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File: 9 KB, 286x176, B2DDEDFF-905A-492E-A34C-8B37343374DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14947435 No.14947435 [Reply] [Original]

>She’s barely pushing 30 and doesn’t use a Korean ten step skin care routine

Enjoy your wrinkles and saggy skin

>> No.14947442

My sister her whole life had this
“Yup I have great skin don’t even use soap” not she’s turning 35 and her skin looks like shit lmao shouldn’ve listened to me

>> No.14947451

let the skin go bad
its better than a life obsessing ove rthis crap
what is difference between doing all this day in day out and the aging starlet who cant let go so she gets ridiculous surgery
let it go
let yourself age
and find a new identity
id rather age than support these businesses

>> No.14947521

>all day
Each step takes 10-30 seconds, besides the mask.

>> No.14947530

im in my mid 30s w/ a 5 step western routine and had asian relatives gushing over my skin when i was in japan

7-10 are practically the same thing tho and wtf is an essence?

>> No.14947562

4 is unironically consoooomer meme

>> No.14947567

Lmao it’s not fucking surgery you idiot. Have fun being saggy at 33 while us skin fags are still glowing and radiant at 50

>> No.14947574

Day in and day out. It’s a ritual, meditation almost, self care is important. I take pride in my skin and how well I take care off it. You can say what you want but natural skin can’t give you the glow and elasticity that serums do forever
Whatever you say your skin still looks great at 15 but keep not washing and using shit and you’ll be dull by 25

>> No.14947579

Lies look it up and Essence helps the skin prep for all the serums and creams

>> No.14947587

7 to ten is the same thing
Hahahaha don’t use thick moisturizers on your face it’s too delicate. Need eye cream. SPF lotion isn’t moisturizer. It’s gross and greasy get a light moisturizer with spf. Also a sleep mask is just and extra step to get barrier before sleep. Your skin might be great but if not taken care of properly it was show in the years

>> No.14947612


What’s a good routine? For real. I’ve been looking for years for a routine that’s about 3-4 steps but nobody has a routine less than 20. So much looks unnecessary and I don’t know which to filter out and which are the most essential. Currently I just use a SA cleanser and moisturizer

>> No.14947624

ok paul allen

>> No.14947630


let yourself age

>> No.14947641

cleanser, chemical exfoliator, serum, moisturizer is like the essential basic routine

toner is a good way to get extra anti oxidants and peptides into your routine but its not as essential. sheet masks help your skin absorb serums better. use spf moisturizers in the day and night creams at night but never use products with jar packaging.

high end: drunk elephant
mid range: paula's choice
drug store: cerave, cetaphil, the ordinary

use beautypedia for reviews. gothamista is the only youtuber i trust.

it feels weird to even talk about this here because this board looks like its just for men to post ugly clothes.

>> No.14947643

Lmao. Imagine slapping 100 of $ worth of chemicals on your face day in day out, instead of eating healthy and doing sports.
>inb4 you will age bad
Things from within the body and general health have more of an effect than a few things that might penetrate the upper layers of your skin, or some that alter mechanics in it. Mechanics that Million of years of evolution won for a reason.

>> No.14947649

diet is underplayed but good luck not aging into a human scrotum if you dont at least follow the basics

>> No.14947657

There's like a million of those which target different things, why would you need one?

>> No.14947676


>> No.14947680

Zoomer with nice skin thinks it’ll not go to shit when he turns 25 kek kek

>> No.14947683

Look for products that do two things like moisturize and spf or a serum that has a bunch of shit in it

>> No.14947687

Based. Everyone here is just larping. They probably dont do much of a routine outside of face wash and moisturize, and the ones that don't are probably gonna look the same as those who dont when they're 50.

>> No.14947691

Why no jars because of bacteria?

>> No.14947692

what is your opinion based on?

>> No.14947697

I’m saying do both I’m not saying eat like a garbage can anon

>> No.14947703

Just go look at old vegans and healthy people versus these damn Koreans with “glass skin” yeah you can eat healthy but your skin needs protection from the sun and at least to clean off the free radicals sometimes

>> No.14947710

I actually love you thanks for giving real advice

Yeah I like the cerave SA cleanser because it’s 2 birds with one stone... but if it’s worth going for the higher tier products then hell yeah

>> No.14947712

>healthy people
no comment.
So, how long is your "korean" skincare routine practised?
"glass skin" is achieved with makeup, thats not natural.

>> No.14947717
File: 1.62 MB, 1737x1500, 928590B5-32B3-47DF-BC27-ED4516FA38C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahahah oh fuck I miss being younger fuckinf retared and native. I used to only wash my face with water some days and not anything else. I’m fucking paying for it now. Yeah it looks okay back then but if I did that holy shit I would look greasy and tired. As you age you get more oily skin/ dry problems sagging etc. Let these fucking dumbasses learn themselves like I had to.
Just look at the TWINS in the studies fuck face

>> No.14947720

what did she do differently, bitch

>> No.14947721

“Real advice” this shit is really advice bitch

>> No.14947723

ai post

>> No.14947724

Smoking, stress, sun damage

>> No.14947726

If the right twin just used products this couldn’t been avoided

>> No.14947727

huh. negative lifestyle led you age faster and worse. who had thought. Yet you still attribute it to your chemicals.

>> No.14947729

Serums are basically like a concentrated fertilizer for your skin that feed it all the beneficial nutrients it can gobble up. Typically you want a generalized one aimed at your skin type for the day and a retinol one for the night.
Lots of anti-oxidants and other important ingredients like vit c breakdown when they're exposed to oxygen, so all those ingredients you're paying for get destroyed and stop working more and more every time you open the lid.
Peer reviewed research.
I read an interesting paper theorizing that high amounts of vit k-2 in the east asian diet are partly responsible for their slow aging. I feel like a lot of it is probably genetic though.
I use one of their cleansers too. :) I'll go high end with a lot of stuff but if my cleanser gets my makeup off and doesn't make my skin feel stripped I'm happy to go drug store.

>> No.14947730

Also if you haven’t read the famous story with the proof and pictures then why are you even on this thread. Enjoy your gross BUMPY, saggy, uneven skin with liver spots. As you walk past people like me who will still look 25 at 40. Look at reviews for skin dumb fucking Zoomer

>> No.14947733

Yes meaning if the right twin used products as well she would still look like the twin on the left. Are you actually dumb ?

>> No.14947736
File: 36 KB, 640x480, trucker-damage-face_web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i meann....

>> No.14947740

I guess going in the sun is NEGATIVE lifestyle lmao just use spf or don’t your face funeral

>> No.14947743

it fucking is tho!!! wear a hat and clutch your pearls ladies.

>> No.14947748

oh yeah, that famous story. I almost forgot. WHAT FUCKING STORY?
Btw, I'm 27 and have not a single wrinkle.

suuuure, like skincare products can fully counter effects of smoking and stress. Sundamage to some degree I'm with you, but those products would have another effect on the skin as well. Also sundamage can be also prevented by not being a retard and hanging out in the sun all day, stay in the shade, covering up etc. >>14947740

>> No.14947750

Use fucking sunscreen aaaaah i used to put tanning oil and lay in the sun no spf. I fucking cringe so hard when I think about it

>> No.14947753

It’s nice to be outside you neet. Just wear a hat spf enjoy yourself

>> No.14947759

If your a narcissist just like my sister this is so funny. I thought I didn’t have wrinkles for years. Go to the mirror look deep down at your skin and you’ll see fine lines Under eyes eyebrows by lips. I just noticed mine this year like an Idiot. Looked at old pics from 2 ago and now I seen FINE LINES

>> No.14947766

Secret to aging gracefully is never telling all your secrets. Just found a new thing that 60 year old smokers are using to combat their wrinkles.

>> No.14947770
File: 31 KB, 500x383, FfdCb93Cri1sC8YRnY7T3omJGdM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg im just grateful to live at a time where we know about this stuff. the shit our parents/grandparents did gives me nightmares

>> No.14947771

Just look up the glass skin routine and you’ll find the FAMOUS story. Famous in the skin care world

>> No.14947775

Holy fuck this must’ve did so much damage

>> No.14947791

my mum used to do this and her skin is fine at 55
maybe its genetics more than anything else. she also smokes, but only one or two cigarettes a day.
spending ridiculous amounts on products that have a 5000% profit margin and paid reviews (seriously) will not save you from DNA or smoking/sun damage

alternatively, my father has worked in the sun his entire life (15 to 50) and he looks much younger than he is

>> No.14947793

honestly, If you want to have good skin, just wash it and dont burn yourself.
More important than slopping chemicals all over your face is not being a degenerate, having real love and joy in your life, dont have sex with lots of different people, dont do drugs or drink and probably avoid smoking although I've heard tobacco has some positive effects. By doing this to your face you obsess over youth and its vain beauty standards which is unsettling and empty. Most women who look shit when they're 50 appear that way not because they didnt wash their face but because they got rammed and stomped on by life and by others, they got smashed through the wall and into the pit of doom.

>> No.14947798

and fyi my skin is shit at 25 because i was edgy for a decade and thought my appearance didnt matter
laugh lines, scars, sagging skin. kill me pla

>> No.14947801
File: 21 KB, 236x343, 6e2fc4830ceefee77ccce9ef7d98eb98--aran-sweaters-irish-sweaters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I wanna look a bit like a human scrotum

>> No.14947807
File: 113 KB, 750x750, 1578823954340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the male eqivalent of this 10 step routine?

>> No.14947818
File: 76 KB, 880x525, 10000000_663785467298219_5124841147556176855_n-269-5b39680c3fa3c-5b39ded73e644__880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure what you try to tell me. You never noticed those lines or you see them now but not on older photos?

Of course one has fine lines where skin folds, I'm speaking of wrinkles.

Thats why I only tell friends and family ;)

Ellie Choi?
>Most importantly is your diet!
Also, the pics of her accompaning her routine are with makeup on and one lowres with high ISO and noisereduction on. Not a good way to judge skin complexion, if its even makeup free.
also, picrel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4nc6OYY3no

>> No.14947831
File: 169 KB, 699x904, wildin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14947833

you can benefit from all of it but at the very very least you want to cleanse, moisturize and use spf. paula's choice do a little line aimed at men called pc4men that's good. I use the shaving cream for my legs and i love it.

>> No.14947838

yay shes one of my favourite youtubers

>> No.14947852
File: 52 KB, 365x457, damn hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is literally the epitome of aging gracefully. What a hot, GILF!

I think people are way too into other's business to think that skincare as a hobby is stuck on their youth.

We all want to grow pimple-anon, we just want to grow well.

>> No.14947853

no, im saying the opposite
let it go to shit
let it age

>> No.14947857

we all will
but do you want to age properly?
Without sunspots?

>> No.14947859

Let yourself age. stop clinging to it.
you will never be a sexy young thing ever again
let yourself age

>> No.14947864

Yes those FINE LINES will turn into WRINKLES if you don’t start using anti wrinkle stuff you tranny lover

>> No.14947865

is she natty? Like no fillers, no injections, no lifting?

>> No.14947866

Aging properly is sunspots
stop supporting corrupt industries that have no incentive to actually help you achieve your impossible goal

>> No.14947879

Yeah I’m older years I was saying I didn’t notice the fine lines but those couldn’t been avoided as well if I just started using the shit I have not earlier. You get what I’m saying now ?

>> No.14947881

youre overthinking it. nobody is trying to stay a teenager forever. women just enjoy having nice skin at any age.

>> No.14947885

All 64 years of her babe.
Listen to that southern belle wisdom

>> No.14947891

What is serum?

>> No.14947893

You think she still using coverup in her pictures?
Also the left is without makeup I’m sure.

>> No.14947895

I like the way right looks more than left.

>> No.14947903


>> No.14947907
File: 50 KB, 640x640, 22582380_423766954687947_3319817928043397120_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm talking about this one to make things clearer.
I dont have any reason to trust some stranger on the internet

what is this video supposed to tell me? Give me a timestamp if theres something relevant in it.

>> No.14947908

This is honestly true, part of the reason I use this kind of stuff is because I’ve has to grow through some hard ass stuff in my life. Definitely took a toll on my face I’ll admit. I always think about this. Kinda hard to live stress free sometimes with toxic family, friends you can’t get rid of, and things you can’t control like loved one deaths

>> No.14947910

>generalized one aimed at your skin type
Reccs? Do you really have to have different products if you've got combi skin?(i've got an oily nose and dry/normal everywhere else)

>> No.14947911

>not injecting research peptides

>> No.14947913
File: 843 KB, 643x652, sun skin damage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just stay out of the sun or use strong sunscreen if you can't due to work or some such.

Literally everything else mentioned in this thread is useless snake oil tier shit.

It's the sun fucking you up.

>> No.14947915

Everyone has a right to an opinion

>> No.14947917

Anon you’re not getting the point. We’re not trying to be “young sexy things forever” it’s a ritual a meditation for us. It’s called self care. Nothing wrong with having glowing radiant tight skin as long as you can keep it up

>> No.14947931

gentle cleanser (splash with water if your skin is dry)
sunscreen (skip moisturizing if your sunscreen is moisturizing)

remove makeup with oil cleanser (if applicable)
gentle cleanser (start with nose, then move to chin and forehead, cheeks should be last. all in all about 1 min)
treatment (ideally a retinol/tretinoin, though oily skinned and acne prone people do like BHA/salicylic acid)
moisturizing cream

once a week throw in an exfoliating treatment like a clay mask or strong AHA treatment

that's all you need. just avoid shitty meme products with alcohol and fragrances
try to tailor the consistency to your skin type, learn what ingredients work for you. even dermatologists agree that the 10 step skin care routine is ultimately harmful because the skin gets irritated. let your skin do its thing, keep it moist and protected and take care of your health

>> No.14947936

Injection fags can die

>> No.14947938

There are products meant specifically for combination but sometimes it pays to experiment. I'm the same type and can use certain normal/oily products.

My favourite is the paula's choice ultra light antioxidant serum and you generally can't go wrong with any of their products. Just bear in mind that the retinol ones are only for use at night. If you're on a budget then buffet from the ordinary is a good compromise.

I use this site for finding new products and totally trust it. Their reviews are written by a team of dermatologists who analyze the ingredients. https://www.beautypedia.com/

>> No.14947946

Someone post the age 60s fa skin queen. Some anons mom who’s 53 or 63 can’t remember and she looks 30 still

>> No.14947970

take the simple skincare pill


>> No.14948235

Wtf I thought you were only supposed to exfoliate once in a while? Also do you rinse off chemical exfoliants like sa before you moisturize?

>> No.14948248

cleansing, moisturizing, exfoliating and sunscreen. rest is just voodoo

>> No.14948273

This is bullshit. Just use moisturise/sunscreen, pore cleanser and drink 1L of water daily.

>> No.14948296

Based advice

>> No.14948355

what a shit thread, w*men and fags are insufferable

>> No.14948399

Why is my face skin so much worse than the skin of my forearm, tit, and thigh? they equally don't get any product.

>> No.14948644

What sunscreen would you recommend for oily skin? I mostly just moisturize and use a mattifying cream but I generally can't stand any product on my face because it's so damn greasy.
My guess it's cause it's thinner and exposed to sunlight the most

>> No.14948747
File: 97 KB, 1200x1109, DWBgA6jU8AAo-za.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asians have better skin because of their diets,you fucking mongs.
You are what you eat.

based take.

>> No.14948768

>be vegetarian
>have great skin
Tbh, you just need a good diet in general. Limit processed foods and added sugar. It helps to drink green tea and water.

>> No.14948782

I agree with this
>you just need a good diet in general. Limit processed foods and added sugar. It helps to drink green tea and water.

but I mean,I know people who eat all kinds of trash,drink and smoke,sleep like shit and still have great skin.
So the fact you're a vegetarian doesn't mean you have great skin because of it. I've seen the opposite
Granted most vegans and vegetarians ,trade animal products for processed food and sugary treats

>> No.14948787

I am a 29 year old male and have absolutely zero wrinkles whatsoever. My secret? Barely go outside.

>> No.14948817

She must have had injections.

>> No.14948821

Wrong, just moisturize and use sunscreen when going out. Rest is diet and exercise.

>> No.14949063

>rest of my body is silly smooth, not a wrinkle in sight
>Face has three big laugh lines and eye lines and I'm only 25

Why is it like this friends? I have a more intense routine for my face than anywhere else yet it takes the biggest beating. It feels paradoxical

>> No.14949255

Injections do nothing to the quality of the skin, they only plump out the areas where loss in volume has occured and paralyse the muscles that regularly flex to cause wrinkles during facial motions.

>> No.14949388

What if she's black?

>> No.14949422

I love this post so much. You torture yourself so much over something like FINE LINES its no wonder you're looking like a human burlap sack way before you ought to. Meanwhile, i don't give a fuck and likely look much better than you. I will also look better when i am 50! I will look like I have lived a life, been out in the world accomplishing things, while you keep yourself in perpetual existential fear over something that is inevitable. Do you really think looking like an unwrinkled newborn at the age of 50 is A) possible and B) not going to make people think you're a freak? It just amuses me how small you are, there is so little there...

>> No.14949423

God you really ought to be killed, for being so utterly pathetic.

>> No.14949497
File: 5 KB, 263x194, EOvOkaHXsAA2c8s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are letting ourselves age. But our skin is an organ too, theres literally nothing wrong with investing in the right products and applying to a routine that literally takes up 10-15 minutes of your day, if even. Also, skincare leaves you feeling radiant and confidant you fucking.... you fucking... I won't curse. This is a family friendly site.

>> No.14949618

excellent advice
>it feels weird to even talk about this here because this board looks like its just for men to post ugly clothes.
also, kek!

>> No.14949723

>Yup I have great skin don’t even use soap
youre supposed to use soap on your face?

>> No.14949727

When woman see a 50 year old woman that looks like they are 30? What kind of world do you live in? Yeah the cunts might say plastic surgery and Botox. Not crazy fucks like you will be amazed and doing the whole “tell me your secrets” Not trying to look like an inwrinked newborn. You say you not are but u obviously give a shit or yu wouldn’t Be on this thread. Keep doing your “I don’t care about fine lines act” You’ll be one of those sad scared looking middle aged woman’s just begging for some change from products in your god awful complexion, bumpy skin from not DOUBLE CLEANSING and Sagging fucking wrinkles. We just find things and use them we still
Have lives things to do and goals you cunt
You say you don’t care about age but my tile PUSHING 30 got you to click and seethe because you’re 27

>> No.14949730

No you’re supposed to buy a cleanser

>> No.14949738

You are a narrsisist who is probably a fucking cunt in real life. You care and seethed that’s why you clicked. I just started to worry about the fine lines a year ago. Now my skin looks a few years younger. I’m not small I have huge fucking dreams and goals who give a fuck if I was to look like a goddess doing it. Is your brain and closed minded attitude that is small :*

>> No.14949751


>> No.14949758

Also yes wash off acid exfoliating before anything else. Unless it’s made for light use

>> No.14949761

Post skin then anon

>> No.14949769

This anon hasn’t experienced a nice sheet mask after a few days and tried a serum for a week. Ahahahhahahahah

>> No.14949777

I’m not vegan just saying

>> No.14949784

Maybe you waited to long. Just give it a change to work look out for other things like rentiol and serums

>> No.14949787

You guys have better skin protection but avoid all other stresser still

>> No.14950083
File: 73 KB, 800x600, Skin-Micro-Needle-Dermaroller-DM-01-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Microneedling anyone?

>> No.14950131

Isn’t this for really severe acne scars?

>> No.14950306

Ok thx. I'm just using the stridex wipes

>> No.14950586

>start actually getting 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep
>skin already looks better three days in

Why did no one ever told about this

>> No.14950750

That shit is gonna go BALLS DEEP in your face. Dermarolling is used for severe cystic acne you faggot.

>> No.14951423

Is my prescription Adderall dosage (30mg) fucking up my skin? I could easily go down to 20mg

>> No.14951622

literal torture device.

>> No.14951628

>be healthy
>look healthy
Doctors don't want you to know this ONE THING!

>> No.14952037

Why do anything at all?

>> No.14952410

there are different needle lengths dumbass

>> No.14952451
File: 82 KB, 600x475, tumblr_mu7ji5hJYK1r4lxqto1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do women always let companies run by MEN trick them into buying products that ruin their outer skin layer and make them buy more products to fix it?

>> No.14952937

I don't know but this woman's results really made me think.


I haven't tried dermarolling but fact that the wrinkles on her belly decreased that much in just 6 months really makes me want to try it because her situation seemed almost hopeless. I didn't expect that much of a change. Then again it might be possible that it would have cleared up anyway without intervention as a post-pregnancy thing? I don't know but it looks almost miraculous.

>> No.14953299

I love those!

>> No.14953324


>> No.14953486

Recs for moisturizer / sunscreen combo?

>> No.14953596

Did I just discover the secret compound where people with vaginas hide on 4chan? Pls go.

But also r8 my routine for someone with moderate acne and considerable scarring and post-inflamatory hyperpigmentation:

Cleanser: Cetaphil daily facial cleanser. I've been hearing about how fragrance is literally Hitler so I'm probably going to look at CeraVe for a cleanser after I run out. But I feel like I've been doing well with this cleanser; I feel slightly tight after cleansing but not super stripped.

Exfoliator: The Ordinary's AHA + BHA 1-2 a week. Too early to say if it works.

Serum: None but I have TO's Niacinamide + Zinc coming in, assuming Deciem's shitty courier didn't lose the package.

Moisturizer/SPF: Cetaphil daily facial moisturizer with SPF 15 if I'm going outside, CeraVe daily moisturizing lotion if I'm staying inside all day with no spf. The Cetaphil moisturizer+spf is kind of ass. I feel very greasy after a few hours. I bought two bottles of it so I think I'll just use those up before going with CeraVe's SPF 30 moisturizer. I'm curious about Krave's beet shield, but it's very pricy for something that is just an SPF, and I want to integrate the two steps if at all possible.

Same as above but always with the CeraVe lotion. I never exfoliate at night because PM is when I apply .1 %Adapalene (LaRouche-Posay Effaclar) and 5% Benzoyl Peroxide (Paula's Choice). I've been using NexCare's hydrocolloid acne covers, but they're very meh when it comes to staying on your face. Probably going to try Zit Stickas or cos rx's hydrocolloids when I'm done.

I've been on Adapalene for like 2.5 months and I barely notice a difference tbqh. Scarring and PIH isn't getting much better either. My doctor is a cuck and still has me trying bitch-tier OTC shit even though it's been 4-5 months. He hasn't even mentioned referring me to a derm (which I need if I want insurance to cover it). I want to get on tretinoin and/or an antibiotic already.

>> No.14953602

just use sunscreen, all the other stuff is just marketing gibberish

>> No.14953610

>Serums are basically like a concentrated fertilizer for your skin that feed it all the beneficial nutrients it can gobble up. Typically you want a generalized one aimed at your skin type for the day and a retinol one for the night.
all that shit doesnt even penetrate the skin.
why are you shilling for products that do not have any effect ? do you get paid ?

>> No.14953692

I think I've had good success with the niacinamide+zinc. Red areas in my face have seem to faded quite a bit, despite diet and sleep not being the best, so I guess it's working? Now I just need to sort out those 2 factors lol.

Anyone know of any other products that help with general redness?

>> No.14953702

The question is are you pretty enough to be worth preserving?

>> No.14953705

Never gonna get married with this attitude.

>> No.14953706

“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”

>> No.14953734

27, still get mistaken for a highschooler and never had a routine. Where should I start? How long until my skin ages?

>> No.14953746

>she does a 10 step routine and hasn't taken the bath therapy pill
you'll never stay young

>> No.14953758

Go on...

>> No.14953768

Its a no brainer, a bath every day or every other day. But not just any bath of course this time it will be a tea and milk bath. You can buy yourself some teabags and fill it with anything you want just about. Cinnamon, lavender, matcha, myrhh rocks. It goes on. I like to steep it in actually hot water first and then add that to the tub while its filling for a richer bath. And a bath with just tea/herbs is fine but to get even better results you pour in milk, about 3-4 cups every 20 gallons. Get yourself a face towl and soak it into the water and let it rest on your face during your bath. That shit is full of antioxidants and other amazing things the longer your soak the more your body absorbs. When you just do a face treatment only your face really get the benefits. Leaving your face (and hands that applied the products) looking nice but then the rest of your body ages like shiiit.

>> No.14953775

if you dont eat or drink very much water on it or abuse it in a way where youre staying up later than normal then yes it will. even so, it still cant be good to take it too much.

>> No.14953776

>korean ten step skin care routine
it's just a waste of money....

11 step korean skin care rituals are excessive and unnecessary

You wanna know why Korean celebs have flawless skin? It’s not because they put 10 different heavily fragranced creams on their face. They’re paid to look good and they can afford stuff that works, and fast. Expensive derm procedures are more effective than creams (which can only do so much, as the nature of your skin’s composition prevents ingredients from penetrating the skin far enough to be harmful or very effective). And most importantly, it’s b/c their genes. You couldn’t cop those even if you are fabulously wealthy.

Eating a balanced diet of healthy fats and naturally-derived vitamins will do wonders. Don’t traumatize your skin with rough (non-chemical) exfoliators and derma-rollers, please. Using a protective full spectrum suncreen also has it’s benefits, but if you go overboard with the moisturizers and serums your face can swell up and that’s not attractive. (and if you’re not wealthy, it’s all a waste, really.)

>But mixing actives may not be the best course of action if they aren’t already compounded in one product, experts say.




>> No.14953788

Oh! I forgot to mention, alternatively a coffee bath is also wonderful. It is rich in caffeic acid, which has been studied to improve collagen production and reduce aging on cells.

>> No.14953799

I can't believe I let this slip me by a bath of course. Gonna do some studying on what the best witches brews for bathwater is now thx

>> No.14953801

no amount of shit you put on your face will stop wrinkles. it will merely slow them down.
it comes down to genetics, diet and stress.
the most important thing you can do is wear an spf and moisturize. thats all

>> No.14953814


baths dry out your skin (by stripping it of it's protective oils)

>> No.14953832

Apply a moisturizer after the bath. duh

>> No.14953836

ooor just don't dry out your skin to begin with?

>> No.14953837

Moisturizer, SPF and face serums absolutely DO work and do keep your skin young. Expensive derm procedures do not really exist, the only one which does keep your skin young is dermaneedling and anyone can afford it. All the other stuff is temporary fixes that end up hurting your skin in the worst case scenario, such as face lifts or certain laser procedures.

>> No.14953842

Oooor you could absorb the benefits from the herbal bath and then lock it in with a moisturizer?

>> No.14953845
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>> No.14953846
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>> No.14953847

Herbal baths are huge in asian cultures so they are definitely onto something. Your skin will absorb the nutrients and shieet from the bath water, perhaps even more than a cream you rub on your face and then sleep in which the cream then rubs off your skin onto your pillow because you can easily spend a couple hours in a bath, water soluble ones at least. The hot bath will increase blood circulation which helps skin maintain its health and produce collagen, and then you simply moisturize afterwards which you should be doing all over your body anyways.

>> No.14953850

hot baths arent good for your testes though.

>> No.14953853
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Studies on aging have pretty much concluded that loss of subcutaneous fat and bone is what causes sag and the appearance of facial aging. In populations like East Asians where aging is less apparent in the skin with time in comparison to Europeans especially, this is wholly due to the nature of their facial fat. Those expensive face creams ain’t doing shit. Unless that dumb mask is restoring lost fat to your face and reversing natural wrinkling you’re not gonna look younger, just develop more of those dreaded lines down the road if you keep doing them.

>Aging of the human face is the result of both superficial textural wrinkling of the skin and changes in the 3-dimensional (3-D) topography of the underlying structures. The skin, soft tissues (subcutaneous fat, muscle, and fascia), and structural support (bone and teeth) are individually affected by the aging process, but they also act in dynamic unison to determine the phenotypic presentation of the face throughout life. The major forces contributing to facial aging include gravity, skeletal remodeling, subcutaneous fat redistribution and loss, hormonal imbalance, chronic solar exposure, and smoking.


>> No.14953857

Your fertility is only affected temporarily, if at all.

>> No.14953932

What the fuck do I do to nasolabial folds I just turned 18 last month and they look fucking horrible AAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.14954015

quit fucking whining

>> No.14954058

Honestly if you don't have complaints about dry or oily skin, or acne, just cleanse with water and use a light moisturizer with SPF 30+. I wouldn't fuck with skin that is already healthy beyond using sunscreen.

>> No.14954140

Any vitamin C serums to recommend?

>> No.14954146

I got you senpai
take some lemon juice, now take some water, add a TINY bit of gelatin in it for texture. Booom goyim here is your "serum"

>> No.14954242

why? fuck off

>> No.14954254

unironically lose weight friend

>> No.14954278

Guys. I'm looking for a new routine but I'm reluctant about vitamin c serum. I don't have any dark spot issues and it says it reduces melanin production. I'm not an asian girl who wants to look whiter. I actually want to look tan. Should I really incorporate that shit in my routine?

>> No.14954285

I got married with this attitude, lol

>> No.14954296

>10 step skin care routine
Umm, sorry sweaty, Retin-A is a miracle drug and all you need. Who wastes their time and money on all that shit?

>> No.14954300

i'm 55kg @ 179cm

>> No.14954304

I kow the american education system is not the greatest but maybe reasd some medical or pharmaceutical literature once in a while before you make negative comments about topics you dont understand.

>> No.14954327

If you read enough literature about the subject can you answer this >>14954278

>> No.14954440

>concluded that loss of subcutaneous fat and bone
>causes sag and the appearance of facial aging
Facial bones do continue to grow but this isn't just loss of fat. Decrease in collagen and decrease or increase of elastin in the skin (both part of intrinsic and extrinsic ageing) make for the most impactful aged appearance. Collagen can be built up via peels and retinoids, but keeping elastin in shape is impossible, no products that advertise for this have any public research and even the papers that estimate retinoids having some effect have others saying otherwise.

>> No.14954444

Unironically get botox injections.

>> No.14954460
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>Rohto Mentholatum - Hada Labo AHA+BHA Face Wash 130g - 3 Types
Is this good for aha+bha?

>> No.14954471

Why do you need a new routine then? Vitamin C seems like an epic meme that no one is going to care about in a couple years, and you don't have any issues that it might help with anyway.

Based retard

Very cool! Does anyone know how regulated tretinoin is in South Korea and Asia in general?

>> No.14954473

Actually a bath will be good for keeping your skin in good shape and moisturized as long as you moisturize after getting out of the tub. The oils on your skin do nothing to moisturize and are only sealing in moisture(water). When your skin soaks in the water from the tub and you use a proper oil based moisturizer afterwards you are essentially locking in a lot of what your body soaked in. I guarantee if you take a good herbal bath and apply moisturizer your skin will be remarkably smooth and soft much more so than if you used a lotion on its own.

>> No.14954477


>> No.14954512
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>someone talking about skin care product/routine on their blog/youtube channel/wherever the fuck
>wears a heavy amount of makeup

>> No.14954524

That reminds me of Sonia Anastasia. Speaking of, it's crazy how she and others keep rocking around with le natural meme shit like kombucha and downing whole bottles of Vitamin B5 in a day instead of getting on real medicine. She's complete pizzaface mode and still hasn't gotten on accutane. She could have been cleared up by now but she's just let her face get completely covered in scars instead.

>> No.14954539

k... keep me posted

>> No.14954545

A kg of food grade ascorbic acid is like 10 bucks. Much cheaper and easier to dosage than lemon.

>> No.14954609
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how do I keep my skin looking smooth and fresh? I just turned 31 and I'm getting worried. I've been drinking a lot more water recently but I don't know what to buy at the self care store and I'm too shy / paranoid to ask the staff in case they think i'm stupid or try to sell me meme shit that doesn't work

>> No.14954616

lmao fuck this. All you need is a good cleanser, a moisturizer, and SPF. The MOST important is SPF.

Stop giving your money to large corporations who don't care about your wellbeing and only want your money. There's a reason that all this is considered "essential." To make a profit, faggots.

>> No.14954619

what is SPF?

>> No.14954623

just sunscreen. spf stands for sun protection factor. Most good facial moisturizers have it, but I still use normal sunscreen during the summer when I am out for a long time.

>> No.14954633

i stay indoors all summer, as I hate the sun. moistureboi with SPF should likely be enough then.

>> No.14954643

how much should I be paying for an SPF moisturizer? I found an Origins "A Perfect World" spf jar of 50ml but it's like $60

>> No.14954646

why does everyone parrot like this is such an "essential"? Do you all have dry skin or is there another reason to use it?
Why not just by a humidifier?

Vitamin A, B3, C, E or GHK-CU all have studies backing up their claims. I dont get why you would call that snakeoil.

>> No.14954649

no idea what a humidifier is, I'm the newbie anon afraid of his rapidly approaching old age. Sell me on this humidifier idea

>> No.14954703

disclaimer: broscientiest, learned from the internet.

are devices increasing humidity (the concentration of water vapour present in the air.).
You have to consider the transepidermal water loss (TEWL) that is affected by different things like status of skin barrier, heat or humidity.
Easy spoken: The less humidity, the more water is drawn from your skin (Hygroscopy).
Moisturizer contain humectants, hygroscopic substance used to keep things moist. Ideally, they draw water from the air onto/into your skin. Is the humidity to low they draw more water from the deeper layers of the skin thus increasing TEWL, drying your skin. Thats why you also apply an occlusive cover on the skin, that inhibits TEWL to keep the skin moisturised. If your skin isnt dry to start with an occlusive alone would be enough I assume.

Standard moisturizers contain both of those substances though I guess.

>> No.14954732

not a bad, short and easy read about the topic

>> No.14954805

no, my oversized jacket with Korean text looks cool

>> No.14954852

based retard

>> No.14954861

>buy our tubes of coconut oil and mashed foreskins or else your beauty will fade prematurely, goyim
Pure, preening faggotry of the highest faggot degree

>> No.14955006

You can find way cheaper one amazon
For $15

>> No.14955009

You can do this but will not get the same results as doing the serums

>> No.14955011

Just google what your having problems with and get it.
There are a lot of serums to choose from
I would look at the description

>> No.14955013

Dermal rolling and serum

>> No.14955017

Sorry sweaty people who want to look great

>> No.14955020

I love taking tea baths

>> No.14955042

Just took a two hour long milk and green tea bath it was fantastic, skin now feels like a newborn baby

>> No.14955509

How do I get tighter skin? I'm only 20 and really skinny but it feels like my face is flabby as shit

>> No.14955677

retinoids have minimal effect on aging and aren't necessary, like almost all "skin care" + stripping your skin of it's protective oils so you can apply moisturizers on top is kinda dumb

>> No.14955681

it's probably just you genes then

>> No.14955683
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why yes we are skin care enthusiasts and definitely not from planet mars how could you tell

>> No.14955698

skincare =/= makeup

>> No.14955715

>tfw if I wasn't a smoker I probably wouldn't need to do much more than cleanse and moisturise

Incentivise me to quit anons, I'm 24 and my skin still looks young, but for how long?

>> No.14955741

well, there is not a single proper reason to smoke. maybe switch to an electronic cigarette to make quiting easier?

>> No.14955785

I've thought about it but I'm not 100% sold on the idea that they are considerably safer than smoking, there's so little data available as to how they will affect your health in the long term, at least with cigarettes I'm well aware of the risks I'm taking on. Plus I think if I switched and started feeling better I wouldn't have any incentive to give up completely, my lungs might be in good shape but I'd still be hopelessly addicted to nicotine.

>> No.14955788

I just have really dry skin, esp in the winter. during the summer I can usually go without.

>> No.14955891

maybe a Heat-not-burn product instead?

>> No.14956107

whats the best natural moisturizer for your face/beard?

if you're a man it doesn't matter. it doesn't matter anyway, woman or man, but general consensus is that men blossom with age. you're gonna look like Clint Eastwood, man. Or Chuck Norris. Or maybe Joey Diaz.

>> No.14956122

Bro I smoked in highschool. First impression of vaping was that it sucked, felt totally different, and was garbage. Now I only vape.. it takes a while to get used to the clean nicotine buzz instead of all the chemicals and the oxygen in your blood dying off that you get from smoking. Totally worth it though because it's way cheaper, cleaner and you don't stink. Many people see smoking as a degenerate thing, and if you smell like cigarettes you're also a degenerate. I understand there are memes centered around ridiculing people who vape. you don't have to show anyone it.. you don't have to hide it either, obviously. I'm not over here blowing clouds. I can tell you also that the hindrance on your breathing is virtually non existent with vapor. If I smoke a cigarette I can feel the effect it has on my ability to breathe and do cardio for a few hours. you can also get away with vaping anywhere.

i'm pretty sure no matter what - that smoking is far more harmful. whether we're using data from today or 60 years from now. I think vapor has the potential to carry more heat with it.. other than that, nicotine, propylene gycol and vegetable glycerin shouldnt be that harmful.. cigarettes don't just have chemical additives, paper and produce smoke - the tobacco in them is also grown with fertilizers that have material in them that decomposes into polonium which is radioactive. go on youtube and look at the videos of people putting geiger counters over packs of cigarettes and detecting radiation in them. that's probably the main reason people are getting lung disease and cancer from smoking.

>> No.14956126

I want to say in advance to anyone that may object to my stating that vapor doesn't have lasting impairment on breathing.. there are some things to learn about vaping. AFAIK higher VG content in your liquid means you need to vape at a higher wattage, or else it can be very harsh. that's pretty much all I know

>> No.14956208

Wouldn't take any advice from anyone here unless they post their face

>> No.14956683

Look into egf or peptides + dermal rolling .25mm

>> No.14956689

You should use a fash wash yes, or something like a scrub. Gosh men are so gross. It's like asking whether you need to wash your hands or feet

>> No.14956701

The woman on the right looks bad because she's been outside more often. The UV-light from the Sun breaks down the DNA in the mitochondria of the cells (not the DNA in the nucleus). It has nothing to do with using expensive skin care. Use sunblock for UV protection and you will be fine. Also a good diet is important. Buying 50 dollar skin care products is consoomer culture

>> No.14956767

I'm a guy and I doubt I need to do anything but cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen. Everything else seems like complete bullshit

>> No.14956810

I'm 22 and I already have some deep forehead wrinkles because I kept scrunching my face, 2 years of panic attacks, shit diet, shit sleep, and smoking weed every day. Anything I can do to offset this? Everything else is exactly how I was when I was 18

>> No.14956855
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>skin super oily all day after applying moisturizer
what do? I have oily skin to begin with and didn't use moisturizer while using proactiv for a year+ and my skin actually looked alright. Now I know it's important to use moisturizer but it makes my skin super glossy and oily
using pic related because I started using all clinique products, the answer is probably to change moisturizer but I hate the whole trial-and-error and just want to stick with something that supposedly works

>> No.14956903

I have this problem too, but mainly because I subconsciously lift my eyebrows while doing anything that requires effort, like studying.
Although, being a man, I don’t really see this as a big problem as wrinkles aren’t unattractive on us.

>> No.14957133

I have recently gotten lots of closed comedones on my forehead. I don't really have acne anywhere else...

Any tips?

Do I need to cut out milk? I love milk and it's almost a core part of my diet to stay /fit/ . I kinda doubt its related to milk since I have no acne elsewhere.

>> No.14957237

I can’t wait to be semi-rich and exclusively use drunk elephant

>> No.14957932

Clinique is shit, made worse by the fact that its overpriced. It's only for old people who produce less sebum. Just use CeraVe.

>> No.14958826

you will only know if you try. Cut dairy out of your diet and if it gets better start again. If it comes back stop again.

>> No.14959837

>Do I need to cut out milk
It's not about milk. Anyone who tells you it's milk or sugar doesn't know the depth of it. It's anything that raises insulin levels in your bloodstream, directly or indirectly via spike of glucose. Increased levels of insulin can increase sebum production and inner-follicle shedding thereby blocking the pores. So if you want to test the diet route then avoid foods with a high glycemic load and those that have a high insulinemic index. You can find tables on the internet for that.

>> No.14959875

What can I do for my skin without buying creams and shit?
wash face with cold soap more than once and drink water?

>> No.14959880

>enabling an unhealthy for muh rugged millionaire look

>> No.14959940

If Korean skincare is so good why is korea the capital of surgery?

>> No.14959982

DO NOT use hand soap. It's too alkaline and will fuck up the gentle and thin skin on your face, removing all the oils and drying it out.
Just wash with cold water morning and evening. It's as simple as they get.

>> No.14959992

Okay understood. Body soap is also a no go I presume.

>> No.14959997

>is pharmaceutical meth bad for me?

>> No.14960005

Lamo, I'm 29, no wrinkles and am outside pretty much from an hour after sunrise to sunset. No suncream just a wide brimmed hat.

>> No.14960021
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>If koreans care for their skin, why do they care for their facial aesthetics?

>> No.14960024

Don't clean your teeth, let them age naturally

>> No.14960039

Lmao kek

>> No.14960042

Rentiol, the buffet, derma rolling serums
Just google about anti aging food

>> No.14960074

lmao at 4

>> No.14960101

A wide brimmed hat is more effective than sunscreen