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File: 42 KB, 272x504, 9z5o4u1ngm431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14982946 No.14982946 [Reply] [Original]

New to /fa/ ... anyone own a battle jacket / have some patches they wanna share?

>pic related: Mine

>> No.14982952
File: 477 KB, 583x696, battle jacket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14982953
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>> No.14982954
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All the racist patches got me like

>> No.14982956
File: 675 KB, 800x711, U MAD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good night white pride

Oh lol, it;s one of those teenage anti-white self hating "metal fans"

Must suck all the original black metal bands and origins of black metal are what you would deem nazi...

Pic related. Me and my pro-European patches. MAD BRO?

>> No.14982960

Im sure the time inside was hard but relax, i didnt expect this thread to hit political issues so quickly.

>> No.14982963

>racist patches
>thinks a good night white pride patch isn't racist

Lol. So I can have a good night black pride patch, can I? Oh no that would be racist. Just say it for what it is. An anti-white patch. I am not allowed pride but everyone else is.

What about a gay PRIDE parade? Will you rage at that? You're a fraud kid.

None of my patches state anything about the race of somebody and yet these left "metal fans" have to have political racial patches on their jackets. Shows how obsessed and extreme they are.

I've even seen them with those patches and fucking Burzum/Varg. Like really? Lmao.

>> No.14982969

>posts political bait thread with patches that are designed to trash people based on their race which they can't change
>hurr I am not trying to be political
>i swear guys!

Bro, you are a racist and a troll. I'm looking for the bridge you crawled out from under.

>> No.14982970
File: 17 KB, 320x295, 1573626403904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont listen to burzum, "None of my patches state anything about the race of somebody" no but they state that you clearly side with one racist. take this opportunity to explain yourself instead of getting butt hurt.

>> No.14982975

>no but they state that you clearly side with one racist

Such as?

Following your logic you are racist because black metal origins are form people you would deem racist. All the original black metal bands would be racist. So you are racist.

>> No.14982977

as somebody who was formerly part of an alt right group im letting you know that no one hates you. this thread was only meant to be about patches. truthfully you saw the "good night white pride" and decided to come in and flex.

I dont know where youre getting this black metal stuff from, but youve got it wrong.

>> No.14982982

Bro I am 40 years of age. I have listened to black metal longer than you have been born. Hurr alt right, dude I don't give a shit about some dumb psyops group.

Having an anti-white pride patch is racist when every other group can have one. Why only target whites? If you are talking about the US, more black on white crimes are committed and from a smaller black population so a black pride patch should be a worse thing to have.

>> No.14982986

when eurochimps came over here, they didn't send their best. this is proof.

>> No.14982990

>black metal
>european runes
>european based
>european folklore, gods
>european paganism
>euro centralism


The state of teen "black metal" fans. Telling dudes who have almost 30 years of black metal under their belt they know what BM is. Yeah OK kid.

>> No.14982992

>"If you are talking about the US"
Not from the USA.

>"Why only target whites?"
I don't, i target bullies. Same reason i have an "anti bad cop" badge

>" I have listened to black metal longer than you have been born."
im sure thats true, but again; no one has mentioned black metal except you.

im sure thats true, but again; no one has mentioned black metal except you.

>> No.14982994

>I don't, i target bullies. Same reason i have an "anti bad cop" badge

Real edgy bro. Explain to us why white pride equates to bully yet every other pride is OK? That's just anti-white...

Every race has the right of pride. Yet you target only one.

>> No.14983000
File: 230 KB, 1470x1136, proud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr this is ok and we can even have parades that people are proud to be gay
>you can't even see the sexuality of people so they can hide it if they needed to
>white pride is not ok though
>something they can't even hide if they wanted to

Which leads to your anti-white shit making people be targeted by their race. Your patch is racist. No excuses and it targets a race of people on the color of their skin.

>> No.14983001

im targeting you because youre the only person here. its the same reason why i dont believe in "black lives matter" or people in my city blocking traffic in protests. i think you're going out of your way to make people suffer, and instead of going on about Europeans or black metal again, take the opportunity to have a discussion and tell me what your views are.

>> No.14983002

>hey guys i was in the alt right
>hey guys i am not from the usa

99% of the "alt-right" existed or exists in the US so you have outed yourself as a retarded troll dressing up an anti-white politics thread as looking for fashion advice.

I hope they are paying you good.

>> No.14983003

"whites" as a whole don't have anything to be proud of because the "white" race, as it is a fairly modern invention, has not achieved anything of note that doesn't have ghastly implications.
Notice nobody complains about Irish pride, or Italian pride, I doubt anyone would even complain about Anglo Saxon pride. Only retarded mutt Americans who don't know their own history, let alone the rest of the world's, believe they are "white" in the way that you use it.

>> No.14983004

Explain why white pride is not ok and you want to attack and harm white people for having pride. The patch is a patch of violence for people who want to be proud of who they are.

Tell me if some black guy said he was proud of being black you'd want to kick his head in and kill him? Explain.

The patch is some guy on the floor basically being murdered for being proud of something that is part of who they are.

Are you INSANE?

>> No.14983008

Youre reading too far into this man. The patch means something different to me, just like how your SS and Iron cross patches mean you arent a WW2 enthusiast...

>> No.14983009

>has not achieved anything of note that doesn't have ghastly implications

So if you have not achieved anything, you are not allowed to be proud? You have to be attacked for that? So if you have achieved a lot, you can then be proud? That sounds like you are pro-superiority, what the hell?

All scientific, industrial revolution, arts, composers, literature, cures, medicine and so on is equated to mainly western Europe which the people fall under the umbrella group of being Germanic and white with roots from the bell beaker people.

That is a fact.

Are you on drugs???

Let people be proud of who they are, you are imposing rules they must have achieved x and x before being allowed to be proud? WHAT??

>> No.14983014

The Iron Cross is from Prussia and is not some ww2 invention.. Uhh... the nazis ate bread too, I guess bread eaters are racist.

The other is an elder futhark rune, another thing that predates ww2 Germany and is a rune of European language.

Holy shit, you are so ignorant and uneducated. You are hating things and people you clearly don;t even know about.

This is why people like you are dangerous and extreme. You've somehow being brainwashed to commit acts of violence based on things that are not even true or real.

>> No.14983018

This clown will accuse me of being a skinhead next and encourage people to murder me for being a skinhead when I am BALD. This kid is so anti nazi and anti racist he's the very reason extreme ideologies of genocide exist and happen in the first place via brainwashing.

I'm just a bald guy who is proud of his ancestry and wishes everyone well.

This kid is so far disconnected form reality he is everything he is supposedly against. Hope he is on a watch list.

>> No.14983019

The rune is associated with violent right wing white pride groups. ironically just like SS patch which you must have accidentally failed to mention. and also the iron eagle... but if Prussia invented something and then some horrible people use it, thats okay right because it wasnt originally by them?

By that logic you should just run around with swastika tattoos and tell people "no its fine, im a hindu"

>> No.14983020

The cross is also associated with bad groups and so are Islamic symbols, should we ban all Christians and Muslims and attack them on site?

It matters not what symbols the nazis stole or other groups, that's not a reason for removing things. That's just such flawed logic.

The Swastika can be seen still all over in India still, shall we shoot them all and cover it up?

Boots and braces are associated with right wingers too and yet there are plenty of anti white skins and non-white skins. Shall we ban and kill them?

The nazis used a uniform too. Lets kill all soldiers.

The Eagle is a European symbol, you might have seen the fucking ROMANS USE IT. Along with the raised arm salute.

This has to be a troll or the dumbest poster here ever. Just wow. What are they teaching kids with, such hate in this guys heart.

>> No.14983025

i clearly dont hate you. infact, re-read the thread. ive been giving you a platform to share your knowledge with me while i share what is MY truth.

im open to learning and a discussion but you're just so quick to shut anyone down who's views dont align with your own.

>> No.14983026

Your truth isn't reality though, you can't base hate on your truth. That's dangerous. You've basically said if you saw an Indian guy in Indian with a swastika he should be beat up. That's messed up.

Take a look at this guy, it will blow your false world view apart.


>> No.14983028

i appreciate you calming down and sharing some content with me.

The swastika isnt the issue but the ideology behind it. im sure a simple conversation would deter the "that guys a nazi" comments

In return i share you this, this is what i perceive "white priders" as (and may be wrong)

>> No.14983030

>so quick to shut anyone down who's views dont align with your own.

It also has nothing to do with personal views, it has to do with truth and reality.

The Iron Cross is a military decoration of bravery that pre-dates nazi Germany and yet you associate it as simply some nazi symbol because you are ignorant.

There could be some poor German kid with his great grandfathers iron cross from over 100 years ago proudly displayed for his families bravery for saving innocent citizens and you would want to beat him up and kill him based on pure ignorance. His grandfather might have saved your ancestors from being killed and won the award and yet here you are, killing his great grandson.

Bro you are going down the path of extremism and I don;t know who is teaching you all these hateful lies. Maybe seek out some help. I don't want to see you on the news planting bombs or some shit.

>> No.14983031

Fair enough. i understand that not all german soldiers were nazis... and im willing to go as far as to not mention the link between your runes and white pride.

but please explain to me the SS patch. and the iron eagle (which is what i think it is, i didnt get a great look)

>> No.14983034

But that's an actual nazi flag, that has nothing to do with white pride. One is an ideology another is just being proud of who you are. You can't connect the 2.

Nor do I have a swastika patch.

Furthermore, you wont convince people you have a better argument than them by displaying a patch that implies violence just for being who they are.

If the nazis killed jews for being jewish how are you any better for wanting to kill white people who are just proud of being white. Where is the crime in being proud of who you are.

If nobody else was proud of such things, you might have a point. But black, chinese, latino, gay and so on pride exists.

Your only counter argument has been that "whites have not achieved anything" when that's historically untrue.

Plus the Islamic slave trade was many times greater, longer and more brutal than the european one. The Ottomans had empire building too.

The Huns massacred millions and communism is China also massacred millions. So what you are talking is historically incorrect in every way possible.

>> No.14983039

>"whites have not achieved anything"
I wasn't the one who posted that.

a simple answer to all this lies in this question: Why do you wear a "Waffen SS" patch on your jacket. what does it mean to YOU.

>> No.14983041

I don't have a white pride patch and linking a handful of bad white people to linking all white pride to being ban is like linking a muslim terrorist to all muslims.

The "SS" rune is an elder futhark rune and and eagle is simply this:

>The Reichsadler ("Imperial Eagle") is the heraldic eagle, derived from the Roman eagle standard, used by the Holy Roman Emperors and in modern coats of arms of Germany, including those of the Second German Empire (1871–1918), the Weimar Republic (1919–1933) and the Third Reich (Nazi Germany, 1933–1945).

It's not some nazi symbol. My heritage is Dutch and by that, Germanic, the same as Germans. They are just symbols of my ancestry. They have nothing to do with hate or right wing.

>> No.14983044

>It's not some nazi symbol. My heritage is Dutch and by that, Germanic, the same as Germans. They are just symbols of my ancestry. They have nothing to do with hate or right wing.

If thats true i apologize for jumping down your throat. But you gotta admit its hard to not see white pride symbols and nazi symbols.

>> No.14983045

The SS symbol in itself was even used in 1929 before Hitler and the Nazi party had even come to power.

I just think there is nothing wrong with having white pride like every pride. Everyone should be proud of who they are .Why feel shitty and bad about who you are, embrace it. be the best you can.

A "good night white pride" patch along with a picture of violence just screams anti-white and it's racially inflammatory and comes across as more racist than not racist.

Why not good night racism or something? Why bring millions of people into it via their race. Isn't that what the nazis did? It's just so counter productive, you will never get some white person to listen to you if they hold opposing views when you have a big symbol of degrading white people and wishing harm upon them.

>> No.14983048

>"you will never get some white person to listen to you if they hold opposing views"

Ironically thats what were doing now, both 2 dudes with different political views putting differences aside to try and educate eachother.

and for what its worth, youre right. i always assumed that white pride was a protest against others protests that only sparked violence.

>> No.14983050
File: 142 KB, 1254x1254, DSC08812-ed_2048x2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ordered this. Haven't decided yet, but considering sticking at least a few patches to it.

>> No.14983051
File: 160 KB, 900x1244, belgian_jigsaw_camo_jacket_jw_2015_116ac227-f960-408e-97bd-6bf209d7e8bd_2048x2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alternatively this, if I manage to dye it in a cool way

>> No.14983052

Nobody hardly wears anything related to white pride, gay pride symbols are all over. Why?

I just mean if someone says yeah I am proud to be white you shouldn't take that as they are some nazi time traveller and murder them.

That's extremist thought, that's what extremist groups do. If a handful og nazi whites do that, you are painting 99% of the others with the same brush.

What's worse is that people like you or groups you are associated with help to create these people, if you just said "proud of being white, oh good" and moved on that would be that. When you tell them they can't be proud of who they are and if they are you are going to get violent against them, well guess what, you just created extremists and the cycle continues.

Even if I had a patch that meant something bad, isn't that part of freedom or you go into thought policing. I am not doing anything wrong, I am not attacking people or committing crime. That's what the law should be for.

If you want to be violent to people who are not breaking any laws or harming others but have bad thoughts, that's a from of extremism. It means you think you are 100% correct and in no way can be wrong. Again that leads us to groups like ISIS.

Enjoy a metal jacket and patches, metal is based on a lot of european things hence I wear euro patches. I have no patches regarding races of others or violence towards them.

>> No.14983054

Looser jackets are always better for patches, personal opinion is to go a size up. more room for patches, keeps the jacket from tearing.

>> No.14983059

I understand. i assumed the patches meant violent intentions because ive only ever seen them associated with violent things.

My white pride patch does display violent intentions but im not running around my city looking for "nazi's to bash" to me, the patch symbolizes using music as a way to fight against those small few who are white supremacists and who are violent

>> No.14983079

The problem is though white on non-white violent crime is much lower than non-white crime on whites. The figure is almost the same in many nations in which the 2 groups are present too.

So these violent white people going about attacking non-whites is a myth, or at best a tiny, tiny minority.

If you saw someone with a white pride patch on them, you'd likely harass them or say something when they have done nothing wrong.

But I bet if you saw 5 white guys shouting at a non-white with a pride badge on you would condemn the white guys as racist.

Why no patches against other supremacist ideologies?



>> No.14983080
File: 234 KB, 1494x1103, BN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are some known black nationalist hate groups and just in the USA.

Point to note is that while right wing people might carry flags or symbols, hardly any that exist shout about being racially superior and almost all just talk about the right to exist.
Meanwhile blacks, talk very openly about being racially superior and their nationalism is a much harder form.

Here is a list of the known black supremacist groups in the USA, it's pretty big, hmm? Let's see the "anti-racist" crowd talk about these groups and wear patches wanting to kick their faces in for it...

>> No.14983108

Pride used in the context of black pride, gay pride, trans pride, etc. is not a statement of being "proud" simply for being born that way, but a statement that they are not to be ashamed of being born that way. There are many countries in which LGBT people are regularly murdered simply for being LGBT. Implicit, explicit, and institutionalized racism (gerrymandering, gentrification) and classism are rampant in the US. I can't speak for other countries.
People who say "why can't we have white/straight pride?" are either nearly always saying so in bad faith or are so out of touch with this information and do not grasp the general comparative advantage they have over minorities. You do not need white pride or straight pride, because there is no one trying to kill you, outlaw your presence, force you out of your job or your home, disown you, etc. for being those things.
There is nothing wrong with being white. There is nothing wrong with being straight. But there is something wrong with co-opting "pride" and twisting its purpose to intentionally-- or unintentionally through ignorance-- obscure the point of what it stands for for the rights, social acceptance, and community bonding of people who are less fortunate than you because of how many members of the majority treat them.

>> No.14983133

>Pride used in the context of black pride, gay pride, trans pride, etc. is not a statement of being "proud" simply for being born that way, but a statement that they are not to be ashamed of being born that way.

Literal shifting of goal posts to once again just blame white people. White pride is about being not being ashamed of who they are. They are the exact same thing. Both are the same words, you can't add your own biased interpretation of it.

>There are many countries in which LGBT people are regularly murdered simply for being LGBT.

Yes, almost always in non-white western countries by religious ideologies such as Islam. Yet we have pride parades in the west in which they are the safest, they are more at harm from Muslims in the West and when whites talk about that, they are somehow being racist, against a religious ideology, one that cares little for lgbt rights. There is no logic whatsoever to that.

>People who say "why can't we have white/straight pride?" are either nearly always saying so in bad faith or are so out of touch with this information and do not grasp the general comparative advantage they have over minorities. You do not need white pride or straight pride, because there is no one trying to kill you, outlaw your presence, force you out of your job or your home, disown you, etc. for being those things.

Everyone has the right to be proud of who they are, to say you only need pride when you are in danger of being killed is completely nonsensical. In fact displaying such pride while openly attacking the so called group that wants to target you further endangers you.

When you say only certain groups can have pride, you have an imbalance.

Further to that, none of what you said applies in say Japan, so following your logic, whites in Japan can openly display as much white pride as they want while all Japanese who mention Japanese pride must be silenced?

>> No.14983134


You can't keep shifting things around to suit your agenda because that is what you're doing. It's either one rule for all or none at all. When you say certain groups can only do some things you defeat the purpose of your argument about people being treated equally with equal rights and you further empower the groups you are speaking out against like white pride which only strengthens their argument.


Whites are more in danger of being killed so therefore once more following your logic whites should be the ones allowed to display white pride.

Your argument is all over the place.

>> No.14983139
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>> No.14983143

>trying to kill you, outlaw your presence, force you out of your job or your home, disown you, etc. for being those things.

Name any serious movement or white people in power in the USA who are trying to do all of these things...

Lmao. These people. Create such an absurd strawman and then viciously attack it.

>classism are rampant in the US

Which affects all people based on class and not race but only non-whites are allowed to to have pride but yet whites, even those in the lowest class who face classism are not allowed because that totally sounds fair and totally wont piss them off for being treated differently based on their race and that's totally not racism...

I can never tell if these types are trolls or on drugs. They always post the most hypocritical shit ever and try and explain why they are not being racist... by being racist.

>> No.14983146

This thread would've been bad anyway, congrats to everyone for successfully burying the deceased.

>> No.14983149

Fag pride is the ultimate expression of global capitalism, a celebration of pure community destroying hedonism.

>> No.14983150

can you please use a trip so I can filter your ass

>> No.14983152

It was obvious from the start it was a brain dead troll fresh from the school of Marxism in which the professor taught them we must support the minorities in a global world while leaving out the fact in a global world whites are the minority.

They must have no pride in who they are. Ever. All symbols of ancestry, roots and belongings must be wiped form the history books.

I don't know how they manage with so much privilege, I really don't.

>> No.14983160

Yeah gay pride parades are not even about gay pride, they are about rampant hedonism. Nobody is there just celebrating gay pride. They are full of children twerking to adults, people in bondage, people on leashes with colors displayed to say they are into shit and piss play.

Gay pride parades are the most anti-gay thing there is. Anyone on the fence regarding if gays are normal will be convinced they are a bunch of freaks if they ever attend such parades.

They are simply about the most rampant degenerate hedonism and paedophilia mixed in with teenage girls looking for photo opportunities to signal their misplayed virtue on facebook..

>> No.14983164
File: 707 KB, 1440x1800, kang akibooboo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can filter my ass anytime you like, bbe. Luv it wen u talk diirtty.

Learn to judge me on my posts and not how I look. AT least I have the balls to post myself and judging by the fa meet ups, those are the best looking posters so the rest of you must look like absolute shit.

>> No.14983167

Hunting is the natural state of man, we have always hunted for food. The north american model of conservation is literally founded in this. Dingle-Johnson, Pittman-Robertson, the duck stamp program, the allocation of license and tag fees etc. wilderness and wildlife rehabilitation and study is funded by hunters. Beyond that procuring your own food is one of the best ways to demotivate factory farming and the commodification of animal life. The DIY ethic being part and parcel with punk I would very easily connect hunting with that. Even if you're some urban dwelling vegan you should at least understand and respect how hunting works.

Also I always loved the strictly black and white look on a vest but I find the contrast and framing you get from using white thread or dental floss really adds a lot, might be worth considering but you do you. I'll post pics of my old vest later.

>> No.14983232

Man i thought igor was insufferable

>> No.14983249
File: 51 KB, 599x478, c41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's the thing, your posts are like your looks, horrible and not worth looking at. I can read posts in a random thread and wonder which retard might have written those just to see your face further down in the thread, posted by yourself. If I knew it from the start I could at least save some precious time by skipping your bullshit, but if I already read your posts I'd rather live with the uncertainty of them being you. So either stop posting your ugly face and stay anonymous or get a trip.

>> No.14983254
File: 585 KB, 706x473, war master.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You flirting with me?

>> No.14983256

Cool pic bro, I haven't seen that 1000 times already... difference is, I'm not some skinhead. I am bald. I don't go to any political events and keep myself to myself.

I'll get right onto the trip, friend!

>> No.14983309

Literally the only thing inherently racist about
Jacket is the SS patch. The Black Sun is a very old symbol that had no connection to the Nazi swastika and just has an unfortunate association with Nazis. And the iron cross is just the iron cross. The American flag is kinda cringe doe but that's just my subjective opinion.

Also the good night white pride patch is stupid but only because it's the dumbest way to make that statement. "Good night alt-right" would've been cool, or something directly relating to white nationalism. White pride is unfortunately been coopted by proudboys though so it's not an utterly ridiculous statement.

>> No.14983329
File: 1.48 MB, 1223x702, HAIL victory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>or something directly relating to white nationalism

There is nothing wrong with white nationalism. Just like there is nothing wrong with Jewish nationalism. The state of Israel is a Jewish nationalist state.

>White pride is unfortunately been coopted by proudboys though so it's not an utterly ridiculous

Would you advocate violence against all those with a gay pride patch if some group co-opted it?

How about no retarded patches that advocate violence towards a racial group based on their thoughts and just laws that are for the actual breaking of laws. Thought crimes are not crimes.

>> No.14983335
File: 36 KB, 640x795, hC0g8kc_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sage goes in all fields

>> No.14983341

>There is nothing wrong with Jewish nationalism
Yes their fucking is, Israel is one of the most corrupt governments in the world and it's because of Jewish nationalism. All nationalism is bad, I don't care if it's white, Jewish or fucking queer nationalism it's all bad.

And I'd advocate violence against Nazis, not white people. I react to things that people CHOOSE to be, not what they are made to be.

>> No.14983354

I go in yo mommas field :3

> All nationalism is bad


>And I'd advocate violence against Nazis

What is nazism apart from another ideology, what makes one worse than the others?

The USA locked Japanese citizens in ww2 and eugenics was also an idea taken from the USA. Yet they were not nazis.

>I react to things that people CHOOSE to be

Why do you decide what's right and wrong and what people can or can't be? As long as they stay within the law what has their freedom of choice got to do with you?

You enact violence upon those who make different choices meaning you think your choice are the only true and real way. That's extremism. You are an extremist.

>> No.14983357
File: 38 KB, 667x898, cecil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually though dude someone made one of these about me... pretty funny resemblance

>> No.14983385

It's unnecessary seperation of the common people, usually because of reasons outside their control like race or birth country.
>What is Nazism apart from another ideology?
It's an ideology that promotes at the least seperation of races and creeds, and at the most the extermination and purging of the ones deemed undesirable by the leaders.
>The use locked Japanese citizens in WW2
Yeah, they did, and they're absolutely fucking evil for it. I will never defend the US government because they are ridiculously militant and their rampant imperialism is destroying the planet, amongst other things.
>Can't be bother copying the last point out
I decide what is right and wrong based on who or what gets hurt. Nazis advocate hatred and authoritarianism, and that's why it's bad. You have a right to free speech just like everyone else, and I would never agree with state-sanctioned violence against Nazis, but if some random nobody wanted to knock a Nazi out while they were preaching their shit in the street I'd be totally fine with that, and happy that it happened.
>You are an extremist
Yeah, I am. You say that as if Nazis aren't extremist, and as if extremism is a bad thing.

>> No.14983403

>It's unnecessary seperation of the common people

The people are united by race, therefore there is nothing to separate them. Nationalism only become a force of separation when "multiculturalism" was enforced without say upon the people. Perhaps multiculturalism is the issue and the forcing of races together rather than the natural state of nationalism that has always been around, in the past in smaller instances such as tribalism and that still exists today all across the non-white world.

>It's an ideology that promotes at the least seperation of races and creeds

And why is that bad? Why are separate races bad? Why do you equate mixing of races as good? Who told you that? What evidence do you have for that? The more closely related people are by race the more peace there is, that is a fact and even the ancient Greeks wrote about it.

>and at the most the extermination and purging of the ones deemed undesirable by the leaders.

This is really a small part of what National Socialism is and a part most lied about. When it is shown to people without knowing what it is, most people say it sounds good. National Socialism removed the class system for instance and all were equal.

>Yeah, they did, and they're absolutely fucking evil for it.

Because race matters. It is the biggest bond among humans. The Americans knew the Japanese in the US would be more loyal to Japanese because they are racially connected. That's how human history has always worked.

>I decide what is right and wrong based on who or what gets hurt.

But people get hurt by you enforcing what you believe to be right or wrong. By your own logic, you yourself would be wrong.

> Nazis advocate hatred and authoritarianism, and that's why it's bad.

You advocate hatred for those who wish to be among their own race so therefore you must be bad.

>> No.14983405

>you have a right to free speech
>i advocate violence against speech though which I disagree with
>therefore it then cancels out my belief in free speech

>Yeah, I am. You say that as if Nazis aren't extremist, and as if extremism is a bad thing.

Combating extremism with extremism is stupid. It creates more extremism. Glad you admit you are an extremist though which is why your arguments logically and rationally are easy to tear apart. I think you are a bit out of your depth.

>> No.14983428

I think the world should be united towards progress, not seperated by race. Race is entirely superficial, and in a multicultural society no one is stopping you from hanging around/only getting romantically involved with your own race. Also, you can't combat extremism with anything but extremism, being a centrist or some other form of mild political sway doesn't actually get anything changed. It only helps the extremists act on their own, without your involvement. And wouldn't you rather have a say in what the extremes end up doing? One of them will win and become the norm at some point, and I'd rather it be my side.
And I'm not going to claim that I'm morally right for being violent towards Nazis, I just say that I don't feel bad about it. Tolerating intolerance just allows intolerance to grow. And me threating to knock you out doesn't restrict your free speech, because I don't have the legal authority do it. If a cop attacked someone for speaking their beliefs that would be bad because that would be the state exercising their power to stop free speech. A rando with no authority though? Go for it buddy. And that goes both ways, by the way. I just wouldn't be happy if it was my side being attacked, irrationally, because that's my side. But as long as the state doesn't sanction it, I don't care. It's just the most natural form of debate.

>> No.14983453

>I think the world should be united towards progress

How is the forcing of races progress and separate nations and the diversity of cultures and races not progress?

>Race is entirely superficial

Says who? Science does not say that. Biology does not say that. Please, if you will, if race is just surface only, explain to me how a white European is the same as an African pygmy. Pygmy women enter the menopause in their early 40s. What you are saying is just untrue. So you either know that you're lying or someone has taught you lies.

Explain why certain medications work best on certain races and conditions affect one race more than another. Explain how via tests a medical professional can tell the race of somebody without seeing them?

>and in a multicultural society no one is stopping you from hanging around/only getting romantically involved with your own race.

That does not stop you getting attacked by other races or different groups going into politics and whole countries being divided.

>being a centrist

A centrist doesn't mean you are on the fence. You don;t even know what centrism means. It means you agree with some points on both sides. I agree with socialism on health care but no to open borders. Therefore that would place me left and right when in reality, that's being a centrist.

>you can't combat extremism with anything but extremism

So we combat radical Islam by capturing them, torturing them, beheading them and blowing up innocent civilians? That's extremism vs extremism.

>Tolerating intolerance just allows intolerance to grow.

When you don't let a people speak their mind and come down with violence on them, they revolt. They get angry. None of these groups are even saying kill black people or whatever, they are simply saying they don't want forced diversity.

> And me threating to knock you out doesn't restrict your free speech

Hurr the threat of violence if you open your mouth totally isn't a restriction of speech... lol.

>> No.14983456

It's 2020 cultures will get mixed get over it

>> No.14983473


Wow, argument won then. You've proved your point. Fuck all history and reality. IT's 2020, that's it sorted.

>> No.14983489

>So we combat radical islam by capturing them, torturing them, beheading them and blowing up innocent civilians?
Yeah we actually fucking do, that's EXACTLY what America does and has done ever since 2001.

And yeah there are physiological differences between races but not to a level where anyone should be seperated, they are ultimately superficial differences like which medications work best for which people, or what foods specific cultures and ethnicities evolved to digest well. Literally not one racial trait is worth seperating people. The rest of your points are just retarded regressive crap so I'm going to bed because it is very late here in Australia. Nighty night, you blithering Nazi retard

>> No.14983500

Neither of you will ever see the bigger picture and as for the (((neo-nazi))) one you look like an actual untermenschen example in nazi propaganda, brush your teeth and stand up straight you mutt shit.

>> No.14983501

>Yeah we actually fucking do, that's EXACTLY what America does and has done ever since 2001.

You sound anti-white anti-american. let me guess, 18 year old student? Has wet dreams about the USSR?

>they are ultimately superficial differences

An African pygmy compared to a white European is a superficial difference? An African bushmans IQ of 65 compared to a Jewish one of over 100 is superficial?

Do you know what the world superficial means? Those differences are huge.

>has no valid points
>i know, i'll call him a nazi

Bro, you are a kid and I have an IQ much higher than yours. You already lost the argument, from your very first post. Go to bed, mommy can see your light still on.

>> No.14983507

I'm not a neo nazi. Hurr nazis are bad and their propaganda is bad but I will totally use it against you and you should now see it as valid!!

Are you, like, a special person? Super low IQ.

I do brush my teeth, can't brush away decay and I am 5ft tall, that's how I stand.

>> No.14983517

Well you're not a real nazi because they were at least sophisticated, smart, and relatively accomplished. Go get your own identity rather than clinging to one of many outdated ideologies irrelevant to modern society and unrelated and arguably an antithesis to your own country and its values

>> No.14983548
File: 535 KB, 958x548, Trucker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is mine.

>> No.14983557

>hurr "modern society" says you must lose all your roots and identity
>hurr we must preserve the culture and respect the old ways of minorities

Just say it for what it is dude.. you are ANTI-WHITE. You are racist.

>> No.14983560

Cool bro, those patches Chinese? Hope they came before the chinkflu spread, gotta be careful of that.

>> No.14983564

I got them made in the US because of the amount of colors and for quality issues. No virus threat thank god.

>> No.14983573

Yeah true, they look a bit too high quality for China made.They look hard to put on though like the tiger and the tail.

>> No.14983594

I had to get them sewn on by a suit tailor which wasn't cheap.

>> No.14983599

Yeah you should learn some sewing, a tailor would have to sew all that by hand I am sure so it would be expensive

>> No.14983900 [DELETED] 

It means get with the boomer. You have people from anywhere flying around everywhere. People are on the internet shitposting with people from other continents. Coca Cola is everywhere, as are other products. Going back to a time where the internet and the tourism industry didn't exist is just ignorant.

>> No.14983909

It means get with the boomer. You have people from anywhere flying around everywhere. People are on the internet shitposting with people from other continents. Coca Cola is everywhere, as are other products. Going back to a time where the internet and the tourism industry didn't exist is just ignorant.

>> No.14983911

You are shitposting with 99% of other Westerners in Western nations. You are not shit posting with Muslims from Afghanistan nor Somalians form Africa or those in the Congo.

>hurr people take vacations so we should totally import a few million africans per year

Sound logic, indeed. Hurr wanting borders means going back to a time before the internet. A retard who only works by strawmen because he has no arguments. You are boring. It all worked out so well for Rome. Educate yourself.

>> No.14983926

>It all worked out so well for Rome
Well yeah, in comparison homogeneous Nazi-Germany fucked up majorly. Japan got bombed back to a land before our time. America is literally built by immigrants and it's a superpower.

>> No.14983948

Germany was the most advanced country in the world at that time, America was built by WHITE EUROPEAN EMIGRATION.

It's a superpower based on size and resources, with most military advancements coming from nazi scientists after ww2.

You are a literal braindead product of cultural Marxism. America is now in decline since the immigration act to let in those of non-European stock.

>hurr people are all the same
>race does not matter
>a country with all one race is bad and backwards
>mixing the country will advance it
>magical non-white fairy dust
>race suddenly matters now


>> No.14983962

what's your definition of white though

>> No.14983967
File: 887 KB, 976x1060, no chinks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White is defined as Western and Northern Europe. East is slavic and South Meds. Technically they all fall under the umbrella group of white. Nothing outside of Europe.

>> No.14984001

The only thing about you that went with the time is your definition of white

>> No.14984026

I don't give a shit about "preserving any culture or old ways of minorities" at all. Islam, judaism, and christianity are all three sides of the same retarded triangle, and yes neo-nazi pagan shit like varg wanks over is just as retarded as those too except you fuck wolves instead of goats

>> No.14984037

>hurr jews exist and have the right to exist
>hurr native americans exist and have the right to
>durr aborigines exist and have the right to

White people though?? Lol what's white. Whites don't exist!!

When you deny a race of people that exist, you can wipe them out and replace them, after all, they don't exist, right? You're a genocide advocating maniac.

If Jews are not a distinct racial group than the holocaust does not exist and it was a white or just human genocide.

Hurr I think we should have diversity of people although race is not real and we are all the same but for diversity we must have different races even though they don't exist.

My sides. That's you. You have severe mental illness dude.

>> No.14984046

Yeah bro lets have one group of people all mixed all under one big global communist empire while we preach diversity. It is sure to work out great.

>> No.14984060

>china is 99% chinese
>japan is 99% japanese
>africa is 99% african
>india is 99% indian

White Europeans? Lol nah they don't exist. Be progressive. All mixed. Yeah of course those other nations, cultures and races will exist at 99% and europe will not but hey, it's modern thinking.

If you made Africa 50% african and 50% some other race that would be colonial racism and bad but lol not for Europe, don't be a bigot.

Can these people be any less obvious? They never shill for non-white nations to be replaced or deny their existence as a race and culture. It's always and forever white people, all non-whites of the world know who white people are, where they are from and what they look like but these little race agitators have no argument in their anti-white genocide games so they just try and force over and over that white does not exist.

Gosh, I mean shit, I guess the people of the British isles who have been there a few thousand years don't exist and are not white, they were magically a group of different races? So if you add Africans and Arabs to the,m nothing has changed, right?

>> No.14984066

lol it's fucking easy to trigger you

>> No.14984070

>lol holocaust
> what are you bitching about jews?
>jews don't exist
>what's jewish?
>if you don;t exist how can you have been targeted
>6 million what died? jews?
>nah bro jews don't exist
>nothing happened

Hurr it's totally OK if I say that about whites and people who say being anti-white is a real thing are just sooo crazy!!

Like take your meds lol.

>> No.14984076

it's amazing how much self-awareness you lack

>> No.14984083

Nah dude because I know this isn't even about triggering me, you marxist retards really do come out with this shit, even when you;re white yourself. It's brainwashing to hate your race, your ethnic group, your culture and history and ancestors. Never before has this deep level of anti-species and anti-evolutionary brainwashing occurred.

There are white retards crying at the beauty about a bunch of Africans dancing around a fire and saying what an amazing culture, amazing people and how it must be embraced and preserved and then when it comes to whites OMG YOU DON'T EXIST, YOU ARE NOT A RACE, YOU HAVE NOTHING!!

100 years ago and beyond you would have been in a mental asylum.

Imagine 2500 years ago and you are some Celt and see invaders coming... HURR FELLOW CELTS, WE DON'T EXIST, WE ARE NOTHING, WE MUST BE PROGRESSIVE AND REPLACE OUR PEOPLE!

Insane beyond words.

>> No.14984086

What an argument dude. What a fantastic argument. Your IQ is in the gutter and your mental instability off the charts.

>> No.14984115

Battle jackets are fucking cringe, and this is coming from someone who has spent the last 1-2 hours listening to Slayer

>> No.14984134

says the one who posts himself on 4chan

>> No.14984143

Holy fuck, cecil fucking bodied you

>> No.14984145

you look like shit

>> No.14984146
File: 420 KB, 1149x695, rock out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me rocking out to Slayer South of Heaven!!

Yes because I am saying nothing wrong. I'd like to see you go to actual real white people in real life and start preaching your genocidal talk about how they don't exist. You are a coward.

>> No.14984147

Nice apartment nazi larper

>> No.14984157

Silver spoon: the opinion

>> No.14984162
File: 528 KB, 796x428, warrior.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you would find me more attractive in my military gear. I know yo momma likes me in uniform.

Thank you, it is pretty nice, isn't it? Notice how I pay for it with my own money from working and it isn't mommys basement? You could learn a lot from me, kid.

>> No.14984185

I entered the thread with no expectations and left genuinely enthused about cecil-posting

>> No.14984202
File: 207 KB, 960x652, 1510501444472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14984205

Because the internet is full of privileged little kids brainwashed to the point of extremism pushing their views down your throat at every single time that normal people, those that want to live in peace, in a safe place and have the right to exist are rarely heard because they have no need to attempt to control others thoughts and views and inflict violence upon those with different views but they forcing the hand for normal people to have to stand up at some point and set the truth free.

From the very start of this thread it's been a shill thread about pushing an anti-white agenda and all I have done is call it out for what it is. Anti-white racism and have just asked for the right to exist. Not to harm others, not to do anything to others, simply to exist.

I've not been granted that though, all I have been granted with is that white people do not exist. They have no culture. No roots, no identity nor ancestry. They are nothing and nobody. How any white person can read this thread (or any non-white for that matter) and not see it for the vile hatred that it is is beyond words.

>can i please just exist as a white person
>no you can't you bigot whites don't exist
>you are hateful
>you must accept modern ways and be replaced

Only college brainwashed people would accept that as any form of logic, fairness and what is universally morally correct. It's wrong in every sense. Disgustingly so. And I'll say that to my dying breathe.

>> No.14984210
File: 38 KB, 560x415, 3453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Low-moral posting is really only working against you at this point

>> No.14984217

>an image of things i never said, nor claimed or even mentioned

Oh look, another strawman. You see how you only strengthen my position. You never refute anything factually, you just invent things and then attack that position and project it onto others.

Instead of listening to some white person you make up a whole different story of what their concerns are that they never even raised and then attack them to the point of any complain they make whatsoever you make them out to be something they are not because you know deep inside there concerns are justified so you have to villainize and dehumanize them to a meme picture so you can then justify the persecution of them.

You are so anti-nazi and anti-racist your images are nothing more than akin to nazi propaganda of a caricature of a jew from the 1930s and yet you can't even see that because you are so deep in extremism and hatred.

>> No.14984230

Poor dental care is likely a cause of poverty and that exists in all races so your picture is classist. You would excuse black crime by equating it to poverty but white people have bad teeth in poverty because.. they are inherently evil or something and this time it has nothing to do with poverty?

The most inbred groups are Muslims due to cousin on cousin marriage, you'd never mock them over this though, you'd be afraid to, and yet a tiny percent of whites do it and you openly mock the whole group because whites hold so much power, right? So much logic here.

As for me, I was born in So Cal, my Father died in a car crash before I was born and I had to grow up in poverty surrounded by drugs. I am away from all of that, I work and have my own place and don't touch drugs.

You mock me though because I am not some top earner, but do tell, if a non-white had the same pattern you'd praise them for escaping a life of drugs and actually working. You are a fraud.

>> No.14985034

Based edgelord

>> No.14985035

I've never understood the meth association with national socialists. They literally hate drugs. The only people I've ever seen smoke crack irl are ghetto blacks.

>> No.14985062

They're avoiding talking about opiates because then people will start to wonder why the opiate epidemic is so white.

>> No.14985215

>see's battle vest thread
oh this will surely be filled with intelligent individuals

>> No.14985222

Old school black metal sucks, tho.

How does it feel that Darkthrone play punk now?

>> No.14985322

oh so very feeling

>> No.14985332

Trip codes and Names should be thread/specific

>> No.14985336

oh god how can you be this ignorant. do you have any idea what the opioid crisis is? or who is affected by it?

>> No.14985338

Thanks for the great talk about battle jackets, fellas! see ya in the next thread!

>> No.14985343

Jews targeting working class whites with over-prescription is certainly the same thing as the crack epidemic.

>> No.14985358

uwu :3

Notice how if an issue was so white you would freely talk about it but if any other issue wasn't so white you'd accuse people of racism who brought it up, make excuses for it, mainly blame the system and blame whites. Then you are shocked when people say being anti-white is real.


Deeply hurtful. There. I said it.

National Socialists are not. The meme image of some skinhead knuckle dragger must make up less than 0.01% of whites and those on the right. I've never seen one irl.

>> No.14985388

And how does it feel that their punk albums are WAY better than anything black or death metal they produced?

>> No.14985401
File: 1021 KB, 1114x623, HAIL TO THE FROZEN COVERED FOREST OF DOOM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol bro, you trying to get me mad?

I am not such a normie, I like my blvck metal pure and raw!!



>> No.14985415

Mate, at this point we all know you´re trolling. And I resent you for making me say that word.

>> No.14985423

As an aside, they're called "cuts", not "battle jackets".

God damn, I miss the one I had as a kid.

>> No.14985434

>he's never been inside a frozen covered forest of doom

Well hello there little buddy! I am not trolling, unless you think I wear a battle jacket with patches in public for some real irl trolling. Hey, maybe I do. That video while slightly silly is a really good black metal tune.

You've probably just come to realize I am more normal than most of the people here who all have issues of insecurity poor self esteem, mental health, social outcasts and so on.


Wrong. They are WAR ARMOR.

>> No.14985441

>issues of insecurity poor self esteem, mental health, social outcasts and so on
Funny that you say that, because you exactly give off that vibe

>> No.14985443

Kutte, not cuts.

>> No.14985446

>posts myself
>identifies myself in posts
>just an open outwardly fun loving guy

Herpa derpa derp this guy has self esteem issues! You'rte not the brightest crayon in the packet, are you?

What's worse is you think a normal guy is mentally ill because you are so used to mentally ill socially inept people that anyone normal has become the crazy guy.

>> No.14985486

Just because you're a narcissist doesn't mean that you also have a high self-esteem

>> No.14985729

>That chinese airsoft fake plate carrier

>> No.14985744
File: 60 KB, 640x640, 3436D741-2B26-4ADD-B837-4674C09ACF33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread about battle jackets in the punk/metal scene
>nothing but retards whining about race
Why do I even bother with this board anymore

>> No.14985765

Anyone got a place to order studs and spikes that wont take as long as or pose the risk of kung flu like chinese vendors on eBay

>> No.14985775

Higher than you :3

All my items are US military surplus. Know who you're talking to, son.

I know right, bro? What is a guy supposed to do though when I am talking about black metal and all I get is retards posting racist stuff.

>> No.14985798

Virgin sleeveless battle vest vs Chad intact sleeved battle jacket

>> No.14985802

> Chad intact sleeved battle jacket

You mean hiding your spaghetti arms jacket? This warrior shows off his BEEFY arms with pride


>> No.14985820
File: 294 KB, 412x621, 1578096722143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based cecil

>> No.14985828

Fenriz! \m/

>> No.14986034

Fuckin namefags I swear

>> No.14986119

Or in your case, flabby sacks of shit?

>> No.14986183
File: 515 KB, 563x692, BEEFY BOI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, this is 100% american BEEF.


>> No.14986200
File: 78 KB, 1429x793, hiohjmt95pe31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14986209
File: 245 KB, 499x395, kiss me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14986212
File: 2.62 MB, 4032x3024, 28C70A6F-40CB-4205-BB0A-191B7B57AC08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I put this shit on

>> No.14986218

patches also look pretty good on a black bomber jacket

>> No.14986268
File: 575 KB, 526x617, tie_dye_baja_hoodie_drug_rug_1024x1024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14986293
File: 119 KB, 995x800, 1395199493429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sick i'm planning on getting a patch jacket. i have these and i can't wait to use them!

>> No.14986296
File: 11 KB, 315x60, 1523316529.33282.uniformribbons.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also i want to make a chow hall defense force stack patch

>> No.14986303

Do you even lift?

>> No.14986320
File: 601 KB, 496x658, jacket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of jacket does this guy have?
it looks extremely comfy.

>> No.14986333

gortex my nigga

>> No.14986338

>nice digits

>> No.14986539

I'm 24 and literally live in a nicer apartment that i pay for, do you work at the supermarket or some shit? Any man fit to work should be able to clear 20/hr aka not living in such a shitty apartment. At 40, your situation is just sad. You should try taking yourself more seriously

>> No.14986618
File: 658 KB, 680x725, 499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing thinks its the masterrace or anything close to aryan
why are americans so subhubamn

>> No.14986632

I don't think that's the exact jacket but it does look very similar. Thanks!

>> No.14986679

Peter Pan up in this thread.

>> No.14987422

Forreal I'm 24 too and live in a nicer apartment than whatever this shit hole lives in

>> No.14987424

>trying to defend his chinkshit airshit gear
congrats on the larp

>> No.14987803

>let's see what's happening in this dumpster fire of a thread...


>. . . . . .
> . . .
>yeah, we're done here.

>> No.14987812

I lift yo momma onto my...

Hurr I am richer than you!!

Firstly, you don;t even know my background of how I grew up in South Cal in poverty and surrounded by drugs. Most of the people I grew up around can barely read or write now, are hooked on crack or are dead. So my position now is all relative to my past and compared to that, I have done well.

>do you work at the supermarket or some shit

I work in kitchens as a dishwasher.


I do hard honest work for honest money. Blow me.

Dutch heritage bro, no Mexican or South American in me. I like bean burritos though.

And the kids of a millionaire live in a better apartment than you. Do you bow down to and them, accept you are inferior to them? Like I said, it's all relative to your past and roots.



>> No.14987830

Not the guy you're replying to. I'm a sous chef at a pretty fancy place and I worked my way up to that, no schooling. Dishwashing is work reserved for the mentally infirmed, part time student workers or people just getting into the industry. Offer to stay late, do extra always then ask to learn prep, offer to fill in for others when they're away. Prep turns into flipping a line or cleaning a fridge, that turns into working other stations and so on. Don't do the bare minimum, learn to cook. It's at very least an accepting industry and no one will care that you look like you do.

>> No.14987845

Thanks bro, although dishwashing in Seattle is seen as a high demand job, so there is always work available so apparently not many people want to do it. I do train others, there are a lot of rules and regulations.

I have done some food prep and being a fry cook. But like I say, dishwasher is in demand so really pays the same if not more than those other positions.

Looked into schooling, just that rent is high here and I get no help so most days I have to work.

>> No.14987891

Dios mio el atraricdada Americano...

>> No.14987896
File: 475 KB, 824x580, das reich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% Germanic Aryan bro.

>> No.14987906
File: 72 KB, 634x456, 8049510-6547155-image-m-5_1546441999590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved you in This is england mate

>> No.14987909

Lol thanks pal, my fav scene


>> No.14987917

the fucking absolute untermensch faggots i have to share this board with fuck me
fuck i hope youre not american because the faggotry would become unbearable

>> No.14987938
File: 653 KB, 696x626, sup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>claims to be better than me
>asks if i am american
>too stupid to even see my name is a giveaway

Lol get back in your box, son. I am American with Dutch Germanic heritage.

>> No.14987940
File: 428 KB, 856x1141, tss--44af3ef247ac58cf6c6d5a7f8757216d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my pic but i own a similar patch anyone else got patches that are to edgy to justify putting on your jacket?

>> No.14987947

Very common picture dude, wouldn't say it's edgy. Never seen a patch of it, pretty cool although not many normies would even work it out from the patch what it is.

>> No.14987949


>> No.14987953

>claims to be better than me
>my name
im not a tripfag so yes im better than you
>dutch heritage
Ben blij dat je familie opgekankerd is uit ons land vieze tyfus flikker je bent het niet waard

>> No.14987957
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>> No.14988033

Honestly dude your politics are pretty based and we'd probably be friends irl, but your persistent denial about the appalling state of your appearance is cringe and off-putting.

>> No.14988099
File: 421 KB, 680x680, 1aa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

may god protect us from this hell spawn

>> No.14988211

>Pride used in the context of black pride, gay pride, trans pride, etc. is not a statement of being "proud" simply for being born that way, but a statement that they are not to be ashamed of being born that way.
There is nothing wrong with being black. People are born black. People are not born as fags or self-mutilating crossdressers. Those are abominable lifetstyles that human beings rightfully feel shame about in their natural state.

>There are many countries in which LGBT people are regularly murdered simply for being LGBT.
And what about it?

>Implicit, explicit, and institutionalized racism (gerrymandering, gentrification) and classism are rampant in the US.
I agree that classism is rampant in the United States, but this will always be so as long as the means of production are not collectively owned (read: nationalized). Gerrymandering, however, isn't inherently racist, and is quite a necessary tool to not end up with urban centers spreading their cancer to all rural areas.

>People who say "why can't we have white/straight pride?" are either nearly always saying so in bad faith or are so out of touch with this information and do not grasp the general comparative advantage they have over minorities. You do not need white pride or straight pride, because there is no one trying to kill you, outlaw your presence, force you out of your job or your home, disown you, etc. for being those things.
People who say this usually do so in response to human trash attempting to deconstruct moral social behavior. They can clearly see X is wrong, so when Group A attempts to push acceptance of X, they respond by pushing acceptance of Y (the opposite in this case).
I don't see white pride as a good thing either, but it is mostly a response to the bashing of white people, which is present, though not omnipresent, on most social media platforms and within all traditional media.

>> No.14988213

>There is nothing wrong with being white. There is nothing wrong with being straight. But there is something wrong with co-opting "pride" and twisting its purpose to intentionally-- or unintentionally through ignorance-- obscure the point of what it stands for for the rights, social acceptance, and community bonding of people who are less fortunate than you because of how many members of the majority treat them.
This entirely disregards morality. It is morally neutral to be white, black or straight. These are healthy and natural, part of the human condition. Being a sodomite or a crossdresser is a reprehensible lifestyle choice, and one that people are rightly condemned for. Trying to conflate this kind of poison with anti-racism is nothing more than subversive anti-black poison, you are spreading the problems white communities are already plagued by to black communities, which are often also economically worse off and thus less able to support themselves whilst also engaging in this kind of depraved hedonism.

>> No.14988226
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>> No.14988780

You are new Dutch, not real Dutch like me. Get over it.

>persistent denial about the appalling state of your appearance

How do you mean friend? What have I denied? I'm not a model yes, I know that.

I bet you saved me to your "special" folder for those cold nights.

>> No.14988811

Slightly related, any recommendations on non-larpy jackets that it's cool to put patches on? Are bombers really the only "normal" option?

>> No.14988818

Rent free.

>> No.14988828
File: 725 KB, 681x627, battle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A trve battle jacket isn't larpy, maybe you are just not cut out to be a warrior

>> No.14988830

Please tell me about the advantage a poor white trailer trash american has over a nigger that’s gone to private school. I’m sure his white skin helped him get into college.... oh wait, there are scholarships only accessible to minorities? There was a nigger president. Nigs are doing just fine. Blame their handlers if you want to whine about anybody.
And there are people trying to force whitey out of places where whitey ought to be. Fuck off you delusional cunt

>> No.14988844

Based Cecil, would share beer with

>> No.14988849

>race is entirely superficial
That’s where you’re wrong kiddo

>> No.14988864

Is that snuus pouches my dude?

>> No.14988867

Lol no, it's just a bit of cheese

>> No.14988918

hey dude, why do you have the SS bolt patch ?

>> No.14989030
File: 607 KB, 814x474, boots n braces.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Futhark sun runes bro, yeah sure the SS used the symbol but they had good intentions.

Wearing boots and braces today!

>> No.14989056

>yeah sure the SS used the symbol but they had good intentions.
do you hate the jews anon ?

>> No.14989076

I don't hate a jew for being a jew. I do not think it is right there are many, many times over represented though via nepotism. I think it's wrong they hold the most power over the most powerful tools that can influence a nation such as the media.

Why people are not allowed to do that in their own nations and yet Jews. It would be like non-Jews being massively over represented in Israel which would never be allowed.

Europeans struggled and built nations and today peoples ancestors went through that to hand it down but Jews turned up to most places about 100 years ago when all the work was done and reaped the benefits of it and now stand in the most privileged positions.

I hate the fact Jews play at being white when it suits them so following that logic, the holocaust was a white genocide but when that is said, they then claim to be a separate and distinct group.

Whites are not allowed to be 10% over represented but when it comes to Jews, 400% is fine.

There is such an unbalance.

>> No.14989081
File: 101 KB, 960x900, photo_2020-02-05_14-29-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14989085

I look nothing like that though. I'm bald, not a skinhead. I don;'t have any tattoos or piercings. Nor do I advocate any form of violence. Do you have any better argument?

>> No.14989087

Are there patches on the back?
Front patches are too cluttered on the front, why not distribute them more around the vest?

>> No.14989099

Nah dude the back is empty right now, I will probably add more patches at a later date, just need to find cool patches

>> No.14989100

You are a disgrace to the Fascist movement.

>> No.14989104

A very friendly one, may I say.

>> No.14989105
File: 59 KB, 500x365, sarcopatch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get this one on your back. If you never heard of the band, get a listen. Classic

>> No.14989107
File: 1.10 MB, 1101x630, black doom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf did you say to me you little turd?

I look metal as hell here

>> No.14989109

I remember seeing pictures of you with makeup. What was that all about Cecil ?

>> No.14989115

Looks pretty damn sweet

>> No.14989117
File: 525 KB, 831x466, cecelia3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol. That was me screwing around putting on makeup and then pretending to people I was a tranny now

>> No.14989125

ok that makes sense. these pics get posted up quite a bit. why do you namefag if you don't mind me asking ? why not remain anonymous ?

>> No.14989138
File: 383 KB, 797x468, cecelia2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I think anon on other boards is fine but when people are giving advice here about things that can have a big impact irl like how you are dressed, anon doesn't make it so great. You have anon telling people this is bad, this is good and who is behind that? Judging by the fa meetups it's likely someone who looks like total shit.

I just like to be responsible for what I post and like in this thread, regarding patches I post my own to show real experience, it would be maybe more odd if I posted myself as anon like it's some random dudes photos.

>> No.14989141

Cecil in corpse paint???

>> No.14989145
File: 244 KB, 564x440, cecelia5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yes. Am I pretty? :3

>> No.14989151

fair point. do you ever get into trouble because of your racist patches ?

>> No.14989160

Nope, well, not really. I get people staring and whispering. Bear in mind Seattle is super left and liberal. Not that I am tall either, I think it's probably because they think I am some crazy looking dude who will pull out a weapon.

>> No.14989689
File: 105 KB, 1900x1261, 1566411221103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Id rather be cecil-posting desu

>> No.14989800

anyone got the aloegarten patches from ages ago ?

>> No.14989858
File: 327 KB, 700x1690, 098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14989956


>> No.14989992

A privilege is not something the society owe you and will give you the day you're born. It's more like a handicap you won't experience.

You're talking about a poor white vs a black going to private school. The fact that the white doesn't experience racism if he is in a white community doesn't mean he will be accepted in a private school and will have a good job, because he's poor.

The privilege of being white in a white community doesn't grant you anything else than the privilege of being white.

>> No.14990196 [DELETED] 

The concept of white privilege is dumb. If you follow that logic you would have to apply Japanese privilege to the average Japanese as white people and other races are treated different there. The same would apply for China and many other places in the world.

We never hear those terms though. At best you could label black people and other non-whites in a white majority county as disadvantaged.

But we don't do that, we use the term "white privilege" basically to attack and shut down anyone based on their race of being white. It's simply used as a tool to browbeat whites. Just scream "white privilege" at them every single time.

Once more, as above, following that logic a white can scream Japanese privilege at Japanese people every time something does not go right for them. Something you'll never hear.

The white privilege is just simply anti-white racism. It's become a mainstream term as those it has any actual legitimacy when it's origins come from a radical New York feminist, Peggy McIntosh, who is also a misandrist.

>> No.14990201 [DELETED] 

The concept of white privilege is dumb. If you follow that logic you would have to apply Japanese privilege to the

average Japanese as white people and other races are treated different there. The same would apply for China and

many other places in the world.

We never hear those terms though. At best you could label black people and other non-whites in a white majority

country as disadvantaged.

But we don't do that, we use the term "white privilege" basically to attack and shut down anyone based on their race

of being white. It's simply used as a tool to browbeat whites. Just scream "white privilege" at them every single


Once more, as above, following that logic a white can scream Japanese privilege at Japanese people every time

something does not go right for them. Something you'll never hear.

The white privilege is just simply anti-white racism. It's become a mainstream term as though it has any actual

legitimacy when its origins come from a radical New York feminist, Peggy McIntosh, who is also a misandrist.

>> No.14990205

The concept of white privilege is dumb. If you follow that logic you would have to apply Japanese privilege to the
average Japanese as white people and other races are treated different there. The same would apply for China and many other places in the world.

We never hear those terms though. At best you could label black people and other non-whites in a white majority country as disadvantaged. But we don't do that, we use the term "white privilege" basically to attack and shut down anyone based on their race of being white. It's simply used as a tool to browbeat whites. Just scream "white privilege" at them every single time.

Once more, as above, following that logic a white can scream Japanese privilege at Japanese people every time something does not go right for them. Something you'll never hear.

The white privilege is just simply anti-white racism. It's become a mainstream term as though it has any actual legitimacy when its origins come from a radical New York feminist, Peggy McIntosh, who is also a misandrist.

>> No.14990475

lol @ seething kohlkanker

>> No.14990670

>If you follow that logic you would have to apply Japanese privilege to the
>average Japanese as white people and other races are treated different there.
Glad you understood what I was saying.

>We never hear those terms though
You took Japan for example, expatriates or foreigners feel very quickly that they are treated differently, most of the time they call that racism, xenophobia or japanese culture. It depends on what they've experienced and how much they know the said culture, or where they do come from (French people are usually highly thought of Japanese people and vice versa).

>But we don't do that, we use the term "white privilege" basically to attack and shut down anyone based on their race of being white.
I know you have a really big problem of communication and comprehension in the USA, your mainstream medias are even more fucked up than ours in Europe. Sorry about that, but calm down and stop being a victim for a second. Focus on what you have.

>Once more, as above, following that logic a white can scream Japanese privilege at Japanese people every time something does not go right for them. Something you'll never hear.
Yeah, they could. But the fact that they don't do it (or we don't hear about it) doesn't mean than Japanese people don't have privileges compared to foreigners, expatriates or hāfu.
Those privileges doesn't mean either that as a foreigner you can't live a successful life (whatever it is) in another country. It will just be more difficult for you for a certain period of time.