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File: 37 KB, 400x400, blonde-shoulder-length-hair-men-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14959294 No.14959294 [Reply] [Original]

Clean shaven with long hair will be the look of the 2020's

>> No.14959328

I hope so because I can't grow a beard.
I hope not because I'm balding.

>> No.14959334

I sure hope it is because thats exactly what I have right now.
I sure hope it isn't bc im getting tired of this style and hair in my mouth and eyes.

>> No.14959418


>> No.14959426


>> No.14959430

I want to have this look but the last time i got a haircut the dude went from giving me a questionable fade to just running the buzzer over the top of my head. I was pretty upset, that was like 6 inches of hair id been conditioning and actually taking care of. It felt so soft and was on a golden path. Russian jew fuck. I saw his sign said hes not available fridays or saturdays (thats how i know hes jewish) so im going tomorrow morning after work hopefully to see a barber there who wont fuck my plan up and actually fade me right. Dude didnt even go deep enough but after he demolished the top i figured hed shave the top even deeper too

>> No.14959436
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no shut up this is my current look

>> No.14959659
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>> No.14959661

How? Everyone on /fa/ is balding.

>> No.14959877

moostache havin' with medium hair IS the look of 2020s

>> No.14959883

Well they'll just have to invest in a hair transplant. I don't think my hairline is receding but it is very far back, so I'm worried I wouldn't be able to pull off long hair although Charles Manson did it okay.

>> No.14959945
File: 575 KB, 1728x2304, 00100sPORTRAIT_00100_BURST20200125133849345_COVER~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I keep growing my guys?

>> No.14959962

Yes, but clean up your beard-line

>> No.14960020

grow it out but damn you better trim your body hair. I'm middle eastern and even for me your chest hair looks extremly thick

>> No.14960030
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>> No.14960075


manscaping beards is sissy tier perfectionism

>> No.14960079
File: 43 KB, 508x532, 1537673982001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

growing my hair since mid october, any tips for the process? im entering awkward phase its getting uncomfy

>> No.14960123

Be a NEET and no one will see it

>> No.14960130
File: 891 KB, 506x666, B8872951-645C-41D7-A39B-B11375D7D6D7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Style it somehow, I part it at the middle like pic related

>> No.14960461

That's just a cope for not knowing how to take care of it. If you're gonna grow it out, at least take the time to keep it well-groomed, you don't have the kind of face that would work for a more untamed look. You don't have to go for the turkish barber-esque harsh lines, just tidy it up a bit.

>> No.14960566

Do not part it in the middle if you don't have an absolutely symmetrical face. Part it slightly to the side making sure that one side falls on the forehead somewhat while the other is brushed down and back.

>> No.14960571
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>> No.14960584

When will you dumb faggots finally understand that your hair doesn't matter unless it's dirty, not fresh, or a meme cut that's overused? Literally, pick any shit outside of what's trending with zoomers and you will be fine as long as your face is not ugly.

>> No.14960622

Maybe among teens, but doubt it because everyone follows hiphop

>> No.14960646
File: 327 KB, 1280x720, 1579004619399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


un scaped stubble is fine, anything beyond that is jawlet cope tier.

>> No.14960647

Lmao I seem to have a good intuition because I'm always ahead of the time. I had that shit in 2015 and the medium length look in 2018. every trend I see popping up I already did years before and have gotten board with it

>> No.14960672

>getting tired of this style and hair in my mouth and eyes.
Then your hair isn't long enough.
t. long hair

>> No.14960735

this >>14959945 is not fine, its ugly and will grow out to look even worse. Also, its very easy to spot a beardlet if they're cherrypicking images to suit their argument, so good job outing yourself

>> No.14960882

>long hair
Please no. We don't need manbuns coming back.

>> No.14960892
File: 23 KB, 478x361, 1428720028888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had long hair from 2016 - 2018, took the buzzpil, let it grow again through last year, then just cut it back down in December. Unfortunately I'm a dirty white / Mexican mutt so my genetics make my hair get wild and poofy if it's too long.

>> No.14960919

>clean shaven
only works for men with good jawlines.
>long hair
only works for men who aren't balding and have decent hair.

It can't be a mainstream look because only men with great genetics can go for it. On the other hand, beards and "short sides long top" can mask poor genetics easily while being less outlandish than long hair.

>> No.14960925

to be fair the ones on the right look like pubes

>> No.14960954

>It can't be a mainstream look
But it has been mainstream for like half a century before the "hipster" look replaced it

>> No.14961247

t. person who can't grow a beard

>> No.14961248
File: 157 KB, 800x565, Victor-Magazine-2018-Fashion-Editorial-003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

girlish looking boys will always be popular with pedophiles

>> No.14961257

"just have a top tenth percentile jawline lmao"

>> No.14961264

slick it back. I promise you it looks better

>> No.14961788

dios mio EL abominacion.......

>> No.14961947

i chopped half of it off because i grew it with no maintenance for two years. plus i was bored of having it in a bun all the time to keep hair out of my eyes

>> No.14961959

Stop getting fades if you want to have long hair you dumb fuck.

>> No.14962218


looks like some anime collector toy

>> No.14962223
File: 67 KB, 520x673, 1578836013734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14962265
File: 43 KB, 542x640, 555385-vash00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this nigga thinks he's vash the stampede

>> No.14962284

wear an alice band

>> No.14962288

>genetics make my hair get wild and poofy if it's too long.
not a thing. Get different and better shampoo and conditioner

>> No.14962298
File: 636 KB, 1830x960, fdfdfdsfdsdfs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i grow it back? When i got it short i was decided i would never grow it again, but shit, i miss having long hair sometimes looking at old pics, left is what i have rn

>> No.14962300

Looks better short

>> No.14962454

both are good, long let’s you stand out more tho

>> No.14962457

Looks better long, don't pretend anything else.

>> No.14962464

You've got great texture so it honestly doesn't matter what you do with it.

>> No.14963170

definitely long

>> No.14963188

way better long

>> No.14963232
File: 54 KB, 450x640, paris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14963501

how is this cut? Just let everything grow shoulder lengt and just comb it back and cut the tips so they line up? I'm in the proces of growing it out to this lengt but the sides are a lot shorter than the top is.

>> No.14963593

Nah, bro. You don't get it. It's precisely its inaccessibility that makes it desirable. 2020 is the decade where blackpill ideology goes mainstream. Because of this, there will be an increasing fixation on genetic traits (and increasing numbers of men will turn to surgery-based fraud). Stuff like working out and jawline-concealing facial hair will go out of style because it will be seen as concealing your true genetic status (although being lean will always be in style, work out at home to maximize sprezzatura).

>> No.14963600

>2020 is the decade where blackpill ideology goes mainstream
lol good luck with that

>> No.14963620

To be honest, it seems pretty easy to sell to normies if you strip out the depression and misanthropy. They have always been suckers for obsessing over specific genetic features and typology systems.

>> No.14963658

It's not that. Even normies meme about depression. You'll never be able to blackpill normies because normies aren't incels, IE. they get sex so they don't need to go through absurd schemes just to look or, better yet, FEEL good.
What most people find intolerable about the blackpill (beyond the obvious bad publicity) is that its completely untenable. It's a bunch of pseudosciences some nerd stacked together like a house of cards and then proceeded to wank his insecurities all over it in order to keep the thing glued together. I mean, honestly, who the fuck is going to want to touch that?

>> No.14963664

>It's a bunch of pseudosciences some nerd stacked together like a house of cards and then proceeded to wank his insecurities all over it in order to keep the thing glued together
Normies fall for that all the time. Just look at the increasing popularity of MBTI. I had girls insist that I take the test several times throughout university. They'd also subject me to other things like "what your jaw shape says about your personality". Some lookism autist just needs to make a slick 16personalities style test and I guarantee you could get people to lap it up.

>> No.14963681

psuedosciences? sure, these are the kinds of people who thrive on clickbait. But my point about the wanking was that the house of cards is already contaminated with "subjective bias", if you catch my drift. Normies don't want to touch it because its a crude coomer incel philosophy that reduces society down to an exchange of bodily fluids. I don't know about you, but most people have got more going on in their lives than that.

Until you can find a way to explain why the blackpill is the only cure for climate change, I don't think you've got mainstream appeal.

>> No.14963706

Here's the catch. It spreads directly in opposition to the incel movement. In the same way that some "anti-incel" communities will ironically celebrate Chads. As few as ten years ago, the primary pejorative leveled against racists was that they were poor and uneducated. That is no longer the case. The Internet has proven that there are far more erudite and creative racists than the powers that be would have us believe. And as a reaction to that, the paradigm has changed over the past several years. Racists are no longer attacked as poor country bumpkins, but as involuntarily celibate. The name of the low status game has changed. And I think that game will persist and intensify in the coming decade. Rather than rich v poor, the primary determinant of social status will be Chad v virgin. And so to avoid being perceived as low status, increasing numbers of people will strive to be part of the Chad in-group and become increasingly (ironically) hostile to the outgroup in a manner that mirrors the way incels talk about themselves.

>> No.14963721

Short is young korean #7463773773

>> No.14963723

>It spreads directly in opposition to the incel movement.
So what the incels have done is created an environment where people know about inceldom and all of the various typologies and will "ironically" recreate those social strata in everyday life, thereby making the life of an incel even worse? I think that's some faulty logic, friend. You're overlooking the effect it has on most people who are either uninterested or put off by its image, people who have a fairly good grasp on life don't need these kinds of philosophies to motivate them. You're not socio-engineering the world into these status groups, you just made a dramatic twist and then followed it with a whole lot of waffle.

>> No.14963727

trevor lawrence made it cool in 2019

>> No.14963759

Saving this post - its spot on.

Was thinking about this last night at gym. EVERYONE is beardfrauding, and its obvious to me as a guy. Totally cope.

Do black-ops level gene fraud or lose. Or, just be chad (half the ppl here are screwing themselves with bad fitnesss/BF%). Blackpill is maybe too strong a term, but this is the frame of someone who understands the present environment for what it is.

>> No.14963777

Very few people stand to benefit from such a scenario. It’s really more of a rat race/prisoner’s dilemma scenario. Screwing the other guy first because you can’t rely on him not to screw you. It stems from the erosion of social trust between men. A scarcity mentality where social status becomes a zero sum game. People showcase their genetic gifts in order to demonstrate their status as members of the ingroup and, more importantly, as not being members of the outgroup. Displaying one’s genetics becomes fashionable and concealing them looked down upon. Thus ironically conforming to blackpill ideology as they seek to distinguish themselves from it. There’s no 4d chess at play here. Just forces that are already in motion creating an increasingly desperate struggle for social status in a low trust environment. I’m not suggesting this is something incels should do to advance their cause, but rather that it’s somewhat inexorable given the current social trajectory.

>> No.14964318
File: 69 KB, 610x872, Perugino_Braccesi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up you stupid niggers, this is an imageboard fucking retards

>> No.14964321
File: 23 KB, 177x269, 154138648932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the peak combo is still long hair + stubble + non-handlebar mustache
>Alpha with a regular hairline
>Chad with a receding hairline

>> No.14964338
File: 54 KB, 684x510, aboveaverage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14964340

How weird I was just thinking about this game.

>> No.14964342

Long hair makes you look more masculine. Although it could just be the angle of the pictures.

>> No.14964370
File: 90 KB, 1289x670, ..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people don't have the chin or even just a decent lower third to pull off the clean shaven look.

Long hair I can see happening.

>> No.14964379

>hair in my mouth and eyes
glad to see other people get super fucking annoyed by this, thought I was just a retarded mouth breather which is why it keeps happening