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File: 156 KB, 1000x763, tats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15141202 No.15141202 [Reply] [Original]

I don't think I've ever seen a tattoo that isn't cringy as hell and makes the person look like a tryhard.

>> No.15141211

Tattoos are just a sign of being lower class

>> No.15141217
File: 146 KB, 1200x1086, CzH4qvgUQAAFIfm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

polynesian tattoos are pretty based
not the ones that are exclusively on the upper arm/chest though

>> No.15141219

oh yeah a permanent black diaper is based af.


>> No.15141222

I think tattoos that are "earned" and would make you get in real trouble if you can't prove you earned them aren't cringe. Like prison tats, veteran tats, sailor tats.

>> No.15141223

hi daniel
how much internet time do they let you have?

>> No.15141225

All for lower class retards

>> No.15141228

Mommy said she'd kick you out if you made one?

>> No.15141230


>> No.15141252

Tattoos used to be a symbol of rebels and renegades, now they’re for sheeple wannabes and phonies

>> No.15141256

every prostitute i ever fucked had a tattoo.

>> No.15141270

beautiful pair of New Rock shoes wasted on a fucking degenerate whore.
I feel sick.

>> No.15141304

>Wearing New Rock
>Not being a degenerate whore or a faggot
choose one and only one

>> No.15141414

Royals get tattoos all the time lmao

>> No.15141416

Of course you have to pay for it

>> No.15141486

you pay for sex one way or another, who cares

>> No.15141607

symmetrical tattoos placed tastefully (i.e. well hidden by normal clothes, on the shoulder and torso but not lower) are aesthetic on men, polynesian ink included
tattooed women invariably look like whores

>> No.15141653

Based. But desu tattoos are sign of low intelligence and poor decision making and absolutely zero thought about the future.

>> No.15141654

true but normies hate to hear it

>> No.15141659

I agree. Tattoos rarely look good on women. In men, even if they look shit aesthetically they still arguably demonstrate certain positive sexual characteristics but in women they do the exact opposite.

>> No.15141665
File: 102 KB, 720x960, PcZy8rR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tattoos are a sign of low IQ.

It's for unidimensional people, like
>"huuur i'm a football fan, look my ball tattoo"
>"huuur i'm an artist you know, look my Hendrix tattoo"
and shit like this.

They are literally a sign of low IQ. Downers get them as well.

>> No.15141670

Something being a sign of lower IQ doesn't mean that everyone with a tattoo is low IQ. Ironically, if you weren't such a low IQ brainlet you would understand that simple logic.

>> No.15141672

Someone with an IQ higher than 115, a multidimensional person (someone who has multiple hobbies and doesn't define his whole personality with one stupid drawing), would never get a tattoo.

>> No.15141691

my gf has a fearsome pigeon tattooed on her somach except it was supposed to be an eagel
desu bad tattoos don't actually have all that much impact
this is such a strange thing to say

>> No.15141692

ok but tatoos are considered artsy and trendy nowadays which is why they're common among the upper middle class

>> No.15141695

it must be a fun to imagine what it's like to not be a brainlet

>> No.15141704

It must be a fun indeed (?).

>> No.15141720


>> No.15141745

I'm not the one stuck with a shitty tattoo for the rest of my life, lol.

Everytime you look at yourself in a mirror, you have a reminder of how retarded you are, lol.

Enjoy being shit.

>> No.15141754

no one uses tattoos to define their personality

>> No.15141760

I only pay for a few drinks and I get to fuck her again in the morning. After that I can pretty much just call her up any time I want.

>> No.15141778

>higher than 115
Always makes me laugh when someone says 'anyone with an IQ higher than _____'. Nothing could more effectively reveal that person's actual IQ. 115 isn't high at all.

I get it. You don't have a visual reminder so you post stupid shit online to get other people to remind you how retarded you are for you. That's probably one of the very few clever things you actually do, although I doubt you meant to do it on purpose.

>> No.15141788

nice reddit spacing

>> No.15141792

>le reddit comeback

keep seething

>> No.15141807

we've got a rick & morty watcher over here

>> No.15141813

That's just what every single person thinks but don't tell you when they see your cringy tattoos.

>Wow that's a good looking tattoo anon! You're so unique! No, no, it doesnt look like all the other hipster garbage i see on instagram... Yours is special, anon, you're a "special" person.

>> No.15141817

whats her name i love her

>> No.15141841

lol seethe harder. You might find this difficult to accept but the vast majority of people don't give a shit and the only people who do are seething incels who clearly have mental issues. Try to be honest for a second, because you're seething online about people just doing something they enjoy and for some reason that seriously upsets you. You would argue that people with tattoos are mentally ill, but let's be real... you're the one that's more psychologically unwell and that's obvious. I've met loads of people who think they're too smart for tattoos who are clearly just narcissistic losers hating the idea that people are doing things to enjoy themselves that don't concern the loser in question. The idea of someone actually marking themselves out as different physically makes you furious because you think it should be you who is seen as unique and different, even though you aren't.

Even if I'm only 20% right (which I must be at the very least), that should be enough to get you to reconsider your life and definitely enough to make you fuck off.

>> No.15141854
File: 60 KB, 699x485, 1585444841432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see tattoo thread
>type tattoo = low iq
>paragraphs telling me I'm seething
Simple as

>> No.15141855

Nice blog, didn't read it.
Seems like you're trying to defend bad life decisions, kek.

>> No.15141864

>best posts is a fropgpost

>> No.15141879

thats what i do to girls with tattoos.
fucking is their only purpose.
they are shit tier mothers.

>> No.15141926

Tattoo threads on this dogshit board are so consistently the exact same that you could pick any random one out of the archive and paste its replies as responses to random posts in the latest thread without anybody noticing

>> No.15141957

No theyre not. When you get a tattoo it immedeatly discredits you from being upper class

>> No.15141967

Idk about upper class because who tf cares about let alone is part of the upper class, but in the upper middle class it very much is an artsy trendy thing so long as the tattoos are tasteful
t. upper middle classlet

>> No.15141969

fact check: false

>> No.15142010
File: 102 KB, 853x1069, Screenshot_20200412-152038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her new tattoo

>> No.15142123

So does not being born in the upper class
You are not Don Draper, faggot

>> No.15142144

>Rich kids born into money aren't vapid retards that regularly make dumb decisions
This is clearly just a fantasy you play out in your head

>> No.15142145


>> No.15142147

nobody cares what the nouveau riche do. nobody on the social register has a tattoo.

>> No.15142170
File: 102 KB, 600x918, iQwtS88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is King Frederick IX of Denmark.
King George V also collected sick ink while he was Duke of York.
I'm not aware of any shirtless photos of the Prince of Wales, but he regularly stops people with tattoos so he can get a look at them and hear the story behind them.

Which social register are you talking about, exactly?

>> No.15142176
File: 448 KB, 705x332, 1584744285540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The staggering majority of people have tattoos, and a majority of those people have uninspired abysmal and soulless tattoos. It makes me physically sick thinking about how pointless and hollow they are. 99% of the time theyr'e a waste of skin. There's nothing inherently special about them anymore, and not having a single tattoo is frankly more of a statement. Get a fucking brand or scarification at this point. Anything to stand out among the hordes of vapid losers who don't possess any originality and just regurgitate what everyone else is doing

>> No.15142185

Clearly raped by uncle and sexualized as a child.

>> No.15142190

>The staggering majority of people have tattoos
Only about 30% of people

>> No.15142246

>115 isn’t high at all
Yeah, that’s the point. I don’t necessarily agree with the other poster but the whole premise of his argument is that people who get tattoos are unintelligent. The maximum IQ in his mind for someone who gets a tattoo would have to be quite low, which is why he picked 115. If you didn’t get that you might be retarded.

>> No.15142370

Tattoos are degenerate

>> No.15142582

The social register stopped containing upstanding model citizens over a century ago, and even if it was, they don't let LARPing retards in. Why would you base your life decisions on the lifestyles of the rich and famous, as if they're more virtuous than the rest of us? They aren't.

>> No.15142583

If you are lower class the percentage is bigger.

>> No.15142610

you know these guys are also pedophiles right?

>> No.15142614

Well are the rich pedophile upper crust too classy for tattoos or no? Make up your mind already.

>> No.15142616


>> No.15142640

Woah boys! Watch out, we got a 115er in here. he might destroy us with his raw intellect.


>> No.15142671

wow, out of all the countless royals in european history you can name two with tattoos and one with a passing interest in them. sure showed me.

>> No.15142696

You've got it the wrong way around. You said "nobody on the social register has tattoos"
That is photographic evidence of a king with tattoos. You have been proven wrong and now you need to specify a "social register" that excludes both nouveaux riche and royalty.

>> No.15142707

Anyone else fucking irritated by all these feminists and edemame bois who turn consent into some weird fetish shit? They THINK they're making some weird anti-rape comment on society, except they're making the idea of non-consent seem like an option... Which it isnt.
Its like making a huge deal about how you'll ONLY have sex with people over the age of consent... Well yeah, id hope so, or else you're a fucking pedophile! You dont NEED to make a sign for that, we're all in agreement, pedophilia is wrong.. Same with rape.

Fuck, remember when people were actually rallying and protesting about shit that actually mattered?

>> No.15142717

>a "social register" that excludes both nouveaux riche and royalty
the american one, duh

>> No.15142719

But that is entirely new money.

>> No.15142797

I started covering my body with trash tattoos and literal doodles 2 years ago. I do it for the keks and memes. I find retarded when people ask "ohh what does that one mean??".
It's just black stains on your body, it's meant to look cool and so it does,

>> No.15142817

115 is that sweet spot where you think you're smart but you're actually a retard

>> No.15142828


>> No.15142892

spoken like a true nepotistic liberal faggot

>> No.15142900
File: 27 KB, 422x727, 1586351943641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15142920

america had landed gentry too dude

>> No.15142929

Based, let them fucking seethe.

>> No.15142934

tattoos only look good on people who are already attractive. I don't think I've seen a person who's attractiveness would have been enhanced by a tattoo

>> No.15142955

Same goes for literally all fashion

>> No.15143016
File: 124 KB, 488x265, thin wrist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15143058

Somewhere about 80% of young adults in the us have tattoos. True that's not a majority across the board but it's still big

>> No.15143082

>he regularly stops people with tattoos so he can get a look at them and hear the story behind them.

I don't believe that. I mean not today. Can you imagine the stories he would hear in 2020?
>ummm i was out with my mates and we decided to get a tattoo and i saw this one on the wall in the shop and it just means so much to me
>ummm well there's this cartoon Rick and Morty and it means so much to me so i had this idea for a tattoo where rick is having his dick sucked by a dragon and it means so much to me
>ummm so there's this girl on instagram with a tattoo like this and it means so much to me

>> No.15143083

Only 40% of people 18-34 have a tattoo

>> No.15143088

Hahahahaha! N1

>> No.15143090

Rare sonichu spotted!

>> No.15143169

what do you mean >zero thought about the future.

all our future is the same, six feet down

>> No.15143192

HAHA ha, ha. I know this stupid private that wasted his 5k enlistment bonus for shitty tattoos. That’s what all he talks about. Rolls up his sleeve every chance he gets to show off. Fast forward a year later he still doesn’t have a car.

First week he gets to my unit:
>”hey bro, can you take me to a tattoo shop?”
>every tattoo shop closed
>”bro, that tattoo shop still has lights on!”
>we rush there to find the owner about to close up and leave
>”hey bro, you think you can tat me up?”
>nah man, we’re about to close
>”what if I pay you extra?!?!”
>...ok... what kind of tattoo do you have in mind?
>uhh.... idk? Something patriotic
>well how about an eagle?
>HELL YEAH! But I want him to be holding something. Anon, what do you think?
>well, since you’re a mechanic. The eagle should hold a wrench.
>2 hours pass
>how much did you pay him?
>900 bucks bro, plus I gave him a 200 dollar tip!
For a five. Inch. Tattoo.

This guy is a fucking tool. Pathological liar, lazy mechanic and everyone hates him. Though I’d feel bad if he commits suicide.

So yeah, just wanted to tell that story

>> No.15143204

>they were both sailors
>king frederick was 6'6
>ywn be a royal chad at the height of european power hanging out with your bros and getting tattoos from japanese artists

>> No.15143233


>> No.15143376

Wrench eagle sounds pretty based

>> No.15143396

That was the point, retards.

>> No.15143403

It's more than that.

Even if it's just half of that age class, do you think it's the good half, or the meth/whores/prisoners/hipster/AIDS half?

>> No.15143464
File: 656 KB, 2048x1536, 1555749729632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This post is poorfag cope
Maybe in 1960s, nowdays its a sign of being upper middle class/rich, because it shows you can afford to be an artist, move in art circles in an expensive rent big city neighbourhoods instead of wagecucking in a suit for 12 hrs a day and driving to your little burb for extra 2 hours where you lie down in your bed and looks at #class IG posts until you fall asleep

>> No.15143470

bobo detected.
irl the world is filled with poorfags spending their dole on tattoos. i'm not saying the people you described don't exist: just that tattoos are common at all levels so you'd be dumb to think someone is rich because they have them.

>> No.15143474
File: 11 KB, 288x512, 1557899414187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poor people are obsessed with status and looking like they are of higher status, so they look at 1950s standards of what being of higher status is, like dressing too formal, getting nigger fades, getting cars they cannot afford and clothing thats way too expensive, in their mind, which is based of 1950s west europe tattoo is something poor dock workers that beat their wives and dont go to church get. They are also very connected to their boomer ancestors who also dont like tattoos. Only poor people that come to mind that get tattoos are honda civic owners that get disgusting neotrad tattoos. All and all, you can pretty accurately guess how wealthy a person is by looking if they have a tattoo and what style it is.
Now go buy youself a car so you can drive to your burb you smelly wagie while I make art all day and fuck arthoes all night

>> No.15143481

yeah that's why i called you a bobo: you've got no fucking idea what poor people are actually like.

>> No.15143485

You can only see the whole valley when you are high on the mountain you stupid nigger

>> No.15143487

You're a legit retard.

Tattoos are not the sign that you're an artist, it's the sign that you're a canvas (or a public bathroom wall most of the time, because that's the kind of canvas a majority of tattoo "artists" would use if you were not there).

>> No.15143490

what if you are tat-raped (held down and scribbled upon with a tattoo gun)

>> No.15143491

bro, your claim is that poor people don't get tattoos. this is getting into territory where i have to wonder if you're delusional rather than ignorant.
poor people get tattoos, rich people get tattoos, middle-class people get tattoos.
everyone gets them.

>> No.15143656
File: 26 KB, 625x423, 2pi1lk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keep seething
>Is unironically seething over what people do with their skin

>> No.15143870

Why is her ass square

>> No.15143871
File: 90 KB, 700x595, 1586225799479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice reddit spacing and name calling, yeah tattoos are a sign you atleast wanna try to change your default skin, but would not expect anything else from a plain wagecuck, I bet you dont even have a hobby and are finding this lockdown super tough
Yeah I admit that I was wrong on that point, but poor people get tats for poor people (realism, new skool, trash polka) while middle class and rich people usually get traditional or those "avant-garde" "ignorant" tattoos

>> No.15143875

fucking classic stitch up

>> No.15143884

I'm in Ivy, soon to finish and get hired in 5 figure job before reaching 6 at 21. No tattoos yet all my dead end acquintances are loaded with them. You have legit never left your house you neo yuppie, silicon valley cock guzzler

>> No.15143892

Do you have one that says "I'm only pretending to be retarded"?

>> No.15143910
File: 83 KB, 675x1200, 1585491646515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having to lie on the internet and still saying you are a soulless wagecuck that will probably kill himself when at the age of 40
Get the fuck out of here hahahahh

>> No.15143945

2nd and 4th guy on the top row are better than everyone else. But the first and 3rd guys on the top are worse than everyone else.

>> No.15143957

Your "upper class" LARP is not very covincing, you pathetic brainlet.

>> No.15143994

I'm not Igor you dipshit

>> No.15143997

Hahaha, ok ok

>> No.15144014
File: 175 KB, 863x653, not_bald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have something Igor will never have

>> No.15144019

Yes, the inner struggle to be validated by an anonymous hentai chat.

>> No.15144028

Hey, at least I'm not Igor

>> No.15144113


>Telling people they have low IQ
>Posting ''Huuuur''

>> No.15144114


>> No.15144116


>incel cope

>> No.15144137

Once you are over 30 tattoos make you look fucking stupid. that's what I meant

>> No.15144154

I'm not talking about the nouveau riche you tard

>> No.15144253


If tattoos are retarded why do I have my own name tattooed on my leg? Explain that retard.
On my other leg i have a foot with a broken toe that says broke my toe, why'd I get it? Cause I broke my toe faggot. I have one that just says "cool shit" because I tattooed some fockin broad and I told her to give me one and when she asked what I wanted I said I don't know just some cool shit. Haha whos retarded now.

>> No.15144256

I don't even have tattoos but there's nothing funnier than the seemingly limitless anger that they produce on this board among people who apparently think that trying to base all their decisions on their imaginary fantasies of what a Roosevelt or Kennedy would do will make them successful by proxy

>> No.15144277

I always ask myself what Stalin would do.

>> No.15144327

oh my god i dated her

>> No.15144336


>> No.15144362

idk they used she/her pronouns when i did date her but i havent seen her since high school

>> No.15144875

yes because the upper middle class is incapable of creating its own culture. Long gone are the days where the aristocratic soul dictated the way of life, now it has been foolishly placed in the hands of the unworthy and debauched, a pale imitation of the original drive to not just exist, but exist well.

>> No.15144878

Did she have daddy problems?

>> No.15144886

she is clearly well put together anon

>> No.15144897

I used to hate tattoos but now I think they're based because of how much they trigger newfags

>> No.15144900

seething plebs are absolutely delightful

>> No.15145018

It took you narcissists a while to work this one out. I guess now you can look as retarded as you want and if people point out you have shit taste:

>> No.15145024

military is great for making connections, padding your resume as a future public servant

i normally have no respect for politicians who haven't served in the military

>> No.15145074

Anon I'm conservative and we need retards to fight and protect our country. Do you honestly think we want to send out best to the front lines when economically we benefit more from keeping them here on our soil innovating and driving business? Everyone has their place and retards are at least useful in their own ways. Even the libs agree.

>> No.15145077

lol no hope for you, get ur tats and stay jobless/loveless

>> No.15145093

undermining subhuman saboteur detected

>> No.15145151

>guy in tank top
>better than everyone else

What did he mean by this

>> No.15145167

ya lots of brilliant minds out there on today's front lines, not just bored aimless amoral burnouts or poor minorities

>> No.15145437 [DELETED] 

Why didn't you do one of her Sonichu tattoo?

>> No.15145490

ah yes everyone in the military is in the infantry and we're at a constant state of conflict

>> No.15145801

What? Shitskin genes?
>these are the people I argue with

>> No.15145804

A poor white dude is more worth than you ever will be

>> No.15145809

yeah f r i e n d o you are turbocoping

>> No.15145814

evola was a faggot and you are a nigger

>> No.15145837


>> No.15145842


Can confirm this.

>> No.15146078
File: 36 KB, 500x611, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry anon but literal kings get tattoos

>> No.15146089

Stalin used to rob trains I'm sure he's used to hanging around guys with tattoos

>> No.15146158
File: 69 KB, 474x595, 3C8B250A-D07D-4B44-B2F2-093DD1EF792B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you get a tattoo and think "this is cool!" or "im going to get a tatoo for my mother that just passed (id say a healthy coping mechanism)" and some retard says
dont listen
if youre a liberal arts chick that uses daddys money to get piercings and tattoos to "fit an image" or some douchebag trendy guy that gets faggy minimalist tattoos, die.
>pic related

>> No.15146233

>if you want to get tattoos, make sure they're like mine. I am the authority on tattoos. People who have tattoos that aren't like mine are stupid posers and hipsters. I am very insecure.

>> No.15146246

yes i said if you like a tattoo because its cool, thats fine. if you want to get a sleeve, thats fine. if you get tattoos for an image and not for self expression, you are a dipshit.

>> No.15146317

> a cross and the fucking chaos undivided

i don't know what to think about this

>> No.15146338
File: 317 KB, 1440x1706, l4lngp3cdcuy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wanna get this

>> No.15146343


>> No.15146346
File: 815 KB, 1200x1811, 1200px-Kuwana_-_The_sailor_Tokuso_and_the_sea_monster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also wanna get this on the other arm

>> No.15146357
File: 2 KB, 96x125, 1586728990202s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still wank to fuck the tramp in OPs pic.

>> No.15146360

>aimless amoral burnouts
hit me a little too close to home anon ngl kek

>> No.15146362

>this many quotes and phrases
>attached post is words words words

>> No.15146596

It’s true thou. When do you see a son of a high class family going to the army?

>> No.15146620

>but muh silicon valley billionaire
>but muh NY rich slut
americans are spiritually lower than proles

>> No.15146698 [DELETED] 
File: 154 KB, 586x890, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I/ll make it veeeery simple and clear: Kree Larson does not need a 40-year-old wypipo to tell her what didn/t work for him about her toe fungus—it wasn/t made for him
Women need men to see “Comrade Marvel” like a fish needs a bicycle
Thank you veeeery much

>Dhis Goose Dhe Pussycat Grabs Back

>> No.15146716

All tattoos are for lower class retards

>> No.15146718
File: 89 KB, 1078x1004, 20200412_011409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15146720

looks like a bad photoshop

>> No.15146725
File: 36 KB, 534x543, 1574945391109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd fuck it if it was male

>> No.15146728

I got my tattos starting working as tattoo artist myself and being super self-conscious, I regret them v much now after almost a year... I'm a female that is super fragile too, so it doesn't help looking like someone I'm not lmao, but I don't have money to laser them off so I'm living hating them being so stupid. Fml.

>> No.15146750
File: 534 KB, 552x714, woloquinho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got three tattoos, I drew them myself. I like all of them, never had any kind of regret. Pic related.

>> No.15146756

I also never had much male attention living isolated from the people ecause of inborn health issues since childhood, so not become not attractive to some crowd of males didn't bother me, thats sad cause maybe that would stop me.

>> No.15146757

>I'm a female that is super fragile too, so it doesn't help looking like someone I'm not
do they make you look like a slut or someone who wants to fight?

>> No.15146761

English isn't my first language so I made some typos being nervous.

>> No.15146770

They make me look like I'm trying to be trendy and am supersocial, but I got them just because I didn't care about something on my body, since no one sees me naked anyway and I just like tattooing. You also don't want to be an artist without any tattoos yourself, I guess.

>> No.15146773

>tatto artist

>> No.15146784

Looks good.

>> No.15146790

>Im so unoriginal I copy tattoos

>> No.15146929

Man... If that were my daughter I'd kill her.

>> No.15146939
File: 941 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200414-135755_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've long wanted this tattoo - the Sun de May, in the Uruguayan fashion.
It'd be highly significant to me: primarily as a symbol of my panhispanic believes, but also as a tribute to æsthetics that I so adore. Baroque in particular, which Carpentier famously penned is the art of the «caged sun» ; I was born an evening on June the Twetny-fourth, the day of the Incan New Year, Inti-Raymi. I pertain to an oldblood white family here in Latin America, and it's long been written into the our family's history that we descend from one of the hidalgos that helped Pizarro take down the Incanate (one of los Trece de la Fama). I also love saint Francis of Assisi's hymn to the sun, and Heredia's is just as grand.
Also Solaire was great in dark souls.
Would all this qualify for an indulgence in this tattoo? Does all this meaning justify the æsthetic to you? Is it even æsthetic?

>> No.15146950

>only 5 figures
lmao my school isn't even an ivy and the avg first year salary is 6 figures.

>> No.15146998

i like sleeves and motifs
don't understand why people go for "random shit thrown together" willingly

>> No.15147056

Yes, look at any one of the dingle berry 2LT's bumblefucking their way through OCS

>> No.15147118

Go for it man. If it make sense to you, then don't give a shit about what Billy has to say. Indulgence my ass be/do whatever you want. In reality, only these new age culture-less faggots born in USA talk shit about indulgence.

If you see someone not from your culture and this person is representing your culture in a good light, you will feel proud about that. Do you know how to make friends from a different background other than yours? Try to speak their language or do what they do and you will see how all of them will flock to you with curiosity.

>> No.15147183

Not in love with the placement but that's a cool design.

>> No.15147185


>tattoo lover
>posts shitbulls

like clockwork kek

>> No.15147187

I didn't even graduate high school and make six figures most years.

>> No.15147215

I dont like pitbulls, but I posted the picture because the thumbnail looks like the brown dog is killing the white dog

>> No.15147454

>lower class

Imagine being this retarded. The aristocracy and the military are tightly linked. If you're referring to the American military, I'll make things simple for you: everything American is built for lower class retards precisely because it's a nation of lower class retards.

>> No.15147457

All the time you absolute mong, they become officers.

>> No.15147464

These look like shittier versions of MC Rides tattoo's

>> No.15147486


God...that's disgusting. Imagine her body and what those tattoos will look like when she's 50.

>> No.15147491



All the most successful and high IQ people I know do not have tattoos.

>> No.15147509

>tattoo lover
>is an impulsive retard
checks out

>> No.15147514

i like how you said "if" as if you didn't know all along

>> No.15147525

very dumb

>> No.15147532
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>> No.15147752

I wonder how this guy feels about being made a meme. Didn't he originate from this board?

>> No.15148233


>> No.15148248

People ITT: >stop liking what I don't like!

>> No.15148468

Satanic symbols make ok tattoos but yeah most people have FILTHY tattoos

>> No.15148479

>navy separate from military
The real banter is hidden from civilian view

>> No.15148482

>middle class retard thinks hes better than the lower classes
middle classhood is the "you tried" sticker of society. it says you tried to climb the ladder and failed. the working class and the elites have a symbiotic relationship in any well ordered society, though each might have its gripes with the other ultimately they are sustained with the help of the other and together they can do great things. the middle class meanwhile are a perpetual thorn in any given society, never content with what they have and forever trying to push the table over in a tantrum because theyre not on top.

>> No.15148720

Ironic tattoos are even worse ahahah and the fact that you feel the need to explain each tattoo you have as if anyone asked or cares is amusing.

>> No.15148774
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>> No.15148787

silly anon, most middle class people squander their wealth. thats what makes them middle class.

>> No.15148791

The only effay move is getting tattoos on the bottom of your feet and never showing anybody. As they fade with time, get them redone.
When you die nobody will expect to see them. They'll go totally crazy, I tell ya!

>> No.15148801
File: 283 KB, 1200x630, yakuza-tattoo-meanings-featured.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're going to do a tattoo it has to be one continuous piece, not a bunch of random bullshit. It just looks like my little sister got into sticker drawer with her Barbie otherwise.

>> No.15148817

i have a rick and morty tattoo and my iq is 150

>> No.15148839

Tattoo on a women means they have a mashed up gaping prolapsed vag that they feed thier boyfriedn pies from regularly when it's there birthday and they deserve a dick with 7 inch girth destroying them because it's fun, and otherwise tattoo's look incoherent and pointless to me.

>> No.15149730
File: 47 KB, 500x500, artworks-000015570004-jw9utc-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this done as a stick n poke today

>> No.15150448
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>> No.15150449
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>> No.15150455
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>> No.15150459
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>> No.15150463
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>> No.15150467
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>> No.15150471
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>> No.15150727
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>> No.15150734


>> No.15150808

Post pic

>> No.15150891


Military is lower class

Upper level officer corp is the exception

>> No.15151829

>it makes me physically sick

Rent free.

>> No.15152078

Yes, higher than 115 doesn't mean anything except that you have just the level to be avove-the-average, thing you can use to dominate you know...
Then, above 130 you are gifted, above 140 you are a genius, above 150 you are a liar

>> No.15152412
File: 55 KB, 940x530, nico.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea tattoos r cringe, some look cool like these and goobies but getting tattoos of celebrities is even more cringe

>> No.15152417
File: 95 KB, 1200x675, full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tattoos r cringe

>> No.15152676

now that is unironic cope, hope the post you wrote made you feel better :)

>> No.15152684

My man.

Tattoos are generally for people too uninteresting for daily life and require something literally etched onto their skin to prove that they are something more. That they do more than simply exist.

For the average person, we can just talk and enjoy the world around us. For tattoo'd retards, this is simply impossible.

>> No.15152685

Sure, when they serve in the Queens Navy.

>> No.15152742

tattoo on female = "I am a whore" / damaged goods (especially if on the ankle)

tattoo on male = "My IQ is below 105"

>> No.15152898

Impressive use of full-length sentences, there, bucko.

>> No.15152902

All excellent.

>> No.15152913

I know it´s heresy
and so do you

>> No.15152927

Is it just me or would she be ridiculously tall if she'd stand up straight

>> No.15153255

grandpa get off 4chan

>> No.15153260

when the hell did (outfit that stands out, shows body, looks expensive) become more fashionable than (boring forgettable outfit your father wears)

>> No.15153263

imagine if emos in 2005 had their skinny jeans and haircuts permanently fixed to their bodies and in 2020 they're all boomers desperately trying to convince you they're still cool.
that is basically what tattoofags are. they can't just slip off the tattoos so they are in denial about the bubble bursting.

>> No.15153770

It's so obious that all the pro tattoo people are dumb yanks. In Europe, having a tattooo is an instant sign of a povvo retard

>> No.15153863
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>I want a tattoo but mom won't let me: The thread

>> No.15153873

Yeah! because it's subversive to get a tattoo, right! In 2020, right!

>> No.15153877

These middle-ages tattoo (or whatever they are called) are this generation's Tribals.

(prison tattoos being already considered like last generation mainstream shit)

>> No.15153886

>1990s: tribals
>early 2000s: dumb motto and asian shit
>mid 2000s muh traditional
>2010s: prison tattoos and getting a lot of small tattoos
>2020: medieval/crusader shit

If you have any of this shit, you're a fucking consoomer NPC and you should KYS.

>> No.15153904

They're based because they actually mean something.
OP's hatred of tattoos could probably be extended to what most people wear here.
Most people see people who actually *are* someone or something wearing certain clothes or having a certain look, and by magical thinking they confuse the clothes or the accessories or the haircut or whatever with *being* a certain way.
So what they end up doing is wearing a costume, and a costume that usually doesn't even make sense, instead of just wearing what's appropriate to their situation and what they like aesthetically/what expresses (largely unconsciously) how they are.
Fashion itself is, at some deep level, gay. As in, it can only be done well as camp and/or as a status signal.
Otherwise, best to stay away from it and just look the correct level of formal + good (according to your and the society's standards).
I'm not saying that to be mean.

>> No.15153909

>prison tattoos
Good lord why the FUCK would you get something that labels you as a con or makes you look like you have gang affiliations?
I saw a guy (who I think was from Britain) saying he was getting the vor stars on his shoulders. Fucking madness. If he gets seen with those in the wrong place it could be very unpleasant. And those people are in a lot of places.
Even if *they* don't see you, other people in that world will know what those mean. And possibly members of the public generally.

>> No.15153915

The Thai king also has (had?) tattoos.

>> No.15153917

Trying to stand out is as tryhard

>> No.15153918

this actually doesn't look half bad

>> No.15153996

your highschool bully joined the marines didnt he

>> No.15154130

lmao this dude has no calves

>> No.15154148

the upper and lower classes emulate one another

>> No.15154211

why didn't she tattoo her poop

>> No.15154224
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>> No.15154294


>> No.15154323

>incan new year significant to you
>also proud of ancestry that brought down incan empire

>> No.15154402

That is because the town or country you are from is a shithole. Go to one with taste.

>> No.15154423

based. tards seething.

>> No.15155008

upper middle class kids also get them, but people with tattoos always have low impulse control

>> No.15155099

I have a tattoo of a jail that I got in jail lol. It says 'fuck you' in Russian underneath, because a Russian guy drew it for me. It's life my friend, if you spend too long considering the benefits and consequences of everything you may miss it.

I'm a project manager for a medical device manufacturer (not setting the world on fire but I make a lot of money in comparison to most of my peers) now and wear a shirt every day, it's a non issue. One of the senior guys at a company we purchase bits off of has some kind of throat tattoo. Obviously ymmv but obviously some companies don't give a fuck.

>> No.15155119

>also solaire in dark souls
Thanks OP, top kek

>> No.15155127
File: 429 KB, 500x438, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Simpsons character is this?

>> No.15155914

How did you go from jail to make a lot of money being a project manager?

>> No.15155940

>someone with an IQ higher than 115
>a multidimensional person
>x person defines their personality by getting a tattoo

So jaded it's sad. Don't even have any tattoos myself, but surprised you care so much about it. Pathetic.

>> No.15155962
File: 170 KB, 804x494, t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have any tattoos but this is literally how I see these threads where you autists "debate" about people with tattoos. It's so bitch.

>> No.15155997

they look like shit outside scarce model tats that don't take away from your physique

>> No.15156005

>"I can't get a tattoo, Mr.Noseberg is gonna flip!"

>> No.15156006

>entire thread defending tattoos
>a total of 0 good examples


>> No.15156009

people are arguing morals when aesthetics don't lie
tattoos look like shit

>> No.15156017

i have one tat and it's a date below the inside of my elbow. small and i like it, it's an important date. probably not getting any others though desu

>> No.15156047

Your IQ is not 150.
Post proof or know that (you) look like an insufferable ass in front of the same people you thought you would impress or whatever you liars do.

>> No.15156079

this is nu/fa/: it's not about looking good or at least better it's about muh human right to look like shit and muh human right not to be told i look like shit.

>> No.15156304

The closest thing I have to a tattoo is that one time a cute girl stabbed my hand with a fountain pen in fourth grade. I still have that blue dot.
You could say she left a strong impression on me.

>> No.15156326

and thats supposed to be bad? would you rather die a docile tatooed retard in the lower class?

>> No.15156327

actually based, im awfully torn now of doing the same, i am castizo and i really like the idea of a panhispanic symbol. personally i think it is very aesthetic man, especially given that you seem to have rooted the symbol in a historic quality

>> No.15156341

>its so bitch
tattoos are considerd to be a good indicator of low social status to this day

>> No.15156363
File: 64 KB, 786x800, 1583110117964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lower class ,impulsive, low iq, more likely to be a drug user, more aggresive

>> No.15156368

My girlfriend said that she's the wrestler and the op pic is the blonde guy.

>> No.15156375

Literally fuck anyone that uses disabilities to justify their shitty opinions.

>> No.15156406

Shit, honestly thought that was a forearm

>> No.15156506

I get that you put a ton of thought into it. You need to put less thought into it. What will people see? A very standard looking tattoo. Stylize it further.

>> No.15156801

people with tattoos get laid way more

>> No.15157210

hundreds of thousands of people who are above you in social status have tattoos what kind of retarded boomer logic is this

>> No.15157282

the fact that this is your conception of them tells me youre a good bit more of a docile retard than you realise.

>> No.15157284

>more aggresive
aggression is not a bad thing, you cuck.

>> No.15157294

Downers are good people, they are also the kind of people who get tattoos.

Nothing against them.

>> No.15158057

that's some high quality ink.

>> No.15158190

ITT: guys pretending they wouldn't

>> No.15158214

i'd still fuck this girl

>> No.15158218

gay faggot

>> No.15158618

Every woman I fucked had a tattoo

>> No.15158976

uhhh... based?

>> No.15158987

Wrench eagle sounds okay.

>> No.15159007

line tattoos are so fucking sexy on pale girls

>> No.15159008
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>> No.15159049
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>> No.15160201

cringe and unoriginal you couldn't be worse right now

>> No.15160211

Tattoos are merely a mark of a degenerate

>> No.15160216

Because they’re more likely to use meth

>> No.15160224
File: 56 KB, 612x612, C82AA780-B89C-4B9D-9011-17ECEB84AE41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew a girl with a hammer & sickle tat like this but on her other shoulder facing the same way, it was more on her collar bone.

she was about 5’7” and 90 lbs, blonde, big blue eyes, very beautiful

>> No.15160227

>288 replies

Okay, i think by now we've established that tattoos are for retards.

>> No.15160355

>commie tattoo
>severely underweight

>> No.15160426


>> No.15161297

you should have curb stomped that commie slut

>> No.15161311

extremely based

>> No.15161379
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>> No.15161382

Tattoos are treif. I don't have any, nor do I desire them. I also do not find women with tattoos attractive.

>> No.15161385


>> No.15161903

this is based af

>> No.15162086
File: 11 KB, 480x360, 098762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take your Taylor Switft rhetoric, and shove it up your dumb tattooed ass, NPC.

>> No.15162121
File: 203 KB, 746x918, 54BE49F5-244C-47B8-92DD-C856864F6CA3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think tattoos are beautiful

>> No.15162216


i love it when people have opinions on shit like this despite being equally as sheltered if not more than the people who have tattoos

>> No.15162758

if she didn't have tattoos you would notice how flabby and fat her arms are

>> No.15162805

This desu
Tattoos are the mark of somebody who desperately needs a physical manifestation of belonging to an in group because they don't have the wherewithal to distinguish themselves with their behavior. Posting a picture of a guy with a manbun and a sleeve while wearing a Rolex and pants with suspenders doesn't change anything

>> No.15162810

Factually accurate

>> No.15162965
File: 2.85 MB, 480x270, when ur gram tries to look away from the tv while you're showing her your hentai collection.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what's not in?

Being a judgemental twat.

>> No.15162989

What about getting your blood type, NKA and date of birth tattooed somewhere like under your arm?

>> No.15163006
File: 3.46 MB, 937x524, source.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

redpill me on American traditional tattoos? Why are they so popular, I think they look stupid like Ed Hardy clothing and most here would not be caught dead wearing that brand.

>> No.15163026

why is this thread still here?

>> No.15163032

hippie edna krabbapel

>> No.15163035
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>> No.15163059

Well, that's because they are tryhard.

Simple as

>> No.15163407

Eeeh, burglaries and rape at gunpoint is a real thing. My dad is a crime victims advocate with the city for domestic abuse and sexual assult victims. First time he cried in front of me he was talking about a woman being raped at gunpoint while her husband was beaten half to death and forced to watch. But yeah, I know what you mean.

>> No.15163791

Being a Marine I can agree with this based fellow. You should see the type of kids joining. A lot of them were the shitbags at their school and now instead of sucking on the tit of public schooling and their single mothers they suck on the government's tit and most will either get out in four years having contributed little to nothing or getting admin separated for being dogshit.

>> No.15164345

but at least they got a mustang/camaro out of it