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File: 404 KB, 475x259, Bateman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15135321 No.15135321 [Reply] [Original]

Post your morning routines!

>> No.15135333

>rise at 6am
>sun balls for 30min
>engage in jumping rope by the beach
>return home, breakfast, cold shower

>> No.15135606

>up at 5am
>play something off spotify immediately
>put on my under layers
>make coffee and drink water
>chill for a minute
>3 or 4 eggs, scrambled
>make lunch, usually sandwiches
>put on contact lenses
>get fully dressed and put on overalls
>drive to work

>> No.15135617

>wake up at 4am

>> No.15135628

>wake up at 3am
>fully body workout in home gym
>cold shower
>hot shower
>drink coffee, water
>take a shit
>lay out my fit for the day
>breakfast (scrambled eggs, cereal, OJ)
>read news on iPad
>get dressed and drive to work

>> No.15135696

>wake up at 2am

>> No.15135719

>wake up at 1am
>go to sleep

>> No.15135749

i’m not sure why you kids find it so unbelievable that some people wake up early for work

>> No.15135754
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Let's see Paul Allen's routine.

>> No.15135770
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>> No.15135773

I believe in taking care of myself, and a balanced diet and a rigorous exercise routine. In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I’ll put on an ice pack while doing my stomach crunches. I can do a thousand now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial masque which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.

>> No.15135938

>wake up at 1pm
>go back to sleep until 2-3pm
>stay in bed for another half hour
>jerk off
>consider getting out of bed

>> No.15135964

How is coomer core, anon? How long do you think you can keep it up before you choke down the shaft of a glock?

>> No.15135993

>implying that weak willed anon would have the strength to an hero

>> No.15136189

based jockochad

>> No.15136222

>he works a wagie job where he has to wake up early
Must feel bad letting someone else tell you when to wake up

>> No.15136226

>wake up at 7am
>usually half fap and lay in bed till 830am
>get up grab towel and have an ice-cold 5m shower
>go upstairs, and make breakfast and take supplements
>go start the days jobs

>> No.15136234
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>he doesn't take a shower

>> No.15136350

It's alright I suppose, can't complain desu.

>> No.15136414
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sounds pretty based to me

>> No.15136421


>> No.15136525

quarantine morning routine:
wake up 11am, browse /mu/, game. eat lunch 2pm. go outside.

>> No.15136528
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hip is two be squared

it is hip two be squared

fuck women

>> No.15136717

>Wake up at 6 pm
>Take a nap

>> No.15136980

>rise at 6 AM
>shine till 10 PM
Oh, too little detail?
>go to the loo, wash hands and face, brush teeth
>do my 20 minutes lower body workout
>drink some water and chill for five minutes
>do my calisthenic push workout
>do my abs workout
>take a cold shower
>cook breakfast
>read a book for thirty minutes

>> No.15136992

What it used to be:
>Wake up around 6:30
>Quick breakfast
>Hit the gym
>Get home, shower, shave, get cleaned up
>Drive to work while calling to check on family members/friends

>Wake up around 9
>Roll over to computer
>Maybe exercise around 11
>Shower after exercising

I hate this quarantine shit.

>> No.15137007

wake up at 3am? calisthenics after a full body workout and showering? ipad? are you retarded

>> No.15137114

I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink. I'm in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up.

>> No.15137143

I wake up
My eyes open upon a day, that is my canvas, and I the artist, brush, and paint, will make it my bitch.

First things first I like to smell nice, a very lightly fragrant, but strong deodorant is put under my arms, and also around my gooch, as those are the two sweatiest parts of the body through the day.
I then apply my fragrance, which one you ask? whichever one I think the world isn't ready for.

Now it's time to go to the bathroom, piss, brush, floss, and apply a moisturizer to brighten my face. I thoroughly wet my hair and then style it with medium to strong hold gel. I need the rigidity to establish and hold the firm grasp on a good hair style i have developed, but also allow for room of shifting through the day, so that maybe a part of my hair will woft in the wind, and the passing by girl will want to run her fingers through it.

I will then shave if necessary, minimum once every 4 days, max once a day.
Aftershave of course.

Now it's time for clothes.
The shirt is the main course, the first thing they see, and the color sets the mood of the gaze.
Red/Yellow tones if I feel like a fuck machine.
Gray scale if I want people to know i am better than them.
The style of the shirt is important too, im a vintage T shirt guy, because i want to fuck girls that smell like weed and dye their hair too much. That's just me.

The pants? Depends, do i feel like a retard today? maybe ill go with some mineral washed tapered shit, maybe if i feel like a fucking chad i will wear some embroidered joggers.
Black jeans are usually my go to.
My key for picking out pants is what do i want to see on the wingstop bathroom floor as a dumb bitch sucks my cock.

Approaching text limit, will finish if there is a request.

>> No.15137154
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You take a shit AFTER your second shower?

>> No.15138460 [DELETED] 
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>up at 730
>browse 4chan
>take shower
>dry off
>moisturize brush teeth and dry hair
>depending on anxiety levels vomit bile
>dress for the day
>mist plants
>prep work bag and leave
>wait in break room
>enter office
>work 9-5
>clock out
>drive home
>take shower
>browse 4chan
>feed cat
>fap again
>8pm drink
>internet shitposting until 10
>cheeky ebay browse
>pass out on bed

>> No.15138475

evening showers after a long day of manual labor that's why he's putting on overalls and not a sissy suit

>> No.15138648

brush my teeth
make coffee
go to work

>> No.15139422

>Wake up around 2 PM
>Drink a Dr Pepper
>Get on my computer for a couple hours
>Drink another Dr Pepper
>Do 30 pushups and 50 situps
>Drink another Dr Pepper
>Get back on my computer

>> No.15139466
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>wake up at 5am
>drink an energy drink
>play vidya for 4 hours
>do fuckall until like 12-4
>go for a run
sure lovin this quarantine

>> No.15139553
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>wake up
>Have a piss
>Get out of bed

>> No.15140105

lately its been
>wake up at 12
>lay in bed for another hour reading news on phone
>make breakfast
>play WoW until i hate myself
>take a 30 min break
>play WoW until i go to bed
>lay in bed trying to think of how i could make my life more enjoyable

If corona wasnt about there would be some studying and gym-going intertwined. Wish i was passionate about something and not a lazy piece of shit, it feels like all i do is just making time pass and i never truly enjoy anything

>> No.15140378


>> No.15140422

>3:00 p.m. rise
>3:05 Chivas Regal with the morning papers, Dunhills
>3:45 cocaine
>3:50 another glass of Chivas, Dunhill
>4:05 first cup of coffee, Dunhill
>4:15 cocaine
>4:16 orange juice, Dunhill
>4:30 cocaine
>4:54 cocaine
>5:05 cocaine
>5:11 coffee, Dunhills
>5:30 more ice in the Chivas
>5:45 cocaine, etc., etc.
>6:00 grass to take the edge off the day
>7:05 Woody Creek Tavern for lunch-Heineken, two margaritas, coleslaw, a taco salad, a double order of fried onion rings, carrot cake, ice cream, a bean fritter, Dunhills, another Heineken, cocaine, and for the ride home, a snow cone (a glass of shredded ice over which is poured three or four jiggers of Chivas)
>9:00 starts snorting cocaine seriously
>10:00 drops acid
>11:00 Chartreuse, cocaine, grass
>11:30 cocaine, etc, etc.
>12:00 midnight, ready to write
>12:05-6:00 a.m. Chartreuse, cocaine, grass, Chivas, coffee, Heineken, clove cigarettes, grapefruit, Dunhills, orange juice, gin, continuous pornographic movies.
>6:00 the hot tub-champagne, Dove Bars, fettuccine Alfredo
>8:00 Halcyon
>8:20 sleep

>> No.15140487


>> No.15140498

go on larper

>> No.15140553

Stop RPing on fucking 4chan of all places.

>> No.15140688

That's Hunter S Thompson's routine u retard he's not saying it's his

>> No.15140711

>shit after shower
Did your father not teach you the three S rule? Shit, Shower, Shave in that order no exceptions.
>Wakes up at 3am
>Works out twice
>Showers inbetweenen workouts
I know you're larping but please nobody be this retarded.

>> No.15141043

My routine since working from home
>Alarm goes off at 840
>Roll out of bed, log onto work laptop to appear online, if there are no screaming red flags in my email I go downstairs and make a pot of coffee and a bowl of microwave oats with honey and peanut butter
>Put on my leather strap watch, 2 gold chains and sweatpants with a plain t shirt and get to work
>Find some instrumental mixes on my home laptop and hook it up to my Yamaha PDX-11 and smash out some beats, usually DNB or Phonk
>Work until lunch

>> No.15141044

>wake up
>it's 11pm
>play dota
eventually i see the sun rise, then i go out and get food

>> No.15141684

>wake up at 4:35
>make cofee and a sandwich
>drive to work while drinking the coffee and eating the sandwich

>> No.15141689
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>> No.15141779

I shower after work, when i’m actually dirty.

>> No.15141784

>he doesn’t shit shower and shave all at the same time

>> No.15141988
File: 17 KB, 375x375, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Post your morning routines!

>Tumble outta bed and I stumble to the kitchen
>Pour myself a cup of ambition
>Yawn and stretch and try to come to life
>Jump in the shower and the blood starts pumpin'
>Out on the street the traffic starts jumpin'
>With folks like me on the job from 9 to 5
>Workin' 9 to 5, what a way to make a livin'
>Barely gettin' by, it's all takin' and no givin'
>They just use your mind and they never give you credit
>It's enough to drive you crazy if you let it

>> No.15142093
File: 279 KB, 300x577, 26E30B57-9BE1-47D7-BDAE-B565F6D34AC8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rise 8am-9am
>get undressed
>strech (40 hip thrusts, 100 bycicle crunches 50 weight squats)
>put hair in headband and head to the bathroom sink
>coat face in moisturizing shaving creme
>shave and pluck spare eyebrow hairs
>wash off creme in the shower
>apply and rinse Salicylic acid facewash
>let hair down and rinse in cold water and shea butter conditioner
>towel wrap hair and eat some trail mix and tea while it dries
>let damp hair down, massage in exactly 1/4 teaspoon of pure argon oil
>comb with wide tooth defrizzing comb
>get dressed
>shitpost or read the news for 30 mins
>comb and style hair with standard comb

>> No.15142101

wake up early, go to icon corner to pray.

>> No.15142112

>wake up exactly at 7:30 every day
>drink a glass of water
>brush teeth
>drink another glass of water
>wim hof breathing exercise 3 series of >30 breaths
>lay in bed for 15 minutes
>if the day of the week is even, go for a walk, if it is odd, go for a run
>listen to german podcasts
>aim for 10000 steps every day

takes about 2-3 hours to finish, i just do it automatically thanks to corona

>> No.15142137

>wake up around noon
>make some coffee
>go out to the balcony and have a cigarette

>> No.15142163
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based, continue

>> No.15142184

yep im thinking hes based

>> No.15142194

I went to the doctor and had to ask about a problem I had. I said to him that I have a shit at 8.30am every day. He said “That’s quite normal, why do you need to see me about it?”

I don’t wake up until 9.

>> No.15142257

ok but do you actually paint

>> No.15142793

>wake up between 6 to 7 am
>jerk off if i feel like to, mostly to get rid of morning wood
>brush teeth, wash face or take shower
>get dressed
>drink water
>drive to work
literally doing these past 2 years

>> No.15142804
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>wake up at 4:30
>dismiss alarm and then "just rest my eyes"
>wake up at 8-9
>realize I'm still alive
>throw up
>get out of bed

>> No.15143588

Hip=2b^2 is correct you absolute moron

>> No.15143618


I choose to do so because I make $150k USD a year, not counting my annual bonus (which is typically upwards of 150% of my base salary). I choose to go in early because there are a lot of projects running concurrently to one another, and I need to be on point for my team.

The money motivates me, the work is interesting, and the more effort I put in, the more I learn, the more I earn, and the better I become.

Ever heard of a little thing called discipline? I'm sure you haven't. What are you doing with your time instead? Probably sleeping in and doing nothing.

>> No.15143698

Coomer core here too.
Thinking of getting an FN or a Ruger bc imma start trapping so obviously I’ll need a gun and I’m legitimately concerned that I’ll an hero bc I’ll have a way of doing it at hand.

Pretty /fa way of dying if more money starts coming in and I move somewhere nice desu

>> No.15144991

based kira

>> No.15145010

based and thonmpsonpilled

>> No.15145062

what do u do faggot

>> No.15145317

Based larp

>> No.15145559

In my former life:
>Wake up somewhere between 6 and 7, depending on work schedule and gym
>Brush teeth
>Wash face
>Get dressed in the living room so I don't wake my bf
>Drink water with like a quarter scoop of preworkout
>Take the bus to the gym
>Work out
>Blow dry hair and put on makeup
>Walk to work

Now (on a good day)
>Wake up at 7 or 8
>Stream a pilates or yoga class on zoom or Classpass or IG live or whatever
>Get dressed
>Make coffee (for some reason this always takes me like 20 min at home???)
>Start work at 9 or 10

Now (on a bad day)
>Wake up at 6
>Brush teeth, put on a sweater
>Start work at 6:10
>Take a break around 9 to shower, get dressed, make coffee, and look at my phone
>Start work again around 10

welcome back

>> No.15145569

>Grab a V8 energy (Not a coffee person)
>Take my caffeine shit as per schedule
>Watch a video of some sort for 30 minutes to wake up while doing basic stretches (trying to eventually get to gymnast tier flexibility)
>Post workout breakfast
>Start rest of day

>> No.15145672

>wake up at 8:30
>jerk off
>wash hands
>take a shit
>wash hands
>brush teeth
>smoke 2 cigarettes
>go to the store
>buy milk and bread
>smoke 2 more cigarettes
>have breakfast
>smoke 2 more cigarettes
This, everyday for 4 years

>> No.15145812

>wake up between 7 and 8
>take a piss
>weigh myself
>drink 0.5L of green tea
>run for half an hour
>drink 0.5L of water
>do stuff
>drink 1L of water
>eat first meal around 1 PM

>> No.15145846

>eye balm
Holy crap, I always understood that as "eye bomb". Thanks for clearing that up!

>> No.15147338
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>wake up at 6:30am
>go for a run (used to run at the high school but security kicked me out) so now i just run at the local parks which is shit but whatevs
>drive home
>breakfast and youtube and news
then time to get to work....god damn it AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

>> No.15147686

Do you really go to the store everyday ?

>> No.15148299

read self help

>> No.15148321

>drive somewhere to run to drive back
why not just run around your neighborhood?

>> No.15148328

I knew you weren't dead Hunter

>> No.15149505
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• Pre-Shower
 Antiplaque Listerine formula
 Brush with Rembrant
 Floss
 Rinse with Botot
 Clinique’s Charcoal Face Wash
 Peter Thomas Roth’s Irish Moor Mud Mask
• Shower
 Neutrogena Facial Cleanser
 L'Occitane Shower Gel
 Anthony’s Bar Body Scrub Exfoliating Bar
 Kiehl’s Amino Acid Shampoo
 ??? – Occasional Conditioner
• Post Shower
 V76 Clean Shave Gel Cream
 Shave with Harry’s the Winston
 Proraso to normalize skin
 Lab Series BB Tinted Moisturizer Broad Spectrum SPF 35
 Kiehl’s Age Defender Eye Repair?
 Dry Shampoo?

>> No.15149582


Oh are we doing brands. Let me edit lol

>Wake up some time between 6 and 7
>Brush teeth
Crest 3D Whiite
>Wash face
Cetaphil Gentle
>Get dressed in the living room so I don't wake my bf
>Drink water with like a quarter scoop of preworkout
>Take MUNI bus to the gym
>Work out (ELEIKO, PRECOR)
>Shower at the gym, using the shampoo, conditioner and body wash there (EO)
>Moisturize body
Kiehl's Crème de Corps KIEHLS CREME DE CORPS
>Run product through my hair and either let it air dry or blow dry (depending on the day)
Either Bumble and Bumble Surf Spray or Living Proof Perfect Hair Day 5 in 1
>Skincare routiine
The Ordinary Buffet + Copper Peptides
Dermalogica Multi-Active Toner
TO Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5
TO Natural Moisturizing Factors + HA
Supergoop Unseen Sunscreen

Kosas Tinted Face Oil
Milk Matte Bronzer
Nars Creamy Concealer
Makeup Forever Ultra HD Microfinishing powder
Benefit Ka-brow on brows
Too Faced Better than Sex Mascara
NYX Liquid Suede Lipstick (applied then blotted off before it dries)
>Walk to work

Now (on a good day)
>Wake up at 7 or 8
>Brush teeth (Crest 3D White)
>Stream a pilates or yoga class on zoom or Classpass or IG live or whatever
>Shower with Bliss Lemon & Sage Body wash
>Same face routine as above, no makeup
>Get dressed
>Make coffee (for some reason this always takes me like 20 min at home???)
>Start work at 9 or 10

Now (on a bad day)
>Wake up at 6
>Brush teeth, put on a sweater
>Start work at 6:10
>Take a break around 9 to shower, get dressed, make coffee, and look at my phone
>Start work again around 10

>> No.15149646

>wake up at 6:00am
>pull on robe
>let dog out while i put her food in a bowl
>make a small french press of coffee
>browse internet while drinking coffee
>check work email at 7:00am
>get dressed, leave home at 7:30am to go to work

>> No.15149685
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I just wake up and cry

>> No.15151392

>wake up at 2pm
>make "breakfast"
>at work at 4pm
>back home at 12:30
>video games with the boys until 2
>an hour of shitposting
>11 hours of sleep

It feels so good to be this gangster

>> No.15152380

>Wake up at 2 PM or 2:30
>Get some clothes on
>Friends pick me up at 3 PM
>Smoke for 30 minutes
>3:30 we drive to work, continue smoking
>Get in to work at 4:10ish
>Get some food and a drink before starting to work
>10 PM, take a break and smoke some more for about 30 minutes
>Midnight get some more food, smoke some more
>1 AM leave work, smoke on the way home
>Arrive at friends house, hang out and smoke until 5 or so
>Get home, play vidya games and shitpost and maybe keep the high going until 8 AM
>Go to sleep at about 8:30
My man, stay based

>> No.15152406
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>Cat wakes me up at 0615
>Feed him his slurry of wetfood, water, and miralax
>Watch the last bit of the local news(normally for the cute traffic woman)
>Go make coffee and breakfast
>Watch some youtube videos and shit post
>Go out and pull weeds in the front and back flower beds for a few minutes and water the gardens
>Brush my teeth and go read on the porch for a little bit
>Take a nap around 1030 to 1130
>Take a shower and shave
>Make lunch for myself and the monster
>Leave for work around 1330

>> No.15152495
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>6am alarm on other side of room forcing me to leave bed
>chug a cup of pre-workout that's been sitting on my desk all night
>put on workout close and a snapback so people cant see my birds nest
>eat banana while walking to gym
>gym for 1.5-2 hours
>walk home
>shave in the shower
>piss in the shower
>rinse hair
>get out
>aftershave and lotion
>curl cream
>get dressed
>put on snap back for hair
>make protein shake
>lip balm on my way out the door
>get on bike and ride to uni, take the train if its snowing
>take cap off at uni and pull my hair forward so it looks half decce

based cat alarm

>> No.15152516

I wish I had a cat, I need a new job first though.

>> No.15152590

You don't really want one. Trust me.
It's not as cute as it sounds. He is exceptionally consistent about waking me up to bed fed, though. I honestly don't need an alarm at all.

>> No.15152614

I really do, I miss my old cat.

>> No.15152616

>Wake up
>Grab a brush and put a little makeup
>Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup
>Leave the keys upon the table
>Go create another fable

>> No.15152619
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You can have mine.

>> No.15152652


>> No.15152662

>wake up
>face fuck my realdoll
>brush teeth
>dry off, moisturize face and body

>> No.15153558

>Wake up before 7
>Make coffee and toast
>Watch 2 episodes of OG Twilight zone
>Take a shower
>Dress up
>Drive to work

>> No.15153743

> I wake up different times everyday
> PC or phone

>> No.15153966

Which episodes did you watch today?

>> No.15154063

"Four o' clock" and "Hocus-pocus Frisby".

>> No.15154082

Is four o'clock is the one with the guy and the parrot thinking the world will end? It's definitely one of the stranger episodes.

I don't recall having ever seen the other one. Do you watch them on some local channel or have them downloaded?