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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 81 KB, 811x1600, WhatsApp Image 2020-02-21 at 17.08.26 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15028737 No.15028737 [Reply] [Original]

My skin is really pale and in the country i live in 99% of the people has dark hair, so i'd quit the normie look.

>> No.15028739

I know you stole this pic from somewhere but I wanna eat youout

>> No.15028742

>>15028737 fuck off roastie

>> No.15028747
File: 81 KB, 811x1600, WhatsApp Image 2020-02-22 at 09.32.19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pics are mine, the file name s whatsapp because thats the way i send my phone pics to my pc.

>> No.15028751


>> No.15028752
File: 86 KB, 811x1600, WhatsApp Image 2020-02-22 at 09.32.19 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15028756

lovely af ;(

>> No.15028757

stfu dont reply to me nasty fag

>> No.15028758

mogged by young Christina Ricci and young Scrajo

>> No.15028760

bitter bitches are not attractive

>> No.15028761

ricci is still very attractive
scarjo not

>> No.15028762

Christina Ricci is 5 years odler than Scarjo damn

>> No.15028764

these shorts look fucking disgusting

go be a degenerate somewhere else, hip-less tranny

>> No.15028765

you look like a fucking whore

>> No.15028766

hot bb

>> No.15028767

Buffalo 66 gf

>> No.15028775

Blond would look nice yes

>> No.15028777

I think you should stop being a whore first.

>> No.15028778

The way the mirror's frame shows your feet in the reflection makes it look like you have stubby little legs and hooves.

>> No.15028786

be my valentine

>> No.15028799


>> No.15028801

post more
post snapchat

>> No.15028816

sit on my face tranny

>> No.15028818

normie look? you're obviously trans and you still don't pass

>> No.15028819

Get the fuck out of my country; also I am a robot hahaha

>> No.15028867

I’d let you give me african goggles. With that out of the way, have you considered going for a bright red (like ginger/auburn)

>> No.15028914

if you want attention, do it

>> No.15029003
File: 181 KB, 407x275, 1569005255351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You probably straighten your hair, or your hair naturally is lacking volume.
Bleaching the hair is going to cause it to look damaged.
I think you need to either stop straightening, or cut it/style it in a way that adds volume, at the moment it's low volume is making your face look sorta wide and you want to cancel that out with more hair width.
No negs though you are pretty. Just saying you need to think more volume than colour.

>> No.15029014

What's your phone number I want more pics

>> No.15029030

If you get it, feel free to send her number into my dm's

>> No.15029037

No. Dyed blonde hair looks trashy.

>> No.15029046
File: 47 KB, 564x564, 6f11efdbb85a758b98c8dac48dc56ca8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But silver/grey or even white hair would look good

>> No.15029050

white hair is based

>> No.15029055
File: 59 KB, 564x556, 490d5dff394932a05bd27648d348a22a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15029086

never dye your hair just get a haircut or something if you want to look different or stop wearing makeup and work out a bit

>> No.15029088 [DELETED] 

Go to /soc/ roasty. Go lose weight too, you fat fuck.

>> No.15029090
File: 36 KB, 623x749, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aeroplane blonde.

>> No.15029095 [DELETED] 
File: 467 KB, 861x1182, E4A4741A-705D-492B-A22B-7FA3F36D1278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15029105

Show puss

>> No.15029232
File: 44 KB, 352x644, 1582360159565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys fucking tranny

>> No.15029267

post nudes

>> No.15029272
File: 38 KB, 542x543, mew2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The underage russian tranny i fucked last year was way hotter than you

>> No.15029274

Excuse me what

>> No.15029279

I too am shocked but yeah it had a better body and a way prettier face than OP and wasn't even a real woman

>> No.15029280

Call me a simp but I find OP pretty cute

>> No.15029284

u look like my hot russian exgf except you are not hot and actually a dude. she died it blonde and she said she looked ass if i can remember correctly so id say no dont dye it

also kys tranny

>> No.15029336 [DELETED] 
File: 229 KB, 500x500, 1527211981087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd let you too me so hard.

>> No.15029532

i mean if thats really you your hot but you radiate some tranny vibes with your face and shoulders also twink hands

>> No.15029538

you lower body looks ass backwards but your face is young dumb and sweet like Ricci in Buffalo 66 and I am really lonely

>> No.15029555 [DELETED] 
File: 320 KB, 1064x2208, 7D3A6A40-86ED-42B6-8582-4267ADE9DF6D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off tranny faggot

>> No.15029560
File: 247 KB, 567x320, 93a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't tell me he's a trap.. I've done things..

>> No.15029562

Lmao based

>> No.15029673

Based trips. Also that post was over a year ago? God damn...

>> No.15029962 [DELETED] 

>nigger collar
fuck you

>> No.15030341 [DELETED] 

Joder q pesada loco

>> No.15030363

you'd look like a ginger abomination with blonde hair.
in short... an albino.

>> No.15030420

I would eat your ass right after you got off work

>> No.15030429

story time my King, greentext it

>> No.15030444

i want her to fuck m,e

>> No.15031094

Trips don't lie

>> No.15031150


this is a board for fashion, please go be a whore somewhere else, or if you really need to ask questions go to the "questions that dont deserve their own thread" thread

and again, fat

>> No.15031231

Yeah I'm pretty sure this trap posts on /lgbt/, or at least I've seen an extremely similar looking trap post there.

>> No.15031481


>> No.15031596

you are beautiful my darling
if you would only post your snapchat I could tell you the things I would do to your lovely bod

>> No.15031598

Post feet

>> No.15031640

i think you're beautiful :)

>> No.15032579

Stop fucking up our board trannies.

>> No.15032584


>> No.15032666

Your shorts are too short, we can see that band on the nylons
Also it's obvious you made this thread to appeal to the simps

>> No.15033316

Nah do something more wild and out-there. Two tone maybe. Blonde and orange / strawberry blonde. Peroxide blonde is kinda played out these days. Or you could do what every other hoe is doing and only dye your fringe blonde and keep it parted in the middle. I had that for a while but it worked better for me cause I am a guy.

>> No.15033352

i wouldn't mind getting head from ((her))

>> No.15033467

Jesus christ you are so invested on this

>> No.15033643

eyy my man with the forreal

>> No.15033651

>thirsty virgins even put some basic bitch like this on a pedestal
what have we become

>> No.15033676
File: 49 KB, 650x370, collins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>been saving autismbucks and part time job money to "make trips"
>make a long ass car trip from turku to st petersburg
>decide to stay in decent hotel for like a month
>would normally go eat in restaurant, watch movies, go to the dark, drink, do stuff of the sort
>match with a hot passable tranny who claimed was 18
>decide to meet
>we go out for like a week
>dump a shit load of cash taking her to gagarin park and buying liquor and making homemade drugs
>before that she tells me she's underage so i have to buy the liquor alone and drink in a "private" place
>one night decides to go with me to my hotel room
>we start making out
>remember the underage part
>i stop for a few minutes and ask her just how old she really is
>tells me she hasn't turned 16 yet
>ask her if she's gonna tell
>tells me she really likes me and won't ever tell
>go back to making out
>i forgot to buy rubbers
>in the heat of the moment so "fuck it"
>we fuck
>has a very slim body, great hips, decent ass, small tits and a small dick
>i jizz inside her ass
>eventually becomes clingy as fuck so we spend most of my remaining days doing "couple" stuff
>we fuck some more, sometimes with rubber sometimes without
>return back to turku
>decide to get myself checked
>no stds
we still text each other sometimes

>> No.15033688

that is extremely gay

>> No.15033705


>> No.15033708

dominating a failed male while you cum inside his ass, choke him and call him a bitch is extremely straight actually

>> No.15033718

No it is not, you deranged psycho.

>> No.15033724

why am i a deranged psycho? i didn't rape anyone

>> No.15033750

you are fucking underage boys that think they are female and on top of that you think this is completely normal.you are fucked in the head kiddo

>> No.15033758

>dm'd me first
>started the flirting
>told me he wanted to have sex with me
>still tries to message me after hooking up
fuck off retard

>> No.15033760

lol calm down.you are already proving my point by being a mentally deranged person.

>> No.15033764

Imagine cooming in a horny boy's rectum!

>> No.15033771

you know what? you gave me a great idea
i'm gonna pretend i'm crushing on him too and we're gonna meet again and i'm gonna fuck the everliving crap out of him
luckily he isn't 18 yet :)

>> No.15033773

sodomites get the rope.

>> No.15033779

at least you finally came in terms with yourself by accepting that you are a fucking psycho.

>> No.15033782


>> No.15033783

btw where is turku?isnt it turkey?makes sense a roach would be mentally ill and sexually repressed enough to fuck underage traps.

>> No.15033789

fucking trannies is a reddit trend on 4chan.its a newfag invention fuck off

>> No.15033800

>all those discord trannies pushing their fag agenda here
cant wait for the day of rope to come

>> No.15033833

what a story Mark

>> No.15033846

>being this jealous

>> No.15033861

If I ever see you in Spb I'll fucking stab you disgusting pedo homo. It's easy to track pedos like you. So be aware

>> No.15033869

You seem nice

>> No.15033872


>> No.15033874
File: 799 KB, 1661x2500, joaquer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope and seethe subhuman slavscum

>> No.15033878

I feel like dark hair would suit you better honestly. You could probably pull off blonde but it would make less sense considering the rest of your style

>> No.15034261

Post shenis

>> No.15034280


You are going to the government

>> No.15034366
File: 18 KB, 720x463, 1573833324755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for delivering the story

>> No.15034374

What a lifestyle.

>> No.15034816

yes blonde hair and dark eyebrows makes me coom

>> No.15034878

Only go blonde at a salon, and only if you have the money to get your roots bleached and toned at said salon every six weeks. Going blonde is expensive if you do it correctly.

>> No.15034924

>from turku

not surprised

>> No.15034925
File: 147 KB, 601x1237, 5F7D04B5-DAA3-4ABB-B1D9-11C705E3BD63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since the Janny is a tranny lover I’m reposting

>> No.15035039

You love trannies even more of you save their pics in your computer, faggot.

>> No.15035041


>> No.15035043

You should kill yourself

>> No.15035079

show us benis

>> No.15035189

gay, but delivering is based

>> No.15035207


>> No.15035719

les mains d'un homme, donc le corps d'un homme

>> No.15035782


>> No.15035788

even if you're female, you should kill yourself for being a whore

>> No.15036280

i saw u on fit

>> No.15036493

Post penis and ass

>> No.15036533


>> No.15036548

fucking trannies isn't impressive. You are fucking a man, which is easy mode.

>> No.15036570

you should dye off a building or dye in front of a train.

>> No.15036868
File: 112 KB, 640x730, 1561230896591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Excuse me what

>> No.15036890

fucking traps has been a 4chan tradition since this sites inception you stupid newfag, stop embarrassing yourself on the internet election tourist.

>> No.15036901
File: 79 KB, 500x346, 1512354153283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


uh oh stinky

>> No.15036925

yeah just just looks like a homeless girl
probably a prostitute

>> No.15037092

How is doing that easy mode when the guy goes out of his way to make himself passable like a female

>> No.15037345

uhh based

>> No.15037573

atleats post a pic ya wanker

>> No.15037591

Men are horny and desperate, a man becoming a woman doesn't change this, in fact they do it because of this

>> No.15037643

What does it take to get a gf like you? Honestly please.

>> No.15037679

Sure if you wanna look like a trashy latina

>> No.15037686

please be in Florida

>> No.15037688

It's the desperate turd again

>> No.15037689


>> No.15037692

>this dwarf is obsessed with me

>> No.15037696

>any thread with the hint of a girl in and florida anon begs "pls be in florida"

There is desperation and then there is that.

Even worse, they live in a place that is populated densely, warm, sunny, girls out all over, tourists, beaches and yet they are a shut-in in their room. I might understand if it was some Norwegian kid in a forever cold part of Norway and a town population of 20. Just sad, truly.

>> No.15037922

If anything a tranny is even more desperate and therefore even more easy mode

>> No.15039245

She cute

>> No.15039418

Here's a hint buddy: she's not in Florida. None of these fucking thots that you simp over on fucking fourchannel of all places are in Florida. However, I promise there is a Cabela's or something near your trailer park where you can find some thick rope that will forever prevent you from having to harass strangers on the internet that you're jerking off to. Best of luck, kid. Faggot.

>> No.15039432


>> No.15039494

Unironically one of the best trans girls I've seen. Link instagram.

>> No.15039498

base anti-florida poster

>> No.15039758

Akshually, technically, yeah you did. Thats why you were scared.

>> No.15039778

That’s some ass backwards logic right there

>> No.15040017
File: 7 KB, 511x64, 05f63554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15041115

no women on this website please

>> No.15041179
File: 46 KB, 500x500, 86c8262c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
