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/fa/ - Fashion

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15068354 No.15068354 [Reply] [Original]

Is SEXcore dead in 2020?

>> No.15068355

It has been dead for years outside of shitholes (fashionwise) like Britain

>> No.15068415

Sexcore is gonna be dad in 2020

>> No.15068421

It's a beautiful day )) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8ccwVOymjg

>> No.15068490

wtf is this? i know i’m not the most /fa/ person but even i know this shit looks dumb

>> No.15068554

This is what Brits think looks good.

>> No.15068561

tight shirts that cut off your circulation & pants with stupid holes in them? lol

>> No.15068615


almost every young normie male dresses like this in the uk

>> No.15068646
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No. The SEX can never die as long as Instagram exists.

>> No.15068647
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>> No.15068661

Sexcore is still huge in central and western europe

>> No.15068683

I live in the Netherlands and its completely dead here. Never really was that alive either though, our chads always dress differently from chads in neighbouring countries due to our weird class autism

>> No.15068995

Sexcore will always be alive in Britain. Overly tight clothing, full sleeve tats and roided up bodies is what the average britbonger lad thinks looks good and gets them attention from the "birds".

It's legit really fucking sad that in this sphere of people 9/10 times the guys are much better looking than the girls. And the difference is even bigger on reality tv shows like love island, geordie shore, etc. Imagine trying so hard to be as fuckable as possible and the women in that sphere are ugly fat disgusting creatures with 1 inch of make up.

>> No.15070186


>> No.15070523 [DELETED] 
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Face it, whites in central europe dress as inoffensive as possible, only immigrants dress in SEXCORE.

>> No.15070526
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Face it, whites in central europe dress as inoffensive as possible, only immigrants dress in SEXCORE.

>> No.15070596

Can you explain to me what dutch class autism is like anon? Would genuinely like to know

>> No.15070599

choose your fighter; mines Habibi Moustache

>> No.15070681

This looks like a history class or something similar where everyone has autism
I'll try to explain it but it's hard to get the gist of if you haven't grown up here:
You can immedeatly spot who is upper class and who is lower class by the way they dress.
Of course, this is the case in most countries but it is way more prominent in the Netherlands, we still have a proper class system based on where and how you grew up and not a fake class system based on how mucb money you make like in the US.
For example students dress in a very specific way, and students also all like to pretend they're posh and look down upon people who aren't students (cursisten and scholieren) (also keep in mind that we have a difference between proper university students and meme university students at HBO so only like 20% of kids go to university not like the USA where everyone and their nan is let into a college) and there is basically no interaction between students and non students, they go to different clubs and bars, have their own socities (verenigingen/sociëteit) and for example when too many burgers 'civilians' or cursisten 'HBO' ers' go into a certain bar or club students stop going there. Also bouncers don't let in people who aren't dressed like students into student bars and clubs.
Our Chads are people part of the top clubs (subdivisions) of verenigingen (like a mix of a fraternity and sororrity in the US).
So long story short: SEXcore was deemed lower class, students never wore clothes that slim so it never really took off among chads and honestly I've never seen anyone but Turks and 30 yo quarter life crisis lower class single dudes wear it.

>> No.15070683

To add to that, students also have very different haircuts from other people (having a short on the side haircut is the number 1 way to spot a non-student) and our chads dress in like a very toned down version of prep (think prep but with more sneakers, more jeans and often untucked shirts instead of tucked)

>> No.15070684

Thanks, now I hate kankerneggers even more.

>> No.15070690

Stay made povvo
Also its kankernikkers*

>> No.15070696

Your view will radically change when you're working for a while, and nobody really cares any more if you went to uni/hbo. Also, there are plenty of people, especially those not from the cities, who don't follow your description at all.

>> No.15070710

Oh yeah my experience is basically purely the big city, wouldnt know about countryside
>Your view will radically change when you're working for a while, and nobody really cares any more if you went to uni/hbo.
I believe this. Nowadays the difference between uni and hbo isnt even that big. But you can still spot people who went to mbo easily

>> No.15070742

Verenigingen zijn niet /fa/

T. Kunstacademie student

>> No.15070745

Knor zijn is niet /fa/ om eerlijk te zijn maestro

>> No.15070751

>try to learn/speak dutch
>get throat cancer
speak english you disgusting freaks

>> No.15070817

unironically and without exaggeration yes

>> No.15071546


>> No.15071634
File: 225 KB, 667x1000, 7d0fd798bfb9aeed5c63eb5d9ccab8ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold true SEXcore

>> No.15071665
File: 13 KB, 214x317, MV5BNzRmYjIwMzEtNTBjNy00NmU3LWE0NjUtNDQ0ZWE4MGU3Yzc1XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTA2NTU2NDI0._V1_UY317_CR20,0,214,317_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me, I'm here for THE SEX.

>> No.15071700

I wish I had the body to rock Sexcore and get so much boypussi

>> No.15071715

well start going to the gym

>> No.15071827

how do the chads there dress

>> No.15072673

>To add to that, students also have very different haircuts from other people (having a short on the side haircut is the number 1 way to spot a non-student) and our chads dress in like a very toned down version of prep (think prep but with more sneakers, more jeans and often untucked shirts instead of tucked)

>> No.15073985


>> No.15074126
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sex is eternal and so, too, is SEXcore

>> No.15074280
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>> No.15074298

Why is it always Turks or Arabs wearing this disgusting shit

>> No.15074308

Because they realize the importance of dressing to impress, and are confident enough to pull these fits off.

>> No.15074309

Because they live in your mind.

>> No.15074312
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>why yes I'm naturally here for the SEX

>> No.15074342
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Whoa, too retro bro. Trade that greaser-ass leather in for a green polyester flight jacket if you truly want to get the SEX. Haven't you been paying attention to AlphaM, YouTube's biggest menswear guru?

>> No.15074831

The single post I've read all month that made me proud to be american

>> No.15074835

I lived in the Netherlands for a year and never bothered to learn that disgusting language. I loved everything else but goddamn what's the point of subjecting yourself to that when the all already speak English anyway. I stopped Dutch history because I refused to waste mental facilities in learning their language

>> No.15074838

I like this fit though

>> No.15075182
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interesting shit, thanks anon

>> No.15075190

t. Lower class

>> No.15075373

what an autistic shithole
this sounds even worse than germany

>> No.15075412

Germany doesnt have this at all, everyone there dressed in sexcore a couple years ago including students. Germans in general dress like shit
Youre just mad because youre lower class and too dumb for uni

>> No.15075693

It's fucking bizarre desu, how can you think getting sizes way too small from what looks like Zara/Topman makes you look good? The people who dress like this don't seem human considering their diet revolves around leg day

>> No.15075702

>how can you think getting sizes way too small from what looks like Zara/Topman makes you look good?

It's a well-proven fact that impressing women (which is the entire point of SEXcore) is piss easy when you're a big buff guy. Ultra-tight clothing exaggerates your gainz, so you're guaranteed to have some thots lust after you.

>> No.15076103
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NOPE. The guido aesthetic will come back

>> No.15076107


lol. i go gay for a lot of brit guys

>> No.15076620

Maybe with certain kinds of women, most women I'm friends with think those guys are cunts without a luck of fashion sense

>> No.15077004

So have any of you ever seen sexcore in real life? Me never

>> No.15077046


>> No.15077180
File: 203 KB, 720x960, 1581482355213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am from Croatia and
>turks wearing sexcore
100% correct, only immigrants from albania and bosnia and poor people in general wear sexcore which they usually buy at Newyorker
However class differences go differently here, mostly down the lines how long ago your ancestors moved into the city
If you are the first or second generation of a city dweller, you will mostly dress dexcore, spend tons of money on designer clothes and cars you cannot afford and generaly pretend you have more money than you actually do, while also going to fancy clubs where turkish and arabic trap songs play
On the other hand, if you are a third or fourth generation of city dweller, you will probably look and act like any other middle class european hipster and will travel around and probably move out of the shithole thats called Croatia
pic related: first gen of city dwellers

>> No.15077217

is living in a city that special in croatia?

>> No.15077222

>/fa/ggots mocking ripped guys that have sex on a regular basis
And i thought /v/ was the virgin board.

>> No.15077236
File: 87 KB, 540x960, SEXcore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's nothing wrong with being ripped, it's just that this "super skinny XS everything chelsea boots fast fashion distressed jeans alpha male" look is really tacky and memeable

>> No.15077238
File: 401 KB, 1021x1136, sexcore2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but yes, it will undoubtedly get you SEX with classical British beauties

>> No.15077247

just go walk a bit in the mall, you'll find someone attempting this style

>> No.15077264

Yeah because there was practically no urbanisation prior to ww1, pretty common anywhere outside of western europe

>> No.15077265

guys wearing chelsea boots only hang out with other guys wearing chelsea boots

>> No.15078113

In a way I have respect for chicks like this. Their mission is to be the prettiest fuckhole they can be and usually less slutty than average girls.

>> No.15078117

Their thought process is pretty simple. If it worked for Kim K (never mind that she is from a Hollywood connected family) then it will work for me too.

>> No.15078142

Personally, I do not trust men who sexualize their clothing in this manner.

>> No.15078148

That guy looks horrible

>> No.15078250

Sounds like England desu. Except it's Dave and Stacey's who went to polytechnic universities and got jobs in sales and hr who dress sexcore. It's very much 'working' class to dress either like a straight up chav or Essex sexcore. Of course working class doesn't really exist anymore in the sense of factory/industry class. But that group of people aligned by taste and culture still remains. Like in your country, hair and being cleancut/having tattoos are also pretty big indicators.

>> No.15078254


>> No.15078265

Is that Marilyn Manson?

>> No.15078808

Only one man in the pic: 5/11 upper row

>> No.15078809

He looks brazilian

>> No.15078857

SEXcore prevents class mixing and is ultimately good

>> No.15078892


why the fuck are you talkkng about class difference if youre from croatia yourself? literally no difference with gypsies and serbians

>> No.15078909


Why are the guys in the UK more attractive than the girls? WTF?

The girl looks like a caricature of a kardashian and not even a good one at that.

Here in the United States, girls usually look better than the guys.

>> No.15078911


I bet there's a lot of inbreeding going on in the upper class in the Netherlands.

Dating scene will probably look fucked up to guys on the outside since I bet there's ugly dudes who get girls only because of their social status and class.

>> No.15078913


Are the most attractive looking men usually wearing sexcore?

>> No.15078938

yes, on young afghan immigrants

>> No.15078944

the UK has more socialist policies, so women are less reliant on men for resources. Therefore, woemn choose men who are attractive and give them good sex rather than men who provide money. The reason you see ugly guys with hot girls in the USA is that those guys have money.

>> No.15078962

They dont, though. They all look the same, like instathots.

>> No.15078969

Same in Austria, the men are handsome with immaculate hairstyles and facial aesthetics, yet the (native) women look like train accidents. I dont understand how genes get passed down for generations in this manner

>> No.15079008

Thats where ur wrong friendo, literally continental differences, visit croatia then take a 3 hour trip to serbia or bosnia and see for yourself ;)

>> No.15079022

zero taste

>> No.15079035

I’ve only met two Austrian girls in my life and they were smoking hot. Cute mountain girls with incredible butts.

>> No.15080051
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>> No.15080198

nobody looks like that anymore hahahaaha

>> No.15080201

this looks better than sexcore unironically

>> No.15080204

Yikes, a catholicized serb speaking. The biggest "nationalists" among croats are the serbs who wanna prove that they are croats. Hence is why they are the most vocal ones. Generally speaking whole of balkans above montenegro is the same, everyone dresses and looks the same. They all act the same and are equally degenerated as you can hear the same argument from literally any other balkan country about others

>> No.15080249


Makes sense. And yah lot of ugly rich/high status guys with hot girls here in the States


That's crazy

>> No.15080363
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>> No.15080741

>The biggest "nationalists" among croats are the serbs who wanna prove that they are croats
I agree for that part
Croatia and Slovenia were under european rulers for a 1000 years, everything south of that was under turkish muslim control for almost half a millenia and boyy does it show
I implore any traveller visiting to Croatia to make a quick trip to Bosnia or Serbia and see for themselves the jarring difference in development
No wonder they say the balkans start under Sava river

>> No.15080804

Sound very similar to how it is in Sweden, right down to the hair/fashion choices

>> No.15080964

stay friends anon

>> No.15080975

Yeah culturally sweden seems really similar to us.
Do students there also wear polo ralph lauren shirts like its a uniform?

>> No.15080986

I fucking hate the Dutch. most of the Dutch people I've known in New Zealand have had basically this attitude to class, and found it really difficult to understand that in NZ everyone wants to act like there are no social classes and pretends everyone is salt of the earth average people, obviously there is a class system but the idea of being proud of your status relative to others just doesn't work here. Being this conscious of your social class is incredibly autistic

>> No.15080996

We just dont like hanging out with lower class people, theyre loud, unintelligent, and for the sake of /fa/ theyre also very fucking unfashionable
For us its very hard to go to new world countries likw yours because for example in NZ its 90% ehite trash bogans and everybody acts like that. There is no sophistication

>> No.15080998

Oui jes, I am her for de sexz

>> No.15081016

>no sophistication
talk shit post fit Mr sophisticate

>> No.15081135

The place really is cursed, any time I'm in Europe all I see are better looking and healthier women

>> No.15081280

I wonder what they will wear next? As much as some people itt want to think, I still see shit loads of SEX fits, it kind of fulfills every criteria of what constitutes an NPC here. Me and my friends think the guys who dress like that are fucking weird. Nothing to necessarily worry about though, as long as you don't go to scum tier bars or Topman you won't see them much. I just wanna know why the fuck they think wearing too small shirts so their veins pop out the sleeves is a good look.
Where do you guys think sexcore will go next?

>> No.15081332

The absolute state of europe

>> No.15081343

>Is SEXcore dead in 2020?
it's 2020, everything is fucking dead, fucking coronavirus killed everyone

>> No.15081357

No. I'm always dressed for SEX

>> No.15081467

These are obviously chicanos. Are you blind?

>> No.15081500

Now I love the Netherlands even more

>> No.15081564

He probably takes longer to get ready than a woman.

>> No.15081567

They try to show off an impression of wealth because they have none.

>> No.15081574

Stop larping

>> No.15082857

Phillip Plien the king of Sex

>> No.15083800


they need to hit the gym

>> No.15083815
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>> No.15084274

Soja flikker

>> No.15085245

it is quite impresive how emasculated males cope with the modern world.
instead of getting agency back from the institutions that deprived them they orment the transparent illusion that they are of high social status.
a clown deserved his make up indeed.

>> No.15085354
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looks like me

>> No.15085949
File: 128 KB, 1200x1200, D31AF373-A23E-4282-ACEA-18E6C11B5292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The turks and arabs here in germany dress mostly like regular zoomers, probably because all german zoomers now want to look like turks or arabs, they even try to grow out their non existent shittly beards and get haircuts like in your pic. The only difference i noticed is that nearly every arab or turk now wears turtlenecks for some reason. I was in the mall some weeks ago and saw about 50 guys with a black or white turtleneck. That really annoys me because i am also a turk that wears turtlenecks, and people will now start to mistaken me for a normie zoomer even though i have much better thought out outfits. Also literally every turk or arab and even most german zoomers got a wellensteyn jacket now (pic related) and i have no idea why, everyone just started buying them for no particular reason.

>> No.15085971

>coat with ripped jeans and chelsea shoes
Damn i really hate this fit. I mean it looks good, but everytime when i see someone wearing a coat combined with blue jeans i want to vomit, especially when the jeans are ripped. Ii would look infinitely better with trousers, well atleast i wear it like that

>> No.15086084


>> No.15086254

Without the ripped jeans, it would just be a bland and forgettable dadcore fit instead of SEX gold.

>> No.15086488


>ripped trousers

>> No.15086492


it looks good if hes muscular.

but most people cant pull it off

>> No.15087595

Eastern europeans and middle eastern men all dress in shitty sexcore Armani t-shirts.

>> No.15087618
File: 662 KB, 1878x1878, IMG_20200316_235941_535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I a sexcore?

>> No.15087621

Ok now this is too much sex even for this thread, delete this post

>> No.15087667
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SEX !!!

>> No.15088909
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>> No.15088943

no you're insecore

>> No.15088956

>I mean it looks good
no, it looks tacky and horrible
just because the guy is attractive doesn't mean he's well dressed

>> No.15090010

Never seen a nigga wear this in Texas. Skinny Jean's & long shirts? Yeah but no Chelsea boots. All the Chad's here wear shit according to their ethnicity and class.

>> No.15090161

Am I crazy for thinking that if he had better shoes and non distressed denim this wouldn't look awful?

>> No.15090165

Outside of the awful cuffing the fit on his clothing isn't that bad

>> No.15090179

right fit isn't SEXcore but the shirt could be a bit shorter
left fit definitely is because the pants look awful on top of those boots

>> No.15090185
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>I have respect for chicks

>> No.15090215

Britain is a shithole, fashionwise or not

>> No.15090903

it's not three sizes too small, but it's still an ugly, tacky fit

>> No.15090940

Nice jeans, source?

>> No.15090958

ASOS skinny stretch women's jeans

>> No.15090974
File: 107 KB, 1500x1006, 28515897_10211253797849716_802983659697191106_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a relaxed and natural pose

>> No.15091043

She looks like a legit orangutan, 4/10 at best