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File: 22 KB, 1200x1200, 304E52C5-683D-4629-A1F2-9CA5228FEF99.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15001888 No.15001888 [Reply] [Original]

What is an acceptable outfit to wear on a casual first date?

>> No.15001891

where are you going?

>> No.15001892

Wear what makes you look, and more importantly, feel the most attractive you can be. Just don't over dress or dress to impress. It has to be casual, low effort (but not slob).

Simple as that

>> No.15001901


If OP is going anywhere other than a bar, coffee shop, or other casual setting, he will be jacking off alone that night.

You should never, under any circumstance, go on a dinner date for a first date. Especially if you met this woman online

>> No.15001928

Casual bar

>> No.15002040

i remember the last tinder date i went on i just wore black jeans, denim jacket, and a vintage devilman shirt. it was a decent fit, nothing crazy

>> No.15002047

ive done dinner first date. i got laid dude

>> No.15002057
File: 3.77 MB, 828x1792, 82226741-A0EF-4693-9534-9A0A6F240673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opening line to message her?

>> No.15002073

Listen, bitch. This gorilla daddy dick is hungry, and if you don't blow me right I might kill you.

>> No.15002091

a transparent trench coat.

>> No.15002097

flannel + dark jeans with a leather belt + casual boots + nice leather watch

can't go wrong

>> No.15002104
File: 432 KB, 1536x2048, 0B8350D8-A7B5-4CF2-838C-AC7CB0E18288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Full rick

>> No.15002106

Your tinder profile name will be Moon Man, and your secret name will be teenis.

But your secret name which neither I nor anondubs will call you is

David Duke.

>> No.15002108

Uum, no thanks

>> No.15002112

Yo nitrodubz, you done hooked it up again

>> No.15002127
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>> No.15002128

i am new to this. does my location need to be on for others to see me?

>> No.15002136

that's why it works lel

>> No.15002174


>> No.15002181
File: 3.49 MB, 828x1792, 75D49C1A-297F-44BE-9E9B-40EFA68B41FC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a guy right?

If so they should be forced to say they are trans in their bio or some shit

>> No.15002185

friken spyware, man

>> No.15002188

It’s needs to be on to find other people in your area

>> No.15002236

why can't i just type in my area?
nice dubs btw

>> No.15002447

Idk man. It uses gps or some shit

>> No.15002483
File: 389 KB, 1077x989, 4E6D6340-82F3-4234-8366-7A9FA67EF226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted in last thread. Deleted some pics and added the mirror fit pic. Thoughts?

>> No.15002491

just wear what you normally wear works for me
you look like a fag

>> No.15002640

Get rid of the second one. You look gross in it. Then it is a fine as a baseline. You can improve it from there. Third pic is best then the first.

>> No.15002661

No way that isn't a tranny

>> No.15002664

are you transitioning

>> No.15002737

Your chubby arm is disgusting, ditch the second pic

>> No.15002763
File: 1.12 MB, 720x404, Sam Hyde.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15002861

God you people are autistic. Just wear what you'd normally wear.
Honestly just kys or delete the app or something youre never gonna get laid anyway

>> No.15002876


>> No.15003211

stop trolling insecure people from /soc

>> No.15003214

Bro you might be a bit gay if you can't tell an obvious dude right away regardless of them putting their sex. That's the thing about trannies, almost none pass. You can tell right away. That's a fucking guy if ever I saw one. It's built in us to know we are looking at the other sex.

>> No.15003392

Full Rick. Idk why people keep asking stupid questions. There's a very obvious answer.

>> No.15003427

These threads suck. I want to see what people wear on their last date with somebody.

>> No.15003456
File: 155 KB, 640x1136, B34753CF-933D-4309-8143-D4E2127CFE83.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didnt even have to go full rick

>> No.15003520


>> No.15003672

Fucking kek

>> No.15003678

mashallah brother

>> No.15003695
File: 15 KB, 275x249, 1514199729091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15003703

i just show up to dates high af now and ramble on about 90s pop culture.
sometimes i wear nice clothes
or times i legit show in my work clothing(work as a cashier)
if she keeps making eye contact with me after 30mins of talking
i'll ask her if she wants to make out
if she says yay or later. i keep talking to her
if she says no. i politely end the date and go in my car to hit my bowl couple times before i head home

the hardest part is probably getting them on the date
which in my case is a week or two of witty messages i send to them and asking them somewhat personal questions but also lighthearted questions
sex is usually disappointing tho

>> No.15003740

>i'll ask her if she wants to make out
women love to kiss strangers because diseases don't exist!

>> No.15003770

had a couple girls use the codeword cuddle
so i guess ur right

>> No.15003802

worst optics ever lol only redeeming part is you peacing out to toke in your piece of shit civic

>> No.15003812

excuse me faggot. i drive a 98 all black jeep cherokee

what works for me. will not work for all

>> No.15003820

>excuse me faggot. i drive this shitbox not that shitbox

stop smoking weed it’s a nigger drug

>> No.15003828

my plug is asian dummy

>> No.15003834

If you believe fashion actually expresses individuality and you need to dress differently in order to distinguish yourself you're an npc. Reminder that the most unique and intelligent people on earth wear a basic suit everyday

>> No.15003876
File: 40 KB, 300x470, 73C904BF-EF64-40E8-B122-B6DD56D28350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mr. Soulja would like to have a word with you...he’s waiting by his Dodge Charger.

>> No.15003963

bro you’re in so much trouble rn

>> No.15004274
File: 105 KB, 646x816, 3997A5E7-FD5F-4338-B082-BA3063D9912D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay to use this pic on profile? Me and ex

>> No.15004364

This so over the top fucking weird

>> No.15004425

Why? Should I blur her face? First time using tinder so idk what pics to use.

>> No.15004448

the fact that you posted you and her on 4chan without blurring both your faces makes this sus.

I dont believe its you, and youre posting someone else for a weird reason.

>> No.15004471 [DELETED] 


>> No.15004477

I don’t see the difference between posting on insta, Twitter, or 4chan? All part of the internet where anyone could see. I really don’t see the problem lol

>> No.15004560

4chan is for le anonymous

>> No.15004561

to answer you question: no. to insult you: very fuckin sus of you to post this. to insult your ex: she looks like a little fuck kitten that definitely cheated on you

>> No.15004565

you shouldn't have any pictures of you alone with other women

>> No.15004590

I’m 27. I don’t have any shits to give
I cheated on her and she went psycho. Broke my ps4 by accident, flipped my entire room upside down so it was a mess, and a lot of yelling and punching me which didn’t hurt at all lol. I don’t want to break up with her but she’s being stubborn so I guess I’ll fool around for a bit and make her jealous until she comes back around. Half her stuff is still in my place. She’s just living with her friend at the moment

>> No.15004678

>I cheated on her and she went psycho. Broke my ps4 by accident, flipped my entire room upside down so it was a mess, and a lot of yelling and punching me
>I cheated on her
You deserved it lol

>> No.15004689

this is for grindr right?

>> No.15004927

Yelling and punching I understand but making my room a mess was unnecessary

>> No.15004959

Fuck tinder. Gross app for losers. Keep it real nerd.

>> No.15005074

You cheated bro. You're a piece of shit.

>> No.15005113

It’s 2020. Everyone cheats. Plus we’ve been together for 3 years. Even though I care for her, I got tired of only having sex with her. My coworker who first off young and hot was throwing herself at me. I couldn’t say no and didn’t want to break up with my girl just because I wanted to have sex with my coworker girl. You wouldn’t understand unless you’ve been in a long term relationship and in your late 20s. Pretty soon I’ll be old and washed up and not be able to fuck young early 20 girls anymore.

>> No.15005123


>> No.15005132

She looks tired of your shit kek

>> No.15005135

>gee why did the girl that i’ve been with for three years get mad when i fucked a coworker because she’s younger
you’re retarded

>> No.15005137

Also, she’s cute but you can def do better. You’re good looking no homo. Just take some photos by yourself out doing shit, a selfie, then like a group photo. You’ll have a new girl in no time

>> No.15005145


>> No.15005155

just a reminder that it's fine for a man to cheat on his gf but if a woman cheats on her bf it should be legal to kill her

>> No.15005156

You guys are prob all still young and single in college. Therefore you wouldn’t get it.

Thanks. I don’t really take pics of myself so I definitely need new pics. Literally all my photos are pics with her. I’m also rusty when it comes to messaging girls and shit. I feel out of touch since I never used any of these dating apps back in my college days and it seems the way most people meet new people besides bars and shit

>> No.15005161

Can’t tell if incel or femanon

>> No.15005193

not based because he came to the internet to cry about it instead of beating her and putting her in her place.

>> No.15005195
File: 177 KB, 738x961, 71FDC60E-11A2-459A-8616-241F9B6D9DC4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this pic good?

>> No.15005208

Holy shit you remind me of Igor. You’re like a doomer version of him. Just gotta shave your head

>> No.15005223

First date venue list

Rock climbing
Any other 'activity date'

Coffee shop

Not saying its not possible to get laid on a first date restaurant date, just that it only works against you. Plus, having sex after a filling meal is subpar

>> No.15005241

you're right activity dates are dog shit but a coffee shop is a shit date too because it's way too casual, there's no alcohol involved and it's during the day
bar/pub is pretty much the only choice for a first date
I've been to a restaurant once for a first date because she didn't drink, it was fine

>> No.15005250

a coffee date at a coffee shop with good ambiance is just fine. I agree though, an uncrowded, intimate bar is my favorite venue and always will be.

>> No.15005255
File: 126 KB, 1640x960, 04D47AB4-8E60-4E9F-9758-D6B85D7C4833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just know Tinder is pointless unless you’re a chad or slayer. Otherwise you’re competing with tons of guys for any girls attention. Doesn’t matter if they’re hot or ugly, their DMs are flooded

>> No.15005263

holy fuckin blackpill...fuckin eggy lol.

>> No.15005267

I'm 5'6 and skinnyfat and fucked 18 girls off tinder

>> No.15005268


>> No.15005270

No way this is real

>> No.15005272

What do you look like face wise? And how do you message them? Pls help a fellow virgin manlet out

>> No.15005276

my face isn't bad
my opening line is typically some variation of "we'd look good together", just personalise it a bit

>> No.15005284

post caps. also if the girls are horrendous it doesn’t count

>> No.15005288

they're generally in the 6-8 range
I also own my own place so I try and shift the discussion to that ASAP

>> No.15005294

How old are you

>> No.15005300


>> No.15005303

didn’t even think about how having my own place is a flex i could utilize desu. what do you say?

>> No.15005320

try and find a way to bring it up
even if it's something banal like cleaning or maintenance just go from there

>> No.15005418

I’m ugly and I’m not getting any matches but I have a 8.5 inch dick. Should I just say that in my bio?

>> No.15005427

>Writing a whole fucking novel of excuses for your shitty behavior
Pathetic desu

>> No.15005436

no actually
agreed on this, especially for late teens and college years

>> No.15005581

Jesus Christ

>> No.15005973

>be me
>be an expat in E. Europe
>people especially girls make fun of me when i speak the local language

>> No.15005995

>not slapping around eastern euro women
anon, what’s goin on big guy?

>> No.15006006

lmao don't
Girls don't care that much about dick size, and going straight to sex talk is a big no no. Especially if you're ugly you'll seem like a huge creep
Or try it if you really don't care about your image and you're desperate. Maybe it will work I have yet to meet someone do it so it's an experiment

>> No.15006083

The reason she has 100+ likes is because men swipe right for everything which is the right thing to do cos it's the women who have the choice. If you're in a club with a chick and she decides to ditch your ass, she can find like 100 different guys who are interested even if shes a 3/10.

I also think location is important. When I used Tinder a few years ago in my home in New Zealand, I got like 30 matches over 2-3 months and just deleted it. When I went on a holiday to Thailand, i got 200+ matches in 2 weeks. Now I live in Japan and accumulated over 700 matches just on Tinder over 3 accounts (fuck Tinder for phone verification). I've been liked by over 3000 women from MEEFF and about 400 on Tantan. Before I came to Japan I had 80 followers on Instagram, and now I have about 700 over 1 year, 80% from dating apps.

Last time I posted this, fucking retards called me a larper. Believe me or not, I don't care, i meet 2-4 different Japanese girls every week. Also back to topic, the fit doesn't matter u mongoloid >>15001888
. You actually think a chick is gonna start rubbing her pussy and grinding on ur knob cos she saw u wearing meme owens or suhprem? People are superficial. It's 90% the looks. My coworker claims he's fucked over 100 Japanese women while he's been for 5 years and he's bald but fit. His Tinder pics consist of him nude while covering his dick and Trump stuff so go figure.

Get rid of 2nd and 4th pic. Have some common sense, shiet.

>> No.15006108

You're right but all those guys are just looking to get laid, so eventually the girls will get frustrated that every dude just wants sex while every guy looking for a relationship will either not match every girl or not get matched.

The females will get more angry painting every guy as just a user wanting sex while the guys will get mad at women never getting a match.

It's just a fucked up situation all around and is the decline of the West.

Islam is really right about women.

>> No.15006117

>The reason she has 100+ likes is because men swipe right for everything which is the right thing to do

No it's not. Men are giving women the power that way. They think if they match every female it increases their chances of a match but it actually decreases their chances as every other dude does that letting the woman pick 1 out of every 1000.

If guys only matched who they actually liked the women overall would have much less matches giving guys a then higher chance of a match.

Of course this will never happen because guys are completely pathetic and retarded and will keep matching every single girl ever.

Even more stupid if girls think they have the power on there with all their matches when in reality, it's the the 1% of attractive guys (who the 99% of guys are angry about but they match every girl helping the super attractive guys) and that 1% of guys is talking to 20 women at a time while the woman thinks he is only talking to her.

>> No.15006119

not actually true

Bro, please do not post cringe on my board!

>> No.15006123

Only 3 is good. solid pic

>> No.15006127

Nigger, is that a nick mullen pin on your girl's shirt?
What did she leave you for the joker or something?

>> No.15006301
File: 705 KB, 1186x1308, Screen Shot 2020-01-28 at 5.34.20 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15006328

my photos are shit
my bio is shit
im shit
but i managed to get laid 13 times on tinder
idk bros

>> No.15006353
File: 74 KB, 681x718, 1581445384019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope you enjoy your date

>> No.15006410

i'm 19, so bars don't work. what do

>> No.15006724

Church, school

>> No.15006731

Fake ID

>> No.15006733

>if only everyone just did what i want
Deal with it. Delete the app if it sucks so bad.

>> No.15006769

>It’s 2020. Everyone cheats.
Holy fuck the cope.
You're trash.
I don't care either way but don't go walking around thinking you're a good person or anything lol

>> No.15006858

Why are so many guys in this thread upset that anon cheated kek. Girls cheat all the time. Who gives af hahahahaha

>> No.15006860

I say this because I’ve hooked up with so many girls that already had boyfriends.

>> No.15006933
File: 260 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_2020-02-10-19-21-16-300_com.tinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you post some examples bro? Im a 5'6 desperate fellow hobbit im horrible at flirting

>> No.15006937

Holy shit cringeeeee

>> No.15006942

literallu pls
just use
"what are you passionate about"
it fucking works

>> No.15007155

I do t get it either

>> No.15007175
File: 17 KB, 494x461, af5d0ddc1dad33f2c5f41db31d203909ddfd9e62f40122741ce32bb7c9d3b3c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15007184


1. Don't flirt, its unnecessary and works against you
2. Never send that pick up line again to anyone

>> No.15007266

it's a reference to alexa, the amazon robot thing. as in, "alexa, play despacito"

>> No.15007285

what the fuck was this even an attempt at

>> No.15007309
File: 757 KB, 1125x2436, AE89FDC0-59C5-4270-B6F3-B42817C37B13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i literally told this girl i was gonna dunk on her then she said no i’m gonna dunk on you. stop being a retard on tinder unless you’re funny

>> No.15007317
File: 107 KB, 750x770, phone-convo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had to ghost him
that aint right

>> No.15007334

D-did he say no homo after that?

>> No.15007464

Fuck him again

>> No.15007474

i've been getting hook ups from tinder but i still feel empty
they never amount to anything and the sex usually isn't that good
how do i get a gf?

>> No.15007506

>get matches with girls i would actually wife
>try to hold a conversation but girls always seem to lose interest, at least that’s how it seems in my brain
>ghost them before they can ghost me
guess it’s forever alone for me bros

>> No.15007515

Try and ask for their whatsapp or whatever or even a date within the first 5-8 messages or something.

Message ping pong is boring when she has a whole heap of guys doing that with her.

>> No.15007548

Gonnabrepost it here since its a relevant thread

Is this what it feels like to be infatuated? I dont even know if shes good looking or not but i want to smash her. Heres my problem, been chatting this chic up for a few days now it was really fun and manage to make me smile, after some flirtatious chatting she wants to meet up and smash even though i already told her im ugly and shes just going to be disappointed. Still, she wants to meet up and smash. Heres my problem, i am 23 year old kshhh virgin and i feel im not mature enough for this kind thing, what im trying to say is, i have low confidence, self esteem and found my self quite boring.(this is what i think about myself, i dont know what my friends think of me). Basically i am childish and naive about life( recently just graduated uni and looking for a job) i feel like, i might do something stupid that will require me to be responsible in the future. I dont even have that much money right now, i only have money for condoms and a motel, i dont think i would have any left over money to treat her some food. Basically my dick is telling me to smash while my mind is telling me no. Whats your opinion on this ? Sorry for my english
>pic unrelated

>> No.15007554

hell, probably

>> No.15007600

Smash so you aren’t a kissless virgin anymore. Maybe it will help you feel like a man and help you push forward and grow up a bit

>> No.15007739


>> No.15007756

>Renting a motel room
Dude, just go meet the young lady and have a nice time. Sex should not be your goal or something to strive after. Companionship and understanding the type of love that blossoms between a man and a woman should be. Do not debase yourself and her by submitting to such carnal pleasures.

>> No.15007766

this but ironically.
forbidden pleasures taste that much sweeter

>> No.15007778

Im 23 and shes 18 the age gap is the third reason why i am hesitating. She wants to smash, bro. I didnt even persuade he, shes the one that brouht it up

>> No.15007788

Don't do it, brother. Read the confessions of St. Augustine instead.
Begone, Satan.

>> No.15007804

I cant do it bro, the pussy is taking over my mind gaaaah

>> No.15007845

I matched with a fat girl should i go for it, i haven't had sex in over 2 months

>> No.15007856

how fat

>> No.15007864

I rarely get matches with people I find somewhat attractive. I can't tell if I'm unattractive, have bad photos, or if girls just have easy access to more attractive men on tinder or bumble

>> No.15007872

>the gap
>only 5 years

dude, now I know why you are still a virgin at 23 yo, hesitating that much for fucking a woman

>> No.15007929

Resist the temptation, man! If you give into such lust, the passion will eventually fade and you will be left filthy and alone. Repent instead, for the kingdom of God is at hand.

>> No.15007932


>> No.15007938

roastie btfo

>> No.15007943

kek. I remember msn messenger

>> No.15007965

well she clearly didn't see it that way

>> No.15007978
File: 55 KB, 614x768, 1318b97a145c1c9ff68f0485d17e9f3b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Your philosophy is misguided. Your sense of purity is based upon a nonexistent reality.

Love between heterosexual couples, as men idealize it, is an impossibility. You have to accept that and try and see the bigger picture. Yes, I'm saying all men should sleep with as many women as possible. This is not solely for the feeling of overcoming a part of the human condition, but to attempt to understand women, and moreover, the sexual nature of mankind as a whole. The drive for sex is a profound thing. People should respect and appreciate that. I've been fascinated by it since I lost my virginity. Since then I've had a wide array of sexual encounters, many of which left an indelible impression on me.

I'm not saying you're too dumb to look past the trope that random sex is emotionless and vapid, just that you haven't tried to see it in any other light.

>> No.15008022

You've spread nothing but hedonist lies. The sexual nature of man may change, but the ways of God are eternal. Follow your own path, for He has given you free will, but I pray that you won't walk one that leads to damnation.

>> No.15008072

Whenever I ask girls if they want to hookup they unmatch with me? I thought this app was for hookups not prudes. It’s starting to piss me off

>> No.15008132

>Don't flirt, its unnecessary and works against you
fucking retarded
the point of tinder is to fuck

>> No.15008220

Pls be bait

>> No.15008318


>> No.15008451

Hes not wrong

>> No.15008725

3rd is really good, 2nd is the worst

>> No.15008765

If you Ignore the fact that your eyes look like vagina slits, yes.

>> No.15008794

more pics of your ex?

>> No.15008809


>> No.15008905

no one on this board can enjoy a mario reference, sad desu

>> No.15008935

Ey yo Trex, come help me swag this kid out

>> No.15009412

Is it you Lithcuck?

>> No.15009468

purity isn't "not being with woman", it is perfecting and ordering your use of this towards something excellent

>> No.15009772
File: 245 KB, 828x818, 067E3BBE-FC3A-411F-9C95-FB89D5AF6CD7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15009779
File: 150 KB, 828x734, 090A6DB7-D4F7-475C-BE8D-CEE71C4B248B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t mind the shitty photos. My phone sucks

>> No.15009784
File: 205 KB, 809x804, 6C0F8010-94C7-4FEA-9C6D-77AB03DF76E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15009911

Why is every girl on tinder and bumble liberal af. I say one thing they get offended and then unmatch with me

>> No.15009919

Because conservative trad women don’t participate in hookup culture.

>> No.15009925

to soi

>> No.15009928

You have any more showing off her body :)

>> No.15010161

what ethnicity is she?

>> No.15010180
File: 149 KB, 759x971, C0B3A5FF-232D-4235-83BC-E1B2A5E08E71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She’s Australian asian

>> No.15010185
File: 70 KB, 495x461, 28570E25-A1BF-45C3-82CF-61D34C39CD0F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I want seafood now. Not going to lie sucks being single on Valentine’s Day

>> No.15010191

No true. They just don't participate in hookup culture with you. Sorry man.

Conservative and trad women are just as promiscuous as liberal women, they are more secretive about it and don't flaunt it out in the open.

>> No.15010199

At least you have all those memories of burying your cock deep in her, and now you can think of whatever dude is doing that to her now, it's kind of like having your own pornstar

>> No.15010215

I am legit tlosing all my memories bruh, I am feeling that early onset or maybe it's just a defense mechanism because i;m so sensitive to all that cringe. As the poet said, the past is a grotesque animal

>> No.15010231

get rid of second one, you look like a lesbian in that pic. add pics of you doing something interesting, like hiking or exploring some city.

>> No.15010270

She’s out with her girlfriends right now. My friend is with them. Idk if I should go to the strip club or regular club tonight. It’s already 11

>> No.15010310

were you selective with your swipes or just swipe on everyone in japan?

>> No.15010324

Hard to find white girls in Japan, most girls on hookup apps in Japan are Korean, flip,, chink or American

English too but I've yet to fuck an English chick, I keep asking them to keep repeating themselves because I can't understand them

>> No.15010352

>the hardest part is probably getting them on the date
>which in my case is a week or two of witty messages

it should only take two evenings of casual messaging to close lmfao

>> No.15010362
File: 46 KB, 350x350, 1542489493760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking asians isnt really something to brag about my dude

nz tinder is also incredibly easy

>> No.15010364

damn it me

>> No.15010388

Lol @ the virgin losers hear saying how cheating is the worst thing you can do. Many women cheat, so you ought to go ahead and be the first to do it as it puts you in a position of power. Women like to feel that they have to compete for your attention.

I’ve been married five years and love my wife, but I’ve ahead several affairs and one night flings. I’d get bored otherwise. Plus girls love knowing that you’re cheating on you’re gf/ wife with them

>> No.15010391

this is for Grindr, right?

>> No.15010392

Don’t listen to this Jew. Find someone you love and cherish them.

>> No.15010397

If you don't cheat on your wife she will never respect you. She'll think she can get other men while you can only get her

>> No.15010402
File: 21 KB, 480x480, 1570526957565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yikes lost a brain cell reading this post

>> No.15010462

uh what? that's not what I asked at all...

>> No.15010519

Where to find a half asian girl like this? Like where should I move?

>> No.15010542

I would imagine west coast USA is the best for finding hapas. Especially California.

>> No.15010576

You virgins actually find that Asian mutt attractive? Hahahahaha

>> No.15010577
File: 678 KB, 788x810, tripfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15010589

asian and hapa women are attractive

gross white roasties like you are not

>> No.15010594
File: 884 KB, 1125x1655, 5DB41661-8256-4ED2-BEE1-69AA8EEC2827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His “girlfriend” looks like a fat pig.

>> No.15010598
File: 2.05 MB, 3024x3456, 603B962C-198F-4578-9C38-51DCE87BB728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15010921

She cute

>> No.15010928

Oink oink

>> No.15010931

one of those girls that would be really pretty if they werent overweight

>> No.15010979


imagine being such a dumb fucking newfag that gets trolled by a decade old tripfag code thats used by the entire board lmfao

now thats seethe

>> No.15011729


>> No.15011798

You remind me of Freddy Prinze Jr

>> No.15011801

How do you ask girls to just hookup? I’m tired of messaging multiple girls back and forth for it to not lead into anything

>> No.15011891
File: 602 KB, 720x1480, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just swiped right for everything. In the other post i didn't mean to say, that it's the right thing to do. I meant it, that it's how to obviously get the most opportunity. If you come Japan on a holiday to fuck just try the popular apps like Tinder, Bumble, and Badoo. Try Pairs if you can speak fluent Japanese, but you have to pay to use it if you're male.
Tinder = obviously a given, it's the most popular by far
Bumble = the Japanese girls on Bumble seem more mature, i see a lot of managers, accountants, business owners etc on their profile. I think there are more gaijin hunters on bumble
Badoo = lot of pinoys, thais, transgender prostitutes etc. Would not recommend if you wanna fuck a native

>fucking asians isnt really something to brag about my dude
I completely agree. Just giving my perspective to some of these morons with no common sense on how to use dating apps.
>nz tinder is also incredibly easy
I'm not into white girls so i swiped left for all non-asians. Barely any Japanese in Wellington, mostly pinoys.

>> No.15011908 [DELETED] 
File: 403 KB, 720x1480, 4th account.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just do what the other guy said and ask to hook up within the initial 5-8 messages. If she unmatches you so what. Just keep doing it til u find someone who is willing to.

>> No.15011915 [DELETED] 
File: 281 KB, 720x1280, 2nd account.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15011971

>the reason she has 100+ likes is cuz guys swipe right in everything
That's not true, I'm a dude and I've only been on tinder for like 4 days and ive got 60 likes already.

>> No.15011999

congrats sieg on taking off your tripcode and going full igor schizo mode

>> No.15012007

try grindr

>> No.15012010

Maybe if you’re matching with whores anon

>> No.15012337


>> No.15012364
File: 545 KB, 750x1242, 533CF838-55E3-4049-ADF4-3F70D3331F10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15012383

enjoy it while it lasts

>> No.15012388

>1. Don't flirt, its unnecessary and works against you
What do you do, then? I thought all this bullshit small talk counts as flirting

>> No.15012397

Just be authentic and not a robotic "I like you"

>> No.15012400

stop using online dating apps, grow some balls, and approach women in real life

>> No.15012457
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>> No.15012471
File: 1.63 MB, 1294x3349, tinder combined.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15012494

if only this were possible but i guess it would be frowned on in real life

is this the greek ideal?

>> No.15012573

i one day wish to be this smooth

>> No.15012578

>Just swiped right for everything
thanks for replying

>> No.15012581

its not that hard. long as the girl is playing along. they pretty much make it easy for u
the hard part is keeping up the smoothness for months

>> No.15012585

He's not smooth, the girl is an 18 year old moron. I'd feel disgusting if I was hitting on women that young.

>> No.15012587
File: 144 KB, 618x597, 1471957733648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh he's literally just talking and making plans
are you guys really this fucking autistic, there's no possible way

>> No.15012595


>> No.15012600

Dude what the fuck are you doing with fucking mirror selfies on your profile?

>> No.15012601

damn i wish i wasnt banned from tinder that shit was easy

>> No.15012612

18 year old pussy is the best though

>> No.15012624

But they are unbearably boring people.

>> No.15012631


>> No.15012683

It's really easy to be smooth when the girl seems to actually care and isn't just saying

>> No.15012825

>Find someone you love and cherish them.
Get a loud of this cuck. Trust me, your gf/so/wife WILL cheat on you, wouldn’t you rather do it first? And if, when you catch them cheating, humiliate them, threaten to leave, threaten to tell other people, ruin their reputation, etc. They’ll live in fear of you and what you could do to them. And they’ll probably know that you sleep around, but they are too afraid to do anything to lose you.

As a man, I find that cheating only excitems my libido with my wife. After a business trip weekend away finding some nice ass at the hotel, just makes me want to go home and fuck my wife in the ass across the sofa.

If you seriously believe I’m finding someone you “love and cherish” well let me tell you something little boy, you are in for a world of heartbreak.

>> No.15012840

You remind me of my old high school. I really want to shoot kids in you.

>> No.15012843

I’ve found early 30s pussy to be the best, when women start to get real desperate if they haven’t gotten married to some tech entrepreneur driving a Tesla yet. That’s the age they realize they’re just another poor hag ready to open their legs, and some of them remain prettt damn hot up to that age. 18 year olds I’ve tried, it just never was all that satisfying. When I was around 28 I did recruiting for my company at colleges nationwide. I had something I made up called the Freshman Internship even though we were only recruiting for post graduate jobs. Essentially I’d ask to do a brief interview, then find some personal note to ask them out for a drink later on, when they’d inevitably say, oh I’m only 18,19 still and do t have a fake I’d, I’d just invite them to my hotel room for a few cocktails. It was super easy. For some of the more experimental girls, I’d always bring a little coke or other party drug too.

It was fun, but not sustainable. One of the girls I “imterviewed” went above my head to ask about her application status and it raised a few eyebrows In the office as to why I was meeting with college freshman in my hotel room when I was on these recruiting visits

>> No.15012879

Tinder or Bumble ?

>> No.15012991

if you're not attracted to them just don't swipe man

>> No.15013085

I use both. I prefer bumble because girls actually have to message you otherwise the match disappears after 24 hrs.

>> No.15013094

Not everyone is a sad loser like you

>> No.15013097


>> No.15013098

You look like that type of person to ask 4chan for help.

>> No.15013218

Tinder for hookups. Bumble the girls looking for relationships

>> No.15013354

It's Alexa you fucking spastic

>> No.15013357
File: 65 KB, 362x477, 1488766707299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15013376

*Match with girl on Tinder*
Me: Hi, how are you?
*She unmatches me*

>> No.15013396
File: 26 KB, 600x300, f6071a151a6bd6423b0ff10a37fe59c132210012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you get out of that one?

>> No.15013883

I just deflected the question , asked who? Oh I’ll have to look up her name, I met with a lot of students.” The girl eventually gave up. She never actually accused me of anything sexual or anything

>> No.15014102

tinder is just unfair for guys
one guy is just begging for a fuck. while girls just have to get over being nervous and not picking some psychopath and they can have all the sex they want
my roommate is 23 and i've seen her fuck 3 guys in the same day and all of them have a big crush on her and shes a 6/10 at best.
sure she's smarter than avg girls(math major) and has good taste. but in a balanced world, she shouldn't be getting this much validation and attention from guys who are more attractive than her and successful than her in life.

if you have your own place, drive a car and can hold a decent convo. u can probably fuck a good amount of 18-22's who come with a ton of mental issues.
im a germ freak. so tinder is a no for me

>> No.15014386

why dont you virgins just go to a sex club. youll lose your virginity by the end of the night

>> No.15014391

but by the same vein, I often just use up young women and throw them away due to lack of want to commit. I've had broads try to fuck up my life because I wouldn't be their boyfriend, so it very much affects females as well.
Thus, we have the current nice guy:blown out roastie dichotomy. some dudes cant get trim, and women who get cockdrunk on tinder end up alone because they can't trust men to not just dip out the instant it becomes slightly inconvenient

>> No.15014467

Every day we stray further from the light of God.

>> No.15014479

She's fucking hot

>> No.15014481

I fully admit that I am a degenerate. I was alone on valentine's day, because whores don't get to experience the warmth of love.

>> No.15014498

Then why don't you change? Have you not seen that your debauchery is destroying you from within?

>> No.15014513

> I've had broads try to fuck up my life because I wouldn't be their boyfriend,
how do u not spill ur autism after weeks of talking to them
im stuck in fwb status and want bf status.
do u keep text convos to a minium?

>> No.15014516

Be yourself.
If you suck, change!

>> No.15014526

It comes and goes, when I am in a relationship I am incredibly devoted and loving, but I am not currently in a relationship.

>> No.15014538

So? It doesn't excuse cheapening yourself and acting like a whore. You are worth so much more than that. Act like it and you might find someone that will treat you like it.

>> No.15015366

>which is the right thing to do cos it's the women who have the choice.

Not really because if you swipe right on almost everything the algo will show you to less people

>> No.15015767

Matched with a girl tonight. Smashing her tomorrow

>> No.15015778

t. 38yo roastie

>> No.15015806

Wtf is a sex club?
Sounds like it would only be a thing in big cities, so that’s like an hour drive for me

>> No.15015840

>modern dating scene
pretty much

>> No.15015942

It’s a club where you go and have sex. They also call them swingers clubs. They’re legal because you aren’t really paying for sex/so it’s not prostitution. You just pay like $20 to get in. Everyone gets naked. There’s usually different rooms/floors. Lots of older married couples go also younger single people. I first went when I was 19 lol. I brought a girl with me and was fucking her but once I saw all the older guys watching me fuck her I got too nervous and left. She wanted to stay though and some other guys came in and fucked her. It’s all consensual. That was on the bottom floor. Higher floors have like fetish shit and bondage. I went again after college when I was more experienced and had a threesome with some milfs.

>> No.15015964

>It’s all consensual.
Sure it is.

>> No.15016000

It’s like that scene from Eyes Wide Shut where everyone is fucking everywhere. You walk around until you find someone you like then fuck. It’s still like a club though where the hot people are fucking each other and ugly people are fucking each other. I’ve seen a hot girl get fucked by a group of ugly guys though. It’s funny to see the incels stand in the corner jerking off to other people or them trying to join an orgy but no girl lends a helping hand to even jerk then off. Still you have to be the ultimate virgin/incel if you can’t get laid in a sex club

>> No.15016008

These sex clubs present sex trafficked girls as willing "solo" guests. Hence the quip about consent. Sure, consent occurs aplenty, but that's not what the business is about. Really, the only decent sex clubs are the ones that disallow solo people.

>> No.15016027

Yeah one I go to you need guest. Hence I brought my friend. They’re popular in Toronto. I know plenty of girls that go on young singles nights. Basically a bunch of college/kids in their 20s.

>> No.15016107


>> No.15016113

No, avoid using photos of other women on your tinder profile.

>> No.15016124
File: 2.98 MB, 500x368, 1581684614281.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next time try something easier tho

>> No.15016142

I wonder why hardly anyone knows of these straight swinger clubs. I'm gay and most people here just assume gay people go to that kind of stuff. Are straight people more secretive about it?

>> No.15016147

Full demobaza

>> No.15016161

In the first two pics YOU look like the tranny

>> No.15016181
File: 74 KB, 750x750, hERo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15016183

They are probably kept quiet as to not attract the wrong crowds. I can imagine a lot of rapists etc would turn up if they were being advertised in the streets

>> No.15016278
File: 130 KB, 1280x1237, E79580C6-8AF8-4469-96C4-080C355343B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im sorry to be the bearer of bad news but thats way men will push for fwb: they dont want a relationship, just sex. sometimes they still want emotional connection, or even basically everything a couple does but without any commitment. a self respecting woman will not subject herself to fwb in hopes that they can "change his mind". asking for relationship advice from a man that doesnt want one is absolutely ridiculous. i say this with goodness in my heart: please respect yourself

>> No.15016327
File: 736 KB, 900x1200, 1564251609346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw banned on Tinder for catfishing too much
Oh well.

>> No.15016458
File: 24 KB, 480x480, 1554259407972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you for getting me a boner over a dude

>> No.15016736

that sounds gross as hell desu.

>> No.15016769

I mean if someone doesn't want to be your partner, they don't want to be your partner.
In my case, it's because I'm pining for this girl I know. I want to be with her, I want to eventually marry this girl. What's the point of dating somebody seriously when I'm just going to break it off the instant the other girl opens up?
Insofar as the male perspective, you just have to be honest with your feelings and intentions going in. Don't say that you strictly want something casual, and then start catching feels after a few weeks. That's fucking gay and a turnoff for women.
You are allowed to say that you want something casual but that you're open to something more than that if the chemistry is there, and they can't fault you for that.

Either way, you can't force somebody to want to be with you.

>> No.15016778

What do you mean? Why?

>> No.15016786

You look better without glasses

>> No.15016793

I'm not him, and I'm no Casanova by any stretch, but it's too formal for a first date. It should be something simple and casual so that if the date goes well it can continue elsewhere, and if it's a complete dud, it can be ended easily without making up any stupid excuses.

Another absolutely terrible first date location is going to see a film, show, or sporting event. Though these are casual, they present far too much of a time commitment for somebody you don't even know.

Take this all with a grain of salt; I haven't been on a real date in 7 years and I am disgusted with hookup culture in its entirety.

>> No.15016927

depends on the context and the brand you're selling.

I'm a college guy and I've taken at least eight, maybe 10 tinder dates to relatively nice dinners on first dates.

I live in my own place and have a good amount of extraneous income so if you take a girl to a nice dinner, dress well, and generally assert yourself it's pretty easy to get them under your sway to think you're some worldly gem who knows what "Farm to table" means and doesn't know about reality television

take them back to my flat and I have three movies I alternate between (brief encounter, Jules and Jim, and the graduate) and after a joint I am inside before the end of the first act.

if you faggots can't close a deal if you take a girl out to dinner because it's "too formal" you're just an autist. Be assertive for once you fucking betas

>> No.15016940

a huge part of tinder is paying for premium and getting bumped to the front of the algorithm.

I'm a 6.5/10 boosted by cardio and clothesmaxxing and I was able to pull 25 tinder girls in a month at my peak, all of which were pretty decent, just because I was in the front of the line and was pretty elusive to all them because I was spending so much time talking to girls that weren't them, so they felt nice when they finally got a dinner reservation made for them

>> No.15016973

If you want to turn tinder into some stupid game where you're trying to get a "high score" luring in stupid 19 year olds, you can do whatever you want. If you're actually trying to meet someone and build a relationship, I would advise against a dinner date as a first date.

>> No.15016976

been with my gf for a year+ using this exact strategy

try harder uggo

>> No.15016987

Don't you find the predictability takes the fun out of it?

>> No.15017049

me personally? no

Generally the girls are different enough in each time to hold a conversation and obviously. the actual content of your interactions varies.

In terms of the routine of it all, it's generally pretty comforting and takes the uncertainty and ambiguity out of dating in my time of doing it. When you're participating in casual dating, you're not doing it to find your wife, you're doing it to assure yourself you're not ugly/vapid/unlovable and give a quick stimulant to your self-image. The end output is the same if you switch it up every time or if you do the same routine. I usually would branch out if there was a second date but the blueprint of having three or so first date options made it much easier to close the deal every time.

>> No.15017069

What’s so gross about it?

>> No.15017074

>Are straight people more secretive about it?
Undoubtedly. I've heard maybe one straight person discuss clubs like this.

>> No.15017097

Idk where you live but most people born and raised in Toronto know about sex clubs. I actually prefer hostesses bars because much hotter woman. If you’re smooth you can usually get the girls to come home with you

>> No.15017102

based zoomie

>> No.15017103

Google acceptable casual first date outfits on images. Got me laid at an airport although I googled "travel clothes for men"

>> No.15017312

Based femchad

>> No.15017364

Wtf is a hostess bar. I didn’t know sex clubs existed either. 24 year old virgin here btw :( I just want to lose it before I turn 25

>> No.15017395

It’s really not hard. You aren’t actively seeking sex and that’s why. You could literally lose your virginity tonight but instead you prob never leave your house or message girls. I already convinced three diff girls after mass messaging like 20 girls yesterday on Sunday afternoon on tinder that I wasn’t looking for a relationship but I was down to hookup. Three said yes. Added their snap, exchanged some nudes. Now they can’t wait. Just be honest and open with your intentions and some girls will bite. So simple.

>> No.15017591

delete 2 and 4 immediately
1 has potntial but it needs color and a better background (i hope the dog is actually yours)
id say delete 3 too because selfies are a no-no but you have to keep it to make up for your lack of better options

here's what you need
- having fun with average or good-looking friends (but not too good looking)
- full body pic that displays good height or muscles (don't go shirtless unless you're buff or ripped and if you have to ask, it's not good enough)
- something that displays your hobbies/interests
- a well-done headshot that's slightly too casual for Linkedin

>> No.15018080


>> No.15018083

Pay for a hooker

Go to Amsterdam

Go to bunny ranch in Nevada

>> No.15018087

Only do an activity date if you're 100 percent sure you mog everyone there. Imagine going hiking and then shirtless outdoor chad hits on your date.

>> No.15018135

unironically I agree, reddit is raging at you for this post because they get cucked so they take their anger out on you

>> No.15018205

was there a noticeable spike in likes after you bought premium?
i got some likes in my first 3 days and haven't gotten any since, and i'm on day 8. can't help but suspect it's partially because my profile simply isn't being seen

>> No.15018293

well, this does not seem to work for me. Girls hate the interview style question. one even told me "what job did I apply to"

kinda puts them on the spot

>> No.15018392

That’s when you say “Blowjob”

>> No.15018408
File: 46 KB, 812x960, 87059680_418799885587346_5138856274342969344_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo /fa/ is this a good first photo for tinder/bumble?

>> No.15018426

nah u look greasy cmon retard

>> No.15018430

2nd or 3rd photo then?

>> No.15018445


>> No.15018700

Never had tinder or anything. broke up with gf, moved to city and living alone. I aint that ugly and I aint short. Will it work?

>> No.15018718

why are you even bothering?

>> No.15018719

how is not having a cock and balls affecting your dating life?

>> No.15018981

Dude, girls between 16-19 will wreck your shit so fucking hard. Doesn't even matter if you know what you're doing the only chicks who've fucked enough to be good at it are either massive red flags or in relationships at that age.

>> No.15019019

Where do you live that cafes aren't open in the evening?

>> No.15019209

You're out of touch because you're a sociopath.

>> No.15019217

Tinder sucks. I get 1 match a week maybe. But it's telling me I have 99+ likes. They want you to pay so badly. I would never do that.

>> No.15019230

Too much talking. You should save that for the date itself. "Oh anon you sound so interestingggggg!!!", that's where you should went for the "if you want to want more, let's do it in person". God I hate texting and I always try to go for a meetup asap. If it takes too long then fuck her

>> No.15019295

Cuz you're being an asshole lol

>> No.15019364
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>> No.15019843
File: 221 KB, 374x376, 1509205629830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro are you kidding? the "food" alone in that pic makes me wanna throw up