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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 742 KB, 1111x623, tears of pain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15144502 No.15144502[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Just feel like proper shit, lads. Just want her back.

Do emotional guys get effay points or is having a stoic demeanor much more effay? Being truly effay is not just about clothes, they are a small part. The rest is attitude, behavior, emotional levels etc. That's why you can't fake it with just clothing, it has to be a part of you.

>> No.15144510

timestamp or stolen pic

>> No.15144511

>i already posted a timestamp
yeah nah i never seen it

>> No.15144517

being emotionally withdrawn should not be attributed to any type of aesthetic, its immature and shows a lack of a properly developed brain. nothing to be proud of lol

>> No.15144528

What's that got to do with my question/thread? Maybe have seen it. if I was going to "steal" photos I would use some uber Chad so people would listen to me no matter what I say.

Yeah but we have all heard "strong and silent" and the Driver himself is emotionally withdrawn. If I saw a dude watching a movie and he started crying I would think of him as kinda pathetic.

>> No.15144560

I don't think facists have feelings Cecil you ugly fuck.

>> No.15144568

post a timestamp avatarfagging faggot

>> No.15144570

stop stealing that ugly pos pics and posting here

>> No.15144768


Lol typical left wing idiot who calls others "fascists" but can't even spell the word. Embarrassing.

Do you mean National Socialists? National Socialism is all about love. Love for ones own people, ones own country, culture and roots.

Hurr people can start threads with some random teenage girl in with pink hair asking some dumb question and that's fine but if I use my own image to ask genuine things related to the board it's now allowed!

Just stop. It makes my posts much more real rather than all the troll bait here like you. Crawl back under your bridge and stop being gay for me.

>> No.15144870

noo dont cry :(

>> No.15144881

Thanks, I'm good fren :3


>> No.15145099

damn bro maybe you shouldn't have been such an autist she woulda stayed. Trust me she didn't leave cuz ur ugly, it's cuz ur ugly AND dumb. You literally forced her into an early 2k emo Karen cut and ur surprised she left? fucking kek

>> No.15145102

Cecil dont get down kang dont let any of these teenagers on here get you down. not sure where you live if I did I'd hit you up and we could go eat to cheer you up. but i understand if you wont tell us.
cecil these kids dont know anything they think you live in bubble wrap fuck all that you're on some popping shit cecil

>> No.15145109

you are hideous bro

>> No.15145125
File: 317 KB, 890x588, true love never dies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How mad and jelly are you breh? No, that's Cassidy the crack head. The girl before that who paid for my bus ticket to this city after we met online is who I am talking about. That was like 6 years ago, we lived together and were in love for about 6 weeks but trolls and haters shamed her for dating and fucking an older dude like me and because she was adopted by 2 sadistic Jewish parents she was raised in an abusive environment so was weak when others tried to control her and split us up. I've been in this city ever since, I know she will find her way back to me.

Thanks dude, where I live is in my name lol.

So is yo momma.

>> No.15145126

Oh yeah and she is like 5'1" so just the right height for me too!

>> No.15145143
File: 867 KB, 1116x626, posing lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just a bad photo anyway of me being upset, I am just not some little insecure kid who practices posing in their photos all day.

Here is me trying to pose and blow a kiss lol... It looks a lot better.

>> No.15145148

You don't have any people Cecil. The have more in common with mold than you have with people. You look like a blob fish having a bad hair day. Neo Nazis like yourself are the biggest set of sore losers since the neo confederates.

a guillotine is the right height for you brah.

>> No.15145153

All your photos are bad dude.

>> No.15145161
File: 664 KB, 988x629, troll watching.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet here I am, the only one with the balls to post a clear close up photo like this. The rest of you even blank out your faces in a WAYW thread in which your face makes up 5% of the photo.

That already makes me more effay than most and attractive with my laissez faire attitude.

>> No.15145572
File: 267 KB, 547x596, 1585522197958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy based

>> No.15145586

>whats that got to do with my question
youre in like the 99th percentile of ugliness, so there are equally valid grounds to question the legitimacy of those photos as if you were alleging to be in the 99th percentile of attractiveness. while someone might have their reasons for posing as a beautiful person, that doesnt imply there are no reasons to pose as the opposite; apparently you like provoking feelings of visceral disgust in people - whatever, to each their own

>> No.15145925

How old are you?

>> No.15146232

>I'm very ugly, but i flaunt it, which makes me cool.... Right?
No... /fa/ isnt 100% confidence, and being very confident while ugly is just cringy.

>> No.15146234

Based off his pictures, id guess 43. Based off his emotional state and personality, id guess 12. Ugly old looking immature cringe lord. Worst of both worlds.
But on the plus side, he's also mentally broken, so its not like its not entertaining.

>> No.15146245
File: 40 KB, 182x179, 1580300876317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please just die

>> No.15146410

you're a fag but you know good music

>> No.15146456

Man I feel you, I have been through it recently, I'm the retard who dated and broke up with a very famous person on here. You're much older than me, you know that people come and go, just be strong enough to bury the memories in a secured place in your mind and look forward. Being emotional is fine and normal, even effay sometimes if you like to think that way, but do something for yourself, improve yourself, make yourself a better person, someone else will come replace the void she left you with, don't fall into self loathing. Here have a nice neo folk song you fucking neo-nazi

>> No.15146472

dude he's listening to JD

>> No.15146473

we dont care fuck off you germ

>> No.15146487

i get pussy nigga

>> No.15146504

you look like a cartoon character

>> No.15146515

Stop talking to him like he's a real human being.

>> No.15146529

Moment of silence for this poor girl and all her wasted time. I sincerely hope being faced with her worst possible option will give her the motivation to pull her life together.

>> No.15146545


>> No.15146586

imagine fucking whatever OP is

>> No.15146827
File: 606 KB, 1102x624, i like eggs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. I'm average for being a middle aged dude. Get off your high horse, loser.

I'm almost 41 years of age.

It's not about flaunting it, I just don't care. It is what it is, what else am I to do? Hide away like some leper? Yeah naw thanks.

Close. About to turn to 41. My emotional state and personality is worlds above yours so I would put yours as 12. 12 months. Lol owned.

Ya mamma.

Fanx :3

Thanks bro, great to see real people here and cool song.

That's not what yo momma said.

Yo mommas don't count.

Cool, I guess?

Mad and jelly.

Yeah I got inside her and you got inside your hand.

She sucked me for 3 hours straight until my skin almost came off. U MAD?

>> No.15146843

>I got inside her
That's why people feel sorry for her. Nobody deserves that.

>> No.15146855

that poor girl holy shit. imagine getting fucked by a fucking blobfish.

>> No.15146857

You must also feel sorry for yo momma then because the same happened with her. Sorry if we kept you awake all night, son.

>> No.15146872

I've yet to melt into a jellyfish puddle like that senator from the X-Men, so I don't think you're very much involved with my genetics.

>> No.15146902

Autism? You took the "son" as literal as opposed to me banging yo momma so much I might as well call you son.

What an ass pie.

>> No.15146937

get covid boomer

>> No.15146963

>hurr call him a boomer because i have lost the argument and he is 30 years too young to be a boomer

Lol owned. Already had it 4 times. I'm the chosen.

>> No.15146966

I think most people would expect you to go for the "I'm actually your daddy" angle because of your advanced age, but you could be in your 30s and just aged like a banana so who knows.

>> No.15146985

OP, did you somehow genuinely expect sympathy when you posted this, or are you some kind of humiliation fetishist who gets off on being dunked on by strangers?

>> No.15147002

I've stated my age many times once more proving you have autism and a low iq.

Expected sympathy form my friends here... :(

No, are you guys stupid ZOOMERS.

It was a MEME you spergs..


But then I wanted a debate about emotions and stoicism in fashion. Holy shit, are young people stupid as hell today?