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File: 18 KB, 460x300, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15014838 No.15014838 [Reply] [Original]

How are you fighting it, /fa/?

>> No.15014840

by living in denial

>> No.15014841

blocking t production

>> No.15014844
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>> No.15014845

funposting how else

>> No.15014846

Multivitamins and collagen peptides

>> No.15014879

I'm 20 and the top left has hit me hard in the past year. How long until it's game over for me?

>> No.15014883

I don't give a fuck

>> No.15014887

i am not. i will kill myself the moment i get too old

>> No.15014896
File: 240 KB, 1000x1524, 9E0573A9-1F92-4D9C-86F6-71340DAAED43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By being a no-T ftm transsexual
In your face, scrotes

>> No.15014897

how would social dynamics change if women had the same balding patterns and rates of balding as men

>> No.15014900

kill yourself

>> No.15014903
File: 280 KB, 1118x1068, 79F85157-8EBB-4160-9360-74AA36DFAB1F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is you on /lgbt/. You are more worthless than shitskins.

>> No.15015207

been on fin for 15 months. hair loss has slowed down but not stopped completely.

hard to get erections and my nipples feel weird.

>> No.15015248


>> No.15015250

being an ftm is the most effay thing you can do

>> No.15015263 [DELETED] 

27 year old virgin roastie couldn't find a mate so had to resort to becoming a lesbian lmao. Weak shit.

>> No.15015280

Been on minox for 3 months and all I get is peach fuzz on my head

>> No.15015298
File: 1.01 MB, 1002x575, 2mqDik2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a hair transplant

>> No.15015326

Please shove your agenda up your ass

>> No.15015340


It's seem to have stopped my hair loss with no side effects, been taking it for two years now.

Literally get complimented on my hair at work regularly, I can't lose it. I'm too ugly to be bald.

That aside..

How do women get hair loss?! Is biotin not enough?

>> No.15015348

The game is long over.

>> No.15015457

so just a tomboy

>> No.15015524

I'm not, thanks to my dad's genes I'm gonna die with most of my hair still on my head.

>> No.15015532

min gave me eczema and shingles on my face

>> No.15015598

I'm getting a transplant in Turkey this summer
Also why do I have a female pattern

>> No.15015608

does it feel weird?

>> No.15015759

Does parting your hair "unnaturally" (as in against how it naturally parts) fuck with it? I've been parting mine in the center because it looks way better lately (normally kind of goes to the side) but a worried I'm going to bald myself

>> No.15015768

>dads genes
Kek post again in 20 years, zoomie

>> No.15016096

>no t ftm
well thats pretty hot

>> No.15016173

Just nuking my test

>> No.15016178

It started to shed alot more for me so stopped that shit fast

>> No.15016182

no, its completely normal hair bro

>> No.15016197

be asian, shave head, attain kung-fu power

>> No.15016207


Parting your hair in a different way than normal won't make you lose it.

When my hair is shorter I part it to the left cuz it looks better then.
When it gets longer/shaggier I part it to the right, which is the natural way my hair parts, as a left part then looks odd.

No hair loss.

>> No.15016255


>> No.15016256
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Instead of being a balding 5'2 twink I transitioned to female

>> No.15016287
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Feels awful, bros. This is the longest I let it grow before shaving it back down to grade 0.5 which is 1/16 inch.
I’m 34 though and grown a decent beard. I really want to start wearing glasses but I don’t need them. I went to the optician and my eyesight is in the top 5% of the population. Are fake glasses cringe as fuck or what?

>> No.15016340

It's the most pathetic thing you can do. A woman not being able to attract a husband so she turns into the husband is the ultimate failure. How could you fuck it up?

>> No.15016342

Everyone else bald at your work or what?

>> No.15016356

>Are fake glasses cringe as fuck or what?
Yes. Get tattoos or something.

>> No.15016358

I have fin coming in the mail, does it really kill your dick?

>> No.15016393

On my face??

>> No.15016591

how people reacted ?

>> No.15016607

Anyone here tried the botox into the scalp thing? Sounds like the best treatment since you just get it done and don't have to do some daily routine shit afterwards.

>> No.15016611
File: 170 KB, 827x1030, MV5BZjBmZjYzZTAtNmFmNC00YWFiLTliMTAtMjZlN2FiMTVhMmQ0XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTA4NTY5Njkx._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By being a non cumskin lmao. White genes are cuck genes. Pajeet chads never lose their hair.

>> No.15016622

as a gay guy, i fucking DESPISE FtMs the most. They fucking pollute every setting for gay guys, and no one gives a fuck about them invading gay spaces. When MtF's go somewhere theres a fucking outcry about them being perverts trying to hurt women or whatever(and they usually are) but when FtMs do anything they get a pass, even though they're just as obnoxious and manipulative as MtFs.

>> No.15016627

that looks amazing... How much did it cost? Where did they take the donor hair from, since everything looks so full and thick still.

>> No.15016634

street shitters are literally the clowns of the world. They look and sound and smell ridiculous. The guy in your pic isnt too bad, but you just know as soon as he hits his 40's hes going to look hilarious.
As a culture, indians are bottom tier... hairy, poop-skin, smelly, huge noses with bad bone structure, and if they're from india their accents are ridiculous.

>> No.15016666
File: 310 KB, 1920x1038, 1580929510445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just take HRT and its cured, you guys were never gonna procreate anyway

>> No.15016674

being blessed with good hair-genes from both sides of the family :^)

>> No.15016741

I'm rapidly losing hair and will probably have such a bad hairline come may that I may as well shave it. I'm just going to get a hair system. it's like 50$ on average a month and it looks just as good as regular hair

>> No.15016784

this is not a pajeet but middle eastern, indians are way more dark

>> No.15016801

lol @ genelets

>> No.15016822

>Are fake glasses cringe as fuck or what?
yes just quit the ßoy and grow a beard

>> No.15016882

Anon, this anon >>15016634 is right. Pajeets are hated by almost everyone because >They look and sound and smell ridiculous.
And they lose their hair too

>> No.15017051

Already got one.
I’m also considering starting to use a razor in stead of a clipper.
Can you get clippers that go down to less than 1/16”? If I use the clipper with no guard at al it keeps snagging my scalp. Hurts!

>> No.15017054



>> No.15017120

if you have severe hairloss its best to just give in and go bald rather than try to save what little you have left
just save your money up so you can afford the best hair treatments when they get really good and let all the super insecure baldies spend their money now and be the guinea pigs for the current hair treatments
that being said i dont know what its like to actually be dealing with hairloss but i have shaved my head multiple times before so i think id be fine if my hair were to ever start falling out

>> No.15017534

this. this is what works.

>> No.15017592

>muh pajeet genes strong
>posts the most whitewashed pajeet I've ever seen
I bet his mom and grandma are both mixed

>> No.15017604

Minox and weekly derma rolling. I think the rolling makes a substantial difference.

Might start nopoo or at least use it a lot less, will that help?

>> No.15017608

Jesus, what a change

>> No.15017779
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Is there still hope for me? I'm about to shave my head

>> No.15017782
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why would i fight it?

>> No.15017787


>> No.15017810
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my current hair is like pic related but maybe not as bad.

Should I just got for a hair transplant in Turkey? Money isn't an issue at all. Just not sure how to tell people, it's not that I'm embarrassed as in the end it's out of my control, but still feels a little weird.

>> No.15017813

hard oof there. You are beyond redemption.

>> No.15017814

Also wondering if anyone else here has had a hair transplant, how did it go?

>> No.15017875 [DELETED] 
File: 620 KB, 2640x1288, 20200216_021717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


With the following daily:

1. Lipogaine (minoxidil)
2. 1mg finasteride
3. 2% Ketoconazole cream
4. Custom mixture of jojoba oil + peppermint oil + lavender oil + rosemary oil + liquid copper peptides
5. 0.25mm dermarolling daily
6. Some other stuff I'm not ready to talk about.

I regained a LOT of my hairline + temples with the above. My hairline went from an M-shape to an inverted U. I only started with #6 last November, but it's made a huge difference.

When I don't feel like fussing with my hair, I just wear a beanie.

>> No.15017878

>Money isn't an issue
Transplant dude, you're a perfect candidate. Who gives a fuck about the opinions of the crabs in the bucket, you do you get those flowing locks

>> No.15017904
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With the following daily:

1. Lipogaine (minoxidil)
2. 1mg finasteride
3. 2% Ketoconazole cream
4. Custom mixture of jojoba oil + peppermint oil + lavender oil + rosemary oil + liquid copper peptides
5. 0.25mm dermarolling daily
6. Some other stuff I'm not ready to talk about.

I regained a LOT of my hairline + temples with the above. My hairline went from an M-shape to practically an inverted U. I only started with #6 last November, but it's made a huge difference.

When I don't feel like fussing with my hair, I just wear a beanie!

>> No.15017912

I mean it only costs about 1-2 thousand bongs.
Can most people not afford this?

>> No.15017913

8/10 you look like my ex gf here would do

>> No.15017960


I forgot to add, I take about .5mg of Biotin daily as well. Turned my eyebrows into forest! They connect to my temple points now. LOL!

>> No.15017982

jagger-tier, 'mirin.

>> No.15017984

Is this Elon Musk?

>> No.15018301

That isn’t me

>> No.15018304

still haven’t joined the 41%?

>> No.15018308

Why would I, tard?

>> No.15018861


You're welcome.

>> No.15018897

Are you trying to turn yourself into a boy of s*y?

>> No.15018898

Is it worth switching to dute?

>> No.15018961

getting an ht soon
wish me luck boys

>> No.15019343

RU58841 dissolved in Rogaine. Dermapen once a month.

>> No.15019387

Does minoxidil/finasteride require a prescription? I'm embarrassed to talk to my doctor about my thinning hair.

>> No.15019408

okay gratz but no man should have a nose taking up half their face

>> No.15019418

3 months is nothing keep going

>> No.15019419


You don't need a prescription for minoxidil unless it's like super strength or something. You need a prescription for finasteride, but you can order it from shady overseas pharmacies, which is how I get mine, among other stuff. It's fairly cheap too. I won't recommend any websites. All I can tell you is to search Reddit if you're interested.

>> No.15019486
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>Lowers DHT levels, prevents DHT levels from increasing.
>Maxes out zinc and other nutrients
>Prevents hormone disruptions
>Shown to be 90% more effective than rogaine
>can even regrow a receded hairline
>only need to do it 1-2 times a week
Root lifter spray
>Either groganics root lifter spray or make your own
>Increases rate of growth
>Stimulates scalp
>thickens hair
Good luck

>> No.15019549

If you really have a pussy, would you want to be my bf?

>> No.15019739

Check on hair loss forums for positive experiences from surgeons. The best one is Erdogan Koray from what I know.
Demirsoy and Acar do some boss shit jobs for a much lower price too. Do your research, if you think it will give you confidence then it's worth way more than $3000.

>> No.15019740

Is there any evidence at all to support the claim that jerking off increases dht levels? I see nofappers spew this nonsense and I assume its just total bullshit like everything else.

>> No.15019768

not caring

>> No.15019788

Ive been doing it for two months now.

Seeing regrowth... on areas of my head that I didn't want regrowth. I've always had a receding hairline and liked the way it looked, but didn't want thinning in the middle of my head. Now the recede on the left side is getting thicker, color-filled hairs where my forehead was. The right side isn't getting any, leading to an asymmentrical look.

I'll keep doing this, but I'm wondering why its less effective for the top of my scalp than it is regrowing the recede.

>> No.15019828

fuck u faggot

>> No.15019894
File: 426 KB, 1280x960, 01978663-33D8-4BEA-A99F-E8592635C1EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont know if im starting to lose hair or maybe its just my messy ass cowlicks. my dad whos 54 still has all his hair, so...

>> No.15019903
File: 249 KB, 500x362, slow-heavy-metal-music-playing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what kind of dermaroller? 1.5mm? 0.5mm?

>> No.15019908

Is dermarolling the same as microneedling for atrophic scaring?

>> No.15019909

Only way to know is to ask others if you've always had it. Shitty cowlicks can make your crown pretty bare.

>> No.15019919
File: 288 KB, 880x751, jjgjgry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saw this on internet which appears to be my case, i truly hope so

>> No.15019971

just a cowlick
style your hair or get a good barber to cut it short

>> No.15019975

1.5 once a week,
0.25 or 0.5 every day.

>> No.15020040

either or both? cheers anon

>> No.15020044


>> No.15020072

Get some balls and tell your doctor. Mino is OTC but finnasteride isn't. Also know what you're getting into with finn. Other than doing the aforementioned, you can probably get Finn off an Indian pharmacy site or a telemedicine service.

>> No.15020682

Right now I'm on
>spironolactone 100mg
>Nioxin & Nizoral shampoos
>spearmint tea
My mom got me the HairMax laser comb, anyone know if that works?

>> No.15020732
File: 358 KB, 1422x1587, B77D5A6A-E1B9-4839-8634-E6945D69FC1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too

>> No.15020748

>spearmint tea

>> No.15020749

i'm not because i don't have shit genetics

>> No.15020789

this is just straight up balding

>> No.15020844


>> No.15021375

Your hair will be the same as your mother’s father.

>> No.15021539

My dad and his brothers are all bald as fuck (so was their dad) and my hairline is flawless by 28 because my mom's father has good hair genes and never went bald (80yo now)

I don't know if this is a myth or not but it worked for me

>> No.15021583

>hairline starting to thin at temples
>but only on one side
Is there any particular reason why it's only affecting one side? I'm just doing scalp massages for now, but if that doesn't work I might have to start dermarolling, nofap, and/or fin.

>> No.15022254

do you brush/comb that side more than the other?

>> No.15022349

>have an afro
>going bald
>now have a hole in my afro
i look like a fucking monk

>> No.15022390

i have the same problem
i got a plug of hair that i stick on every morning with double-sided tape
nobody can tell unless i actually take it off and show them and then they think it's fake as if i would shave a hole on the top of my head as part of an elaborate joke!

>> No.15022397

in my case i dont have a hole but fronthair is ridiculously thin

>> No.15022399

it's a myth, my granddad and uncle had/have proper hairlines, mine's receding at 25

>> No.15022405

myth. my mother's dad died at the age of 75 with more and thicker hair than me and im 22. my dad side is pure baldness.

>> No.15022433
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>My dad died aged 50 with Jon Favreau or John C. Reilly hairline.
>My uncle on mother's side who's about 50 on has Jude Law (In Young Pope) hairline.
I am 24 and balding bad, but my only solace is that I will hopefully never go full Larry David

>> No.15022695

30 year old boomer here. i have a massive bald spot that's beyond repair. i used to shave my head but now I'm thinking about just growing it out. im approaching the middle ages and i figure it's acceptable for someone my age to have grown out hair with an obvious bald spot.

>> No.15022789


>> No.15022860

By having good genes

>> No.15023010
File: 157 KB, 768x667, chillout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hairloss has already been effectively cured for 90%+ of guys. Dermaneedle your scalp just once every few weeks, and use a topical androgen blocker daily. Get in a routine, and stop thinking about it. In 6 months to a year you'll have significantly more hair, or keep what you have.

>> No.15023086

Since it's very related. One can one do - other than obvious things like always wearing sun-screen and eating clean - to maintain youthful skin and overall appearance?

>> No.15023093

go for it dad I support

>> No.15023317

Yeah, I do. It's the side that I part my hair on. There's also what might be a bald spot towards the back along the part, but it could also just be a cowlick (I think it's the latter).

>> No.15023486

you're a fucking sap if you pay money to stop hairloss. i'm balding and i'll be fucking damned if act like some sniveling fool. bezos is the richest man in the world and bald. you really think if he couldn't save it you can?

>> No.15023519

I hope you didn't start on spiro, unless you want to be a woman. If you haven't tried finasteride, go and try it for 6 months. Spiro is a shit anti androgen, and targets your test as well as DHT. You're trannyifying yourself but your hair probably won't get much better. Stop now.

>> No.15023560
File: 46 KB, 720x438, saltiboi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

embrace it

>> No.15023737

I've had my testicles surgically removed.

>> No.15024149

"wow, he's just like me"

>> No.15024160

for scarring, microneedling is just a straight upgrade

>> No.15024167

I'm accepting it as it's just what most men do. That and hairstyles that don't try to hide the loss, but embrace it.

My personal influence is the drummer Gavin Harrison. Lots of receding hairline, but his style just makes it work, and you don't even think about hair loss looking at him.

>> No.15024547

Nice job man! Enjoy the new fro

>> No.15024559

you'd look really good with a beard

>> No.15024564

Just living with it. That being said, I hate combing my hair and seeing about 12 or 13 hairs on the comb once I finish.

>> No.15024572
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I'm embracing it

>> No.15024603 [DELETED] 

Huh. I spent a year conscripted in the army and the middle of my head started thinning fast too. I bought a 1.0mm roller and haven't seen any progress yet but then again I only had time to do it on weekend leave. Should I roll more often with the 1mm?

>> No.15024662

>No Custodian Ascend

>> No.15024836

I was reading up on hair transplants, FUE to be precise and it says local anesthesia.

What do they mean? just like numb your skull or actually put you on a drip?

>> No.15024853

You either broke your dick or take the transplantpill.

>> No.15024919

there isn't. It's just that hairloss and fap addiction happen around the same time so people just blame it without any evidence.

>> No.15025116

>i dont know what its like to actually be dealing with hairloss but i have shaved my head multiple times before so i think id be fine if my hair were to ever start falling out

Balding is not even remotely the same as shaving your hair because you like it, you absolute mongoloid. I hate you. Die in a car crash.

>> No.15025657


Local anaesthetic = numbing a specific area

General anaesthetic = knocking you out

>> No.15025873

you're a ugly hon?

>> No.15026214
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>> No.15027179

>father 40-something yrs old full head of hair
>his dad already in his 60-70 full head of hair
>me 20-something yrs old already lost the temples can see through my hair strands easily in bathroom lighting
kill me bros

>> No.15027212

I shave my head for now. I'm like between a NW3 and 4.

I have enough saved up for a HT or a decent piece, but I do stage and film and every other actor in my city is a white guy in his mid/late 20s with a full head of hair, so I'm biding my time for now to see how long I can ride out being a special snowflake.

>> No.15027680

i dont have subhuman genes

sucks to be you

>> No.15027685
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seething balding crackers


>> No.15027692

>Insult men
>Wants to be a man

Leave that idiotic female logic behind. The biggest joke isn't your penis, it's you.

>> No.15027694
File: 105 KB, 455x809, 20200219_131055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By wax shining my skull

>> No.15027698

oh no no no

>> No.15027710

looking sexy op

>> No.15027715
File: 6 KB, 225x225, HM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15027729


>> No.15027741



>> No.15027808

I bet you have all the checkboxes of low t.
No muscle mass, no morning wood, slight depression, no greed, no urge to stand out etc

>> No.15027814

You look 35
Hit the gym soiboi

>> No.15027820

looking good my dude

>> No.15027937

a year or two, unless you hop on some random DHT blocker

>> No.15027959

if you've been bald for a while, don't bother using fin or rogaine. after a certain amount of time, the hair follicles die out and regrowth will not be possible.

>> No.15027967
File: 93 KB, 616x640, BF0EBACF-85A9-48F7-9FD4-F5FF0394173F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

23 and this is where I am. Not sure if I should do anything about it yet.

>> No.15028003

a lot of people expect clean-shaven bald men to grow a beard and put on muscle.

but i like being a skinny straight twink. anyone know some bald guys who pull off that kind of look? I liked billy corgan's look from the late 90s.

i also like roly's style from youtube (with the exception of the overabundance of piercings). he suggests using makeup to try to look androgynous.

>> No.15028035

better to use cartridge or safety razor? i only shave in the shower for the record and i heard safety razors are really hard to use without a mirror

>> No.15028053
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>> No.15028132
File: 100 KB, 500x610, daily-mail-com-home-u-k-news-sports-u-s-showbiz-australia-51478923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15028149

except that guy's thinning too

>> No.15028162

even his mom is hairier than you

>> No.15028168

Anyone here transitioned because of this?
>take T Blockers
>get on HRT regiment
>start looking andro/effay girly
>hairline recovers
>hair is now lush and lovely
>get compliments all the time now about my hair
>don't smell like a smelly boy now

Why isnt this considered? It's effay as fuck.

>> No.15028174

with "male" written on her papers

>> No.15028175

what are you going to do about the breasts?

>> No.15028181

They don't develop that much and you can always get breast reduction. Or keep them, they feel much more sensitive when you rub them and I can almost cum just by playing with them.

>> No.15028315

too bad someone who's been bald for a while can't benefit from this. once the hair follicles die, it's over.

shame, cause I would've loved to turn into an androgynous person with a full head of hair

>> No.15028321

Fucking THIS

>> No.15028342

Hair loss treatments work best as preventative measures. Start sooner rather than later. Minoxidil, finasteride, and dermarolling are the only things that reliably work.

>> No.15028411

What are the downsides?

>> No.15028430

Be my trans wife

>> No.15029411
File: 94 KB, 654x980, hunter s thompson gramercy hotel 1977431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just rock the horseshoe. Embrace it.

>> No.15029463

Hello 47

>> No.15029470

>low sex drive

I already have all of these, what would happen if I take finasteride?

>> No.15029509

you dont have any of those, and you wont have em for taking a little pill you fuckchondriac

>> No.15029520

Doubtful much. I tried fin once, it did actually stop me getting fully hard. Not that I was getting laid at the time though lol but whatever. All worked fine after I gave that shit up.

>> No.15029530

I grew a mustache

>> No.15029971


I have the pills and I'm scared, I'm just staring at them

>> No.15030027

eat healthier and working out will help dealing with it, but its not easy

>> No.15030028
File: 92 KB, 953x1036, shanejust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by turning myself into a wild man!

>> No.15030034

those arent signs of low testosterone unless you attend youtube university

>> No.15030098

The earlier, the better. If you wanna keep it, take action now.

>> No.15030157

Professor X can walk!!!!

>> No.15030277

I'm young and am not losing any yet, what can I do to make it last as long as possible

>> No.15030348

Is there a method to see if you are losing hair other than waiting for your shit to thin out so bad you can tell from a photo? My hairline in itself isn't too bad but I could swear the whole middle isn't quite as thick and "heavy" feeling as the sides and that in a few years I'll have that same balding pattern as Elton John in the 80's where the entire middle thins out at the same time.

I don't notice any hairs on the pillow or in the shower. I'm only 20 too so some change in the hairline is normal and I want to know if it'll stop there or keep going.

>> No.15030359

use a dermaroller
dont start fin or minox yet

>> No.15031284

Why don't you beat them up, they're just girls, lol

>> No.15031790

dermarolling what?

>> No.15031815

Idk but my hair is already white

>> No.15032042

We’ve lost what potentially may have been somebodies loving tomboy wife

>> No.15032106


>> No.15032109

i'm 20 and don't see any hair loss so i think i'm OK.
christ, that took years off you.

>> No.15032118
File: 1003 KB, 685x661, hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I just give in and buzz the back and sides of my hair? Holding onto it lol.

>> No.15032161

Go ahead.

>> No.15032246

Did you already have the top portion of the sides trimmed up?
it looks like a perfect straight line
How old are you btw?

>> No.15032256

I just shaved all the parts that were thinning. I am 21 years of age.

>> No.15032270
File: 16 KB, 200x200, $RA3AHBZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have made peace with it

>> No.15032273

I have severe shedding my entire life but I'm not balding what does this mean? My home is covered in my hair as long as I can remember but my hair is extremely thick and beautiful and I get compliments constantly. Wtf is this? It's been this way at least 10 years.

>> No.15032346

>nipples feel weird

OH NO NO NO NO STOP BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE. That's a sign of gyno- a possible side effect of fin.

>> No.15032352

Clean your fucking home

>> No.15032364

I can vaccuume then 3 days later it's fucked again

>> No.15032391

I only thin out right on top of my head, hairline didn't receed and my crown looks normal. No idea what the hell is going on. Will still have to shave it off. Putting on muscles right now in order to escape the auschwitz kike look.

>> No.15032595
File: 25 KB, 517x524, 1397437036070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know of a GOOD hair clipper that will do an even and consistent buzz cut from 5-3mm?

I've had a couple phillips ones so far but they all start sucking ass after a couple months, it's like their blades are planned obdolesence or something

Also are there any clippers with guide combs made from steel or at least not from plastic? I feel cutting would be a lot faster that way

>> No.15032626
File: 283 KB, 1995x705, IMG_20200113_161234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been using minoxidil for 2 years now.
It's working well for me but will it keep working forever?

>> No.15032638

panasonic gp 80

>> No.15032833

>I regained a LOT of my hairline
doesn't post pics

>> No.15033013


Do you take fin as well?

>> No.15033017


The worst case scenario he will have to get surgery for gyno, and that's only if it get's bad. Getting a hair transplant will cost just as much as gyno surgery, and you'll still need to be on fin anyways

>> No.15033082
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I just shaved it off, fuck it

>> No.15033350

No and I don't think I will.

>> No.15033425

But what if I work with food and need to get the smell out of it

>> No.15034163
File: 129 KB, 1280x720, ht38gnnbg987waf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking forward to fix my hairline

>> No.15034337

What are the best countries for hair transplants? I'm going to be in East Asia later on this year and I was thinking of getting one done in China, Korea or Japan while I'm there. I figured Korea might be good since they're all into cosmetic surgery and whatnot.

>> No.15034339

spray it with febreze

>> No.15034421

it's surprising to see every time this thread pops up that nobody mentions hair systems.

mentioned it, but nobody took notice.

Look them up on Youtube. They're sophisticated wigs that you glue and tape on for two weeks at a time. The bond is strong enough and the knots attaching the hair to the lace is strong enough that by trying to pull it off, you're likely to break the hair before you pull the system away from your scalp.

>> No.15034422

imagine how much less depressed you'd look if you weren't a balding faggot

>> No.15034433

Once you hit 30 you don't care any more.

>> No.15034502

Fake glasses are cringe. You do can get quality sunglasses for those sunny days.

>> No.15034505

If money isn't an issue, don't go to Turkey. Or at least do some research who creates the best hairlines. A lot of them place multi hair grafts in the hairline which doesn't look as natural as it possible could be by selecting single hair grafts at the hairline.

>> No.15034511

Looking sharp. I would loose the ring though.

>> No.15035909

If I do this my hair gets greasy and sticks together so it looks even worse, I dont notice a difference when I shampoo vs when I dont so Ive started doing it more

>> No.15037239

Hey guy
The straights aren't gonna call you faggot any less, you can stop bootlicking it's pathetic

>> No.15037245

You haven't lost shit incel, you don't own him kek

>> No.15037250
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>> No.15037289

I've been on finnestride for about a year and a half. I think it's slowed most of my hair loss (thinning frontal area + slightly receded hairline) but recently I've noticed a bit more hair fall than usual. Anyone know what might be causing this? I haven't changed anything about my life compared to before I noticed.

>> No.15037438

>6. Some other stuff I'm not ready to talk about.
This is an anonymous imageboard. Please tell us about it so we can use it too, a lot of us are as desperate as you are.

>> No.15037450


Breh, it's a troll or a snake oil seller, they know full well that would raise your curiosity to ask.

The giveaway should be the fact they post a goofy huge nosed picture in a beanie not even showing their hair.

The best things are fin (would avoid though for hormone fucking) minox and derma roll once per week.

Although for an extra, there has been success with zix which is pretty cheap to make and you'll find almost all hairloss topical solutions (other than minox) sue similar ingredients.


Topical zinc will bind to the follicle stopping dht doing so and shrinking/killing the follicle.

>> No.15037924


>> No.15037929

lmfao holy shit cope

this isnt real
this isnt real
this isnt real

>> No.15037946

What posture?

>> No.15037948
File: 830 KB, 585x582, vacation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this isnt real

I am not sure as to what you mean? Yes it is real, my hair just looks a lot darker than it is due to the light, or lack of it. You can see it is lighter on the other side. Here is a photo with me and my fiancée showing it.

>> No.15037960

Correct sleeping posture is lying flat on your back but it's also likely to increase your chances of snoring if you are prone to it

>> No.15038127

>just become a tranny, bro

>> No.15038471

im a jap with great hair genetics and shit face genetics.

i may be ID'd until i'm 40 but at least i don't bald

>> No.15038495


It could be scalp inflammation, have you tried cleaning up your diet and eliminating things that you might have a reaction too? For me dairy is a big one

>> No.15038499

Thanks nose poster

>> No.15038525

That's actually one of the things I've been considering recently, yeah. I have a fairly healthy diet, though that's mostly owing to living at home still and having a mother that makes healthy food. I drink alot of tea with milk, although I haven't been changing how much I have recently, so I don't see why it would spontaneously cause extra loss. I guess I'll try cutting that then though, thanks

>> No.15038593


Try switching milk for almond milk. The hardest thing about cutting out dairy is usually cheese, but you'll get used to it, and for me at least my skin cleared up from cutting out dairy. Other foods that can cause inflammation with some people are onions and gluten, it's different for different people, I'd say cut something out for a few weeks at a time and see what works

>> No.15038628


A receeding hairline only looks good up until you're a nw2.5, and it just goes downhill from there

>> No.15038634


Which dermaroller should I buy, there's too many different brands on amazon and I'm too autistic to choose one

>> No.15038805

what buzz is that on the left? 1 or 2?

>> No.15039627

How do I make my own root lifter spray?

>> No.15039635

dabbing on all the balding incels with one reply
welcome to manhood

>> No.15039636

w-what kind of jeans does your dad own bub

>> No.15039643

dab on them bigoted wh*tes

bootlickers are the worst

>> No.15039666

The way you wash your hair will not change male pattern hair loss. Neither will essential oils, posture, massages, blow-drying, or any other stupid gimmicks. Fin/Dut/RU, min, nizoral, and dermarolling are the only things that work. If you are balding, start at least an anti androgen treatment NOW. Your hair will only get worse. Stop falling for memes, you almost certainly not get sides, and if you do they will not be permanent. Try it for 3-6 months, stop if you get prolonged sides (more than a week), and see if you respond well. That is all there is to it.

>> No.15039786

Get an electric dermapen instead. They're actually less harsh as you can change the needle depth at will, and the speed actually makes it less painful. Dr. Pen is a good brand with lots of cartridge options. You don't really need any more than a 12 needle head. Any more an it can catch on the hair. I actually think fewer needles is better for doing anywhere with hair. They're moving so fast anyway that you'll make plenty of punctures on each pass even with only 7 or so needles.

>> No.15039894
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>> No.15040164
File: 1.33 MB, 800x1055, 2-format43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The real and undeniable answer is PUT ON WEIGHT and FILL OUT YOUR FACE. Gain some heft, a good pair of glasses and shake the cancer patient association and the weakness association.

>> No.15040189
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>> No.15040231

That's an Alpha move right there. If I ever get to balding this bad damn straight I'm getting a transplant

>> No.15040327

This can not be real. Shave it off if it is. How is this not bait?

>> No.15040477
File: 495 KB, 1920x798, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't post pics

OK, hotshot! I compiled some pictures for you. Generally I don't like looking at old pictures of myself, but I decided to post them.

I have a habit of furrowing my brow a LOT and this has led to my forehead having three wrinkles. The red line in both pictures represent where the top most wrinkle of the 3 is located. I put the red lines in there because shortly after the first picture was taken, I began using Retin-A every morning and it greatly diminished the prominence of the top most wrinkle making it hard to see over a year later in the second picture.

The yellow line in both pictures represents where my hairline is. In the first picture, even though you see hair after the yellow line, that's just hair that wasn't long enough yet to hold back, so it hangs down a bit. In the second picture, the yellow represents where my hairline is now. It looks thin but every month it fills in a bit more and more.

When you compare where the two pictures, you see there was a vast improvement. I went from an M-shaped hairline to something bordering an inverted U. If you look closer below the yellow line in the second picture, you'll notice that I have hair growing there. That's my forehead! I literally have hair growing out of my forehead!

>> No.15040486
File: 371 KB, 1186x906, progress2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And if you think that shits crazy, take a look at this!

The left picture is what my hair looked like last last August when I tried pulling it back. It exposed so much of my scalp, it looked horrible. However, look at the one on the right taken today. I can now pull my hair back in a bun and it doesn't look half bad.

I was considering getting a transplant, but because I'm seeing improvements each month, I don't think I'll even bother.

>> No.15040489
File: 990 KB, 2944x2208, baldie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What haircut should I get?

>> No.15040497

Does dermarolling by itself work? I have a Norwood 1-1.5 but I noticed on my temples I can see my scalp a little. Hair is mostly fine and maybe it’s just in my head because of this board but yeah should I just dermaroll? Kind of looking to retain what I have and maybe gain a small ammount of hair. I don’t want to take the dht blockers yet since I’m ready not sure if I’m even balding

>> No.15040508

You got to be joking.

>> No.15040633


>> No.15040646 [DELETED] 

>Does dermarolling by itself work?

I would say no. The point of derma rolling isn't to cut your head badly to simulate blood movement around the follicles, you'd have to go deep and that's not really a cause of hair loss. It is to create small holes that do not bleed but when you sue minox, it will more easily penetrate and get to the hair follicle root to protect it from shrinkage and death.

You don't need to take a dht blocker (fin) but I would get some generic minoxodil cheap

>> No.15040651

>Does dermarolling by itself work?

I would say no. The point of derma rolling isn't to cut your head badly to simulate blood movement around the follicles, you'd have to go deep and that's not really a cause of hair loss. It is to create small holes that do not bleed but when you use minox, it will more easily penetrate and get to the hair follicle root to protect it from shrinkage and death.

You don't need to take a dht blocker (fin) but I would get some generic minoxodil cheap

>> No.15040683

I think my GF is going through hair loss bros, I found minoxodil in her shower but she hasn't told me. How can I support her?

>> No.15041155


Girls are allowed to wear wigs, also minoxidil will make her face look like a bulldog

>> No.15041182

How tall are you? If you're not a midget I'd just leave it as is.

>> No.15041221

>OK, hotshot!

Good pics and info. Thanks

>> No.15041494

Tell her to stop pulling on her hair will ponytails and shit, and to go easy on the hair products.

>> No.15041525

by becoming a skinhead punk

>> No.15041672

We'd be all pretty fucking miserable pretty fucking quick. Think about what tinder has done to dating. Now imagine half of those thots being bald.

>> No.15041778

has any one tried Keeps? i see thats its basically just rebranded fin/minox, but my dermatologist wont prescribe fin to me bc he says im too young for it (im 25). I have some heavy diffuse thinning right at the top of my head and i dont want to wait for it to get worse.

>> No.15042456

Literally this. The absolute state of gay men on 4chan.

>> No.15043480

I'm going to use my dermaroller for the first time tonight. How does one go about sterilising it? I have some sterilising alcohol but I've variously seen that you have to soak it in alcohol, soak it in boiling water, pour alcohol over it etc.

I was under the impression that you shouldn't apply anything to the scalp for 24 hours approx after dermarolling.

>> No.15043488

Do you use minox morning and night? How do you rub it in? I have the white guy equivalent to your hair, just a bit less curly.

>> No.15043552


I use it once in the morning. I shake the bottle, apply about a drop to the tip of my middle finger, then rub it through my hairline. I repeat until I've covered the whole area.

When I first started, I did use it twice (morning then night) as recommended, but I got those bags/puffiness/dark circles under my eyes that some people get. So I switched to once a day and didn't get any more side effects. I read once a day is almost as effective as twice a day, so I don't feel as if I'm missing out on anything.

>> No.15043598

I'm not.

My crown is thinning and my top right is almost gone

I'm an incel so I give zero fucks.

>> No.15043778

I never use it in the day, I get extremely red and irritated skin. My skin is already sensitive to uv light though.

>> No.15043782
File: 90 KB, 570x761, il_570xN.924840468_6w68[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which of these styles, minus the meme ones, would go well with someone going bald? I'm not even 24 yet and almost totally bald, my genes are so fucked

>> No.15043905

I apply at least an hour before bed. I use a blunt syringe so I can apply directly to the scalp without the hair getting in the way. I make multiple passes, making small drops as I run it drag the tip in the direction of growth. Then I use a wide comb to distribute the liquid a bit more, and break up and large drops that are heavy enough to maybe run down my forehead. Then I let it dry.

My scalp is always a little itchy in the morning, but it goes away after I shower.

>> No.15043936

Full beard.

>> No.15043941
File: 16 KB, 480x318, cena laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a hairlet

>> No.15044320
File: 38 KB, 455x700, Buzz-Cut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post buzzcut inspo, preferably with receding hairlines

>> No.15044496

>19 last week
>Month7 of fin
>Gotten much worse

Minox and derma since 2 months, small white hairs starting to pop upat my hairline. I think I'll drop fin nd just pray minox helps for a while at least. I think I'd deal with the sides if the results of fin were impressive but at 7 months it's probab;y safe to say I'm a non responder.

Can't wait to be the only bald guy in my uni year :)

>> No.15045494

>Half my family goes bald
>Half doesn't
>Have two older brothers, one went bald, one was fine
>Reaching the point where family starts balding
>Start noticing my hair doesn't style as easily as it once did, and that it feels generally less full
>Not really receding anywhere obviously
>Hairline is more or less stable, but looks less full in bright light

I'm not sure what to do even do at this point.

>> No.15045509


It takes like a year to see the full results of finasteride. Also, when you start fin or minox, there's a shedding period where you hair will get worse. You have to stick with them for at least a year before you can draw any conclusions.

Also, what side effects are you having? The recommended dose of fin is 1mg daily. If you're getting sides on 1mg, taking a half dose instead.

>> No.15045571
File: 2.89 MB, 1920x2999, Polish_20200229_013221267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By keeping it long to cover my widow's peak, luckily it's still quite thick so it works very well until I get into the wind, then it's fucked. Also have 6 month's supply of rogaine on hand.

>> No.15045675

I just bought rogaine but 4 different dermatologist have looked at my scalp and in their opinion think my hair loss is connected to telogen since I tried to commit suicide about a year ago and was hospitalized for a month. Last dermatologist told me to come back in 6 months to check again but what if I go bald by then. Am I just being paranoid? I’m scared of losing my hair

>> No.15045677

Go to a dermatologist now so you can catch it early and save your hair.

>> No.15045724

Minoxidil isn't dangerous anyway. Put it once a day atleast until then. It will help the hair follicles and their growth regardless.

>> No.15045796

Yeah but rogaine at first causes a lot hair loss and I don’t want to have bald spots if I’m not going bald at all. You know?

>> No.15045882

RU58841 mixed in minoxidil will protect your hair from androgens but probably won't cause you any systemic hormone effects. I had side effects fron Fin and go off it years ago, so I know they can be real, and I know what they're like. I've been using RU for 6 months, and it's definitely doing something for my hair, plus zero side effects.

I wish RU was available when I first started to thin, because I think it could have prevented all my thinning permanently.

>> No.15045886

I was on finasterid, the stuff is poison, gtfo off of it ASAP anon

>> No.15045889

Not "a lot" of loss necessarily. The only hair that will fall out is shitty hair that looks like shit anyway. And it will all be back better within a month or two.

>> No.15045895

Finasteride makes you asexual and clouds the mind.

>> No.15045968

Where are you getting it from?

>> No.15046143

Details my guy! Tell me more.

>> No.15046155

google finasteride + bodybuilding

>> No.15046161


Don't listen to these boneheads. 30 million men take finasteride. If it was bad, would that many people be taking it? There'd be entire forums and support groups in church basements dedicated to men recovering from it.

>> No.15046299

There’s literally nothing wrong with taking estrogen and possibly ruining your dick and growing breasts in order to hold onto your hair for a little bit longer

>> No.15046350

more like hell

>> No.15046400

Anagen Inc. I'm looking into sourcing it from alibaba next for real cheap

>> No.15046457
File: 13 KB, 200x270, 200px-Benito_Mussolini_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been buzzing it for years, 27 y.o. I mine as well let it grow and see what happens.

>> No.15046874
File: 48 KB, 450x800, 8a8af75a5fd0673cad3e401cb0ac7eef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Finasteride is estrogen? Now I KNOW you're a bonehead.

If what you say can happen, happened to even 200,000 of the 30 million men who take fin, no one would take it because those 200,000 would file lawsuits and complain so loudly, every news outlet would be talking about it constantly and men would be scared of fin.

>hold onto your hair for a little bit longer.

Trump admitted he takes fin and it's how he's kept his hair over the years. He's 73 years old now. That's not "a little bit longer".

>> No.15047030

I’ve considered taking fin but I’m the kind of person who’d have this horrible internal dilemma with having my looks rely on taking a pill every day. If the supply stopped for whatever reason, it might take a minute, but imagine what a fucking let down losing your hair would be compared to losing it gradually over time.

>> No.15047308


Why would the supply stop? It's a generic drug that's manufactured all over the world. The higher dose of the drug is used to treat prostate cancer. You can buy the higher dose and split the pills into so many 1mg pieces, you could easily have a supply that will last for years.

>> No.15047339

>Am I just being paranoid?

Yes, relax and go to therapy.

>> No.15047646

>finasteride + bodybuilding
so.. gyno?

>> No.15048397

Is Trump's hair really your endgame?

You hair trannies make me laugh, paying shitloads of money to fuck up your hormones for a result nowhere near what you actually wanted. And once you stop taking it your genes will run its course. Lmao at your life, just shave it off and focus on other aspects of your life.

>> No.15048574

>Is Trump's hair really your endgame?

He's in his 70s and has nearly a full head of hair. So, um, yes?

>paying shitloads

A year's supply of fin is $53.21. The money in my savings account accumulates more than that in interest yearly alone. Idiot.