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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 310 KB, 1440x1800, 1581885675703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15168674 No.15168674 [Reply] [Original]

How do we fix the board? Shitposting amuses me but there's a severe lack of decent threads and actual fashion discussion.

>> No.15168679

Shoot all the balding people who post pictures of their heads like we want to see that.

>> No.15168683

Better yet, where else can I go for inspo and fashion news and discussion? You fags subscribe to any decent blogs or some shit? I can only think of leddit as an alternative but that's worse than this shit hole

>> No.15168689

How do we remove the outright and the subversive faggotry form fashion?
100% of normal straight guys wanna be stylish too.

>> No.15168691

there's no point. fa is a lost cause that will eventually be forgotten due to negligence. if you haven't moved on already you should.

>> No.15168692

>subversive faggotry
So, fashion.

>> No.15168703

Where to?? Take me with you

>> No.15168757

You post the quality shit that you're talking about

Be the change that you want to see and all that

Also get rid of me, because I'm mostly here to shitpost

>> No.15168770

It isnt actually worse, you're just a teenager and they dont entertain 100 posts about which pair of Van's to buy

>> No.15168855


>> No.15169499

if i told you where it was, hundreds of the troglodytes currently shitting up this board would tarnish it.
you don’t find it, it finds you.

>> No.15169519

Encourage tripfags, I'm serious. Here is the problem with /fa/ today: everyone talks shit without posting a fit.
When no one is posting photos of themselves they can pretend they are handsome as fuck and everyone they're talking to is ugly and can be looked down on.
If you have a shitposting 8/10 tripfag he can tell them to shut up and they will know he is better looking than them and they will know he knows he is better looking than them.

>> No.15169534

it doesn't really matter if they trip or not. if people start consistently posting good content (doesn't even have to be their own fits) board quality will skyrocket
At present we just have 10% ok posts, 60% trash posts, and 30% people whining about trash posts

>> No.15169541

In theory the Chad bully would not need to trip but the trip would facilitate it. If he's not a trip then he has to post a photo of himself every time he confronts a narcissist. If he has a trip then every time they see his name they know they're dealing with a superior.
The problem with /fa/ today is it is filled with unchallenged delusional narcissists.
This type of personality actively avoids posting anything that could be worthwhile because if they effortpost then maybe it wasn't a good effort and another narcissist will make fun of them.
They don't even like making a good criticism like "You have shit taste because x and y are bad colours together" because that could be wrong and challenged. They will just say "You have shit taste" and refuse to explain why.
If challenged they MAY say something like they are right because they are learned about fashion and study it.

>> No.15169574

If I had a decent fashion sense I'd do this :'( need to keep brwsing fa. Maybe with the incoming coronabucks I'll buy some nice clothes

>> No.15169584

The bully would not need to dress well he would just need to be known to be handsome.

>> No.15169589

Get janitors, I bet you there were zero applicants for /fa/

>> No.15169598

Jannies can't be relied on because the people that want to do it are the people that you don't want to do it. I'd say at least three dozen apps per board, per offer.

>> No.15169599

Here's how easy it is to avoid a janny and shit up a board: make a post that is technically on-topic but absolutely worthless and has no chance of making any valid discussion.
The janny won't prune because it's on-topic but you can slide a board to oblivion with threads like that.

>> No.15169603

that's why you would ideally have multiple qualityposters to really break through.
start accumulating an archive of designer pieces jpegs, and that would honestly be enough
if the garbage threads got deleted, we'd have no threads left

>> No.15169610

You don't get it. The quality posting won't happen because the climate is too shitty for it.
If you make a quality post today all you will get for the trouble is half a dozen people telling you you're wrong and it's shit. Then you just won't bother anymore.
No offense but I feel like you might have autism because you're focused on getting what you want: quality content. You're not seeing why the quality content won't happen. I am telling you what I think is a way to facilitate the good content.

>> No.15169614

that's a cool pic

>> No.15169618

Nothing I report for being low quality or off topic ever get deleted. This shows we don't have janitors or mods on our side

>> No.15169633

Jannies aren't the solution, you need the people to govern themselves
You get jannies of two types: the kind you have on /a/ and the kind you have on /tv/
the ones on /a/ will instantly delete anything that has even the tiniest scent of being off-topic, even if it actually isn't. They're autistic and too involved personally.
The ones on /tv/ are too hands off. You can post multiple blacked threads or whatever and maybe they'll get deleted after some time, maybe not. Pretty much anything goes.
You need a board's users to ensure quality themselves. Ignore and don't reply to off topic/low quality posts, and as the other guy suggested, more use of trips

>> No.15169645

I've read anon claim that /fit/ is under siege by discord trannies, or some other kind of organized ban-evading weirdos. They're probably on /tv/ as well.

>> No.15169680

yeah if you ask around you might get the link to the forum.

>> No.15169686

1: update sticky
2: consolidate threads (i.e.: delete white sneaker thread that is separate from sneaker general)
3: better jannies
4: reestablish board culture (better trips, more gatekeeping, etc)
5: actually have interesting content/threads that people want to engage in
i doubt /fa/ will ever go back to the way it was because most of the people who are worth a damn and are actually interesting/informative are on other platforms. this isn’t the underground cool place it used to be.

>> No.15169693

idk, i think i get it basically.
i do concede that a solid trip or two would be really helpful

>> No.15169719
File: 189 KB, 768x1024, 1584144252945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the entirety of 4chan, newfag. It was always like this and will always be. Go back to >>>/r/eddit if you don't like it.

>> No.15169724

Has anyone else noticed newfags (probably from reddit) calling people redditors lately?
I've seen it used in really bizarre circumstances, people that must not have any fucking idea about board culture.

/fa/ used to be much more than it is today and you're either new or new to this board if you think otherwise.

>> No.15169737

These newfags never went through the /b/ phase

>> No.15169744

Well I don't fault anyone for that. I was only there for like three minutes myself and that was when /b/ wasn't two-thirds porn and zero thirds worthwhile.

>> No.15169753

I bet you didn't even apply for jannie

>> No.15169778

I was intrigued by the work but the salary wasn't quite there.
Agree. Honestly I'm alright with what it is. I don't really need lots of interaction to further my taste/knowledge of fashion and all that. I tend to read old forums if I want actual discussion, but it sucks when so many are missing pictures now.

>> No.15169812
File: 12 KB, 220x180, b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, I've only noticed electionfags pretending that this site has some semblance of order, pleading for it. They seem to think that just because you've labelled a board something, it will talk about the topic.
They always try to 'improve' the board by getting rid of shitposting and increasing moderation. It's always to oppose the chaos that has always been there. They'll always opt for consolidation over chaos.

This site was never meant to be srs bsns, yet they always try to make it so. None of what's said on this godforsaken site should be taken seriously

>> No.15170135

>How do we fix the board?
make good posts, participate in good threads

>> No.15170172

If everyone in this thread who is complaining makes one "quality" thread then we could have an idea where to go and what to make

>> No.15170461

Not a fan of trips, but elistism has the benefit of better content

>> No.15170637

give me a link to the forum
yes, reddit 2.0 is what i'm looking for, thanks

>> No.15170654

The cruiserfication of this board is complete.

>> No.15170729

maybe ur the bad guys?

>> No.15170798

Ever since /b/ became mainstream 10 years ago, all the other boards have suffered as well. The problem is people go to this board from other boards and don't know shit about fashion, ask stupid shit and generally shit post everything with irrelevant topics.

Same thing happened to /a/

>> No.15170805

/a/ deserved it tho

>> No.15171041

That's the entire site mate

>> No.15171384

Then make the threads fucker, you can have five threads of your own at a given time that's plenty to push dead threads and bump your "quality" threads

>> No.15171432

We need Jannies more involved with the community like /mlp/

>> No.15171878

Newfag forgot how to lurk

>> No.15171887

The trips were never directly good, don't get me wrong if you think that's what I'm implying. I used to fucking hate trips because all they seemed to do was ruin threads chatting to each other.
But you could actually make quality posts on old /fa/. And don't you realize that someone that is into FASHION is attracted to places where they perceive good-looking non-autistic people to hang out?
What I think today is having trips like that scares off even worse posters that thrive today.

>> No.15171891

Dear god Anglos are so ugly

>> No.15171894

That's pretty much it. I've been going here for like 7 years, and I just cherry pick my ideal boards and ideal responses.

>> No.15171896

Trips are a good idea. You know the poster is genuine (somewhat) in what they say and if they constantly add dumb replies then you will know not to listen to them.

Meanwhile anon posters could be anyone or anything. Some 13 year old who constantly gives retarded replies gets a fresh chance every time they post.

It's the replies of anons that put people off, I've had very positive responses from obvious new posters here who don't know who I am. Then there have been new posters who get anon troll replies and obviously underage posters that out them off.

Then there are threads like buzz cut and when I post a photo of myself to show my buzzcut I get bans for "avatar posting" or whatever that is. I can't post myself when there are lots of posts like that.

This board is all around messed up.

>> No.15171959


>> No.15171964

this board and the people who post on it will never get better
either accept this or make the jump to r*ddit

>> No.15171980

Why are you on 4chan you dumb bitch? Reddit is right there

>> No.15171981
File: 218 KB, 900x600, workout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first off, you have to remember that a board focused on fashion will inevitably be shitty when everyone's in quarantine and wears boxers and pajamas way more than they used to. that's not to say /fa/ hasn't gone to shit, it totally has, but it's not entirely the shitposters' fault. here are my suggestions:
- like >>15168679 said, the constant balding threads are annoying. a buzzcut/cope general is a good way to deal with this
- >>15169519 is right because /fa/, along with /soc/, is the type of board which is uniquely suited to tripcodes. ordinarily I hate tripfags as much as most people but they actually make sense here because recognition encourages people to post more regularly
- better janitors like >>15169589 suggested would make things marginally better, but they aren't the silver bullet the board needs because, desu, people who spend 8 hours a day on their laptops are not effay. >>15169633 is right that the people who will fix the board are qualityposters, not jannies
- updating the sticky and the /fa/ wiki like >>15169686 suggests is a good idea. there isn't as much basic sartorial advice keeping people here as opposed to at r/MFA and good fundamentals would go a long way toward changing that
- I actually think encouraging people to post faces like /soc/ does is a good idea. This may be a little controversial and it'll inevitably lead to a lot of L O N D O N but it will at least make it easier to tell people how they ought to look

>> No.15171988

This, make your quality thread and then support others instead of making these threads

>> No.15171990

>Trips are a good idea. You know the poster is genuine (somewhat) in what they say and if they constantly add dumb replies then you will know not to listen to them.
Like yourself.

>Meanwhile anon posters could be anyone or anything. Some 13 year old who constantly gives retarded replies gets a fresh chance every time they post.
Yet you also constantly give retarded replies.

>It's the replies of anons that put people off, I've had very positive responses from obvious new posters here who don't know who I am.

>Then there are threads like buzz cut and when I post a photo of myself to show my buzzcut I get bans for "avatar posting" or whatever that is. I can't post myself when there are lots of posts like that.
You don't have a buzzcut, you're a bald old man.

>This board is all around messed up.
Not as messed up as your fuck ugly face teehee

>> No.15171999

Thanks for your input anon

>> No.15172007
File: 46 KB, 800x450, C-658VsXoAo3ovC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fucking redditors ammirite?

>> No.15172014
File: 481 KB, 1899x3300, badfits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice trips
and it isn't all bad. good threads pop up every now and then like >>15165134 from yesterday, pic related. obviously you can take issue with his fashion sense, I mean he looks like he's in his mid to late 20s but dresses like he's a freshman in college and he could stand to lose a few pounds, but his thread was good because it gave people a lot to work with when critiquing him
I might honestly throw on a tripcode and start posting under it with my own clothes since I'll be buying new stuff with my trumpbux when they deposit. be the change you want to see, anon

>> No.15172131
File: 78 KB, 728x716, kazuma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is a prime example. Dude asks for advice and immediately gets roasted by anons.

Fucking weak.

>> No.15172196
File: 1012 KB, 1500x1179, flight jacket 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting face on the internet is probably the dumbest shit you could do and /soc/ seems like a homosexual cesspool. They do however have post ID's, which is pretty much required to keep track of a conversation of more than 2 people. ID's would make trips almost superfluous, except if you want to become a board "celebrity"...

As for quality threads, I've been toying with the idea of combining cop-or-not with grid threads. For instance: should I cop the jacket in pic rel?

I've found the replies to Cecil to be quite illuminating in this regard. Someone here who worked with kids said he recognized the style of discussion from 12 year olds

>> No.15172202

Delete /pol/ from 4chan is a start

>> No.15172243

this is what makes /fa/ good, yes. sites like reddit are less likely to encourage brutal honesty
I agree that posting face is retarded in principle but the reality is that people do it already
as far as I can tell, btw, that's a sage ma-1 bomber with the original style orange liner? desu I'd go with navy because it's more versatile but it looks nice enough. I'd go with khaki chinos and white sneakers though

>> No.15172279
File: 98 KB, 896x700, 16580i-BW-Pilotenblouson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sage ma-1
nah, it's the German goat skin version

>> No.15172308


>> No.15172443
File: 173 KB, 1079x520, Screenshot_20200418-013049_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone accused of being "reddit" since day one this rally made my day

>> No.15172449


>> No.15172504

If you get accused a lot then it's probably appropriate, you probably have a personality or style of posting suggestive of being a "reddit person."
What I'm talking about is people using it in circumstances that are so unwarranted as to be bizarre.
Kind of like, ah... You remember when some guys got mad that people were calling them "cuck" so they started just randomly calling everyone cuck because they hoped to make the word meaningless?
Like that but I don't yet believe it's intentional.

>> No.15172750

Back in the good old days, the board was the right amount of toxic that newfags would not bother to post or ask stupid questions because they'd get shit on and memed.

Now everyone is a fucking retarded, BROKE nigger faggot. I learned about designer clothing through /fa/ back in 2010 and now it's fucking AMAZON BROKE ASSES BUYING $40 LEATHER SHOES.

>> No.15172753

>screenshotting frog images while phoneposting
look at who is try to tell me what is reddit

>> No.15172757

all me btw
i just reply reddit to cringy shit and then hide the tread

>> No.15172861

I really like that house style. My dream house is basically just that

>> No.15172867

I mean, what was that? These pictures are obviously no selfies. Is that some marketing research or what?

>> No.15173453

Deleting it would be a good start

>> No.15173568

I believe it's discord trannies and faggots who despise normalcy and basically equate reddit/npc with being straight.

>> No.15173790

you can really tell when someone

presses enter a couple times
so they're not posting an ugly wall of

text so that people might actually be able to


make use of it,
and the only response

>'reddit spacing'

>> No.15173999

allow art hoe threads again

>> No.15174002


>> No.15174008
File: 337 KB, 799x473, 1587690004094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more pics of cecil

>> No.15175262

The only reasonable solutions in this thread

>> No.15175309

To filter out trip users:
>first, make sure you are in Desktop Mode (otherwise you can’t see the advanced filter settings)
>Click on the [Return] button (when your on the [Catalog] page)
>once there, click on “settings”
>these are the global/advanced settings (different from the settings on the <catalog> page)
>click “Filters & Post Hiding” (****again, phone posters, you must scroll to very bottom of page and manually enable desktop mode first to see this advanced setting****)
>see “Filter & Highlight specific threads/posts [Edit]”
>click [Edit]
>click [Add] to add a new filter
>insert the trip users trip code in to the blank box in the “Pattern” column and then
>scroll right to the “Type” column
>click the drop down and select “Tripcode”
>scroll right again to the “Hide” column so you can click the check mark box
>this will activate your filter and ensure that your filter is hiding the “Pattern” which you want to hide
>***click {Save} to save the new filter*** it’s on the bottom right of this SUB-menu
>click the {x} to close this sub menu now (***be careful not to click outside the menu on the greyed our background*** otherwise all settings adjustments will be lost)
>click {Save Settings} button
>now check the thread to ensure the trip users comments are all hidden

>> No.15175329

They're the opposite of reasonable, though, because everyone on this board is either unable or unwilling to make quality content.
They aren't a solution: they're what you say to people complaining when you want them to shut up.

>> No.15175416

Peak reddit spacing is double enter for each sentence.

As if each thought is too important to be surrounded by other sentences.

Even for fragments.

>> No.15176019


Peak reddit is starting your sentence a space below post ID your're replying to. Like so.

>> No.15176757
File: 46 KB, 427x640, 7EA42E05-F4AC-4278-8241-27B1425447FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have been forgotten...

>> No.15176859

Yoooo what happened to this guy

>> No.15176864
File: 1.26 MB, 685x899, 2acascas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somebody ban this attention whore