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/fa/ - Fashion

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14998566 No.14998566 [Reply] [Original]

>have spent thousands of dollars on clothing over the years
>still look unattractive because of ugly face and short height
>not even charisma saves me, as i am cold as an ice block
How do you cope with this feeling? Is "fashion only for the winners of the genetic lottery" the biggest redpill?

>> No.14998576
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>How do you cope
By lifting and dressing trad-core neofolk

>> No.14998582

I don't know if i want to be ugly and bulky.
>dressing trad-core neofolk
Already doing this by wearing cardigans, dark wash jeans, colorful polos/dress shirts and brown dress shoes.

>> No.14998588
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Actually, it''s more like a preppy style.

>> No.14998664

Clothes only look good on people that look good.
If you want wombren you need to be charismatic, good looking, rich, or some combination of the three. Period.

>> No.14998675

>dressing not to reflect your personality but solely to attract people
so i take it you're a charisma black hole and a pretty vain one at that

>> No.14999933

bump for prosperity


>> No.14999946

You are not going to go from 0 to 10.

But you are going to go from looking like total shit in a hoodie to looking slightly better.

Dressing well isn't a magic pill to make you some mode it's about taking advantage and maximising what you have. Looks aside, it also forms opinion on your position and status and generates more respect the better you dress as opposed again to a hoodie and cargo shorts.

>> No.14999949

some model*

>> No.15000964

>dude j-just lift
one of the last copes of 4chan/manosphere
as for you OP yes, this is what you have to accept. if you're tall, lean and handsome get into fashion, otherwise dont bother

>> No.15000967

Fashion is not a replacement for personality. It should not "reflect" your personality. That's passive-aggressive.

>> No.15000968

Why do people here shit on lifting? Exercise is the most productive way of harming yourself over tfwngf

>> No.15000982

how is that passive aggressive you retard. the point is that it shouldn't be a replacement for personality, and if you actually had some personality you'd dress the way you like with articles of clothing you genuinely like (and probably look good on you) that also reflect who you are. get the fuck out of my face consoomer

>> No.15000987

If you have thousands to spend on clothing, you can afford plastic surgery and a gym membership.
All the curtains and rugs in the world won't fix an ugly house. Invest in yourself.

>> No.15000993
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Lifting is only necessary for framelets, i.e. males who have klinefelter builds and can not look good simply on natural muscle mass alone.

>> No.15001224

because you're dressing up for other people to get validation

>> No.15001248

it's the easiest way to be able to eat whatever you want

>> No.15001260

Hahahaha retard, you can eat whatever you want and not lift

You just eat too much

Stop being so greedy, it’s not attractive for other people to watch you gorge yourself, Idgaf if you are “fit”

>> No.15001275

If I don't lift, my body doesn't look good and my clothes look worse. Literally why would I stop

>> No.15001303

dont dress to impress others. dress to express yourself
confident self expression goes a long way in real life (even if you gets you ridiculed on effay)

>> No.15001418

What is your race? How tall are you? Maybe we can help?