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File: 66 KB, 971x1001, 61R-MpHlpFL._AC_SL1001_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15146110 No.15146110 [Reply] [Original]

so masks are now acceptable in the west, you're wearing a black one right?

>> No.15146125

>wearing a mask
>not MEWing with chiseled jaw and mouth closed at all times

could you fucking imagine

>> No.15146458

>going outside

also this >>15146125

>> No.15146673

nah bro. haven't seen one soul with a mask. Its still cringee

>> No.15146682



>> No.15146712
File: 1.40 MB, 958x1152, Screen Shot 2020-03-30 at 10.36.52 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I got a pack of the LA Apparel ones Dov Charney is making for first responders and essential workers. They wash really well at a high temp without shrinking/color fading so far, and they're not expensive. They're double faced cotton (terry loop on one side, which is apparently pretty good for filtration)

I don't regularly need a mask, but it's been handy on the one occasion I went to WF & Costco to stock up on food a few weeks ago. I also carry a mask and gloves if I'm going for a walk around the neighborhood, especially since some kids in the neighborhood are still pretty bad at understanding how far they should stay away, and I wouldn't want to infect them if I'm a carrier.

>> No.15146729

No im white. We don't wear those.

>> No.15146989
File: 360 KB, 1500x2250, marinasharp2_1800x@2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LA Apparel
30 quid is expensive though

>> No.15147016
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>No im white. We don't wear those.
you wear these

>> No.15147024

why bother with these flimsy masks? wear something functional or dont bother

>> No.15147037

Those masks are more likely to get you sick than anything else. Once they become saturated with your breathe if a corona drop from someone else hits it you are fucked.

>> No.15147039

Some towns in germany have started to make masks obligatory to go shopping or anything. Might aswell look good

>> No.15147044

how about wear something that actually works you consoomer

>> No.15147045

This. Mask fitted n95 or bust.

>> No.15147075

They've been unavailable since the beginning in the US.

>> No.15147076

maybe you shouldnt be such a slowpoke

>> No.15147084

for 3

>> No.15147115

but if everyone wears something is less likely that someone would cooff over you

>> No.15147122
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>> No.15147285

Based and LAApparelpilled.

I have a pack too and the metal nose peace is awesome. Wish it didn't fog up my glasses though.

>> No.15147306
File: 20 KB, 300x300, kawaii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not wearing the kawaii emoticon mask

Never going to make it.

>> No.15147325

My mom sewed me one with toucans on one side and leftover Christmas fabric on the other

>> No.15147343


>> No.15147627

this. You will have it, someone else at the grocery store already has it, and if everyone wears masks all the time the chances you'll spread are low.

>> No.15147631

i wish my mom was alive :(

>> No.15147698

goddamn fucking based and Mompilled

>> No.15147706

Oh no, a 0.2% chance of death in my demographic! How will I survive?

Get fucked, mate. The coof is harmless unless you're old and sick. Don't let the Nazis on TV trick you into being a slave to fear.

>> No.15147725

hope you get it soon mate

>> No.15147921

no filter, no point, all the cute anime mouth masks are dust masks and do nothing to protect you and ive been told they move around a lot and are too loose which further makes them useless as a mask.

>> No.15147969

>no filter, no point
anything is better than nothing

>> No.15147993

>not wearing a bandanna to LARP as a bandito

>> No.15148027

Based and mompilled

>> No.15148033


CDC suggests a cloth mask is effective against reduced exposure. You need to clean it often and not touch your eyes when removing it.

>> No.15148465

if its not FFP2/n95 or better, youll look like a larping twat.

>> No.15148503

this is not true. i am living in germany

>> No.15148505

I've already had chinkflu retard, I got nothing to fear anymore

>> No.15148509

how was it?

>> No.15148517

Man you can't just tell us this without showing us a picture

>> No.15148563

Wash your lens with soap, should help prevent fogging.

>> No.15148692

N95 or bust. Those shitty masks won’t help

>> No.15148793
File: 169 KB, 500x500, msa-comfo-classic-respirator-size-medium-808071-69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been wearing one of these with p100 canisters.

>> No.15148818

Tripskank is back?? Wow it’s been a long time babe what’s your IG

>> No.15149350

anything is better than nothing mong boy

>> No.15149354
File: 1.45 MB, 1920x2560, IMG_20200415_145804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Image doesn't show it well but there's more fabric in the front to accommodate for the nose

>> No.15149383

my SIL gave me some black masks but I don't intend to wear them until the gmen make me and even then I will just keep it on me so I don't get fined

>> No.15149902

black gives off edgy "I'm a 16 year old and anarchy is cool man" vibe
that's 99% of this boards users anyway