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File: 90 KB, 720x1280, 33aca9ab2c08af1a8a24206047c7d257--body-inspiration-illness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15000168 No.15000168 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>14991389
<3 love thinspo bones <3 Edition
>Post Current stats
>Daily Routines
>Meal strategy
>Post “thin-spirational” pics

low calorie food & drinks list

>> No.15000217

I can't poo.

>> No.15000254

when i barely eat i can easily go a few days without. are you drinking at least 2 litres water/day?

>> No.15000269

Is there a limit to how much water you should drink, I sometimes drink 5L a day

>> No.15000273

Yes and using laxatives, too.

>> No.15000359

So this is an anorexia general?

>> No.15000378

Take laxatives.

>> No.15000391

Read the motherfucking thread before you motherfucking post.

>> No.15000446
File: 54 KB, 640x640, C0DD06EA-750F-48B2-9B7B-9F39F2A9439F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all are idiots if you don’t know how to be skinny with zero effort

Skinny people instinctively eat the right portions and if you can’t figure out how to do that without pooping your pants with laxatives or starving yourselves (which we don’t do), you are not meant to be thin

You can NOT argue this

>> No.15000447
File: 136 KB, 600x515, 92884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15000486
File: 106 KB, 502x384, 1507083903246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get fit. Skinny fat is ugly. Ana mode is ugly. The only way to look good thin as a man is to get lean muscle. Women not so much but squats may be in order.

This has been your threadly PSA to piss off discord trannies and encourage a healthy body.

>> No.15000519

the anorexics that infect this gen will just call you a "fattie" and seethe for a while.

>> No.15000522

Post your body

>> No.15000531

tfw lifelong underweight bmi with good frame and average height but i fucking hate being skinny

>> No.15000535
File: 204 KB, 1079x1069, 44B94057-ED3C-420D-882A-365F9712BB77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5’7 1/2” 101.4 lbs

Ive noticed a small pouch forming so im going to do a workout consisting of crunches-planks-situps with squats-lunges and staying away from sugar/alcohol as much as possible.

Hopefully by the end of the year ill have some form of flat belly while gaining a butt wish me luck anons

>> No.15000555

my piss is clear but I barely drank water in the last 2 days been drinking lots of Yerba mate

>> No.15000580
File: 49 KB, 500x666, 1f5a5c782b6224d2bb174099e32222c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual PSA from the OP here, don't respond to this troll please. Ignore any comments like this that are anti-thinspo. They are just baiting you and trying to ruin our threads. stay hydrated Thanks.

>> No.15000585

Post pic of yourself then

>> No.15000594

when are you gonna die of organ failure?

>> No.15000599
File: 37 KB, 500x333, post-79704-0-25257600-1403819616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15000604

Enjoy your hair loss and binge episodes at the end, fatass

>> No.15000630

>PSA from the OP here
lmao as if being the OP makes you the boss of the thread. This isn't a forum and you have no power here.

>> No.15000636

there are a few people who like to think so and screech about how "they've been here for years" making threads. they're cancer, but there are people here who don't have body dysmorphia or eating disorders who have good advice and share meeting weight-loss goals. basically, stay clear of anyone who says anything like "real thinspo," "actual thinspo," accuses anyone who doesn't like pictures of emaciated humans of being fat, and people who encourage eating <500 calories a day.

>> No.15000676

How the fuck is that post anti thinpso?

>> No.15000681


>> No.15000687
File: 533 KB, 1125x1031, 9A9E515A-C982-47CB-A591-115D60CF8434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15000691

There are quite a few pro ana posters here sadly but they are faggots. They will post literal anorexia victims as thinspo and ree any time someone mentions fitness but most of us just want to be thin not skeletons. They are a vocal minority.

>> No.15000706
File: 76 KB, 474x474, 07B06A5F-7073-4A44-823B-796D8C101357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15000714
File: 38 KB, 368x308, CAA757BB-695E-46DD-B21B-A0D6850927FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15000715

>its a monochrome filter deceptive camera angle photo of an anorexia victim
Why are they always like this? Are they trying to hide something?

>> No.15000719

Dem shovel hands lmfao

>> No.15000729
File: 32 KB, 474x587, CE33991A-A81C-4DE3-9062-37AC9128ADA4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15000734

Terrible. When are you going to post thinspo?

>> No.15000759

>What kind of health problems can anorexia cause?
Liver problems
Slow metabolism
Heart disease
Kidney problems
Muscle wasting

Thoughts of suicide
Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Irritable bowel syndrome
Electrolyte imbalances

Anorexia is a slow horrible death. Remember if you have developed and ed to seek help asap. Do not encourage eating disorders.

>> No.15000774

you should drink as much water as your body needs

>> No.15000796
File: 289 KB, 1079x1431, 1561070387818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Liver problems
>Slow metabolism
yes (hypothyroidism)
>Heart disease
yes (bradycardia and arrhythmia)
>Kidney problems
>Muscle wasting
>Thoughts of suicide
hehe I've been thinking about killing myself every since I weight "recovered"
was before I had any traces of ED
>Obsessive-compulsive disorder
was OCD before I had any traces of ED
>Irritable bowel syndrome
>Electrolyte imbalances
Yes (passing out)
One day I hope to die during a fast

>> No.15000837
File: 24 KB, 466x349, 1b93f57b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure about gallstones or kidney and liver problems, but otherwise all the rest (with death creeping closer every passing moment).

>> No.15000852

I just can't focus on controling my calories anymore, I spent 4 years obsessively counting everything and very very rarely (only on birthday/christmas) going over my calorie limit
but in the last month or so I've just been eating like an animal...

I've probably binged 15+ times times in the last 30 days and I've been overeating so much on other days... Today I ate 2 bananas + 200g of strawberries + Halo Top Icecream + 4 apples + a large chocolate bar over my TDEE... and I still feel like eating.

I just don't have the mental energy to control myself anymore... I'm going to end up fat, fuck this...

>> No.15000871

I hope no one is literally starving themselves to be thin. Please eat healthy and work out. Nothing good comes out of starving to the point of fainting. Its ok to be curvy as most men like some cushion for the pushin. Thanks and stay safe

>> No.15000887
File: 169 KB, 1024x1181, goals222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CW: 115
Height: 5'7.
GW: 95.
I'm so close yet so far, on vacation with my folks so I'm picking up weight and it's killing me, I could never bring myself to purge, just starve.
I am naturally skinny + thigh gap, but it is so hard for me to lose weight because I already pretty much don't eat.
do you have any tips for me to make myself fuller without eating?

>> No.15000903
File: 103 KB, 720x875, 6666goals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember to drink water guys, and don't give up <3

>> No.15000927
File: 53 KB, 439x430, 4F9E5354-8D39-4C8C-A9E7-BAD9D242DF01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Intermittent fasting definitely works.

>> No.15000939

is that taylor hill..

>> No.15001006

Yup and she looks so bloated, im sure he thread about her is still around somewhere

>> No.15001158
File: 62 KB, 495x453, 1567593528754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>struggling to maintain weight
>let myself gain some fat back
>it literally ALL goes to my abdomen

this is fucking disgusting, my face is still gaunt, my arms and legs are still twigs, but my abdomen is huge, I thought it was extreme bloating at first but it's been weeks now and it still hasn't gone away

why the fuck is this happening and how do I fix it without losing weight...
I exercise 12 hours a week as well, but my abdomen is so bloated that I'm finding it difficult to breathe while running, I don't even want to go swimming like this
also the upper left side of my abdomen is hurting, why?

>> No.15001171
File: 272 KB, 1125x1247, 57EC709B-05B1-4C18-88C7-F76618A00D1F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking well deserved. Wish the takedowns section was public.

>> No.15001175
File: 383 KB, 1332x1080, 29183C35-E4EF-4E47-A391-5A5051581079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

>> No.15001362

My problem is that most of the pictures posted here are of anorexic people, or people who are VERY underweight. Visible ribs, thin as fuck hands that can't do any physical labour? This is bad. This is really bad. Thank god I got over my own anorexia but it probably stunted my growth during puberty.

>> No.15001497

for pure fat/weight loss (i dont give a damn about muscle retention) all that matters is kcal in<kcal out, right?

>> No.15001518

I haven't posted on here for a few years but I used to frequent thinthreads. I wanna get /thin/ again as I used to be skelly mode and girls were into me, I got to do small modeling gigs. now im dadbod
due to my depression and alcoholism and no one looks twice at me. I don't necessarily need to be a 16 bmi anymore but I would like the be thin and have abs so I resent myself a little less. therefore I started exercising more and eating less. right now been fasting for about a day and a half and going for walks. hope everyone is drinking their water.

btw is that one discord still up?

>> No.15001542

I would like to think they are being posted to troll but its more than likely someone with severe body dysmorphia and that honestly makes it really sad.

>> No.15001638

These are all off topic attempts to bait/troll derail this thread . Do not respond to this shit

>> No.15001664

Someone redpill me on proper thinspo posture

>> No.15001679

T. Anorexia poster

>> No.15001866

u sound like me, i dont know how to lose the weight

>> No.15002230
File: 11 KB, 236x236, 81F2ABFB-94C8-4B7E-A3C9-499ACAA95214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15002526


>> No.15002527

No u.

>> No.15002532
File: 62 KB, 600x472, 1396013116639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>been a fat sack of shit guy all through high school
>one day see my pic with oneitis, i looked like a freak next to her
>want to look /thinspo/, lean
>autism activated
>lost 64 lbs (202->138) in around 70 days (yeah 5'8 manlet)
>have been maintaining it (136 now) for the past year

the bad news is i still look like shit. my belly is gone and thighs are nearly gone but my ass and to a lesser extend moobs are still there. i think its because of hormones, i don't really lift or do any high effort sports (just jogging) so i probably need more t to lose weight in the right places.

so the question is:
do i go even lower to get rid of everything (along with some lifting), reach total skelly mode and try to build up some little muscle?
do i just start some lifting along with the jogging and hope it sorts itself out?

>> No.15002537
File: 40 KB, 493x390, 55555goals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imho, i'd start lifting with jogging, and also try to cut down to about 120.

>> No.15002609

how many calories are in the ramen flavor packs? like only the seasoning, pls i need quick answer

>> No.15002610

i think they are usually included in the kcal thats on the ramen pack. at least in the ones i eat

>> No.15002625

Unfortunately you will always look flabby without muscles because your skin has nothing to tighten above. Also these muscles will increase your tdee which makes losing easier.

>> No.15002629

I hate fat people so much. Especially those mukbang fatasses that dip everything in cheese.

>> No.15002638

Need to be genocided desu.

>> No.15002650

okay I have loved korean noodles like shin, soon, neoguri etc for ages but they are like 500cal so never wanted to eat them as a small meal. i now added kelp noodles instead (6 calories per 100g) and its actually super good. i think the broth is probably 40-80 calories? anyways, im happy now

>> No.15002658

If you was frequent a year and a half ago - 2 years, no that discord died horribly

>> No.15002659

>with death creeping closer every passing moment
Yes this is the whole point, the crossover with Tragic Realism, Nihilsm etc. Thinspo is /lit/ at its core.

>> No.15002660

Look at the label retard

>> No.15002667

did you read the faq.

>> No.15002670

lol fucking disgusting fat piggy

>> No.15002671

You are literally copying and pasting this shit and all the replies ver batum from the last thread. Are you really this fucking dumb, to think that no one would think that this is bait?

>> No.15002672

>Liver problems
>Slow metabolism
>Heart disease
>Kidney problems
>Muscle wasting
>Thoughts of suicide
everyday after seeing a fatfit post in this thread
>Obsessive-compulsive disorder
>Irritable bowel syndrome
>Electrolyte imbalances
hopefully soon

you can be skinny low bmi without being mentally ill you fucktard

>> No.15002699

it doesnt say

>> No.15002701


>> No.15002738
File: 734 KB, 1200x1459, 1200px-The_Vision_of_The_Valley_of_The_Dry_Bones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Komm, süsser Tod.

>> No.15002851

Sane here I've binged a bunch in the last 2 weeks but I've also compensated enough so I'm at 6k surplus total (track everything). Fast today I'm at 3300, by sunday its wiped out. That's just the surplus from this sunday, since the previous week I kept myself in a deficit even through the binges.

Shit sucks but biggest thing is dont give up. Eventually it all clicks I've been here before at different weights there was a time I struggled this hard at 15 lbs heavier. Just breaking your body in is how I see it.

>> No.15002941

Weight loss is not the same as fat loss. You really should care about muscle retention if you care about losing fat. The result of being in the same deficit while watching your macros will be way less fat at the same weight as just eating less and being the eternal skinnyfat.

>> No.15003041

>You are literally copying and pasting this shit
Except I didn't and you are a retard. Not my fault anorexia posting gets similar discussions repeated. Thats what is going to happen when people bait with skeleton posting.

>> No.15003060

Fuck exactly this. This is why it is important to gain lean muscle if you want to go thin, it will look like shit if you don't. Plus you will lose fat faster while fasting if you are working out. Its win win I don't know why so many people in these threads seethe when fitness is mentioned it is for the better, it truly is.

>> No.15003071

>m-muh lean muscle guiz
For the last time fuck off fitfat.

>> No.15003084

I agree with this. Not stick thin or underweight or anything myself, but I used to be overweight. And those were the times I was restricting my food intake, running miles, feeling extremely hungry and deprived all the time, and using speed and coke like a retard. Started eating more intuitively, picked up some healthy habits, gave my metabolism a rest by not eating before bed, etc. Sometimes I still can't believe how different my appetite is and how effortless it is to remain at my healthy weight. I used to be able to eat an entire box of medjool dates as a snack. Now if I eat two or three medjool dates, it's overly sweet and I'd feel sick if I ate more. It's amazing to eat a meal, and recognize that you're starting to feel full, and satisfied. Genetics do play a role, this is undenyable. But no one has genes that keep you fat. A normal, healthy, bmi of 20-22 should be effortless for everyone, people with good genes will be thinner even. But if you're fat, that's up to yourself entirely. Unless you have thyroid problems or whatever, which is not the case for the majority.

>> No.15003085

Ok, retard.

>> No.15003098

Lean muscle goes for women as well. I know ya'll minds are distorted and don't see this, but runway and fashion models go to the gym like crazy. Female muscles don't get pumped and swole easily. They will mostly make you look thinner because your skin has someting to distribute itself on.

>> No.15003116

enjoy looking flabby even at low bmi you fucking faggot

>> No.15003119

Kinda horse-shit. If you wanna share weightloss goals or whatever, go to /fit/. We're not here to be satisfied with medium-range/merely healthy results. Some people actually want to be thin and that's fine. Autistic fucks get all confused and will immediately think this is anorexia. Wanting to be "swole", or "thick" is no different than this. It's a personal preference.

>> No.15003127

We literally share weight loss goals here though, its in the op even to encourage sharing them. You can not have a /thinspo/ thread without there being weight loss discussion its the nature of the thread.

>> No.15003136


>> No.15003143

The problem is someone will literally start dumping actual anorexic skellies to bait and discourage. It should be obvious thinspo does not encourage anorexia but trolls will poison the well and create bait to make people derail the thread.

>> No.15003156

Being thin is winning but if you go pro ana like some retards here you're doing it wrong. I think it's pretty easy to separate the one from the other and posting info about doing it right for the people who take being thin and healthy serious has nothing to do with /fit/

>> No.15003159

Your macros wont effect muscle retention much, barring some extreme diet. (Only potatoes, or only rice)

Otherwise macros work themselves out they have sparing effects and your body recycles essentials. Focus on eating healthy, high volume foods, and total calories.

>> No.15003160


>> No.15003199

You are right eating healthy unprocessed food most likely will give you what you need. But nevertheless you should at least calculate your average protein consumption. If it's less then 60g you're giving yourself a hard time. In my experience protein keeps you full, helps with soreness and saves muscles while losing. In general becoming thin was way easier after learning about macros.

>> No.15003204

>It should be obvious thinspo does not encourage anorexia b

HAHAHAHA. This is exactly what those with eating disorders say.

People want to be an average, healthy weight, possibly slim. Normal people don't want to be thin.

Nobody here is going from overweight to a natural weight. You are all talking about eating 500 calories a day and how dizzy you feel. Thinspo is and always has been a thread for those with body dysmorphia.

>> No.15003207

can i have discord invite too plz

>> No.15003225

Most people here are actually bulimic anyways. When you are bulimic you binge and then take measures to avoid weight gain which could be vomiting, fasting, excess exercise or a combination.

>> No.15003229

dude why are you so obsessed with this thread. You dont know why people are here, im here because I like being lean and having a very lean face. You have to have low bodyfat for that, much lower than normal slim people thats just the hard truth of it. Getting to single digit bodyfat is brutal and pretty much end up in these threads bc I can relate.
Im not invading these threads to tell people to lift or put on muscle though because thats just weird.

>> No.15003249

I've posted once or twice, I think once. Obsessed? Lol.

I am into psychology and lots of disorders and know very well about body dysmorphia. I just don't want you guys dying, you know?

Being lean and having a lean face is a hard regime and requires a bodybuilding type approach, not a starvation approach. Even then, it's not healthy. Single digit bodyfat is not the normal state of a human. It's dangerous, unhealthy and stupid. So even while you claim you don't have anorexia or whatever, you sitll have mental issues and body dysmorphia and those that do, never ever admit it, even on their death bed.

I don't expect to change a single opinion here because I know how hardcore you guys are but if someone is on the fence and it helps them a little then it's worth it.

If you really have no issues, my words should not bother you and you should support them and want to help for the people that do have body dysmorphia.

>> No.15003258

On second thought, yeah I think we're on the same page. Ana stuff is pathetic as fuck. I usually ignore those posts. I was talking about what thinspo is meant to be, which is simply 'thin'. And not, on the verge of death skinny.

Kinda retarded imo. Almost the entire world wants to be thin. This is taken advantage of in ads, and weight loss products. Have you forgotten that you are literally on a fashion board? The point here is that a lack of body compliments and puts emphesis on your garment. Models (especially runway) are stick thin because they must be clear canvasses for the works that they wear. Their sizes have to be consistent, because one cannot design based on the varying model sizes. Now if they need one consistent universal size, the industry will take the most desirable one. Thin, no curves to distort the garments, elegant, pleasant to look at. Of course, any weight loss forum is going to attract people with eating disorders. But that's not who the thread is for, and that's also not everyone who posts here. Myself, I have gone from overweight to natural. Currently losing weight at a very slow pace which I'm fine with, but still a healthy bmi 20,5. However, I do aim for a bmi on the lower end, because it will compliment my fashion.

>> No.15003267

I agree with this more. Yeah obviously we shouldn't starve ourselves to death. But I'm trying to tackle the idea that if someone prefers to be on the thinner side, one is immediately dysmorphic and being insane.

>> No.15003283

Honestly just come here because /fit/ is to obsessed with being bloated and doesnt understand what lean is. Just want a diet focused community thread, thats open about the difficult elements of it. Yes its hard and disordered eating is almost inevitable if trying to get very lean or very thin. Still way healthier than even general population, better to be 8% bodyfat than 18% IMO and average man is over 20%, average gym rat is 18% etc

>> No.15003284

>Almost the entire world wants to be thin.

And yet men are heavier and more muscular than they have ever been and there is an increased number of males lifting weights.

Hmm your opinion vs reality? Which one wins..

All the world top runway models are not bone thin, they are slim. There are teenage ones that will be pretty thin because they are teenagers. The adult men are not. The average runway male model has a 40 inch chest and is generally around 165lbs at a height of 6ft to 6'1"

That's slightly slim but it's not drastically underweight. It's female runway models that are super underweight and we know that, we know it;s not healthy and it is hurting them so that's not an argument either.

>> No.15003288

>better to be 8% bodyfat than 18% IMO

In your opinion indeed, but by science and medically? You are wrong. A human is not designed to be under 10% bodyfat all year round.

So what you are attempting to achieve is not normal healthy or even possible without extreme regimes. So you clearly do need help in some form.

>> No.15003293

agreed, ignore the faggot that spams and shits up every thread

>> No.15003401

Do people actually think that posting "haha ur killing urself lol stupid" or "ewww thin ugly go to /fit/" is actually gonna help people out of mental issues? How retarded can you be lol, when I was anorexic stuff like this would pnly encourage me to starve myself even more, if anything you're making it worse and motivating people to further harm themselves.
You aren't concerned either, nobody cares about anons that they have none at all personal connection to, you're just elitists who feel the need to put other people down in their own threads, while talking about how much you hate said thread. There is a hide feature on 4chink for a reason lul

>> No.15003415

I don't think that helps and nor do I say that. I point out these threads are eating disorder threats though in which they are. Nobody will convince anyone to stop it here, even with a medical team it's almost impossible.

>when I was anorexic

You always will be in some form, there is no cure. What is a bigger concern is, why are you here? So someone who has recovered from anorexia is in an eating disorder thread which could push you back making it feel normal here which has been my point all along. This shit is dangerous.

>You aren't concerned either, nobody cares about anons

I disagree. I watched a documentary "emma wants to live" and it was heartbreaking. Anorexia is fucking awful. How someone who has a healthy body just destroys it. Damages their organs and passes away.

It all seems so pointless, and a total waste. Anorexia is one of the saddest things I have seen.

>> No.15003422

The /fit/frens are just using "anti-ana" as a pretense for their trolling, ofcourse they don't give a fuck, nobody on 4chan gives a fuck, especially /fit/ posters kek

ohwell, I've hated this general for the longest time so I don't care that's gone even further downhill, when I'm relapsing I browse MPA, when I'm recovering I browse /fit/, at this point I feel neutral

>> No.15003443

Why do the fit fat dumb fucks always repeat GeT sOmE MusCLe Or Be FlaBBy, we're talking about getting to such a low weight you won't have any flab, just because those retards are 22 bmi and comparing this board to their own bodies and projecting their own insecurities

>> No.15003447

say that to the anon from the last thread with gyno and belly flab

>> No.15003449

Just because 1 person is genetically fucked doesn't mean everyone else is, he's the human version of a pug

>> No.15003457

should i be increasing or decreasing calories to go from skinnyfat to lean? been the same rake thin, zero definition build for ten years and i'm interested in changing it

>> No.15003461
File: 44 KB, 400x534, tumblr_pehiotg45L1x1vhfoo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Workout or you will be flabby just like this guy!

>> No.15003474

Unironically go read the fit sticky. Just build to a point you are comfortable with, you aren't going to get massive instantly its a gradual process. It doesn't take a lot to get lean.

>> No.15003476

Because muscle gain is minimalised this way, it literally couldn't be slower and you maybe even gain none because your not getting the nutrients

>> No.15003482

>do I eat more to get skinny

Are you mentally aware of your existance anon

>> No.15003492

You either go to skinny fat to lean by:

Eating very little, you will lose fat and muscle, basically you wont be lean in the end, just a bag of bones.


Eating a good diet with proteins and fats to result in muscle growth or keeping what muscle you have and fat loss and you will end up lean.

The more muscle you have the faster fat is burned. The best way in my opinion to go from skinnyfat to lean is a keto type diet. Protein, fats and little to no carbs.

You wont go lean when you are skinny fat as lean means having muscle which you don't have. Nobody in these threads know what they are doing and simply lose weight and end up having a little gut with their ribs and bone thin arms showing.

Do starving African kids look lean? Hmm?

Having that looks takes some effort and learning which none of you will do.

>> No.15003498

Being skinny and lean are 2 different things fitfat, why are you always assuming that once you get to a low enough bmi you will still have things like a belly, are you retarded

>> No.15003521

that'd be under the gaining weight section, right? sorry if i sound like a retard but i've spent years deliberately trying to do the exact opposite of looking after my body

unrelated: is that Convict Conditioning book worth anything or is it just a meme?

>> No.15003525

Right but you aren’t losing it either. If you just sit, drink black coffee and smoke cigarettes long enough you’ll look like a cancer victim. This is all about aesthetics, not a number on a scale

>> No.15003532

>should i be increasing or decreasing calories to go from skinnyfat to lean?
Decrease, you need to have low bodyfat to be lean. Skinnyfat is high bodyfat

>Just build to a point you are comfortable with (sic) It doesn't take a lot to get lean.
You dont need to build much, certainly dont need to gain weight. Also, "doesn't take a lot to get lean" getting lean is very difficult.

>Having that looks takes some effort and learning which none of you will do.
Almost everything this retard says is wrong. Im definitely leaner and fitter than this dude. Keto is a gay diet for retards. Macro ratios are pretty much irrelevant. Exercise will help you preserve muscle mass, but you dont need to lift, or eat big etc.

Im not gonna post my body here bc im not thinspo, but this guy wont post because he doesnt know shit about being lean. fat coper

>> No.15003536

Anything that makes you sweat is gonna help it’s about consistency above all else. Pick a program you identify with, something you could see being a part of your lifestyle, not just a thing you do. If the austerity/practicality of convict workouts appeal to you it will work

>> No.15003540

The important thing is gaining muscle. You will gain weight because muscle is heavier than fat but it doesn't always mean you will gain fat. Just make sure you are eating an appropriate amount of protean and doing the right exercises and you will gain muscle. Just read the entire sticky honestly. It is literally for beginners.

>> No.15003542

Calinsthenics is the dumbest fucking shit in the world, especially if you're interested in building muscle or strength

only reason to do calinsthenics is if you want to do cool calinsthenics moves like one arm pull-ups, dragon flags and pistol sqauts, the balance and stability requirement of calinsthenics progression is insanely high

Powerlifting with a barbell is the most efficient route to building muscle and/or strength, period.

>> No.15003548

post your powerlifting jason blaha body. Most powerlifters look like shit

>> No.15003549

Cancer victim is a aesthetic tho

>> No.15003551

>getting lean is very difficult.
Nigga what? The only difficult thing is keeping to a routine. Not hard at all. The routine for getting lean and maintaining is baby mode anyone can do it.

>> No.15003555

>Being skinny and lean are 2 different things

Yeah no shit. Which is my point about people thinking if they just stop eating, lose a lot of weight and get skinny they will somehow be lean.

>why are you always assuming that once you get to a low enough bmi you will still have things like a belly, are you retarded

Are you? Belly fat is one of the first places fat is stored and it's also one of the last places it goes from. So you can drop your weight and have a bone thin chest, arms and legs while still not having some lean stomach.

>Almost everything this retard says is wrong.

I'm 40 years old and I used to be ultra lean and involved in this area.

>Keto is a gay diet for retards.

You are elan because you are 15. That's how you sound.

>Exercise will help you preserve muscle mass

Muscle mass is preserved by protein. Exercise tears muscle away, it only gets larger or stays the same when it is rebuilt with the right nutrition and protein.

>but you dont need to lift,

A skinny fat person to become lean needs to lose fat and increase muscle mass as they have next to none but you don't need to lift..

This is why these threads are so dangerous. Retards who know nothing about what they are talking about. There are vulnerable people who might follow this shit.

>Im not gonna post my body here

Shocker. No really I am shocked.

>> No.15003561

prove it, you dont know anything about it. Getting lean is wayy harder than buiding muscle. zero chance you are lean

>> No.15003562

>You will gain weight because muscle is heavier than fat

No it's not, but it is more dense.

>> No.15003567

>Shocker. No really I am shocked.

Ill post if you post first but only to prove I know better than you. Im def in better shape and leaner than you, this guy >>15003551
this def guy >>15003542

>> No.15003569

>belly fat is the last place it's stored

No, it depends on the individual, and what they have consumed,I lost a belly at 16 bmi

>> No.15003571

You have got to be a troll at this point. You will naturally get lean with proper diet and routine. How is this lost on you?

Fair correction, but that is what I meant ultimately. A lb of fat has way more mass than a lb of muscle.

>> No.15003572

Another retard posting absolute shit.

Male gymnastics guys have great chest and arm development from callisthenics.

>Powerlifting with a barbell is the most efficient route to building muscle and/or strength, period.

No it's not, it's for strength yes, not muscle building. It makes the muscle fibers you have more effective but it does not grow them so large. The vast majority of power lifters are covered in fat.

>> No.15003574

dude post how lean you are or stfu. Getting lean is hard, show me how easy it is for you.

>> No.15003576

Your personal anecdote does not make it a fact. It does not depend on the individual. Those with visible abs always have an overall low bodyweight which they lost first, it;s the reason why fat people don't have visible abs. STOP POSTING DISINFO.

>> No.15003581

Lean is just, being very skinny but also have some muscle that you can literally get in 4 months, take 1 hour a day out to exercise, /fit/ is a pure example any mentally handicapped person can lift a weight

>> No.15003584
File: 70 KB, 1280x720, skinnyfat to lean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is skinny to lean

Who here looks like this? Eating 500 cals a day and sitting on your ass wont get you there

>> No.15003587

everyone saying its easy to be lean isntt actually lean. Doesnt know what they are talking about. Or doesnt speak english as a first language and doesnt understand hard/simple as concepts. Your body pushes back its very fucking hard.

>> No.15003588

I am waiting for you to disprove my claim that you will get lean with proper diet and routine. This is not hard, what I state is the truth, no matter how much you demand people post themselves on 4chan.

>> No.15003589

>your personal experience doesn't exist,

OK so your just a troll, you just fucking said my individual experience isn't individual

>> No.15003592

that guys is muscular, that guy isnt even you. Why are you posting someone else? Bc ffor all your advice you are prob flabby in reality

>> No.15003595

Do you know what a fallacy is and how a personal anecdote is one? You are too stupid.

The last place to lose fat is on the stomach area, this is a fact. Just because it's not true for you doesn't mean it's not true for everyone else. In most cases, it is. Jesus Christ I have found another super retard.

>> No.15003596

lol. tthe proper diet and routine to be lean is fucking hard. have you ever been single digit bodyfat? If not then stfu bc you know nothing about it. Its very very hard.

>> No.15003599

t. tried to become lean with an ana-chan diet and wondering why he isn't gaining muscle when he didn't supply his body with the proper nutrition to accomplish this

>> No.15003601

I never claimed it to be me, idiot. That guy isn't a big muscular guy, he is just lean. You don't even know what lean is. What you mean is skinny.

>> No.15003603

As someone who started at a extremely low bmi, all I had to do was maximise muscle growth, you should know you do that by also gaining some fat which was fine, taking 1 hour a day to lift for 3 months isn't hard, it's easy if you have no weight to lose

>> No.15003605

people who do powerlifting for the sake of being stronger look like shit because cutting fat makes them weaker

people who do powerlifting for the sake of being aesthetic look amazing because suprise suprise, compound exercises with barbells allows them to simulate all the muscle fibres in their body with the most tension in the most efficient way possible

don't believe me? go to /cbt/ on fit and see for yourself

Calinsthenics is just putting tension on your own muscle fibres using your own bodyweight instead of using external weights, fundlementally they're the same thing, practically it's a lot more efficient to just fucking use tools designed for the job (barbells)

how this is not obvious I don't know

>> No.15003609

>the proper diet and routine to be lean is fucking hard
No it is not. Its an hour or two of exercise a day 4-5 days a week and then making sure your diet is on point. How the fuck is this hard? /fit/ is full of absolute retards and they can do this.

>> No.15003610
File: 1.42 MB, 6144x3188, 20200116_065237[33].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna post body to get you fags to fuck off.

keto=gay and stupid
dont need to lift weights to be lean
powerlifting is gay
calisthenics is good
being lean is hard
macro ratios irrelevant

nobody else will back up their claims.
no im not thinspo I know

>> No.15003612

oh fuck off you delusional narcissistic roid monkey

>> No.15003614

> and then making sure your diet is on point. How the fuck is this hard? /fit/ is full of absolute retards and they can do this.
almost nobody on /fit/ is lean. I am and its very hard >>15003610
me. ask any bodybuilder who cuts for a show how easy it is.

>> No.15003616

cut your nails freak

>> No.15003619

You are not lean.

>> No.15003621

haha exactly. Seethe more everyone who disagrees with me is too afraid to post their flabby ass. giving advice on being lean and they cant even get lean themselves.

>> No.15003625

ah so its just this mentally ill troll again

>> No.15003627

And muscle fibers work differently. 2 people of equal size can have a huge difference in strength due to how they train.
-Bodybuilders may limit their range of motion with their exercises to increase the time that their muscles spend under tension. The purpose of maintaining the time spent under tension is simple – to increase the strain and demand placed on the muscle. This will cause the muscle to react, recover and increase in strength and size.

-Final Word
The above-mentioned reasons may explain why bodybuilders are more likely to pack on greater size than powerlifters


>> No.15003629
File: 196 KB, 508x740, 5f22f60ab18b61f192b8b7d3cd1fc339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bored of the fitfats, get some thinspo going so they can have a meltdown

>> No.15003630

nigga I have glute striations in that pic. thats lean

im correct you guys are just mad

>> No.15003633
File: 25 KB, 455x563, 0036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15003636

Breh I can tell by your traps you use a little of that old special juice

>> No.15003637

This is not what we mean by lean. You have way more muscle mass than what most thinspo men want, they want much less muscle mass. Being lean is not hard, you passed it a long time ago it was so easy.

>> No.15003638
File: 100 KB, 634x1337, 86a24bd04f1e9b4e22984f4999c82f35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15003642
File: 40 KB, 444x618, Screenshot-1158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15003644

>has dirty long druggie nails
>eats like shit but gets away with it because he's on roids
>claims eating protein powder mixed with icecream cured his eating disorder
>universally hated on both /cbt/ and /thinspo/
>only knows one pose

who am I thinking about?

>> No.15003646
File: 57 KB, 379x600, lean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all mean slim here or like ottermode or whatever, lean means having some good muscle mass and low fat (lean)

>> No.15003647

no but cope more, ketobrainfog go eat something healthy for once
I know I have more muscle Im not claiming to be thinspo. I didnt want to post body here. Being lean is hard, coming from me I know. Your idea of lean just isnt lean bro, sorry. youre fat.

>> No.15003660
File: 59 KB, 500x667, tumblr_oiydzgT2E91qdtcn7o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one cares, fit fats

>> No.15003661

the difference in strength and muscle size between bodybuilders and powerlifters is due to the rep ranges that they train in, 3-6 leads to greater strength due to CNS adaptations, and 8-12 leads to greater size due to hyperthropy

anyway by "powerlifting" I'm not refering to the sport, I'm refering to the class of compound exercises, I.E bench press, deadlift and squat, every body builder worth his salt does these exercises for a reason, and so should you (in the 8-12 rep range with a mix of isolation exercises afterwards once you are sufficiently strong) if you want to gain muscle in the fastest way possible.

>> No.15003662

I eat healthy never icecream

im hated bc I call you idiots out and back it up

Post different poses literally all the time, this pose is nice it shows my leanness the best.

>> No.15003663

precisely, it isn't hard to get into ottermode its easy as balls. And ottermode can be very low bf as well. I don't see why it couldn't be considered lean.

>> No.15003664

Bro your butt looks like a fucking walnut, you have trap development and shoulder and are highly vascular. You are a the poster boy of roids.

That body type is only "naturally" attainable by absolute 24/7 dedication and you'd be weak as shit at that body fat percentage. It's not possible.

It's easy to fool clueless people but not those who know.

>> No.15003665
File: 24 KB, 400x600, tumblr_ooao3mn08e1vfxgezo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15003667

>can tell by your traps
not like his ludicrously low bodyfat% and high muscle mass made it anymore obvious
that freak must have testicles the size of peanuts

>> No.15003668
File: 120 KB, 736x1104, b21e65d159a0173966dd81c3871a74d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15003670

dude if its so easy prove it. fat fuck go away. your logic is stupid as fuck. Just because you can explain how its possible doesnt mean its easy to do.

Getting massive is easy to dude just add weight to your bench and squat each week unttil you are hitting 350 bench and 500 squat
Just saying it doesnt make it easy, its hard to do it retard.

>> No.15003671

Well yeah compound lifting builds muscle, just the powerlifting way is not always the best and the focus is on strength.

Like the wrestler Triple H looked pretty huge at his peak but maxed out at 315lbs on the bench. It really highlights how his his big muscles were not that effective in actual strength.

>> No.15003673

You are not natty bro, you aren't fooling anyone. Go back to /fraud/.

>> No.15003674

yeah I agree

>> No.15003675
File: 51 KB, 640x427, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15003679

I would say otter is kinda skinny but without the fat, so it;s not skinnyfat, it's the removal of the fat. "lean" technically would mean more muscle.

That look itself relies on not eating junk calories though adding to your waist with an insulin spike and relies on a somewhat good died with proteins.

Lean people who do nothing and eat shit tend to be teens, not adults.

>> No.15003680

I love how this thread has one retard who we can all agree to hate

>> No.15003681

It is easy to explain and is accomplished in less than 6 months with a dedicated routine and diet. If this was hard for you you are a retard. When you want to break a plateau and get bigger it becomes harder, but not to get into fucking ottermode.

>> No.15003683
File: 54 KB, 855x855, EBz0OPsW4AMllco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>falling for the same bait from the same person larping a picture thats been posted many times already

>> No.15003685

how the fuck does me countering ketofags, "eat big do not be skinnyfat", "count macros" "its super easy to be lean dur" etc
turn into a "youre on roids" debate. That doesnt counter anything I just said. Im not on roids you guys just look like shit because YOUR ADVICE IS SHIT and you follow it

>> No.15003686

Yeah but I knew he would try and fool people, they all do and when checking roid usage you can't fool the trap/shoulder area that has the most receptors to steroid use.

It's not even a good look either way, pretty gross to women.

>> No.15003688
File: 36 KB, 497x750, d2f8f2bc6985f6a390e110167ad84967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15003690

even fitfags can agree der roider is cancer. glad we can all bond over this.

>> No.15003692
File: 413 KB, 785x1000, 1557660588679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how the fuck does me countering ketofags, "eat big do not be skinnyfat", "count macros" "its super easy to be lean dur" etc turn into a "youre on roids" debate. That doesnt counter anything I just said. Im not on roids you guys just look like shit because YOUR ADVICE IS SHIT and you follow it

>> No.15003694

Because your advice can't be taken that well when you are on roids so without roids, nobody can follow the same patterns.

For instance guys that take roids and sit on the sofa, don't touch a weight can add 7lbs of muscle within a month or so and lose fat at the same time.

It's just not possible natty.

>> No.15003697

>can all bond over this.
yes because im the only one who backs up what I say. bunch of fatasses arguing about how to achieve ana-mode or otter-mode when you are all fat as fuck larping
cope more ketard

>> No.15003698

>its so hard bro thats why I turned to roids, totally not because I was lazy

>> No.15003702
File: 18 KB, 400x300, DUBgmG7X0AEYrn3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15003704
File: 399 KB, 700x394, 1553536762244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit this thread

>> No.15003705
File: 40 KB, 460x259, 150603105411-ysl-skinny-model-large-169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15003707

haha dude the roid cope is so pathetic. yet none of you show me how well your trash advice works for you.
gettting as lean as I am is hard as fuck none of you know shit about it. also getting to low bmi lik 16bmi is hard as fuck etc.

all of you say its easy to be lean? then why arent you lean? why is literally nobody lean anywhere.

>> No.15003709

post testicles roid monkey

>> No.15003711
File: 128 KB, 665x435, skinny-guy-problems-665x435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just get skinny with a little bit of muscle

>> No.15003712
File: 1.04 MB, 1002x737, hurr natty mental case.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15003714

>spews garbage advice
>gets called on it
>NOOO you must be roids


>> No.15003715

fucking hell that's disgusting

>> No.15003717

literally have more lines in my ass than any of you in your entire body, and that pic is almost a month old ive dropped more fat since then. seethe more

>> No.15003720

please post most recent pic

>> No.15003723

nott the point iff you find it nice or not, its not meant to be thinspo but meant to check the fit/fats who think they can go around lecturing about what they know zero about

>> No.15003728
File: 81 KB, 320x383, 1567977340175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nott the point iff you find it nice or not, its not meant to be thinspo but meant to check the fit/fats who think they can go around lecturing about what they know zero about

>> No.15003729

>you are all larping

the irony of this comment, coming from someone who has been using the exact same pics over and over on different threads which they found off somewhere

>> No.15003731

>literally have more lines in my ass

That nobody has naturally nor do any statues that exist. Why? because it;s not reachable without roids. Nor is it healthy. You are weak for your size.

What's worse is you have crippling self esteem issues to do that. I pity you more than anything.

>> No.15003733

you >gives advice on how to be lean while not lean

me>your advice is stupid, Im actually lean

why would I be crying? just wasting time through this fast

>> No.15003735

most most recent body

>> No.15003738

so are you saying you get that kind of body by only eating walnuts?

or what?

>> No.15003739
File: 38 KB, 320x480, gKodctB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your trying to argue with a larping troll who does this every thread, your just wasting your own time

>> No.15003742

lol long way around of saying, "ok im not actually that lean and dont know what Im talking about"

ive posted probably 50 times in fit so many different shots including face, dog, legs, back, full front, etc etc to the point where im obviously not larping or posting the same pic. you just notice that pose because I look crazy good in it.
lol i didnt make that photoshop but I eat walnuts every day as my main fat source
no im not gonna spam this thread witth pics of me, plus im going through binge eating issues atm so im fasting, dont look so sharp

>> No.15003743
File: 63 KB, 700x651, 81331A1F-0BCD-4DC3-8AB2-665389501EB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got a good body but you’re not thinspo. You’re not even ottermode. You’re /fit/ and you look like you’re in a cutting cycle.
Why are you here?

>> No.15003746

its a copy paste

>> No.15003751

You ARE on roids, you are not natty and you are not fooling anyone. Go back to /fraud/. Your insistent whining on how hard it is to achieve ottermode makes it more obvious you are a lazy roid monkey.

>> No.15003752

dude I literally said im not thinspo im posting to get fit/fats to stop giving stupid advice (keto, macros, lift, eat more, dont be skinnyfat etc)

Im here because getting very lean is similar to getting very thin. these other guys are here to just give bad advice tell tthem to fuck off

>> No.15003754

>no im not gonna spam this thread witth pics of me, plus im going through binge eating issues atm so im fasting, dont look so sharp
>and that pic is almost a month old ive dropped more fat since then. seethe more

which one is it you crazy faggot?

>> No.15003758

its hard to be lean thats why nobody is lean INCLUDING YOU (fat piece of shit). Thats my point. Its not COMPLICATED its hard. Maybe you speak english as a second language and dont understand what 'hard' means.

>> No.15003761

its literally both, both are true.

>cut down another couple pounds
>binge eat because its HARD TO CUT AND BE LEAN DUH
>fasting off the binge

>> No.15003765
File: 515 KB, 495x450, u mad bitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am lean and natural and almost 41 years of age.

>> No.15003771
File: 55 KB, 683x1024, 288aa6e63e13822b909a0557985b6509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its thinspo, no one gives a shit about working out or getting "lean", we want pic related

>> No.15003772

didn't mean to shit up the thread this badly, sorry


thanks for the advice, i've already been trying to consume more high-protein foods over the past two weeks or so - i was eating around one meal a day beforehand, so either way it's definitely better for my health

so it's pretty useless for what i want? i've seen it come up a few times in reference to working out without gym equipment / weights, but is there anything better for that?

>> No.15003776

just keep eating a deficit you will get there anon
yeah thats the one lmao what happened to it? should we start a new one

>> No.15003779

yea calisthenics is a meme, especially because you need to do progressive overload to gain more muscle mass, but because of calisthenics your using your own bodyweight so they only way to progressive overload would be by doing more reps which is just time consuming and inefficient

>> No.15003780

if thats really you, fucking gross dude. not lean at all.

google image reverse shows this image being posted in /pol/ last year where you said

>Yeah I am a 5ft dishwasher and not a super model, at least I am not a pathetic coward though.

with a nazi meme flag.

and Im the mentally ill one.

yes just eat less to look like that guy. what I do but dont workout. dont eat keto or lift etc

>> No.15003782

i've been getting thin and my gf is says she misses my fluffy stomach when we cuddle
idk what to do bros
says she feels protected when her "bear" was holding her

>> No.15003783


>> No.15003786

anyway helped me kill an hour but bored of arguing with fat anons who cant understand getting lean is hard.

BTW every bodybuilder who cuts for a competition binge eats at least once. ask any of them, people with glute striations and ab veins if its hard to diet down.

you have def never been 15% let alone 10 or under

>> No.15003788
File: 419 KB, 537x698, battle time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have visible abs and yes, that is from a year or so ago.

>Yeah I am a 5ft dishwasher and not a super model, at least I am not a pathetic coward though.

Yes that is me. I've been here a whole on a few boards. You must be new.

Enjoy my patches.

>> No.15003794

you have armpit fat creases, zero muscle, and rolls.

>> No.15003796
File: 49 KB, 500x397, 1579559209053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another day without eating.

>> No.15003797
File: 370 KB, 835x474, mad bitches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breh you sound mad as hell, calm down, is this the roid guy having a rage?

>> No.15003798
File: 52 KB, 320x240, 1471382120297.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>third thread in a row thinspo spiraled into shitposting chaos

>> No.15003806

>one guy with adhd spamming dumb bullshit no one cares about

>> No.15003843

i'll have to take the gympill eventually then, yeah? i paid for 4 months of gym membership last year but felt too self-conscious to go even once, which is why i'm looking for alternatives

>> No.15003858
File: 189 KB, 532x392, 0007-042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat something

>> No.15003862

>someone will literally start dumping actual anorexic skellies to bait
no you are just a fat fuck, so being in a thinspo thread you will get triggered. because your brain can't handle it. What is skinny to you looks good and normal to us. because youre a bitch and pussy.

>> No.15003863

>so it's pretty useless for what i want?

as the other anon said, it's hard to achieve progressive overload with your own bodyweight, it is possible, just extremely hard compared to lifting weights/using machine

I'd recommend just going to the gym, I made muscle gains much faster and with much less effort lifting weights than I did doing a calinsthenics routine, it was the biggest waste of my time, I was scared as fuck at first but now it's the highlight of my weight

that being said, I don't know what specific exercises you should do with said weights, maybe if you wrote your specific goals and posted it to QTDDTOT they'd be able to help

>> No.15003866

You'll build a good strong and muscular body with body weight exercises. You can progress them to a certain extent and make them harder.

If you have a bar or something, the shit those guys do on them takes an incredible amount of strength. You can work out fine at home. Screw the gym, you will feel self-conscious and it will mess up your workouts. Plus you will get sick travelling there. Hit 45 minutes like 4 days a week at home and you'll see results.

Download something like: You Are Your Own Gym: The Bible of Bodyweight Exercises

Charles Bronson (not the actor the prisoner) holds many records for strength/pushups and he uses bodyweight in prison (UK).

>> No.15003869

>what thinspo is meant to be, which is simply 'thin'. And not, on the verge of death skinny.
sorry fat pig, thinspo is not what you want it to be. You are just fat, and projecting on to this thread just like the fit assholes.

>> No.15003870

Fuck off stupid tripfag. Go be fat somewhere.

>> No.15003871

Oh yeah and further to this, puck up some bands that are cheap and light/small to keep at home and add them to your routine. You can get them that are the equivalent of curling 100lbs+

>> No.15003873

I have to taste my friend's cake tomorrow, so nope.

>> No.15003874

No anon, that is your body dysmorphia speaking it is not the truth. You have a mental disorder if you seriously believe that a sack of bones is attractive. Please seek help.

>> No.15003878

oink oink piggy leave. visible abs don't hide your fat gross disgusting muscles, never come back here

>> No.15003880
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>no you are just a fat fuck, so being in a thinspo thread you will get triggered. because your brain can't handle it. What is skinny to you looks good and normal to us. because youre a bitch and pussy.

>> No.15003884
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>sorry fat pig, thinspo is not what you want it to be. You are just fat, and projecting on to this thread just like the fit assholes.

>> No.15003885
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I am here to share with you all the secret to calisthenics; you don't need to do gymnastic movements. with pull ups, dips, push ups, and squats you hit everything you would with a barbell program. just like you would with free weights, when your form is good for your reps add weight. get a sturdy backpack or dufflebag and buy 200lb of sand to start. there is no difference between this and going to a gym. weight is weight.

>> No.15003886

Reminder that you may lose fat as much as you want to, but you will never lose your shitty brown eyes.

>> No.15003892
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>oink oink piggy leave. visible abs don't hide your fat gross disgusting muscles, never come back here

>> No.15003894

>No anon, that is your body dysmorphia speaking it is not the truth. You have a mental disorder if you seriously believe that a sack of bones is attractive. Please seek help.

>> No.15003897

can we start a discord?

>> No.15003899

lmao your ed has made you special ed.

>> No.15003900

I just browse MyProAna now

>> No.15003901

Based /fit/ controlled opposition

>> No.15003902

I tried to make an account but theres a bug and no matter what I do the fucking 'go read this post' button on my screen won't go away. Plus discord is much nicer

>> No.15003907

I had that bug too, I forgot how I got around it but I think I just used my phone or inspect element to bypass the screen

>> No.15003927
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>> No.15003938
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So cold...

>> No.15003943

Fair enough

>> No.15003945
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Anyone else here manage to stop binges?
I'm approaching a two week streak...

>> No.15003958

Get out of the house and away from food. For example go for a drive but only bring enough for gas.

>> No.15003962

Busy yourself, lifestyle change. Do you work? If not volunteer somewhere. There’s something you want do. Don’t say there isn’t. What has fear ever done for you?

>> No.15003986
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Have no food storages or simply use some IRON WILL AND DISCIPLINE.

>> No.15004083

It's like something snapped in my brain, I have no willpower left, I don't know why this has happened...

Will try this, I'll spend more time at my university's lab.

>> No.15004111

Then do it the easy way and buy only the food you are ready to consume immediately, fill yourself with lettuce and cabbage first etc. Sparkling water is also good because the gas makes you feel full.

>> No.15004369

She's been in this state for like 5 years now? How is she live

>> No.15004575

can i just drink pepsi max and eat omad

>> No.15004676

being tall and skinny fucking SUCKS bros. scoliosis snake spine and my bones ache all the time :(((

>> No.15005321

Seriously considering relapsing, i thought if I gained weight back I'd carry it nicely but no, I look fucking disgusting and it all went to my abdomen

/thinspo/ me looked beautiful, but I was so hungry and cold back then :(

That's how I got thinspo in the first place but with ADF instead of OMAD

>> No.15005751

I just cried in the toilet for 20 minutes over my recent weight gain

I fucking hate everything

How is your day going /thinspo/?

>> No.15005782

>Drink 3L of water a day at work (I work at an office)
>Boss pulls me into his office to talk about how I "use the restroom too much" and that I'm "not geling with my co workers" because I never go to the lunchroom as I don't eat at work

>> No.15005800

My day is going well, other than the fact that this thing is drawing closer: >>15003873

>> No.15005854

I'm 230lbs. Am I going to be a disgusting sag of skinny shit if I try to get thin?

>> No.15005862

Lol. You're not supposed to let your lifestyle make you antisocial. But anyway, of you're not in probation, tell your boss and write letter to your him/her explaining you have an eating disorder. They'll leave you alone after that.

>> No.15005944

If you mean to ask whether you'll have a lot of lose skin, there's a good chance you won't unless you're two feet tall.

>> No.15006122
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Anon who binged for 2 weeks in a row here

I looked in the mirror this morning and cried, I've been miserable all day, I've utterly destroyed my body and I feel fucking disgusting. I'm not thin anymore. The fat has all gone to trunk as well, I look fucking deformed.

I'm giving up on recovery, I wanted to get /fit/ but I fucked it up like a retard and just became a disgusting skinny fat blob instead.

I think I'm going to do a PSMF+OMAD/ADF depending on whether I workout that day or not.

Out of all my attempts to recover, this has easily been the worst. All hail Queen Ana. I hope I die soon.

>> No.15006126

If you wanted to recover, binging is probly the worst thing you could've done

>> No.15006142

Take a step back, 2 weeks wont do much at all to you of binging. You people with disorders are so fragile that any set back is the end of the world for you and you want to die.

If you seriously want to get fit, get off this shit for 1 month and actually do some body weight workouts and eat high carbs high fat and lay off the processed carbs. It's almost a guarantee you'll turn your situation around.

>> No.15006143

>and eat high PROTEIN******* high fat

>> No.15006184

I go the gym and lift weights and I've been keto/carnivore for ever since I became disordered, when I came off keto my brain just snapped and two weeks of junkfood binges ensured...

Anyway it has done a lot of damage to me, I went from having gaunt cheeks, visible ribcage and v line taper to having love handles. I'm fucking disgusting now, my favourite pair of jeans don't even fit anymore and I barely recognise my own face.

I know... I lost control, I fucking hate myself.

>> No.15006188

Bro calm down, it's impossible you put on that much in 2 weeks. You can easily reverse it. You'd have a point if it was a 6 month binge.

>> No.15006226

This is what I ate most days:

>2 bananas preworkout + almond coffee with some sugar
>80g oatmeal + protein shake + Huel (meal replacement) postworkout/breakfast
>4 apples + Greek yogurt + 2 chocolate bars snack throughout the day
>chicken + veggies dinner
Sounds good so far right? Here's where the fuckery begins...
>get hungry at 7pm
>ahaha I'm recovering, I don't need to starve myself :)
>more oatmeal + protein powder
>still kinda hungry
>go to shop
>"oh should I buy a fucking TOBLERONE or these CHCOLATE FLAPJACKS?? I know, I'll buy both, surely I won't binge on both right a hahaha xd"
>end up eating both
>caught up in a mad food rush
>eat entire block of rye bread, several cans of sardines and cold veggies while more oatmeal is cooking
>end up devouring my weeks supply of bananas
>finish entire supply of food in house, end up chewing coffee beans
>go to bed feeling like my stomach is going to split

Imagine doing that every single night for 2 weeks...

Granted all of the fat has gone to my midsection, my arms and legs are still sticks, so maybe it's a bit more exaggerated than it otherwise would be

I would step on the scales but I'm too scared that I'll literally just under a train an hour later, I estimate I've gained 5kg atleast, maybe more..

>> No.15006231

Gaining weight at a fast pace means your body is underweight often. Still, 2 weeks is no big deal, that weight will drop off on your normal diet. Adding weight is often harder than losing it. Just learn to relax, the world will keep on turning, I know it sounds like the end but it's really not. If you feel like doing that again, remember how it made you feel now and use that as a positive tool in future to not binge again.

>> No.15006248

Thanks for the advice man, I'm going to lay down in a cold room and think things through, I need a sustainable long term plan, I just feel hopeless, eating a normal amount of calories each day feels why more stressful than fasting and any time I try to ease up on my dietary restrictions I go full retard and binge

>> No.15006256

honestly despite all the Nazi stuff you're actually a cool guy

>> No.15006263
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>tfw you have a healthy relationship with food

>> No.15006265

Well I don't want to offend but it sounds like you might be struggling a little, I hope maybe you have some support structure or people you can talk to. Be easy on yourself.

Thanks, might I say it's possible then you have been lied to or told a little false things? I don't hate and whenever I might seem to hate it's because I see bad things, and like they say, for evil to prosper relies on the indifference of good men.

>> No.15006324

my wrists look exactly like that, I always felt it was ugly. I'd gain some weight but I'm too lazy to eat more

>> No.15006333

It is ugly the op is a notorious pro ana fag.

>> No.15006379

Fasting has made my stomach so small, I can hardly finish a salad. Nice.

>> No.15006389

Most important thing is dont give up dude. All this "recovery" and "letting your body heal" bullshit is cope. Every day just experiment around until you stop binging. Issue happens at night you binge at night when you're hungry, once you start you cant stop. Why dont you just get in bed early after your last meal and stay there? Clearly you need a hard rule no food after 7pm.

It's not healthy or self love to eat like that every single night lol. Fix it

>> No.15006396

Dont do anything extreme either**
You cant even handle eating normally why put extra stress by some destructive diet like keto, or omad, or extended fasting? If you binge eat when you're giving yourself room and making it easy, its gonna be rough if you do some meme shit (also keto is horrible for health).

Make little adjustments at a time. Small changes

>> No.15006644

Keto/omad/fasting is literally the only way I can get control over my eating habits, as soon as allow myself to eat whatever I want, whenever I want, I binge like retarded and get addicted to junkfood, atleast when I fast I don't think about food, and when I do keto I eat purely for nutrition and not for pleasure.

>> No.15006666

Muscle with a little bit of fat >>>>> scrawnlet mode with a little bit of fat.
Get those gainz, boy.

>> No.15006682

Nice get

>> No.15006723

Exact opposite for me when I fast I almost always binge the next day. Exhausted willpower on fast day so I just cant stop on an eating day.

Keto is super unhealthy, saturated fat, cholesterol, all that shit is nasty

>> No.15006725

who said keto is high in saturated fat and cholesterol?
you can eat PUFA and MUFA as well...

>> No.15006747

Almost nobody on keto does that

>> No.15006762


>> No.15006768

I do, most days I get around ~20g of sat fat from eggs + butter + nuts
That being said...
The evidence against saturated fat causing heart disease is pretty dubious as it raises both good and bad cholesterol
And dietary cholesterol doesn't raise serum cholesterol in the vast majority of people anyway
I suggest doing a few searches on the matter if you're interested, it's definitely not as simple as "sat fat bad", infact, people who limit saturated fat too harshly are at risk for developing hormonal problems and nutrient defiencies

>> No.15006938

post more thinspo, or body cheks. thanks

>> No.15007051
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>> No.15007057
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>> No.15007059
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>> No.15007060
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>> No.15007066
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>> No.15007189

yep it seems reasonable

thank u satan i shall do it

>> No.15007207


>> No.15007214

I only jerk it to model digitals nowadays.

>> No.15007293

Help me /thinspo/ I'm never going to make it... my period came through and I literally cannot stop eating, I'm constantly starving. Completely fucked me up. Logically I know I can't have gained that much but I feel like I jiggle now.

>> No.15007332

New thread >>15007327

>> No.15007340

I went through the same thing until yesterday.
I’m about to get my period and I ate more that I expected to during four days and I thought (and felt) like I had gained like six pounds but I didn’t. Yesterday I ate ~1000 and I felt better.
You can drink coffee if it doesn’t give you cramps, it helps a lot. Stay away from food (do not spend a long time in the kitchen) and keep yourself busy.
Remember that it is ok to eat a little more when you’re on your period since your body needs more energy.

>> No.15007496

Vegetables help