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/fa/ - Fashion

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15060768 No.15060768 [Reply] [Original]

I wake up and literally just put on a shirt and pants, and i buy my shoes based on comfort because
>imagine being uncomfortable so others think you're cool
is it only for those who have a need to express themselves above personal comfort? or am I some kind of retard who doesn't get it?

>> No.15060772
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when i put on clothes from my 'drobe i just put on what i think will feel more comfortable (loose shirt if hot, tight shirt if cold)
also, for reference ive hung out here for a while mostly because of the interest of sleaze
but i dont get it with you guys, i really don't. help me understand.

>> No.15060773

Even comfy core is more effay than what the average normie wears imo. Don't wear shorts and graphic tee's and you're already a step ahead.

>> No.15060778

>graphic tee's
you mean those generic t-shirts that have some shit like "los angeles surf club 1989" on them?

>> No.15060779

>when i put on clothes from my 'drobe i just put on what i think will feel more comfortable (loose shirt if hot, tight shirt if cold)
Why tight for cold weather? Seems counter productive. I just pile on 3 baggy comfy pieces and enjoy my hobocore.

>also, for reference ive hung out here for a while mostly because of the interest of sleaze
but i dont get it with you guys, i really don't. help me understand.
From what another anon said: The idea behind sleaze core is that you're trying to dress nice but you have shit taste.

Personally i like this definition a lot better than what you get from google search, which claims that sleaze-core is basically when celebrities dress like the loud 20-something colored chick you see shouting across the bus on public transportation.

>> No.15060781

Yes. Basically don't dress like that middle school kid in the monster hat.

>> No.15060787

Pure autism. Never will invest my time to read all this shit. Try to post like a normal person.

>> No.15060788

>Why tight for cold weather
i live in australia
cold here is normal anywhere else
>pile on 3 baggy comfy pieces and enjoy my hobocore.
i can respect that
>but i dont get it with you guys, i really don't
i like the idea of it because
(a) i don't care enough what people think of me to define my clothing choices around it
(b) I love 80s miami and 60s/70s hippie shit. scarface, fear and loathing, GTA vice city and miami vice, and hotline miami peaked my interest when I watched/played them. I like the internet-wave depiction 80s, though i dont necessarily express it cos im too lazy to buy 80s-themed clothes, and i don't want to look like a hippie either.
not to mention my interest in the subject doesn't go too deep, everything i mentioned is very mainstream.
>Personally i like this definition a lot better than what you get from google search, which claims that sleaze-core is basically when celebrities dress like the loud 20-something colored chick you see shouting across the bus on public transportation.
lol what

>> No.15060790

Op here my post was 4 sentences

>> No.15060792
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>lol what
Just google sleazecore, you'll see what i mean.

>i'm retarded, type with the twitter attention span in mind reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
pic related

>> No.15060796

no i meant what you said you googled sleaze i was saying "lol what" to the definition found on google because it was so absurd. lmao
have a good one mate

>> No.15060799
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>> No.15060805

>(b) I love 80s miami and 60s/70s hippie shit. scarface, fear and loathing, GTA vice city and miami vice, and hotline miami peaked my interest when I watched/played them. I like the internet-wave depiction 80s, though i dont necessarily express it cos im too lazy to buy 80s-themed clothes, and i don't want to look like a hippie either.
I'm in the same boat. Probably won't ever actually do it unless i end up homeless and not giving a shit, in which case i'd just start outright doing 80's/HM larp. I guess with you though at least you live in ausland. Feel like it would kind of work there. Where i'm at it would look weird as hell.

>> No.15060809
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>> No.15060812
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this is discussion board
if it was intended for replies to be short at all times there wouldn't be a 2000 letter character limit

go back to twitter, its 140 there

>> No.15060814

Your first mistake is thinking that something can´t be comfortable AND goodlooking.

And if that´s possible - and it is - what pros would there be to not go for both? Fashion is important because clothes are a necessity and you might as well do it right.

>> No.15060816

the 80s was different in australia
the only thing we had in common was the movies and maybe nintendo
so if I dressed like 80s in australia, everyone would just think im impersonating some american celebrity from the 80s
it'd look totally out of place
but i am literally at that point in my life where i wouldn't care less if people look at me weird.


>> No.15060818

how to drain your money 101
i take it in a postapocalyptic survival situation you'd choose the gun that looks badass over the one that kills better

>> No.15060820
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>caring what others think of you

>> No.15060823

First off, you´re making the same mistake again. Something doesn´t have to look like shit to work.

Second off, I don´t care what others think, my own style fits myself, but it´s absolutely not something other people think to be cool.

Third off "how to drain your money". Money is there to be spent, there´s no other value to it.

...and to end it all, I´m european, I don´t really have a choice of weapons, I´d use the ones I know how to get my hands on and how to use and that´s it.

>> No.15060828

>Money is there to be spent, there´s no other value to it.
correct, but there soon comes that the entire system of marketing and advertising is supposed to drain us of our money as quickly as possible, so companies can re-capture the wages they pay us as quickly as possible

and if you embed yourself in that cycle...

>> No.15060834

Not really, no, I thrift most of my clothes.

And yet again: You HAVE to buy/own/wear clothes, why not buy ones that make you look good, too? They´re not more expensive than shitty looking clothes...there´s no downpoint.

>> No.15060841


I do enjoy fashion, as I've aged it's changed from an active interest to a more passive one. I haven't bought much in the past year, and what I have has mostly been work stuff. I do think you should dress well, it's important to present the best version of yourself to the world. In industries it really shouldn't matter, your personality and appearance will still make or break you. A lot of folks here are lost in the sauce though, stuck in the consumption loop you mentioned. Buy what you need, buy excellent quality and take care of it so you don't have to buy it again. Fuck trends, fuck fast fashion, fuck shifting senses of self. Think about who you are and what you want out of life and dress towards that. Clothes a vehicle, not an end. If you need a bunch of them you're lost and continuing down that path isn't going to help you find yourself.

>> No.15060844

its not like I avoid good looking clothes, but I won't splurge on something exclusively for its looks, letalone even consider buying it unless I need it.

how do you put up with the hygeine / old clothes smell?

>> No.15060848

although i think "taking immaculate care of you clothes" severely restricts your movement, places you can sit, things you do - and like theres always a fear on your mind of ruining it or someone spilling an entire hot coffee on it

my take is if it isn't machine washable i dont wear it outside of my own home (where i know i wont spill booze on it or something dumb like that)

>> No.15060862

I don´t buy smelly clothes or at unhygienic stores and have them cleaned professionally afterwards. My aunt runs a cleaning store, so I don´t pay for that which is...cool.

>> No.15060868

>Fashion is important
>you might as well do it right

It is important because I said so and my judgement is important because I said so

>> No.15060875


>> No.15060884

imagine thinking you have to sacrifice comfort in the name of fashion as a male.

>> No.15060912

im female

>> No.15060917

you can fucking mog any other girl cause 99% of girls dress like complete ass

>> No.15060954

All these people here taking the time to post on a fashion board how they don't dress well because they don't care how others think they look. I believe you believe that, but even if you care just enough to post about it here, then something is going on. You might not care what others think, but what about yourself?
Look at your wardrobe and what you own the most of. This will most likely be graphic tees and jeans (it was with me), then don't buy them anymore. Nice clothes don't necessarily mean you sacrifice comfort. You're not gonna walk around in a boratstring are you? Wear what "you" think looks good. At first it won't fit your looks, because everyone wants to look "cool", but no one ever suddenly looks cool. That's why fedora's are so abhorrent. Guys thought it was a quick fix to looking cool, without having to try things out. And that's the main problem. You'll have to try things out. Instead of buying that novelty joke shirt you got for christmas, buy one with a pattern. Go for pants with a different material, maybe something softer, instead of another jeans. Wearing sneakers? That's okay, but they don't have to be black or even be a solid color. Look at the colors in your wardrobe and buy the same colors, but a little lighter, a little brighter, Things will still mix well, but you'll stand out a bit more. I've got more advice I picked up over the years if anyone's even interested, I'll check up in a couple of hours.

>> No.15060965
File: 13 KB, 320x320, nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga please,
Dont get your beta cuck germs all over my fly ass outfit.
You don't even get a 1/10th of the amount of nigger pussy I'm getting

>> No.15060999

fashion is a form of healthy habbit. its like working out. you work out to look good. fashion is something unique to everyone which also makes it personal. you can dress comfy, you can dress to impress it doesn't matter, just do what makes you happy and confident. no ones going to notice you if youre a generic tee-fag who gives no shit about what they wear; its like being unhygenic. we judge you.

>> No.15061009
File: 32 KB, 274x293, autismscience.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fucking hell Autismo, pipe down the fucking breaks. If you really had that Aspergers way of thinking then why are you on a fashion board in the first place?

People are attracted to and judged by their looks, and some would like to be perceived as something above a basement-dwelling autist. It's a form of self-expression, just as music and art is, but you genuinely get to wear it on your back.

Try dressing in a nice suit or fit for a night out, and your typical shorts and shitty shirt, and tell me the difference.

>> No.15061022

Is that you?

>> No.15061699

what is it about /fa/ in particular that compels idiots to take pride in being a lazy slob? would you go on /fit/ and try to brag about being a fatass who's too lazy to work out?

>> No.15062581

I wear all black and dress the same 99% of the time. However, because I selected good versatile pieces that all go together fucking normies think I dress soooo good. Fashion people see right through the bs and think I'm autistic (as do I).

>> No.15062595

other people will think: there's something wrong with you, you just don't care, you've given up. if you don't care what other people think about you then keep on keepin on and wear your garbage bags

>> No.15062605

The biggest contributer to microplastics and water contamination is all the nylon and rayon and all the other plastic shit.
Wool and silk may not be ethically sourced
cotton uses tons of water compared to other textiles.

Cant use a touch screen with regular gloves

You still care about fashion OP as it is anoutward reflection of you personality.
You like to be "real", but have openly accepted the choas and bullshit this world has to offer.
like the ketchup stains on you shirt or holes in your pants, you don't have made those things as much as you let them happen. You think superficiality is a burden and as such those ound you applaud for tour authentic dress, becuase they dont have to bullshit with you for several hours to figure out you are a bastard.
You know you are a bastard, but at least you aren't deluding yourself and refusing to let anyone give you a benefit of the doubt.

If some college undergrad can wax poetic for 15 paages about the design of a fucking teapot, then fashion is something truly inescapable.

Also learn to make your own shoes, pants, shirts etc...

>> No.15063045


>> No.15063178
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Except being fit is associated with strength, masculinity, and maturity. /fa/ is in a perpetual college freshman phase. Nobody in your life will ever be impressed that you spent $850 on a jacket that nobody thinks looks good after you were "inspired" by a chinese cartoon website. All it makes you do is stand out like a sore thumb as a child who thinks other people are impressed with your consoomer lifestyle.

>> No.15063296
File: 43 KB, 567x422, EGulcY2X4AAnV6b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Except being fit is associated with strength, masculinity, and maturity.

>> No.15063329
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I wear clothes that are comfy And fashionable

>> No.15063487

why is dylan roof there

>> No.15063617
File: 254 KB, 592x570, damnson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe harder faggot, and keep dressing up in those shitty graphic tees and khakis you got on a 2 for 1 at Primark, then wonder why those 50lbs you lost from the 8 months of SS still can't get you a decent fuck

>> No.15063624



Or worse

Captain America

>> No.15063625

I suppose for me it comes with a particularity i have about everything in my life (perhaps an autistic obsession). For me, i dont feel comfortable about myself in just any clothes, i have a specific taste that makes me feel not only physically comfortable but also mentally.

>> No.15063651

>losing weight
>on SS

Anon come on

>> No.15063673
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Actually works desu, kCals in and out and that. Lost about 10kgs in a few months on SS when I first started lifting years back.

>> No.15063732

You sound like an incel desu, but at the end of the day fashion is a hobby that people have to look and feel good about themselves. Not caring about fashion to the point of presentability is literal autism and gets you to being an incel.

>> No.15063747
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I mean, you cared enough to post it here - on a fashion board.

>> No.15063749

never 4get...

>> No.15063750

its a hobbie