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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 25 KB, 640x640, f61037a9b01f34d27d1c057ac4c9eac9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15114957 No.15114957 [Reply] [Original]

How can I replicate the "cool factor" of pulling out and using a lighter without sending the message that I enjoy a dangerous, compulsive behavior (i.e. smoking)? Is there another tool or accessory which would serve this purpose? I hypothesize that part of the appeal is that lighting a cigarette taps into the human love of rituals, but there aren't many similar rituals. Obviously, there are other rituals, like pulling out a rosary and speaking a litany, but I should think that the reasons for not doing that are obvious. Then there's the Dale Cooper voice recorder option, but that doesn't work so well if you aren't an investigator. A notebook? Antiquated! I need more ideas, /fa/.

>> No.15115000

You have autism, huh?

>> No.15115004

If ur gonna be a narcissist (into fashion) at least have the self awareness to know you're a piece of shit and not give a shit about your well being, how can you be afraid of getting cancer in 49 years and be posting about fashion? You should want to kill yourself

>> No.15115091
File: 148 KB, 1356x750, twin-peaks-got-a-light.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, big time. Sometimes it even works in my favor. Besides, it's been nine years since Ryan Gosling proved that autism can be a look; welcome to the present.
I tried being self-hating and suicidal. It wasn't for me, but thanks for the recommendation.

Substitutes. For lighters. Anyone have any?

>> No.15115099

>I tried being self-hating and suicidal. It wasn't for me, but thanks for the recommendation.
just wait for your mania phase to end and you can cycle back into depression
you are riding a high that will run out and then you will crawl back to 4chan and cry and post feels

>> No.15115112

No way. I'll just go back to taking my pills. Hey, maybe there's an idea there, popping psychoactives out of a nice little tin or something...More ideas, come on come on

>> No.15115134

bro, please go sit down you’re scaring the hoes. i’ve never read some shit on /fa/ that screams *tips my fedora* more. stop LARPing. it’s cool that you think autism is your superpower or whatever the fuck, but literally just smoke cigarettes, it’s fine.

>> No.15115136

>taking pills
what an awful life

>> No.15115137

you want a toothpick?

>> No.15115175

>*tips my fedora*
The fedora tip is also a ritual, and it's quite stylish in its own context (read: not here and not now).
>stop LARPing
Acting with intentional style is now a LARP. No wonder people are so depressed these days; fun, imagination, personal distinction, it's all verboten. Actually, though, you're absolutely right. It is a LARP. Everything we do is a LARP. You can have fun with it or bore yourself to death. This is just fashion in motion, donning a behavior or personal effect like one might don an accessory.
>literally just smoke cigarettes
It's not my look, anon.

Ok, /fa/, we're a few posts in and I have nothing. You can keep choosing to call me mean names, and I can respond by choosing to call you creatively bankrupt...Or we can work on this project together and maybe enjoy ourselves a bit. As always, it's entirely up to you...

>> No.15115177

carry a tape recorder and talk into it

>> No.15115190

a bersa thunder in your waist

>> No.15115199

>I tried mental illness, didnt like it
I hate this board

>> No.15115205


>> No.15115243

Fidget spinner sounds more your speed.

>> No.15115264

>tape recorder
Considered and rejected in the OP
Too extreme
What would I use it for?
>fidget spinner
Maybe my speed but not my style

Perhaps it's just hard to beat conjuring fire, but blowtorch-san tried. Next

>> No.15115271

meth pipes are always in style.

>> No.15115284

>Maybe my speed but not my style
Shit like this is why it is absolutely your style.

>> No.15115301

No, a spinner would be sending the message that you need something to do with your hands because you can't just operate like a normal fucking human being
>absolutely your style
or just get the larp over with and smoke

>> No.15115336
File: 52 KB, 600x600, personalised-wallet-survival-tool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like your attitude my man, quick on the draw and no self pity
maybe a bottle opener, multi-tool type thing. i keep a flat one on my wallet for if I or someone i'm with wants to crack a beer

>> No.15115367

point and shoot camera

>> No.15115450

>What would I use it for?
blowing torches

>> No.15115483

either a fancy tin of mints, or an expensive pack of gum. EZ

>> No.15115489

Just smoke a cigarette Jesus Christ

>> No.15115753

pop a tic-tac like every two minutes

>> No.15115765

Pager like you are an important surgeon

>> No.15115832

Useful, but I doubt I'd have many opportunities to use it
They do make caffeinated gum now, so that's more efficient than drinking coffee. In a nice enough case...maybe
We're getting somewhere, but you'd have to explain why you were using that instead of your phone. There's also the risk of looking like a Japanese tourist.
>blow torch, again
The tic-tac case is nicely-designed, but the associations aren't quite right.
Interesting, but neither versatile not particularly dynamic


>> No.15115853

Carry matches, every now and then light one up and just stare at it until it burns down almost to your fingers then toss it.

>> No.15115867

I like smoking, try it out anon

>> No.15115884

As I mentioned previously, I've already tried being suicidal. Even if that were my thing, there are better ways.

>> No.15115895

smoking won’t kill you before something else does it’s hardly suicidal unless you’re going through like 25 a day

>> No.15115952

You're such a fucking faggot

>> No.15115968

Creatively bankrupt

>> No.15115994 [DELETED] 

Aren't you that trany nigger?

>> No.15116009

Phone and phone case, obviously

>> No.15116019

Nah, I'm that one-eyed, one-horned, flying purple people eater. Lighter. Alternatives. Focus.

>> No.15116025

Whip out your dick, it’s the size and shape of a bic

>> No.15116029

Pocket watch, say it was your grandpa's

>> No.15116034

Turbo nerd

>> No.15116036


>> No.15116047

What about some cyanide pills?

>> No.15116063

I'm going to be doing that anyway. It's hardly interesting.
>pocket watch
Not bad, really, but I think it falls into the "people have decided these are uncool" category along with fedoras
Similar ideas have been mentioned, but I will admit that the Altoids container is a bit classier than tic-tacs.
>cyanide pills
A good choice if I decide that suicidal really is my look after all, but then I could just smoke


>> No.15116066

Carry a scalpel.

>> No.15116090

Ok, let's take this from the top. The reason that lighters and smoking are cool is BECAUSE the ritual is symbolic language saying that you embrace self-destructive behavior for short term gratification. That's the whole godamn point. It's the live fast die young mentality that is cool, the lighter is just a means of broadcasting it.

Decide what message you want to symbolically communicate, then the ritual and artifacts should be fairly simple afterthoughts.

>> No.15116095

OP is more of a faggot than usual here

>> No.15116143
File: 112 KB, 990x660, chuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

similar to this..

>> No.15116175

If being "cool" is what you want, you'd have to be nonchalant. Think only of whatever object as a tool, not an accessory. I do drugs but don't do them to appear "cool" what does that even mean? Only use when necessary. Also, cut the theatric way of speaking. It isn't charming. It sounds like you took adderall while writing an english paper.

When in doubt: KISS. Keep it simple, stupid. I'd say a pocketwatch would fit but that's almost on par with a fedora.

>> No.15116195

This, really takes the cake for most faggot OP I think I've ever seen

>> No.15116577

How about a butterfly knife? It's actually useful to have a knife on you, and you can autistically flourish it when you take it out. And if you're not getting enough attention from that, you can clean your nails with it idly.

>> No.15116583

>maybe my speed but not my style


>> No.15116586

Any other non-infected chads hanging out here in relative safety of /fa/?

>> No.15116594

just fucking kill yourself, you are too autistic even for /fa/

>> No.15116597


coof coof

>> No.15116781

go away

>> No.15116798

I'm not sure that I agree, but the general idea of "first, choose the message" is good advice. Thanks.
>If being "cool" is what you want, you'd have to be nonchalant.
Not necessarily - you just have to give the appearance of being nonchalant. It's like putting in effort to make an outfit appear effortless. Still, it's something to consider.
>way of speaking
Thanks, but it's pretty habitual by this point and would be difficult to change. It certainly seems that it isn't winning me any friends here.
Good idea
creatively bankrupt

>> No.15116800

look for wallets but like interesting ones? some kinda cool lanyard or someTHING on your keys? look at every day carry threads for inspiration

>> No.15116801

get REALLY fancy looking cool lip balm lol

>> No.15116812

You're a retarded nigger and deserve nothing but death.

Just use a lighter and say that you've quit smoking but that whipping out the lighter is a habit

>> No.15116865
File: 35 KB, 1024x1024, 8490D68B-12FF-4BB6-AB8E-E67C4A49321F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get good at doing this, you faggot

>> No.15117005

okay dip, here you go: Expensive pens (ink/ballpointer whatev); toothpicks+expensive casing (this is wat you're looking for).

>> No.15117019
File: 32 KB, 976x549, jesus son.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

carry a needle and just shoot heroin, people will think you're cool like lou reed. also you're an insufferable faggot

>> No.15117046

get a dab pen and a .380

>> No.15117239

unironically learn how to roll a coin across your knucles thats a cool skill

>> No.15117322

You don't have to agree, but that is what western society has decided. You don't get much of a say in that.

>> No.15117330

Knives. Not only will you trigger 95% of /fa/, but there's tons of autistic details for you to dig into like locking mechanisms and metallurgy.

>> No.15117382

Based and knifepilled. Get a flipper on ball bearings and don't shut up about it.

>> No.15117538

oh no he coughing.

>> No.15117550
File: 510 KB, 828x732, 1571684247583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carry a pack and a lighter on you. You don't have to smoke, but when a girl asks for a cigarette or a light you can say "Yeah sure, mind if I join you?"

Just like the rest of us had to do in highschool when that cute senior girl asked if you had one and you ran to your friend and bummed two to seem cooler than you were and ended up associating making out with her with No. 27s which got you addicted to nicotine at 15 and you never looked back.

Basically, just smoke.

>> No.15117589
File: 234 KB, 368x470, man with a fan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could pull out a fan and lightly caress your face with a cool breeze

>> No.15117653
File: 314 KB, 640x853, easy wood spirit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a small whittling knife and a palm sized block of wood and make some wood spirit/animal/hillbilly carvings whenever you have some time. they're easy to make

>> No.15117657
File: 776 KB, 2292x3057, 57b4486fe4c2e5cd50f09c46c55626d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic and vid related, doug linker types of hillbilly

>> No.15117661

nice schizo post, smoking reduces cardiovascular capability, not /fa/ at all.

>> No.15117668
File: 58 KB, 630x479, balloon twisting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or you could do balloon twisting and pull all the loli babes

>> No.15117675
File: 119 KB, 866x1390, young-smart-readgead-bearded-man-in-glasses-playing-with-rubics-cube-KEYH7C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15117678

take out colored paper from your bag and do some origami

>> No.15117681
File: 104 KB, 1000x667, 3d pen pig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A 3D pen is small enough to fit into the pocket and you can sculpt all kinds of crazy miniatures on the fly

>> No.15117705


>> No.15117909

just play with your penis

>> No.15117927
File: 54 KB, 618x412, blade-runner-references-gaff-origami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It worked for Gaff in Blade Runner.

>> No.15118189

Alright you insufferable little fuck. If you have a car, get a lanyard. Twirl it around. Put a mini lighter or some shit on there. That's your secret. If you do it when you want to ignore something, it makes you seem aloof and superior to the speaker which really isn't that what you're going for with this persona? Personally I like the way you talk(although I bet a dildo up my ass you don't have nearly that much confidence irl) but your vocabulary comes off as really fucking pretentious. Also, if you're wondering, I use tic-tacs in that fashion myself. I find it takes a lot of self-control to not eat them all at once and can be used as a trigger ritual for self-actualization.

>> No.15118269
File: 229 KB, 1068x591, 1523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I carry around 2 sets of matching card decks.
>comfy game of solitaire in waiting rooms
>blackjack against random drunkards in pubs/bars
>thousands of different designs out there
>for peak autism, you can match decks to fits.
Yes i know how autistic it is, but its fun, and profitable if you can find an idiot.

>> No.15118499

>butterfly knife
A little edge is one thing, but looking outright dangerous is another
>every day carry threads
These seem useful. Thanks
Might work if everyone and their mother hadn't seen The Dark Knight by now
I've seen people who are into pens, and it left a bad impression on me.
>toothpick case
You know, I saw one of these that flipped open, and I think you're right that it isn't far off from what I had in mind.
Practical, but hard to incorporate into a look
Doesn't fit me, really, but decent otherwise
>3D pen
Would probably take too long
I'm not sure that I can explain why, but I don't like this option. Maybe it just looks unrestrained
>I bet a dildo up my ass you don't have nearly that much confidence irl
You're correct, of course, but it's useful to fake it here.
>tic-tacs, again
Maybe I'll reconsider the tic-tacs.
I like this idea. What it lacks in "cool" it makes up for in "fun." Now I'm imagining turning the idea on its head with a tarot deck, though. With the right situation, the right audience, and the right theatrics, suddenly forcing the Tower or something could be really dramatic. This is especially difficult, though, because you'd have to establish yourself as a mystic first.

>> No.15118544

>Established mystic
>Forcing a card

If your going to go that route actually learn to read the cards and do it right. Might be good for parties, but you'll have to get invited first.

>> No.15118584


>> No.15118730

vicks inhaler? when im clubbing i rotate between that and cigs

>> No.15118735

based mdma vicks poster

>> No.15118756

no substitute for fresh sinuses my guy

>> No.15119117


>> No.15119456

the manga or the anime?

>> No.15119503

Back when I wasn't a smoker, I had a small lengh of rope I played with, tying knots and such, good conversation starter and it keeps the hands busy, otherwise maybe a rubiks cube or something autistic like this, I think I get the idea behind your post, its really not that much more autistic than most of the post on here keep on trying

>> No.15120072

How much discipline do you have? Sometimes pulling something out with only the intent of not using it can convey strength

>> No.15120223

print a few pictures of early 20th century / late 19th century gentlemen or families and stare at them from time to time with strong intent. if you're asked tell people they are your earliest known family members but be mysterious about it

>> No.15120245

tiny harmonica for jaunty tunes

>> No.15120298
File: 1.32 MB, 1962x1147, 5FCC1A34-997E-4679-9CB8-999E8C7055E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this you OP?
> https://youtu.be/sqYV-GLnxQU

>> No.15120375

Source on lighter?

>> No.15120395

a good 35mm camera can be aesthetic as fuck, doesn't compare with a phone camera because film is superior for certain applications, plus it doubles as a wholesome (hopefully) and creative hobby that many girls will find interesting - especially if you can make them look good on film - not that i expect you to be getting laid ever.
Either way, good luck anon.

>> No.15120586

Uh, does it do something besides clearing the sinuses?
You know, I tried it once, and I kind of regret it. Rejected
Hm, that's definitely different. Thanks for the unique recommendation, but I don't think it's what I'm looking for.
>How much discipline do you have?
I don't think it's really a universal resource. Some temptations are easy for me to avoid, while others are hard. What sort of item did you have in mind?
>old photos
My grandpa uses a similar trick, but it's a joke. He keeps a photo of an ugly woman in his wallet, tells people that it's his wife from years ago, and asks them whether they think she's pretty. Anyway, the general photo idea isn't too bad, all things considered. It would take some pondering to work out the details, though.
Maybe if I were Bob Dylan
>the lighter
I believe it's a Braun F1.
>camera, again
Alright, you've got a point, but photography doesn't really do it for me. If I were trying to catalog experiences, I would probably go back to the voice recorder idea and get people to tell me about the time they saw Bigfoot or whatever.
>not that i expect you to be getting laid ever
Haha, but the joke is on you, because the thought of having sex fills me with fear

>> No.15120611

Looks like your fucked OP considering your a huge fag and turn down literally every option for your terrible idea. Carry a sword and then fall on it

>> No.15120631

It's not really essential. I just thought it would be nice to have something.

>> No.15120637
File: 1.10 MB, 1024x685, clackers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15120641

this is what open carry was legalized for, anon. Send the message that you could kill yourself at a moment's notice to all who see you

>> No.15120672

Maybe a comb/switchblade comb? It depends though, this can be hit or miss depending on what your trying to look like

>> No.15120685

If nothing else, toothpick in the lip. Works just like a cigarette

>> No.15120719

>Useful, but I doubt I'd have many opportunities to use it

>> No.15120733

Yep, I was hoping no one would catch that. "It has a utilitarian aesthetic, but I'm not sure that I would actually be able to use it." There

>> No.15120996

Pretty good thread. Best ideas so far
>toothpic case
I think you dismissed rolling a coin/pen around your knuckles too quickly. If you get good it's undeniably skill full even if you are clearly autistic.

>> No.15121000

skilful idk why that corrects to skill full

>> No.15121193


>> No.15121275

>can use different color paper depending on your mood
>impress bitches by offering them the finished piece as a gift

>> No.15121296
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>> No.15121586
File: 25 KB, 675x450, joijoij.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the word you're looking for is "accessory". I like to carry a plain blade knife, not a Leatherman or a Victorinox or this cringey shit >>15115336
A well-made knife can be beautiful in its own right, although its usefulness rarely surpasses that of cheaply-made one, even if its blade does stay sharper much longer.

>> No.15121779

yeah the dark knight came out 12 years ago, i cant recall any coin rolling and i doubt most people will. even if they do its been 12 years i dont think anyone will think you're pretending to be whoever used a coin in the movie

>> No.15121993

>What sort of item did you have in mind?
I knew a guy who used to carry around a juul after beating his nicotine addiction. If he saw a homeless guy bumming cigs he would him strike. His reasoning was not only was the act of pulling it out and contemplating it before putting it back a huge boost of discipline and confidence, any desire to hit it was replaced with fear that he would get something from the people he let hit. Except that was all just made up by faggot online. It doesn't have to be a juul, but anything can have meaning if you get creative with a backstory. Token? Former obsessive gambler. It doesn't even have to be bad either. Coin? Your desire to rise out of the extreme poverty you came out of? The sky's kinda the limit OP

>> No.15122644

i don't think i've laughed at a thread this hard in a while. thanks op

>> No.15123105
File: 26 KB, 400x400, s-l400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

carry a mini ouija board, it's sure to spark some interest

>> No.15123144
File: 357 KB, 800x800, Shepherd's Lighter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just carry one of these, they're like $8 and I always get asked about it. Makes a comfy ember and natural cord smells nice when it smoulders.

>> No.15123152

carry a small book of poetry by horace in the latin original and pretend you're reading and translating

>> No.15123162

OP. Just be “really still.”

Don’t move your hands if you’re sitting. Never take out your phone in public.

Stop all nose, finger and face picking. With the right dress and posture you don’t need any accessory. Just be too obviously aloof to even need one.

I can confirm this works. I have no friends.

>> No.15123616

Relevant: https://youtube.com/watch?v=oiEKKmRL3uk

>> No.15123630

Actually the best suggestion in this whole cursed thread. (gay alternative, lollipop)

A metal tin of strong mints is a good second, you can pop it open like a tobacco tin and you're good to go.

Other option is a nice comb and just comb your hair all the time.

>> No.15123704

Get an Emory board

>> No.15123707

If you live in a city carry around bird food and travel with a flock at all times.

>> No.15123859
File: 87 KB, 800x450, mask013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15123878

Swiss army knife

>> No.15123919


>> No.15123991
File: 39 KB, 522x488, 61f2zvZ4b4L._AC_SX522_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always have your wooden bento box superbly decorated and full of nice food. it's a conversation starter, shows you have several hobbies like cooking or far east interests, shows you're willing to spend for quality, overall makes you quite interesting

>> No.15123993

one time i went to the bayou in my city to go eat lunch with friends and i started feeding a duck some pirates booty. more ducks started amassing and i had a duck army. a jogger came too close and the ducks chased her off.
i am king duck

>> No.15123998
File: 32 KB, 638x633, 1576815215029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, ducks are nice

>> No.15124153
File: 50 KB, 450x358, image-450w-72127762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This made me imagine a salaryman carrying around pic related who pops it open to reveal that it's packed with homemade food.

>> No.15124156
File: 81 KB, 810x1080, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15124293

Off yourself 4realz you zoomer, imagine LARPing as a depressed faggot instead of acually being one, you fucking poser

>> No.15124333

The literal option is not the only way to read that comment, anon. Also, why is everyone here so eager to use the word "faggot" in particular? There are about seventy-gajilion other insulting words and phrases you could use, and their freshness would make them sting more. Truly creatively bankrupt in every sense

>> No.15124456

I agree with this guy, there is a huge rabbit hole of cool looking card decks you can find. the most basic starter places to get good decks would be either ellusionist or theory11. not only do they look really interesting, but there's the potential to learn lots of small sleight-of-hand tricks

>> No.15124994

I'm surprised nobody has suggested a flashlight yet. They're practical, come in all sizes, and there's a huge hobbyist market for you to select one that best suits your style and needs.

>> No.15125022

not gonna make it

>> No.15125073

>never heard of op is a faggot, practically the ancient motto of 4chinz
that insult is 4chan tradition you loser, it's not that anon's fault you don't belong on these boards.

>> No.15125081

id on the lighter?

>> No.15125087

Bic centurion

>> No.15125099

I pick leaves and small branches and rip them into pieces. If I don't do that than it's usually a napkin or whatever I have in my pocket
I do this mostly when I take walks, Ill pick a leaf hanging in my path and rip it apart until the next one I come across, helps me think idk

>> No.15125608

I believe it's the Braun F1.

>> No.15125704

You and me, friend. With leaves I try to remove the green part aroud the little branches that form the leave itself.

>> No.15125851

How has nobody told OP to get a vape? I know vapes are gay as fuck but that's literally what he's asking for if he wants to have a cigarette-like item without smoking a cigarette.

>> No.15125898

You retard he wants a lighter without smoking, can you read?

>> No.15126443

No you retard the retard is you not me you retarded retard. He want vape

>> No.15126471

>How can I replicate the "cool factor" of pulling out and using a lighter
The coolest thing you can pull out these days would be your smartphone. Get the biggest baddest iPhone or the Samsung S20 Ultra (or Galaxy Fold if you really want to flex). Don't even put a case on it. Having the best phone is an immediately recognizable status symbol.

>> No.15126503

I have a fucked up cracked to shit pixel 2 with the back cover missing exposing the circuit board
I wonder how this affects how I'm perceived

>> No.15126613

Careless, poor, dgaf, or all of the above. Bad first impression. Would not smash u famm. Sry :(

>> No.15126696

I don't give two fucks about looking rich or whatever. Lighters are cool without having anything to do with socioeconomic background. Are you the kind of person who buys those "Supremo" shirts or whatever it is the kids like these days?

>> No.15126714

Look at the lighter posted in the OP you fucking mongoloid. Does that look like a cheapshit gas station bic or does it look like it probably cost some money?

>> No.15126735

Idk I'm not poor, it still works fine. I won't buy.a new one until it stops working. I guess it's a good filter for shallow thots

>> No.15126738

magic 8 ball - always audibly declare your next move to people around you and let the magic 8 ball decide

>> No.15126881

There's a difference between "it takes money to buy this superior item" and "the only thing that makes this item superior is the money spent on it."

>> No.15126902

No offence op but you remind me of the autismo main character from catcher in the rye

>> No.15126914

I can't say I mind, really, but I take it that's supposed to be a "bad" thing. Who would you prefer I remind you of?

>> No.15128084

>hear a lady ask for a light
>light her cigarette from across the parking lot
>accidentally blind her
>blind anyone who tries to catch you
Sounds good to me, boss

>> No.15128294


You've triggered my autism. And I've found this


I'm going for either this or herbal cigs.

>> No.15128481

OP, you're pretty good. You're asking cringe questions about accesories most of fa is itching to ask but will never or will post a shitty ironic "are moleskins effay" thread about it.
Then, you got heckled for being a fag and you didn't get mad in the slightest. You turned down every suggestion so people would keep replying and they did.
You're still a huge sperg, but you're an alright fag.

>> No.15128708
File: 35 KB, 720x448, GW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caffeine/b12/melatonin vape pens
Those are pretty neat, like something out of a William Gibson novel.
>herbal cigarettes
Huh, I didn't know these existed. With both options, I'm tempted in spite of the potential dangers. The tobacco industry really did a number on us.
>you're pretty good
*Ocelot guns back at ya*
>you got heckled for being a fag and you didn't get mad in the slightest
Honestly, I did get mad, but I figured that losing my shit wouldn't help the thread.
>You're still a huge sperg
Pic related

>> No.15129088

Just smoke lul

>> No.15129091
File: 2.04 MB, 1078x1080, yeetbitch.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't respond to all suggestions. Fuck you.

>> No.15129145

A geiger counter is useful, not that I'd ever fucking use one.

>> No.15129261

Just smoke faggot.

Wanting to look like a badboy without the risk is gay as hell. Pure pussy repellent.

>> No.15129312

my sides

>> No.15129354

It's not really about being "bad." Lighters are just aesthetically appealing. It's a device which is no more complicated than it needs to be. It is in sight for only the short duration that it needs to be. It taps into the psychological appeal of hand motion. It produces fucking fire. If you don't understand how cool that is, I can't explain it.

>> No.15129366

Just get a gum you colossal s*y

>> No.15129388

So just be into lighters.

Collect them. Carry one around. Fuck with it when you're bored.

>> No.15129513

sorry but I need to say this:
you will never be cool or even be close to be seen as cool
I don't know you but this I can guarantee

>> No.15129542

basedest itt

OP is a troll or massively autistic and doesn’t actually go out of his mom’s house.

>> No.15129689
File: 170 KB, 600x400, 43545436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have as many designer lighters as you want because there's a really easy answer for you if you want to use them but don't smoke: incense sticks (but not so many like pic related)
it would be actually pretty cool if you have to wait around just light a stick and prop it up near you, it's a pretty good balance between being just interesting or too eccentric.

>> No.15129695
File: 120 KB, 1500x1000, Tsubota Pearl Lattitude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need to pair your incense stick with some pretty nifty lighters that you leave lying right next to to the stick for maximum attention, something like this one. also could periodically move the stick around you

>> No.15129800

dnd dice and an optional little leather rolling tray.

>> No.15129884

>lighter without the cigs
This would just make me look like a firebug. I've already had multiple accusations of "looking like a mass shooter" in spite of my peaceful disposition.
Have you ever seen Jimi Hendrix in an interview? That guy had something very much like autism, and he's seen as the epitome of cool. Now, I'm not Jimi Hendrix, but it's a counterexample...something to aspire to, maybe.
>lighting incense
I actually like this idea. I do think it would be difficult to pull off, but if I went full hippie..."I'm banishing the bad vibrations from this space." That could actually work in a psychosomatic sense if you see "bad vibrations" as bad moods and incense as aromatherapy. Alternatively, I could lean into the shinto-practicing salaryman look and maybe achieve some balance in presentation.

>> No.15129925
File: 135 KB, 1024x1536, TROVE AW 2011 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't imagine it as something a hippie would do but rather a neofolkish sort with earth toned clothing, loose linen shirts maybe, boots who would talk or think about some vedic texts or whatever rather than hippy stuff while enjoying the incense

>> No.15130002

Tsubota Pearls are great, I have one with a tortoiseshell case and it always gets noticed

>> No.15130073

aren't those made out of plastic?
doesnt one extinguish the flame by closing it's cap?
wont the flame melt the plastic in the process and turn it from clear to opaque over time?

>> No.15130321

holy shit this thread really proves how fucking allergic to sincerity this board is. It's so weird how many people flooded this thread to reduce the content to the status quo of low-enthusiasm soulless, lazy rejection, with very little to offer in return.

Congrats on maintaining your cesspools of unrecognized sel-pity, /fa/

Shoutout to OP for being an actual person.
Funny how having autism can put someone many tiers above the average /fa/ poster. Christ.

>> No.15130352

you made a typo

>> No.15130587

k lol

>> No.15130749


>> No.15130760

Just a comb is enough. Get a nice haircut and keep it perfectly in check with a quick touch up with the comb as it gets messy during the day. The only message this really sends is that you care about the way you look.

>> No.15130794
File: 236 KB, 1500x999, 10618414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A snus can functions as a bottle opener after some practice, and subsitutes smoking.

>> No.15130796

Some kind of small ball to toss around, or just a classic bouncy ball

>> No.15130882

Carry around weed and a pipe

>> No.15130888
File: 77 KB, 1200x675, 1DAB3BF8-8AEA-43FC-B42C-1D95A432C0C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I carry around a quartz crystal I dug up in a little leather pouch I made. In private moments I’ll take it out and hold it and let my mind drift. but I don’t show it to people unless they catch a glimpse of me taking it out

>> No.15130893

Get involved in activity/hobby which requires a trusty utilitarian tool

>> No.15131379

I've lost interest in responding to every suggestion in this thread, but I'll respond to your post for the purpose of creating the impression of a "human connection" in this hellish place. I appreciate your calling me an "actual person," as authenticity is something I value. I do enjoy affirmation from others and will not pretend otherwise. Honestly, your post brightened my day. Keep spreading positivity where and when you can. If you like something about someone, tell them. It makes a difference. It isn't futile. It's a light in the darkness. Also, I'll mention that there are apparently trends in the enjoyment of putting others down, etc., that run so deep that theoretically topical boards such as this one can become nothing but vehicles for those trends in which the topic (in this case, fashion) is just an incidental framework for engaging in certain behaviors. In other words, anon 1 can say that anon 2 has "shit taste in fashion," and anon 1's motivations for doing so will essentially have nothing to do with fashion. Over time, this can supplant the community's legitimate communal interest in fashion. This disturbs me immensely.
>playing with a bouncy ball
>staring at a rock
People already react this poorly to me and this is what you give me to work with? Are you trying to destroy me completely? (not that they would necessarily be bad ideas for others)

>> No.15131410

A nice pack of matches

>> No.15131475



>> No.15131532
File: 280 KB, 1024x768, 1540497093909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a suggestion and got ignored. Fuck you, fuck the mods, fuck the jannies, fuck moot, fuck hiroshit moot, fuck n*gg*rs, fuck j*ws, fuck sp*cs, fuck f*gg*ts, fuck anybody reading this, and most of all, fuck OP. Eat shit and die slow motherfucker.

>> No.15131571

bump this sincere question

>> No.15131572

Psychotropic drugs are worse than cigarettes

>> No.15131573

I have a portable USB charger that also serves as a cigarette lighter, if that helps anon

>> No.15131579

>Psychotropic drugs are worse than cigarettes
kind of depends on the specific substance, don't you think?
>USB charger/lighter combo
The idea is to retain the aesthetic value of a lighter while serving a different functional purpose. This is what the poster or posters who keep saying "matches" don't seem to understand.

>> No.15131615

cbd cigs

>thread over

>> No.15131617

though youre still pathetic for asking this question anon

>> No.15131689
File: 2.09 MB, 2067x1295, FABULOUS image1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

easy, a designer harmonica

>> No.15131699
File: 253 KB, 1000x1000, suzuki manji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just look at these beauties
you don't have to play classic tunes on it, rather just some ambient stuff barely whispering the sound. would be cool

>> No.15131703
File: 315 KB, 1000x1000, suzuki manji 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and you can replicate the thing glass wearers have going on with their glass cases because harmonica cases can get pretty damn effay

>> No.15132375

wear one of those belts with a fucking HUGE buckle and keep your hands on in the whole time

remember to say 'yeehaw' and 'pardner' from time to time

>> No.15132508 [DELETED] 

If we met in person and you spoke to me in such a verbose and pretentious manner I would look away from you and pretend to be very interested in a distant object.

>> No.15132592

You're trying too hard, anything you have to think this hard about won't work, non autistic people can sense when someone is faking shit like this.

>> No.15132652


>> No.15132711
File: 8 KB, 299x298, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The inside part is metal like a typical Zippo, the outer case is some special plastic. In any case it doesn't melt in my experience, especially considering that the flame is extinguished instantly once the lighter is closed. Pic is the one I have, heavy use for about 6 months and the opacity hasn't changed at all

>> No.15132910

This is why we go the extra mile and think about how to make it look like we haven't been thinking. I'm told this is the essence of Parisian fashion. Also, this is the old problem of "I've never seen a toupee that didn't look fake." Well, you wouldn't know it was a toupee if it didn't look fake, now would you?
These actually look pretty cool. Probably not what I'm looking for, but cool

>> No.15132931

ok, that doesnt sound as bad as i expected
i may consider getting one
lookwise they are gorgeous

>> No.15133516
File: 28 KB, 420x420, dumdumpops1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP was a faggot for a good while and he still is a faggot, but you know what? He's actually taking it like a champ and owning up to his attitude. Good on you OP.

As for my suggestion, I think you should seriously consider lollipops. Carry around a handful so you can offer them to people, especially kids.

>> No.15134425
File: 435 KB, 1200x1599, 598346e0cc10f.image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pull out chalk

>> No.15135010

>flame is extinguished instantly
my experience with snuffing out candles via removing oxygen is that they stay kinda-lit for about 3 or 4 seconds before going completely out

>> No.15135131
File: 884 KB, 1280x1280, P0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking desu. Bring a small book you want to read and read it to kill time. You might even pass as a normal human. Pic related is a good aesthetic look and a good light read for a bar.

>> No.15135262

Professional retards over here
Can confirm, carrying cards makes for good times

>> No.15135281


>> No.15135430

Some notepad and a pen. There are lots of different kinds of them, find one that suits your aesthetic

>> No.15135442
File: 2.64 MB, 4032x3024, 15864629941258523218918038202395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My man

>> No.15135532

>tobacco free
Why would you choose this instead a real snus?

>> No.15135649

if you mean the tiny ember on the wick that produces fuck all heat and you can put it out by pinching it if you don't want it to smoke, you don't even have to wet your fingertips if it's modern stearine candles, might sting if it's old fashioned tallow candles but not burn.
anyhow, that's not melting a lighter's plastic

>> No.15135724

ok I have a suggestion leading on from this idea if OP is truly uninterested in any of these outside of others perception. This will only work if you have a place you regularly visit. Buy or borrow interesting/intellectual books and read a summary online, then pretend to read them when you're out, and change book every few days. People with think you have slightly unconventional interests and are smart enough to read real quick.

>> No.15135798

I'm not sure that these have any cool factor at all, and I also fear that this will make me look like a child predator. Is that your intent? Is this /fa/'s equivalent of "how to make crystals"?
Potentially not an outright terrible idea if I had some talent in drawing, which I don't, but I also don't really see what's cool about it
>The Hobbit
If I had to carry recognizable literature around, it would be Gibson, not Tolkien.
>intellectual books
I'm not (yet) quite that pretentious, believe it or not. My previous comment on pretending to be a mystic was my getting carried away with a fantasy more than describing something I actually think I would do (although I'm also kind of inclined toward mysticism anyway, so it made sense).

>> No.15135808
File: 90 KB, 1200x654, sdasdasd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15135851

>Trying to go the Tarot route
Don't. You'll screw up and look like a larping tryhard. Once more, KISS, stick with regular cards with aesthetically pleasing designs.

>> No.15136150

How does one "screw up" Tarot? Isn't it just bullshitting?

>> No.15136182

digital watches, firstly associated with terrorism among non-nerds

>> No.15136388

Yes, but like most forms of bullshitting it has to be convincing within context, which is pretty hard to get right

>> No.15136550
File: 212 KB, 640x480, malahit-dsp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can imagine nothing cooler than pulling out your portable Software-defined radio (SDR) and tinkering at it (cause you'll have to do that a lot). needs to be paired with an equally effay pair of headphones

>> No.15136559

That thread was a ride. I started reading thinking OP was a huge faggot but with every post of his I got more and more convinced that he is not only incredibly honest but also very similar to myself. I now appreciate this thread and officially declare OP one of the if not he best OPs I've seen recently. He still is around and answers most ideas with absolute honesty, different from most of the 12 year olds who claim stupid shit because they don't realize it has no point to lie on the mongolian undertaker forum

>> No.15136566

I like the book idea since I read most of the time when I am waiting somewhere but I use an eReader because I can't afford buying many books and I love it besides its looks. Nobody sees what I am reading and that honestly sucks. Any ideas frens?

>> No.15136579

Can they even be used for smoking?

>> No.15136590


>> No.15136661

What is some classy chewing gum I can use?

>> No.15136685

Oh fuck I know what’s good for OP.

Get a pocket flashlight that’s more useful/powerful than a phone’s flashlight. I stumble around in the dark searching for things a lot because my phone’s camera light is so shit.

>> No.15136817

>chewing gum
pick one kid

>> No.15136937
File: 48 KB, 488x488, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>digital watch
I'm already ahead of you on that. I wear pic related with a gray NATO strap and the branding sanded off as if I were Cayce Pollard. I honestly have a disdain for analog watches, as they almost always seem horribly ugly to me and I don't see why you wouldn't want a digital display for ease of reading and the extra features.
>software-defined radio
I do, in fact, like SDR and think it's cool (or at least could be cool). While I think it's a bit complicated for what I had in mind, I may start carrying one around anyway just to listen in on whatever there is to hear.
I appreciate your saying these things. Good vibrations
The problem here is that you would be using it in the darkness, which kind of defeats the purpose of being a visually-interesting device. Still, it sounds practical, if nothing else.

>> No.15136972
File: 13 KB, 570x445, mate cup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Might work if everyone and their mother hadn't seen The Dark Knight by now
how about a ring?

>> No.15136975

pic unrelated lel

>> No.15136983

You guys seem to know more about that shit than I do. What's a portable sdr? Can you recommend one? I own a rtlsdr and have seen the hackrf before but had no idea there are also ones that are used like ham radios. Would love to one a proper one tph

>> No.15136985

Yeah OP is no more a faggot than any of us, he's just bold enough to not hide it.

>> No.15137058

Absolutely based OP. I don't have any recommendations, but this was a good thread. Keep it up man

>> No.15137172

I don't usually see people playing with rings, but I guess it's the same idea as a coin. It doubles as an ordinary accessory, too. Yes, I'd say that would be better than a coin.
>question about sdr
I don't really know anything about the portable version, either.
Well, my popularity is suddenly reversing. Good vibrations, /fa/

>> No.15137341

Right, and well said

>> No.15137349

OP knows he's not cool, but he's trying to take a step in that direction. That's laudable.

>> No.15137357



>> No.15137457
File: 17 KB, 225x225, bouncey balll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you dont care that people think you are autistic, I recommend a bouncy ball. To pull out a bouncy ball like this and skillfully bounce and catch it as an idle activity. Just make sure you are bouncing it on a surface that doesn't make a lot of noise when the ball hits it.

>> No.15137672


>> No.15137801

What are toothpick cases

>> No.15137829

lmao based

>> No.15138120

>he isnt yo-yoing at all times when outside
never gonna make it

>> No.15138470

oof please delete this. summer was amazing and now i hate myself again

>> No.15138480

>rubiks cube

>> No.15138664

This just proves that you are a tryhard wannabe smartass autist who loves the gang bang theory because it contains """science""" jokes ( lol I have no idea what he is talking about but I can feel smart if I laugh)

>> No.15138847

But anon the big bang theory *was* funny

>> No.15138886

t. Jamal who has never been able to buy a gun because he's been a felon since 15 and had to settle for the first gun he found in an unlocked car
OP if you want to get a gun to look cool, get a Ruger LCR in .327, it seems on your autism level.

>> No.15139373

>bouncy ball
>Rubik's cube
Look, let's just assume I'm not interested in the "kiddie" aesthetic.
>toothpick cases, again
Maybe I should just change this thread to "w2c nice toothpick cases?" It seems to be the most appropriate suggestion thus far.

>> No.15139446

I obviously dont know you anon but from what I read I think I can say with confidence that you are one of the most insufferable boring piece of shit I have ever had the misfortune to get in contact with. I hope someday you eventually grow up and get a personality, you cant really do fashion without one.

>> No.15139469

Tell me more about what you think you can say about me. It should be interesting, whether you're wrong or right. I find it intriguing that you include so many qualifiers ("I think" and "I obviously don't know you") yet still feel confident enough to post. Also, what are you hoping to accomplish by saying this? Do you want me to feel pain? Are you legitimately urging me to change? Are you just following a whim to express your feelings? I want to understand it. Maybe think up a suggestion, too, or else I will have to call you "creatively bankrupt," as is the tradition.

>> No.15139643

>I hope someday you eventually grow up and get a personality, you cant really do fashion without one.
Fashion in and of itself is a combination of aesthetically pleasing clothes and a sort of proto-personality created by the stuff you wear. It's the first impression before the first impression if you will and implying you have to be some renaissance man to dress good is an idea for professional retards.

>> No.15139653

Mints. Get an interesting looking tin as well. Most use people use them to cover up smokers breath but also stops bad breath from ruining a conversation.

>> No.15139656

Just don’t smoke regularly. Your lungs can repair themselves over time and it takes like 2 weeks to get hooked on nicotine.

>> No.15139667

The clothes dont create the bits of "personality", its already there. Clothes only highlight certain aspects of you and hide others, the highlighted parts together create the aesthetic. Also, without a personality how could you decide what you want to communicate about yourself?

>> No.15139822
File: 834 KB, 220x313, AA5EC7BE-D324-4377-8AC6-EFACFB65A128.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AirPods have become an obscene neolib replacement for the act of smoking, I see tech faggots mimicking (subconsciously) the way you reach into your pocket and shuffle around for a pack than bend your neck down to put it in your mouth, than pulling the phone out for music replaces the light.

>> No.15140049

Based Terry, the schizo who was superior to 99.9% of the population in every way.

>> No.15140069

>just smoke
I'm not a wacko, Big Tobacco?

>> No.15140113
File: 186 KB, 1500x1500, 91lY0cvfkbL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emery board! Filing nails is cathartic af, make you look nonchalant and is ritualistic. Gentleman's hardware pocket tool has one built in, only way to make it less 'faggy'

>> No.15140356
File: 926 KB, 2420x3246, 095_1974_01-66-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meditation balls, rolling your own cigarettes consisting of ancient herbs (eg. sacred blue lotus, pure tobacco, high cbd 0% thc marijuana), one of the infinite styles of pipes for the aforementioned, scrying mirror, crystal ball/obsidian ball, a bodhi seed mala while chanting mantras (eg. gayatri mantra), memento mori (a reminder of your inevitable death as a stoic meditative practice), drawing or doing magickal acts (eg. sigils) in a nice leather notebook, get a small Familiar pet (eg. ferret, dog, mouse), geiger counter, EMF/RF detector (muh 5g, useful for identifying contaminated areas in your house too), continuous glucose monitor/diabetic strip tester, chlorine/fluoride filtering water bottle, essential oil/colloidal silver atomizer

Also, you're a faggot, but I have pity on you as you are cursed with autism. Please consider taking high doses of Omega-3 EPA & DHA, as well as maintaining a diet absent of processed/refined carbohydrates. Godspeed.

>> No.15140729

how can i decalcify my pineal gland?

>> No.15141025

>continuous glucose monitor/diabetic strip tester
Nice, I always wanted one of those.
But the food advice is actually good, not just for autists

>> No.15141115

a pen could work, maybe an ink pen or just a ballpoint, just take it out and casually twirl it in your fingers. Or some chinese balls. yea

>> No.15141190
File: 131 KB, 500x333, 54c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Or some chinese balls

>> No.15141236

The calcification of the pineal gland is a multifaceted issue. It is mostly connected to a lack of proper light and sleep hygeine, as well as consumption of certain minerals in excess that can cause what is known as "Corpora arenacea", or brain sand. TL;DR DO NOT expose yourself to light after sundown, expose yourself to light every morning for 15-30 minutes, meditate at least once per day, and start learning yoga asanas (very carefully). All of these have been proven to increase melatonin production upon sleeping eg. stimulates the pineal gland.

I know, right? A Dexcom CGM is literally a grail of mine. Hoping to get one if this crisis blows over.

>> No.15142416
File: 251 KB, 500x281, source.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun thread, bumping

>> No.15142461

easy. train a small sleepy animal to live in your pocket. take him out to walk shit and eat every once and a while.

>> No.15142497

these are actually pretty good

>> No.15142924

started lionsmane tea today, does it actually work??

im taking 3x recommended fish oil dose with fats, avocado or cashews/almonds, Nordic naturals while I wait for n pure to get back in stock

>> No.15142932
File: 101 KB, 900x854, eb8e4adb16a70085dff518769891278a262af5f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meditate within your memory palace

>> No.15142937

Fuck, somehow it had never crossed my mind that I may be going through these kind of cycles. I think I need medication...

>> No.15142950

get a sharpie or paint pen and do graffiti

>> No.15142971

First of all: lighters aren't just for smoking. However, it sounds like you want something you can casually pull out and look cool. Books are kino for this shit. You can even write in them, especially if its got some kind of cool cover. Doesn't even have to be an actual journal, just pull out your nearest copy of Shakespeare and start doodling on the page, absolutely Chad.

Non-BS answer:
Get a decent, but not expensive looking, watch. Something classic but not "chop a dude's hand off for some monies" look. Every now and again take a glance at it.

>> No.15142975

pocket bible or some other religious text

>> No.15143149

More like meditation, stoic mediation

>> No.15143498


>> No.15143594

This right here. If you want to carry a lighter, just carry a lighter. There are tons of uses for it (camping, leatherworking, incense etc.) and it allows you to be social when someone needs a lighter.

>> No.15143753

>camping, leatherworking, incense
I agree with you but those examples aren't something I do every day

>> No.15143757

Why not?

>> No.15143759

>pure tobacco
Does someone know w2c this in Germany?

>> No.15143800

>>Get a decent, but not expensive looking, watch. Something classic but not "chop a dude's hand off for some monies" look
Like what?

>> No.15143806
File: 623 KB, 2500x1959, nw8rlr2lbrez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This depends entirely on taste. Do you want something big or small? Sporty or dressy? Modern or vintage? What color dial would you like? But most importantly what's your budget?

>> No.15143835

if you have to surround a watch with literal dirt to make it look good then it's not a good watch.

>> No.15143966

>What is some classy chewing gum I can use?
Geez how autistic can you be just use the one that tastes good to you

>> No.15143991

You already said the conditions in this quoted part:
>>Get a decent, but not expensive looking, watch. Something classic but not "chop a dude's hand off for some monies" look
Tell me a watch that satisfies those conditions.

>> No.15144002
File: 84 KB, 639x848, Ovo vegetarian diet 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, Lion's Mane does work. If you want to see exactly what is "working", check the link below:
Fish Oil is great, truly essential. Just make sure that your almonds are soaked for ~12h-overnight to mitigate most of the anti-nutrients. Further, analyze your diet using Cronometer to determine how much Omega 6 you are consuming, as almonds very quickly add up and can lead to an imbalance.(https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/optimize-omega-6-omega-3-ratio).).

>> No.15144185

Anon I cannot express how retarded your post is.

>just tell me what to buy!
Buddy you really have to establish what you like or what you're willing to spend, your watch is a reflection of who you are. If you're not going to give me anything to work with I'm just going to suggest an Oyster Perpetual.

>> No.15144197

>>Buddy you really have to establish what you like or what you're willing to spend
I like decent, but not expensive looking watches. Something classic, but not "chop a dude's hand off for some monies" look.
>Oyster Perpetual
A Rolex satisfies all those in your opinion?

>> No.15144251
File: 112 KB, 1300x866, 88903372-fingers-of-hand-skate-on-toy-skateboard-against-green-sunny-background-concept-of-youth-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pulled out of pocket like a lighter
>makes noise when used like a lighter
>can do skill-based flips like the lighter
>it is the symbol of an entire subculture, like the lighter
Go for it my man. Search for "designer fingerboards"

>> No.15144363

>when used like a lighter
top kek

>> No.15144597

Yeah, a Rolex OP is a classic respectable entry-level luxury watch that you could wear every day and in every adventure then pass it down to your kids. Now just pick your favorite size and color.

>> No.15145463

lmao are donald junior

>> No.15145518


>> No.15145534
File: 72 KB, 600x580, yyyyyyyyyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get a moleskine and make it your quirky diary. Women and artsy types love that shit and you don't come off as a psycho unlike carrying a knife would

>> No.15145539
File: 99 KB, 1500x1500, Q1362520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one is pretty good

>> No.15145585

mop marker for tagging

I carry a 4-colour bic pen, and keep a pile of bunched up newspaper cryptic crosswords in my bag to pull out in cafes

>> No.15145597

where do i buy this

>> No.15145799

one of those spinny butterfly knives

>> No.15145852

>quirky diary
Just write down a to do list or some thoughts or sketch the big tiddy goth girl besides you so you can remember her at home

>> No.15145854

go back to where you came from

>> No.15145856

>avocado or cashews/almonds
can I eat pecans instead of those? prefer the taste of them

>> No.15145860

>reach into your [pants ]pocket
>he doesn't put his cigs in his shirt's chest pocket

>> No.15146062

>laying words into his mouth so you finally have a reason to be angry about something

>> No.15146301

B u m p

>> No.15146437
File: 221 KB, 1018x863, lll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again, I recommend Cronometer. See attached the nutrient comparison between 50g of Pecans and Almonds.

>> No.15146655

Pull out a slimjim and munch on it

>> No.15146905

OP is probably the gayest person on all of 4chan desu

>> No.15146930

You can smoke crack if you don't like tobacco

>> No.15148350


>> No.15148375

Shout out every five minutes
>Golly gee war and peace is such a fascinating read.

>> No.15148423

Good idea, I'll just ask everyone near me
>Have you already read the Unabomber manifesto?

>> No.15148493

Get some secondhand analogue watch like a Seiko or something. Not that expensive but still look nice.

>> No.15148566

Wait, how many people are doing this these days? I am, but a random /fa/ poster shouldn't know about that.

>> No.15148655

What, asking everyone about it or reading the book?
The first answer is nobody except (you) the second is every other 4chan shitposter

>> No.15148677

Because ted is fucking based

>> No.15148711
File: 46 KB, 1000x750, knife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>15114957 Old thread hit bump limit edititon
Post what are essentially figet tools that look cool as a kind of substitute to fags and a lighter.

>> No.15148732

I am fucking retarded I wanted to post this as a new thread >>15148731

>> No.15149374

My cousin got me deep into these. They are great at the bar for fucking around and people like them.

>> No.15149424

Dude go to the new thread