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File: 1.16 MB, 1744x2964, 20200219_124729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15094371 No.15094371 [Reply] [Original]

You do know you can regrow your hair, right?

There's no need to freak out at the first signs of hair loss and doing something as drastic as taking the "buzz pill", growing a beard, and hitting the gym. Who has the time for mixing protein drinks and going to the gym for Romanian Deadlifts anyway, with all those annoying "bro"-types bothering you about proper lifting form. Who wants to deal with that?

So how do you do it? With a stack of oral meds + supplements and topicals, of course!

1) Finasteride: Oral. 1mg daily is the recommended dose. You can take half that if you're worried about side effects. .5mg is about 80% as effect as the full dose.

2) Minoxidil: Topical. Applied twice daily. You can apply once daily as well if you're worried about side effects. Once again, it's nearly as effective as twice daily. I personally only apply it once in the morning.

3) Ketoconazole: Topical. Applied once daily. 2% cream strength. Ketozonazole is the active ingredient in Nizoral shampoo.

4) Azelaic Acid: Topical. Applied once daily. 20% cream strength. If you can't get your hands on ketozonazole cream, you can use Azelaic Acid as an alternative.


>> No.15094372
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5) Biotin: Oral. I use 1000mcg (1mg) tablets, divided into 4 parts, taking one part daily; 0.25mg daily. The recommended dose of biotin is kinda spotty. If you use too much, your skin will break out. You should also be aware biotin makes hair you have elsewhere go wild and can make you grow hair in places you didn't have hair before. That's why my eyelashes are so long and my eyebrows are so bushy! >_<

6) Custom oil mixture: Topical. Applied once daily. Jojoba oil (as a carrier) + essential oils (peppermint + rosemary + lavender) + copper peptides. There's a lot of fake essential oils floating around. They should come in a dark amber bottle and should list the scientific name of the plant they are derived from under the ingredients. Essential oils are also expensive, so if you see a large bottle for a cheap price, it's probably fake. Peppermint is the cheapest (you can get a decent sized bottle for a relatively cheap price), while rosemary and lavender are more expensive. The bulk of your mixture should be your carrier oil (in my case, jojoba). You need a carrier oil because essential oils can be toxic if applied directly to the skin. Your bottle should be filled the majority of the way with your carrier oil, then you add maybe 15 - 20 drops of each oil to it.

7) Dermarolling: Topical. 0.25mm needle size. Once daily. When you use your dermaroller, if you see blood, you're applying too much pressure. You should only apply enough pressure to make your eyes water slightly.


>> No.15094374
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8) Green Tea: You drink it, dummy! Green tea is full of powerful antioxidants. It's considered one of the healthiest drinks in the world. Surely it must do something for your hair. I cold brew mine and drink 4 - 5 cups a day.

Roughly speaking, you'll probably be only able to regain what you've lost in the last 5 years. So starting at the first sign of balding is probably the best thing you can do.

Both fin + minox will make you shed hair when first starting out. This means your hair will get worse before it gets better. People who don't know this often freak out when their hair gets worse, stop using them, and then tell other people they don't work. You have to stick with it for at least 6 months to a year before you can draw any conclusions. You should always take pictures before starting and at the end of every month and base your judgement based on the pictures and not what you see in the mirror every morning.

I think that's about it.

>> No.15094375

>Not even a pharmacist or doctor but giving med advice

>> No.15094379

I'd be more concerned about a nose like that than losing some hair lmao

>> No.15094381

Kill yourself tranny.

>> No.15094386
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hair looks good! NOW GO WORKOUT

>> No.15094389
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Listen, friendos.


The choice is yours.

>> No.15094429

Hair advice or otherwise you're one of the most enjoyable posters to use this board in the past few years.

>> No.15094456

>3) Ketoconazole: Topical. Applied once daily. 2% cream strength. Ketozonazole is the active ingredient in Nizoral shampoo.
I use Nizoral shampoo every 2-3 days for flaky scalp. Do I need to use topical cream if Nizoral is 2% and I just start using that daily?

>> No.15094483

>5) Biotin: Oral. I use 1000mcg (1mg) tablets, divided into 4 parts, taking one part daily; 0.25mg daily. The recommended dose of biotin is kinda spotty. If you use too much, your skin will break out. You should also be aware biotin makes hair you have elsewhere go wild and can make you grow hair in places you didn't have hair before. That's why my eyelashes are so long and my eyebrows are so bushy! >_<

Is it really necessary to take this one?

>> No.15094505

What's the side effects of finasteride?

>> No.15094546


Washing your hair everyday with Nizoral sounds like a hassle. Not only that, it's $14 a bottle. Meanwhile, a tube of ketoconazole from an online overseas pharmacy is about ~$8 and lasts forever. If I were making the choice, I would go with the cream for daily use and use the shampoo occasionally.

>Is it really necessary to take this one?

It's hard to say. Biotin is some crazy. There's countless people who swear by it, but there isn't enough scientific data (not enough studies were done to determine its effectiveness) to show it improves hair growth. No one even knows what the best dosage is if you're taking it for hair related purposes. All I can say is after a while of taking it, my eyebrows got bushy, my eyelashes got longer, and I started getting tiny hairs on my face in places I never had hair before. Other people have also complained about this. All that's know is it does play a role in hair growth, but what and the exact mechanisms is unknown.

>Why You Should Be Cautious Of Taking Biotin For Your Hair, Skin & Nails



>> No.15094549

You faggots seriously need to look into the 80/20 rule. You could eliminate almost all of this crap (just keep finasteride, minoxidil and cut dermarolling to 1-2x/week) and your hair would look almost exactly the same.

>> No.15094711

Hair is a cope

>> No.15094802

Honestly it does look better

>> No.15094824
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Telling yourself "hair is a cope", is a cope.

Let me tell you, I started going bald in my late-20s. I didn't care at the time. Whenever my hair grew too long (everyone, especially my mom, started telling me it's time for a cut), I would just swallow the buzz pill and shave it with my Andis T outliner and call it a day. Yep. That was the cycle I had become accustomed to for years, but then "it" happened.

One frosty January morning, just one day shy of breaking out the clippers for another noggin shearing, after coming in from work dead tired, I was involved in what I can only describe as a freak accident.

Long story short, I ended up in the ER and almost had to have my left arm amputated.

Now, of course, as you can see from my pictures, I got to keep my arm. However, it was almost completely paralyzed for a little over a year and doctors couldn't tell me if I'd ever regain use of it. That year would become the longest and darkest chapter of my life.

I couldn't work. I couldn't enjoy the majority of my hobbies. It was a struggle just to get dressed. I abandoned my friends because I didn't want to hang out with them. I basically fell into a deep pit of depression. The only time I left my home was for doctor's visits and physical therapy which seemed futile as the months passed with no improvements.

During this time, my hair kept growing and growing. It approached Outkast levels of fro-dom. I couldn't cut it myself obviously. So I tried to style. I parted it in the middle with a widetooth comb and put some gel in it which really brought out its natural curl pattern. And that's when the magic happened!

First, family members and what was left of my friends started commenting on how nice it looked. Then everyone at my doctor's and therapist's office complimented me on it. I thought they were just being nice and trying to cheer me up, but then I started getting compliments from random strangers. That was when I knew I had something special going on.

>> No.15094827

Fast forward, short story long, I regained use of my arm (I'd say it's at about 98% recovered). I could once again cut my hair if I wanted, but I didn't want to!

Never in my life had my mane been that length. So long, so curly, and so bouncy, dancing in the wind. Never in my life had I been able to affect people in such a way with just my presence. Wherever I was, women would come up to me and ask about my hair. I would even get occasional compliments from men. A body builder once told me he'd trade his muscles for my hair. I politely told him I'd trade my hair for his height (no I wouldn't! >_<). Whenever I entered a room, all heads would turn and linger on me. I would catch women sitting across from me on the train staring at my hair. I would catch balding men on the train staring at my hair, with expressions of forlorn yearning over what they once might of had in their youth. As I passed by a street preacher once, he told me my hair was sucking all the radiant energy of the sun, converting it into positive energy, and transmitting it to the people around me. My co-workers at the time later confirmed this when they told me my presence I brightened up the place and raised the mood whenever I showed up.

In short, I felt like a rockstar. Nay; a rock god!

That's when I decided I would have to do everything within my power to keep my mane healthy, looking its best, and most importantly, attached to my head.

The absolutely massive boost of confidence my hair has given me has allowed me to do things, open doors, and go on adventures that I would have never imagined possible for my former self. Only by going from a subpar or average head of hair, to awesome head of hair could you possibly even begin to truly comprehend the subtle, but HUGE effect your hair has on your life and everything in it.

Hair is a cope? No, friendo. It's a tool you can use to improve your life if you pay attention. To take it for granted, is to welcome folly.

>> No.15094843 [DELETED] 

nobody cares stupid ugly nigger

>> No.15094865

You seem like a nice guy but very narcissistic.

>> No.15094874


Nigger not only doesn't go to the gym, but also denounces it
Absolute subhuman lmao

>> No.15094887

why would u want to regrow that ugly ass hair. shave that shit faggot

>> No.15095086

Can you please stop posting pictures of yourself. just use a different image or something

>> No.15095223 [DELETED] 


Good morning, my fellow /fa/ denizens!


I am eating my breakfast with a cup of green tea and getting ready for work!


>> No.15095227
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Good morning, my fellow /fa/ denizens!


I am eating my breakfast with a cup of green tea and getting ready for work!


>> No.15095250


How dare you to compare that ugly ape with Mr. Ride

>> No.15095321
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>> No.15095363
File: 2.33 MB, 1920x1080, Legend 1985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot to add, some people also swear by Pumpkin Seed oil because it's a DHT blocker. Some take it orally and some use it as a topical.

I use "La Tourangelle Toasted Pumpkin Seed Oil". I started out taking two teaspoons a day, but that only lasted about two weeks. The damn stuff is so delicious, I ended up putting it on everything from vanilla ice cream to using it for baking pumpkin spice muffins.

P.S. Legend (1985) is one of my favorite movies. I'm going to set aside some time this week to watch it. Some people feel Tangerine Dream's soundtrack ruined the U.S. version, but I greatly prefer it to Goldsmith's score. It might be nostalgia talking, but I feel it just lend's itself better to the movie's style and themes.

>> No.15095439

Does black tea has the same effect?

>> No.15095482
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>> No.15095500
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>> No.15095502

this reads like vomit tastes

>> No.15095525

Thanks for the info man

>> No.15095563

About minoxidil, do you have to wash your hair every day to avoid buildup (and consequently skin irritation/dandruff)? Also, can you apply it to wet scalp after a wash?

>> No.15095670


I doubt it. It has to be green tea with no sugar. The taste can be a bit astringent, but after the first couple of cups, you will learn to enjoy the taste.

Also, add some lemon juice or some other citrus to it.

>>Catechins, the main health compound in tea tied to reduced risk of cancer, heart attack, and other diseases, unfortunately isn't absorbed very well in the intestines. After digestion, less than 20 percent of catechins remain.

>>In two studies, however, Purdue University researchers found that adding lemon juice, other citrus juice, or vitamin C helped the body absorb as much as 13 times the healthy catechins than normal. The addition of lemon juice caused 80 percent of the catechins to remain. The studies tested the effects of absorption with both rats and a human digestive model.


The brand of minoxidil I use is Liopgaine (it contains Saw Palmetto, another known DHT blocker). I don't experience any buildup up with it or any of the other stuff I use for that matter. However, I only apply my products to my hairline and about a quarter of an inch behind it because it's the only area on my head where I experienced thinning/balding.

I don't think it really matters if you apply it to wet hair, just as long as it's not obviously dripping wet hair. Damp would be ideal.

>> No.15095689


Forgot my trip, senpai.

>> No.15096314

that is actually fucking sick

>> No.15096780

You seem delightful Vieo. Smart and erudite. Do other African-Americans give you shit for “acting white”?

>> No.15096784

Holy fucking cringe samefag.

>> No.15096785

You said you're ftm trnas - did you mean male to female? Were you born biological female??

>> No.15096788

not him but fuck off and die

>> No.15096793

Nah dudes “he’s” female-to-male trans.

>> No.15096796

No way. You mean OP was born biological female?

>> No.15096797

I honestly thought OP was just an ugly male-to-female trannie.

>> No.15096798

Have you never seen a black “woman”? Plenty of them look like men already even without treatment/hormones/procedures lmao. Why is that hard to believe?

>> No.15096799

OP, if you are trying to pass for a man, then why the long hair and gay skin smoothing?

>> No.15096802

i just dont get it

>> No.15096817

I get the impression Igor wants to bust multiple hard, thick loads into Vieos frizzy hair. Igor take a pic and do a cum tribute. You’re lingering around here. I know why. Post results.

>> No.15096822
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>> No.15097671
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Listen, I know I've gone through a lot of changes since 2018, but my gorgeous face, beautiful skin, and slightly gender-confusing appearance are not the topic of this thread.

Keep all discussion to hair regrowth, please..

>> No.15097676

so are you ftm or mtf

>> No.15097705

god we need pigfuck back

>> No.15097745

Definitely ftm
Compare the body to head ratio
Examine the body itself
That hairstyle and texture is also not something usually achieved by guys

>> No.15097814

Hi OP, I'm really happy for you and your progress.
Kind of receding at the temples as well. Am 23 atm.
How do u deal with having to apply minox twice a day? I want to get on it but it's such a commitment, I can see using it before bed no problem. But in the morning I feel like it is going to interfere with me styling my hair and blowdrying.
How do u deal with it?

>> No.15097863

>Who has the time for mixing protein drinks and going to the gym for Romanian Deadlifts anyway, with all those annoying "bro"-types bothering you about proper lifting form. Who wants to deal with that?

imagine messing up the easiest deadlift variation kek

>> No.15098029
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I only apply it once a day in the morning. Liquid minoxidil applied once daily is almost as effective as applying twice daily. Once a day also reduces the chance of side effects (bags/puffiness under eyes being the most common, heart palpitations being least common). If you're using the foam variety, it has to be applied twice a day. I guess it's because foam isn't as dense as liquid.

Pretty much everything I use for my hair, I use once in the morning. I apply it after washing my hair if it's a wash day. If I don't use my blow dryer and opt to air dry because of the warm weather, I apply it while my hair is damp, but not dripping wet of course.

Yeah, it's a commitment to do it every single day, but literally anything that's worth doing requires time and dedication.

P.S. There's a bit of a deluge here.

>> No.15098040
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Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!

>> No.15098187

Ah aight, thanks for the help bro. I was gonna go with the minox liquid 5% route anyway. Might give it a shot combined with a dermastamp. Apply it once ever day before bed. Im already on fin and recently started with ketoconazole but that was prescribed for my scalp itchiness.
How do u combine minoxidil with ur essential oils by the way? Don't they interfere with each other?

>> No.15098287
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>> No.15098334


I don't combine the minoxidil with my oils; at least not inside a single bottle. I do layer them on top of each other though when I apply them. I've never experienced any negative effects and my hair keeps filling in so I assume everything is working well together.

If you decide to create your own mix of oils, I would just start with a carrier oil (jojoba or olive oil) and one essential oil like peppermint. If you don't experience any irritation, you can keep adding the other oils one at a time.

>> No.15098910
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How do I get my hair back to this ever since I put some garbage product in it like 2 years ago it’s never been this curly, what are some natural products I can use to rejuvenate my curls? I’m in process of growing out my hair long again.

>> No.15098914

imagine having this detailed of a regimen and spending so much time on yourself yet still instantly be the worst looking person in the room at all times

>> No.15098919

Imagine giving medical advice to people on 4chan and using webMD to look things up when medicine is way more complicated than that since it's supposed to be an individualized based consultation and what works for one person doesn't work for the other.

OP just stop. I don't hate you but over the times i've frequented /fa/ you took on a tripcode and perpetuate this circlejerk where you love the attention you're getting. Just stop man

>> No.15099003


What were the products you put in it?

I don't know about other people's hair, but my hair is like a sponge and when it gets even the slightest bit of moisture (even from humidity in the air), it curls right up. You could probably try misting your hair with water until it's slightly damp, throw in a bit of leave-in conditioner, then finish it off with either some oil, pomade, or hair gel to lock in the moisture.

It could also be your diet. What you eat or don't eat (vitamin deficiencies) can definitely have an effect on your hair texture.

>> No.15099252

I ate veggies and a lot of chocolate coupled with junior chickens.

My hair is actually looking better when I put it up and damp it up, my hair is like the curliest white people hair in the world - any specific recommendations on keep it thick and full of volume?

>> No.15099295

How'd you get your hair this texture. I'm 4c btw.

>> No.15099312

This dumb duck nosed niggerfaggot got absolutely eviscerated in the last thread. Only a nigger would be dumb enough to post here again. You are one ugly spook

>> No.15099338
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64 posts, 36 posters
This means that view has samefagged about 28 times

>9 comments that arent negative

>16 by vieo

Assuming that there's a couple people here who posted multiple burns, what we are witnessing is a butt ugly tranny literally having a conversation with herself and asking herself questions to make it seem like she's not the subject of ridicule. This nigger believes that if she shills enough positive comments she will become less of a joke and people will like her.

Trannies are mentally ill.

>> No.15099351

you ugly as shit you bum nigga

>> No.15099389


If your hair is thin (your actual hair strands, not follicle density), use L'Oréal Paris Advanced Hairstyle CURVE IT Curl Elastic Mousse. If your hair is on the thicker side, try use 'Garnier Fructis Style Mega Full Thickening Lotion'. Failing that, try 'Gatsby Moving Rubber - Air Rise'.


When my hair gets wet, it curls up. I then just work some gel into it and blow dry on lowest settings with a diffuser.

Also, it looks that way partly due to genetics. My mom is white Scottish. ^_^

>> No.15100093

Nigger you need a lawnmower to cut your nappy hair

>> No.15100100

you're not white
you don't even look part white
you look like an ugly nigger

>> No.15100955

I'm going to start experimenting with MSM soon. Saw too many YouTube videos raving about the stuff. I'll let you guys know the results.

>> No.15101172

Literally nobody cares nigger and you need to stop samefagging compliments to yourself you schizophrenic fuck