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File: 124 KB, 1280x720, stillnotachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14985510 No.14985510 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14985534

he lost weight

>> No.14985541

His chin went a bit foward.

That looks kinda shopped tho

>> No.14985543

its called plastic surgery

>> No.14985774

Obviously lost weight. I remember a doctor told me, if you want your jawline to look better 100% lose weight and it’ll at the very least look different and better.

>> No.14985780
File: 475 KB, 824x580, mew jaw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 days of mewing. How am I looking lads?

>> No.14985785
File: 80 KB, 1024x1024, 1580861306806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im skinny as hell and my jawline doesn't show, it's only genetics

>> No.14986066

Skinny is different than lean

>> No.14986078

Jutting > Mewing

>> No.14986110

>Don't forget to just rewrite your genetics bro lmao

>> No.14986736

It worked for me significantly as a teenager, but in my experience mewing is basically useless once you're fully grown. The whole point is to direct the development of the face in a certain direction. Still a good way to practice good posture though.

>> No.14986749

The fuck is "mewing"

>> No.14986822
File: 3.49 MB, 1242x2208, 7343AECD-D7D2-49F8-92D7-254FFCE8710F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From Laos so sorry on enlglosh

Am chad?

>> No.14987849


I have been mewing with full attention and focus for around three weeks now. These three weeks have mainly been dedicated to me finding the correct tongue posture, which has been found and corrected time and time again through trial and error. I even had to go to an orthodontist at one point who told me my tongue was too far forward, but encouraged me to continue and took photos of my teeth telling me to come back in 4 months to see what has happened. In these last three weeks, my mum has told me my face has widened, I now have a side of my face which never existed before, both jawlines showing, I only breath through my nose (even when exercising), my palette has significantly widened -- so much so that when I smile I can see my back teeth which were never visible before, my teeth also somehow look straighter, my cheek bones have risen. I feel good seeing the results. I must admit though I have just finished university and returned home to my parents where I have had the time to go and stand in front of the mirror and look to see where the muscles have been moving around on my face. It's sort of like sculpting your face if done correctly, but I have had some scary moments in the last few weeks when my posture has not been good and my face had adjusted in incorrect ways. All in all though, I am over the moon with the results and can not believe that it has only been three weeks and I am seeing such progress. Once again, I have had the time to dedicate essentially my life to mewing, which is becoming a part of who I am now, and hopefully forever! I cannot wait to see the future results. I encourage everyone to mew, as it is our natural position, but also implore everyone to do the relevant research, as small details make tremendous effects. There is a great subreddit on mewing. Best of luck to all!

>> No.14987856

also, I am 22 and 1/2 and have started mewing properly as I said three weeks ago. Don't listen to anyone who says it is too late. It is the natural and healthy and proper position of our tongue and face. Do it and see the benefits, even if it takes years. It will make you feel good, and confident. Once again, I am hard mewing for up to eight hours a day and soft mewing the rest of the time. I can literally hear my teeth move sometimes, but all in the correct way. My face has changed significantly. Do your research!

>> No.14987867
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>> No.14987895

>see this thread
>realize I was already mewing
I'm doing it automatically now

>> No.14987931

much sexy
me likey

>> No.14987962

I'll do you one better, that's just the default way I am at rest and have been my whole life.

>> No.14987983

That means you developed good posture as a kid, I had to learn how to nose breath properly bc of childhood allergies. feelsbadman

>> No.14988228

this shit really helped me, but maybe it's just because I grew up and my chin fixed itself

>> No.14988229

You look like a worm

>> No.14988783

I am only at day 4 of mewing. 2 weeks from now and you'll be wanting to be a copy of me.

>> No.14988812

Psuedoscience, the guy who made it even says it's meant for children not adults

>> No.14988942

You got potential

>> No.14988971

Mew's pretty clear its meant for adults
he uses stroke victims are proof jawbones can change from muscle use (or lack of muscle use) even in adulthood
but it still might be psuedoscience

>> No.14990096
File: 66 KB, 157x143, Ceco;DraleomSeatt;e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this namefag is not being ironic
>he's beyond fucked in terms of looks
>also owns a bit-chute account
Remember, don't use alias' my friend. Especially with a name that sticks out like a sore thumb, on multiple accounts.

>> No.14990119
File: 9 KB, 235x214, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck he actually does look exactly like a worm

>> No.14990120

U don’t look Asian, you just be part french

>> No.14990301
File: 478 KB, 480x247, IMG_4281.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long do you have to mew per day?

>> No.14990311

Mewing only works in children when the facial skeleton isn’t fully developed. After the age of 12, orthognathic surgery is the only way.

>> No.14990327

Im 18 yo and I've been mewing for 5 months. I look better and I cant wait to see my future self. Also exercising is easier because I can breathe with my nose now lol.

>> No.14990688

lol he has a gangstalking video he’s actually schizophrenic holy shit

>> No.14990726

have you heard of the high elves?