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File: 129 KB, 720x1454, 48672567_25029058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15030083 No.15030083 [Reply] [Original]

Is it safe to wear East German shit, or will people think I'm an alt right crackhead, or something?

>> No.15030084


>> No.15030085

Let's see a fit

>> No.15030089

as long as you're not wearing patches and medals, it'll be fine.

>> No.15030105

What valor? It's an army that never fought a single battle.
Of course I wouldn't wear those to the street.

>> No.15030107

I used to wear an East German coat around.

>> No.15030109

I wear east german camo with chernobyl liquidators badge and still get free mcdonalds

>> No.15030121

No one will know it's East German. Looks like a normal coat.

>> No.15030374

people will think you're a Stalinist or Nazi, and you will be assaulted or worse.

>> No.15030694

They wont think that. Military clothes are effay
Check Zara jackets and you'll see

>> No.15030700
File: 18 KB, 497x617, images (64).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody loves military jacket. Nobody will think you're a nazi, dont worry

>> No.15030862

Igor. I know it's you.

>> No.15031031

>alt right crackhead
No, just a loser

>> No.15031046

What jacket brands look like nazi outfits?

>> No.15031057

just look up wool four pocket military jacket

>> No.15031123

Yes, but only with timbs and a turtleneck

>> No.15032619

Larp harder. Go full knoch

>> No.15033616

Replace or dye the buttons and you'll be good to go

And get the gabardine officer's version of that coat if you can, it's not warmer but looks a lot finer

>> No.15034828

Where to cop that particular jacket?

>> No.15034948

I honestly thought about buying one of those, but they fit like shit, sadly.
They just fall down without any form, at all.
Haven´t found something similar yet true-to-form, yet.

>> No.15034954

>east german
>will people think i am alt-right


>> No.15034988
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>They just fall down without any form, at all.
What do you mean, no form? The coat tapers pretty heavily at the waist and then becomes wider again.
Are you sure you weren't looking at ones that were like 5 sizes too big?

>> No.15035373

maybe should dye it black? could look great with a good fit desu

>> No.15035387

>not understanding people never heard of the DDR/GDR

>> No.15035420

Then why suffer for their ignorance? OPs pic is a classic commie style jacket, I've not seen groups of alt-right or even right wing people wearing them.

>> No.15035667

no would look like sσγ garbage

>> No.15035725
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>Er wißt es nicht...

>> No.15035731
File: 59 KB, 900x532, d8e5d3cf14a3bb063c22b6eb89612f20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly this jacket would suggest "Daccau Guard" to most people (digits confirm).
But there are pretty nice east German fits if you practice a bit of discretion

>> No.15036233

Is that some special Africa version of the cap?

>> No.15036326

Looks like it might be the white cover police wore.

>> No.15036720

I don't think the jacket fits well your hips are too wide for it.

>> No.15036744

Even if most people aren't familiar with East Germany, surely they associate an olive drab greatcoat with communism.

>> No.15037030


>> No.15037124

next thing you know, op is getting milkshaked face full of concrete

>> No.15037140

Yeah all these great coats just scream commissar and soviet. As most of the youth loves that shit you are likely to get praise rather than attacked and older people who know commie evil will just not care anyway as they are not radicalized like the youth.

The coats are pretty cool for warhammer imperial guard cosplay though.

>> No.15037148
File: 182 KB, 1117x1228, 0e63b1b33d021e00c246270cb978b906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that's pretty much the intended look.

>> No.15037159 [DELETED] 

They are supposed to flair out after they meet your waist, it's practicality. Because they are past the knee and slim fitting past the waist it would make walking awkward and running taking large steps almost impossible and you'll fall over. I think people forget they are not runway coats, they can be used for actual military use.

I want one to just sleep outside in the Winter and see how warm they really are, I suspect coming from the frozen soviet waste lands they are warm as fuck.

>> No.15037161

Why does it look like a nazi jacket but toned down? Wait, Would east german uniforms have WW2 uniforms at the start of east germany?

>> No.15037163

They are supposed to flare out after they meet your waist, it's practicality. Because they are past the knee and slim fitting past the waist it would make walking awkward and running taking large steps almost impossible and you'll fall over. I think people forget they are not runway coats, they can be used for actual military use.

I want one to just sleep outside in the Winter and see how warm they really are, I suspect coming from the frozen soviet waste lands they are warm as fuck.

>> No.15037166

Huh? That style was used by plenty of forces before and after ww2. What are you trying to say? That after ww2 with the collapse of the Germans that all "nazi-looking" apparel was scrapped?

I guess we must remove all suits...

>> No.15037179


>> No.15037201
File: 38 KB, 739x540, 545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The early uniforms featured buttoned up collars and that sort of thing, so in that sense they were closer in look, but they weren't quite identical.


>> No.15037209
File: 38 KB, 589x529, c18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're worried about a Nazi association, just wear a dress hat with that coat, such as a fedora, bowler, or a top hat. Nobody will probably think of the Nazis with hat on.

>> No.15037224
File: 19 KB, 300x300, 6c917f1be5e6291fb458dd02805f592a04ec93bab536e9e4eaca301a2389dad0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was actually wearing this jacket at a bar one night and some shitfaced guy came up to me and asked me if I a Nazi and did the Sieg Heil I just laughed it off. Later I was outside smoking and apparently the dude fell flat on his face because everyone was talking about the drunk Nazi.

Zara Safari jacket. It's alright if you can find it for cheap. Not worth what I paid for it, like most of Zara's shit.

>> No.15037226

It doesn't even look like a nazi jacket, just a military inspired but all military use this type. Make it cream and it would be a safari jacket.

I don't get it... Nothing screams nazi at all about that jacket

>> No.15037234
File: 44 KB, 540x557, 13592682_590209934471738_6318902735463615839_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The raised collar, color and style? Dunno I din't think it was either. Granted this was around when the aut-reich was becoming a thing.

>> No.15037249
File: 97 KB, 794x976, il_794xN.2015680889_alvg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will look like a larper, go single breasted, faggot.

>> No.15037258

The style is military inspired with shoulder lapels, sure, but heaps of military items are. The pockets are just patch pockets you will see on plenty of casual clothing such as a blazer.

I would think the collar being raised makes it less military/less nazi as they would have a collar lapel.

There is nothing else on the jacket. I see these type of jackets all the time, if you really had one, from where? I wouldn't mind getting one. I kinda like it.

>> No.15037259

>1970s jacket
>huge outdated collar lapel
>too long on the arms
>overall too baggy


>> No.15037276
File: 99 KB, 673x1024, __higa_kotoko_bogiwan_ga_kuru_drawn_by_ina_gokihoihoi__d7706d9eeb9f38160dc8ccd0172a0a4b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I said I din't think it look like a Nazi jacket, Some rando drunk guy did. I got it from Zara like 3 years ago, probably all sold out now.

>> No.15037287

>I got it from Zara

Yeah which makes sense, making it some normal high street jacket as opposed to some "alt-right" jacket.

It's funny to me because people will be like "how did the nazis get a nation to hate jews" meanwhile we have people (often the same group) that blindly hate and would attacks others for an item of clothing they are wearing that's not even related to nazism.

>> No.15037298

I wear an east German belt exclusively and nobody cares

>> No.15037300

I think also people should be thinking why should they care or rather, who cares if they do?

People can't really call others out for being a "nazi" while at the same time policing what items of clothing others can wear.
How on earth are you calling out a "fascist dictatorship" while at the same time acting like you're in one?

>> No.15037348
File: 384 KB, 752x900, __dorothy_va_11_hall_a_drawn_by_koyorin__cb530c020a1d3d78210260089bedaf15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell are you on about? You're taking one anecdotal remark by a drunk guy that was laughing and seig heiling and trying to twist it into some ideology. Your polfag is showing DESU.

>> No.15037354

I am not aiming this at your anecdotal story, I am just generalising and thinking how silly it is when people think that way. That's what this whole thread was based on.

>> No.15037406

Checked. Loos terrible on you, anon. Nice birthing hips. You should've gone for a less tapered cut and sized up, perhaps.

>> No.15037464
File: 225 KB, 900x2275, 4534536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about this one then? I don't think my hips are particularly massive.

>> No.15037469

How warm is this? What setting could you wear it in? I kinda want one but I just don't know when (or where) I could wear it. It's heavy right?

>> No.15037480

It's less warm than the DDR stuff, but not too bad if you've got something under it. It's pretty heavy when you hold it in your hand, but you don't really feel the weight while wearing it.
I feel it's all right to wear it when there's a bit of snow on the ground. I don't think you stand out too much in a negative way, as there are other people wearing long coats too.

>> No.15037754

you do know east germany was communist right?

>> No.15037777

what is this still from?

>> No.15037806

nah just tell those fragile antifa cucks "im dIsMaNtLiNg hEiRaRcHiEs by reclaiming milsurp" and they will open their boipuccis for you

>> No.15038396

Jesus Christ, that's the worst 70s jacket I've ever seen. Did someone store it for 30 years by wadding it up in their closet? It looks like somebody painted trash bags brown.

>> No.15038398

Strichtarn is the only acceptable east german shit to wear and be /fa/.

>> No.15038445

Looks better, but the epaulets drive it into cosplay. You could maybe pull it off, but it will probably look strange. Nazi? Unlikely. Some massive retard might react, but they'd get triggered by anything.

>> No.15038671

Don't wear it like that, let it open with a hoodie and some sneakers, like Jordans. It counters the Nazi shtick going on with it

>> No.15038874

you underestimate american libtards

>> No.15039646
File: 92 KB, 1225x882, 62654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These straps are fixed in place.