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File: 114 KB, 948x1024, 1584495950784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15087742 No.15087742 [Reply] [Original]

YOOOOO!!! Greta Thunberg looks like THAT with makeup??!!??

>> No.15087746 [DELETED] 

90% of women without makeup look greta tier

>> No.15087747

id hit

>> No.15087749

women are fake

>> No.15087750

more news at 11

>> No.15087751
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>> No.15087752

igor looke like that!?

>> No.15087754
File: 11 KB, 288x512, A7EFB2B6-E763-4AA0-9A36-3AAEC3371F3C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn’t know he was a kike?

>> No.15087772
File: 46 KB, 789x688, 1291005255167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is that filename format from?

>> No.15087779

iPhones. It’s randomised.

>> No.15087818

If this is the kind of girl that was in Europe I fully understand why the Conquistadores wanted qt3.14 brown gfs

>> No.15088308

i was more than in love with this girl when i was young

>> No.15088312
File: 313 KB, 804x1205, nyet510-1022-2012-180011-high-jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her chin is too much, she should definitely get that Korean surgery. Otherwise, her little body is pretty smoking.

>> No.15088319 [DELETED] 

She used to be sweet but nowadays she comes across like a soulless npc.

>> No.15088326

Annasophia used to be sweet but nowadays she comes across like a soulless npc.

>> No.15089077

Isn't she 10, pedos

>> No.15089160

cant come up with a halfway decent bait huh

>> No.15089235

Why are men gross enough to sexualise a 16 year old girl... She looks like a fucking pornstar in that picture

>> No.15089246

this has to be bait

>> No.15089247

Shes like 18 you stupid fucking yanks

>> No.15089253

t. greta's mom

>> No.15089276
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>> No.15089614

I just Googled it and she's 17, in other words still underage. You guys are probably twice her age so you're total creeps and pedos. At least try to be less open about your degeneracy

t. a woman (not tranny)

>> No.15090757

Tits or gtfo stupid keyboard whiteknight

>> No.15090768

17 is only underage in your shitty country and did you ever notice simultaneously you are taught that you are a loser if you don't lose your v-card by 17?
basically your situation is engineered to make the world hell to live in.

>> No.15090774


>> No.15090838

Im 18 you mong, and the normal age of consent is 16

>> No.15090950

if she looked like this she'd be MAGA

>> No.15090961

Don’t care faggot, post dick or kill yourself

>> No.15091040

16 year old girls are objectively ready for sex

>> No.15091333

Age of consent is 16 twit

Her little pussy is ripe for some cock.

>> No.15091604

No she doesn't. Nothing can make that fetal alcohol face look decent

>> No.15091617

*would look like that with photoshop

>> No.15091621


>> No.15091673

Ficki Ficki Tzatziki

>> No.15092827
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>> No.15092852

I remember 12-13 yo girls following my friends and I around at school, we were about 16-17 at the time. They wanted cock.
People don't like to bring this stuff up because they don't want people to suspect them of being fiddlers but the hormones are there for a reason and quite young girls behave in ways that would get them pregnant in more savage times.
(today in more savage neighbourhoods.)

>> No.15093687

I am from The Netherlands and it's best to save yourself for a long-term relationship or marriage
Can't get a girl your own age?
911 I would like to report a local predator
Pregnancy is a leading cause of death among teenage girls worldwide you stupid fuck
You're ready for a mental institution you fucking coomer
Please watch less porn, I'm begging you

>> No.15093710
File: 131 KB, 525x809, 78gyk135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am from The Netherlands and it's best to save yourself for a long-term relationship or marriage
>women totally stick exclusively to committed relationships guyz. i promise.
Sure thing Stacy.

>> No.15095327

Same bro. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory movie awakened something in 8 year old me

>> No.15095352

That picture is fake.

>> No.15095406

>Pregnancy is a leading cause of death among teenage girls worldwide you stupid fuck
it's probably 3rd world shitholes

>> No.15095615

I said it's best to not sleep around. That's a normative principle, not necessarily what people actually end up doing. Men tend to cheat more than women anyways so maybe do some self-reflection before you bash women
Teenage pregnancy is dangerous no matter where you are in the world. Teenage girls don't even have regular periods yet. It takes a few years for your periods to become more regular which is usually around the age of 20. Women reach peak fertility at the age of 27, not 16, not 18. Ironically, all the men in this tread wanting to fuck Greta are not any better than the men from third world countries who also sleep with young girls so maybe dial down the racism.
Maternal death has decreased greatly in recent history but it is still a major cause of death worldwide for women and girls. The USA has the highest rate of maternal death in the industrialised world because it is still a trend in the USA to do at home birth rather than in a hospital.

Here is a source for the pissbabies crying about a source:


>> No.15095617

tfw white people think its dangerous to have kids when you are the ideal age in perfect health in state of the art facilities because black people in some shithole give birth in mudholes with witchdoctors attending and fuck up the stats. the whole idea of"global" stats is such a fucking crock. the only comparable stats are in your local area in people of the same ethnic group.

>> No.15095781

>I said it's best to not sleep around. That's a normative principle, not necessarily what people actually end up doing.
Nobody does it in the west. You can't even blame women. If you can go to the club or jump on the internet and get Chad Thundercock, why would you go for less?

>Men tend to cheat more than women anyways so maybe do some self-reflection before you bash women
Chad cheats. And women don't even really seem to mind when he does. If Chad didn't cheat there wouldn't be enough of him to go around anyway.

>inb4 go back to r9k
I enjoy talking to normalfags about these things.

>> No.15096429

You know the rules
tits or gtfo

>> No.15096444
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>Women reach peak fertility at the age of 27

>> No.15096554

>I am from The Netherlands and it's best to save yourself for a long-term relationship or marriage

Yeah but having a high age of consent doesn't encourage that, it DISCOURAGES that.
See saying they have to be x to consent means they think a reasonable age to marry is minimum x but more likely x + a few years, see?
They'll still fuck when they're x - a few years because they want to fuck.
So what you're doing is creating a world where people have high sexual partner counts years before they would ever think they're old enough to marry.
Doing the thing where two 18 year olds could fuck but a 40 year old is not allowed to fuck the 18 year old is potentially bad too.
Now it is true you don't really want older predators having free run on young people because young people are stupid: but it completely fucks the phenomena we used to have where older men married younger women and lived happily ever after.
Even for casual sex purposes it could be less traumatic for the younger woman to fuck the older man because, assuming he's just a normal dude, he's probably better at not being a callous asshole at 40 than he was at 18.

>> No.15097058

Thats Valentina Bilbao kek

i wonder what creep took this video

>> No.15097063
File: 60 KB, 229x332, time to fap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally sauce on that bitch

>> No.15097080

she didn't age very well

>> No.15097384

Same niggas
Bridge to terabithia was too much for my zoomer brain

>> No.15097386
File: 464 KB, 515x525, 1555260809475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my Greta Sexdoll™ got delayed because of Corona

>> No.15098540

>when you want to save planet earth but also want sum fuk

>> No.15098544

You kinda look like Jean-Claude Van Damme

>> No.15098576
File: 197 KB, 1080x1350, 87655930_591565138095046_7004265521382010516_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she didn't age very well

>> No.15098580

that's what you wish igor, but doesnt make it true

>> No.15098603

i dont want to have sex with greta, i wana make love with her