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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 187 KB, 828x1017, 11BFD04B-52B9-4D6C-84A8-60F6C4A78D44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14972955 No.14972955 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14972962
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>> No.14972977
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>> No.14972986
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What haircut should I get? Wanna try something new

>> No.14972997
File: 43 KB, 640x640, 493bc538a1c50d4f3ec5635b103a9f49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only right choice

>> No.14973001 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14973003
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>steals your GF or wife in your laughable hitler youth cut

>> No.14973008

faps guiltily to our lord and saviour humbly bathing himself at twilight in the lake in the woods at the edge of town

>> No.14973281
File: 3.27 MB, 3006x3298, 20200129_170435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do i do with my hair

>> No.14973399

wtf do i do when i have a widows peak AND a big forehead? i've tried buzzcut but i didn't like it and i can't be wearing a hat every single day. at least my hairline isn't receding but i still don't like showing my forehead. any ideas for a haircut? i'm desperate

>> No.14973405
File: 151 KB, 1024x1024, 20200131_115711-COLLAGE~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should i buzz? I'm tired of taking care of my shitty hair and I wanna see how it looks on me. Don't know if i have a good face for it

>> No.14973506

looks good

>> No.14973509

I have unibrown. Should I shave the middle or not?

>> No.14973530

Just pluck it

>> No.14973531

I think you'd look good

>> No.14973533

You come over and blow me, dont even have to tie it up

>> No.14973547

sex outside marriage is a sin

>> No.14973585

I’m married, it’s okay

>> No.14973626

im not

>> No.14973645

girl (MALE) ?

>> No.14973764
File: 256 KB, 828x1024, A8763083-2FD1-49F1-90B3-1DF396466F9F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I fucked face wise and hair wise

>> No.14973766
File: 196 KB, 820x1164, D99E7A56-5C45-43E1-859A-3CAA0723D793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slicked back

>> No.14973787

Doesn’t sound very /fa/ or trad of you

>> No.14973789

Start mewing last year

>> No.14973791


>> No.14973793


>> No.14973802

1 start mewing unironically, its not actually going to help that much you'll improve your posture a lot and probably make you look less slack jawed.
2 Also loose weight, the extra fat isnt helping anything
3 You have a huge overbite that could probably be helped with braces
4 beard are for fags but you desperately need one, grow out whatever you have if it fills in okay

>> No.14973813

whats a good haircut for super curly hair? i dont want no jewfro. think seth rogen type hair

>> No.14973819

yeah your incel tier

>> No.14973822

you are*

>> No.14973825

Tempted to post for actual advice since my hair grew in a fair enough amount from a buzz, but didn’t get any advice but to get /fit/ when posting older pictures to see if someone could think of a cut that frames me face well. Is there a program that lets you put pic of face in and try different hairstyles? There should be

>> No.14973831
File: 179 KB, 828x1118, CBFBFEE4-B8F3-42F4-8AE9-367A208181EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been mewing since the summer. Also I’m actually skinny body wise. I’m considered underweight. The reason my face looks fat is because my really bad overbite. There’s no support from my bottom jaw since it’s so far back which causes my face to become shorter and look like it’s sagging. I’ve already been to an oral surgeon. Braces won’t help. Surgery would cost me about 60k which I don’t have. I also look more disgusting with a beard.

Pic of my overbite for reference. My bottom set of teeth sit behind my top row.

>> No.14973839

Just love yourself, but cut your hair short cause the receded chin and overbite plus long greasy hair, forward neck
That signals danger signs, don’t take it too hard. Just buzz it off and get as big as you possibly can.

>> No.14973840

Believe it or not I’ve had a few gfs over the years and hooked up a few times as well. Even though I fucking hate the way I look and want to kilo myself every time I look in the mirror I’ve still had success either with girls with similar Interests as me or going to the club and meeting girls in person. I’ve never had success on tinder though because it’s all based on looks

>> No.14973851

Based and better than me king, like solomon says, all is vanity

>> No.14973887
File: 105 KB, 400x472, B695320F-E9AB-4EBE-ADC7-CA9BB1AE2914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically you could pull off the slick back if you cleaned it up a bit in the back and dressed nicely like in a suit. Also better posture like other anon was saying. I vision you as mix between Patrick Bateman and reviewbrah

>> No.14973888

I cant tell with anyone these days.

>> No.14973893

Take test and work out more, a fuller short beard woud fix your problem.

>> No.14973895
File: 182 KB, 1238x863, image0 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I fucked face wise and hair wise

>> No.14973905
File: 166 KB, 1200x1200, B743CCB4-A56C-42F0-90A8-85D61BB522E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just make music and have the CIA shill for you bro

>> No.14973912


Get a short, more masculine haircut and you won't look like an anime side-character

Bonus if you get a beard later on to compensate for weak jaw like me

>> No.14973961

You look like a /fa/g if that’s what you’re going for desu

>> No.14973990

Holy fuck kys hahahahahahaha. These are the people giving you fashion advice fucking kek. Just off yourself. There’s no hope for you hahahahaha

>> No.14973998

bad day at work, anon?

>> No.14974060

No haircut will save him. I’m doing him a favor. So fucking ugly it hurts hahahahaha. He needs to retire himself from the gene pool

>> No.14974106
File: 1.67 MB, 2730x3640, 47E70983-E44A-467D-84A9-6E8F5EF6D929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven’t had a haircut in a few months, and my hair’s gone full Bateman again. I’m going to the barber tomorrow, any ideas for something medium length to short?

>> No.14974113
File: 156 KB, 960x1280, BFC23F0C-5073-437D-94FA-06F69ED8944D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros is my hair fucked? I literally just wanted the typical short back and sides with a shaved parting line combed over, you know like one of the most practical and fairly common hair styles ever.

Instead he refused to put the parting line in and just chopped up the side part of my hair

>> No.14974120

i like ur hair as it is, u could go for the classic hitler youth but im not sure it would suit u

>> No.14974121

iPhone covering chins and can’t discern eyes. Your hair is fine as it is though. Clean your mirror P

>> No.14974122


>> No.14974128

That’s sad king. Stay strong.

>> No.14974143
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>> No.14974147
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>> No.14974151
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>> No.14974160
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>> No.14974174

buzz would unironically look good on ur face

>> No.14974204
File: 19 KB, 360x450, 22_top25greatestvillains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well...not bad at all.

>> No.14974211

Tom Holland?

>> No.14974244

>Take test
stop giving him advice that can fuck him up you retard

>> No.14974262

How would it fuck him up? I’m curious

I’m not the anon you’re replying too either

>> No.14974272

every hormone has a healthy range. Going above or below that range is not healthy, obviously.

>> No.14974287
File: 2.30 MB, 4740x3088, uglycuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aight, posted before, think this anon >>14973893
gave me same advice.
can i pull off middle part curtains w/ longer hair or is face too creepy? usually keep bangs like the right pic and hair trained to go right, until gets too long and need to cut, but I want to try a change from that. I have widows peak and very very thin hair. Also I know to get /fit/

>> No.14974289

if youre tested and have low test it shouldnt be harmful, plus i dont thinks docs hand out test like its oxy or estrogen

>> No.14974300

then you see why straight up saying someone to take testo is retarded

>> No.14974304
File: 32 KB, 678x452, images-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just watched the Kerzel Ned Kelly film, wasn't fantastic, but I have been left with a strong urge to get a similar mullet (I am Australian for reference)

>> No.14974307

well he shud git tested for test then

>> No.14974345

You could pull off a messier version of it. Would need to be cleanshaven with the hair down to maybe the middle the ears. Parting it aggressively or growing it too long would look weird on you imo

>> No.14974364

Thanks for input. I definitely want it for covering my ears and to keep hair out of eyes. But my hair is extremely fucking thin, what do you mean by messy exactly?
Also impossible for me to not have stubble on chin area for more than a couple hours

>> No.14974407

Just straighten it idk make a bun

>> No.14974410

Canthal tilt is kino
Nose is aesthetic
Hair is effay

>> No.14974458

i thought i have neutral or negative canthal tilt
anyway my hair is kinda longer at the back of my head so should i just get it cut to be in line with the rest of my hair? idk
straightening damages the hair

>> No.14974485

You have negative but negative is sad kino. Cutting the back even would be good, probably what you want to do I imagine. It wouldn’t hurt you at all

>> No.14974490

thanks :)

>> No.14974493

HAHA! No problem! Now m’lady ....allow me to spend some of my hard earned disability on your onlyfans(΄◉◞౪◟◉`)

>> No.14974495

Thoughts on buzzcuts? What kind of head do you need?

>> No.14974505
File: 2.51 MB, 2208x2944, 20200131_233533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I suit a buzz or nah? That's on 0 currently on like a 2

>> No.14974509

positive canthal tilt is required for an onlyfans account sorry fren

>> No.14974510

It really helps if you are either good-looking or masculine. Or both. Generally you should avoid it with a round face but I do have one and have always been told it looks great. Depends on a face, really. Also make sure your skull is evenly shaped

>> No.14974513

Eh not really, it's okay but you have a weird skull shape. If I were you I would go for a slickback

>> No.14974517

Grow it all out or just the top?

>> No.14974522

I feel like my hairline is too cucked for slickback

>> No.14974525

You would look good slicknacked even with that hairline.

You have another pic to show hairline better?

>> No.14974526

Simpblocked once again

>> No.14974534
File: 2.90 MB, 2208x2944, 20200131_234907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14974552

Buzz def doesn’t work. You got a big head. Agree with other poster, try the slick back

>> No.14974555

Looks good as is
Whats your styling routine?

>> No.14974560

Shall do, just gotta wait for it to grow back then

>> No.14974582

only face wise f.am

>> No.14974604
File: 307 KB, 1071x1421, hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this stupid hairline

>> No.14974612
File: 28 KB, 405x607, 7FE925AF-5883-46AE-90A5-5366C25E1D74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this, less uniform messy strands. Could be middleparted with product and slicked back or side parted when you're lazy. Hair gel or curl enhancer are good for volume.

>> No.14974615

LMAO you're good lucking though stop complaining

>> No.14974618

Gonna cut it tomorrow, accepting suggestions

>> No.14974627

You really think so, anon?
Thank you

>> No.14974629

ah yes
back when men used to look like men

>> No.14974635

Are you mixed? You look like you have good features, maybe grow your hair&moisturize and go full bruno mars

>> No.14974639

You remind me of Randy Stair.

>> No.14974654

>Are you mixed?
very little, my great grandma is brown, the rest are white
My hair/face looks good when wet and slicked back, but it's way too fucking hot here to keep the hair that big, unfortunately
Biggest problem in my opinion is the hairline, I think i'd look better with a normal one, right now it makes me look like a child, and I actually took some hairs out, it was slightly worse

>> No.14974663
File: 548 KB, 1426x1198, younger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's another photo of myself, taken years ago
look at the top left, the hairs coming out of my forehead

>> No.14974687

Aight, I’d do it longer to hide more of my face, but Leo seems to have fine hair like mine and doesn’t seem too spotty at that length either. Now just gotta not look like a criminal caste

>> No.14974693

Is that sarcasm? He looks like a kid lol

>> No.14974696

Of course that's sarcasm you fucking idiot

>> No.14974697

You wouldn’t know a king if angels flew you to his throne room as sits upon his throne gilded with gold and inlaid with the most beautiful of gems

>> No.14974703

you're just fat. lose weight

>> No.14974704
File: 36 KB, 474x600, AF32C58F-49BF-4843-80B0-47133B1F0AE7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea you looked pretty black in the other lol, I thought your hair was more nappy. I would seriously suggest growing it out, you probably have good curly/wavy hair if you take care of it. Your hairline isnt mature yet but the peak in the middle is good. Try pick rel maybe, tapered sides/back but keep the top growing out longer. You should try some hair moisturizers as well

>> No.14974711

Nothing at all, only product I use is shampoo, but it’s pretty irregular anyways since one day it’s curly and I really like how it looks, or it’s straight and I hate my appearance

>> No.14974723

Trim it so it doesn't look so much like a bob. You kind of look like an 80s Johnny Marr.

>> No.14974727

>Yea you looked pretty black in the other lol
kek, blame the camera and lightning
>I thought your hair was more nappy
I wash it every day, if I don't it gets somewhat greasy
>I would seriously suggest growing it out, you probably have good curly/wavy hair if you take care of it.
Yeah, it gets wavy, has a fuckton of volume too
>Your hairline isnt mature yet but the peak in the middle is good.
I hope it actually changes over time, but by the looks of it, wont. My father has basically the same hairline afaik
>Try pick rel maybe, tapered sides/back but keep the top growing out longer
Yeah, but I'd need to use some really strong stuff, my hair is a mess kek
Could you suggest another cuts as well? I'd say something on the more classic side (I know, my hairline wouldn't help, but still)
And thank you for your feedback, anon

>> No.14974728

Your next haircut should be trimming your fucken unibrow. Shitty picture quality but i can still see that shit

>> No.14974737

Fucking based

>> No.14974746
File: 580 KB, 540x650, f3f7aa4bc1015646736596d3ab777efe[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's this cut called?

>> No.14974750

Short on the sides, long on the top, medium on the back. Or just show the barber this picture

>> No.14974753
File: 1.08 MB, 3216x1528, 20200119_190400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I do?

>> No.14974762

how's the hairline? (assuming it's really you in the pic)

>> No.14974768

Why wouldn’t it be him? It’s a sideways selfie phonepost

>> No.14974770

>braces won't help
bullshit, braces with bands and then nightly retainer will fix your overbite by 80%+. also work on correcting your forward head posture and learn how to shave properly; your skin looks fucked from a bad razor or poor shaving technique (single mother household?) you need to learn to style your hair and consider products so it looks less dull.

no doubt you look rough but all your issues minus the overbite can be fixed in a short space of time with the right knowledge

>> No.14974778
File: 834 KB, 1428x1317, 20200131_195302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hairline? I haven't gotten it cut in a few months. I need to get it cut again but not sure what to do.

>> No.14974793
File: 3.62 MB, 828x1792, 916E7A60-5D21-44D7-902C-2C3A01764217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I buzzpill

>> No.14974801
File: 111 KB, 520x1040, G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I shave or leave it considering the grey shade I get after it?

>> No.14974810

pull your hair back, so it doesn't cover your forehead/temples

>> No.14974835
File: 584 KB, 500x279, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shave the sides and grow it out. Also get swole.

>> No.14974883

I'll give it a shot

>> No.14974902
File: 66 KB, 735x726, 16A0D34F-A6AB-4222-9B6A-8320DDE7724D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to try shampooing less, somebody with thick bushy hair and black ancestry shouldn't have to wash everyday- try washing with conditioner only or every other day and running some hair gel through right out of the shower. Maybe do the tiktok curly hair undercut thing idk, could look really good.

>> No.14974910

I have hair like the guy in your pic but I feel like it never looks good in real life. I'll style it in the mirror but then catch myself in a reflection and i'll look like if Kramer got caught in a hurricane. It's summer where I am and the humidity makes it do ridiculous things too. But then people say they like my hair, I can't tell if they're just being polite but it looks like a rats nest to me most of the time.

>> No.14974913
File: 134 KB, 640x1136, 1937471A-5A1E-4A3D-ABF7-54A6E9738A44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I should have said only braces wouldn’t help. I’ve talked with my dentist, an orthodontist, and oral surgeon. Since my teeth are already straight on top and bottom, jaw surgery is all I need to fix my bite. However they need to put braces on you before surgery. Normally it would be two years but since my teeth are good I would only have to do 3 to 6 months of braces. Then I’d have jaw surgery where they would cut my bottom jaw on both sides shifting it forward and securing it in place with metal brackets. I’ve talked with others that have gone through surgery. Most of them lost feeling in the lower half off the face since the nerve is usually cut when cutting the jaw bone. After surgery you keep the braces on for about 6 months while your jaw and face heals. That would be the process for me. Sadly I don’t have the money right now.

Also my hair only looks like shit right now because I need a haircut really bad. It’s middle of winter and I wear a beanie everyday so my hair was sweaty and had beanie hat hair when I took that pic. Also harsh lighting from my lamp. Posture I know I need to work on and skin. I always have trouble shaving my neck area.

Here’s a pic of me from a few months ago with a haircut and how I usually style it.

I’m not lol. Like I said my overbite doesn’t give enough support for the front of my face. This causes your cheeks to sag and you develop almost jowls.

>> No.14974925

Stop wearing beanie or you’ll exacerbate insecurity with traction alopecia

>> No.14974955
File: 158 KB, 828x1382, 616EEFC8-A4D8-4E3C-8D12-7E939A0249CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work at a ski resort. I wear them to keep my head and ears warm.

Here’s another pic of my hair shorter and brushed to the side. My face isn’t even that bad. I think I look better from the front and smiling. My face just looks fucked when I close my mouth fully and you see my profile

Pic is terrible quality because it’s from insta and I had to zoom in and crop others out

>> No.14974958

Boy or girl? Honestly can’t tell

>> No.14974959

I have similar hair and always get compliments when its puffy/all over the place, I think people are just interested that hair can even curl/sit like that lmao

>> No.14974966

You legit look really good from the front bro, seriously. I would suggest longer hair that comes down more out in the front, maybe an undercut.

>> No.14974968

post a straight side profile pic, like directly from the side. Its hard to recommend styles without seeing that

>> No.14974983

These are me/my side profile. >>14973764
Like I said it’s winter and I wear a beanie everyday so I haven’t had a haircut in a few months. Going to get one this weekend

>> No.14974991

When are you gonna get your shit together and start running OOT again, Cosmo?

>> No.14974993

Just get some Wahl's clippers and do it yourself, Chad. Your current hair looks like my first try at worst. It's not that hard

>> No.14975055
File: 276 KB, 1100x1341, IMG_20200120_125204711_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I need more opinions, this is how my hair looks on a good day, should I get a buzz?

>> No.14975059
File: 81 KB, 736x1106, 1518193542053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how to get hair like this

>> No.14975063
File: 589 KB, 658x654, 1523287092507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep growing it long to like this length/slightly above shoulders

>> No.14975068
File: 75 KB, 1080x1080, 11374548_860462704040890_865803702_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another example

>> No.14975069
File: 80 KB, 640x893, 1506567189664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14975074

Ty Anon, I'll try it

>> No.14975091
File: 543 KB, 3840x1080, imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-l3iHxuKVb7YF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks great anon

Did I fuck up by cutting my hair? Been really depressed and miss the muscle grunge aesthetic

>> No.14975096

Looks good on you. im the Anon you were replying to and I'll get a buzz bc I never got one and I want to see how it looks on me
Also when you're fit and you live in a place where you can show you body I don't think you should worry much about your hair. Just go shirtless and your body will take much of the attention

>> No.14975102

Meant to say you shouldn't worry much about your hair

>> No.14975108

I agree, just going to lose a tiny bit more bf% so I appear v lean, get a tan and I should be good. I'll miss the long hair but t b h from the side and back profile short hair on me looks better because I have a decently big head. Also, I think you could rock a buzz, you give me joji but a bit better looking vibes.

>> No.14975110

we all will merge into one giant human titan one day

>> No.14975112

i think you pull off the long hair but that the short hair is better IMO idk why you're pulling that face though

>> No.14975114

I think you need to check out your eyes and nose
It looks weird to me

>> No.14975115

was nodding and felt manic enough to take multiple pics, didn't know what I was doing kek

>> No.14975155

yeah you look good from the front but your side profile is unfortunate. save up or start a gofundme or some shit to get that jaw surgery

>> No.14975161

i think your hair is hot ;-;

>> No.14975168


>> No.14975170
File: 115 KB, 289x284, hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i tell the barber i want this

>> No.14975178

I want hair like either of these two:


>> No.14975303


>> No.14975307
File: 89 KB, 604x680, EE7xZZJU4AAQE-k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I get hair like pic related?
I have dark THICC hair.
I want dark wavey hair. Hair with soul.
I'll reply with a pic of my hair

>> No.14975308

I've been growing my hair out for 6 months but if this girl I'm with ghosts me then I'm going to take the buzzpill and do drugs until I die. Fuck, please don't ghost me. I need you.

>> No.14975309
File: 2.09 MB, 3136x4224, IMAG0014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just woke up

>> No.14975310
File: 895 KB, 2255x1949, IMG_20200201_101317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of cuts do you think I could rock? I'm thinking of just leaving it be, or maybe trim it a bit so it looks a bit sharper

>> No.14975317

Your hair is to short, grow it out.
Also, when I went to school, a fuckboy used to tell me how he did his hair. He had thin, very flat hair. He just used a big amount of products, like volume-shampoo etc.
My guess would be: grow it out and use a hair-straightener to give your hair waves. Maybe some fitting product. Just ask your hairdresser for advice.

>> No.14975323

grow top out, sea salt spray for the waves, lightweight wax to keep it up

>> No.14975327

thanks for the adv
my mom is a "hairdresser" (not rly a professional one) so myb we have some product like that at home. I'll check it out

>> No.14975332

sea salt spray? never heard of it. I'll see if we have some. should I use shampoo? and how many times a week should I use the sea salt spray

>> No.14975344

shampooing too much is bad for ur hair every 2 or 3 days, look for tutorials on yt for wavy hair and sea salt spray. also don't bother when ur hair is still so short it'll just look weird

>> No.14975363

alright tnx

>> No.14975402

plucking is better than shaving for unibrows. Do you want stubble over your nose?
>I also look more disgusting with a beard
I don't believe you. Just keep it 5-10 mm long, don't grow a long nasty hobobeard which needs to be meticulously washed and oiled every day and shit

>> No.14975406

He definitely cannot grow one

>> No.14975409
File: 176 KB, 754x1080, IMG_20200201_104128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I cut it above my shoulders? I think it can look adorable but I'm not sure

>> No.14975412

No and dilate

>> No.14975424

let me smell it pls

>> No.14975426

my hair?

>> No.14975427


was trying to be funny

>> No.14975428
File: 12 KB, 236x306, ce692d78aff3cd117fc28f32608958be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you can get it to be all messy like pic related then go for it

>> No.14975433
File: 2.99 MB, 4032x3024, 20200201_110034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o im autistic sorry
it smells like this :)

>> No.14975434
File: 433 KB, 1112x1400, IMG_20200201_105026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took a picture of the top of my head. Didn't realise how bad it was getting.

If I grow it out and comb it back will it cover my thinning patch or should I just shave it off?

>> No.14975438

I’m >>14975091 . Would you let me sniff and lick your hair for a few dollars?

>> No.14975440

Finasteride dermaroller nizoral and minoxidil NOW

>> No.14975444

licking is bad for hair health, anon

>> No.14975449

I'll look into it thanks anon

>> No.14975457

Based trips, I want to take chopsticks to your beautiful khazar hair twisting away as I sniff and bring your beautiful locks up to my lips and slurp away, I wouldn’t hurt you, I would move ever so slowly, taking my sweet sweet time. Whispering sweet nothings into your art hoe brain. Oh god my hearts gonna coom.

>> No.14975466
File: 42 KB, 494x654, cffc46cdfd37bea846e3f0637007501b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

advice on getting a perm as an asian male? something like pic related. I find a lot of barbers/hairdressers are generally incompetent with asian hair where I live, not sure I can trust their perm services.

>> No.14975468

Why do retarded questions like this get asked go to an expensive stylist and show a picture dicklet

>> No.14975471
File: 573 KB, 1878x956, 1580543532630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is it called if you put your hair back but purposely let a few strains hang down your face in a curly fashion?

>> No.14975475

Why does she look different. She looks cuter than she usually does

>> No.14975488

easy, ask someone with good hair where they get it done

>> No.14975495
File: 302 KB, 1200x738, Disneyland+rey_bb7a67_7251022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because that's not the film actress, it's the girl which greets you at Disneyland. (Which doesn't have such a long face and gum.)

Anyway, you haven't answered my question.

>> No.14975514
File: 301 KB, 1073x516, SmartSelect_20200201-121132_Pinterest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmmmm noodles

>> No.14975601

Do you have discord

>> No.14975641

Juat buzz it if you can

>> No.14975642

Buzz would look chad af

>> No.14975644

Nothing, you are cute af

>> No.14975648

Either way would look good

>> No.14975658

Looks good the way it is

>> No.14975671

I don't know, if people ask how to change something up, one shouldn't reply to leave it because it looks good anyway.
I don't think it's about looking good, I think it's about changing things up.
Drawing isn't about drawing pretty pictures either.

>> No.14975675
File: 63 KB, 511x604, 9da479d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need to win a genetic lottery in facial aesthetics to give solid advice on fashion

>> No.14975728


>> No.14975756

Am I being fucking trolled? Literally goes from a 2/10 to an 8/10

>> No.14975770

concert to Judaism, wear yarmulke

>> No.14975773
File: 94 KB, 970x546, beans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are trolling him, he looks like beans

>> No.14975812


Dont buzz. Keep as is or grow your hair longer

>> No.14975826

Hey this is a safe space where we talk up average people

>> No.14975832

ok my bad

>> No.14976019

post face

>> No.14976026

you show them the picture retard

>> No.14976178
File: 173 KB, 700x596, 1FD2CD41-2494-42EA-BC7A-4E04F04EA099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s what a good haircut can do to your appearance. I had long hair for most of my neet life and girls never talked to me. Cut my hair and girls actually seem interested now when I go out places in public. I have a gf now too. Before and after pic my mom took

>> No.14976192

Shave the stache

>> No.14976198

Still look creepy

>> No.14976199

looks like youre balding my dude

>> No.14976229

Shave and dress prep

>> No.14976247

get a chin implant(or grow a minoxidil beard), see a dermotologist about those scars, get in shape (I can tell you're out of shape based on your posture) and dress well. you're not fucked. you could always be 5'2 and bald. remember that.

>> No.14976251

100% you can pull it off

>> No.14976253

grow it out. you look like a PS2 character

>> No.14976259

Kekt n rekt, very BASED reply

>> No.14976260

ima say yes...

>> No.14976264

I like it longer. more /fa/. with short hair you good but a little too normie

>> No.14976268

keep it like that. any longer will look jewfro. any shorter won't show off your good hair enough

>> No.14976447

don't change anything

>> No.14976499

Here’s hoping. will be a while before I could grow it out, but I think I’m just gonna let my hair grow in from the buzz without getting a cut and see how it goes

>> No.14976719

hair fucked face is fine

>> No.14976903

Shave it off.

>> No.14976960

I’m 29. My hairline has been the same for basically the past decade. I’m not worried

>> No.14977020


>> No.14977035

Cursed with no eyebrows and negative canthal tilt. Could’ve been kino with strong brows and predator eyes

>> No.14977049

I have no idea what canthal tilt is but I can dye my eyebrows I guess

>> No.14977115

You look good dude
I have a very similar face to you, but I think yours is better

>> No.14977119

do u unironically believe negative canthal tilt can look good?

>> No.14977125

It can look good, just isn’t doing him any favors. He has a very strong face, having super light eyebrows isn’t helping and neither is a passive sleepy look in his eyes. Don’t think he doesn’t look good

>> No.14977151

It might just be the picture I can try and find a better one

>> No.14977152

Thanks dude

>> No.14977159
File: 2.21 MB, 828x1792, B782E0F9-3F13-42CE-A918-37DD14026ACF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t look as sleepy in this I think

>> No.14977164

Haha lol.

Just gonna grow the top I think

>> No.14977182

Okay looking good. But you should look meaner bro
If you’re gonna buzz like you want to try out, definitely darken your brows though unless you want full shave and wear a buddhist robe

>> No.14977191
File: 3.93 MB, 828x1792, 088B8E77-3A8D-46D6-882A-9DCC46147B41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My girlfriend drew them on once

>> No.14977193

When I ask for short at the sides, long at the top the barber always gives me blunt ends, which fall on top of my forehead and make it look like a mini bowl cut. Tired of looking goofy as fuck, what can i ask for to prevent this?

>> No.14977207
File: 343 KB, 1536x2048, 7DB6F603-4F02-4D0A-88AB-D825DFDAC256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to cope with a giant forehead and asymmetrical face?

>> No.14977209

>long hair is the problem

yeeeah, sure...

>> No.14977220

Your foreheads not that big
My chin is also asymmetrical cause of a pointed bone growth on the right side. I prob wouldn’t notice yours if I wasn’t so insecure about mine. Your face doesn’t seem terribly out of whack though. Low IQ chicks won’t notice, also selfie pictures exacerbate flaws and distort your face. People prob don’t notice in conversation with you or if they see you idle. Js

>> No.14977221
File: 406 KB, 1080x1920, Snapchat-874248704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14977226
File: 1.55 MB, 2516x3856, face - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been doing the short on sides little longer on top for awhile. Hair on top went thin in high school but has not changed since (5+ years). Mother and her mother both have very thin hair on top, father and his father both have great hair (fine but not thin). Male pattern baldness does not run in the senpai but looks like I got the thin on top gene. Time to go Picard, keep current, or something else?

>> No.14977228

Look better with them if the one eyebrow is anything to go by

>> No.14977231
File: 20 KB, 150x293, C3C581EE-F6D1-4EB8-8D3C-22CCAF0EF9CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pull one of these, make sure to keep the thinning part in the front. You need to own it

>> No.14977236

Do people tell you look like post malone?

>> No.14977239
File: 42 KB, 887x877, Screenshot_20190326-164923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep growing out cut? What hair products do you recommend? I just use curly shampoo and conditioner.

>> No.14977266 [DELETED] 

Based and Recoomepilled

>> No.14977268

Yes I get that, I'm still young so my beard can not fully grow in.

>> No.14977270

Thats Android 16 not recoome you pleb

>> No.14977272

How am I this much of a brainlet.
God fucking damn it.

>> No.14977289

You thought you were clever... I bet you were lurking /a/ for weeks just waiting to drop that one... thought you got lucky on /fa/? Heh, well you didn’t kiddo... you dun goofed

>> No.14977293

pls smile, you're too cute to be sad ;_;

>> No.14977309

pls be my bf

>> No.14977312

can someone post a good medium-length messy type of hairstyle? i wanna change it up since my hairstyle is short and i hate how it makes my face rounder

>> No.14977317

yor forehead is normal, ppl tell you it's big because you're short and they see it from above

>> No.14977436

you look like a british conan o brian

>> No.14977492

Do a pixie cut + date me

>> No.14977495
File: 196 KB, 798x1474, 04CDD2C6-3FC7-415C-96E0-A6CCF4FBCBC0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not trolling man

>> No.14977500
File: 601 KB, 940x529, MendezPromo2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haircuts that go well with a porn stache?

>> No.14977509

Xhes mine bro

>> No.14977834

i don't think a pixie cut would work on me, i like my hair longer. i thought maybe a bob but idk if it works with curly hair

>> No.14977864
File: 124 KB, 1200x675, DjdhsH7X4AApHxf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats this haircut called?And what clipper size would you use for the fade?

>> No.14977871

it's called the VERY indo-european haircut, any barbers will know it

>> No.14978223

Medium length hair and braces as soon as possible. the way your lips puff out is due to misplaced teeth and it makes your jaw look much worse than it is.

>> No.14978255

Dont change anon

>> No.14978388

I smile a lot, but not in front of a camera

>> No.14978442
File: 584 KB, 1538x2048, 121FD0A2-2B83-4D4C-8AFD-FE255BFA539D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to get my haircut on Saturday. Just imagine that I have a moustache. What haircut should I go for? Last cut was a bit above shoulder length. That was about one and a half years ago. Right now, I usually have it in a ponytail or in plaits because it’s too long to have out. I want to be able to just leave it out and not care

>> No.14978477
File: 518 KB, 1538x2048, A8F1CC1C-5FC8-48BC-9B97-F0CA0198DD64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another pic. Why not

>> No.14978518
File: 982 KB, 768x1024, 2CD114E9-0493-4B98-B0FB-03DE3E8971C3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of Adam Beach’s hairstyles

>> No.14978533

Your hairs complementary as is

>> No.14978671

Grow facial hair. You have a pic with facial hair?

I like the braids too. Are you Native American or nah?

>> No.14978687
File: 447 KB, 1536x2050, 6ABCA6A5-BF83-4695-B515-BB5FDF8E5987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a very old pic. Not sure what was going on at the time for me to let myself get like this. Look mental.
>native american
Nah, pajeet. I just really like willie nelson so I copied his hair. One of the reasons I actually grew long hair. Me and Willie actually share something in common but I won’t say what it is here just in case anyone I know browses this board. It’s unlikely but yh

>> No.14978702

Peak steve-o 10/10

>> No.14978706

Yeah that beard is too much. Maybe it shorter but not that long

>> No.14978720
File: 41 KB, 500x655, 245FF73A-0C2B-4D9E-9399-9DF12D964A2E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually hate beards. Moustaches are fine but if I let it get wild, it just looks stupid. I actually might just get it trimmed to just below my shoulders and get layers. Something like pic related but just less. Just imagine she has a ponytail or a single plait and some hair hanging out in front. That’s what I want. I could do that now if I wanted but my hair is kind of too long to just leave out like that. It just gets messy.

>> No.14978730

Mustaches are not fine. Especially if you’re an indian
Little pro-tip for you

>> No.14978733

Yh I know, they can make you look like you just got off a boat, but a beard just makes me look like a Muslim. Just a small moustache is fine. It’s either that or clean shaven for me.

>> No.14978746

Well especially since it seems you only have the circle beard. If you had full beard you can trim really short and would probably work. Do the trim just below shoulders like you intend, see if putting hair behind ears works for you. It would probably work better if you had full beard shaved down

>> No.14978762
File: 807 KB, 1365x2048, CE5A00BC-D1FA-49AC-A5D4-DD0D1BDD80B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hair behind ears
Yh I hate that. I’d rather have all my hair tied up. I might try a short full beard but I’m not too keen on beards in general. I find them to be very aggressive which isn’t what I’m going for. It works for some, but for a brown guy, it just looks very unkempt when coupled with long hair. Some white guys can pull it off

>> No.14978776
File: 109 KB, 642x361, 70233_0_wide_ver1516257395.jpg@642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this middle part going but lack corpsegrinders neck

>> No.14978828
File: 65 KB, 667x1000, MV5BMzkzMThkOGYtNzgwOS00MDU2LWE1NjMtMTJjNmEwM2FjYjhkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzQ0MDUyMzg@._V1_SY1000_SX667_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My 2019 "theme" if we'll call it that was not being so uptight like I was in 2018. So I made an effort to let my hair get longer (9 inches) and not worry so much about it looking perfect, as well as not wear only tight S E X C O R E stuff, so instead I wore more nicely fitted hoodies and joggers. It was a nice change of pace. However I also became really laid back, some for good, some for bad. I struggled making it anywhere on time. So for 2020 my theme is moderate control without overdoing it like 2018. Prepping meals for the week, scheduling things in advance, and maintaining a simple haircut. So I think I'm going with this. I just wonder if it won't look as nice without Justin Hartley's massive fucking chin. But if not it's short enough I can keep tweaking till I find something I like.

>> No.14978830
File: 213 KB, 1120x1494, 6ce89738d2b880eeafb67d85f1491b29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, didn't mean for that to turn into a blog post. Just wanted to explain the mentality I was going for and if any of you have goals or themes for this year

>> No.14978870
File: 15 KB, 220x229, mouthwatering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn a lot of cute androgynous people in this thread. I honestly can't tell what the fuck you are. All I know is I want to find out what's between your legs and then fuck your brains out

>> No.14978873

Shave it off. Don't listen to the fin shills. That's chemically castrating yourself and can lead to permanent side effects.

>> No.14978904
File: 101 KB, 816x816, hairr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iachievable with my hair?

>> No.14978936

Appears so. Just grow out and retrain your hair king

>> No.14978954

it'd call that a curly updo

>> No.14978959


>> No.14979016
File: 53 KB, 474x732, I fucking wish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna try and go for this

>> No.14979018

Your hair is fine. You do not need to buzz it. Just get some fiber or something but seriously that really isn't that bad. Just use matt wax instead of gel cus gel will highlight the bald spot. But seriously this is not worth buzzing over don't listen to teenagers

>> No.14979073
File: 259 KB, 828x1289, 30FDAF04-24A9-410F-85DC-E1EBDC02B119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could I pull off jet black hair

>> No.14979080

yeah probably, judging from half your face you're hot but maybe thats why we're only seeing half

>> No.14979084

Yes, jet black hair would look really good as you ride me
But in all seriousness you have fair skin, not super duper pale, but the contrast will be good
Light skin, light eyes. black hair will be good on you

>> No.14979087

Tbh I don't think it would look batter than your natural hair color.
But I like blondes so I have a bias.

>> No.14979091

it would add contrast to your head, as you're fair skinned and have those eyes. It could work. If you're not really sure about it, you can always use a temporary dye

it's a nice haircut and if you let it grow and maintain it, it could be another nice hairstyle. It's worth a try if you have the correct face of course.

>> No.14979137

Going to need full pic of your face to decide

>> No.14979280

pls be in california

>> No.14979310
File: 133 KB, 274x298, itachi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best haircut

>> No.14979342

post timestamp. i don't believe cuties like you post on this incel board

>> No.14979363

>implying I’m not volcel
Lol you sure made a fool of yourself

>> No.14979417
File: 359 KB, 971x1659, 67CE1CDF-FA0A-44D9-8324-1B73114C6739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My natural hair is the same. Do it. I never want to go back. Plus you’re pretty so you can pull off anything

>> No.14979428
File: 70 KB, 1080x2076, IMG_20200202_175418_630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's hard to see but thoughts?

>> No.14979453

Your eyes look dead, do you want to date me?

>> No.14979466

Pls brush your hair. It looks dead and like shit

>> No.14979498

What about shortening it + slick back, like Trinity from The Matrix

>> No.14979501

Quit tryna make a kino girl look autistic. She isn’t wearing a fucking leather suit

>> No.14979510 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 221x250, 1516895749249s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kino girl
I only care about the pursuit of aesthetics

>> No.14979515
File: 69 KB, 576x1024, 3CEB6C92-1A4B-4B64-948A-96D9EED7766F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I only care about aesthetics
>even though I have shitty taste

>> No.14979517
File: 8 KB, 221x250, 1516895749249s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kino girl

>> No.14979521
File: 27 KB, 220x220, 0EF5D36F-F6E3-4FA3-98DD-1A3898C84771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get simped on bad taste cuck

>> No.14979543

no thanks, id cover my face with my hair but its impractical because i stop being able to see

>> No.14979574
File: 91 KB, 970x636, side and back pics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any suggestions for a latino guy? Here's a side and back pictures of myself.
Both look good as is.
Damn bro you have it rough, but atleast you're white.
Also you have a blessed frontal view.
Tom Chaplin core. Face is alright, not a fan of the hair tho.
You have a chad core jawline. Buzz your stuff.
You won't go bald when you get older. Lucky.
Leave that shit on nigga
I had a friend in middle school who had that exact same hairstyle. Literally let it grow for like a year.
Triangle face shape = grow long hair.
Wife material. Let it grow below your hip.
It's not that bad, but that acne tho... damn.
Post Malone core.
Cut it just above the shoulders and let that beard grow out.
Can't see anything due to lighting.

>> No.14979606

Do the pompadour kek

>> No.14979614

Oof should i wait for it to grow more on the top?

>> No.14979622

Yes. Grow bangs for a while, keep em slick backed in a hat for now if you don’t like that look. Let your hair grow out for a while in gen. Since you’re Hispanic you can even get your shit faded and only channiggers will think it’s cringe.

>> No.14979669

Only if you have a full 1970s bush to go with it desu

>> No.14979694

You look like that tranny speedrunner.

>> No.14979714
File: 2.27 MB, 1190x2037, IMG-25661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my usual go-to but I'm thinking it contributes to having a younger looking face. Any reccs boys

>> No.14979740

I want to sex you

>> No.14979874

Are hair oils a meme?

(guy growing thick curly hair)

>> No.14979884

largely yes, they dont really do much 4 hair health. i occasionally put argan oil in my hair but thats about it. ur best way to keep ur hair healthy is through using the right shampoo & conditioner. also only use a wide toothed comb to go through it!!!

>> No.14979892
File: 32 KB, 660x660, scalp_scrubber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use a plastic scalp scrubber in the shower. Is that bad?

>> No.14979908

This is bait

>> No.14979919

It's really not. I have seborrheic dermatitis and the scrubber helps scrub off the flakes.

>> No.14979945

wtf even is that
r word u can get steroids specifically for ur scalp for eczema. i used to have rly bad eczema but now im on ciclosporin and protopic and im gucci (my hair for reference >>14973281 ). not using shampoo and just using a co-wash conditioner helped with skin flaking on my scalp.
ik ur suffering fren

>> No.14979966

Are these topical ointments or pills? Also, you're cute and you have nice hair.
(my hair for reference >>14977239)

>> No.14979976

ciclosporin comes in pills and protopic is an ointment theyre both immune suppressants (specifically calcineurin inhibitors). u only get them if ur eczema is rly bad tho. a gp should be able to give u a steroid for ur scalp. the one i got a few years ago was like a liquid and it had a long nozzle to put it on ur scalp thru ur hair so it doesnt get on ur hair.

>> No.14980293

Frodo? You're not gonna like this but your hair looks good now. You could also probably pull off short hair on the sides.

>> No.14980300

just make sure to get rid of the tail at the back

>> No.14980313

You can pull off longer hair but not 'long hair'. So medium basically if you want. You would look like Kylo Ren from Star Wars with 'long hair' which is not good.

>> No.14980326

You could. Probably better off with medium length hair on top though (a little shorter than you have it).

>> No.14980328

Not necessary to buzz, but your hair is too long right now. Would look better medium.

>> No.14980331

That that hairstyle in real life would never work because hair would keep getting in your eyes and look and feel ridiculous.

You can get hairstyle similar to that though with same effect. It's with bangs and medium length hair (shorter than that pick. Bangs shouldn't cross your eyebrows in real life and you'll look good.

>> No.14980333

Both of these dudes would look better with shorter hair.

>> No.14980342

>maybe trim it a bit so it looks a bit sharper
You got it. Looks good otherwise.

>> No.14980361

nigger what the fuck. Cut all of that shit are you trying to repel people?

>> No.14980372

this is a fag free board

>> No.14980373

thanks. i should just let it keep growing out then?

>> No.14980383

No, don't go longer. Maintain you're at the perfect spot. Although you look feminine but I assume you want that?

>> No.14980395

>I assume you want that?
yeah, thanks for the advice

>> No.14980420
File: 2.95 MB, 2472x3296, 20200203_005909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I let it grow?

>> No.14980469

Lol, thanks. Making the decision to cut it that much easier. I never have it out like that in public though

>> No.14980481

Actually you know what, forget going on Saturday. I’m doing tomorrow. If this thread is still up, I will post the result or I’ll just make a thread

>> No.14980499

this thread @ bump limit so a new one would b good

>> No.14980521


>> No.14980548
File: 306 KB, 1200x1600, Hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 26.
I have had this same exact haircut for the last 10 years.

I need help bad. but IDK where to start.
I've looked on the sticky, and there's just a bunch of examples of short hair.

Do I just take a picture of one i like and walk into a barber?

>> No.14980556

>Do I just take a picture of one i like and walk into a barber?
yes, for u better go to a barber that knows how to work with azn hair.

>> No.14980703

New thread?

>> No.14980709

do it

>> No.14980793

Just go clean shaven. I bet you'd look much cuter and boyish if you did.

>> No.14980827

New thread

>> No.14981448
File: 1.21 MB, 500x278, anigif_enhanced-29862-1405424800-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
