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15112507 No.15112507 [Reply] [Original]

If the Covid 19 becomes a seasonal disease, like some suspect it might, do you think that protective gear like medical masks, face protection and gas masks could become more commen place?

>> No.15112508 [DELETED] 

probably. probably will be normal to hose yourself down with antibacterial shit. or maybe they'll spray us for us. cancer rates will rise but covid deaths will plummet kind of thing

>> No.15112518
File: 49 KB, 512x494, Made for BMC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

masked girls look very cool and are hot
on men, you look like a total faggot

>> No.15112522

unless you rob a bank

>> No.15112525

once again
facial masks don't protect you from corona virus
they only make it worse unless you'd throw them out into a special bin, clean in alcohol or boiling water every time you come back home
the only use of them is that if someone sick is wearing them, they won't spread it the virus through coughing etc
if you're infected and wear the mask, without ever cleaning it, you're essentialy just wearing a breeding pool for bacteria and viruses on your face and you're better off without it since you atleast give a chance for your saliva to kill them

>> No.15112533 [DELETED] 

I love how the people spreading this bullshit always assume everyone is braindead and just wear the same dirty basic mask for days
>masks dont protect you
Yes, they literally 100% do.

>> No.15112546

this post is on so many levels of wrong

>> No.15112564
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>> No.15112717



The CDC is lying to you so masks go to doctors first.

Stop listening to the US gov.

>> No.15112749

Them shits 300$+

>> No.15112773

highly doubt it. If it does become a seasonal disease like influenza, the vaccine synthesis process will be expedited every year.

>> No.15112970

I would imagine if there is enough of a market for it someone would come up with cheaper alternative, quality does not have to be military grade after all.

>> No.15112983

at worst, the makes would still be a barrier to keep you from touching your mouth and nose, so they absolutely would be better than not wearing a mask.
At the start everyone made a big deal about N95 masks... Those will protect you if you walk through the mist of someone who just sneezed, who has covid-19... Thats probably more protecting you need if you're practising social distancing and not in a hospital, especially since the masks are like $8 each now(and ALL these masks are single use, btw. You throw them out after you walk back into your home).

>> No.15113001

No. If it becomes seasonal, it will become akin to the seasonal flu.
Simply, it's causing as much damage as it is now because it is novel, because it began tearing through a world population with zero immunity, 100% susceptibility to it.
One of two things will happen. The more wishful is that It will cease to mutate in ways that render antibodies to one season's strain useless to combat the next season's, in which case eventually humanity will approach 100% immunity.
Otherwise, if it continues to mutate, as the seasonal flu does, annual vaccines against each season's corona strain/s will be developed alongside those for each season's flu strain/s, ensuring that the most vulnerable are able to develop immunity to them in addition to any existing herd immunity within the general population acting as a firebreak.

>facial masks don't protect you from corona virus
there's more than one type of facial mask, dummy.

>> No.15113012

they go to the doctors first because they need them in massive amounts, they change them asap everytime
if you walk through mist of someone who just sneezed, if it gets to your saliva there's a chance there won't be enough of the virus, it doesn't infect you and die because of the salt
>and ALL these masks are single use
>there's more than one type of facial mask, dummy.
my bad for not mentioning it but i thought it was obvious, i was talking specifically about the masks like >>15112518 posted or the ones that are made for single use that people instead wear all the time, if you buy a profesional 300$ masks ofcourse they'll protect you, but as i said, the single use ones used multiple times only make it worse

>> No.15113048
File: 571 KB, 678x802, 3136e8e385572614a105cbca77f07de5-imagepng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you

>> No.15113167

Those are not military grade quality either, but it's not bad either. I don't have one but from the description sounds great.

>> No.15113472

based coomer

>> No.15113478

Why are they 3D printing this shit instead of casting from a mold

>> No.15113901

Because casting to any degree of quality is hard as fuck and the company only exists to scam money out of retarded LARPing zoomers.