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/fa/ - Fashion

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15010431 No.15010431 [Reply] [Original]

As a grill, what would people think of me for colouring my hair unnatural colours?

I am not a man hating dyke feminist, i just like fun colours and feeling childish.

I have my hair bleached a bit and the length is a bit longer than mid-length and i am into programming.

Are people going to think im a whore or feminist something?

>> No.15010439

it's not so much that the colours make you a dyke or a feminist but that they signify you are a mentally ill freak that should be avoided.
it's just that many mentally ill freaks are also dykes and feminists.

>> No.15010444
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>As a grill
>i just like feeling childish.
>i am into programming.
>Are people going to think im a whore or feminist something?
the best color is miku blue btw

>> No.15010455
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not bait retard i love fun childish things, and i am learning programming so i can make cute childish games in java and javascript (don't say bait again becuase i have chosen "uncool" languages, i don't see a need to make a bloated c++ game with hightech graphics, i want something simple and cute).

its not fair though, why aint more normal people dying their hair so it can be normal? Its so pretty and cute!

>> No.15010457

You aren't normal.

>> No.15010458

Was it your father or an uncle that abused you?

>> No.15010459

Colouring hair is hot
I'd suggest blue or pink

>> No.15010461

nobody gives a fuck, stop asking literal retards on this site who never leave their house what people in the real world will like.

>> No.15010465

I was not abused, just had a crazy mother.

>> No.15010471

im >>15010459 again i forgot to say that Madoka is based

>> No.15010475

And what about your father?

>> No.15010478

You know when your mother put her fingers in your cunt and arse checking for hernias, or whatever she told you it was for, that was abuse it was not a normal parenting thing.

>> No.15010480

you see the mentally ill retards threads like this attract? There are some places with communities that are just delusional and so detached with reality you cannot save them.

>> No.15010482
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>Are people going to think im a whore or feminist something?
>why ain't more normal people dying their hair so it can be normal?
From a professional standpoint; Its hard to take anyone with unnatural colored hair seriously.

I say do it, but avoid green. That shit fades really bad.

>> No.15010486

I live and breathe. People like this were abused by someone.

>> No.15010488

How come everyone online with coloured hair is hot but everyone in person with it is ugly and/or fat this isn't fair
Its not like I live in America or anything why do fat people exist where I am

>> No.15010489

Deny reality all you want: people that colour their hair are either mentally ill or they are boomers with shit taste trying to fit in with their mentally ill kids.

>> No.15010504
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>How come everyone online with coloured hair is hot but everyone in person with it is ugly and/or fat
For fucking real though.

>> No.15010514

Do a single colour, like pink, blue or purple. If you do multiple colours I will think you’re mentally unstable.

Also keep it looking good and dye the whole length

>> No.15010517
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>> No.15010518

you will literally believe ANYTHING reddit tells you, you're just pulling shit out of your ass to impress your degenerate little friend. Think for yourself.

>> No.15010521

because you're an incel and think every woman needs to look like the e-girl you orbit on instagram like a simp.

>> No.15010522

This too. IF you go ahead and do it, choose a nicer colour like a bubblegum pink or something, make sure you keep it consistent so you don’t have the gross grown out roots look.

>> No.15010525

If you like it then do it.
People who don't know you and will never know you are already making assumptions based on looks.
People you don't know but get to know will soon figure out you aren't some far left dick head who wants to smash the patriarchy and is currently planning your next meat is murder protest for the weekend.

And people you already know you already know you, having blue hair probably aint gonna change their opinion of you.

>> No.15010529

no i have pretty low standards just don't be fat lmao

>> No.15010537

Being fat has nothing to do with getting women you child

>> No.15010547

I think you're confused lmao
I wasn't upset that I can't get a woman
I was just saying that I hate how the only women that I've seen coloured hair are fat
calm down

>> No.15010593
File: 106 KB, 1069x714, wot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>java and javascript
>bloated c++
the state of fa

>> No.15010600

What's it like to completely turn off your sense of pattern recognition?

>> No.15010604

>anime posting
>as a “grill”
>knows how to code
Yeah, this is a fucking tranny from /g/. Join the 41%.

>> No.15010607
File: 10 KB, 269x187, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh kool aid hair isn't just for abused crazy people
>the very thread was started by a girl that claims to be normal but by her own admission has a crazy mother

>> No.15010628

nigga everybody has fucking crazy family members, if you left your house ever in your life or interacted with anybody you wouldn't have these weird delusions about life being a television show or an anime.

>> No.15010636



>> No.15010639

but there is a chance that its a hot girl with neon hair
its worth it to me

>> No.15010641

BPD. Just like in nature the fruit that is the brightest and most colorful is one to be avoided as it is always the most poisonous.

>> No.15010645

>knows how to code JavaScript & C++
>Hot girl
Bruv, it’s a fat tranny weeb from /g/.

>> No.15010650

/g/ /sci/ and /lgbt/ are basically all the same board now.

>> No.15010682

im not a tranny

>> No.15010683

41%. Join it.

>> No.15010686

fuck you retard

>> No.15010696

are you hot

>> No.15010699

See >>15010641
See >>15010482

>> No.15010717

Yeah I think you're right this thread does seem to be a tranny thread again.

>> No.15010725

Dilate tranny.

>> No.15010782
File: 32 KB, 1131x556, 233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back to your porn websites sicko.

>> No.15010790

No woman would go to /fa/ for hair colour advice. You’re looking for people to validate you so you can feel like a woman.

You won’t be a woman and you won’t be a cat girl. Seek fucking help, your fetish isn’t you.

>> No.15010793

hey baby don't listen to them I'm here for you
alright show me your bazongas please

>> No.15010798

His dick is bigger than yours bro.

>> No.15010800

fuck you porn addicted freaking retard.
The world is not your tranny fantasy.

>> No.15010805

>catgirl anime posting
>JavaScript & C++ coder
>teehee I’m a GRILL

Fuck off this board tranny.

>> No.15010814

>durr u cant like cute anime and want to program cute games and like colourful things without being a tranny
I knew loads of girls growing up that liked cute anime, i am not american like you losers btw.

What next? dresses, long hair and nailpolish become a symbol of trannies?
I am done replying to people that call me a tranny.

>> No.15010819


>> No.15010858

you forgot to reply to me when i asked if you were hot btw so if you want to reply now thats fine I'll allow it

>> No.15010945

if you're hot you'll look hotter
if you're ugly you'll look uglier
whore/feminist bullshit is just incel sour grapes cope

>> No.15010950

asking the real question here

>> No.15010965

Timestamped pic is all you need to prove you're not a tranny, dumb cunt.

>> No.15010970

looks disgusting and tasteless no matter what

hairdresser here

>> No.15011072

So, I had my hair blue/purple for a long while. Sometimes I could pull it off as a mature look but unfortunately what people were seeing was my hair and not me. It was too much of a look into the type of person I was (the type that didn't care if my hair was blue; yay free spirits). Most of the time it seemed immature and gawdy no matter how hard I tried. Have your fun, but remember that you'll have to be on point to get people to take you seriously.

>> No.15011076

Don’t reply to this tranny.

>> No.15011119

Honestly wish someone laid this out for me before I damaged my hair ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I reply where I can

>> No.15011342

i dont care if your are to be honest

>> No.15011628
File: 26 KB, 750x403, sl3996awm7g41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daddy issues or i am special type of girl.

>> No.15011668

Dyed mine a dark purple that’s really vibrant in the sunshine (male) and it’s just dark enough I can be professionally respected

>> No.15011676
File: 993 KB, 1111x623, great disgust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dyed mine a dark purple
>I can be professionally respected


>> No.15011893

i'm going to think you're childish,

>> No.15011921
File: 94 KB, 800x802, boogieman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take your meds schizo

>> No.15011923

says the man child literally on an anime website pretending to be some super cool "mature" dude. kys

>> No.15011936

i see you dyed your hair clear

>> No.15012021

based sensibleposter

>> No.15012554

no, then people ask for my body part photos

>> No.15012559

i notice most hairdressers have tasteless hairstyles though

>> No.15012576

As another grill it depends on
-the rest of your fashion
-the quality of your dye job
-whether you're a fatfuck
Like generally if you're cute and fashionable most people will know you aren't an SJW.
If the dye is cheap chinese garbage you might not look like a rabid carpetmuncher, but it could make you look like a crackwhore/clown. If you really want it, be willing to spend an initial 100+ bucks and a decent chunk of change maintaining it down the road.

>> No.15012591


>> No.15012597

I'm a woman with bright blue hair, I dress corporate goth everyday for work and have a 6 figure salary.

If you act professional and can prove your worth, it doesn't matter what you look like.

>> No.15012606

That's interesting. I dress new-wave skin head to my $150k/year job at the local conservatory.

>> No.15012635

>corporate goth
Isn't that defeating the purpose?
Its parody at that point.

>> No.15012688

>I am not a man hating dyke feminist, i just like fun colours and feeling childish
> Are people going to think im a whore or feminist something?
Get rid of your unattractive pick me attitude and grow the fuck up first bitch

>> No.15012715
File: 164 KB, 1024x1820, 83410275_177623213465982_2186399116599709238_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15012764
File: 125 KB, 640x718, hairr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not about impressing dudes, think your projecting hun.

>> No.15012767

omg jefree starr posts hereeee!!

>> No.15012770

be my goth sugar mommy?

>> No.15012868

>are people going to think I'm a whore or feminist?
yes, I would assume you to be a complete sensualist (aka cumbrain)
>I like it
get better interests, and stop staring at yourself in the mirror

>> No.15012892

nothing more unattractive than a bitch seeking validation instead of doing what she wants.

>> No.15012919

Pleb taste. A woman's natural state is to take on the tastes, views etc. of her mate.
When women "do what they want" they are not in fact doing what they want but taking on what media tells them they're supposed to want which makes them degenerates.

>> No.15012925

riiiiight. imagine hating women so much you think they're incapable of forming their own hobbies, thoughts, and so on.

>> No.15012926

You are mentally ill and a tranny

>> No.15012930

Imagine hating women so much you think today's rates of childless cat ladies taking SSRIs is women doing what they want.

>> No.15012938

what does this have to do with what i said

>> No.15012955

You're the tranny, aren't you? If you're too dumb to follow along with a simple conversation you must be.

>> No.15012966

>women can't think for themselves they only listen to their partner
>women are doing all these things i don't like, they are obviously only doing it because they are influenced by the media
at least keep up with your own schizophrenic ramblings

>> No.15012969

Most people literally do not care. This is the only true statement itt.

>> No.15012970

Please don't pretend you're pioneering for women when you're so misogynistic you think they're literally can't think for themselves

>> No.15012976

acquiring taste through media is not the same as asking strangers “will this make me look like a feminist whore?”. there are no mates here to be found.

>> No.15012977

if you have to dye it, youve already lost the lottery

>> No.15013020

I'll spoon-feed it to you, tranny. Women are unhappier than they have ever been while simultaneously they are as "independent" and free as they have ever been.
This is because they're doing things like having vacation selfie competitions on Facebook instead of having families and going to college and doing Victim's Studies degrees instead of cooking for husbands and children.
These unnatural pursuits are not something they just come to on their own but things they are told to like:

>> No.15013045

you are mentally ill
i'm not even gonna say have sex because i know it won't happen

>> No.15013048

fucking do it dumbass stop seeking validation from strangers on the internet

>> No.15013096

Op here, They are not going to get why you posted that video, they are too blue pilled, and anyone that goes against them are misogynists.

I do everything right but have kids because i dont want to be betrayed and waste my time raising some race traitor feminist cunt or roastie enabler yes man, i see no positives to that.

>> No.15013104

Well maybe i will idk

>> No.15014195

Why do you care so hard about what plebs think of you?

>> No.15014215

>some race traitor feminist cunt

>> No.15014230

People will assume you're some sort of extremist yeah. Even if it looks like pic related. It's on your personality to prove different.

>> No.15014599

yikes hon, lay off the onions.

>> No.15014608

Yeah, you convinced me that you're not a lunatic.

>> No.15015018


>> No.15015921
File: 296 KB, 1739x2450, 1579089600210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck this thread derailed.

Dyed hair can be cute, but often the girls who do it aren't.

As long as you're not far left, >30, or overweight no one is going to care except boomers and autists.

Maybe try temp dye first to see how it looks on you.

>> No.15015925


>> No.15016120

>I am not a man hating dyke feminist
yeah, I think you are but just hate other women as well

>> No.15016148

as long as you dont combo it with short bangs and a resting bitch face you should be fine. ive seen plenty of women pull it off w/ their long hair

>> No.15016152

It’s a tranny. Notice how they stopped responding after being called out? Let this shit thread die.

>> No.15016265

You dont recognize the pattern of people seeing a single meme image and taking it as a whole fact and incorporating it into no, centering their world view around it!

>> No.15016276

Or maybe OP is actually a girl like 1/3rd of the other posters on this board and they didnt want to deal with closeted honosexual incels shouting tranny.

>> No.15017112

I’ve had colourful hair during high school and first year of uni, I browsed /fa/ but I would’ve never posted something like this because I already knew what the response would be.

It’s your hair, do whatever you want with it. What people think of you depends 70% on your personality, there are natural haired girls that’d do ANYTHING for attention, that has nothing to do with hair.

I AM a dyke though, maybe that’s why I don’t care about the male point of view, anyway I’m sure you’re aware of the kind of male that’s predominant on 4chan, so don’t mind them.

>> No.15017130

I highly agree.
This. Don’t be like this, anon. We should support each other. Remember you ARE like other girls, you don’t have to appeal to men by pretending you are dIfFeReNt. I can assure you that women-hating men won't stop mistreating you just because you also hate women!
Probably. I think it’s absurd how some men assume everyone posting has XY chromosomes.
Also their obsession with “trannies” is impressive.

>> No.15017219

Fuck off whore

>> No.15017479

Thanks for proving my point! A butthurt incel, what a surprise!

>> No.15017484

>I AM a dyke
repulsive creatures

>> No.15017487

unless you are mannish and even then, probably can be reverted back to normal

>> No.15017576
File: 12 KB, 236x249, apu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feminists are not default women. i hate feminists and antifeminists becuase they are the same thing.

>durr u abuse women, male privilege!
>durr u abuse men, female privilege, your life is on easy mode!

>> No.15017586

i did not say anything about male attention i said will people think bad of me, but whatever i dont care anymore.

>> No.15017609

Cecil you’re literally a fucking homo. You can’t say shit. You and Igor need to just start fucking already.

>> No.15018031

Go back, used up bitch.

>> No.15018033

Many women are brainwashed by jews

>> No.15018037

stupid hoe

>> No.15018042

Yeah because chads are wedding whores. Stupid roasty!

>> No.15018811

Sounds like something a tranny would say

>> No.15019537

All you had to do was phrase your question in the third person instead of making it about you. You could have said, "what do people think of girls who dye their hair unnatural colors?" Then this could have been a decent thread. Keep this in mind for next time.