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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 916 KB, 1221x674, ideal gf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15037807 No.15037807[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What kind of facial aesthetic is this?

Being fa is about reason, logic, fact, and science. This is a new German girl (wow) who is rising up to challenge Greta (Thunberg) and her un-effay lies.

Being factual and scientific about climate change is really effay. Effay is about reality which is why we put people in good shape and good aesthetics on the runway.

This is also the ideal dream g/f look. How unique does this girl look? She could be world top model easily.

How many of you just fell in love?

>> No.15037815

A thread died for this.

>> No.15037819

Yes, political debates, and scientific research and public forums are BOOOOOORING. Let's have a bunch of children fight our political arguing...

>> No.15037820

/FA/ really is a shithole, jesus christ they should just delete this from the web

>> No.15037823

/fa/ has the worst tripfags

>> No.15037827
File: 870 KB, 1222x663, dream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah not like thread after thread "how do I dress for this girl" or stupid random stolen troll photos showing off their new haircut. This girl has a genuine runway model unique look. This is the most effay thread on here right now, in my opinion.

Not to me, but apparently to the average sheeple.


Breh, she is a 19 year old woman.

Delete yo momma.

>> No.15037853 [DELETED] 

you look like an aborted baby someone found its way out of the wastebasket and became a meth addict, how tf would you know what taste or beauty is. btw your dream girl looks like shes missing a bunch of chromosomes

>> No.15037857

you look like an aborted baby that somehow found its way out of the wastebasket and became a meth addict, how tf would you know what taste or beauty is. btw your dream girl looks like shes missing a bunch of chromosomes

>> No.15037875
File: 317 KB, 620x351, does my balls look big in this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you look like an aborted baby

Sick! Why would you make jokes about aborted murdered babies? take your meds, schizo.

>meth addict

Never been a meth addict, only a weed addict.

>shes missing a bunch of chromosomes

Because you like basic bitches. This girl is unique and she's fucking gorgeous. You are pleb tier. Maybe you've never seen a runway show. Get yo basic ass outta here.

>> No.15037876

>What kind of facial aesthetic is this?
fetal alcohol syndrome-core

>> No.15037884
File: 95 KB, 1280x720, dreamy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't even know what a top tier model looks like.

Pro tip: This is it.

>> No.15037892


When she speaks English... omfg



>> No.15037961

>female model standards
what a joke

>> No.15037967

Top tier female model standards can be a lot harder than a guys though. Their ideal runway height starts at close to 5'9" which is 5 inches above the average female average of 5'4". They also need to have really good (or not normal) proportions with that such as a small waist size.

Meanwhile the ideal male runway model starts at 5'11" so just 2 inches above the average of male height of 5'9". His body measurements are also easy to achieve with a chest around 38 inches.

Worlds top tier models are like 6'1" 160lbs 38 inch chest 30 inch waist. really not that out there at all and easy to achieve.

>> No.15037971

ur waifu a shit

>> No.15037973

>Worlds top tier MALE***** models

>> No.15037975

>long blonde hair
>youthful genetics
>not fat
>red pilled

Yeah "shit" indeed...

>> No.15037990

yeah I agree, I have big respect for female runway models, even more than male runway models.
but when it comes to any other type of "modeling" that isn't runway, I can only laugh. absolutely no standards exist for those girls, while the standards for men are ridiculously high. (see IG models, where even below average females get paid well, but only the top 5% of guys even get a chance)

>> No.15037995

Yeah all other standards hugely favor girls. Even an ugly cam whore can make money and have a onlyfans page. Chad tier males on cam sites get a much lesser audience and almost all their viewers are gay males.

Even fitness models women need to just not be fat, the rest like height etc. doesn't play a big part while men need to be in super shape .

Runway male models have it the easiest out of all forms of male modelling they just need to be blessed with the face and some height. While the reverse is true for female runway.

>> No.15037998


>> No.15038001

Why do people like you have to act like this? I find her beautiful and the fact she is female, young and German to go across the left wing doctrine of Germany is fucking fabulously effay and she a real strength and will of mind.

Why can't I share this feeling among all my friends of fa and enjoy it together?

>> No.15038015

could build a modest house on the space between this ugly bitch's eyes

>> No.15038035

Why be so hateful? Can you at least be less hateful for me? I really like her and my heart hurts a little.. you feel me friend?

>> No.15038037

>i'm having an allergic reaction-core

>> No.15038041

hop it cunt

>> No.15038046



>> No.15038050

Breh, love hurts, you know? Why wouldn't you support me in this? I have a lot of friends and support here

>> No.15038056

she looks like a navi with down syndrome

>> No.15038059

She looks "unique" yes but I find it charming. I find it cute as hell in all honesty. Don't judge by my caps, watch her in motion


>> No.15038066
File: 214 KB, 2000x1363, fourfooteleven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She could be world top model easily.

>> No.15038071

Excuse the fuck out of me?

>> No.15038072
File: 8 KB, 250x205, 1566120631068s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sick! Why would you make jokes about aborted murdered babies?

>> No.15038074
File: 1.19 MB, 328x250, 1581473984796.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>shes missing a bunch of chromosomes

>Because you like basic bitches. This girl is unique and she's fucking gorgeous

>> No.15038075
File: 899 KB, 1716x801, tears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this what you want to see from me? This shit hurts. Be kind.

>> No.15038083

Excuse yourself!

Yeah bro abortion is only an issue for soi bois, on no wait, soi bois are pro-abortion. Check yourself, nerd.

Ohh ho ho ho we got a little jealousy here, who hurt you?

>> No.15038085

Did you record that just for me?

>> No.15038087
File: 512 KB, 1080x1020, 1564857851293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah bro abortion is only an issue for soi bois, on no wait, soi bois are pro-abortion. Check yourself, nerd.

>> No.15038093


>> No.15038095
File: 774 KB, 1176x696, ur gf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, anon. I can be ur g/f


>> No.15038100

>Eclipse of Reason documentary 1987


>> No.15038122
File: 198 KB, 644x800, 1581315632125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15038136
File: 85 KB, 200x145, cecil chong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take a sip of some rice wine breh and calm your ass down

>> No.15038176

this guy has completely lost it, just ignore him

>> No.15038187
File: 205 KB, 421x240, twised psychopath heh heh heh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I used to think my life was a tragedy, now I understand it's a comedy HEHEH HEH HE HEHEH

>> No.15038199

i can't wait to see this picture on the news with a caption reading
>14 dead, motives still unknown

>> No.15038218
File: 704 KB, 1674x927, i'm the jester baby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only 14!? I would prefer this picture.

Hurr this guy is crazy because he has a personality!! Durr he doen't act like every other NPC!! HURR!!

I'm a peace loving person, I call out wrong doings when I see it, because that's what good people do. Cowards stay silent or play along.

>> No.15038224

Cecil fuck you you fucking nigger

>> No.15038225

You sound mad

>> No.15038230

im definitely not wasting my time investigating whoever the fuck that is but if they don't believe in climate change then they have nothing to do with "reason, logic, fact and science"

>> No.15038232

>I'm a peace loving person
>wears the SS logo
you're a walking contradiction

>> No.15038243

I love you too <3 be my g/f

Fuming bro. Got 3 fingers and 2 thumbs in my ass I am so mad.

Hurr I wont listen to reason or facts and I claim others who present them are not using reason or facts

You're a special kind of retard, huh? Plenty of leading scientists do not believe in climate change and those that do are paid by certain interests. The figure of "2000" scientists who signed an online petition had their names leaked and guess who signed it? names like Mickey fucking Mouse.

Do you think banks would give million dollar plus loans for properties close to the cost that take 20 years to pay back when, according to your bullshit climate change, should be gone in a few years?

The recent Australian "climate change fires" were self set arson and lots of them were set by left wingers trying to prove climate change is real.

You're another brainwashed teenager who thinks the world is ending next month. IQ of a sloppy turd.

>> No.15038247 [DELETED] 

SS were formed to stop the bulwark of communism that has ravaged nations and was spreading across Europe and caused a civil war in Germany before the nazis ever came to power.

Educate yourself. Maybe you've never heard of the saying if you want peace you must prepare for war.

>> No.15038253

SS were formed as a bulwark against communism that has ravaged nations and was spreading across Europe and caused a civil war in Germany before the nazis ever came to power.

Educate yourself. Maybe you've never heard of the saying if you want peace you must prepare for war.

>> No.15038257
File: 50 KB, 640x640, 1423164559219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes i absolutely love peace, that's why i support the guys who started world war two

>> No.15038265

>hurr unfair treaty of versailles
>german land stolen
>right a wrong
>france and the uk declare war on you
>ww2 starts

>invade country (which was formerly your land) the same time as the soviets do
>da russians dindu nuffin wrong!!
>it's da nazis!!
>communism good!

I smell your low IQ from across the planet

>> No.15038278

It's called ''Stop falling immediately in love with every random pretty girl you see on the street or on the Internet''-core

>> No.15038280

Autistic FAS hamster.

>> No.15038283

No dude you’re pissed

>> No.15038286

It's so hard not to breh, I just wanna take care of her, urgh

Nobody here has a g/f prettier than her lol I guarantee that

>> No.15038293
File: 673 KB, 844x427, Storm Führer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no power over me, be gone, troll king!

>> No.15038296

It's funny how you always come to some weird conclusions.

>invade country (which was formerly your land)
In this case the native Americans should take America back and Australia should only be inhabited by Aboriginals? Also, you don't have to be a communist Russia supporter to hate Nazis.