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15128625 No.15128625 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to make an all black wardrobe without looking autistic or a jaded outcast?

Maybe with some ivory/white if needed. I have no idea if there is an aesthetic for this and no I don’t mean le minimalism.

>> No.15128646

Your three options are "Jaded outcast", "widow in mourning", and "person wearing formal dinnerwear in broad daylight"
Choose wisely

>> No.15128715

It's lazy

>> No.15128774

Diversity in cuts, silhouettes, and pieces can make it doable.

>> No.15128782


>> No.15128910

It looks fine online but all black irl is cringe. It’s too much. I see people doing it and it’s just awkward as fuck looking.

That kind of black needs some natural soft colors like grey/dark brown or something.

>> No.15128961

Counterpoint: Karasu Zoku

>> No.15128974

Oh hell no man...you can get away with that if you’re asian AND in japan but it’s still gonna look kinda weird.

Like I said, looks cool in photos, looks autistic-international-student irl.

>> No.15128976

oh noo not those queer foerign types comin' round here with their silly book learnin', no sir won't catch me round them parts all I need is my sweatpants and my AMERICAN FLAG tee shirt

>> No.15128982

Chill out that I teabagged on your strange crow fashion dude
I’m foreigner asian myself lol now quit being a weeb

>> No.15128986

All that means is you're too self-concious and afraid of looking like a FOB.

>> No.15128997

Hell yeah I’m afraid to look like a fob, it’s not my favorite aesthetic by any means. All they wear is mostly yohji, gucci or alexander wang and you gotta branch out a bit and not get stuck. stop being butthurt, you asked for an opinion and I gave it.

>> No.15129004
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It works If your dripped the fuck out.

>> No.15129013
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>> No.15129016
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>> No.15129017
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>> No.15129036 [DELETED] 


>> No.15129079

What boot

>> No.15129192

it might look good on the internet or in specific places but if you walk around in the real world wearing all black you'll look like a fool

>> No.15129887
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>> No.15129982
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its absolutely doable. you just need high quality pieces. your cheap mall/fast fashion tier shit won't cut it. Mixing materials is also very important to help give it substance

>> No.15129984
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>> No.15129986

lmao just fuckin wear what you want you goobers

>> No.15129987
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>> No.15129992
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>> No.15130024
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Did it as a cute goth thing for years. You only have to be thin and aesthetic. Use different kinds of materials, lace, velvet, leather, wool etc and have a perfectly shaped silhouette which you want to archive (hats and shoes included). Ideally you will stay within modern pieces and not go aroud larping.

Check out Faiiint. She's doing it right.

>> No.15130151

I wonder which is her good side

>> No.15130154

wouldnt it kinda get boring real quick..?

>> No.15130165

Can you help identifying these boots?

>> No.15131325

this is cringe

>> No.15131328

i love all black once in a while but literally how can it be someones entire wardrobe.

>> No.15131329


>> No.15131330

I like the boots

>> No.15131454

ID on those pants or similar?

>> No.15131461

Her legs ruin the whole aesthetic
Those kind of pants were pretty trendy. I'd try fast fashion places like h&m, asos etc

>> No.15131481

go home, chang.

>> No.15131487

Its no coincidence designer mostly wear black
Its also not boring if you know what you do not like its just the same colorshade. You could call it black/grey if you wanna be specific but black has the most potential out of all colors followed by white tones
Can be boring, lazy, uninspired, too safe even cheap etc
It also can be formed into a stylish version of any aesthetic or personal style there is
It can be worn as a drugvictim or in a luxurious restaurant
Black is just a plebfilter to whose who are too stupid to use different shades, silhouettes and materials correctly

>> No.15131492

She knows that she has cankles. Still makes the best out of it and it was more her style which is relevant here.

>> No.15131711

idk, here in Melbourne you either dress Hypebeast, Brunswick-fuckboi (Hipster, possibly homosexual) "Bogan" ("I'M NOT FUCKING GAY!) or just all black so it seems the best of the options desu

>> No.15131729

I used to wear black almost exclusively and was able to look good in most situations without much effort. If you shop carefully you can make it work.

>> No.15132277

It’s from my inspo folder so I don’t know for sure, but my money is on slp
Just tryin to post some variety

>> No.15132419

I've worn black only ever since I can remember and ngl I wish I could wear other colors without feeling like I'm wearing a costume, because a black wardrobe looks like a giant fucking blob. :/

>> No.15132439

haha summer is coming losers, no coats or jackets

>> No.15132464

looks like ann demeulemeester backlace boots

>> No.15132465

meant to reply to this dude

>> No.15132669

>dripped the fuck out
>doc martens
>not even mono
there's still time for you to go back, anon

>> No.15132677

being a jaded outcast is effay

>> No.15132847

It's good, but basically just elevated normie black.

>> No.15132919

That's how you make it work. All other examples in here look like shit, even in pictures and are completely unpractical. People overthink stuff and overindulce in extravagance. Normality is sexy.

>> No.15133467
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All black or other minimalism memes with easy clothes are boring

>> No.15133471
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>> No.15133475
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You can so very neat things with black

>> No.15133479
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The thing with black or other achromatic color schemes is that it just enhances your features
If you dont pull some crazy silhouettes its more about your face, your proportions, your body and the way you carry yourself
If you're autistic its gonna look autistic
Who knew

>> No.15133735


SLP or Haider Ackermann (possiby when he was at berluti?- the pants look like haider)

>> No.15133739


Post the Yoji quote haha

>> No.15134077
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>it just enhances your features
That's why I said you have to be beautiful/ handsome to make it. People larping or dressing themselves as ridiculously as in your examples are only trying to take attention away from their uggo physique and asymmetric face. It's literal cope to go full extravangancia.

>> No.15134135
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Still think its more about the way you carry your self. Your gestures, the way you talk, your voice, your habits, your posture, the way you walk etc

>> No.15134138
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Some people think shes pretty some people think shes ugly
She pulls off black tho, shes endearing in a way

>> No.15134142
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Other unconventionally looking people inc

>> No.15134153
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>> No.15134158
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This ones more avant-garde and ofc weird to wear in many places but still

>> No.15134483

On the flip side of this, wearing things to divert attention from an ugly face can subsequently give people the confidence they need to be successful, Whatever that may be.
Some people also dress “ridiculously” because they simply enjoy it and have fun. Not everything is that deep.

>> No.15134491

(i wear all black i look autistic)

>> No.15134683

>some people think she's pretty
I would like to disagree on any human finding that creatura "pretty".
Men don't count, a looks aren't essential for them.
Outside of those heels, she's pretty normie dressed. You have to be an american to consider a coat and dress "avant garde".

The thing is, this cope doesn't work for longer than a couple seconds. Once the "oookay" phase goes, so does the inviibility of uglyness. You will be the ugly freak, as the exotism wears down. Ugly people will always remain ugly. They hould wear gray and beige to melt into the surroundings and not pester people.

>> No.15134732

you're wrong

>> No.15134772
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>imagine being too low IQ to use color

>> No.15134899

Hm no its not that

>> No.15134905

"as looks arent essential to them"
What kind of quittertalk is this?

>> No.15134912

If you don't carry yourself like a brooding emo plucked out of the 2000s then sure

>> No.15134926

what's wrong with carrying yourself like a brooding emo plucked out of the 2000s? Are you a prepfag or something?

>> No.15135514

She doesn't even throw on some white or grey here and there.

>> No.15135541
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>> No.15135549

you can't look good wearing all black when the sun is shining bright outside

>> No.15135624

Based fit

>> No.15135630

yeah. dont be ugly

>> No.15135657

Jesus christ, that's stupid.

>> No.15135699

You wear clown costume right?

>> No.15136159

im autistic. leave me alone

>> No.15136172

Ugly people can still succeed with the right attitude and confidence. It takes a hell of a lot more effort and skill, but you’re retarded if you think otherwise.

>> No.15136718

This guy should go and google poet shirt

>> No.15136725

where is his cane?

>> No.15136726

adding a white tote bag and a pocket chain for a little extra CRINGE

>> No.15138225

All black outfit is such an easy thing to pull. If you look like shit doing an all black outfit, then you really need to rethink how you represent yourself.

While people say black is lazy or boring, it actually really helps in being selective on the clothing starting from all black.

People who wears color coordinate it poorly looks so uneven and terrible. There is a thread here where the hoodie is like 5 other sectioned off color and it looks ridiculous.

Seriously i don't know if you guys ever tried the black outfit or just hating it out of spite but it really helps in creating better future outfits.

>> No.15138232
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monos are shit, the contrast stitching made docs

>> No.15139256

Terrible fit

>> No.15140718

matrix style is best desu

>> No.15140789

are you going to a funeral

>> No.15140798

I'm transitioning to full black OP. Take the blackpill. We are going to make it.

>> No.15140817

that outfit is revolting