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File: 90 KB, 750x924, chad embrace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15165249 No.15165249 [Reply] [Original]

Is the Chad embrace delusion or an uncringe option?
I'm very comfortable with my hair and would have no issue with people commenting on it. I just want to get a decent style out of it.

>> No.15165306

get a transplant

>> No.15165320

A transplant is admitting defeat
>yeah i paid 10000 dollar because i find my hair genetics so embarrassing
>Yeah i'm balding

>> No.15165324

it's not about embarrassment, it's about looking good
you will never look better without hair than with it

>> No.15165331

It sits well on very athletic types imo but sure.
What I'm saying is it looks worse to hide it at gigantic costs than to accept it.
I just imagine it to be extremely awkward when you finally talk with your close ones about the fact that you are so insecure about your hair genetics you hide them

>> No.15165352

lads of considerable size and heroic status look good regardless of hair
unless you're the second coming of apollo though, hair means a lot
if you're a little insecure bitch about how you're dealing with baldness then yeah, it's cringy and awkward
if you're open about it and about wanting to look good, then I don't see how getting a transplant would be a bad decision

i'm planning to get one the moment this quarantine bullshit blows over, cause I think that with a good hairline I could go from being a 7 to an 8, simple as

all my friends and girls that I've met with more than a few times over the past few months know about these plans and they think it's cool

>> No.15165490

Nothing wrong with it, can sometimes look better than everything buzzed.

If you're old and got gray hair and bald as hell, it actually looks better to have the hair on the sides.

>> No.15165548

if you're comfortable with it, go for it.
Personally I love my hair, but if I start losing it, as most guys end up doing, I'll just shave my head. Less work to maintain anyway

>> No.15166120
File: 193 KB, 802x1287, 20200421_160208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daniel day Lewis probably best example

>> No.15166130

I'd say Nick Cave is a better example

>> No.15166369
File: 60 KB, 625x552, 5d02c0821ad96425888f9c080a787bad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Embrace your baldness and make a career out of it.

>> No.15166376
File: 382 KB, 697x1024, gettyimages-1163255513-1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are people on roids turning gay?

>> No.15166377

its like high test makes you wanna fuck absolutely everything

>> No.15166379

also gay mannerism

>> No.15166494

thats the issue, you care too much about looking good
it reeks of try hard insecure fag

>> No.15167219
File: 160 KB, 501x625, pretty sure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i were insecure, i'd give a fuck about what you (or any other people that think it's tryhard) say
well, i don't
i just want to approach perfect aesthethics as closely as possible

>> No.15168120

That guy has a chiseled face and beard

He would look good regardless.

The reality for most average guys is the Chad embrace will look ridiculous.

>> No.15168131

Reckful looks awful

>> No.15168164

Guys, I have a question.

If I start taking finasteride as a preventative measurement, what happens when I get off it in a few years? All the hair I would have lost would fall off anyway?

>> No.15168262 [DELETED] 

>well i dont
>thats why i have to keep saying its ok
sure bud

>> No.15168566

t. tried it for a few years and managed to gain some hairs back and delay the inevitable, got off in 2017 and I'm almost completely bald now

>> No.15168828

What made you get off fin? Asking for a friend.

>> No.15168831
File: 64 KB, 1591x1642, The Chad Embrace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to custodian ascend, but I'm too young imo

>> No.15168839
File: 990 KB, 903x900, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is he?

>> No.15168841

Is it literally all about how you wear it?

>> No.15168850

I started losing my libido and fin really irritated my scalp when I put it on, after all those years I figured I just delaying something I could not escape so just said fuck it and got off, tried to use that thing you spray on your hair which looking back was a terrible idea and then just embraced it now I just keep the hair I have short, I might shave it all with a razor but I have very sensitive skin which is putting me off the idea

>> No.15168857

Peter Stormare and Steven Ogg are prime examples of the chad embrace

>> No.15168881

Ah man that sucks. Did your libido return?

>> No.15168931

after a while yeah but I was seriously concerned as I used to be horny all the time and I didn't even have interest in jacking off

>> No.15169213

how you wear it + your overall demeanor

>> No.15169969
File: 8 KB, 194x259, stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take a pill that makes your dick not work for the rest of your life

>> No.15170001

How did you read this into that post?

>> No.15170222

you are believing a jewish lie so men go bald and have depression and get addicted to opiates which cause dick issues anyway

>> No.15170517
File: 298 KB, 1400x970, Charles Sprague Pearce (1851–1914) Le retour du troupeau - oil on canvas.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, my friend got a transplant but didnt know he had to take pills, when he took them he was emotional as fuck, crying out of nowhere & dick not working

thats anecdotal, but it checks out with the opinion of experts and other peoples experiences, good luck...
o, and you have a huge ass scar on the back of your head lol

>> No.15171785

You care enough to respond, faget :)

>> No.15172591

the chad embrace is truly liberating it feels great to care less and less

>> No.15172659

>Is it literally all about how you wear it?
If only.
In reality, rocking these looks depends highly on 4 factors: your head size and shape, your facial features and angles, your body type, and especially your personality.
You gotta have a slim and not-too-big head. Your face has to be slim itself (read: somewhat defined jaw and angular features).
Your body type should be at LEAST slim, but ideally muscular to some extent.
And to pull it all off most importantly you gotta have a confident personality, or at least VERY aloof.
Without those four things, 'custodian ascend' and chad embrace very quickly just slide into gross/embarassing territory. You can go for it if you want, but it's tough to rock those looks.

>> No.15173350

yeah these looks don't work unless you're like 45

>> No.15173392

>unless you're like 45

I'm almost there! NOW WHO'S JELLY AF AT ME???

>> No.15173397

the jewish trick is the other way around.
took finasteride when I was 20 for a month, it took me more than 5 years of mostly retarded MDs and crazy post-finasteride syndrome forums to feel okey.


>> No.15174148

It still add a certain character to his face. If he went bald he would still look good I suppose but also like an NPC

>> No.15174149
File: 12 KB, 235x307, stormare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
