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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 100 KB, 1024x1024, tmc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15013925 No.15013925 [Reply] [Original]

>does beard make you more atractive?

>> No.15013927


>> No.15013929

No, but with just a mustache like that he would look good. Guys with dark, full mustaches underestimate their potential.

>> No.15013986
File: 836 KB, 1241x477, smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think so, it really changes how I look.

>> No.15014004
File: 60 KB, 640x772, BeardCope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only for jawlets

>> No.15014012
File: 475 KB, 824x580, das reich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have good facial structure.

>> No.15014033


>> No.15014045
File: 774 KB, 1176x696, ur gf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mean. I could be ur gf, anon.


>> No.15014054
File: 306 KB, 660x660, 199528-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, chinlet or not all guys should rock some beard

>> No.15014068


Omg anon u r so quirky an fanni

>> No.15014073

Holy shit is this actually you?
>attractive guy

>> No.15014079
File: 566 KB, 474x589, seattle siren.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey you, you stop that mister or I will beat yea da fukk up.


Yes it is and pic related is the girl who paid for my bus ticket to this city so I couldn't be that bad, eh?

>> No.15014090

>looks 28
Literally looks 48

>> No.15014098
File: 653 KB, 696x626, sup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to have to disagree breh. I am 40 though, almost 41!

>> No.15014111

do you get punched in the face a lot or is that undereye look intentional?

>> No.15014138
File: 547 KB, 758x454, smile for anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get puffy eye bags and discoloration around them. I had to spend a few weeks living on the streets over a year ago though and had around an hours sleep a night.

>> No.15014140

vitamin c deficiency can sometimes lead to thin vessels which leads to bruising

it should have cleared up a year after being homeless

i was homeless for a couple of months and the cops waking me up and telling me to move was the worst part about it.
why can't they just fucking let people sleep?
i guess we are likely to get robbed or something but still...i was tired.
i used to sleep on the subway during the day because people left me alone

>> No.15014219

I could try that. Yeah I lost my place and I had to wait a while to get another. I'd get a bus out of the city, find a place to stay, get up the next day really early so I wasn't caught, then get a bus to work and hit up 12 hours.

Shit sucked but at least I know I can handle it if I ever need to again.

>> No.15014256

please stop posting your ugly mug

>> No.15014261


>> No.15014263

everyone memes and laughs on mustaches tho

>> No.15014277

lmao I see so many anons making the exact complaint about women being mean towards short men on dating sites, think I have a good guess why

>> No.15014289
File: 553 KB, 469x579, the beauty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might be 4'11" or 5ft on a good day and I might be just average looking or a 6/10 but at least I got to have sex with pic related who also paid for my bus ticket to this city.


>> No.15014299

Sometimes, some people do it hide a double chin or weak chin

>> No.15014301

I was buying into the >>15014004 meme.
but then I remembered I used to get more puss when I had a beard.
Grew it out,got to uni and this girl told me looked great with a beard.(same length Op's pic)

>> No.15014306

Unless this guy smacks himself with a hammer and realigns his facial and jawbones he's always going to be a 5-6/10

>> No.15014310

The people who meme are the ones who have a blonde/red facial hair or can't grow one

>> No.15014330
File: 722 KB, 1644x876, EQ5au5BWkAAdLI7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah i guess

>> No.15014350

young scott disick

>> No.15014381

Wow I've never thought about it like that anon, what an inspired and original comment

>> No.15014642
File: 318 KB, 1094x1637, 183629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you fill this board with garbage

>> No.15014648

he looks so much better without the beard, im praying this isn't real.

>> No.15015495

Lol, why do you care so much about 4chan?

>> No.15015501
File: 692 KB, 1359x1359, FA4212C3-AB6C-4CB7-88C9-8ACD74C7A98B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


SAA got cucked by Turks. Where are those three helos now?

>> No.15015555

His haircut doesn’t suit a beard. If he had a crew or buzz it would look better

>> No.15015619
File: 89 KB, 1280x720, F473BEDD-AD9C-4401-8E40-B15B449C33E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beards do this funny thing where unless they're some type of FULL beard (pic related) they otherwise end up looking like shit 99% of the time like OP. so yes beards can make you instantly attractive but depends on the kind of beard

>> No.15015933

Lmao when the twinkie gets a beard

Poor kid, maybe that jaw will thicken out with some MMA

>> No.15015937

Who draws these cruel and hilarious images

>> No.15015939

everyone on this board is retarded
beards look good on some people
beards look bad on some people

>> No.15017121

youre cringe

>> No.15017297

Can someone give the me the lore on this tripfag what the fuck is this retard doing on /fa/ all of a sudden everywhere. And where the fuck is he getting these retarded dudes photos from?

>> No.15017335

from what i can tell thats actually him

>> No.15017359

I am retarded and I don't agree

>> No.15017471

what the fuck is happening in this thread you fucking degenerates

>> No.15018166

Either go full mountain man or groom that shit.
The ungroomed growth to mountain man can be a pain though but just tough through it pussy.

>> No.15018169

that guys fucked no matter what with that tiny faggot skull and pathetic disgrace of a jaw

>> No.15018446
File: 1.04 MB, 974x1428, 1580742505368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15018472
File: 591 KB, 1003x1723, 20200218_002152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give it to me straight bro

>> No.15018478
File: 1.47 MB, 682x1466, 1565105350119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your profile is way better than his, very handsome.

You didn't post a front photo but even from this profile you can tell you have forward growth and your nasal base/lips are reaching forward.
This dude's face looks like it's sinking inward, like he looks like the Woll Smoth meme because everything is pin-sized and sunken inward.
Not to mention the shitty canthal tilt.

>> No.15018494

bro go to the dentist your teeth are rotten

and stop the neo nazi shit while you're at it

>> No.15018518

>very handsome
flattered but i respectfully disagree
didn't post a front because i don't want to completely dox myself

>> No.15019185

beards are for ugly people who wanna hide half of their ugly face
every good looking guy always looks better clean shaven

>> No.15019190

How many times are you going to repeat this point before you finally get over your beardlet envy?

>> No.15019244
File: 45 KB, 604x604, 1380227356-6207-616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15019282

wow this guy looks older than my dad who's 54

>> No.15019496

go back

>> No.15019503

I wouldn't fuck that with YOUR dick lol

>> No.15020584

You guys can drone on about lookism memes but this french faggot is currently being creamed over by 95% of teenage girls.

>m-muh canthal tilt

this nigga is literally a movie star lmaooo

>> No.15020588

He's Jewish

>> No.15020617

*jewish faggot

>> No.15021017

White women aren’t bred for recognizing the truth about something but for agreeableness. If the elites manage to create an artificial consensus on how desireable pygmies are, they will inseminate their egg with his dna, even if she had the chance to get semen from someone objectively superior

>> No.15021062

I don't understand how this is a difficult concept to grasp.

>> No.15021158
File: 486 KB, 483x483, Tw2_CE_Oren_obverse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It adds to your dignity, yet it also distracts from your elegance. If you're not ugly, that is.

>> No.15021401

not a timothee fag but you're extremely retarded for applying women skulls to men.
fuck off faggot

>> No.15021410


Answer: it depends.


>> No.15021412


He looks like Casey Affleck, wtf

>> No.15021415

Yes, but not in the way I want to.

>> No.15021508

>Not a faggot defending this Jew
>Turns around and derides someone else for pointing out that they're a Jew

Yeah, I'm convinced.

>> No.15021522

boss baby 2 looks promising

>> No.15021590
File: 54 KB, 500x693, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm a jew and that's why i told him to fuck off because i don't think timothee is a jew, i think he's an ugly fr*nchoid. this guy>>15020584 didn't say anything wrong, because timothee has a fr*nch father and fr*nch phenotype, that faggot and his like want to push this matrilineal bullshit down people's throat. that picture triggered me because i've seen some retard on other thread using it to associate witch skulls with jews which is not true. if anything jews are the furthest thing from witch skulls because they have that neanderthal forward growth. my bad, though.

>> No.15021909

I don't think it suits Timotee -- he's too pretty.

>> No.15021989

Honestly, that guy who attacked the 5 foot guy is a fkn pussy. Just let the manlet calm down and mind your own bussiness. Fkn insecure beta male who is probably like 5'9 saw an opportunity to put himself higher. Probably a woman beater as well

>> No.15021998

>i don't think timothee is a jew
If you were actually Jewish you would know this by heart and probably be related to either or both of them.

His parents are Nicole Flender (a real estate broker and former Broadway dancer) and Marc Chalamet (an editor for the UNICEF). His mother, a third-generation New Yorker, is Jewish (from a family of Russian Jewish and Austrian Jewish descent). His father is French, from Nîmes, from a Protestant background.

t. actual jew

>> No.15022062

>If you were actually Jewish
i am, but:
1- i don't like matrilineal retards
2- guy doesn't even look jewish
>both of them
both of who?

>> No.15022065

He looks Jewish.

>> No.15022067

he doesn't.

>> No.15022068

You're an internet nazi and that fag is practically leonardo dicaprio jr. Not defending him but how are you gonna call someone so much more successful (and in all likelihood attracive) than you inferior?

>muh insemination if white women

nice fruedian sexual insecurity complex bug guy

>> No.15022070

He looks like a french indie kid besides the nose, the lack of a distinct brow makes him look slightly jewish

>> No.15022084
File: 112 KB, 921x434, 1573305153072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the lack of a distinct brow makes him look slightly jewish
what are you talking about man?
prominent browridge is a jewish trait.

>> No.15022096

I just mean it makes his nose look super big which is stereotypically jewish

>> No.15023053

you didn't answer:
>both of who?
also telling people that they aren't jewish because they hurt your feelings is very childish.

>> No.15023585
File: 457 KB, 1112x2208, B9D034BF-01FC-4A76-88E1-48EE1FD82E7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15023628

lol, you look just like my old friend called bogdan

>> No.15024103

>NOT using the warrior vs wimp skull which is supposed to compare proper MALE SKULLS
you are a fucking retard

>> No.15024803

It'll come out even worse for him then lol

>> No.15025560

He's a jew, it's a fact.

>guy doesn't even look jewish
He does, he has the rat phenotype.

He does.

>> No.15025639

mirin the stache

>> No.15025651

This makes me sad. Can I help you in anyway IRL?

>> No.15025686

based, looking handsome with a bit of beard

>> No.15025700

>He's a jew, it's a fact
and he's also french which is also a fact.
>He does, he has the rat phenotype
no he doesn't, and there is no "rat" phenotype, it's called the hawk.
>he does
he doesn't, kys.

>> No.15026024

"Jew rat" is 100% a phenotype, and I dare you to go post a picture of this creep on /pol/ and ask them if he looks Jewish.

>> No.15026120
File: 80 KB, 955x500, bill_maher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the "rat" phenotype you're talking about is actually the "goblin". jews who resemble this phenotype have small eyes that sometimes give you a feeling they have no sclera, timothee's eyes don't resemble this. the nose is pointy and has big nasal bridge, timothee's nose is neither pointy nor has big bridge. and finally the mouth/"greasy" smile which he also doesn't have.
/pol/ retards don't know how to spot jews.

>> No.15026188

Why? Short roundwas threatening him
And squaring up to him. Regardless of whether he would be able to do anything or not, it’s still unacceptable to behave like that. You really shouldn’t be running your mouth if you get bodied that easily

>> No.15026289
File: 415 KB, 567x301, 1551245631309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He has a rat face. His side profile comes to a point. Denying this is just cope.

>> No.15026330

he doesn't look jewish as i thoroughly explained it in the post above, quit being retard, you faggot.
i've seen many non-jewish people who look like that, that is not a jewish phenotype. but you can continue being retard until the mods close this thread.

>> No.15026335
File: 1.85 MB, 2800x2800, 1234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's me beardless and bearded for comparison. I feel prettier without, but more attractive with.

>> No.15026354

He's a rat-faced Jew

>> No.15026359

he isn't, and you're pig-faced retard.

>> No.15026656

This is the face of the meth master race

>> No.15026711

You can be both jewish and french...

>> No.15026724


I like your facial features, it might not be chad but it's cool.

>> No.15027406

tfw I have amazing hairline and hair, but can't grow a beard for shit, it's all fucking peach fuzz. I'm 30 years old

>> No.15027541


>> No.15027630

Take your meds dude

>> No.15027677

That shit doesn't help. Lowering your bodyfat does.

>> No.15027860

Jawlets benefit from beards the most. Somebody at my job recently shave his off and he looks like a fucking dork. He's growing it back though so I guess he's learning from his mistake.

>> No.15027863

Grow stubble
Shows you have a chin and jaw but are not a low t faggot who can't grow facial hair

>> No.15027882

cool real donald trump hairdoo. based

>> No.15027893

W2c that Dalmatian print thing you're laying on please?

>> No.15027904

Fix your teeth, i mean this shit sincerely

>> No.15027908

Imagine talking shit about Chalamet's fucking jawline lmao. stay delusional maybe next time you will tell me Ezra miller has no chin either

>> No.15027942

shaving shows all that and that you can afford razors too

>> No.15027986

I get mine lasered because I'm really handsome and shaving is a pain in the ass.

>> No.15028831

that's not how I look, this autist keeps coping with photoshopped pictures of mine, lmao.