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15165447 No.15165447 [Reply] [Original]

new thread because other doesn't have title edition

Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hydrated


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

Ask all your thinspo and weight-related questions here.

Please be kind to people and don't just call them a fatass or something - help them change it. It doesn't make you look worse if they also look good.

Feel free to post:
>current stats: height, weight, gender, age
>highest weight
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
>aesthetic you're going for

Also try post thinspo pics, post your goal bodies (fictional or real), recipes and tips etc. to help and encourage each other.

>> No.15165514

how fast can i go from bmi 20 to 17? is losing 7kg in one month doable?

>> No.15165614

If you do 2-3 day fasts maybe

>> No.15165626

What happens if you just don’t eat carbs? I’ve been severely limiting my carb intake for a few weeks, almost everyday I’m eating under 10 grams of carbs. Is there anything I need to worry about?

>> No.15165669

Not rly, you will just lose water retention so you will appear thinner. Lookup Keto diet.

>> No.15165687

soo a 2-3day fast, then a day of eating, i don't know, around 1000cals, then another 2-3day fast, and so on, is that okay? or 1000 is too much or too little?

>> No.15165710

I would do 800, but yea pretty much, you can do 400cal if you want it even faster

>> No.15165722

Ok good. I’m obese so it’s not like fasting is going to eat away at my muscles right away, correct?

>> No.15165724

alright ill do 800 since i haven't restricted in a while. will post results in a month

>> No.15165737

i'm currently 190, down from 260 last year. Does thinspo have ideas on how to safely lose more then my current 2 pounds a week from dieting?

>> No.15165762

While the advice on this thread may be effective it’s not safe lol. Can’t guarantee you won’t develop an eating disorder from this shit but you will lose weight.

>> No.15165812
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Finally gained enough willpower to restrict.
currently down from 169 to 165lbs
another 55 to go.

>> No.15165848

Good job, buddy. Try to set some short-term goals in between, instead of just one big end goal.

>> No.15165857
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I do have two.
154lbs (70kg) and 132lbs (60kg) before i hit 110 (50kg)

>> No.15165919
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what is like to be thin?

>> No.15165921
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>> No.15165922

I really dig her style but couldnt find @n.ao instagram :/ do you have other source?

>> No.15165929
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i have no idea, sorry

>> No.15166209
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Have any of u successfully recovered from being anorexic? I’m sick of being sick and looking like my legs will break at any moment but nothing I try has worked. 16.5 BMI is what I’m at and it’s where I’ve been for years

>> No.15166246

i've been working on recovery since summer 2019. in my experience it's very easy to slip out of recovery and back into disordered eating. i'd recommend having someone who can hold you accountable for eating, like a therapist or nutritionist. of course not everyone can afford this though. a good first step in my opinion is starting a meal plan where you eat three full meals a day and try to work up to more and more calories. liquid calories like juice or ensure helps a lot. if you have someone willing to help you make meals, that can be very helpful as it's easier when you don't have to cook everything yourself. try your best anon.

>> No.15166286
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No. You need to eat much more than that on refeed days, or your metabolism will slow down. I'm literally eating 3-4k cals(low-carb, meat) in a 1 hr window on refeed days, before continuing fasting. Still losing weight.
You can't "out-eat" two days of fasting, unless you eat junkfood.
I'm serious.
This is why all the Biggest Loser contestants end up gaining all their damn weight back, cus they fuck their metabolism.

>> No.15166298

What percentage of the men in these threads are gay? Wanting a twink physique seems like something only a homosexual bottom would want, not that there's anything wrong with that.

>> No.15166360

Metabolism slowdown is a meme, and was based off a study of starving humans, over a year period, they saw metabolism slowed down by such a little amount it doesnt even matter

>> No.15166363

>biggest losers gain the weight back cause they fuck their metabolism

No, they gain the weight back because once their off a diet they still dont know how to eat normally, and start eating like how they got fat in the first place

>> No.15166366

Yes, totally.
All of them.
They literally get shown how and what to eat during the show.
So how tf would they not know how to continue that?
I don't believe all of them are too weak, and just eat themselves back up

>> No.15166370
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In any fucking case my dude, you can lose weight at a staggering rate when fasting, and still eat a huge fucking meal at refeeds.
No need to deprive yourself of food on the refeeds, when you're fasting between the meals.

>> No.15166392

Fat people are the weakest

>> No.15166395

Binging refeeds will still slowdown your weight loss, your still having to burn off the calories you eat on refeeds

>> No.15166449
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>> No.15166492
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Alright, so I keep never feeling full and I keep puking in my mouth, I am assuming this is because of the acidic food I eat. I don't want to fuck my stomach up totally.

>> No.15166499

I want to be thinner bur im akways hungry, especially in the night. I might wake up and not get back to sleep. I either eat and sleep or stay awake, getting fat cos im not sleeping. Any tips?

>> No.15166501

Sleep or drink black coffee, it's your body asking for energy.

>> No.15166502

How do you guys deal with the negative mood swings when fasting or restricting? Whenever I start skipping meals, I get into crappy moods or I'll feel anxious all day. Any tips?

>> No.15166542

So if i drink more coffee each day i will be be having better sleep?

>> No.15166706

>eating 3-4k cals
that's too much. that's going to undo two, three days of fasting (in my case at least). plus fasting for days then eating thousands of calories... yea, no, been there. not pleasant.

>> No.15166714

My gf is trying to lose weight. She has always been overweight since she was a kid. Yes, she has a mental illness and uses food as a coping mechanism. If she feels bad she just wants to eat until she feels sick.

When I met her she was at around 160lbs. Previously I helped her with calorie counting and a food diary, we were also lifting 3-5 times a week. She managed to get down to around 130lbs. Then we went through a lot of big changes in our lives and she's back up to 180lbs.

Right now she's eating 200cal for breakfast and for lunch. Only snacking on carrot and celery. She doesn't drink soda. She also doesn't exercise at the moment. She's been losing about 2.5lbs per week, which is great. I'm mainly worried about her falling off the wagon.

Her goal weight is 110lbs, she's 5'6". She wants to be cute and smol and tiny.

Does anyone have tips on how I can support her? I flat out deny her requests for junk food, eating out (unless we have a special occasion). I prepare her food and meds for her. I don't keep anything that's a calorie bomb in the house (although I do eat pasta and rice which she does eat raw occasionally if she's super anxious). Has anyone had success replacing eating with some other healthier support mechanism?

>> No.15166718

I should add, she was 140lbs at 12, so when she got down to 130lbs she was extremely excited.

I'm proud that she is working hard to take care of herself.

>> No.15166741


>> No.15166758

Speaking as someone who uses food as a coping mechanism for dealing with my issues ( and is trying to get out of it) you need to keep her distracted in a productive way. Play a game together, go outside, watch a movie, cuddle, etc... and when she has urges and cravings realize it’s not her being physically hungry, it’s her being emotionally hungry, and her response to negative emotions might be to bat them away with food. Encourage her to talk about her problems/write them down instead of drowning it in food. She’s going to feel bad, that’s a given when dealing with tough mental shit, and she isn’t always going to know why- but you need to make her understand that indulging in unhealthy foods that often is not acceptable by any standard of normal people. At all. It’s not okay to have a cheat day everyday. It’s not okay to sit around and eat junk food to manage your emotions. It’s not okay to ruin your body with crap. Don’t, ya know, tell all this to her right away but it needs to be reinforced in your actions and tone of voice. If she sees that you can live just without indulging in comfort food all the time, she will internalize that as well. Remind her that it’s not about being skinny or attractive, it’s about respecting her body and herself. Eating healthily is good. Making an effort is good. Confronting your emotions is good. These are not to be feared.

>> No.15166810

Make sure you replenish electrolytes. And prepare for keto flu if you haven't already overcome it

>> No.15166818
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How do I get rid of the “today is a loss, might as well keep overeating because I’ll start tomorrow” mindset?

I literally have everything else in life that I want except I need to lose 30 pounds. I have a big ego from surviving heart failure from anorexia twice and think I’m the champion of weight loss for losing over 200 pounds but now that I’ve gained back a bunch of it it all fades away whenever I eat and I binge.

I really just want to get back in touch with my anorexia but have lost all motivation to work at it despite it being the only thing I care about...

>> No.15166836

I sit on my ass 24/7.
When the food has been digested, and been shat out, I'm down more than before the meal

>> No.15166872

No, coffee has actually been shown to reduce your quality of sleep

>> No.15166875

Thats not how it works

>> No.15166877

You can always do worse. When you overeat, catch yourself. Admit your mistake, you fucked up. Then stop doing it. Even calorie counts, every time you try your best counts.

There is no such thing as restarting tomorrow, every day keeps adding up.

>> No.15166887

Think, would you rather go through the stress of losing 1000calories or 2000, your just hurting yourself by not stopping

>> No.15166907

You still digested those calories retard, they don't instantly disappear

>> No.15167005

Anyone here take DNP?
honestly considering it at this point

>> No.15167008
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I remember it was horrible but pleasant. You would feel cold all the time, but you wouldn't need to hate your body 24/7.

>> No.15167013

also constantly hungry and weak, but the cold is easily the worst part, especially during winter.

>> No.15167039
File: 36 KB, 400x661, 1577378221891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the fuck i aint skinny?My bmi is 17.4 and i still look skinny fat

>> No.15167041

post pictures

>> No.15167043

>Her goal weight is 110lbs, she's 5'6". She wants to be cute and smol and tiny.

I'm against these threads and people being super thin but I do want to point out how "average weight" has gone up so much that a real average is now seen as petite.

110lbs at 5'6" isn't petite. It's roughly average.

Other than that you have an impossible battle with your g/f that has mental illness. I'm going to assume you are some young guy who thinks he can save her and I promse you, you won't. You are just wasting your time.

>> No.15167045

Lack of education and/or just ignorance. Not eating won't make you skinny at first. Your body will use up all your muscle protein and your overall muscle mass will fall before it uses the fats. You'll end up skinny fat.

The only way to just stop eating and to end up actually skinny is by going way beyond that into anorexia mode. If you knew what you were actually doing with your diet, you would end up skinny and lean with your muscle mass saved.

>> No.15167053

>your body will use up all of your muscle mass before using your fat mass

>lack of education

God you're retarded

>> No.15167056

>2800 calories required to build 1lb of muscle
>breaking down 1lb of muscle yields 600 calories of energy
>3500 calories required to build 1lb of fat
>breaking down 1lb of fat yields 3500 calories of energy

nah, they're obviously right, your body will hold onto stored fat and give up all muscle if it needs energy

>> No.15167059

How many dog beds do you REALLY need?

>> No.15167060

Because 17.4 is a skinnyfat bmi, you're not skinny and you're under average so you're skinnyfat, 16.5 and you should almost be there

>> No.15167063
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the body will break down muscle if you diet hard because muscle is metabolically expensive, not because it's a good source of stored energy. The trick to preventing this is to regular full body exercise while dieting because that tricks the body into thinking the muscle is absolutely necessary for survival

skinny fat is defined as moderate fat low muscle, not "skinny but not anorexic"

>> No.15167065

Yea lets just ignore every person who goes lean ever, yes you lose some muscle while losing weight but its not alot, how tf you think people get to 1%bf and have muscle and look shredded if "hurr durr it uses up your muscle first"

>> No.15167068

The definition of skinnyfat is literally in its name, being skinny isnt the same as being anorexic

>> No.15167069

14 bmi anorexic
16bmi thinspo
16.5bmi skinny
17.2+ skinnyfat
20bmi average

>> No.15167072

Hello village idiot who does not know what they're talking about.

During lack of food it does not use the muscles simply based on sourced energy but because protein is needed to function so it cannibalizes the muscles for protein.

It's why simply starving yourself and expecting to be skinny will not happen as you'll just end up skinny fat. Only later when you reach higher levels of starvation will your fat finally be used.

I'm from fit bodybuilder and personal trainer. I see this kind of thing posted here all thew time in which don't eat = skinny and loss of all fats. Nope. To be skinny/slim with loss of fat requires actual effort and good diet. People with eating disorders like these threads are always incredibly uneducated on the subjects.

They think if a bodybuilder bulks up and adds a lot of muscle and fat, to cut they simply won't eat and will retain all the muscle and lose all the fat. That's so stupidly wrong.

Which would be the same as people here thinking if they simply don't eat, they will just lose fat. Yeah, I wish.

>> No.15167075
File: 64 KB, 1280x720, nalle nöppänä.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50 hour fasts are quite nice and easy. I think I will try a 72 next.

>> No.15167080

Post your waist line.

>> No.15167084

You don't want to see it. I'm fat and disgusting.

>> No.15167085
File: 221 KB, 1280x960, IMG_7906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here it is

i do some exercises every day and i have hard physical work (or how to call it in english).Im eating once a day average portion of lunch and sometimes some fruit or something small if im really hungry

>> No.15167086

110 is plenty small by normal standards mate.

She's winning her battle with mental illness. She goes to therapy and psyche regularly, takes all her meds, she's doing great. She's made huge progress over the last 2 years.

>> No.15167087

Friendly reminder :
You're taking advice from people who are above 20bmi and have never dieted a day in their life

>> No.15167091

Okay you're right, low protein low calorie diets do lead to muscle catabolism because the body needs 50g of protein just for essiential chemical reactions and basic maintenance of the cells.

However muscle isn't the only way the body "stores" amino acids, bones, blood cells and and all organs contains "recyclable" amino acids which can be used during periods of total starvation or intense exercise, this is why autophagy works.

The body would rather catoblize its own muscle for amino acids than its own organs unless you successfully trick it into thinking the muscle is essiential for survival by doing resistance training.

The reason why bodybuilders don't fast to get into shape is because they're incredibly overmuscular, a normalish person won't lose much muscle mass unless they've become underfat.

You're almost certainly trolling but in case you're not OR someone else is reading this conversation, here's something to read: https://www.dietdoctor.com/does-fasting-burn-muscle

you're not skinny fat lmao, but yeah I wouldn't suspect you're 17.5 bmi
I'd suggest eating more protein if you're worried about losing muscle mass.

this thread has a retarded anafag who tries triggering themself into restricting harder by bullying the other posters in this thread, ignore them and they'll fuck off

>> No.15167093

I do! Let me see it!

>> No.15167099

>by normal standards

That's what I mean. Because "normal" is overweight then average in comparison looks small.

The average weight for a female of 5'6" starts at around 115lbs. So yes, 110lbs is slimmer but it's not "smol and petite" range.

>> No.15167102

Why would you want to see it? To make fun of and insult me?

>> No.15167106

I just suspect you're a lot thinner than you think. I promise I won't bully you for working on losing weight.

>> No.15167109

You should dump her, shes using you as a crutch to lose weight, and once she does, shes going to leave you for a better looking guy

>> No.15167110
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I have the constipation bloat and I am 190 cm ~65 kg, so I am not thinner than I think I am. Even after eliminating the bloat mentally (as even laxatives seem to be unable to do it physically) I am chubby, and need to lose at least 5 kilos.

>> No.15167112


>> No.15167113


>> No.15167119
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No. I just can't.

No shit, Sherlock.

>> No.15167125

I just want to be lean.Maybe i will be exercising more and look for what i eat even more

>> No.15167127

if you're doing hard physical work that engages your entire body, then it's probably enough, but yeah protein is important as well, Lyle McDonald wrote a book on crash dieting and he advocates for spending nearly all of your calories on protein and eating around 150-200g/day

>> No.15167161
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>> No.15167193

I appreciate the concern, but don't worry about it.

>> No.15167196

Fat people shouldn't exist.

There is nothing more depressing than seeing a girl with a pretty face that is extremely overweight. All that potential thrown down the drain for some momentary relief via eating.

>> No.15167204

calculate how much you overate and burn it off. win/win

>> No.15167209


>> No.15167211

Bet you cant wait to give her and her new boyfriend money to go out for dinners and get fat all over again, then use you again

>> No.15167267

I've usually been around 110 or 115 with little to no effort, but about a year ago I was pulled out of my comfy neethole and afterwards was forced to eat more under threat of being sectioned, did a short stay at a hospital and then wound up briefly homeless, I managed to get back in my neethole. but now I'm afraid I've put on some fat and even muscle. Theres no scale here, but last time i stepped on one, I was up to 125.

What do you guys recommend doing aside from existing as normal and slowly returning to natural weight? Also, tips to prevent similar situations from happening would be nice if not for me, for others

>> No.15167272

Anything is doable. Do you want to lose 7 kg and keep it off without surgery or lasting medical issues?

You are light and weak. Your body gets very different biomechanically, since you're proportionally light in places you shouldn't be, and heavy in places you shouldn't be. It can be beneficial in some sports in some ways, but you really fucking suck in most. You get hurt more easily; you don't have much between your skin and bone to protect you. You feel like shit a lot of the time and can't function properly because you're not eating enough. It eventually becomes a struggle to eat what you actually need.

Do it, especially if you are skinny. Right now your ICUs should be full, so if you take too much, you're dead.

Taking your goddamn meds and stop going to sites that enable your mental illness, you fuckup.

>> No.15167276

>Do it, especially if you are skinny. Right now your ICUs should be full, so if you take too much, you're dead.

sounds amazing, finally an escape from the constant struggle of trying to stay/be thinner than my body wants me to be

>> No.15167286

you’re not skinnyfat at all. you look like you actually have a good amount of muscle mass

>> No.15167287

Why haven't you done it already? But by all means, lying to yourself.

>> No.15167291

i’m 173cm and 67kg right now (fat. i know) and i’m eating 800 calories a day right now hoping to get to 53kg in 4-5 months but i feel like that’s too long. by how much can i lower my calorie consumption without losing my hair or getting loose skin or generally looking flabby?

>> No.15167304

You can do 3 day fasts with no hair loss, also you are pretty much guarenteed loose skin if your large enough, no matter how you lose the weight

>> No.15167305
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Because I don't know where to get DNP in the UK
I mean, I could probably figure it out if I tried, I managed it for other hard to get stuff, I guess the real reason is that I'm afraid of hurting myself, I have a sharpened knife in my desk that I bought soley for suicide via the neck but it's done nothing but collect dust since I bought it
Life isn't that bad, sometimes it's kinda painful but deep down I know it's probably going to get better

fasting is the absolute fastest way to lose weight, it's get easier the more you do it but as you get leaner it begins to get much, much harder. It's only really dangerous if you fast a lot in a short period of time without consuming electrolytes and/or mess up your refeed if you fast for a long time.

If you want to avoid looking flabby, then you need to do some basic fullbody resistance training while dieting otherwise your body will catoblize its own muscle in order to lower its own BMR, if you want to avoid losing hair, HIGH protein is the most important thing.

If you're not into fasting, you might want to look at protein sparing modified fasts, it's the second fastest way to diet and has the least unpleasant side effects

>> No.15167312

Why gradually make things worse rather than either killing yourself or making things better? You're so transfixed on this idea you're just turning yourself into a cosmic joke, at your own expense

>> No.15167318

I tried to make things better before but I failed half way through, it's too exhausting to carry on so I'm taking a break
I have faith that everything will be okay eventually, so I don't want to die just yet
who knows, maybe one day I'll come to believe from the bottom of my heart that things will truly never get better, when that day comes I guess I'll have the drive to take matters into my own hands

>> No.15167320

Life never takes a break. Do something. Doing nothing is a shitton worse than doing even a little. But it's your choice.

>> No.15167325
File: 24 KB, 354x480, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry you guys got hurt. I'm sure you will find the thinspo gf of your dreams some day. Gl mates, you're gonna make it.

>> No.15167332

But weed makes me hungry, wouldn't that be counterproductive?

>> No.15167342
File: 49 KB, 877x514, 1578454556628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah life doesn't take a break but it quietens down for a bit I guess. I'm enjoying the peace while it lasts

I once got really sick of being so hungry, weak and cold 24/7 so I gained some weight back, it solved the weak and cold part, but I was still so so so so unbelievably hungry 24/7, I could eat until my stomach was distended and I'd still be hungry. Eventually I got to the borderline of normal/overweight (20% bodyfat) and I was still really hungry despite trying everything I could to manage it. I don't know if my insane hunger would've eventually went away if I continued to eat, but I couldn't take it anymore. My body image had become unbelievably negative and my athletic performance felt like it was beginning to suffer due to the excess flab, so I here I am, crash dieting back down.

What's probably going to happen is that I'm going to repeat this cycle of dieting down, feeling hungry, gaining back after a year of suffering it, realising that the hunger isn't going away for some fucked up reason, and then dieting back down again until I eventually decide to just to go all in and let myself go obese or I end up suiciding over some stupid body image issues.

I don't really know what to do but ride the wave desu.

On a side note coffee is really nice. I feel so calm and serene when I take a sip.

>> No.15167345
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which one are you?

>> No.15167368
File: 220 KB, 902x1358, AC9E4904-8F27-40A6-9518-184993D7253B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6’2 119 lbs
>not trying to really lose or gain, just staying comfortable while being a shutin
haven’t been this low in a while and remember feeling a lot worse the last time I was, but I feel pretty good lately. Maybe it’s because I’m no longer walking or really getting any activity, but I’m comfy as hell.

>> No.15167377
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alternative version because I'm being too harsh on monster ultra

god damn your pics are such good thinspo, I wish you'd post more but with all the retards in this gen I can understand why you don't do it more often

>> No.15167379

>sw: 146 lbs
>cw: 125 lbs
>gw: 105 lbs

i started calorie restricting exactly a month and a half ago, eating between 800-1200 calories per day with 2 days where i fell off the wagon and probably consumer close to 3000 calories. how is it even possible for me to have lost this much weight this quickly given my caloric intake? i only eat between 1 and 8 pm and haven’t been exercising at all.

>> No.15167383

Chaotic evil

>> No.15167405

also do you have a blog/insta? I really like your sense of fashion

>> No.15167406
File: 63 KB, 750x738, EVqTlZXWoAACnqd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chaotic neutral and neutral good

>> No.15167411

nah, I really hate having a consistent online persona. I dump everything every 6 months or so, I like anonymity too much to make an insta or anything.

>> No.15167416

>nah, I really hate having a consistent online persona
understandable, there's a reason why we're on 4chan after all

>> No.15167420
File: 170 KB, 1440x1440, 92513638_10158241573222154_1729504229686509568_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15167437

Ah yes, the classic strech your body out to look thinner and use trousers to hide belly fat

>> No.15167473

i lose weight on the top half of my body just fine but my legs, butt and lower belly remain fat.. it's so frustrating

>> No.15167486

Yeah same, those areas are typical stubborn fat areas, you might want to look into taking Yohimbine

>> No.15167508

anon, the trousers are below my hips. I’m not sure belly fat extends that far down. please post physique regardless

>> No.15167606

You post a pic with your shoulders relaxed and your side

>> No.15167645
File: 15 KB, 400x225, 1587408406444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chaotic evil.

>> No.15167675
File: 127 KB, 795x1500, 14F15C8B-8786-4FDF-AFA4-AD72F54CD033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based or nah?

>> No.15167696

This is borderline mental illness stupidity, my dudes. There’s no way this is real.
>fuck you it’s attractive
No, it’s not lmao nobody wants to fuck skinny people. Fucking with skinny people is terrible anyways, you need muscles and endurance to fuck right. Plus starvation mode brainlets smell terrible. Faulty nutrition does that.
Nobody wants to fuck fat people either. Don’t even go there.
>fuck you I do it for myself
Hit the gym you lazy pieces of shit. This isn’t improvement. It’s the lazy man method to achieve a “good” body. Clothes don’t fit skinny people, they hover over them.
this would be hilarious but I try not to laugh at the mentally disabled

>> No.15167701

Fitfat detected

>> No.15167703

>clothes dont fit skinny people,they hover over them

time to dump my folder i guess

>> No.15167706
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>> No.15167707
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>> No.15167708
File: 25 KB, 455x563, 0036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im a guy so only really got male inspo

>> No.15167711
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>> No.15167716
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>> No.15167724
File: 55 KB, 683x1024, 288aa6e63e13822b909a0557985b6509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clothes dont fit skinny people, they hover over them

go back to /fit/

>> No.15167728

post more pics of this whore?

>> No.15167729

Good work brotha.
Keep it up

>> No.15167730

>clothes literally hovering over these two
>has to wear jeans way too tight or he looks like he’s wearing pants like a 2001 rapper because no legs

cringe, are you 14 or something my guy? The sadboi shtick is not a good look if you are 20

>> No.15167739

Post more malespo pls. It’s hard to come across

>> No.15167740
File: 120 KB, 736x1104, b21e65d159a0173966dd81c3871a74d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got chu

>> No.15167744
File: 36 KB, 497x750, d2f8f2bc6985f6a390e110167ad84967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some spooky male spo

>> No.15167748
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>> No.15167751
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>> No.15167754
File: 41 KB, 300x292, rip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>65 kg @ 190 cm
>144 @ 6'3" in burger units
>18 BMI (underweight)
>wants to lose another 5 kgs and go down to 16.5 BMI in order to not be "chubby"

son this is body dysmorphia

>> No.15167756

I think you have to reconsider the tops.

>> No.15167758

the real question is why are “fit” retards obsessed with this general? what do they get from trying to push their disgusting lifestyle and aesthetic?

>> No.15167759

This I am excited to see for a grand make over, how about supreme products for a change?

>> No.15167760

This one is cool but I want something more than black

>> No.15167761

their own insecurities of making 0 progress with working out to get the body they want, so they have to come here and try to justify it, their mad we can hit our body goals and they can't

>> No.15167762

How about this one for the top? https://streetwearvilla.co/tops/button-up-shirts/palace-london-custom-roll-neck-sweater-yellow

>> No.15167767
File: 826 KB, 927x617, 15654484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, dad. I used to be like 58 kg whatever that is in burger units, but then a friend of mine made me eat more, and now I regret that.

>> No.15167815

when you see someone about to hurt themselves you cannot help but to whince and try to help
starving yourself into skelly mode is stupid and dangerous. being mr skellington isnt a good look, no matter how much you delude yourself by looking at starved male models

>> No.15167817


>> No.15167827

Mr skellington is a universally accepted good look, why would you choose to be average or overweight when you can make people want to be you

>> No.15167830
File: 14 KB, 300x300, DFW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you see someone about to hurt themselves
you mean "When you deliberately brigade their threads every fucking day, so you can keep trying to convince them to become a hulking 200lbs neanderthal"

>> No.15167834

Notice how its only ever fitfats who say thinspo isnt a good look, yet speak to anyone not from fit, or actually leaves their house and its all they want to be

>> No.15167843
File: 97 KB, 541x1285, 5E495554-0B65-43A1-95CC-A1C675966D62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty sure this is the same person.

>> No.15167852

>Mr skellington is a universally accepted good look
>people look up to skellies
now that's what i call cope
look at your fucking "thinspo" pictures, they are all fringe male models nobody gives a fuck about. the male goalbody is looking like a greek god. if you are a woman you need a flat stomach and a fat ass - you will get neither body by starving yourself like a retard
if people gave a shit about skellies gyms would be out of business, instagram thots would have zero followers, hollywood actors wouldnt take steroids
the truth is, you want an easy goalbody because you are a lazy piece of shit

nobody wants to be skelly mode, you deluded fuck

borderline schizo, i came here because i was going to buy some clothes to try and make something out of this bullshit quarantine. i stumbled head first into this bullshit

>> No.15167861

ah yes, that's exactly why you see mostly bulky fit dudes on runways. it's simply the best way to showcase clothing's cut and tailoring

kys anon, you admit to being a crossboarder and know literally nothing of fashion.

>> No.15167865

Skelly is considered goodlooking and elegant, why would you want to look like a ballsack on steroids, theres a big correlation between people balding when their 20 and joining /fit/, go back to your balding ballsack thread

>> No.15167870

>stumbled head first
you mean opened a thread titled THINSPO that is obviously about weight, and not clothes? You know we get /fit/ fags in every fucking thread, you know that I know it. Why try and pretend that oops you just happened to be here by coincidence? /fit/ rly is the lowest IQ board on the site.

>> No.15167871

>on instagram they would get 0 followers

So you think the 600lbs body positive instathots are goodlooking because they get follows, fucking idiot

>> No.15167878

Out of every board on the site they consistently seem the most insecure, its pretty impressive

>> No.15167887

90% of /fit/ is 5/10 or 6/10 dudes trying to looksmax without learning how to dress or groom themselves. the endgame of the average /fit/ poster is to still have incel tier face aesthetics and disgusting hair, but be reasonably muscular. it's honestly sad.

>> No.15167903

5/10 is being generous, get in one of their discords and check the selfie channels, their 3/10 at best, chubby with small muscles that their trying their hardest to flex

>> No.15167905

That’s why you see swole dudes on Hollywood movies.

>Skelly is considered goodlooking and elegant
It’s not. There are more choices beyond skelly mode and roided out. Athletic mode is the universally loved body.

No, that’s not how the catalog works, you fucking retard. Eat an apple, your brain is failing.

>if it isn’t skelly mode it’s this other terrible extreme option
Once again, false dichotomy. Can you all see anything beyond extreme measures? Being a skeleton is as fucking retarded as being a landwhale or taking steroids for a big deadlift.

If you really want a good body, you would get a realistic nutrition plan and hit the gym. No roids, no starving yourself, no bulking. Looking like you play fucking sports, that’s it. But nah, that’s way too hard, isn’t it? Rather fast and delude myself into thinking that I want to look like an African starved man with a stunted body.

>> No.15167913

Fitfat, go eat your chicken and rice

>> No.15167918

Ooh nice burn lmao

>> No.15167924

I don't know if it's possible to stop being a control freak regarding how you eat, but you certainly can be healthy and feel good physically.
Regarding BMI, it's a tool for population statistics more than anything, on a personal level you should be looking at bodyfat % and keeping it at a healthy range.

>> No.15167927

post physique /fit/ tourist. post critique, post physique.

>> No.15167930

Have you not realised no one gives a shit about your opinion, you obviously have some sort or form of autism/aspergers because you're currently socially unaware that no one wants you here, take a hint

>> No.15167931

get some omeprazole, that shit is magic. Don't take it chronically, but once a day you basically get rid of all possible acid reflux.

Also, try cultivating your microbiome a bit. Yogurt is the shit, and try to eat/drink less acidic shit, I suppose.

>> No.15167932

Have you tried planning it so your last meal is your biggest, and you eat it right before bed? Could help.

>> No.15167941

Eat more protein

>> No.15167954

Weird, they suddenly went all quiet

Wonder why

>> No.15167963

bodies of /fit/
polite sage for offtopic

>> No.15167968

Alright post yours first

This isn’t reddit, you faggot

>> No.15167970


people have already posted it for me earlier so >>15167843 here.

>> No.15167976

no it doesn't, you retard.

>> No.15167994

Ah so you do have autism/aspergers, just needed to make sure

>> No.15167999

He wont post his disgusting chubby incel body, fits are always most insecure

>> No.15168000

Went dwoon from 155 to 150, I've been eating better so I expect this to be water weight. Feeling good nonetheless

>> No.15168150

Why is everyone skipping over the heart failure part. No he shouldn't burn off what he binged. You need to get over scarcity, by not banning or restricting hard. Understand that this isn't your last opportunity to eat a food you like.

>> No.15168168

maybe seek a doctor professional, get some medication maybe adderall

>> No.15168182
File: 39 KB, 600x717, 1586097418283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have wanted to be under 120lbs for a long time
>keep hovering around 126 to 130
>look at self in mirror last night
>feel good about my body
>think 'maybe i dont need to lose more'
>wake up this morning
>weigh in at 131
>feel disgusting
at this point i feel like i have no objective idea of what i look like, i cant decide if i look ok and the number is just whats making me feel bad, or if i actually look like shit and am just coping.

>> No.15168183
File: 276 KB, 1242x1493, 1579617550281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lawful, neutral and chaotic good all day. Some Lawful evil everyday.

>> No.15168187


>> No.15168194

I do go to the gym faggot
well did, before corona chan hit

>> No.15168228

honestly weighing yourself is a waste of time, especially if you have an obsessive personality, just look in the mirror and stop when you're happy with how you look like. I got stupidly thin from being obsessed with numbers and suffered more than I needed too

>> No.15168231

If you want to help then stop posting in this thread lol. Anas have a sick obsession with people being concerned over their sickly appearance because it validates them, and I include myself in that description. Only we can choose to get better and I probably won’t until I’m forced to. This is perfection to me and you can’t change it, sorry m8. There are plenty of young men who have body dysmorphia issues and could benefit from being put on the right path to healthiness and it’s no one here. You’re wasting your breath and your good will

>> No.15168241

Wow, I remember when I used to be 135 pounds. I hated that number and thought it was fat but now I’m 100 pounds heavier and wishing desperately I could be there again. You’re fine, anon

>> No.15168264

can I ask, how did you gain 100lb?
Asking because I tried just intuitively eating recently and I gained a fuck ton of weight super fast, I don't know whether I'll ever be able to just trust my hunger signals

>> No.15168316

i find this body very attractive

>> No.15168352

5 years of Soda everyday, and eating out every other day. And the fact that my circumstances drove me to seek food as a coping mechanism to deal with the pain. That’s probably the biggest factor.

>> No.15168378

nun night /thinspo/, cya tomorrow!

>> No.15168381

I see, thank you

>> No.15168395

i went from 95kg to 90kg, feels good man

>> No.15168453
File: 312 KB, 1587x1167, IMG_20200422_215935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was told today that I have fragile hands. Just how fat can people be to find this "fragile"?

>> No.15168598
File: 83 KB, 847x944, 56b2fb51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It did feel a bit too nice to hear how it was feminine and beautiful,though. Well, one needs a hobby and collecting mental problems is one.

>> No.15168605

Good job! Almost under that 200 mark now

>> No.15168615
File: 72 KB, 353x332, question_blinikot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys cook eggs or do you just eat them raw?

>> No.15168623


>> No.15168624

hardboiled and then seasoned with sea salt and some other spices. pretty low effort and portable snack

>> No.15168642

where do I buy men's pants that aren't meant for manlets or fats?
only American Eagle and fucking 511 tactical consistently have 28x36 and 30x36 and it's killing me

>> No.15168667

Scrambled or poached

>> No.15168719

Asos's "tall" line

>> No.15168724

Came here from /fit/ what a fucking joke lmao

>> No.15168786
File: 33 KB, 640x360, 1587506603391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe a bit trannish.

>> No.15168793

You came from /fit/, thought you liked trannies

>> No.15168853
File: 649 KB, 1606x1460, 1587438556113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its nice

How would you folks dress me?

>> No.15168904

Put you in a maid costume and stick a vibrator up your ass

>> No.15168926


>> No.15168993

for any anons who used to use food as a coping mechanism when they were sad and have now gotten over it, how? what did you replace it with?
nothing else brings me joy.

>> No.15169018
File: 362 KB, 567x765, 32twe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The disgust kept piling up inside me until I hit the tipping point. Now I just do maths and read manga all day.

>> No.15169063

i never got over it,girls are mean

>> No.15169064

girls are evil

>> No.15169135

try doing squat retard KEK NGMI
oh yeah from /fit/
you look like a hot twink
sorry i'm on a lot of tren
>homeostasis is a meme
kek based retard

>> No.15169140


I've never even been overweight, but I've definitely eaten way too much in the past habitually. at the moment I'm cycling through hobbies. but still nothing brings me the same joy as food does, except listening to music, and even that's not a sure thing. it's basically disgust keeping me going as well.


>> No.15169146

A good male hobby is to become depressed and develop a fixation on your weight. THAT Is IT i'm DONE, I'm sorry but I'll never be able to keep up with you skinny bitches

>> No.15169162

I have this shitty coping mechanism, and it is almost entirely why I’m obese (and now working to put the weight off) Being around people who don’t eat like me has definitely helped me realize that what I do isn’t normal and has shamed me out of some of my gluttonous habits at times. Restricting can be a thrill because you realize you don’t need a lot to live, once you strip your diet down to the bare essentials. I admit the past few weeks have been me obsessing over not eating, and it’s kind of crazy how much I’m getting accomplished when I act like I’m a robot that doesn’t need food. It’s about realizing food doesn’t make your problems go away, and actually worsens it. My problems are still there at the end of the day regardless of how much shit I eat and that’s a hard hopeless pill to swallow but you need to. That’s what I’ve gathered, anyways.

Keeping a food log is also a good idea.

>> No.15169187

if you want a real diet to safely lose weight and retain muscle, try this.
-Times your goal weight by 10, that's your daily calories
-Eat 0.85 times your body weight in grams of protein daily.
-Do tons are cardio and make sure to gain muscle/ prevent loss of muscle. (mainly cardio though)

>> No.15169402

the virgin jeans strike again

>> No.15169456

I just kinda unlearned the habit when I first made a conscious decision to restrict calories.

Maybe I replaced it with drinking diet soda instead, I replaced habitual eating with drinking coffee

>> No.15169490

i got jittery just reading your post!

>> No.15169501
File: 220 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_2020-04-23-06-16-42-424_com.zerofasting.zero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna try and go for 1 more day atleast, anything under 72 hours has become pretty attainable for me but after that it gets much harder. Never made it to a week before.

On a side note I'm going to head out for a quick 5k run. It's probably gonna suck but Ive never tried cardio while fasting before.

Kek, I'm not very sensitive to stimulants so they don't bother me, but maybe you could drink sparkling water and tea instead?

>> No.15169513
File: 63 KB, 1280x720, 1481384892114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inspired by you, I will start the second fast of this week now (or actually 9 hours ago). Best of luck to you!

>> No.15169518

Damn, longest I’ve gone is 36 hours and even I can’t get by without some gum and celery. How do you do it?

>> No.15169529
File: 103 KB, 1280x720, 1578494551038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iron Will And Discipline
From ages here and for the ages that will come
Iron Will And Discipline
We carry inside our ancestors might

>> No.15169536

Good luck fren

It gets a lot easier the more you do it, there's a soft limit to how much bodyfat you can burn at once and fasting increases it, I just worked my way up from 16:8 and 20:4 to OMADs and longer
But it also gets a lot harder the thinner you get

>> No.15169605
File: 491 KB, 1125x917, 6BB57417-CD79-48AC-BC3B-7C9BC8F18C96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking damn it I gained 30 pounds from binge eating and need to fucking lose it but I can’t fast more than 18 hours

I really want to get back to being anorexic but just don’t have the drive to overcome binge eating.

How the fuck do I return to hardcore anorexia!?

>> No.15169613

>How the fuck do I return to hardcore anorexia!?

>> No.15169617

Yeah but how do I develop the discipline?

>> No.15169671

Some people are motivated by self discipline, some people are motivated by the rush. I’m motivated by the rush. No way in hell do I do this to prove I’m a strong person, no one who starves is. Do it because it’s fun, anon. Do it because seeing how long you can go without eating swells your heart with unnecessary pride, even if all you do is sit on your ass all day, you didn’t eat. You didn’t give in. You substituted the pleasure of eating with other things you could do all day, like clean, play video games, hang out with friends, etc. it’s so tiny and simple but because you are rejecting what you need to survive, it makes you feel so powerful. Like you can do anything.

>> No.15169683
File: 54 KB, 820x462, 1f594726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You lack self control, so did I. I motivated my return to the anorexia mode by reminding myself how much less I hated myself when I was thinner. Now I do two 2-3 day fasts a week at least for a few weeks more and then I may turn it into ADF or OMAD. The core component, I would say, is motivation. When you are motivated enough to reach some weight, it will help with your: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ucmo6hDZRSY

>> No.15169689

I literally binge eat every. single. day. It’s an addiction I can’t shake. I’m currently trying to find a site to stream my suicide.

>> No.15169691

As did I a week ago.

>> No.15169692


>> No.15169699

>I literally binge eat every. single. day

>> No.15169700

You haven’t shaken it either. You’ll do it again and again and again. I’m just stopping the cycle now the only way I can.

>> No.15169708

I will make it.

>> No.15169716

It was only a month ago where my life was me ordering fast food everyday just to get a cheap thrill and now that I’ve changed my diet and restricted I feel like I can see the future, beyond what my next meal will be. You have to want to change in order to actually do it, anon

>> No.15169718

Look up psquiddy288 on periscope. I’m streaming my suicide,

>> No.15169720

Why do you think we would give you any attention. Get over with it, crybaby.

>> No.15169728

please look into therapy anon. If you're stuck in a hardcore binge cycle and you really can't change, then you need it.

>> No.15169756
File: 62 KB, 500x681, 396c4170523ac6475b70a3a70226cb4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat something skellies

>> No.15169774

No fucking way.

>> No.15169789


>> No.15169800

Eating leads to weight gain, weight gain leads to suffering.

>> No.15169804
File: 36 KB, 564x564, 04e3ba7120617af952c93288460aa1ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15169811
File: 41 KB, 440x406, c84821c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is true.

>> No.15169833
File: 25 KB, 564x377, d0066693b147a61730b4c97e6dd08103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not

>> No.15169838
File: 35 KB, 466x601, d04a59a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would it not be? It leads to anxiety and self hatred.

>> No.15169844
File: 44 KB, 564x603, b635044682dd432cf936ee1621010dba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm done

>> No.15169861
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>> No.15169944
File: 174 KB, 750x1140, 906243B9-3B74-4129-9891-1D5BD1EF2C9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>21, 6’5”, 170 lbs

>> No.15169959
File: 670 KB, 1366x768, k1CEs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can a person that heavy look so skinny when I looked like a total pig at 6'3" and 128 lbs? Not fair.

>> No.15169972

>a total pig at 6'3" and 128 lbs
dude, you clearly have self-image problems

>> No.15169983

You've got no muscle mass.

>> No.15169991


Not much.

>> No.15170017

Hahahaha you look fucking awful mate.

Say it with me:

>anorexia general
>eating disorder general

Although I am impressed I have never seen such a tall anorexia bag of bones person. Having anorexia alone makes you look taller, I bet in person you look like a 7ft tlal slender man creature. Very nice, impressive. Enjoy the heart and organ damage.

"self-image problems" LMAO. Is that the softest way ever to say anorexia?

>> No.15170022

post shrunken roid balls

>> No.15170024

>mass panic and worry millions will die in africa from bat virus, even babies and children, not because of health issues but malnutrition

>being in that state severely screws up your immune system on par with having HIV

>malnutrition is the main cause of immunodeficiency and increase susceptibility to infection

>all posters in "thinspo" threads will suffer from some degree of malnutrition

In 6 months time 50% of you people won't even be here any longer and these thread will be dead. The fact you are still continuing what you are doing at the immediate threat of death is all the proof in itself needed to validate you have mental illness.

>> No.15170029


>> No.15170031

I'm 5'11" 175lbs and yes, I am a bodybuilder, or rather, a weightlifter. My body is akin to Jake Gyllenhaal in Prince of Persia. Not that big, not roided. If I was 6'5" I would be around 230lbs.

But yeah, totally, if someone thinks that skeleton dude isn't normal they must be a roid head. Lmao..

>> No.15170035

>facts about malnutrition and immunodeficiency means someone takes roids

Lmao. You are mentally ill.

>> No.15170039
File: 77 KB, 1024x599, 1580113430837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today I will remind them

>> No.15170042

you have to exercise and eat lots of proteins to look thin and /fa/, if you only starve yourself, you will look like la creatura

>> No.15170047

I don't care about my looks. I care about being thin.

>> No.15170048

>muh cherry picked pics
>muh extreme examples

The opposite to anorexia isn't a roided muscle head. Lol. Wtf. What a cope.

How about a post a pic of a skinny ugly guy next to a model buff huh? Will I win then. haha these people.

>> No.15170049
File: 82 KB, 400x600, 69435454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15170051

I eat a lot of garlic though

>> No.15170052

point is muscles are a cope for genetic dead end incels, only other /fit/frens care about being big.

it's all face, fashion and charisma, getting lean = better face and fashion.

>> No.15170054

Just dont eat, your only hurting yourself fatty

>> No.15170065

not eating food doesn’t even hurt that bad

>> No.15170066

LOL while garlic is good for you, it's not going to save you if you are have malnutrition and those with eating disorders do.

>muh coffee, cigarette and slice of cheese daily
>muh 500 calorie diet

The German work camps in the last months of ww2 when all supply lines were gone and everyone was starving were on roughly 500 calories a day. Hence why infection was so deadly.

It's without question that 70% or so people will get bat flu and in your states live or die is a flip of the coin. 50/50.

Roid head bodybuilders are the opposite end of the scale to people with anorexia. They are both body dysmorphia mental issues. A roid head is pretty much the cousin to most of you guys in these threads.

Neither lifestyles are healthy.

The FACT is though, they have a much greater rate of survival from a virus infection than someone with anorexia does. That's what we are talking about. Not fashion. The FACT that a handful of people in these threads is highly likely to be deceased in 6 months time.

>> No.15170069

The fat larpers make it seem 100x worse than it actually is
"but i feel light headed, how do i stop fainting"
Fucking idiots

>> No.15170070

Fitfat tranny

>> No.15170071

Yes it does. It causes immunodeficiency in the case of viral/bacterial infections. Babies in the West don't die, they do in high numbers in countries without food.

No babies are dying form bat virus and yet they believe many will die in Africa simply due to immunodeficiency and malnutrition. Good luck.

>> No.15170072
File: 77 KB, 605x685, 1514254011924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I welcome death. I welcome pestilence.

>> No.15170073

I'm 5'11" 175lbs. 32 inch waist, 45 inch chest, 16 inch biceps. You're going to die.

>> No.15170074

You're right though, that's why people die of anorexia. They put being skinny before anything, even dying. That's how terrible the mental illness is and how strong it is.

>> No.15170076
File: 705 KB, 810x712, eih.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm soooo scared :(

>> No.15170078

So im right, your a chubby fitfat tranny, thanks for confirming

>> No.15170080

Bravado isn't courage bro. You'll learn that if you face struggle instead living in your bubble of sitting online in some comfy western nation.

You see that's the thing, courage is only courage when something happens. Until then, it's just words. When you're dying you're be whimpering like a lame dog. I promise you.
The fact you use silly anime images just confirms you are some some 17 year old child with an eating disorder. Sits online all day and your parents don't know what to do with you. Enjoy death.

>> No.15170083

>Roid head bodybuilders are the opposite end of the scale to people with anorexia. They are both body dysmorphia mental issues. A roid head is pretty much the cousin to most of you guys in these threads.

glad someone said it, most body"builders" are just anorexics with muscles, hence why so many of them end up "developing" eating disorders

that being said, people who care about "general health" and not aesthetics usually look like shit, so please post physique.

>> No.15170084

Learn to actually spell before attempting to insult others. It doesn't bode too well for you.

>> No.15170085

Their a chubby fat, they posted their weight, none of us want to see it

>> No.15170086
File: 17 KB, 372x351, 00b1dcff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are very good at profiling people. I respect your intelligence.

>> No.15170088

What on earth does my physique, who or what I am have anything whatsoever to do with malnutrition and immunodeficiency and death rates of viral infections linked to said states?


>> No.15170089

Imagine trying to be a grammer nazi in 2020, you really are a depressed incel

>> No.15170092

Their a chubby

Here you go again. You can't even spell basic words. Underage or just stupid. At this point you might as well be posting with a trip because it's so obvious.

>> No.15170093

So you're a fat chubby tranny confirmed, too self conscious to post your ugly deformed body

>> No.15170097

people who place health above aesthetics usually look like shit
therefore you probably look like shit
I want you to post physique so I can see whether I'm right or not
the fact that you won't post it confirms that I'm right anyway.
Thanks for the concerntrolling though

>> No.15170098


Cope. This isn't even grammar. You are just illiterate. Sad.

>> No.15170100

We know they look like shit, they posted their fat stats earlier

>> No.15170102

yeah I know, I'm just trying to bait them into posting their flabby belly so we can laugh at them.

>> No.15170103

>concern trolling

>facts are concern trolling

I don't think you understand the terms you are using.

>> No.15170106

I'm not even from /fit/ but you're all sick you anorexic fucks, now I have something more to hate besides fatties.

>> No.15170108
File: 740 KB, 462x811, 1574940927811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is you

>> No.15170111

Fat bearded incel, go away, stop being autistic its obvious no one cares what you are saying or wants you here, aspergers 101

>> No.15170112

Randy Bobandy?

>> No.15170115
File: 161 KB, 319x354, img0043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

k. You "baited" me. Adding a slight blur for privacy obviously Your turn.

>> No.15170117

That's a bit far, the guy in the pic is obviously skinnier than the anon

>> No.15170119

Wow you look exactly like me too!!

>> No.15170120



>> No.15170122

>skinny fat anorexia kid being this mad and jealous at me

Top lel

>> No.15170123

Nice bait fat incel tranny, go look at your larping chubby body and cry yourself to sleep

>> No.15170126

Your mom thinks you're a loser. All day in your room online.

>> No.15170127
File: 796 KB, 754x958, 1586937563816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even with blurring, small resolution and covering up the face I still managed to find on on reverse google search

el em may oh

now post your actual body

>> No.15170129

The insecurity and delusions of fit are incredible

>> No.15170132

>i'm trying to bait them
>got baited this easily

Lmao. Like shooting fish in a barrel.

>> No.15170133

You just got fucked, larping chubby incel

>> No.15170136

Baiting just got too easy.

You have already seen me.I used to trip under the name "CecilDrake..."

>> No.15170137
File: 242 KB, 1080x1060, Screenshot_20200423_131016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is me, stop being anorexic skellies and you too can look like a god

>> No.15170139

>skinnyfags bitter and raging at some guy who pointed out they are going to die

>> No.15170142

So your a old sad chubby tranny, got it

>> No.15170144

Nobody made a comment about looking good. Are you OK?

>> No.15170145
File: 285 KB, 600x1104, 1567521912984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15170146
File: 14 KB, 225x338, skinfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr i'm fa

>> No.15170148

Neither did i, are you broken

>> No.15170149
File: 112 KB, 750x828, 23214738546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder to not respond to trolls
keep this thread comfy.

>> No.15170152

>This is me, stop being anorexic skellies and you too can look like a god

That's what you posted. Are you OK there? Are you having a break down?

>> No.15170158
File: 142 KB, 819x819, 1586426213624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good reminder, time to ignore the village idiot

>> No.15170164

Cant even quote the right post, you really are handicapped

>> No.15170165
File: 223 KB, 351x425, Chad BEEF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>skinny nerds itt will never be desired by women like a beef chad


>> No.15170169

Most of the "chads" in fit like twink guys anyway, they're all closet gays, thats why they probly come here so much, to fap over the thinspo twinks

>> No.15170252

why dont you eat properly and workout instead of sitting around all day? thats not exactly an accomplishment, at least do some stretching and walk

>> No.15170270

just plan really nice meals that fit your calorie limit. food doesnt have to be boring or unenjoyable just because you restrict. i replaced sugar with cut up fruit added to flavoured yogurt with dark chocolate nibs and granola, it is sweet, takes a while to finish because it has different ingredients i eat individually, and it only adds up to 300 calories (for example). never cut out food groups, just reduce how much of it you eat, and go for diet versions if possible

i also found eating 3 small meals a day (instead of omad) helps improve my mood throughout the day. i switched focus to weighing myself and being happy at seeing it go down on the scale every day. it became my new coping mechanism. diet soda (or flavoured sparkling water), tea and coffee are helpful for when i get sad, i always used to have a large diet soda at the end of the day because it gave me something to look forward to

but i need therapy for depression and so do you probably, food and weight loss shouldnt be the only things that makes anyone happy, but always remember food is temporary and you're still sad after eating it

>> No.15170463
File: 170 KB, 1080x726, Screenshot_20200423_161509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop starving yourselves it isn't healthy and doesnt look good, come with me and my girlfriends boyfriend to the gym, you're all lazy and dont want to work for your body, and maybe you might be able to look like me one day if you stop being so lazy and put some work in

>> No.15170470
File: 26 KB, 351x430, zyzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/ chad twink fapper here
the following male bodies are fappable ITT:


what do you know, there was actually only one lel. the rest are unironically too bony looking. honorable mentions:

>>15169944 this nigga looks like he has marfan's, legit looks like someone stretched out everything above his abs in MS paint while creating him. otherwise maybe
>>15170165 this dude looks like his face was photoshopped to be smaller like potion seller, mirin otherwise
>>15167843 >>15167368 possibly fappable / fuckable but the lack of upper body shot is making me hesitant, might be some seriously framelet problems that are being intentionally cropped out same as the marfan's guy. also as i stated elsewhere i'm not convinced it's a dude anyway, half of the "inspiration" pics itt are women so i assume there are at least some females in this shit thread
resistance training is for everybody, even wannabe tiny people like you. if you're a dude (penis + balls + male hormones) and you want to cut down to 5% bodyfat or something, fine go ahead I'm not going to tell you what you're not allowed to do, but for fuck's sake please do some full body exercises on your way down or else you will enter unironic auschwitz mode like this guy >>15167748. nobody wants to see your skeleton like what the fuck.

>> No.15170490
File: 1.64 MB, 1080x1080, 1584468750891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah bro, these fucking skellies have no idea how hard it is to pick up 3 different kinds of objects 5 times in a row and then rest for 5 minutes and repeat for 3 sets

>> No.15170550
File: 101 KB, 1080x497, Screenshot_20200423_164848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only they knew how to diet and better their lives, who would want a skinny person, i constantly get all the ladies, they jump all over me

>> No.15170626

I started restricting on April 3rd of this month and I’m down almost ten pounds. I wonder if through sheer will and determination I could get close to 200 pounds/under it before June starts. I know it’s risky but because I’m obese it wouldn’t be too life threatening if I restricted myself to 500 calories a day, right? I already have a lot of fat.

>> No.15170634

by full body exercises do you mean calisthenics or what exactly

>> No.15170642

Yes, you should be completely fine on 500 calories, ignore the meme posters saying it wont be ok

>> No.15170676

anything really, calisthenics counts, a simple barbell program counts and you can knock that out in 20-30 minutes every other day, hell swimming would count if you hit it hard enough, jumping rope with a weighted rope counts. basically any muscle group you don't want to get catabolized during extremely low intake

just please don't cut ALL of your protein intake and go full catabolic skellymode wasting away in bed 24/7, your body eats your skeletal muscle when it thinks it's dying and you end up looking like death. depresses me to see people with nice aesthetic frames that should look great and clearly have enough willpower but then waste them on dying-of-AIDS-mode which imo is like 75% of the pics in this thread

height / current weight / bodyfat % if you know it?

>> No.15170693

Yeah it's fine, your body will make it painfully obviously when you're losing weight too quickly (extreme fatigue, hypotension, constantly cold, weird fluffy hair growing all over your body) and even then it's still pretty much safe as long as your electrolytes are being managed.

I mean did back to back week long fasts while very underweight and the worst I got was slight anemia which I recovered from after a few months of eating at maintenance, I did have to supplement with electrolytes and was very careful to avoid refeeding syndrome

>> No.15170759

wish diet food wasn't so expensive

>> No.15170773

Diet food is to trick dumb fats, check a weight watchers ready meal calories, they're the exact same as a average ready meal

>> No.15170782

water is free lmao

>> No.15170791

5’4, 222 pounds, and the bmi online calculator says it’s 39%

> back to back week long fasts

Shiiieeet that sounds awesome. I can only go about 24 hours but even then I get dizzy without a piece of celery or two. How tf does your body manage going a week without eating? Did you build it up to the point to just have really good endurance?

>> No.15170797

stuff like protein bars and fibre bars are genuinely more filling than normal chocolate bars though

not that I bother eating that stuff anyway, if you're gonna restrict hard might as well spend what calories you do have on nutrient dense stuff like eggs imo

>Shiiieeet that sounds awesome. I can only go about 24 hours but even then I get dizzy without a piece of celery or two. How tf does your body manage going a week without eating? Did you build it up to the point to just have really good endurance?

lots and lots of practice, also I mostly stay keto and that helps making fasting easier because they're metabolically very similar, it's still hellishly hard though and I feel very weak during one week long fasts

>> No.15170813

i could live off salad and one halo top per day but that's £40 per week in total

you eat food

>> No.15170816

Theres probably more calories in a protein or fiber bar, alot of them even get sued over marketing them as a healthy alternative, when in reality alot of the time they're worse

>> No.15170819

Why are you eating a halo top a day, they're also retardedly expensive, drop the ice cream

>> No.15170822

>You are light and weak. Your body gets very different biomechanically, since you're proportionally light in places you shouldn't be, and heavy in places you shouldn't be. It can be beneficial in some sports in some ways, but you really fucking suck in most. You get hurt more easily; you don't have much between your skin and bone to protect you. You feel like shit a lot of the time and can't function properly because you're not eating enough. It eventually becomes a struggle to eat what you actually need.
anon asked what it was like to be thin, not anorexic you fucking retard

>> No.15170824

A weeks worth of vegetables costs like £10 where are you shopping lmao

>> No.15170826

Half of your £40 is just icecream retard

>> No.15170827

halo top is £5 each vegetables are boringgg and i don't want to cook

>> No.15170828

>5’4, 222 pounds
>online calcs are a meme but that's probably in the right ballpark
okay. so obviously you should consult a medical professional (who will tell you not to do it lol), be aware of any risk factors that you're not sharing with /fa/, monitor your vitals, and probably supplement electrolytes (magnesium, sodium, potassium) with plenty of water so you have less of a chance of fainting during your day-to-day activities, but...

but yes, obese people are more able to undergo severe calorie restriction because, lo and behold, fat storage is 'designed' to help us when we're starving. you should be "okay", medically, at 500 kcal per day, **PROBABLY**, **ASSUMING YOU ARE OTHERWISE A HEALTHY YOUNG ADULT**. idk why I feel the need to disclaim everything so hard but I'd hate for some idiot kid reading this to go hop on an extreme diet with some condition and die just because I was making a casual post on the interwebz. plus your stats give me the impression that you're femanon so idk maybe the usual "suck it up bro" doesn't seem right to me here

as for whether or not you can hit sub200 by the end of next month, maybe maybe not. if you've already been restricting for a while then it's possible that you've already dumped a significant amount of water weight so your scale progress could be slow over the next few weeks. but frankly the best advice i can give to people trying to lose a whole lot of fat is not to sweat scale weight in the short term. set a calorie goal for every day, then check it at the end of the week. set a weight loss goal for each week, then check your weeks at the end of each month, then check your monthly progress after 3 months, and so on.

most importantly don't worry if you break the diet. plan to break it every now and then and you'll be less tempted to binge. even if you ate absolutely nothing from now on you have a pretty long road ahead of you so don't get too caught up on sprinting towards your goal every second of every day

>> No.15170829
File: 274 KB, 1128x1504, EUPyGJPUYAIIlTf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

starting my 3 day fast right now.
Wish me luck!

>> No.15170831

Then eat nothing fatso

>> No.15170834

what else is there to eat on 800 calories a day that's not broccoli


>> No.15170837

cook you dumb lazy fag
>he eats food

>> No.15170838

Literally almost anything, you can eat alot for 800 calories, go have currys or something, we dont know what food you like retard

>> No.15170842

A ready meal you put in the microwave is 600 calories, just have one of those a day

>> No.15170857

i tried this it doesn't work i need sugar to live... don't even need to feel full from food i just need the dopamine rush and even protein bars are £2 each it's discrimination against anorexics

>> No.15170862

i hear cocaine works wonders you weak willed faggot

>> No.15170874

Use sweetener, example canderel its 1 calorie and you can just add it to everything if you want the taste of sugar

>> No.15170898

omg never tried that this is a good idea i could put it in coffee and add cacao powder to imitate the flavour from halo top... interesting

>> No.15170917

Because protein bars are not for weight loss

>> No.15170986

good luck!
don't let your brain make any excuses, remember why you're doing this if you ever feel like giving up!

>> No.15170995

oh come on, there's threads about Quest bars on MPA

I used to make my own icecream
PB2 + Casein + xanthan gum + almond milk + crushed ice + erythiol mixed with a handmixer or really strong blender
super low calorie and nearly all protein + fibre, super filling

but I've managed to kick my retarded sweet addiction, now I just eat hard boiled eggs, lean beef, veggies and drink black coffee

if you need the actual caloric sugar rush then FRUIT
also check out this, I personally find this guys dieting advice horrible but it'll probably work for someone like you

>> No.15171011

DO NOT EAT BREAD: >>15171008
DO NOT EAT BREAD: >>15171008
DO NOT EAT BREAD: >>15171008

>> No.15171036

I guess I'm pretty much recovered?
My BMI is still 16.8 and I weigh myself all the time but all the shitty side-effects of ana are gone and I don't restrict.
Having someone to keep you accountable is really helpful. Accept that you'll gain weight. Go out with friends as much as you can so you have a reason to go out and eat "bad" foods. I ended up gaining about 15 pounds before I peaked and extreme hunger went away. You'll lose weight over a few months though. Your body kinda overshoots after restricting so long, but your peak weight won't be what you weigh forever.
Most importantly though, you just have to eat. No rules, just eat what you actually want, even if it's trash most of the time, even if it's a whole jar of peanut butter. The longer you put it off the longer you'll feel like shit. You probably count calories automatically, so use it for good. Eat until you're satiated every day AND have eaten maintenance.
Good luck anon!

>> No.15171183

I feel healthier than I should be considering the weight I’m at lol (and that may not be reliable because I’ve been fat my whole life). I have no underlying physical issues or history of it in my family, just a lot of mental shit, so I should be okay. I figure if I can shovel shit into my mouth for years and eat like a pig and still be able to walk around and function as any other human can, I should be able to try restricting myself and taming this gluttonous habit of mine.

thank you for the reassurance, the ultimate goal I have is to be healthier regardless of if it takes me months or years, and I get really disappointed in myself if eat over 1200 calories (even though that’s way better than what I’m used to putting in.) I wanted to slim down below 200 pounds so when I visit for my sisters graduation I won’t be a disappointment to my family still lol. It’s hard to draw the line between too strict and giving myself a break. I weigh myself 5 times a day instead of once every week, but I think I’ll ease up on myself when I get to a lower weight.

>> No.15171208

>I have no underlying physical issues or history of it in my family, just a lot of mental shit, so I should be okay
well, you don't have to justify it to me. it's between you and your own health and safety if you're ignoring any relevant risk factors here.

>I weigh myself 5 times a day instead of once every week, but I think I’ll ease up on myself when I get to a lower weight.
again it's up to you but I super strongly recommend against that, though. intra-daily weight fluctuations are 90% noise and can give you misleading impressions. if you're going to weigh yourself more than once a week, weigh yourself once a day and always at the same time of day (most people go with immediately after waking up in their skivvies before eating or drinking anything. why? first of all, the weight will be most constant from day-to-day here. and second, this is when the number will be lowest for a given 24 hour period, which is encouraging for people who are trying to lose fat.)

godspeed and try not to take it too seriously, you sound pretty hard on yourself. nobody diets all the way to their goal weight 100% clean, accept that you will have 'cheat' meals now, plan around it ahead of time, set goals with that in mind. if you don't hit 200 by June nobody cares. just keep your ultimate goals in mind

>> No.15171585
File: 66 KB, 750x210, 94832CAA-D603-4172-B6DA-E3B1E8093662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start of day one, will get some water and low cal foods tomorrow. Once I fix my soda and sugar addiction things will start improving hopefully.

>> No.15171602

correction end of the first day