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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 158 KB, 1024x713, Comparison1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15123101 No.15123101[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Tell the truth: New me looks better than old me.

You can't deny this.

>> No.15123103
File: 198 KB, 684x728, Comparison2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15123104
File: 375 KB, 1340x990, Comparison3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15123109

dude you are in denial that's juts photo bullshitry

>> No.15123111

difference in hair is insignificant and unnoticeable

>> No.15123113


Look at how soft and smooth my skin is compared to old me. Look at how my wrinkles have been reduced. Look how I appear younger. I even look happier than old me and I FEEL happier too!

>> No.15123116

you looked like shit before, you still do, and you will continue to look like shit until you do something about that nose

>> No.15123117

whatever floats your boat i guess

>> No.15123120

Honestly, I like you. I think you look good and I wish you well.
I just wish you didn't bait so hard with the way you talk. The board is chaotic enough as it is.

>> No.15123129

Was it the sissy hypno that got you?

>> No.15123130

This is some elaborate trolling. Hat tip for making him whiter in the "after" pics.

>> No.15123143


So. You think this is a LARP, huh?

>> No.15123164

Your skin is softer but you're equally unattractive

>> No.15123167

I hope you're just joking. You're not a woman and it is immediately recognizable to everyone else that you are not a woman. You'll just end up looking like those creepy hons who get mocked on Reddit.

>> No.15123177

This is what we are up against lmaooo

>> No.15123200

Get off this board you freak. Your photos make me sick.

>> No.15123247

that nose is so ogrelike.

>> No.15123354

Are you balding ?

>> No.15123363

You're a nigger so I'd see you and cross the street or put my hand on the grip of my ccw inside my jacket ready to draw on you without making eye contact since everyone of you niggers seems to ask me for a dollar everytime I make eye contact

>> No.15123379
File: 818 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200329-235605_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nope. I'm very cute.


>>I hope you're just joking

I'm not.

>>You're not a woman

Yes, I am.

>>It is immediately recognizable to everyone else that you are not a woman.

False. When my hair is styled with my signature curls, in conjunction with my small 5'6" frame, even though I dress as a man, I get gendered as a woman all the time. Pre-HRT, I've been catcalled on more than one occasion. A guy came up to me while standing at the bus stop and started to chat me up, but before I could say anything, he got quiet and walked away because he figured out I was a dude. And recently, even though I was going out of my way to dress and look male ("boymode") and had my hair covered, I still "male-failed" because I got catcalled by some dude.

This is all without doing anything extra (plucking my eyebrows, getting laser hair removal, wearing makeup, surguries, etc.) to my appearance. So I have plenty of mileage I can deploy to in attaining a deeper level of femininity.

>>You'll just end up looking like those creepy hons who get mocked on Reddit.



And your transphobia makes me sick. So I guess we're even.

>> No.15123381


I was balding, but my hairline grew back.

>> No.15123388
File: 110 KB, 680x680, f5753870a40ccef114a6cb88e7f48531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No wonder you keep shilling fin, you're trying to destroy other people's hormones so there's other 2/10 trannies walking around.

>> No.15123389

>that tripcode
Oh fuck he's not joking
I hope you know how to play a jazz instrument because your old look wasn't bad. You just didn't agree with the vision.

>> No.15123391

He thought you were a woman because you were far away and hard to see. That's not exactly the best indicator of womanhood.

>> No.15123392

Brothers like us are pretty high test so if you really needed to take Estrogen to fix your yeeyeeass " Where my hug at?" hairline and improve your skin then do it.. You ain't a ho, though

>> No.15123404



>> No.15123419
File: 1.13 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200208-182301_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's fine. The point is, pre-HRT, by just growing my hair out and styling it a certain way, my appearance convinced several people, both men and women, I was female. And that's just the people who interacted with me. I bet there were plenty of other people who thought the same, but didn't say anything to me. For example, two years ago, in the locker room at work, a guy said to another guy in a low voice, "Yooo! I thought that was a girl.", referring to me.

On top of that, people here have already said they couldn't tell if I was a man or an ugly woman.

With HRT, laser/electrolysis, doing my eyebrows, a bit of makeup, and some surgeries here and there, I bet I'll fem up rather nicely.

>> No.15123421

Paul Cockshott
June 17, 2019 at 5:14 pm
I have read a number of papers that claim to detect differences between the brains of people who have undergone transexual treatment compared to others of the same sex. These papers suffer from a number of weaknesses, small sample sizes, failure to control for the effect of hormone treatment, failure to compare against homosexual samples, failure to control for brain size. None of them, to my knowledge, has ever demonstrated that blinded detection of transexual subjects can be performed solely from NMR scans. It is unclear what conclusions you are drawing from these studies.

All behaviour has material causes, none is freely chosen.

The notion of free will and free choice is part of Catholic theology and alien to the materialist world view. Saying that homosexuality, or transgender identity is not freely chosen may be of relevance if you are debating with a priest, but not when debating with a Marxist.

All ideological beliefs have material supports. If a person believes in transubstantiation or sees visions of the Holy Virgin, these beliefs and experiences have a material support in the state of the believer’s brain. One would expect, were one able to put a person having a Marian vision in an NMR machine that they would show activity in areas of the visual cortex.
But were one to detect this activity, one would not concede that the vision of Mary was real in any sense other than it being an internal brain state.
That there are patterns of brain activity associated with the internal modeling of the body, including perceptions of whether the body is male or female, is only to be expected but it is unclear a) how reliable current NMR techniques are at detecting non-conforming perceptions, b) why one should give particular credence to such states even if they can be detected.

>> No.15123474

i'll be honest. i've only seen a few of your posts and every single time i've been thrown off. how old are you exactly? late 30's?
haters will still say nigger and ogre nose, but regardless, it looks like you did some 10 year de-age wizardry, and it looks great.

>> No.15123479


I'll be 39 this fall.

>> No.15123484

Gay, you realize you are a degenerate faggot?

>> No.15123486


I'm a woman and I'm attracted to women. Yes. I do know that makes me gay, Captain Obvious.

>> No.15123487

You are a male.

>> No.15123492

Autogenophyle freak.

>Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me

Literally you are Buffalo Bill


>> No.15123498


No, I'm not. I WAS male.

>>*boops your nose like George Constanza*

>> No.15123500

Good to know you changed your sex chromosomes. This has to be a troll from Reddit.

>> No.15123541

Why are you still on this board you oldcell

>> No.15123552

You'll never be a woman, even them are disgusted by trannies like you and don't consider them as equal. Keep in mind that your ugly genetics will carry on no matter how many medications you take, like your wide ass nose,your clown hair, and all that.

Went from an ugly dude to an ugly creature

>> No.15123582


>> No.15123613

literally no one cares stop posting

>> No.15123617

I like this poster
the hair-regrowth thread had a few pieces of actual relevant advice so you get a shitposting pass for these obnoxious garbage threads

>> No.15123715


I have to earn the right to post on /lgbt/ with my trip. I can't just go there and start posting. It's like how an angel has to earn its wings.

>> No.15123726
File: 95 KB, 564x846, 1575782240293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll never pass (as female or human).

>> No.15123732

jesus christ this nigger is ugly

>> No.15123740
File: 1.48 MB, 1792x2352, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you seem like a nice person, ignore the trollcomments from this board.

you never actually was balding man, i AM balding. pic related is my hair since 2015-6, im sadly hanging on to it with fin

>> No.15123751 [DELETED] 


According to Microsoft's AI, I have the face of a 19 year old woman.

>> No.15123756
File: 122 KB, 712x694, microsoft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


According to Microsoft's AI, I have the face of a 19 year old woman.

I'm already on my way, baaaaby!

>> No.15123758

you have the face of a sims 2 character

>> No.15123766

It is a fruitless dream to continuously chase youth, to look young. The chemically induced treatments will eventually give way because flesh has it's own limitations. You will regain lost wrinkles, and find yourself miserable again.

>> No.15123769

not him/her but the only "chasing youth" thing i do is using hairloss meds cause im in my 20's and being bald that young is simply ridiculous

>> No.15123770

More like a Skyrim random character generator.

>> No.15123773
File: 88 KB, 822x600, gorillafeat1-e1435793067408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the algorithm trying to virtue signal after it has been condemned for speaking the truth.

>> No.15123779


I'm not chasing youth. I'm chasing what I feel is my true gender. I would be happy to look like a wrinkled lady.

>> No.15123807
File: 237 KB, 1007x915, girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look what happens when I search for an image of my body selfie in google images.

That's right! That's a girl's body!

>> No.15123842

I typically just lurk here, but goodness gracious, you are incredible annoying and I can guarantee you that no one on this board cares about you life or what you identity as.

>> No.15123848

obvious blur filter

>> No.15123852


No filter. It was taken in front of my computer in the evening. All of my pictures look like that when taken under the same conditions.

>> No.15123863
File: 154 KB, 586x924, 20200404_133308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out my hair. Those pictures where my afro is out are usually taken right after I've taken it out of a ponytail. I've been keeping it in a braided ponytail and under a hat constantly as a "protective style" so I can get more length.

This picture was taken today. Look at how long it's getting. Look how healthy and thick it is!