then can ship and sell products at a fair prices to all nations and thus have higher wages.

>> No.15176218

>Fascism was called the Third Position. It has a blend of right and left
This is high bullshit invented by neo-Nazis after World War II as a recruiting tool. The political movements in Italy that fascism grew out of had a mix of left- and right-wing positions but fascism as a defined ideology is built on authoritarianism and social conservatism, and is unequivocally a far-right position. Mussolini's Doctrine of Fascism itself defines it as right-wing.

"Left" and "right" are not political positions, they are directions on a spectrum. You can't "amalgamate" them any more than you can amalgamate East and West.

>> No.15176283

Based post

>> No.15177016

smoothbrained post

>> No.15177092

Except that Fascism overtly practices socialist policies of uplifting the poor and downtrodden so long as they are willing to make themselves into the ideal citizens of the nation. That Fascist Italy came to fail to live up to eliminating poverty is the result of massive military spending and being embargoed by most of the industrialized world. Looking at how NS Germany fared, however, and one sees the potential of Fascism/National Socialism: the mixture of right wing social policies and left wing socioeconomic mobilization creating a traditional society that does justice to the worker.

>> No.15177109
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>> No.15177122
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>> No.15177126
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>> No.15177133
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>> No.15177171

>Looking at how NS Germany fared, however, and one sees the potential of Fascism/National Socialism
Establishing party-crony cartels that tanked small business, forcing factory workers into a 60 hour work week, diverting all spending to the military in order to win a war of expansion but then tanking the economy before they actually had the production capacity to win and then choosing to double down anyway and launch themselves into an unwinnable genocidal war that destroyed their country?