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File: 38 KB, 530x800, german-jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15150003 No.15150003 [Reply] [Original]

will people think im a Nazi if I wear this?

>> No.15150007

I saw a dude in a museum with his parents wearing that thought he was part of AWD

>> No.15150009

are you North American?

>> No.15150017


>> No.15150025

No idea I would never make that association, I see allot of hipsters in beanies wearing them in Amsterdam. Kind of reminds me of Oasis or mods.

>> No.15150055

no. get a grip, retard.

>> No.15150126

being that way about the mentally challenged is the same as hitler was

>> No.15150146

It's just a German flag...

It's not even a nazi-era type piece. Isn't it from the 90s? Jesus.. are you afraid of your own shadow..

>> No.15150161


>> No.15150170

OP is retarded.


>> No.15150189

look up german jacket on google images

>> No.15150302

i removed mine and put israeli flags on

>> No.15150667

Yes, they will. Most people will see it and think as follows: Wow, it's German, and it's camouflage, so it's military... The only thing I know about the German military is when they invaded Europe in 1939... They were Nazis then... Must be a Nazi coat!

>> No.15150719

No. Eurofag here and lots of kids wore these in highschool back in the 2000s already.

>> No.15150729

I think most people know the difference between a nazi flag and the current german flag.

>> No.15150742

Apparently not left wing idiots like the person you are replying to.

Any German flag = DA NAZIS! Even if they didn't even use the National flag insignia.

It's anti-German racism really.

>> No.15150748

Fuck em. I'm German but I'm really not interested in being a victim of racism. If they think my kind are devils, so be it.

>> No.15150967

Break up Germany...again

>> No.15151011

Literally what are you on about? The person you're saying is a "left wing idiot" because they're not differentiating between the BRD and Nazi Germany was criticizing others for not differentiating, while saying most people fall into the category you're both railing against.

More importantly, aside from the weird self-hating, widely shunned, only extant in DE anyway, Antideutsch current, literally no one on the left doesn't differentiate between the BRD and Nazi Germany, Back during the Cold War there was DDR propaganda about the BRD being in line with the Nazis ofc (when, in truth, there was deep continuities on both sides, but whatever, that's a conversation for another day) but no one credits that shit today. Actually, I don't even think I've ever even seen a tankie specifically stand up for or draw on the DDR.

FTR, yes, I'm mad about this because I'm an anarcho-communist.

>> No.15151015

Oh and anyway OP no, no one is going to think you're a Nazi for wearing a post-1945 Bundeswehr jacket. If you're really worried about it, or if you just want a more tasteful garment for reasons entirely unconnected to politics, just take a seam ripper to the fucking flag.

>> No.15151018

Breh quit your raging, I just meant the poster who said:

>Yes, they will. Most people will see it and think as follows: Wow, it's German, and it's camouflage, so it's military... The only thing I know about the German military is when they invaded Europe in 1939... They were Nazis then... Must be a Nazi coat!

People who think like that are left wing idiots


Gay and EDGY. You just gave your age away as underage breh lol..

>> No.15151019
File: 331 KB, 680x684, 1579067256998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm an anarcho-communist.
How does it feel to be a massive faggot? How the FUCK are you still an ancom in 2020? You are a disgusting subhuman who rejects materialism and dialectics. You're nothing but a fucking radical liberal you piece of shit.

>> No.15151024

How is that poster indicating they're left wing (or any particular political tendency, for that matter) in saying that lots of people with an incomplete grasp of history will have negative projections on the OP?

>Gay and EDGY.

Thank you!

>You just gave your age away as underage breh lol..

Dude, I'm 30. I'm not the person tripfagging while shitposting and saying "breh."

>> No.15151034
File: 78 KB, 750x1098, image-asset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How the FUCK are you still an ancom in 2020?

I mean, besides from all the other arguments you can make about history, first principles and values, the inherent reliance of state economies on extraction that is no longer ecologically sustainable, etc. any sober material analysis of the present will tell you there's no viable path to state capture future (tout court, materially, the Westphalian nationstate will cease to exist before we could capture it), and that struggles for people's lives and agency will have to take other forms.

>who rejects materialism and dialectics

Motherfucker, I promise I've read more Marx than you have, and there is nothing materialist or properly dialectical about keeping a fixed, rigid analysis that's a hundred years old at this point. There was a moment in history where it was conceivable to struggle for socialism through the state form, as the Bolsheviks did. (Other struggles were also conceivable at that point; it's very important to realize that ultimately none of us know what we're doing and we're stabbing in the dark trying to blow a hole in the world we can't see outside.) They tried, and not only did they fail, but that moment passed.

>> No.15151035

"Homosexual 30 year old anarcho-communist."

HAHahahahaHHAHahahhahaha. HAhahaha.

>> No.15151038


>> No.15151064

I have witnessed boomers irl associate Germany with Nazis.
It was some news story about something bad happening in Germany and they were like
>serves them right for ww2 etc.
Dunno if some triggered shithead sjw today would worry about those coats: there's millions of the cunts in every surplus store across the world so you do see them sometimes.

>> No.15151069

>judenrepublik flag
Only if they're stupid. In that case who cares.

>> No.15151070

>rejects materialism and dialectics
And that's a good thing.

>> No.15151074

>any sober material analysis of the present will tell you there's no viable path to state capture future (tout court, materially, the Westphalian nationstate will cease to exist before we could capture it), and that struggles for people's lives and agency will have to take other forms.
Grow up anarkiddie, authoritarianism is the future

>> No.15151080

>authoritarianism is the future

Most likely, yes. But that doesn't mean it's a good thing, or even capable of creating broadly survivable societies, or not worth fighting against, or inevitable.

You know the funny thing? I can't tell if you're posting this from the right or the left, and whichever you're on, that should scare you.

>> No.15151089


>> No.15151134

Nah. But Germany kinda sucks, so I´d still pull the flags off.

>> No.15151175

Probably not but why do you care

>> No.15151355

Nigga thats the german flag

>> No.15151361

>anarcho commie
No offense but are you European perhaps?

>> No.15151363
File: 861 KB, 1320x904, 1586676948537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a East Germany flag. No one would even know

>> No.15151365


>> No.15152101

It certainly gives off a somewhat nazi vibe. Doesn't matter, I would still buy it. In fact, I like that kind of coats

>> No.15152446

Now I know why twitter only gives you faggots 280 characters

>> No.15152485

It has a nazi flag on it.

Draw your own conclusions.

>> No.15152535

i like it. if it came with a union jack instead id buy one.

>> No.15152586

What do you think Twitter threads are for?

>> No.15152627

no, but it's kind of shit

I got one while on exchange in europe

It's very bulky, but not weatherproof at all.

You can take the inner lining off, but then it looks like this edgy trench coat

>> No.15152716
File: 140 KB, 676x958, cute trio 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15152792

>assuming Im a faggot that knows how twitter works

>> No.15152822

but I despise communism

>> No.15152823

You can shove your despise up your ass bitch

>> No.15152847
File: 703 KB, 475x637, 1493242126403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can shove your despise up your ass bitch

>> No.15153039
File: 54 KB, 349x373, Affirmative.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15153151

>solid olive green
Ok retard

>> No.15153205

Most won't, but let me tell you a story

>several months ago, before quarantine
>cleaning out closet, brother sees my flecktarn parka(has the same German flags in sleeves)
>he thinks it's pretty cool so I figure why not and give it to him
>next day he goes to class(college) wearing it and some guy stops him and says "bro is that a nazi jacket?"
>brother gives him strange look and says "no it's modern Germany"
>"okay okay bro that's good because my friend is Jewish so nazi stuff isn't okay"
>brother no longer wants flecktarn parka just so he doesn't have to put up with this faggot

>> No.15153209

who is this aryan goddess

>> No.15153499


AnCom trannies think they actually look like this lmao

>> No.15153543

Same. If people think you’re a nazi for wearing this just laugh at them

>> No.15153564

Only fishbrain Americans think like that, since op is eu he's safe

This is a common jacket in Europe so just buy it if you like it

>> No.15153570

The waterproofing is gone, you have to reapply impregnation
That's how it is with almost all milsurp

>> No.15153739

Nah, you'll just look like an out of shape retard

>> No.15153757

man shut the fuck up

>> No.15153760


nah they'll just think you went onto the /fa/ arhcives from 10 years ago and didnt bother refreshing the catalogue, which to be fair, is a smart move.

>> No.15154387

based and zionpilled

>> No.15154427

No and if anyone makes weird accusations you assert yourself as liberal.

>> No.15154450

Ancom trannies look exactly like that and that's the joke.