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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 47 KB, 455x750, 37CD198C-855A-4529-9A2F-881FE4EDB846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15007327 No.15007327 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread >>15000168
(Valentines Edition )
>Post Current stats
>Daily Routines
>Meal strategy
>Post “thin-spirational” pics

low calorie food & drinks list

>> No.15007335
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>> No.15007342
File: 29 KB, 500x702, BD2F4E04-9EF0-4C5C-9EF3-85AE65C4A4FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we should start up a new discord every one of these threads just turn into to a bunch of obnoxious preachy /fit/tards trying to change the lifestyle of random people they don't even know.

>> No.15007350

im from /fit/ and i think this thread is based
anythings better than fatasses

>> No.15007353
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>> No.15007357

same since becoming /fit/ all i want is a waify delicate fashionable gf but instead world is full of moonface hambeasts

>> No.15007358 [DELETED] 
File: 397 KB, 1393x1080, E789999B-ADE7-4886-B630-33150A3AC3B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally someone based from /fit/. All those mongs now are braphogs and gib milkers.

>> No.15007361
File: 397 KB, 1393x1080, E417FD82-D9ED-47EE-A97A-7F137BB0D62D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally someone based from /fit/. All those mongs know are braphogs and gib milkers.

>> No.15007365
File: 193 KB, 683x1024, gettyimages-1097021286-1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15007431


>> No.15007577

we appreciate you

okay so since my return to this shitty board I've done nothing but post about someone starting a /thinspo/ discord I said fuck it and made one myself. I will do my best to moderate it to free our slender souls from fatposters' grubby grasps. feel free to join. or don't, it'd be a lot less work if this doesn't go anywhere. https://discord.gg/kfJqEbf

>> No.15007624

ITT: people who are going to develop eating disorders and body dismorphia

>> No.15007662
File: 155 KB, 799x999, 5227BF29-B346-4C54-9B18-2E65DE44435A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

danny is so based

>> No.15007811
File: 55 KB, 683x1024, BD965539-E874-40B0-8387-78E6AE7CBBFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

day 4 of intermittent fasting again, been shedding pounds slowly. make sure to drink water anons.

>> No.15007843

We need to start a thinspo discord, am a member from a year and a half ago, it was chill

>> No.15007849

see >>15007577

>> No.15007859

Do a discord and be yeet

>> No.15007880

The thinspo discord was so shitty, how quickly skellies forget.

>> No.15007939
File: 146 KB, 1920x1080, hmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To eat lightly today or to wait for saturday?

>> No.15008044

i hate food so much

>> No.15008046

>will do my best to moderate it
It would need that.

>> No.15008210

help with maintaining fasts? ive lost about 15 pounds, 185lbs now, i want to the fasts to last longer. how do I avoid or ignore food?

>> No.15008230

>how do I avoid or ignore food?
You have to be disgusted by the fat fuck you see in the mirror.

>> No.15008232


>> No.15008242

You obviously wasn't in the original thinspo discord

>> No.15008323

>( Valentines Edition )
do y'all have thinspo valentines dates or are you gonna be burning extra calories one handed?

>> No.15008359

I don't give a flying fuck about these special days, but I did get myself a cute bear from Tesco.

>> No.15008424

im not skinny enough to be considered attractive yet

>> No.15008431
File: 933 KB, 828x1019, 2FB217F9-4241-4519-9D15-C9AE18E6E02B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re welcome here is some thinspo

>> No.15008974
File: 554 KB, 967x954, 343412453465477858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw mum bought chocolate cake and I couldn't help but stuff my face and it wasn't even that nice

>> No.15008996
File: 128 KB, 1136x640, IMG_1573 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15009012

Is this male or female?
I love that I can't even tell.

>> No.15009016

Obviously male

>> No.15009050

are you 13?

>> No.15009081

>those blue nails.
take multivitamins, it helps.

>> No.15009158


>> No.15009162
File: 1000 KB, 1242x1234, 1578452351131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gain weight
>constant insatiable hunger goes away
>not cold 24/7
>more energy
>can go more than 6 hours between meals without feeling like I'm going to die
>look like an ugly bloated moonfaced fat cunt

Fuck this

>> No.15009163

surprisingly based

>> No.15009167

If I’ll never be happy with myself or anything in my life wouldn’t it be best to just kill myself? I don’t see much point in being miserable all my life. Sorry if this is the wrong place but these threads seem generally pretty sad so I figured it’s fine

>> No.15009178

Why the fuck were we designed to be ugly.

>> No.15009179

why are you asking this in a thinspo thread, you should get help and talk to someone like a doctor.

>> No.15009181

Just because you feel like shit now doesn't mean you'll always feel like shit

T. Attempted suicide several times, have been years without suicidal idealation

It get better, it might not

>> No.15009192

You'll never get to an ideal place, even people you think are perfect feel the same. The thing is acceptance. You are miserable because your perception of the world and how you feel about yourself is wrong.

You need some self-esteem building. Set realistic and achievable goals. Killing yourself is never a relief from how you feel, the dead feel nothing. You need to be alive to feel relief.

>> No.15009223

shut the fuck up you poor bald manlet. you're just too much of a pussy to kill yourself.

>> No.15009230

There is no bravery in killing oneself. One must reach the peak order of self preservation and goal achievement attainment. My mind has transcended above base earthly things such as my hair. I ride upon the winds.

>> No.15009237

what is the point of living if you have nothing to live for such as yourself. as soon as you die everyone will forget you exist due to the microscopic footprint you left during your life.

>> No.15009252

He is wrong about keto but very based on setting realistic goals. Read industrial society and its future if you havent yet already.

Also dumping this about carbs

>> No.15009264

Is 18 bmi based ?

>> No.15009268

>what is the point of living if you have nothing to live for such as yourself

Right now you might feel that way, not always though. Reality is how you perceive things. Right now your view of the world is negative but it doesn't have to be so.

You have a balance of good and bad and right now your has tipped to the bad. You need more things to balance it the other way.

>as soon as you die everyone will forget you exist due to the microscopic footprint you left during your life.


Yes life can seem pointless and absurd, perhaps it is, that does not mean there is no meaning. In fact, seeing this can set you free to do things outside the accepted box of how life should be. It can be liberating.

>> No.15009298
File: 1.96 MB, 4032x3024, 5AD73E3C-A6CE-4906-8738-1B7B2C456D35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what should I do? Lose weight? Gain weight? Gain muscle?

>> No.15009299
File: 165 KB, 356x428, 1577404517314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 6' 120 lbs
>women coworkers always ask if I want any food
>always say no thanks
>they give me dirty looks and groan
anyone else just like to watch them seethe?

>> No.15009306
File: 45 KB, 260x640, DB32596B-441D-498B-AB5E-55C5FAE9F565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100 lbs
Feels good man

>> No.15009315

A lil definition would look very aesthetically pleasing imo but that also means youd gain weight (not fat weight so eh)

>> No.15009325

Doesnt need to gain weight to add definition. Lol

>> No.15009326

18 is good depending on what your goal is. it is still a fairly healthy weight but definitely slim, you probably look good.
i mean you could go skelly mode but imo you should work on your abs instead >>15009299
i work with a bunch of fatties. every day on my lunch break i sit in the break room and read. they ask me why i'm not eating. i lie and say i'm not hungry. then they go and eat an entire pizza and ask me how I stay skinny.

>> No.15009333

Well if he wanted mucsle definition he needs to cut but if he has nothing to cut then he needs to bulk, hence gaining muscle weight

>> No.15009373

aren’t you glad the threads are back to normal?

>> No.15009388

I sure hope this doesn't jinx it

>> No.15009400
File: 187 KB, 1276x1267, E75AEDBB-A4AB-40C9-856C-BAC9B091908C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’ll start my diet tomorrow

>> No.15009414

The universe is infinite, compared to the universe you’re equivalent to a house fly probably even less. Dead or alive the universe won’t lose anything. But at the end of the day you only get 1 single life. That’s what the universe offers you. Do what you need to do.

>> No.15009429

i'm almost 25

>> No.15009680

I love cheese dip...

>> No.15009719

who she

>> No.15009728

It's me. You can follow my twitter if u pay me 5 usd a month

>> No.15009732

Thinspo is stupid. I have a lower bmi than everyone here and I dont look good in any of this garbage. Waste of time. Girls dont like skeletons.

>> No.15009740

sent ;)

>> No.15009758

it's just a pic that's been posted here for years, I doubt anyone knows anymore

>> No.15009761

Maybe it's not all about impressing girls, maybe it's about who you want to look? Maybe there's more to appearance than impressing girls.

>> No.15009776

didnt think I would get a reply. What im saying is that I dont understand why people say clothes look good on skinny people. Ive been really thin my whole life and I hate how I look. Why would people want to be thin or skinny at all?

>> No.15009835

is there actually anyone in the new discord

>> No.15010031

No shit skinny men are lame.
Thinspo is for girls so get out

>> No.15010049

I don’t know why /fit/ posters like you assume men who like thin women are automatically skeletons. It’s like you guys are overcompensating for something.

>> No.15010120


>> No.15010125

Nice collarbones!

>> No.15010330

I started drinking cause i Hate my life and im alone on valentines day

>> No.15010404

hey me too

>> No.15010426

its ok we can make it up

>> No.15010472
File: 149 KB, 746x1120, B09E2447-C819-4F0A-BD6C-727ECEA17604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15010474

I only jerk it to digitals of thin models now

>> No.15010476

that shit is so 1995. People don't have "eating disorders" any more, we just take drugs.

>> No.15010477

I've been trying to fucking gain weight, it's not easy and I can't afford to eat as much junk as I need to to bulk. How the hell am I supposed to gain weight? that shit is expensive even eating cheap bullshit all day is hundreds of dollars.

>> No.15010491

Lmao. Based & samepilled.

>> No.15010494

literally the only thing that's stopping me for now is that my parents lives would be ruined

>> No.15010523

Nuts, peanut butter and milk is the easiest way to gain weight

Already have xd

>> No.15010535
File: 157 KB, 960x1281, 882FC99E-7394-4D85-BAEA-041DCECCF51C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15010741

Chewed and spat 500g of nuts I bought to make nut milk kek

I think I must have brain damage

>> No.15010813

Alcohol is horrible if trying to be thin. 100 calories per shot of vodka and that's the lowest calorie option.
Yes fatty foods are highest calorie density. Nuts/dairy/fatty meats should never be eaten pretty much. (If you love peanut butter try a powdered peanut butter has almost no fat 3x less calories, can turn into a spread that literally tastes better than regular peanut butter)

>> No.15010994

OK then, what's your bmi fatty

>> No.15011013


>> No.15011027

I'm 21.6 male.

>> No.15011033

22 is fat, I'm 15

>> No.15011039

21.6 with the lowest bodyfat itt easily. Everyone here is fatter than me

>> No.15011042

you guys snake juice fast? /fast/ thread on /fit/ recommends it

>> No.15011043

Dont like fasting bc I end up taking so long to get back to normal eating/risk binging I make way faster progress just eating at a deficit

>> No.15011048

yeah thats definitely a concern
im thinking its more efficient if you have sufficient discipline though

>> No.15011056

If you think 22 bmi is skinny then your mental ill, your pretty much just a basic normie at 22 bmi

>> No.15011058

you sound fat

>> No.15011063

Have lowest bodyFAT itt easily. Not even close. Everyone here is fatter than me.

>> No.15011066

Sounds like something a skinny fat would say, post pic then

>> No.15011073

I post I get flamed by the entire board. Have less fat than anyone here, everyone is fat compared to me itt.
Me >>15003610

>> No.15011077

gross and florida

>> No.15011078

Ah fuck off larping skinny fat cuck

>> No.15011079

You are a homosexual. Stop posting here.

>> No.15011088

Haha fatties seething

>> No.15011184
File: 67 KB, 1280x931, 1573098144249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeling thin. Feeling good.

>> No.15011243
File: 384 KB, 828x1017, 2DADF027-28CD-47E5-8D65-5FA9AA6A726A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15011272

It's a good reason, keep going till it's better. Remember it can't rain everyday.

>> No.15011278

>Remember it can't rain everyday
Clearly, you haven't been to the UK.

>> No.15011320

lol you're right. But is there really any reason why I should go there?

>> No.15011321

Girl I like went vegan a few months ago and now she’s gaining so much weight. Wish I can tell her that just because it’s vegan doesn’t mean it’s healthy/won’t make you fat. Fuck, she’s losing her tightness.

>> No.15011325

She keeps eating vegan shit non-stop.

>> No.15011329

me :)

>> No.15011338

Not really. My reason to come is that I am a smart boy. You most likely are not, so nope.

>> No.15011416


take the blackpill, being thin only looks good if you have a good bone structure, otherwise you look like a xenomorph

>> No.15011422
File: 164 KB, 960x1281, 80308EDB-F5E7-48D4-82AD-DA7D13D52C43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coping fatty.

>> No.15011438

She doesnt look bad but literally nothing special

>> No.15011467

Man I fucking regret last night right now.
Fuck alcohol

>> No.15011472

>Literally nothing special
Thats not the point, it's that she's really skinny. This isnt about being more attractive unless you're obese when u start

>> No.15011476

Aww <3

>> No.15011486
File: 184 KB, 900x1125, N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's your opinion.

>> No.15011777

What happened anon?

>> No.15011795

roidmonkey has lines on his ass lmao

>> No.15011802

fuckin ew

>> No.15011930

Called striations. My ass, the fattest part of anyone's body, is leaner than any part of anyones body itt. I have veins on my abs. I'm 155lbs at 5'11 I'm not on roids I just dont have 4chan retard tier genetics. Feel bad for a lot of you here on the physical level, but I'm just as fucked in the head. At least my body was formed properly and I have good inserts/muscle bellies/bone structure etc. You guys just have to cope

>> No.15011937

All I hear is cope cope cope. Cope cope cope? Cope cope cope. Cope.

>> No.15011992

Wtf would I be coping about lmfao

>> No.15012016

about looking like a misproportioned freak

>> No.15012046

Misproportioned? Why bc of glute striations? Retard. "Haha you're so lean" ok yeah I know

>> No.15012353

I lost 5lbs.

>> No.15012518

and you will lose much more
I believe in you anon

>> No.15012551

Man these threads remind me of my ex. She did not have a healthy relationship with food or self image at all lol

She would constantly talk about diet, weight, thin people fat people. Her entire identity was these threads manifested into a person basically. She seemed cool at first, I thought I finally met someone on my level of thinking, that body and what you eat is important, that you don't have to eat every day and it is actually a good thing to fast for not just your body but your mind. But she took it too far. It quickly became apparent she was mentally ill and it was sad. I didn't tell her to change, I didn't freak out and tell her you need to recover. Perhaps I should have but I knew it was a her problem and I hadn't dated her long enough to tell her how to live and this gave me insight on who she was uninfluenced. It was nice having someone to fast with, but when it came to refeed days she would freak out over eating. "Oh I feel so bloated and disgusting. Oh I can't believe I ate so much waa" it always became a pity party. No shit you feel bloated. You are full, you ate. You fasted for over 48 hours eating a full meal will make you feel sluggish tired and bloated. That is because your body wants to rest because that is the natural thing to do after you hunt and feast after short periods of fasting. It was annoying. Instead of celebrating her accomplishment with a well earned meal she would become this moody bitch and only cared about getting more extreme. Had to lose more weight, had to get thinner. When she stopped having her period was the moment I realized she is just a waste of my time. She isn't even fertile anymore, and I definitely wouldn't trust someone so self hating to have a family with. She wanted us to get married and have children but her mind made it impossible for that to ever be possible so I dumped her. She was just useless and self loathing. What purpose would such a person serve in my life? I want going to baby sit her ego. /Blog

>> No.15012557

nice blog faggot. you two deserved each other, no good woman wants an angsty beta.

>> No.15012563
File: 79 KB, 458x1111, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these threads mostly guys or girls? I can't really tell, I don't browse /fa/
Me too lol
>but these threads seem generally pretty sad so I figured it’s fine
haha, I've been feeling this too. I think it's partly the season and weather.
See how you feel in Spring
>lower bmi than everyone here and I dont look good in any of this garbage
Don't be so cocky, I doubt I exceed yours.
And can you even hide behind a birch tree? I don't fucking think so.
I'm not even /thinspo/ either, this is me trying to gain weight, going for 140. Sooner or later...

Do I 'inspire' anyone here?
I'm 119lb(54kg) and 6'3"(190cm)

I know I should just ask /fit/ but what's something I can consume with a sore soft palate. I am sick and cannot live off milkshakes alone, and I don't want lose the meager muscle I have left.

>> No.15012567

Nah, I deserved better and got better. Which is why I left her to wallow in her madness. I hadn't thought about her in years but damn these threads are just like her so its hard not to cringe and say something. Hopefully you guys do not take it to the extremes she did, because she was a miserable sad being.

>> No.15012592

Why is you palate sore? Are you injured? If so add protein to your milkshakes and only eat food that is mashed or drinkable plus pop a multivitamin. You can eat regular food when you have healed obv

>> No.15012613
File: 503 KB, 600x800, 1542707827526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is you palate sore
I think I have the flu, makes food hard to go down.
But you're right, I'll just add protein.

>> No.15012617

Yeah it is def your best bet. Get well soon king.

>> No.15012827

im gonna COOOOOOM

>> No.15012865

i hate myself

>> No.15012915

Bro thinspo is for girls hit the gym

>> No.15012972

Most posters are men.

>> No.15012986

I use my hatred of women as motivation for losing weight. There's nothing like seeing foids get angry because a man a foot taller than them weighs 20 lbs fewer.

>> No.15012992

You are n't thinspo. So no one knows why you are in our thread.

>> No.15012994

4chan posters are overwhelmingly male, these threads are probably more female than the rest of the site excluding /cgl/
thats just how statistics work
that doesnt make what he said not true

>> No.15012998

No these threads are majority male. It is a fact.

>> No.15013002

RIP its corona.

>> No.15013005

you missed the entire point of my post

>> No.15013011

It is for men who want to be girls.

>> No.15013091

Corona is less deadly than the flu though.

>> No.15013143

we don't know that yet, it's been only a month

>> No.15013152

The average age of the infected is 49 and people under 12 who get it show almost no symptoms. It's clearly a man made virus designed to cull weakened or elderly population.

>> No.15013175

She sounds just like me kek
I wonder if this is how people see me...

>> No.15013223
File: 3.16 MB, 4032x3024, 4599EFC2-E91B-422E-9AB9-C4894794F730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fasted 24 hours now eating this
>currently 185cm 143lbs
>lw 127
>hw 228 (when I had mental illness and thought I was always not big enough
>hovered around 129-133 and that was when I was thinspo,
Over 130 was pushing out of thinspo for me and I have long but thin bones

>> No.15013279

this, he would look pretty good if his proportions weren't absolutely fucked.

>> No.15013761

post more

>> No.15014225

What is fucked about them?

>> No.15014248

Holy shit these thread read like they are full of insufferable highschool girls. I remember when I volunteered at a recovery home for women with eating disorders and my god they were insufferably childish. They were mostly older women in their mid to late 20s but none of them acted their age.

>> No.15014265

She wasn't a pleasant person to be around, if you are like her please take this moment to reflect on your personality and poor self image. If you really are just like her you are absolutely exhausting to deal with. And I am not trying to bully you I am just trying to be real with you. She was a total drag.

>> No.15014438

bro she would die if i fucked her

>> No.15014658
File: 5 KB, 240x183, 6849c6c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All food disgusts me. Fasting has become easier than I thought.

>> No.15014755
File: 324 KB, 1337x1277, 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure, no problem
>All food disgusts me. Fasting has become easier than I thought
All food? Surely there must be at least one food you can vacuum no problem.
And it becomes even easier when your body just gives up trying to make you eat and you no longer feel hunger the same way.

>> No.15014768

COVER your eggs that way total cook time is lower and you get a more even heat distribution- doing that you wont have that nasty cellophane looking edge. Also, put those shits on a bed of greens or micro-greens (alfalfa is my choice) you'll get better nutrition. If you're gonna eat, do it right.

>> No.15014810

go to /fit/

>> No.15014869

You look good. Do you feel good at this weight?

>> No.15014932

This one day I really wanted McDonalds for dinner but it wouldn't fit into my daily calorie limit for the day so I went to McDonalds ordered a Hot and Spicy, went home and cut it down the middle and threw the other half away.
Felt absolutely retarded but you gotta do what you gotta do.
Thank you for listening.

>> No.15014958

It's funny bc my proportions are actually really good, just most gym bros hit mostly chest so mine looks small in comparison.

>> No.15014974

You are in a thread of discord trannies with body dysmorphia and a lot of self loathing, nothing they say matters.

>> No.15015001
File: 108 KB, 583x859, 4371A295-1EF6-4861-A79D-2A1C73405A01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I too skinny?
I eat what I want when I want and I haven’t been able to gain weight for like 8 years

>> No.15015486

Boyfriend left me for another woman. What the fucking fuck. Guess I will fast the pain away until I love myself again...

>> No.15015492

Was the bitch thinner than you?

>> No.15015498

my gf left me for someone better as well
it fucking sucks

>> No.15015529

Why does this happen?

>> No.15015537

Well, you’re clearly better than her then. Don’t worry about him downgrading.
But it’s still sad to hear from you. Lost my Swedish ex about a year and a half ago and I still haven’t been able to sleep properly.

>> No.15015543

If I am better than ber why did he leave me?? I feel so fucking sad. I really loved him. At least he didn't cheat he ended it fairly and had the decency to tell me why he wanted to end the relationship but still.god damnit i have been crying all nigh

>> No.15015558

Some people are just unable to appreciate and take care of the good things in their lives. Only in hindsight will they realise that they’ve clearly made a mistake but by then, it’ll all be too late. You would’ve moved on a found someone better, someone who truly appreciates you, and someone madly in love with you. And I know how you feel, I’ve been there, actually still here. There’s been plenty of nights I came close to ending it all, just a bit too scared of surviving and not overdosing on my pills and being fucked up for the rest of my life. Wish I had a gun desu.

>> No.15015564

Thank you, I am still sad but thank you for the kind words. I lowkey hope he fails at winning her over(ya, he doesn't even know how she feels about him! Wanted to break up so he could pursue a pipedream!) and then comes back to me. I feel so empty without him. I should just hate him but he was my world. Fuuuck

>> No.15015571

I was dumped too a month ago. Valentine's day was...... difficult to say the least.... You're not alone and we are here for you. Keep thinspired and truckin.

>> No.15015572

It’s normal to be sad, it literally just happened. If he does fail, which I do hope too, don’t take him back. Don’t be a second-option. Please have some pride and dignity, I know you love him but what he did isn’t something you do to someone you truly love. My ex was mine, completely my world. I was crushed, still am. I cut out most of the people in my life for her and now that she’s gone I have no one.

>> No.15015578

You're right 100%, he made his choice and I need to forget about him and find someone better. I think I should block his number and block him everywhere else while I feel this resolve. If he texts me in the future and wants me back I know I will buckle and take him. Need to bite the bullet and block, cut him out cold turkey.

>> No.15015582

I got thin because my gf left me. Figured it would be the best revenge to take on her but I still feel like shit. At least you are a girl so you can replace him easily.

>> No.15015587

You already know what to do, that’s great. There’s a 100% chance he’ll come running back like bitch once his grand plan fails. Be strong.

>> No.15015589

The ABSOLUTE STATE of thincels

>> No.15015597

>Kicking someone when they’re down.
No morals. No compassion. And no better than a nigger.

>> No.15015610

You say this but I guarantee you have shat all over anyone overweight even though they are down and only like that because they are fucked up. And no, I am not fat because you will certainly try to say I am only because I pointed out your hypocrisy.

>> No.15015622

Oh, I definitely have. No one becomes fat overnight. It’s a conscious decision. It’s all on you and the stupid actions you do, like stuffing your piehole full of junk food day in and day out. That’s not being down, that’s completely maintaining a horrible lifestyle.

>> No.15015634

They maintain it because they have deep seeded personal issues and a lot of self hatred. That is certainly being down and I have helepd a lot of fat people realize this and lose the weight and change their life. You can go fuck yourself for pretending to have morals and empathy, you fraud.

>> No.15015638

You sound like a cunt. Jesus.
>womens worth is only to reproduce

i don't know why I even expect anything less of this stupid website.

>> No.15015644

Lmao. Yeah, you’re a nigger. I empathise with my own people. And I don’t mind obese people losing weight, in fact I encourage it. But I have a massive DISDAIN for undisciplined fatties who are unable to see the damage they are doing to their bodies. I only mock those who clearly are beyond any help, those who’ve accepted their shitty lifestyles and aren’t doing anything to change it.

Reminder, you’re the one who came in here mocking people for being down, so guess who’s the actual hypocrite here?

>> No.15015647

>Why does this happen?
I honestly don't know.
It feels worse than cheating because she was so nice about it so I can't hate her for anything
I'm sure you're a great person and you'll find someone else

>> No.15015658

And I have a disdain for the sad sacks who cry and clearly have a lot of self loathing. Like these threads. They are an unhealthy environment and have always been an unhealthy environment. Go fuck yourself for thinking you are immune to being bullied, for being offended that "your people" are being bullied only to be a bully yourself. You are no better than me and you can just get off your high horse. I didn't start this holier than thou shit you did and I quickly pointed out you are an asshole too. Hit the bulleyes even.

>> No.15015672

post bmi

>> No.15015679


>> No.15015789

Fuck exactly. He was nice about it too and it honestly would have been easier to get over if he cheated. It would be so much easier to hate him.

>> No.15015795

Reading your posts you seriously come off as toxic clingy and even spiteful. And you wonder why he left you??

>> No.15015796

Ok so yes I was clingy and had some jealousy issues... Thats true. And I am being spiteful but I am hurt rn so whatever I am trying to cope.

>> No.15015800

>All food?
I spent dozens of minutes in a grocery store trying to get something to eat, but only bought sparkling water. Everything was disgusting.

>> No.15015802

Now that I’ve made you feel better may I have some coochie pics, please ma’am? Haha just kidding... Unless..?

>> No.15015803

i use to think I could be thinspo

but there was only little dirty secret nobody ever tells you

having no fat means next to nothing if you don't also have a small pelvis and rib cage

>> No.15015809

it makes me feel a bit better knowing that we're thinking the same thing honestly
>I was clingy and had some jealousy issues
this is also very me

>> No.15015813

My suggestion is to stop being a self centered arse and then maybe you will be a keeper. You prob drove him up the wall with your bullshit, doesn't matter how thin or pretty you are a rotten personality will sabotage everything.

>> No.15015824

I know you are right but this is just who I am. I don't think I can change that much, I have low self esteem and I just need someone else to validate me. Being single is really hard for me because of this... I have always been like this and I know it makes me kinda shitty. It doesn't matter anyways I just want to forget about him, find someone else and move on. Well I will try to I am having trouble blocking him I know I need to but its so hard. I really have to be strong. Fuck him for hurting me like this when I loved him so much it isn't fair.

Are you my twin? Lol!

>> No.15015830

lmao apparently
by the end I worked on my jealousy but it was way too late for that so I had to just cut contact

>> No.15015987
File: 134 KB, 899x1327, 1481264039103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you feel good at this weight?
I'm not satisfied with my weight at the moment, I'm still wanting to gain, naturally
And I would say I have no weight to lose, but that's not true; My lowest weight was 107lbs when I had a terrible flu two years ago, gained/lost many pounds since then..
Unless you're asking that in order to probe my health and quality of life, in which case I do feel good despite my terribly emaciated body, I'm not discomforted by my weight.
>but only bought sparkling water
Ah yeah. I love the lemon flavored ones!
Next time you go you should buy an apple or something, apples aren't disgusting,
>Am I too skinny?
You took that picture, surely while looking at it at least once you asked yourself that same question. What was the answer?
>I eat what I want when I want and I haven’t been able to gain weight for like 8 years
I as well, that's just the way it is sometimes.

>> No.15015994

probably your personality

>> No.15015995

I REALLY NEED HELP. recently ive started eating chocolate after meals and I crave it so fucking much and I need to stop. after meals I feel the urge to eat chocolate regardless of whether or not im hungry. I dont binge and its not bad because I dont eat or drink any other sweet shit i just want to stop because its adding 100-300 extra calories per day. if anyone has any tips on how i can stop craving chocolate please help.

>> No.15016066
File: 24 KB, 720x405, yuh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi /thinspo/

Braveposter here.

I started doing the machinist diet at the beginning of the month and keeping my daily calories to 300 or below for the past 17 days.

Total weight lost so far is 18 lbs. I started at 201 and am currently 183. Still pretty fat, but going to continue doing this diet for another 6 weeks and try to hit my goal of 160-150 lbs.

Taking questions re health, my activity levels, mentality, etc. if any of you are curious. I will be making progress posts here and there if there is any kind of interest shown. Will post pics on request

>> No.15016091

everytime a girl sees how thin i am (shirt off) they ask why i dont eat and act surprised , as if im a freak
i think they are just jealous of my physique

>> No.15016092


>> No.15016104

no not bait.. its always asian women too white girls never say anything
like im in a first world country so i have to have a stomach full of food all the time

>> No.15016137

>Next time you go you should buy an apple or something, apples aren't disgusting,
I almost bought those, but then decided not to, as the idea of eating even fruits made me feel horrible. I will probably skip eating today, too. Not even a shadow of appetite.

>> No.15016146
File: 318 KB, 1242x972, 9A68E9EF-8075-4137-910E-13EA19BD5366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder to eat healthy, exercise, and not starve yourself. Disordered eating is NOT healthy. Please don’t starve yourself. Moderation is key. Food is meant to be enjoyed.

>> No.15016151

fuck off

>> No.15016153

No I will not fuck off

>> No.15016157

The game is mine. I deal the cards.

>> No.15016160

Do you also spam BBC porn on white on white porn threads on /gif/?

>> No.15016166

No but I can tell that you do

>> No.15016190

he who has no neck.

>> No.15016203

>Food is meant to be enjoyed.
Food is fuel for the biological machine. Any other meaning is given by humans, and are purely based on feelings.

>> No.15016224

You might as well kys

>> No.15016229

Why do you say so?

>> No.15016261

rude af.
Don’t be like this anon.

>> No.15016295
File: 448 KB, 1634x2048, 1581338938310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have good poop
Come on, not again...

>> No.15016311

a pound of natural peanut butter is like $3.50 and is like 2700 calories, while being delicious.

>120g rolled oats
>300ml whole milk
>32g peanut butter
this is an over 800 calorie meal, maybe add a banana for an extra 100 calories or so or just more peanut butter. none of these ingredients are expensive, either.

>> No.15016313

your torso looks incredibly long in that photo. it's like you're 60% from the waist up and 40% legs.

>> No.15016343

the most bizarre and obviously untrue nitpicking. You cant even see my legs in those pictures. How would my torso look long compared to my legs when my legs arent even in the picture. 4chan is weird af

>> No.15016344


>> No.15016351

if I post a picture of myself on here or fit I get the same few (pretty sure carnivore or keto fags) who are obsessed with me samefagging the fuck out the thread hating on me. I do it just to provoke at this point

>> No.15016367

assuming the counter height is average

>> No.15016397

Have literal deformed freaks going csi mode on my pics trying to find something to criticize

>> No.15016402

cry more faggot

>> No.15016403

>something very obvious from a glance is forensic level investigation
cope harder

>> No.15016418

Lmao there is nothing to cope about I unironically look better than 99% of the population and that's not even ego.

>> No.15016431
File: 306 KB, 783x637, 5EB3F4BE-6003-4368-B160-15D77E5D51D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look better than 99% of the population
Lol okay bruv.

>> No.15016433

Lol what?

>> No.15016435

Where’s his chin lmoa

>> No.15016436

Guaranteed, that nigger is balding and has an account on grinder.

>> No.15016440

Lol no fucking shoulders, weak-ass genetics.

>> No.15016446

His shoulders look narrow because he has way bigger traps than you, skeletor

>> No.15016455

crackhead face

>> No.15016456
File: 74 KB, 1024x755, Pete-Buttigieg2-1024x755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pedo smile

>> No.15016459

Power bottom smile

>> No.15016469

rat hands

>> No.15016474
File: 210 KB, 434x708, EFDA459D-2EF3-45FA-81DE-A79D475B06F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck is he struggling so hard to hold a fucking phone

>> No.15016479

Try adding exercise and snake juice.

>> No.15016497

roids giving him the jitters

>> No.15016519

Anyone have a good experience with slow weight loss at like 1500 calories(21f 5’7”)? I’ve been stuck in a depression cycle of restricting/overeating and can’t seem to maintain a really low intake like I have in the past.
I know it should work just fine but I would like to hear your experiences frens, I feel like shit

>> No.15016528

Have a boyfriend? Break up with them so you can be destroyed, don’t want to enjoy anything in life, and absolutely lose your appetite and thus lose weight. It’s easy! I mean not that I’d know from experience...

>> No.15016542
File: 814 KB, 4329x2808, 20200208_183257[33].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wew lawd. Imagine provoking this kind of response.

lmao im not bald, not roiding obviously, and my face is completely normal.

Shit is just bait to get me to post more but I cant resist. Hair//chin//face (wtf chin?)
(dont rate fit literally just to walk my dog in, idaf about clothes)

>> No.15016547

This is the nigga that claims he looks better than 99% of the population. Mein Gott, what a fucking insecure loser.

>> No.15016554
File: 247 KB, 2268x1194, 1.7.4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my body does not my face, my face is average/slightly above probably since most people are fucking goblinos these days, and I have blue eyes.

last one gotta go, see my shoulders are decent too so idk what that other anon is talking about

>> No.15016556

wow i was right >>15016455

>> No.15016563
File: 879 KB, 1125x1418, 39D6F52D-AAA4-424B-BF44-1A98F772D42E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calls other goblinos
>literally looks like this
You’re a disgusting fucking mutt lmao. You don’t fit the white phenotype.

>> No.15016568

you look great breh
thinspo losers dont post body cause theyre fat

>> No.15016580

My guy really said goblino as if he weren’t one. That’s 100% an amerimutt face.

>> No.15016588

ive had my dna done and im literally 100% northwestern European.

Im probably about as white as you can get short of blonde hair and I had blonde hair as a kid.

imagine being too insecure to post pics of yourself.

>> No.15016595

I wish that made me not want to eat, I’d be so skinny that I’d probably be dead in that case. For like the past year food has been the only way for me to feel anything but pain or disassociated numbness, but it doesn’t help anymore it’s just a distraction. I don’t drink and I worry that if I start I will fuck myself up.
One time I autistically ate under 300cal for a month with exercise and my mom threatened to send me to the hospital, I don’t even remember what I looked like but I know my body composition was pretty shit. I don’t want to look like shit, I know I won’t get a second chance with him but the “what if” part of my brain thinks I should try to be the best I can just in case. Retarded girl brain amirite

>> No.15016603

Airpods are for niggers and faggots

>> No.15016644 [DELETED] 
File: 2.12 MB, 4032x2268, 20200217_105722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Airpods are for niggers and faggots
1 for 2.

Mogging /fa/ as a kid

>> No.15016647 [DELETED] 
File: 1.01 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200217-110112_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Airpods are for niggers and faggots
1 for 2.

Mogging /fa/ as a kid

>> No.15016659
File: 1.01 MB, 1080x2220, 1551430692855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15016668

Fr creepy you saved this I decided against posting it and some freak saves it. It was up for 40 secs

>> No.15016675


Welcome to 4chan.

>> No.15016677

archives are a thing
next time be less stupid faggot

>> No.15016681

I dont care that it's up I'm just weirded out some skinhead is probably jerking off to it right now

>> No.15016686

-Throw away your chocolate
-Don't buy more chocolate

>> No.15016691

not too skinny but you could tone that shit up.

>> No.15016796

Imagine being so delusional that you think you’re more attractive than 99% of the population

>> No.15016803

My body does In fact look better than. 99% of the population (when over 2/3rds are overweight or obese even a skinny fat beats out 70%). Face no, I said that already, but the people on here insulting me almost certainly are way uglier than me regardless.

>> No.15016814
File: 796 KB, 764x532, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your ass

>> No.15016820

Yep I know I have the lowest bodyfat of anyone here even the 15bmi posters. I do that while maintaining muscle and being at a healthy overall weight, and eating a healthy diet. Its 100x harder than just lifting but being fat, it just being thin. I know more about controlling weight and self control with diet than anyone here unless a literal competitive bodybuilder happens to be lurking.

>> No.15016907 [DELETED] 

Fucking trannies reported my thread to the jannies and now I’m banned for racism. What a fucking joke, can’t discuss the quality of models in a show on a fucking fashion board.

>> No.15016913

you two should date

>> No.15016923
File: 18 KB, 896x737, 1527234405563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are the most beautiful human being I have ever seen. Please marry me and let me gag on your cock every day

>> No.15016945


>> No.15016949


>> No.15016952

They’re fine with me telling the absolute truth on overweight models but talk about the non-whites and bam you’re suddenly a poltard who doesn’t know fashion. Fucking mongoloids.

>> No.15016958
File: 727 KB, 1795x1376, 01777EEB-162F-430F-92F7-1DA73CF7E32A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“They’re equally beautiful bro”.

>> No.15016963
File: 67 KB, 1080x1080, mel1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw white incels

>> No.15016970

5’7 1/2” to exact
Thank you, i happen to like them a lot along with my legs

Sorry for late reply

>> No.15016974

Fucking disgusting jaundice eyes, horrible scarred and pimply skin, terrible hair.

>> No.15016977

Meanwhile threads like “which drugs are effay” and “is *shitpost* effay?” are left up. Useless fucking janitors.

>> No.15017014 [DELETED] 

Jannies confirmed mutt niggers

>> No.15017022

Gave me a lame-ass 3 day ban that you can’t appeal for starting a discussion about how non-whites ruin the cohesiveness of a show. Absolute twats.

>> No.15017063


>> No.15017079

Shiiittt you’re cute. Awful body though.
Imagine him without all that gross bulk, way cuter.
I'd tell you to go thinspo, but it’s obvious you don’t want to. If you really are so in love with the way your body looks stop insecureposting and leave the thread, you're hideous.

>> No.15017145

What's wrong with my body? Just the muscles? Because I'm only 155 at 5'11 i have a 21.6 bmi

>> No.15017147


>> No.15017148

He is better looking than 100% of thincels

>> No.15017205

To be fair 99% of the population is shitskin, fat, and very ugly in body and face. Its just not an impressive accomplishment when the bar is so low.

>> No.15017445

You have SO much thinspo potential but you decided to bulk. There’s nothing W R O N G with your body, I just think you’d look better at a ~18 bmi.
You obviously don’t have to listen to me because it’s your body and your life.
It’s all I’m going to say, it’s evident that you’re only looking for attention.

>> No.15017464

My biggest thing is I want to be physically fit and healthy. I definitely dont want to be bulked and I only bulked one time years ago and I'd never do it again. I was 5'11 130lbs In h.s which is 18bmi, but I was young and just smoked and did drugs all day never ate.
If I were to ever be very low bmi again it'd be an ascetic choice, but I'd still be healthy and physically fit for that size so I dont think I'd be thinspo in your eyes.

Also I post to back up what I say that's it. If I see someone telling ppl to do stupid shit like eat keto then, I say keto is retarded, I get called fat or something so I post body to prove I'm not. Then these shit storms ensue.

>> No.15017652

Fasted yesterday, worked out quite a lot over both and ate below maintenance today. Why can't I just accept that I should be gaining instead of losing?

>> No.15017680
File: 718 KB, 856x484, 1469435946034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this diet for another 6 weeks and try to hit my goal of 160-150 lbs.
Don't rush it, dramatic weight loss can have consequences.
I've lost a similar amount in a similar time frame, and going past that without any sort of break seems harmful but you have much more weight than myself.
At the same time, I don't particularly care about your health.
So go ahead, and post pics, I know you want to. Indulge yourself.

Also Christian Bale was apparently 110-120lbs in The Machinist, so you'll probably be fine with your goal weight of 150-160
Complete abstinence is easier than perfect moderation.
just kidding
Well good on you then, just try to remain humble. If you become too prideful of your fasting, then losing weight will become the only thing that brings you validation.
And then you will end up like all these sad sacks of shit.
Your childhood photo is going in my (E:) drive.
What's your weight atm? What's your goal?
That is very dramatic but I'm flattered; Can I ask why you say that?
Is it my skeletal frame or is it merely my low weight? Or both, would you say?
>Please marry me
I don't usually like guys, unless they are very slender(Like me)
But if you drop discord I can send some slightly more embarrassing pics that I don't wanna post here.

>> No.15017752

>What's your weight atm? What's your goal?
Somewhere between 61 and 63 kg, as a 190 cm male. My goal is to be able to graduate some day.
>Well good on you then, just try to remain humble. If you become too prideful of your fasting, then losing weight will become the only thing that brings you validation.
Nothing seems to bring it anymore.
>And then you will end up like all these sad sacks of shit.
I am a sad sack of shit already.

>> No.15017767

should I take up vaping to replace hunger

>> No.15017773


>> No.15017780

no I don't want to stink, thanks

>> No.15017799

>Somewhere between 61 and 63 kg, as a 190 cm male
If it makes you feel better, that is both my height and goal weight!
>Nothing seems to bring it anymore
>I am a sad sack of shit already.
Yeah iktf, I used to get validation by making people laugh, but after high school it seems no one wants to laugh with me. I'm glad you've found purpose, even if it's shitty.
>replace hunger
I personally replaced hunger with vidya, but I don't recommend using vaping for that.
I am no expert with hunger so here is my experience. Hunger becomes more manageable the less of a schedule you keep. If you only eat at a certain time of day every day, then you'll likely feel enhanced hunger at that time of day. The more you fuck with those hunger chemicals, the less control it will have over you.
So you shouldn't replace it with vaping. You can overcome it on your own. I believe in you.

>> No.15017816

Just FYI I’ve made the last few threads in a row but someone else mak the next one thanks and stay hydrated

>> No.15017828
File: 158 KB, 1125x522, 0232E77A-E91E-47B7-9038-37BEBC65E2D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here a member of sg? If only their takedowns section was public.

>> No.15017835
File: 1.01 MB, 1125x1532, 536CDBFD-ECC5-42C5-9893-CD055DBAD5B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your cheekbone fillers are getting overpowered by your fat cheeks.

>> No.15017854

i read somewhere that eating pickles curbs sweet cravings. dunno if true

>> No.15017890

dehydration causes facial bloat, so drink some sparkling mineral water.

>> No.15017894

just post them

>> No.15017898
File: 90 KB, 750x909, E3712AA0-970E-4443-BCC9-0C1224A132CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah I’m just making fun of ghee ghee. That was her like 11 days ago walking Tom Ford but not looking like she belongs.

>> No.15017899

>If you only eat at a certain time of day every day, then you'll likely feel enhanced hunger at that time of day.
Bruh how true this is. I got so used to eating right after a workout I had to break that habit but damn it's like I was starving after at first. Same thing with breakfast as soon as i woke up.

Your face/hair gives me stranger things kid vibes lol.

>> No.15018074
File: 19 KB, 375x500, 1569107244310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>15016923 here, I'm actually a femanon. I suppose it's both of those things, but probably mostly because I have a pretty strong dominative instinct and pretty boys with fragile, sleek frames like yours turn on a switch in me and make me want to both violently sodomize them and also lovingly nurture them. So rather than merely the aesthetics (which, make no mistake, I find beautiful), it's more of a psychological thing.
I've never shared discord on 4chan but I feel like if I don't take the opportunity, I'll forever regret it, so here it is. Pudding#1548
Forgive my sperging and thank you

>> No.15018102

>violently sodomize them

>> No.15018108

I think she is saying she wants the D

>> No.15018110

/fit/ anon! I love you still, you're looking cute.

>> No.15018112

I mean pegging

>> No.15018116

Run bro

>> No.15018120


>> No.15018121

Bismillah, you fucking trannies and homosexuals will have you day.

>> No.15018123

>6'2 62kg
Ive finally achieved harmonious perfection.

>> No.15018127


>> No.15018183

>If it makes you feel better, that is both my height and goal weight!
Not really, but getting some more calories helped with my brain fog. Now I can think a bit more. If you are really going this low, just don't fuck with your health like I do.

>> No.15018216

love you too

>> No.15018235

New thread:


>> No.15018502

how do i poop more often?