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File: 443 KB, 1080x1328, Screenshot_20200422_203334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15167813 No.15167813 [Reply] [Original]

I... My friend told me this haircut would be flattering but now I realize it's kinda wrong for my face. Any suggestions on cuts that would frame my face better

>> No.15168376

just grow it out

>> No.15168400

>jew nose
>big ears
>shitty facial hair
your haircut is the least of your worries

>> No.15168402


>> No.15168410



>> No.15168415

Haircut looks fine. Typical Hispanic cut.

>> No.15168416

>big ears
kill me pete

>> No.15168421

It looks good.

>> No.15169176

I like the haircut and think it suits you

>> No.15169221

start mewing and take testosterone immediately

>> No.15169230

I think you could pull it off better. takes a while to get used to a new hair style. have more confidence

>> No.15169234

I think it looks very natural, anon. Don't worry about it.

>> No.15169242

you look like mike patton if he was ugly

>> No.15169263

the haircut looks good, I hope you were just fishing for compliments and you don't actually think it looks bad

>> No.15169265

I am so so sorry, man. Just about everything in that photo.

>> No.15170496

Kinda like, maybe the sides not so much.

>> No.15170621

haircut looks good dude. Why is your nose bloody though?

>> No.15170801


Looks like your naturally buzzcut and borrowed your granpas toupee to take a fun

>> No.15170817

post faces, you chuds

>> No.15170901
File: 161 KB, 1018x1024, 1587327199082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dear god you're one ugly fucker. i feel so sorry for you. but beauty isn't all that matters, have faith my friend.

>> No.15170918

hit the nail on the head

just an hero and roll again faggot

>> No.15171029

Mewing is a meme and so is test

>> No.15171128
File: 1.54 MB, 190x300, notalent.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bet i look better than you in every way faggot

>> No.15171643

actual barber here.
Your face looks fine OP. Despite what the edgelords say literally everyone's head has some peculiarities, the difference of people who seem attractive is a combination of body weight and good style and you're obviously in shape.

That fade is clean but the haircut you went with is really heavy on your crown and makes your hairline look a little pushed back and exaggerates the fact that you have a larger dome compared to your face.
I would suggest leaving the vertical height on top but going back and asking them to taper up the back higher and blend the sides in more for a nice classy cut. It really doesn't look terrible though, 90% of dudes are not walking around this clean.

>> No.15171717

see >>15171643
get the bowlcut like he said

>> No.15171786


Holy fuck this board is toxic now none of these reddit niggers post face either.

>> No.15171797

asking to post face/fit is literally the classic reddit response

>> No.15171833
File: 39 KB, 517x383, D4E074D1-C4F7-4A20-9295-BF41AA5637F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no u reddit

Post face faggot

>> No.15171872
File: 34 KB, 500x513, 394794570807c226e65fe0ff9827f829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bring this picture OP. It's not a bowl cut.

>> No.15171879
File: 255 KB, 1464x1372, 20191119_105936~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prison core

>> No.15171903


>> No.15172104

cunts like this are the worst part of this board. the anonymity this site provides allows people to speak freely without fear of consequence. guys like this use it to act like a bitter, catty faggots. imagine some insecure twink doing this outside lol

>> No.15172240
File: 700 KB, 2620x2187, 20180831_120537~3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15172743

you're probably another ugly spic with deformed features

>> No.15173331

looked better with the buzz man. putting a good head shape to waste with that square ass cut

>> No.15173448


t. mohammed kebab

>> No.15173471

Try to be reborn as white

>> No.15173472
File: 504 KB, 2000x2858, 128dd2fe8ebaad2f092b44d999e7db8b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah the long hair was before the buzz was more recent, I've started growing it out again but I'm not sure I like the way it is now, thinking I'll buzz it again, might go for the Tom Hardy length

>> No.15173786

>calls other people reddit

>> No.15174597

I would actually kms if I had a face like this

>> No.15174677

>your haircut is the least of your worries
waht exactly is the guy supposed to do? replace his entire head?
stop being an asshole, and just let the guy improve himself a little more through fashion, haircut or whatever.

All that shit you mentioned is unfixable. Unless you go and fuck your shit even worse through plastic surgery.

>> No.15174689

that's a meme. You can't fucking change your bone structure idiot.

There is some people that may manage to get a better jaw through braces, and fixing their bite, but that's about it. If you don't have an underbite, and you are still a chinlet you are fucked.

>> No.15174693

>beauty isn't all that matters, have faith my friend.
don't lie. It's all that matters. if you aren't rich, you are done for.

>> No.15175303

I'm getting bottom vibes from you bro

>> No.15175314

Jaw line exercises, start them.

>> No.15175334

Don't slick it back, try to get some of your hair as bangs/framing your face more. Also, you have a pretty large back of your head, and having hair on it accentuates it. Maybe bring up the fade in the back to center your hair around the top of your head, not the top/back.

>> No.15175613

i mean he could shave tho

>> No.15175766

dont forget bulging bug eyes
mewing is a meme for adults but how is test a meme?

>> No.15175769

need to see what the trim looks like from the front

>> No.15177020

you don't look terrible honestly, take the advice from >>15171643

dont wanna start a whole new thread to ask this, but my forehead is big. to a point to where it almost looks receding (it's not, always looked like that). Dunno if what my face looks like really matters, but what sort of cuts do you guys recommend? Considering trying an undercut out, wanted to wait for barbers to open but this lockdown got extended so I might just do it myself

>> No.15177056

It's over

>> No.15177364

100% Aryan

>> No.15177370

It will look better once it grows out a bit on the sides. Next time don’t get anything lower than a 1 on the sides.

>> No.15177376
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>> No.15177542

>Current year
>Twitter fagspeak

>> No.15177595
File: 52 KB, 479x720, 4c742921a87eb2199aeed4f627d533a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15177912

Fix your posture and stop mouth breathing

>> No.15177937
File: 103 KB, 354x325, fewmmofbone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15177959

what's wrong with you? jesus

>> No.15177971


>> No.15177979

fucking brutal

>> No.15178563

dont lie to the man, hes fucking ugly

>> No.15178603

where the fuck do you live and how the fuck did u get a haircut?

>> No.15178613

So you think people are just born with shit posture and others with great posture? Just lol. What about those African women who elongate their necks with rings? Are they just born with massive necks?

>> No.15178614

I'd tell you to lose weight but there's probably no hope for that face. Get fit as fuck anyway, do roids and shit

>> No.15178642

>All these bluepilled cucks
Some people are ugly you braindead freaks, that's it

>> No.15178671

the posture of a spine isn't comparable to a jaw at all you dumb fucking waste of breathe. kill yourself at the earliest convenience i can't believe i took the time to write this out

>> No.15179168

You're a fucking idiot. Bone especially while you're young in malleable. If you are refuting this you are an actual fucking brainlet.

>> No.15179447

You can't change your bones,but you can make your skin las saggy, making the jawline sharper

>> No.15179487
File: 77 KB, 732x428, 1582486678284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn basic anatomy, nigger.

>> No.15179895
File: 34 KB, 484x960, corona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did i fuck up with this quarantine cut

>> No.15179930

haircut looks ok I think, but shave that facial hair trust me

>> No.15180273

Look, not everyone has it easy. But there are still things you can do to get people to think you're attractive.
1. Lowest bodyfat you can maintain will accentuate what 'features' you have positively. Hopefully reducing ur cheeks somewhat.
2. Put on muscle but always without gaining fat. Gaining any fat will make you look goofier in the face area.
3. Always wear a fitted suit or other nice clothes. Dressing like a streetwear or someother casual fashion will make you look dirtier.
4. Possibly the most important, never have facial hair. It makes you look filthy and gross especially with how yours is growing in.
5. If your teeth aren't perfect save up the money and make them. Last thing you need bringing you down is a mangled smile.

Do these 5 things and you have a chance and being attractive despite what these posters will try to tell you. It's not too late for anybody unless you get burned or mangled.

>> No.15180319

Learn to generate thoughts and put them into WORDS, you genetically inferior chinlet. Nothing in that image addresses anything that poster said.

>> No.15180338

post bussy twink

>> No.15180346

im straight :/

>> No.15180847

>seething homo

>> No.15180848

Curtains. Think Leo or eboy but maybe a bit longer. Its the ultimate receding hairline cope

>> No.15180850
File: 465 KB, 105x140, 8BF0DEC0-20C1-4052-A530-5A3449107BDA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But seriously we all love you OP ignore the memes and take the haircut advice ITT. Hope u get a thicc latina gf

>> No.15180855
File: 110 KB, 258x245, 9BD950D6-2D07-4188-B46F-91F3E61B88E9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao why do some many of you niggas on this board look like british twinks with you little undercuts and buzzcuts I'm dead

>> No.15181240

LOOK AT THAT FUCKING SHNOSE TOPKEK, are you planning to raise the interest on the goyims houses later LOLOLOL

>> No.15181437

Post face

>> No.15181477

shut the fuck up nigger

>> No.15181548

doesn't mean you can't put out for the boiz ;)

>> No.15181560
File: 239 KB, 569x669, 1587612352814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello fellow Jew. Get some curtain bangs

>> No.15181873

Those "British twinks" definitely get a lot more pussy than you.