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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 6 KB, 284x178, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15151928 No.15151928[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

do we have any info on him ?

>> No.15151948

its the /fa/ janitor

>> No.15152012

annoying ugly motherfucker that comes in here and shits up every thread with his face. Cries about girls leaving him, bald, short, decaying rotting teeth, generally subhuman. He's like if that log of shit you pinch out actually grew up into a human

>> No.15152021

I find it funny that he chose /fa/ as his favorite board to shit up, literally never seen him post on any other board which I assume means he has no actual hobbies or interests.

>> No.15152031

Its actually some faggot spamming this guys pictures in every thread. OP is probably the faggot spamming

>> No.15152060

god it looks like a little creature, a little character, a little goblin lookin fella

>> No.15152061

the actual guy has a trip, goes by Cecil and I'm pretty sure it's him.

>> No.15152075

He's real. He has a Bitchute account, where you can see videos of him bitching about antifa and posting nazi shit: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/uXsY4cy0LrFP/

Dunno why he's on /fa/ and not /pol/ desu.

>> No.15152135

why is it always /fa/ that gets retarded tripfags that nobody likes?

>> No.15152373

i think it kinda makes sense. /fa/ is one of the most liberal boards, the most focused on appearance, and generally seems to be the most well-adjusted to reality (all things he seems to struggle with internally) so he chose here to troll and get attention. It's where he feels most inadequate so it's where he lashes out

>> No.15152415

OP here, thinking of deleting the thread to not give him attention

>> No.15152440

Why are there so many newfags here since quarantine? Please fuck off

>> No.15152450

Quarantine is the eternal summer.

>> No.15152940

haha so that's why ppl call him a Nazi. Not even a redeemable personality. What a fag

>> No.15153004
File: 400 KB, 828x474, boots n braces.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you make a thread about me if you don't care about me? It's like I said the other day, some of you are just gay for me and are so bitter hiding your feelings of homosexuality towards me it makes you burst out in a rage and attack the very thing you desire - me.

It's not going to happen though. I am not gay. Sorry.

I don't trip on other boards. I also visit post on pol, out, vr and gif (for a bit of happy time on that last board)

Pretty fa then.

I do use pol daily, I just only trip on here because those boards are huge compared to fa and fa is different, it;s about image and clothing.

I never troll. Trolls are dumb retards. Lots of you are trolls or painfully insecure so my absolute honestly comes across as trolling to some of you.

Brain fart.

Hurrrr nazzzzziiI!!!!!


>> No.15153321

Where are the pictures coming from?

>> No.15153324

You look like if a living piece of shit was addicted to meth.

>> No.15153329

He sounds above average IQ in his defense

>> No.15153334

Like a good dozen points above average IQ.

t. IQ ~120 who was once best in math and language (both Russian and later French) and can't put two words together

>> No.15153338

*I used to be IQ ~120-125 but after decades on internet probably degraded by like 20 IQ points

>> No.15153418

Stop samefagging and let this thread die.

>> No.15153419

samefagging is pretending to be different people
get off my dick

>> No.15153425

Your dicks to small to be on dude. Stop shilling for seethecil.

>> No.15153443


>> No.15153458
File: 623 KB, 1098x626, laughing at trolls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So does yo momma.

Thanks dude, I usually test 120 plus. Don't pull yourself down, the fact you would even question your own IQ means you likely are above average.



>> No.15153504
File: 43 KB, 960x960, 1560316455811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15153508

You look like somebody put on blackface and then painted white over it.

>> No.15153559
File: 803 KB, 1195x628, there are the trolls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yo momma didn't complain


>> No.15153612

I like Cecil posting. I like what it does to you all.

>> No.15153622

This is an embarrassing take. You might not be new, but you sure seem it.

>> No.15153675

I laugh every time this nigga posts. I don't mind the weirdness because his face makes me chuckle.

Would probably scare children in public though.

>> No.15153683
File: 146 KB, 623x1280, Snapchat-1275845523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just buzzed my own hair and didn't want to make a whole thread. OPINIONS

>> No.15153913

I also really enjoy Cecil (and Igor)

Watching a persons brain fall away like wet cardboard is infinitely more entertaining than the usual fare here

>> No.15153925

Mental illness is a a hell of a drug

>> No.15153948

Nothing to see here. It's a buzzcut. Why does /fa/ make a big deal of this

>> No.15153957 [DELETED] 

>inb4 video of him slitting his wrists wtih shoe on head
just do it already, you are only postponing the inevitable

>> No.15154314


>> No.15154784

Is there a medical term for what's wrong with his eyes? Like this goes beyond just dark circles. What causes it?

>> No.15154809

Bro you legit look like a goblin which makes me think youre quite self aware and just a good troll. Perfectly crafted for /fa/ like a pair of yeezys

>> No.15154811
File: 804 KB, 1175x1822, why worry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drugs & alcohol

>> No.15154831

That can't be it, though. I have met plenty of junkies and none of them looked like Arnold's eyes bugging out of his head in Total Recall the way this guy does.

>> No.15155233

he cute

>> No.15155282

link to his youtube?

>> No.15155327

ok and yours is?

>> No.15155357


>> No.15155582

do you not feel embarrassed?
you look horrible and you come across like a complete cunt. Whats your goal here? just being a turd? in that case mission accomplished.

>> No.15155596

>gif (for a bit of happy time on that last board)

Now I get why there is no normal porn on that site. Only degenerate porn suitable for your face.

>> No.15155622


Weird is good, all genius and people of merit have been outliers.

>Would probably scare children in public though.

Mean breh but most kids are bastards so cool!

My brain is fine, I wear a tin foil hat so it keeps it safe.

Ya mamma.

It's just bad luck dude, I had difficulty sleeping and often when long hours at restaurants into the early hours so my sleep pattern is a little fucked up.

Lol dude, I am under no illusion that I like like a model, but what can Ido?

2 options. Feel bad and hide or try to own it.

Nope. I don't do either. Well I have the occasional drink. I used to be a weed head but not for years.

Lmao. I'm just a special kind of beautiful.

Being embarrassed is a dumb emotion. I am always friendly and helpful to people I am only a "cunt" when their reply to me is about how I look because that's just low IQ.

Treat me like shit and get treated like shit.

HAH bro I am not the one posting tranny and black on white porn.

>> No.15155654

>fa is different, it;s about image and clothing
So why do you only post pictures of your gross head? Show us a fit you grouper.

>> No.15155659

>the most well-adjusted to reality
/fa/ is full of mentally ill trannies and faggot, in addition to a bunch of young kids.

Cecil might be cringe at times but the responses he gets really draws attention to how insecure and immature many on this board are.

>> No.15155732
File: 497 KB, 500x375, 1514923988196.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Cries about girls leaving him

the thought of him being able to reel them in is insane to begin with.

>> No.15155852

Pretty sure it's an elaborate larp, otherwise he would have posted a timestamp selfie by now

>> No.15155882

Yeah best poster on /fa/ currently

>> No.15155908
File: 505 KB, 676x386, CecilDrakeInSeattleInDrag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is his supposed first girlfriend that made him move to Seattle.
Either way he is an attention whore, he is below average and getting people even to say he is ugly validates him in a sick way. He loves to hear people talk about him even derogatory. Let him kill himself, stop replying to his threads/comments. Never make threads or comments of him, that is what he wants and he will keep ruining threads anytime he sees his name.

>> No.15155912

Why do you care if he gets the attention or not?

>> No.15155916

Why is tripping evenb allowed on /fa/?

>> No.15155924

I don't. I care about the quality of posts. Attention whoring is making the board and the site worse for no reason. It makes a thread a slide to 404 instead of about a topic. Throw some retard looking dude that loves to post himself (that normies don't report) and you end up with 10 dead threads. If you want this to be reddit 2.0 then keep loving cecil BECAUSE HE DOESNT ANONYMOUSE! and enjoy what you are begetting.

>> No.15156235
File: 46 KB, 480x472, 1586424604411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am always friendly and helpful to people I am only a "cunt" when their reply to me is about how I look because that's just low IQ.

>is unironically a nazi

>> No.15156244

Just shut the fuck up

>> No.15156984 [DELETED] 
File: 790 KB, 1122x627, look at me i'm a little troll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My work is closed, I have just been sitting around in my underwear or naked most days. I'm naked now posting this. It keeps me cleaner because my apartment has a shared shower so I tend to only go there once or twice every 2 weeks.

Yeah notice how these cool kids are so insecure when a 40 year old 4'11" average looking dude like me posts. Just what are they hiding? Why are they so intimidated by me?


No anon, it's not "supposed"g/f, it is her. Aryan beauty. You are just jelly breh.

I never attention whore. I always reply respectfully and genuinely. It's people who then reply HURRR ICE IS NOT COLD BCUZ UR UGLY CECIL!!! DURR!!

Those are the attention whores.

I'm a National Socialist, yes. And?

Ya mamma.

>> No.15157025

Literally faggot /pol/tard who shits up every thread with horrifying selfies and nazi larping

>> No.15157031

You should literally be euthanized by the state, absolute subhuman

>> No.15157051
File: 892 KB, 966x629, thai cookie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who made this thread? Not me. Owned loser.

Me last year in Thailand getting some hawt Thai cookie.

Now who is EFFAY?

>> No.15157056

He's (unironically) a schizo

People like him used to get locked away in asylums but now that's considered "inhumane", and thanks to the internet normal people have to put up with their presence and incoherent delusional rants

4chan is legit schizo haven btw, a lot of shitposting is done by a handful of obsessive insane cunts who never leave their computer and do nothing but post hundreds of times a day, every day. You just cant tell because it's all anonymous
Check out /x/

>> No.15157104

/fa/ is basically /fit/ but lazier: massively insecure and trying to compensate

>> No.15157134


>> No.15157142

Just some cheap Thai hooker I barebacked. She was hesitant at first when I offered 10 dollars. But 20 dollars soon changed her mind. What a whore.

>> No.15158129

your elaborate trolling is pathetic

>> No.15158139

How can you end up with a face like that ? He must sleep one hour a day

>> No.15158376

He also pays underage homeless girls to fuck him. Not even memeing.

>> No.15158385

Jesus, dude. Legit, do you have cancer or something? You look like death warmed over. Not even insulting you, you look hauntingly unwell.

>> No.15158399

He should totally date that ugly nigger faggot tranny with the round glasses

>> No.15158657

Looks aside, this is pure Chadness

>> No.15158662

fr? The fuck is wrong with this guy?? If there was one person on this planet I would choose to be called subhuman it would be this guy

>> No.15158703

I hate to imagine how true this could be

>> No.15159044

quintessential american face

>> No.15159454


>> No.15159466

i would buy 4chan pass if hiroshima did something about tripfags. there may once have been some purpose for it but it's literally only used for filling threads with garbage.

>> No.15159548

>accuses trip users of filling threads with garbage
>writes personal blog post

In France we call that "Le Retard"

>> No.15160286

fuckin this. Cecil has been around for years

>> No.15160323

ed bassmaster aint looking too good these days

>> No.15160340


The "ol fags" of 10 years age are newfags to me.

Ya mamma doesn't complain, in fact, she begs for it.

>> No.15161440

Post your battle jacket cecil my dude

>> No.15161451

kek post more

>> No.15161453

why does this guy look like he fucks pigs

>> No.15161466

I can hear david Attenborough describing this picture like in a nature documentary

>> No.15162094
File: 242 KB, 582x480, 1585200179378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cecil, don't mind the fags, happy 4/20

>> No.15162238 [DELETED] 
File: 391 KB, 1867x927, ngumbu ngimbi aguyogooa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks bro! Stay strong.

>> No.15162340
File: 26 KB, 420x277, d87856a47b7d88e3ffb7bc3e50d0fef8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15162341

Lol wish I had a time machine to meet Uncle Adolf.

>> No.15162516

Tell us about that wicked hot Thai gash

>> No.15162545

How much meth do you consume in a month?

>> No.15162573 [DELETED] 
File: 337 KB, 799x473, bomber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not going to lie, I've had some of the hairiest, smelliest and slimiest Thai hole there could possibly be. But my Gawd it's worth it for how filthy they are. Probably how I got halitosis and how my breathe can smell of dog turds some times.

Not as much as yo momma does.

Pic related me hung over.

>> No.15162636

>this guy
c'mon dude
taking care of your kin starts with taking care of yourself
if you insist on being a degenerate, you could at least conceal yourself so people don't associate the ideology with you
i think we'd both prefer that you live more in accordance with your convictions, though.

>> No.15162648

he's better looking and more fit than the average american so I think he's probably doing your university ~movement~ some good over there at least