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14989063 No.14989063 [Reply] [Original]

I mean, what could be the problem about getting a "cheap" one?, it's the same fucking material... animal skin.

>> No.14989065

My brain has been addled by memes but cheapo leather peels away like onion peels while THICC full grain leather gets nicks and dents in it *giggles* the patina

>> No.14989069

Do you have the same thought process when buying meat? You don't take into account anything about the producers?

>> No.14989073

isn't leather supposed to last for life?

>> No.14989086

Can't one of you dumb cunts just trust your betters for once?
I don't know what hobbies you like but say it's vidya do you often encounter noobs that are convinced of retarded strategies in a game and will not listen to you when you tell them how dumb they are?
That's what leather jacket thread posters on /fa/ are like. They have always been that since /fa/ was created.

>> No.14989090

Well leather isn't all the same, it depends on the part of the hide you use. Cheap jackets use corrected grain and its usually very thin. While more expensive jackets use top and full grain and use more leather. And probably the tanning process impacts the jacket. And then there's zippers and button quality and how its stitched too.

>> No.14989097

Cheap ones most of the time are not real leather but more close to plastic plastic, and even if its leather it breaks down rather due to lazy treatment from a stock chinese factory

t. payed 350 yuros for a jacket 3 years ago and the back is all crumbly and has scratches

>> No.14989103

Mmm I see, I have a leather coat and that fucker is heavy as fuck and "hard", it's from almost 20 year ago and it's still in good state.

Today I was looking for a leather jacket, they were cheap, but the leather was "soft" and not so heavy, saleman said it becomes "harder" with the time and the sunlight and bla bla bla

>> No.14989156

Cheap leather is shittier than actually good leather.

However, fit of the jacket is most important. It is better to wear a cheap leather well fitting jacket than a good leather poorly fitted jacket.

>> No.14990128

There are several problems about getting a cheap leather jacket.

1) It may not be real leather. It might be a pleather variety (which is plastic) or it might be vege-leather (which is more organic). In both cases, they don't last as long, they rip or tear easily, and they don't look like leather to people who know what leather looks like (so, you lose one of the reasons why you want to wear a leather jacket - status to others).

2) The hardware (zippers, buttons, etc.) are usually attached poorly with no reinforcements or supports where they need them. Zippers will fail quickly or detach, buttons will rip out of the holes, etc.

3) The fit will be atrociously bad. Leather does not stretch or change shape to a significant degree, not like synthetics, so if you buy a leather jacket that fits poorly from the get-go, the only solution is to take it to your trusted tailor (assuming he knows how to work leather properly and has the correct machinery) and have it adjusted. But the cost of adjusting will override the 'value' of paying less, so there's no point.

4) Animal skins come in a wide variety of individual qualities, cuts, and ideals for the purpose. Using cow or Bison for a handbag would be as stupid as using lamb for a protective motorcycle jacket. In addition to the fit, with a proper leather jacket you're looking for leather for the purpose. Surprisingly enough, leather jackets look good when the function is equal to or overriding the form.

5) Aging the jacket is not possible with cheap jackets, even if their leather is real. When leather ages, you're either losing the colour on the surface or losing the material on the surface, which means that the leather has to be thick enough and well-tanned enough in order for the eventual aging to actually look good and not look like shit. I've tested aging fake leather as well as inferior leathers; it's messy and useless.

>your friendly neighborhood Donte

>> No.14990137
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To be on the balanced side, there are singular advantages to cheap leather jackets that should be commented on.

1) They allow you to experiment with 'looks'. If you've never worn a double-rider, but have always wanted to see what would happen, there's nothing wrong buying one from TopMan for 180$ made of fake leather and wearing it for a season. If it doesn't work for you, then you haven't lost 800$ for a Schott Perfecto.

2) Occasionally you might find a 'deal' that could be considered a cheap leather jacket. For instance, AllSaints does their seasonal sales where you could get one of their jackets for half price, including their leather stock. Granted, you're still going around 400-500$, but since their jackets are not worth the retail AT ALL, at least this way you'd get something real.

3) If you've never worn leather before, and wish to figure out your size and what works for your body, then a cheap leather jacket might be a way (like No. 1) to experiment with this. The only measurements that matter are the sleeve length, back length, chest, and waist circumference/diameter. You want all of these to fit directly to you, as if you were wearing a slim-fit t-shirt that contacts or hugs your body in all the places without pinching or crushing. By figuring out your actual size, you can then save money and have a proper company make you a jacket with custom sizing for you so that it'll look good.

Beyond this I can't think of any reason to buy a cheap leather jacket.

>pic is one of the customs I had made years ago. Anons on this forum hate the style but the fit is untouchable. Your friendly Donte...

>> No.14991902

Man you are a stupid fuck

>> No.14992500

>look moooom, I insulted someone on the 4chan LMAOOO

>> No.14992520

Cheap leather won't

>> No.14992993

your posts are based man
no need to sign them cause I could tell who you were, I was the anon who asked about All Saints in a previous thread where you redpilled me on them

>> No.14992996

>it's the same fucking material.
the cheap ones are usually plastic, not leather.
plastic doesn't breathe so your clothing sweats through and you're dripping when you take off the jacket

>> No.14993005

cheap leather is often thin so it wears poorly.
the seams can rip out and the stress areas can crack and lose their dye
but if you're buying a 2nd hand garment you can assess the damage prior to purchase to see if it can be repaired cheaply

>> No.14993401

based anon, thank you

>> No.14993436

Dante I know you get shit for your faggy vidya trench coat but I unironically love how insightful and educated your posts are when you pop in to educate the noobs. Also the fact that you don’t make a trip is 10x more based. Ty for your posts

>> No.14993641


>> No.14993809
File: 627 KB, 2048x1152, 20200209_031946[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Stepdad bought me a leather jacket from some eastern european gangsters who had their mercedes trunk full of leather jackets. 10+ years later still get compliments on the jacket and the only sign of wear (aside from having to get the zip replaced) is a couple of cracks in the fold of the collar. Pic related, I haven't done any kind of care or conditioning on it.

>> No.14993814

You know those jackets came from the backs of men that they killed, right?

>> No.14993821
File: 122 KB, 1200x675, D-vKfPQXoAArLCV.jpg medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You spelled "Dante" wrong, faggot

>> No.14993828

Live by the sword, die by the sword.

>> No.14993834

That's not so easy to say when all economic activity in your country requires a sword

>> No.14993835

i dont think anon can hear you over the sound of all that gagging and slurping

>> No.14993853

that's a good looking jacket, I actually went today to a leather shop, where the owner (a based old man) took my sizes, hopefully it will be done in two weeks, it's almost the same desing.

The story from the gangsters is pretty cool

>> No.14993872
File: 263 KB, 1280x720, wheelbarrow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an unexpectedly deep exchange for /fa/. I come from an place were one of my earliest childhood memories is seeing pic related (it's a bomb disposal robot) investigating a suspicious device less than 100 yards from my home. Several of my uncles did time for organized crime. I have permanent nerve damage from being beaten by a guy I would have been killed for fighting back against. A friend of mine had a friend who disappeared and his body was only found years later when foundations for a new building were being dug. So I guess I'm comfortable with a certain level of barbaric immorality. Also I'm not a badass, that's not the intention of this post.

>> No.14993889

Thanks, a leather jacket that hangs a few inches below your belt (like a harrington jacket) is a classic look, I hope your new jacket looks good and is heavy (if your jacket is light, you probably got ripped off, the jacket I posted feels heavy as hell when I'm wearing it, but you can trust an old guy to do right) . My stepdad said the gangsters were nice and friendly but sitting in their car he knew to be ready incase things turned bad. He was something of a wild boy in his youth so he's aware of these things. He also bought a jacket for himself lol.

>> No.14993898

rather than explain the differences in corected grain, and full hide...why don't you just buy a cheap one then look back on it after a year or so and see if you still like the look....

honestly im not going to argue with ya...trying to make you look beter at no benefit to me.

if you dress like shit that's less competition for me

>> No.14994187

>Less competition to me

Faggot thinks this is a competition... Anon... I... I have some news for you... no one gives a shit about how you look

>> No.14994956
File: 1.69 MB, 2793x3941, Clean Dante Core Shoulder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Anon; I haven't been around because work has been very busy lately, so occasionally it's necessary to inform the older Anons that I haven't yet been killed in the street for wearing my Donte...lol Regarding your All Saints; what happened with that? Did you end up getting one, or passing? They just had a very aggressive sale on their online merch...

You're most welcome.

Appreciate it Anon; leather jackets are/were a serious hobby of mine. There was a 'golden' period of manufacture between 2000-2010 where you had all the vintage ones being passed down, all the new designs used in movies and media, all the companies switching to Pakistan, and so forth. What you ended up with was a huge kaleidoscope of possibilities in materials, cuts, and finishes, and it was exceedingly difficult to narrow down where to get what design. Today, unfortunately, the higher end companies are selling less so the designs become more uniform, the mid-tiers are getting undercut by budget Chinese, and vintage is now too old to be worth the money to restore. Amazing what can happen in a decade. There's nothing left to learn now except who to trust (and that changes now, company to company, on an almost 6-month basis).
>pic for you

Fun! If you have cracks in the collar, consider if you need to condition the leather or not. Is the crack from wear-and-tear, or from abrasion from a beard or facial stubble?

No. But you weren't here for it; I was named 'Donte', thus I happily carry the moniker.

Do I detect jealousy?

Good! If he's altering/constructing the jacket to your measurements, you have a good chance it'll look superb. Just make sure you wear what you normally plan to wear underneath the jacket when you go for the second fitting. The difference between a t-shirt and a sweater is huge for these things.


>> No.14994961

Oh, the leather autist is here again

>> No.14994975
File: 718 KB, 1730x3152, Jedi Test 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be on your guard Anon; weight is not directly connected to the quality of a leather jacket. It is first connected with the type of leather used i.e. 1mm Bison will be heavier than 1mm Lamb, so it's about density. Then you factor in the width of the panels (1.5mm is heavier than 1mm), and portions of the jacket that might be two-sided or lined with leather, and then you add in polyester/cotton linings and filler if it's for colder climates. I have jackets that are absurdly light (like my reversible Jonathan Logan) and ones that are absurdly heavy (like my riding Vanson), but the quality is not what is different about them.

Yes. Do you have any questions while I'm on?

>> No.14994993

Hedi Slimane ENDED leather jacks. I love how some people try to cope "m-muh SchottNYC and chinese copy is the same, it's just animal skin dude" Lmao give me a break. Daily reminder that if you haven't worn a YSL SLP you'll never understand what's wrong with every other leather jacket. True leather, as the word etymologically means in Old Norse, tanned or otherwise dressed hide or skin of an animal, and this animal skin spirit is only preserved in precise, fashionable cuts of the finest selection of leather which is perfect, and beyond compare in said jacket.

>> No.14995037

>Hedi Slimane ENDED leather jacks

wdy mean with that?

>> No.14995047

lol that jacket looks ridiculous

>> No.14995747

You misspelled 'awesome', Anon...

>> No.14995785

Never bought the All Saints because it wasnt a priority for my wardrobe atm, but still, thanks for the info, it helped a lot for a future purchase.

>> No.14995935

bad taste detected

the only good leathers are early mid rick owens
if u have owned many of them u would agree

only absolute morons parade for any garbage made under hedi slimane