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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 261 KB, 1915x1089, virgin outfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14995090 No.14995090[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I posted this on /v/ and received 100+ replies of pure seethe. This image is extremely accurate.

>> No.14995107

/v/ for virgin

>> No.14995248

Zip up hoodies are also a big one.

>> No.14995260

I'm a "volcel". What's the starterpack for that.

>> No.14995261


>> No.14995263

>I'm a "volcel"
but not really. If you are honest with yourself, you would rather be with someone than be alone. So you are actually an incel. Maybe it's not because you are rejected by others - you are rejecting yourself, whatever, you are still an incel.

>> No.14995266
File: 2.08 MB, 1200x1200, 1569683536247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely bonkers. How can /v/irgins ever recover?

>> No.14995271

My favorite pair of jeans almost look like those, but they're ermenegildo zegna and make my materialistic zoomer ass feel good for wearing them.

>> No.14995279

>Maybe it's not because you are rejected by others - you are rejecting yourself, whatever
wtf this incel meant by this?

>> No.14995282

long brown robe + rope belt + bowlcut

alternately: purple grey and black stripes XD

>> No.14995314

volcel just means you're ugly with high standards

>> No.14995327

I'm sorry you live for the flesh.

>> No.14995339 [DELETED] 


>> No.14995342
File: 133 KB, 1600x720, anglo2000x1125_jasonstathamsmile-1600x720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>volcel just means you're ugly with high standards

>> No.14995347

someone post it again I weanna see v virgins sperging out

>> No.14995615

*white incels
us ethniccels are actually putting in effort

>> No.14995620

Volcel is just an incel cope

>> No.14995643

white incels don't really exist, they're just too lazy to take advantage of privilege

>> No.14995660

Ok kike, nice trying to convince me that I need a (((woman))).

>> No.14995661

actually true. I live in a student town and I always see some suspicious looking white dudes date the cutest ethnic girls. shit makes me kill myself everytime I see it

>> No.14995662

Ok incel

>> No.14995667

How did you deduce it's a kike?

>> No.14995675

Kikes try to subvert other's way of life.

>> No.14995681

Trust me, nothing is as subversive as the culture of anime faggotry.

>> No.14995682

based, I'm volcel and I mog everyone on this board

>> No.14995699

tfw entire wardrobe is composed of two identical grey hanes zip-up hoodies, three pairs of jeans in slightly different shades of blue, and six t-shirts two of which have print

>> No.14995706

I don't get the holy trinity of shoes. I mean why would anyone wear those?

>> No.14995707

You're coping. Just call yourself an incel like the rest of us.

>> No.14995725

this. 30% of young men are incel nowadays, why the fuck are some men so in denial about it?

>> No.14995727

because "incel" implies some defective weak pathetic subhuman and associated with virgin

>> No.14995746

Yeah nah that has got to be wrong
Im 19 and ive seen basically all my mates pick up girls. Only 1 i know who is a virgin

>> No.14995945

on /fa/ the incel starter pack is anything by rick owens

>> No.14995977

I posted one like that on /pol/ and a bunch of tards responded begging for advice on how to stop looking like that lmfao

>> No.14996890

These /v/ and /pol/ types are so sheltered from normal life. Anyone with even a bit of contact with normies would know what to do

>> No.14996895

face is fate, can't blame anyone from a fashion point of view. Jeans and shirt are ok, shoes are ugly.

>> No.14996922

I really don't get this. It seems like you'd have to go out of your way to dress that shitty. Where do these retards even buy clothes?

>> No.14996925


>> No.14997147

Projecting this hard bruh

>> No.14997174

bullshit. Volcels can get girls, thats what separates them from incels. Incels aren't men that can get only fat chicks, incels are men who can not get laid, period.

>> No.14997333
File: 35 KB, 468x519, 1550516686530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ENCRE NOIRE when it's cold.
ENCRE NOIRE SPORT when it's warm.

...is all I need after trying dozens of fragrances.

>> No.14997677

>I'm a "volcel"
Well, most incels are in fact volcels. Because they voluntarily refuse to work on themselves to fix their situation, but good on you to admit it.

>> No.14997788

what the fuck do you have against my comfy new balance

>> No.14997873

White incels live in a privilege bubble where in which they believe they look decent.

>> No.14997931

>poor people buy what's available at walmart
no shit
do you think you are redpilling the masses about this?

>> No.14998234

>no jaw or chin is a fashion choice
they don't choose incel life, incel life chooses them

>> No.14998523

Theres no incentive to getting a female unless if shes literally my sex slave and never asks anything of me.

>> No.14998537

it just means you aren't a reprobate that gives into hedonistic temptation. He confuses volcel with being asexual.

volcel is just typical female "incel" it means your standards are too high, which may be because of the typical state of women in general being basic discarded concubines of whoremongers or simply delusions about what "your league" is.

>> No.14998542

based pullover chad

>> No.14998552

boomer parents just buy them cloths for christmas. Only woman and fags buy their own outfits.

>> No.14999392

I have a very low brow with deep-set eyes. How do I avoid incel glasses without picking glasses that aren't oversized?

>> No.14999605

Mate of mine dresses like this.

He´s had girlfriends before, but he´s in a dry patch right now.

He´s not exactly bad looking, but he still simply wears what´s on top of his clothing pile, never goes shopping but wears what his mother buys him (he´s fucking 25)...

...tried to get him to go shopping for at least 2,3 acceptable outfits but he simply doesn´t see the need.
Normally, that´d be okay, but he also complains that women don´t come talk to him when his clothes are a big part of that and me and another friend have tried to help him times over times before...

>> No.14999614

>I posted this on /v/
What the fuck does this have to do with vidya though.

>> No.14999624

Here's the problem I have with the volcel concept: a guy that isn't looking to get laid has no reason to maintain a high level of looks, money and status.
In reality he probably has shit-tier LMS because why would he bother?
But then if he has shit-tier LMS is it really voluntary anymore? He probably couldn't switch it off and choose to get laid this weekend.
So really he is an incel because he can't just switch it off - he would have to get his life in order to get laid which makes him the same as any other incel.
Now I can allow for the existence of volcels with good LMS but I don't think that's more than 10% of the guys that claim this title.

>> No.14999643

/v/ is the (you) farm

also only incels play video games

>> No.14999647

Video games are normie. Incels generally don't play video games.

>> No.14999653

Based /pol/ always looking for redpills

>> No.14999678

Ummm I’m still not getting how that has to do with Fashion. Seems like u were just baiting that entire board with a totally unrelated topic

>> No.14999698

>>volcel just means you're ugly with high standards
I'm gonna have to explain something, which may alter your reasonably logical opinion. Being a volcel, yes it can mean that you are "ugly", but it's not just physical, it is more a matter of not feeling "desirable", and consequently, everything becomes a "desire", you desire someone more attractive. Because you are placing all the "desirability" onto someone else. Because you don't feel desirable yourself. Being "undesirable", is not always equivalent to being physically ugly. AS I have just proven, being desirable is about whether you yourself feel desirable, truly. Everyone can become desirable, but for many, incels, (vol or invol) this "desirablility" escapes them, it's like something they are devoid of, but they can't ever quantify it. Nor can they figure out how to "become" desirable. This could take many years, of being an incel, before they ever figure it out. And it is in this time period, that they can be classified as "volcel", because even though they don't know WHY they are undesirable, they know that they ARE undesirable, and so they will not ever try to get a girl, but again, if they were desirable already, they would not have to try in the first place. That's what being desirable is, it's not having to try, the pussy just comes to you. So it's a paradox.

>> No.14999701
File: 1.18 MB, 858x1282, 1430921200716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pfff, anyone knows the guys who wear rick, are homosexual. Rick is a flaming homosexual ffs. Lol. Fucking retards.

>> No.14999706


Unironically probably Walmart. I dressed like this when I first entered highschool and all my clothes were shit my parents bought me at Walmart.

>> No.14999707

Basically the same thing exceot a little nicer bc youre a narcissist who deluded themselves into thinking it was voluntary

>> No.14999721 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 488x366, gayinterracial9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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File: virgin outfit.jpg (261 KB, 1915x1089)
261 KB
Anonymous 02/09/20(Sun)19:30:19 No.14995090▶>>14995107 >>14995248 >>14995271 >>14995615 >>14995945 >>14995977 >>14997931 >>14998234 >>14999614
I posted this on /v/ and received 100+ replies of pure seethe. This image is extremely accurate.

>> No.14999723 [DELETED] 
File: 418 KB, 1920x1080, gayinterracial7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>14995090 (OP)
/v/ for virgin
Anonymous 02/09/20(Sun)20:34:57 No.14995248▶>>14998542 >>14999721
>>14995090 (OP)
Zip up hoodies are also a big one.
Anonymous 02/09/20(Sun)20:41:57 No.14995260▶>>14995261 >>14995263 >>14995282 >>14995314 >>14995620 >>14995682 >>14995707 >>14997677 >>14999707
I'm a "volcel". What's the starterpack for that.
Anonymous 02/09/20(Sun)20:42:54 No.14995261▶
Anonymous 02/09/20(Sun)20:43:43 No.14995263▶>>14995279 >>14995327 >>14995660 >>14997147 >>14997174 >>14998523
>I'm a "volcel"
but not really. If you are honest with yourself, you would rather be with someone than be alone. So you are actually an incel. Maybe it's not because you are rejected by others - you are rejecting yourself, whatever, you are still an incel.
Anonymous 02/09/20(Sun)20:44:02 No.14995266▶>>14995977
File: 1569683536247.jpg (2.08 MB, 1200x1200)
2.08 MB
Absolutely bonkers. How can /v/irgins ever recover?

>> No.14999730 [DELETED] 
File: 548 KB, 2000x3000, gayinterracial12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>14995090 (OP)
>/v/ for virgin
> Anonymous 02/09/20(Sun)20:34:57 No.14995248▶>>14998542 >>14999721
>>>14995090 (OP)
>Zip up hoodies are also a big one.
> Anonymous 02/09/20(Sun)20:41:57 No.14995260▶>>14995261 >>14995263 >>14995282 >>14995314 >>14995620 >>14995682 >>14995707 >>14997677 >>14999707 >>14999723
>I'm a "volcel". What's the starterpack for that.
> Anonymous 02/09/20(Sun)20:42:54 No.14995261▶>>14999723
> Anonymous 02/09/20(Sun)20:43:43 No.14995263▶>>14995279 >>14995327 >>14995660 >>14997147 >>14997174 >>14998523 >>14999723
>>I'm a "volcel"
>but not really. If you are honest with yourself, you would rather be with someone than be alone. So you are actually an incel. Maybe it's not because you are rejected by others - you are rejecting yourself, whatever, you are still an incel.
> Anonymous 02/09/20(Sun)20:44:02 No.14995266▶>>14995977
>File: 1569683536247.jpg (2.08 MB, 1200x1200)
>Absolutely bonkers. How can /v/irgins ever recover?
> Anonymous 02/09/20(Sun)20:45:04 No.14995271▶>>14999721
>>>14995090 (OP)
>My favorite pair of jeans almost look like those, but they're ermenegildo zegna and make my materialistic zoomer ass feel good for wearing them.
> Anonymous 02/09/20(Sun)20:48:30 No.14995279▶>>14998537 >>14999723
>>Maybe it's not because you are rejected by others - you are rejecting yourself, whatever
>wtf this incel meant by this?
> Anonymous 02/09/20(Sun)20:50:09 No.14995282▶>>14999723
>long brown robe + rope belt + bowlcut
>alternately: purple grey and black stripes XD
> Anonymous 02/09/20(Sun)21:11:09 No.14995314▶>>14995342 >>14997174 >>14999723
>volcel just means you're ugly with high standards

>> No.14999743 [DELETED] 
File: 124 KB, 1500x1055, gayinterracial27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Anonymous 02/09/20(Sun)21:17:46 No.14995327▶>>14999723 >>14999730
I'm sorry you live for the flesh.
Anonymous 02/09/20(Sun)21:23:42 No.14995342▶>>14999698 >>14999730
File: anglo2000x1125_jasonstath(...).jpg (133 KB, 1600x720)
133 KB
>volcel just means you're ugly with high standards
Anonymous 02/09/20(Sun)21:25:37 No.14995347▶
someone post it again I weanna see v virgins sperging out
Anonymous 02/09/20(Sun)23:14:42 No.14995615▶>>14995643 >>14995977 >>14999721
>>14995090 (OP)
*white incels
us ethniccels are actually putting in effort
Anonymous 02/09/20(Sun)23:21:54 No.14995620▶>>14995662 >>14997174 >>14999723 >>14999730
Volcel is just an incel cope
Anonymous 02/09/20(Sun)23:34:25 No.14995643▶>>14995661
white incels don't really exist, they're just too lazy to take advantage of privilege
Anonymous 02/09/20(Sun)23:42:42 No.14995660▶>>14995667 >>14999723 >>14999730
Ok kike, nice trying to convince me that I need a (((woman))).
Anonymous 02/09/20(Sun)23:43:20 No.14995661▶
actually true. I live in a student town and I always see some suspicious looking white dudes date the cutest ethnic girls. shit makes me kill myself everytime I see it
Anonymous 02/09/20(Sun)23:43:43 No.14995662▶
Ok incel

>> No.14999746

That's pretty accurate
>I don't take care of my appearance, and that's a good thing, because putting in a minimum of effort is for vain homos and women

>> No.14999748 [DELETED] 
File: 214 KB, 1920x1080, gayinterracial24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Anonymous 02/09/20(Sun)23:46:51 No.14995667▶>>14995675 >>14999743
How did you deduce it's a kike?
Anonymous 02/09/20(Sun)23:49:48 No.14995675▶>>14995681
Kikes try to subvert other's way of life.
Anonymous 02/09/20(Sun)23:51:33 No.14995681▶
Trust me, nothing is as subversive as the culture of anime faggotry.
Anonymous 02/09/20(Sun)23:52:05 No.14995682▶>>14999723 >>14999730
based, I'm volcel and I mog everyone on this board
Anonymous 02/09/20(Sun)23:58:40 No.14995699▶
tfw entire wardrobe is composed of two identical grey hanes zip-up hoodies, three pairs of jeans in slightly different shades of blue, and six t-shirts two of which have print
Anonymous 02/10/20(Mon)00:00:47 No.14995706▶
I don't get the holy trinity of shoes. I mean why would anyone wear those?
Anonymous 02/10/20(Mon)00:01:27 No.14995707▶>>14995725 >>14999723 >>14999730
You're coping. Just call yourself an incel like the rest of us.
Anonymous 02/10/20(Mon)00:11:04 No.14995725▶>>14995746
this. 30% of young men are incel nowadays, why the fuck are some men so in denial about it?

>> No.14999756 [DELETED] 
File: 72 KB, 600x900, gayinterracial28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anonymous 02/10/20(Mon)00:11:53 No.14995727▶
>because "incel" implies some defective weak pathetic subhuman and associated with virgin
Anonymous 02/10/20(Mon)00:21:18 No.14995746▶>>14999748
>Yeah nah that has got to be wrong
Im 19 and ive seen basically all my mates pick up girls. Only 1 i know who is a virgin
>Anonymous 02/10/20(Mon)01:57:57 No.14995945▶>>14999701 >>14999721
>>14995090 (OP)
>on /fa/ the incel starter pack is anything by rick owens
Anonymous 02/10/20(Mon)02:08:32 No.14995977▶>>14996890 >>14996922 >>14999653 >>14999721 >>14999723 >>14999730 >>14999743
>>14995090 (OP)
>I posted one like that on /pol/ and a bunch of tards responded begging for advice on how to stop looking like that lmfao
Anonymous 02/10/20(Mon)12:55:46 No.14996890▶
These /v/ and /pol/ types are so sheltered from normal life. Anyone with even a bit of contact with normies would know what to do
>Anonymous 02/10/20(Mon)13:00:39 No.14996895▶
>face is fate, can't blame anyone from a fashion point of view. Jeans and shirt are ok, shoes are ugly.
Anonymous 02/10/20(Mon)13:22:10 No.14996922▶>>14996925 >>14997873 >>14998552 >>14999706
>I really don't get this. It seems like you'd have to go out of your way to dress that shitty. Where do these retards even buy clothes?
>Anonymous 02/10/20(Mon)13:23:48 No.14996925▶
Anonymous 02/10/20(Mon)15:43:40 No.14997147▶>>14999723 >>14999730
>Projecting this hard bruh
Anonymous 02/10/20(Mon)15:51:37 No.14997174▶>>14999723 >>14999730 >>14999743
>bullshit. Volcels can get girls, thats what separates them from incels. Incels aren't men that can get only fat chicks, incels are men who can not get laid, period.
Anonymous 02/10/20(Mon)16:44:48 No.14997333▶
File: 1550516686530.jpg (35 KB, 468x519)
35 KB

>> No.14999759

Cross-site posters (namely reddit and discord vermin) use /v/ as a safe-for-work /b/ to vent their shitposting urge so they can keep their named accounts squeaky clean. The reason /v/ is hit the hardest is because mods gave up on maintaining any semblance of banning low quality threads since the /vg/ split.

>> No.14999760 [DELETED] 
File: 399 KB, 800x1200, gayinterracial30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anonymous 02/10/20(Mon)16:44:48 No.14997333▶
File: 1550516686530.jpg (35 KB, 468x519)
35 KB
ENCRE NOIRE when it's cold.
ENCRE NOIRE SPORT when it's warm.

...is all I need after trying dozens of fragrances.
Anonymous 02/10/20(Mon)18:53:26 No.14997677▶>>14999723 >>14999730
>I'm a "volcel"
Well, most incels are in fact volcels. Because they voluntarily refuse to work on themselves to fix their situation, but good on you to admit it.
Anonymous 02/10/20(Mon)19:46:22 No.14997788▶
what the fuck do you have against my comfy new balance
Anonymous 02/10/20(Mon)20:17:56 No.14997873▶>>14999756
White incels live in a privilege bubble where in which they believe they look decent.
Anonymous 02/10/20(Mon)20:36:04 No.14997931▶>>14999721
>>14995090 (OP)
>poor people buy what's available at walmart
no shit
do you think you are redpilling the masses about this?
Anonymous 02/10/20(Mon)22:19:39 No.14998234▶>>14999721
>>14995090 (OP)
>no jaw or chin is a fashion choice
they don't choose incel life, incel life chooses them
Anonymous 02/11/20(Tue)00:27:58 No.14998523▶>>14999723 >>14999730
Theres no incentive to getting a female unless if shes literally my sex slave and never asks anything of me.
Anonymous 02/11/20(Tue)00:35:11 No.14998537▶>>14999730
it just means you aren't a reprobate that gives into hedonistic temptation. He confuses volcel with being asexual.

volcel is just typical female "incel" it means your standards are too high, which may be because of the typical state of women in general being basic discarded concubines of whoremongers or simply delusions about what "your league" is.
Anonymous 02/11/20(Tue)00:37:03 No.14998542▶>>14999723 >>14999730
based pullover chad
Anonymous 02/11/20(Tue)00:43:07 No.14998552▶>>14999746 >>14999756
boomer parents just buy them cloths for christmas. Only woman and fags buy their own outfits.

>> No.14999763 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 275x400, gayinterracial14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anonymous 02/11/20(Tue)08:00:17 No.14999392▶
I have a very low brow with deep-set eyes. How do I avoid incel glasses without picking glasses that aren't oversized?
Anonymous 02/11/20(Tue)10:09:05 No.14999605▶
Mate of mine dresses like this.

He´s had girlfriends before, but he´s in a dry patch right now.

He´s not exactly bad looking, but he still simply wears what´s on top of his clothing pile, never goes shopping but wears what his mother buys him (he´s fucking 25)...

...tried to get him to go shopping for at least 2,3 acceptable outfits but he simply doesn´t see the need.
Normally, that´d be okay, but he also complains that women don´t come talk to him when his clothes are a big part of that and me and another friend have tried to help him times over times before...
Anonymous 02/11/20(Tue)10:13:37 No.14999614▶>>14999643 >>14999721 >>14999759
>>14995090 (OP)
>I posted this on /v/
What the fuck does this have to do with vidya though.
Anonymous 02/11/20(Tue)10:17:53 No.14999624▶
Here's the problem I have with the volcel concept: a guy that isn't looking to get laid has no reason to maintain a high level of looks, money and status.
In reality he probably has shit-tier LMS because why would he bother?
But then if he has shit-tier LMS is it really voluntary anymore? He probably couldn't switch it off and choose to get laid this weekend.
So really he is an incel because he can't just switch it off - he would have to get his life in order to get laid which makes him the same as any other incel.
Now I can allow for the existence of volcels with good LMS but I don't think that's more than 10% of the guys that claim this title.
Anonymous 02/11/20(Tue)10:28:01 No.14999643▶>>14999647 >>14999678
/v/ is the (you) farm

also only incels play video games

>> No.14999764

Could you at least post something hot?

>> No.14999770

Nice projection, incel.

>> No.14999774 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 500x357, gayinterracial4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Anonymous 02/11/20(Tue)10:29:56 No.14999647▶>>14999763
>Video games are normie. Incels generally don't play video games.
Anonymous 02/11/20(Tue)10:33:19 No.14999653▶>>14999756
>Based /pol/ always looking for redpills
Anonymous 02/11/20(Tue)10:53:08 No.14999678▶>>14999763
>Ummm I’m still not getting how that has to do with Fashion. Seems like u were just baiting that entire board with a totally unrelated topic
Anonymous 02/11/20(Tue)11:11:40 No.14999698▶>>14999743
>>volcel just means you're ugly with high standards
>I'm gonna have to explain something, which may alter your reasonably logical opinion. Being a volcel, yes it can mean that you are "ugly", but it's not just physical, it is more a matter of not feeling "desirable", and consequently, everything becomes a "desire", you desire someone more attractive. Because you are placing all the "desirability" onto someone else. Because you don't feel desirable yourself. Being "undesirable", is not always equivalent to being physically ugly. AS I have just proven, being desirable is about whether you yourself feel desirable, truly. Everyone can become desirable, but for many, incels, (vol or invol) this "desirablility" escapes them, it's like something they are devoid of, but they can't ever quantify it. Nor can they figure out how to "become" desirable. This could take many years, of being an incel, before they ever figure it out. And it is in this time period, that they can be classified as "volcel", because even though they don't know WHY they are undesirable, they know that they ARE undesirable, and so they will not ever try to get a girl, but again, if they were desirable already, they would not have to try in the first place. That's what being desirable is, it's not having to try, the pussy just comes to you. So it's a paradox.

>> No.14999777 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 320x240, gayinterracial1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anonymous 02/11/20(Tue)11:13:41 No.14999701▶>>14999756
File: 1430921200716.png (1.18 MB, 858x1282)
1.18 MB
pfff, anyone knows the guys who wear rick, are homosexual. Rick is a flaming homosexual ffs. Lol. Fucking retards.
Anonymous 02/11/20(Tue)11:17:57 No.14999706▶>>14999756

Unironically probably Walmart. I dressed like this when I first entered highschool and all my clothes were shit my parents bought me at Walmart.
Anonymous 02/11/20(Tue)11:18:23 No.14999707▶>>14999723 >>14999730
Basically the same thing exceot a little nicer bc youre a narcissist who deluded themselves into thinking it was voluntary

>> No.14999781

Is he trying to kill the thread?
Did he recognize himself in the OP and is now seething?

>> No.14999782

Babies first time trolling on his proxy posting his interracial homosexual fetish.

Bro, you are only hurting yourself. Find your way to God. I promise the path is light.

>> No.14999783

I think some incels are upset

>> No.14999786 [DELETED] 
File: 1.77 MB, 512x288, 1576872014457.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anonymous 02/11/20(Tue)12:02:34 No.14999764▶
>>14999763 (You)
Could you at least post something hot?
Anonymous 02/11/20(Tue)12:04:21 No.14999770▶
Nice projection, incel.

>> No.14999787

So you're a feminist who wants guys to get laid so that they can be metoo'd?

The bigger question is: why would any guy WANT to get laid? He'd just be asking to have his life ruined by a metoo. I don't usually dress like that but I'm seriously considering doing it so they'll be less compelled to approach me with the intention to screw me over.

>> No.14999790 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 720x576, Guyeatingshitoutofacondom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anonymous 02/11/20(Tue)12:07:06 No.14999781▶
Is he trying to kill the thread?
Did he recognize himself in the OP and is now seething?
CecilDrakeInSeattle 02/11/20(Tue)12:07:42 No.14999782▶
Babies first time trolling on his proxy posting his interracial homosexual fetish.

Bro, you are only hurting yourself. Find your way to God. I promise the path is light.
Anonymous 02/11/20(Tue)12:08:25 No.14999783▶
I think some incels are upset

>> No.14999793

Seeing how many people were upset over basic, men's fashion advice on /v/, there really is a lot of fire to the smoke around a "gamer's" reputation. That is to say, they really can't dress themselves at all are extremely offended by it.

>> No.14999799 [DELETED] 
File: 102 KB, 720x576, Condomsfilledwithshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anonymous 02/11/20(Tue)12:13:18 No.14999793▶
Seeing how many people were upset over basic, men's fashion advice on /v/, there really is a lot of fire to the smoke around a "gamer's" reputation. That is to say, they really can't dress themselves at all are extremely offended by it.

>> No.14999806

I legit have no idea. Probably, tho.

>> No.14999809

Stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.14999810 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 720x576, Shitfilledcondom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anonymous 02/11/20(Tue)12:22:29 No.14999806▶
I legit have no idea. Probably, tho.

>> No.14999817 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 614x599, zippocat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anonymous 02/11/20(Tue)12:23:31 No.14999809▶
Stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.14999820

So you're a feminist, got it. I suppose you lot have been around on /v/ since Gamergate so I'm not surprised.

>> No.14999824

yeah ive been posting it to fuck with /v/cels tonight
judging by the schizo it worked lmfao

>> No.14999825

The autist tried it on /v/ too. There's no helping him.

>> No.14999829

You mean /v/olcels?

>> No.14999831 [DELETED] 
File: 1.84 MB, 244x203, 1547950680285.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anonymous 02/11/20(Tue)12:31:55 No.14999824▶
yeah ive been posting it to fuck with /v/cels tonight
judging by the schizo it worked lmfao
Anonymous 02/11/20(Tue)12:32:26 No.14999825▶
The autist tried it on /v/ too. There's no helping him.

>> No.14999833


>> No.14999838

>yeah ive been posting it to fuck with /v/cels
Of course you would, you feminist. You're just salty that you can't metoo them since they wisely don't let you. If they listen to you, you'll just change to "believe all women" when they inevitably get metoo'd.

>> No.14999839

Someone explain this to me
Does he think anybody opens his images?
Does he think he'll shock us out of ever posting his embarassing virgin fits again?

>> No.14999843 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 200x300, beecock5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anonymous 02/11/20(Tue)12:37:26 No.14999839▶
Someone explain this to me
Does he think anybody opens his images?
Does he think he'll shock us out of ever posting his embarassing virgin fits again?

>> No.14999845

/fa/ basically raided /v/ with a few bait image threads and now the ncels are seething

>> No.14999846 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 360x270, beecock4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anonymous 02/11/20(Tue)12:39:41 No.14999845▶
/fa/ basically raided /v/ with a few bait image threads and now the ncels are seething

>> No.14999847

I am. We´re not on /v/, tho.

>> No.14999851 [DELETED] 
File: 114 KB, 800x600, beecock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anonymous 02/11/20(Tue)12:40:28 No.14999847▶
I am. We´re not on /v/, tho.

>> No.14999852

>I am.
They were right to seethe then. You feminists has been a major problem on this site, especially on /v/, and everything you lot say should rightfully be disagreed with.

>> No.14999855

As far as I can tell it's just one schizo

>> No.14999864

Ah, yes. Being in favor of gender equality is a reason to disagree with what I said.
Also, yet again, neither is this /v/, nor have I ever been there.

>> No.14999867 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 440x317, harlequinfetus3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anonymous 02/11/20(Tue)12:44:49 No.14999855▶
As far as I can tell it's just one schizo
Anonymous 02/11/20(Tue)12:50:54 No.14999864▶
Ah, yes. Being in favor of gender equality is a reason to disagree with what I said.
Also, yet again, neither is this /v/, nor have I ever been there.

>> No.14999868

>Being in favor of gender equality
Hah no. Most of you feminists are also misandrists, especially the 4th wave ones. You might not have been the one who baited /v/, but you're no better.

>> No.14999887

Just because most loudmouthed people on the web are like that doesn´t mean the majority in general are, most feminists are pro equality, not pro misandry.

Also, apparently the one who "baited" /v/ just told them they dress shitty, which kinda IS a problem with most "gamers"

>> No.14999893 [DELETED] 
File: 645 KB, 320x240, harlequinfetus2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anonymous 02/11/20(Tue)13:05:16 No.14999887▶
Just because most loudmouthed people on the web are like that doesn´t mean the majority in general are, most feminists are pro equality, not pro misandry.

Also, apparently the one who "baited" /v/ just told them they dress shitty, which kinda IS a problem with most "gamers"

>> No.14999894

I wish. They claim that then immediately go "believe all women" the moment some woman pulls a metoo on some dude, and they don't stop even if he turns out to be innocent.

>> No.14999898
File: 34 KB, 462x480, 1581102172729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.14999906
File: 909 KB, 3110x2073, fameetup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling others incel
Reminder that the clothes don't make the man, you vain losers

>> No.14999975

nah video games are generally just for retards.
there are some exceptions to this rule though.

>> No.14999992
File: 164 KB, 1080x1080, chadoldschool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In real life Chads wear graphic t shirts.

>> No.14999995

No, 'incel' is a ribbit cope. It's not possible to be an incel when you can buy a prostitute at any moment.

>> No.15000007

Nah, if you pay for sex you legally can't donate blood. Same if you have more than one sexual partner or have sex with someone who does, or have casual sex. So getting laid in general makes it illegal.

I'm concerned about this because I don't want to end up in a situation where I get into an accident and I need an operation but the hospital's run out of blood.

>> No.15000035


Graphic shirts with a small logo

Not Nintendo soiboy shirts with mario characters on them

>> No.15000085

If you need to pay for sex you’re an incel

>> No.15000100
