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File: 89 KB, 220x224, E4A838DC-FD8E-4968-9787-70CB9F65C4B1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14955191 No.14955191 [Reply] [Original]

Are they /fa/?

>> No.14955196

chinchong ping pong

>> No.14955197

White rice or fried rice?

>> No.14955201
File: 48 KB, 1570x481, Screenshot_2020-01-23 Order Tracking Customer Support Centre Arc'teryx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Canada Goose. I paid hundreds of dollars for the Fission SV and it was made in China. I basically paid for a logo because I could buy the same "quality" jacket for like 3x less.

>> No.14955208

no but if youre going to the arctic it makes sense

>> No.14955211

Skip CG and Nobis, if you want a really sexy jacket, check out Mooseknuckles. There's an outlet store in Mirabel QC (Near Montreal) that I'm gonna hit up once the chilly season weans over.

>> No.14955212

go back to China, chang

>> No.14955215

no they arent Mr Chang, dog fur isnt effay.

>> No.14955436 [DELETED] 

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 Ai Wei Wei 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the b ase d Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门 Umbrella protests Extradition Law Hong Kong protests Democracy won the Vote

>> No.14955483

Everything is made in china.
But you just fell for the meme.

>> No.14955636


>> No.14955798 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 400x400, buy anyway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw from Vancouver and went to Waterloo
I fucking hate chinks so much, bros

>> No.14956355
File: 545 KB, 640x960, boys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NO. MK is worse than those other two, I live in the GTA; I see mroe of those 3 brands than most people. I don't have an answer, but definitely not MK. Maybe Mackage?

>> No.14956359

actual zionist brand

>> No.14956364

>Maybe Mackage?
It's for the dregs who like to feel like they are not dregs. Also, the owners are Israelis.

>> No.14956367

This. I’m in Canada and 95% of the time I see these it’s on some Chinese student. Runner up is middle eastern

>> No.14956377

Honestly, KANUK is more fa than all the above, more lowkey, sober.

>> No.14956379


>> No.14956383


>> No.14956412

I assure as bad as they are the muzzies are worse.
t. Toronto

>> No.14956462

Had no idea they were Jew-owned? Thanks anon. What about Moncler? Kinda ugly, IMO, but...

>> No.14956465

keeps you warm. its not stylish but functional. not at all worth the price though

>> No.14956469

I'm actually Jewish myself and I can't stand the Israelis. Smarmy, pushy af.
One good thing about the Israelis though, they are very sociable.

>> No.14956472

I look on the Israelis as on subhumans tbqh famalam

>> No.14956475

Low IQ subhuman merchants

>> No.14956481

why do you buy everything from subhumans?

>> No.14956486

What do you mean

>> No.14957168

this is arcteryx retard

>> No.14957180

Like everything, depends on how you wear it. The Chilliwack is ugly/overrated IMO but most of the parkas are nice. The Chateau would be my pick, mostly because of the pocket configuration.

Besides the "completely different Canadian brand with a completely different ethos, wtf are you on about" factor others have commented on already, "made in China" is no longer an indicator of bad quality in technical apparel, and in fact there's some things (both manufacturing technologies, and actual stuff done in the garment) that are *only* done in factories in China.

The Fission SV is one of the best insulated jackets in the world, and Arc'Teryx (while they do make bullshit and overrated stuff, like everyone, and IMO their aesthetic can get too austere) is at the top level in terms of quality and refinement for outdoor gear. They're not going to fuck around with production.

>> No.14957189
File: 10 KB, 193x262, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chilliwack and Expedition were the first ubiquitous Canada Goose jackets.

>> No.14957197
File: 97 KB, 448x1384, wong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, get this instead.

>> No.14957208

>"made in China" is no longer an indicator of bad quality
Fuck. Off.

>> No.14957209

I only buy local.

>> No.14957249

Why do you think I'm wrong? Why do you think Chinese people are incapable of operating a modern (never mind cutting edge), QC'd production line?

I don't know where Arc sources the Fission SV, but probably the best technical apparel factory in the world is in China – KTC's in Heshan. It's where Gore goes for production of their own label stuff, Outlier has produced there, etc. Originally Adidas was a major client but KTC ended the relationship because the volume was too high for the way they want to run.

Meanwhile, there's shit tier DGAF sweatshops in the major prestige sites, often with migrant and often Chinese labor – Portugal, Italy, the US, and yes, Canada.

It's literally 2020. Geography isn't shit.

>> No.14957250

they're pretty good quality, but quite expensive and have turned into a ''luxury brand''. if you work outdoors, or live up north where it's always cold they're probably worth it. lots of film set crews wear them because specific models are quite utilitarian and warm when you're standing around outside. i'd still consider buying one, but i'd pull the labels off. i do think the quality has deteriorated a bit. there's plenty of comparable options priced much better.

used to work at a store that sold the most canada goose. on a weekend store wide we could do close to $50K in sales across mens and ladies. it was at the point where we'd have 4-5 people working the section, and still had customers waiting around. people would go crazy about them. a lot of people would buy them for family overseas. i remember one wednesday morning when a tourist bus of koreans came in. pretty sure this bus specifically came to buy canada goose. in an instant i was swarmed by people who spoke no english trying to buy abunch of coats. there was a lot of pointing involved.

>> No.14957253

I don't buy brands that sell at Costco or go on sale at all.

>> No.14957259

None of the dentists or foreign students who wear these need them.

>t. leather jacket + scarf all year in Ottawa

>> No.14957273

Tacky poor people trying to look rich and sophisticated.

>> No.14957348

Sporting life?

>> No.14957394
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don't, please...

>> No.14957458

yes but only because they make incels sheethe

>> No.14957478

Whats a decent winter coat for a poorfag?

>> No.14957480

Why is MK worse?

>> No.14957482

tacky af

>> No.14957484
File: 9 KB, 222x227, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of the tackiest trashy logos

>> No.14957497

how tf do people get brands mixed up twice in one thread

>> No.14957506

I mean if you have the money and want it go for it but kinda lame desu

>> No.14957508

Don't ever compare yves salomon to that you piece of shit.

>> No.14957783

ITT people who cant afford CG

>> No.14957791

Their jackets are like what? 800-1000 bucks?
The fuck would I buy a jacket that will get stolen after a week or get me yelled at by angry animal rights activists.

And they dont have a single good looking jacket.

Besides, they were like hot shit 10 years ago, I dont know why you guys are suddenly picking up on it.

>> No.14957800

Buy an Alpha Industries N3B in black for a 1/5th of the cost and still be warm and /fa/

>> No.14957820

Not to mention, worn primarily by junior high/high schoolers. If you want to look like you're attending senior year of high school for the 4th time, sure, go for it.

>> No.14957897

yep that's the place. was decent for a part time job. stocked up on lots of other brands at steep discounts.

>> No.14957924

>do you think Chinese people are incapable of operating


>> No.14957930

poorfag copes

>> No.14957961

get a colombia or no name parka for like $100-300

looks the exact same but isnt $1000

>> No.14958111

germans are cringe

>> No.14959033

Okay so you think that, *why*?

And also what makes you think you know more about production than the people at fucking Gore?

Also, again

>Meanwhile, there's shit tier DGAF sweatshops in the major prestige sites, often with migrant and often Chinese labor – Portugal, Italy, the US, and yes, Canada.

And while ofc Arc'Teryx's Vancouver factory isn't a shit tier DGAF sweatshop, I had a hunch, a fifth of Vancouverites are ethnically Chinese...


Ofc you can't tell anyone's ethnicity specifically from photos, but most of the employees pictured appear to be East Asian.

>> No.14959055

ching chong

>> No.14959074

the town I live in has strong unions and an all-white working class
nobody gives a flying fuck when someone has Canada Goose; actually whenever I see some queer from California wearing their parka when it's 40 degrees it brings me closer and closer to selling my house

>> No.14959078

fwiw, which is basically nothing, no I'm Irish/German. My interest in this is 1) that racism like yours is noxious af to everyone and 2) excellence deserves to be recognized and championed. If you want to talk about excellence in technical garment craftsmanship, you're going to be talking about Chinese people and factories today.

Don't get it twisted, if Arc'Teryx's Vancouver facility really was materially better than the top tier of Chinese production, I'd say so. But it's just not true. It's one of a number of facilities around the world, more of them in China than not (and this is a question of size yes, which also plays into quality – you're not going to find anywhere with more experienced people than Guangdong, probably a lot of people in Arc'Teryx's factory once worked in ones in Guangdong), producing technical garments at the highest levels.

The bottom end of garment production is leaving China, and winding up in places like Bangladesh... the reasons why are obvious. A quick Google places the average monthly wage for a garment worker in China at about $420 and Bangladesh at about $35 (though ftr this is just a direct currency conversion not PPP or anything fancy).

>> No.14959160

Used to work there and I hear they are panicking since Canada Goose is not selling as well as it used to

>> No.14959169

>if you work outdoors, or live up north where it's always cold they're probably worth it.
I do both but I wear Helly Hansen because I don't want to look like a FOB.

>> No.14959606

They signal tribalist in group preference. That might not be their conscious intention, but sub-consciously their genes mad them all dress like that.
Based and trad.

>> No.14959625


>> No.14960053

most likely. i quit 2ish years ago. it was still selling well, but so much of the growth of the company and there expectations came from selling canada goose. in the winter i'm sure 30-40% of there revenue came from that brand alone. they got by because they would order so much, so when harry rosen or some small boutique sold out of there 50 units, people would come there.
now it's sold in more locations, and canada goose is opening up there own stores so much more availability. not to mention people would steal those jackets all the time, loss was a big issue.
this happened when i worked there.https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/police-investigating-robbery-after-pickup-truck-crashes-into-store-at-sherway-gardens-1.1458058

>> No.14960090

Bought the Langford and love it. Was hoping they'd release it in brown this year but they didn't introduce it in the lineup so went for military green. Big fan of it especially since I never really had a real parka and in -20 weather I'd still be wearing a hoodie, peacoat, and a scarf. The Langford looks good and is very warm imo. Worth the price for me since I'm only going to buy one parka anyway and I want it to be warm.

>> No.14960534

anon is dropping knowledge and you're dropping meme replies

>> No.14961060

If you worked at the sherway store there is a decent chance we worked there at the same time

>> No.14961384

haha yeah i did indeed work there. i think from 2012ish to 2017ish.

>> No.14961614

overrated trash

>> No.14963007

So what's even better than CG?

>> No.14964172

I have a chiliwack bomber from 2012-13 and can swear by it for its cold resistance. It's definitely warm but it looks so god damn stupid and puffy. Quality is there for the older jackets that were made in Ontario but I wouldn't recommend newer models as there are slight changed in quality.

My sister and gf have parkas from 2018-19 and the fur has gotten all stiff and feels remarkably worse than mine. I've also noticed that the colour on the newer jackets doesn't seem to withstand the elements as well as the older ones but this is on a case by case basis. Not to say the colour fades, but comparing my black bomber to newer ones, I can swear on the fact that friction and minor wear has caused some discoloration.

I took the DESCENTE: ALLTERRAIN pill and never looked back

Canada Goose, TNF, Moose Knuckle, Mackage, Nobis, and even Arc'Teryx are meh at best. They all get the job done and you'd probably be better off with some of their mid range products.

>> No.14964184


>> No.14964394

>Canada Goose, TNF, Moose Knuckle, Mackage, Nobis, and even Arc'Teryx are meh at best.
>meh at best
>some of this is what people wear when their lives literally depend on it

Don't get me wrong, all of those companies make some stuff that's just straight up cash in bullshit, but a few of those make actual, very much not mid range, performance gear.

>> No.14964518
File: 113 KB, 850x687, 1537138205801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my city, everybody and their mother and father wear HH to the point where it seems like a cult thing. Like you can't go a day without seeing a HH sailing jacket (and it's always a sailing jacket and nothing else).
People fucking wear them to hockey matches like bruv why you wanna look like you just jogged here from the park. They don't wear sweatpants to dinner so why do they think a sailing jacket is fooken swag. I saw a bloke wear his sailing jacket inside a bar with popped fuckin' collars m8. Oh look at this fuck lad he's got a fooken sailing jacket and he even popped his collars? Oh man that's Helly Hansen he's wearing best not fuck with him even tho he's 5'9'. Well at least he won't get cold inside.
Fookin hell

>> No.14965438

poorest fuckers i know both have one of these. biggest chad i know has a RAB.

>> No.14966669

What did it gave away?

>> No.14966793

Maybe you're on the wrong board

>> No.14966798

I hated chicks like this

>> No.14967458

I live in one of the coldest cities in the world(Winnipeg, MB. Theres usually a span of two weeks where its at -40C with windchill each year) and the ONLY people i see wearing Canada goose are thots and asians. It might be because those are the only people who can afford it(sugar daddies and well connected chinese parents at home giving blank cheques to the actual wearers) but i also think it might have to do with the image.
10 years ago it was kinda unique and special. Now its clearly just a status symbol thats been taken over by certain demographics(chinks and hoes) that most people dont want to be associated with. The fact that the quality has plummeted is also worth considering. I mean its Canadian made ones are actually produced in Winnipeg, but thats not even half of their catalogue anymore. Most is made in China.
If you have the money, id suggest arcteryx, but honestly they're heading towards the same issue as Canada goose... They're just taking a bit longer. The quality of their stuff has also started to drop.

>> No.14967477

Chinada Gookse

>> No.14967480

your mom gobbles cock for free you nigger

>> No.14967489

you're my mom

>> No.14968749

I just bought a Veilance jacket and pants and guess where they were made in? China, ofc.

>> No.14968764

>It might be because those are the only people who can afford it(sugar daddies and well connected chinese parents at home giving blank cheques to the actual wearers) but i also think it might have to do with the image.

What’s wrong with people in the west? I can afford this jacket living in fucking Bulgaria, just don’t need it because here is pretty warm. It’s cheaper than new iphone and lasts for many years.

>> No.14968786

This is about not handing power to the borg not your spergshit peoduction tech.

>> No.14969237

return them and never buy chink shit again

>> No.14969244
File: 101 KB, 960x720, RKDU2Re.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/out/ here.
For the price of a Canada Gook you could buy GTX Pro bib, GTX Pro hardshell jacket, merino wool baselayer set, a fleece and a 800 cuin+ down jacket.

>> No.14969643

Even Gentleman's Gazzette hates them.
They're as bad as Moncler trash bags - although Gamme Bleu had some cool coats.

>> No.14969918

Who would you recommend buying from instead?

>> No.14969940

fuck off Chang

>> No.14969969

veilance is their fashion offspring that i dont think bears the same temperature characteristics as the mainline . why bother

>> No.14970169
File: 457 KB, 1800x1200, CANGOO120222_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only after mating season

>> No.14970221

Where can I buy that girl? Holy fuck I want to eat her asshole through those leggings

>> No.14971251
File: 26 KB, 620x372, CG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14971274

when did this brand get big?

>> No.14971277
File: 53 KB, 253x697, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a fake Canada Goose it in 2009

>> No.14971294

They did a rework of their business model at some point which turned them into a fashion brand.

>> No.14971514

an iphone is way more expensive to produce than a canada goose. silly to compare the two